Field Study 1 Epsidode 4

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Learner Diversity: The Community


FS 1

4 and Home Environment

SPARK Your Interest

Episode 4 provides opportunities for you to have a more in-depth look into the factors
that affect the development of a learner. Focus will be on the early experiences and
characteristics of the learner as described by the family and other significant others. You will
also focus how the teacher links with the community to maximize the learning and development
of students.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affect the students’ learning:
 seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships with parents/guardians and the
wider community (6.2.1.); and
 identify effective strategies on how teachers can work together with the family.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

1. Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model presents the learner within the
context of layers of relationship systems that make up the learner’s
environment. The layers are:

Microsystem – Mesosystem – the Exosystem – the Macrosystem – Chronosystem –

includes the connection between bigger social Outermost layer the element of
structure such as the structure in the system which which includes time, patterns of
one’s family, school microsystem includes the city cultural values, stability and pacing
and neighborhood government, the customs and laws of the child’s
workplace and everyday life.
the mass media

The model helps the teacher look into every aspect in the learner’s environment to
understand his behavior. The teacher’s important role is not to replace what is missing at home
(if any), but to work so that the school becomes an environment that welcomes and nurtures
families. The teacher works to create a partnership with the family and the community to bring
out the best in every learner.

Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment Field Study 1 1
2. Baumrind’s Parenting Styles

Authoritarian. Parents are very firm with their children and expect unwavering and
unquestioning obedience. Rules are set by parents and misbehavior is met with withdrawal of
affection, physical punishment or threats.
Permissive. Parents are not firm or controlling. They have expectations. May be warm and
caring but appear to be uninvolved and uninterested.
Rejecting-Neglecting. Parents are disengaged from children. Neither demanding nor
responsive to children. Provide no structure, supervision, support or guidance.
Authoritative. Parents achieve a good blend. They are firm yet loving. Have clear and
reasonable expectations and limits for their children. Treat children with respect and warmth.
Make children understand consequences of their behavior.

Children of:
Authoritarian Parents: are often unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, inhibited, hostile and
aggressive. They have low self-esteem and difficulty with peers.
Permissive Parents: believe that their parents do not care for them. They are often
impulsive, aggressive and lack self-control; may they have low levels of independence and
Rejecting-Neglecting Parents: are found to be the least competent in their over-all
functioning and adjustment.
Authoritative Parents: are socially competent, self-reliant, and have greater ability to
show self-control. They have higher self-esteem and better adjusted.
-Based on Child Development by Santrock, 2004.


Activity 4.1 Observing the learner’s community and home environment

Resource Teacher: __________________________ School: ___________________________
Grade/Year Level: __________________________ Set: ______________________________
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
1. Select a learner from the class which you have previously observed.
2. Interview the teacher about the learner’s characteristics and the community.
3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner’s residence.
4. Interview the parents about
a. The rules the implement at home concerning their child’s schooling.
b. The learner’s activities and behavior while at home.
5. Write the Learner’s Profile.
6. Analyze your observation and interview data.
7. Reflect on tour observation experience.

Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment Field Study 1 2
After you have gathered all the necessary data. Write the learner’s development profile
using the outline below. Type the profile on a separate sheet and attached it to this learning
The Learner’s Development Profile
Name of the Learner: Zan Ythan P. Paglinawan
School: Kitchrao Central Elementary School
Date of Home Visit: September 9, 2021
Date of Birth: October 10, 2011 Age: 10
Grade/Year Level: Grade 5 Gender: Male

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 1
Birth Order: 1st
Mother: Aljaneth M. Paglinawan
Age: 27
Occupation: House wife Educational Attainment: College Graduate
Father: Jonathan O. Paglinawan
Age: 31
Occupation: Hospital Staff Educational Attainment: College Graduate
Physical Development
The child only had fever, coughs and colds. He didn't encounter any serious health problem.
When the learner is still an infant he used to breastfeed by his mother followed by supplement milk and
when is already an toddler he is introduced to some easily digested meals like oats; and now during his
childhood years he prefer eating go, grow and glow foods to help him develop all his aspects. It was his
family who took care of the child. Her mother is the one who took care of him from that moment until

Social Development
I was able to interview him during lunch break and I noticed that he is alone in the corridor
eating the lunch his mother prepared for him. He was allowed to play outside after finishing all of his
home works and household chores. His playmates or play groups considered are his neighbors and his
Emotional-Moral Development
I expect
Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The that and
Community the Home
child would be a responsible
Environment in terms of academics. I also think that
Fieldthe child
Study 1 3
was able to be a consistent honor pupil until he graduated in elementary and high school and was able
to finish a course that he wants in college. The child goes to his mother whenever he has a problem in
school or with his friends. His mother caresses him and makes the feeling of the child light and forgets
the problem. And his mother always says that “There is always a solution to every problem.”
Cognitive Development
The child is interested in drawing. He likes to draw all of his favorite cartoon characters when
he has free time. He is good in some subjects, especially MAPEH subject and he finds Math a little bit
difficult. It would be the best for the child if the mother can monitor his performance by asking the child
what happened the whole day and by asking the results of quizzes when they have. His mother
motivates him through helping him with his assignments and projects.

In my findings about the child, I learned that he is taken care very well even though they are
not very rich. The child do some housework and at the same time study that’s why I’m inspired with his

Therefore I conclude that in order to have great aspects whether physically, emotionally,
morally and cognitive aspects are that is a good background and rising up of families.

I would strongly recommend to the family to help their son interact with other individual so that
he would overcome his shyness.
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles
Authoritarian. Parents are very firm with
Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development their children and expect unwavering
Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment and unquestioning 4 Rules are
Field Study 1obedience.
set by parents and misbehavior is met
Will help you answer the questions here. with withdrawal of affection, physical
punishment or threats.

Permissive. Parents are not firm or

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of controlling. They have expectations.
parenting experienced by the learner? Explain your answer. May be warm and caring but appear to
be uninvolved and uninterested.
Answer: In my opinion, the style of parenting her mother had was
more authoritarian, because it is the mother who chooses what should Rejecting-Neglecting. Parents are
be done on the father's behalf. That is why, if she is more of an disengaged from children. Neither
demanding nor responsive to children.
authoritarian, it is simply improper. Provide no structure, supervision,
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, support or guidance.
what family factors do you think contribute to the development and
Authoritative. Parents achieve a good
Over-all adjustment of the learner in school?
blend. They are firm yet loving. Have
Answer: Perhaps the period when his mother and father fought. clear and reasonable expectations and
Maybe that's why he's bashful, because he's a little different from limits for their children. Treat children
everyone else. It's possible that the right guidance of his mother and with respect and warmth. Make children
father, as well as the support of his whole family, is the reason for his understand consequences of their
overall adjustment.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on Children of:
the learner? If yes, what are these effects? Authoritarian Parents: are often
Answer: Of course it has. As we know our parents are our first unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, inhibited,
teachers that are why if they taught us very well we will be able to hostile and aggressive. They have low
cope up to the outside world we will be dealing with. Because if we self-esteem and difficulty with peers.
are not taught properly at home we will not be able to understand the Permissive Parents: believe that their
essence of everything especially in the school. parents do not care for them. They are
often impulsive, aggressive and lack
self-control; may they have low levels of
independence and responsibility.
4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the
Development and learning of the students? Who are the people or Rejecting-Neglecting Parents: are found
which institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding the to be the least competent in their over-
all functioning and adjustment.
Development and learning of students?
Answer: Together, the parents and I can discuss expectations for their Authoritative Parents: are socially
child’s achievement and our respective roles in helping the child meet competent, self-reliant, and have greater
ability to show self-control. They have
these expectations. As part of an educational institution in the future, I
higher self-esteem and better adjusted.
can develop programs to promote effective home-school- partnerships
that support positive academic, behavioural and social competencies. -Based on Child Development by
Santrock, 2004.
Mutual respect, understanding, caring and flexibility must carried out
among families and the school community.

Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment Field Study 1 5
1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience?
How did it affect you?

Answer: When I was still a little boy until this present, I observed that the style of parenting
I have is authoritative type of parenting. Wherein my parents are always in authority and
rules are given, yet they are so gentle and loving. They demand and respond to us equally. I
am not restricted to all the things that I want to be involved in, especially in choosing my
girlfriend. Even though sometimes they are strict, they have clear reasons behind it. They
want us to understand the consequences of our behaviour. And this type of their parenting
style affects us positively. As a child, a buddy, and a student, I’m so sociable and so friendly;
I have a lot of friends. I do not lack involvement with other people. And I do not feel any
deprivation of social life.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you
work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?

Answer: As a soon teacher, I think I can establish home-school collaboration with parents is
by being associate to build bond and gain information from them. Simple small talk, about
weather, life story, a local event, any of those hundreds of things that adults use to make
contact with one another, can be appropriate at the beginning of our relationship. But
eventually it is necessary for me to talk about the child. An inviting question could be, like
“What has my student said about his school activities?” It would be necessary to ask open-
ended questions in order to get the parents talking about their child and to share information
that may help me with the student in school.

Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment Field Study 1 6
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Color Your World

Make an artistic, colorful,

and creative visual
expression of your insights
or feelings about the
influence of the home and
school and community to
the learner.
Then, write a few
statements on the
space below about
your visual art




E-XCITING M-ETICULOUS 1. Make a reflection
acrostic about the
home, school and
S-ATISFYING N-ATTY community link.

Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment Field Study 1 7

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