Physics F4 Scheme - Term1 - 2022

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The aims of the syllabus are to enable learners to:

I. Provide an opportunity to develop desirable scientific literacy.

II. Create opportunities for learners to acquire research and practical skills and attitudes in physics.
III. Promote critical thinking, creativity and problem solving skills that apply to real life situations.
IV. Develop scientific practical skills, accuracy, objectivity, integrity, enquiry and team work.

Learners will be able to:
I. Describe observations, record results, interpret and draw conclusions from experiments.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of scientific terms, laws facts, concepts, theories and phenomena of physics.
III. Demonstrate relevant attitudes to science such as accuracy and precision, objectivity and inventiveness.
IV. Communicate scientific information logically and concisely.

Week Topic / Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual

Endin Content Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation

WAVES Learners should be able to:
 describe wave motion;  perform Complete  Problem
Wave  describe characteristics of a calculations using physics solving
properties wave; the wave equation Pg 128  Accuracy
 calculate velocity, frequency  Precision
and wavelength;

Wave  describe propagation of Complete  Critical

properties waves in terms of;  Demonstrating physics thinking . -
1. wave fronts reflection and Pg 130  Critical
2. rays. refraction of wave analysis
fronts Springs;

 Sound  describe how sound is  carrying out Complete  Critical -

produced; simple physics thinking
 describe longitudinal nature experiments on Pg 132  Critical
of sound waves; sound production analysis
 state the approximate range of  Discussing on the Fixed ruler,
audible frequency; transmission of Hacksaw
 explain the need of a medium sound in different blade
in the media.
transmission of sound waves;

Week Topic / Objectives Activities/ Methods Resources/ Competences General Individual

Endin Content Media Evaluation Evaluation
Learners should be able to:

Transmission  describe experiments to  Experiments with Complete  Initiativenes
of sound determine the speed of vacuum pump and physics  Critical
sound in air; electric bell. Pg 134 analysis
Speed of  Determining speed Simple
sound  relate pitch, loudness and of sound. musical
quality of sound waves to  Simple instruments
amplitude and frequency; experiments on
pitch, loudness
and quality.

 Learners  Answer the given questions Learners to write an Past exam  Critical
to write an in the test according to set in-class test papers thinking
in-class objectives  Critical
 Problem

 Electroma  identify the regions of the  Discussing All About  Critical

gnetic- electromagnetic spectrum differences and Physics thinking
waves in order of wavelength or similarities Pg 232  Critical
(EMW) frequency; between analysis
 state the differences and electromagnetic
similarities between waves
electromagnetic waves;

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual

Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation
Learners should be able to:

 Discussing  EM  Critical
 Applications  State thee uses of the applications of Spectrum analysis
of EMW different components of electromagnetic  All
the electromagnetic waves in About
spectrum. communication Physics
cooking, medical
field remote
sensing etc.

OPTICS  describe an experiment to  Critical - -

Reflection illustrate the laws of  discuss on; Complete thinking
of light reflection; Laws of Physics
 - use the law: I = r, in reflection, Pg 144  Problem
reflection; Formation of solving
 describe the position and images by plane Plane mirrors
characteristics of an optical Mirrors and Ray
image formed by a plane diagrams.

 Refraction  State laws of refraction;  Drawing ray  Critical

of light  describe refraction using diagrams to All About thinking
ray diagrams; illustrate various Physics
 describe refraction of situations of Pg 269  Problem
light through transparent refraction. solving
blocks and liquids Drawing of
ray diagrams

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual

Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation
Learners should be able to:

Refraction of  define refractive index;  Facilitator to All About Critical
light  define critical angle; define terms Physic pg analysis
 describe total internal  Drawing ray 264
reflection; diagrams to
 describe applications of illustrate various
total internal reflection (TIR)  situations of
 To discuss on the
applications of

Learners to Answer the given questions in Learners to write an Past Exam

write an in class the test according to set in class test Papers Critical
test objectives thinking


Lenses  describe the action of a  Facilitator to All About Critical

converging lens and show Physics analysis
diverging lens on a beam of convergence and pg 271
light; Divergence of lenses.
 draw ray diagrams to  draw ray
illustrate the formation of diagrams to
real and virtual images illustrate the
formation of real and
virtual images

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual

Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation

Learners should be able to:
Lenses  draw ray diagrams to  draw ray All About Critical
illustrate the formation of diagrams to Physics analysis
real and virtual images illustrate the Pg 272
 Explain how to measure formation of
the focal length of a real and virtual Complete
converging lens describe images Physics Pg
magnification of a 159
converging lens

Lenses  describe the use of a  Learners to

single lens as a demonstrate the Complete Initiativeness
magnifying glass action of a Physics
 describe the use of a magnifying Pg 160
single lens to form a real
glass and camera
 explain the use of lenses
 Facilitator to
in the correction of short explain the use
and long sight of lenses in the
correction of
short and long

Learners to Answer the given Learners to write an

write an in class questions in the exercise in class exercise Complete
exercise according to set Physics Problem
objectives Pg 168 Solving


Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual
Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation
Learners should be able to:
Dispersion of
light  define dispersion of light  Facilitator to Complete Critical
describe the Physics Analysis
 describe the dispersion of dispersion of Pg 151
light light
 Conduct revision
of entire topic

Learners to Answer the given questions in Learners to write a

write a Test the test according to set Test Past Exam Critical
objectives Papers Analysis


Revision of Test  describe experiments  To Carry out

& to show electrostatic experiments All About Critical
ELECTRICITY charging to show electrostatic Physics pg analysis
charging. 318
• describe forces between  To carrying out
charges of static electricity experiments to
• describe an electric field demonstrate
attraction and
repulsion of charges.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual
Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation
Learners should be able to:
 Drawing diagram All About Critical
Conductors and  state and describe the to show field - Physics Analysis
insulators direction of field lines and patterns. Pg 323
simple field patterns;  Facilitator to lead
• distinguish between electric a discussion on
conductors and insulators; the differences
• explain separation of between
charge by induction; conductors and

Lightning  describe natural  To discuss on All About initiativeness

conductors phenomena of static lightning, Physics
electricity safety precautions, Pg 317
applications and
hazards, Formation,
dangers, earthing,
shielding and
Constructing a
Primary and  use the concept that the  Learners to list
secondary cells e.m.f is measured by energy Sources of e.m.f. Complete
dissipated by a source • List sources of Physics Problem
Electromotive in driving a charge round a e.m.f. Pg 178 solving
force complete circuit • Facilitator to
• show an understanding that explain the terms Critical
the volt is given by J/C e.m.f. and perform thinking
explain the flow of current in calculations current.
a circuit I = Q/t.
use the equation I=Q/t

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual
Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation
Learners should be able to: Using a voltmeter to Ammeter,
Current • use the concept that the measure p.d. voltmeter, Initiativeness
electricity sum of the potential • Carrying out multimeters
differences in a series circuit experiments • Carbon Problem
Law of is the same as the potential using voltmeter in a Resistors, solving
conservation of difference across the whole series circuit. power
energy circuit • Carrying out sources,
• state and apply Ohm’s law experiments to switches.
• describe an experiment to verify Ohm’s Law All About
determine resistance using Physics
a voltmeter and an ammeter Pg 343
Current  state the limitations of  Sketching and
electricity Ohm’s law interpreting the All About Critical
• sketch and interpret the V/I Physics Analysis
V/I V/I characteristics graphs characteristics Pg 345
characteristics for metallic and non-ohmic graphs. Problem
conductors • To discuss on the Solving
• Use the relationship variations of
between the resistance, length resistance of
and cross-sectional area of conductor with
a wire temperature

Learners to Answer the given questions in Answer the given Past Exam Critical
write an in-class the test according to set questions in the test Papers Analysis
test objectives according to set
objectives Problem

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual
Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation

Learners to -Answer the given questions -Learners to write

write an End of in the Examination according End of Term
Year to set objectives Examination

Week Topic / Content Objectives Activities/ Resources/ Competences General Individual
Endin Methods Media Evaluation Evaluation

-Compilation of - Compilation of marks and Compilation of -Mark

marks and preparing of progress reports marks and schedule
preparing of preparing of
progress reports progress reports -Progress
-Closing of


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