9sci Physics Objectives 2023

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ACARA Year 9 Physics 2022

Key course objectives

Done Revised Can
Topic Checklist of understanding Teach

1. Explain the way energy is transferred though different mediums

2. Define Wave motion as a transfer of energy
3. Describe wave motion as having no net movement of matter
4. Describe how different forms of energy such as heat, electricity, light and
sound are transferred.
5. Define Mechanical waves as those requiring a medium (matter) to transport
Wave energy & motion

energy from one location to another

6. Use examples to show how waves energy is used in communication.

7. Describe a wave using: speed, wavelength, frequency, period and amplitude

8. Compare and contrast transverse waves and longitudinal waves

9. Follow an algorithm to perform calculations using the Wave Equation (v = f x λ

and T = 1/f), distance = speed x time

10. Label/annotate a diagram of a transverse and longtitudinal wave

Extension & Enrichment:

 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-on-a-string
 Wave generator, data logger, slinky spring demos
11. Define EM radiation is a transverse wave – no medium required
12. Transfer energy via electrical and magnetic disturbances
Wave behaviour & The electromagnetic

13. Define the speed of light

14. Sequence the variation in EM type based on λ and frequency (EM spectrum)
15. Relate the properties of EM to their radiation types

16. Investigate generalised wave properties using experiments with light

17. Describe properties of light
18. Explain how different mediums affect the speed of light
19. Describe the transfer of light through reflection and refraction

Extension & Enrichment:

 Experiments involving reflection, refraction and diffraction of visible light
(light boxes)
 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/bending-light
20. Label parts of the eye and recall their function.
21. Explain how the human eye transfers light to create an image.
22. Define sound waves as longitudinal wave energy transfer
23. Describe some applications of echoes
24. Follow an algorithm to perform simple calculations for echo sounding, sonar
Sound waves

and ultrasound
25. Compare and contrast the Speed of sound in different mediums -Experiment
26. Describe human and animal hearing thresholds (frequency and
27. Relate frequency, wavelength and amplitude of sound waves to pitch and
28. Explain how we produce speech
29. Label a diagram of an ear
Done Revised Can
Topic Checklist of understanding Teach

30. Explain how sound transfers through a human ear

Extension & Enrichment:

 Mechanism of hearing (5 mins)
 How well different animals hear compare to us (9 minutes)
 How old are your ears? (hearing test) (3 mins)

31. Define charged particles as a particle with an electric charge eg ion, electron,
Structure of the atom & Electrostatics

32. Define the unit of elementary electrical charge as coulomb – 1C » 6.24 x1018
elementary charges (q) or 1 elementary charge is approx. 1.60 x 10-19C
33. Compare and contrast conductors and Insulators
34. Define static electricity
35. Identify how electrical charges are transferred in static electricity

36. Experiment with static electricity involving frictional forces

Extension & Enrichment:

 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/balloons
 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/travoltage
 Van de Graaff generator, electroscopes activities

37. Define voltage, electrical current and resistance including their correct units
Current electricity and electrical

38. Identify Electrical circuit symbols.

39. Draw electrical circuit diagrams following convention.
40. Analyse circuit diagrams to wire a circuit correctly

41. Compare and contrast Series and parallel circuits and applications of each
42. Explain the effects of Variable resistors in circuits
Extension & Enrichment:
 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-dc
 Generating electricity (Simple DC motor kit)
 Variables affecting resistance (material type, length of wire, cross-
sectional area etc.)
43. Distinguish between measuring current, voltage and resistance
Ohms law & Measuring current, voltage and

44. Follow an algorithm to perform simple calculations using Ohms Law (V = IR)
for ohmic devices
45. Apply the use of ammeters and voltmeters to determine V, I and R for
constructed electrical circuits (series and parallel)
46. Calculate total resistance for series and parallel circuits.
47. Explain electrical energy loss (voltage drop) across a resistor due to transfer

of electrical energy to other forms – light, sound, heat etc.

48. Define Electrical Power and units (Watts)
49. Follow an algorithm to perform simple calculations using Power = Energy
use/time (i.e. rate of energy transfer)
50. Follow an algorithm to perform simple calculations using Power = current x
Extension & Enrichment:
 Building electrical circuits and design
 Correct usage of analogue and digital ammeters, voltmeters, simple DC
power sources and generating graphs of Ohms Law with experimentation

 Pearson 9 2nd Edition
 iScience 9
 StileApp

 Teacher mark – 5%
 Common Assessment Task – 15%
 Test – 80%

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