Turnitin Assignment
Turnitin Assignment
Turnitin Assignment
Attention is something that everyone wants to get. Sometimes it becomes an addiction to get attention.
It is also seen that many people are exaggerating his work in front of the audience to get attention.
Sometimes it is seen that getting attention is also scary for someone. When everyone's attention is on
him, he may think, "Am I saying something wrong or doing something wrong?". Or, "If I say anything
wrong, what will everyone think of me?". As a result, "Creativity is becoming more and more of a means
The desire to get attention is so great that they start competing to get attention. Many people want to get
attention by showing negativity to others and spreading negativity. Especially on social media it is more.
Any viral topic, whether good or bad, some people come to spread negativity. Then the person with
whom the negativity is being spread suffers from a lack of confidence. Which destroys his/ her creativity.
Focusing on oneself keeps a person well focused on the success of others in fulfilling his goals and
ambitions without being insecure. Attention seekers are faced with situations where they become really
sad and uncomfortable, even when they are not in the spotlight. These people show an extra accent of
self-performance, drama and emotion, mostly believable nature and easily influenced personality.
psychologist and philosopher William James, in his book 1890 wrote that " Attention is taken
Possession of the mind, in translucent and animated form, is one of the many things that can
seem at once Potential object or train of thought ... It means withdrawing from certain things to
A very first process to learn something is paying attention. Everyone sometimes fails to pay attention,
but there are some people who fail to pay much attention. I think we all agree with the fact that we all
desire to get attention. And we compete with each other to get attention. Attention-seeking behavior, on
the other hand, is the act of acting in a way that is likely to provoke consideration, usually in order to gain
approval from others. Individuals are expected to participate in both the positive and the negative.
Consider looking for real benefits or harm-free conduct of wellness. Most of the behaviors that are
formulated through consideration are driven without the awareness of anyone else and subsequently in
contrast to the externalization of the character and the internal and self-motivated behavior. This kind of
impact on behavior can lead to a sense of organization in the individual, a potential loss of behavioral
condition. Attention-seeking may appear in noisy, exciting, or inappropriate ways, exhibiting exhibits,
excessive behaviors, and feelings. Basically seeking attention plays an important role in distracting a
person from his work and instead makes them think less about the reactions and consequences they will
feel about their work. And then came the origins of online media. At first, most adults fall for it, just like
everyone else. While individuals initially oppose the web-based media stage as a tool to reach millions,
most adults surrender enough to use them, which falls entirely under hypocrisy, and therefore, eventually,
The expectation of getting extra attention can drive a person to mental problems. ADHD is a mental
distemper that makes it difficult for a person to pay attention to anything and control their pathological
behavior. He can be restless and almost always active, especially on social media. Young people
nowadays regularly throw themselves into the sea of consideration and fight the last battle of social
disorder . These are two incredible feelings; Standing up enough to notice and focus, obviously, has
recently become somewhat popular as a result of technology. A constant perception of the life and
achievements of others, and a desire to get more attention than others, causes a person to become
dissatisfied with himself and create jealousy. Additional consideration, however, is an artisan that young
people of this age deliberately seek out every possible opportunity. The greater part of them tend to be
enlightened about their success, which at times goes too far. Also, their various companions start
mocking them which stays in the memory for a long time. And as a result, it lowers the confidence of a
person who always wants to get the attention of others, thus the consequences of not noticing can make
you generally feel that you are reducing your adequacy in everything. Most of the time, it is similarly
seen that a lonely person needs more consideration than a happy person. According to research, there are
some things where you can use attention in a fair way, which proves that attention can be an incredibly
positive thing in your life if you are aware of its proper use. If you start to think of others as your rivals,
you will consistently feel that their work will be more appreciated than yours and eventually you will lose
your original interest. You can overcome this violence by searching for associates around you instead of
expecting them as your neighbors. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was seen agreeing with the same suggestion in
a TED talk episode in 2013, where he said, "I think it helps me focus and really pay attention. I try not to
see other creative people as my competitors." I try to find collaborators. However, you don't always have
to be a victim of attention-seeking. If you find someone you love or know who is behaving in an
Talk about what the thing is facing, from a position of worship without judgment or resentment.
Be the victim of attention-seeking, if you ever find someone you love or know, behaving in an irrational
or annoying attention-seeking manner, talk to them about what they are facing, speak from an adorable
your full attention to self-love exercises means being generous to yourself, limiting negative self-talk, and
setting aside more space for positive self-assessment, which in turn can help you feel better about
yourself. You can use your observations on how you can improve your skills or how you can get rid of
your flaws and become better. Maybe. Perhaps the most ideal way to try new things is to learn another
dialect, try new games, or take interest from others, such as making things with your own hands. You can
contribute to the proper use of social media platforms without being hypocritical, be it to connect with
other people online and not meet in person but still be able to share many experiences, which will help
you think from multiple perspectives, thus giving you irrational attention. Getting is adding more
creativity to your thought process without using the internet. Moreover, you can go with your interest in
leisure activities; Just remember to be aware of the learning and personal development that will go with
it. It is important to have a positive outlook on what your identity is and where you are going in order to
achieve your daily problems like your overall happiness. Also, it becomes your past, the positive energy
that comes from high self-confidence is contagious, encouraging people you come in contact with, you
need to be aware of the positive in order to support your self-confidence. Think about the benefits you
have achieved. In addition, remember that you are more than your achievement; As an individual you
have innate values that are beyond the usefulness of society. To achieve high self-esteem you should
realize this, no matter who you are, make yourself completely comfortable with or without the attention
of others. As soon as you become accustomed to focusing on yourself instead of trying to be noticed by
others, it can help you become a better version of yourself, as a result, you will notice a significant
increase in your self-love day. Upgrading to a level where you can stand as effectively as you notice
without looking for it. For example, it says, "An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval
and legitimacy; you find it. People naturally pull like magnets to those they know and can't shake!"
(Hale, M. 2013). When you reach this level of certainty it will be a point in your life where your second
thoughts about yourself or your decisions, your insecurities and your jealousy will turn into your
confidence; You will begin to believe in yourself more strongly. There are additional ways to stop
seeking the consent of others, the condition is to start acknowledging your own point of view instead of
seeking approval from outside influences, trying to find real satisfaction by building a more stable
relationship within yourself, otherwise you will always find yourself in a vague position in the crowd. .
As the saying goes, "The only permission, the only legitimacy, and the only opinion that is important in
our quest for greatness is our own." (Maraboli, S. 2013). The moment you become accustomed to
thinking positively about yourself, the moment when others begin to discover you as an interesting
person, therefore, it is important for a person to have a proper view of themselves, such as people will see
the way a person sees him / her, so It is always wiser to focus on yourself than to find it.
Cuncic, A. (2020). Tips for Overcoming a Fear of Being the Center of Attention. Verywell
Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/center-of-attention-fear-3024831.%0a
Ordikhani- Seyedlar, M. (2016). What happens in your brain when you pay attention? -
Kirby, S. (2021). Attention Seeking Behavior - Are You Guilty Of It? Therapy Can Help
You Cope With These Emotions & Behavioral | Better help. Better help.
com .https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/behavior/are-you-guilty-of-attention-seeking-behavior/?
Cherry, K. (2021). What Attention Means in Psychology. Verywell Mind.
(2021). https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd-