Holiday Homework XIIC (Revised)

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ENGLISH General Instructions -

•All three sections are compulsory.
•Answers should be written in English notebooks.
•Submit your notebooks latest by July 03, 2024.
•Section - A
Q1. Answer the following questions -
1. What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave his last French lesson?
2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What does
this tell us about the attitude of the Frenchmen?
3. Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. Describe how regretful
M.Hamel and the village elders are for neglecting their native language, French.
4. What is being inferred from Sam’s letter to Charley?
5. What was the psychiatrist’s reaction when Charley told him about the third level?
6. You have read ‘The Adventure’ by Jayant Narlikar in Hornbill Class XI. Compare
the interweaving of fantasy and reality in two stories.
7. Why do you think Charley withdrew nearly all the money he had from the bank to
buy old-style currency?
8. ‘It’s easy to judge others and give advice, but much more difficult to apply it to
ourselves.’ Elaborate with reference to the character of Sam in The Third Level.
•Section B - Notice Writing
Q1. Your school has planned an excursion to Lonavala near Mumbai during the autumn
holidays. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board, giving
detailed information and inviting the names of those who are desirous to join. Sign as
Naresfy/Namita, Head Boy/Head Girl, D.V. English School, Thane, Mumbai.
Q2. You are Anoop/Arya, the cultural secretary of your school. As part of the national
heritage programme, the school has decided to put up a show on ancient art forms. Write
a notice to be put up on the school notice board inviting students to watch the show and
encourage the artists. Write the notice in not more than 50 words.
•Section C - Descriptive Essay
Q1. Describe in 120 - 150 words how you spent your summer vacation. Mention your
favourite activities, any trips you made, etc. Draw any 2 things or events that were the
best part of your summer holidays.

POLITICAL General Instructions:

SCIENCE 1. Read the questions carefully and attempt the work in legible
2. Submit the work on the given date. (5th of July)
3. Refer to NCERT or Reference book.
1. Revise all the chapters which have been covered in the class
1) Cover Page (Title of The Project, Your Name, Class,

Section, Roll Number, School Name)
2) Certificate Page (This Is to Certify That I ………. (Your
Name) Has Completed the Project Under the Guidance Of
…………. (Teacher’s Name, Babita Agrawal Ma’am)
3) Acknowledgement
4) Index
5) Introduction (About your chosen theme)
6) Presentation should have enough evidence of photos, maps
and graphs wherever necessary.
7) Conclusion
Note:-For Internet resources the whole link needs to be mentioned. For Reference books
the Order is
Title; Author; Publisher; Edition No.
Use papers of nearly A4 size USE COLOUR PENS, MAKE IT
INFORMATION, fasten all the pages with satin ribbon in a drawing
file and cover the file properly. No use of Plastic files.
Topics- Any one of these
1- Disintegration of Soviet Union
2- United Nations and Reforms
3-ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asia)
4- European Union
5-Political Crisis of 1975 (Emergency)
6-Arab Spring
7-NITI Aayog
8- Integration of Princely States to India and Role of Sardar Patel
9- Indo- Pak relations
10- World Health Organization
11- SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)
12- New Sources of Threat
13- Partition of India
14-Security in the Contemporary World
15-Governance in India
16- India’s Foreign Policy
17- India’s Nuclear Programme
18- Coalition government System
19- Kashmir Issue
20 Globalisation
21- India’s relations with USA
22- India’s relations with Russia
23- India’s relations with China
Or any other topic from syllabus


covers many topics of the book Politics in India since Independence.

GEOGRAPHY General Instructions:

 Do all question and answer in the Geography notebook

Ques1- What do you mean by primary activities? Describe all the activities (primary ) with
suitable examples.
Ques2- What do you mean by secondary activities? Describe all the secondary activities
with suitable examples.

Ques3- What do you mean by Tertiary, Quinary and Quaternary Activities. Describe all
the following activities with suitable examples.
Ques4- Make or prepare a map life of First book “Human Geography”.
Ques5- Make a Map file of second book “Indian geography”.

Practice the following programs and take print out of the programs and output
IP both.

What is Series? Write any five attributes of the series with description and examples.

Write a program to create a Series object using the Python sequence [4,8,6,9].

Write a program to create a Series object using three different words:” I”,” am”,” happy”.

Write a program to create a Series object using a dictionary that stores the number of
students in each section of the class 12 in your school.

Write a program to create a Series object specifying data as a scalar value 500 for the
cost of four books: A, B, C, D.

Write a program to create a Series object using two python list as Class and fee taking
class as index and fee as data values.

Create a series object S1 that stores contribution of each section:

A 6700

B 5600

C 5000

D 5200

Write code to modify the amount of section ‘A’ as 7600 and for ‘C’ and ‘D’ as 7000.Print
the changed series.

Write a program to create a Data frame using the dictionary dict1={‘Section’: [‘A’, ’B’, ’C’,
’D’], ‘Contri’:[6700,5600,5000,5200]}.

Write a program to create a Data frame from a 2D list. Specify own index labels.

10. Write a program to create a Data frame to store weight, age and names of
3 people. Print the Data frame and its transpose.

Solve the NCERT Exercise questions of chapter in IP notebook.

General Instructions:
I. Submit the work on the given date.
II. Project work to be done in a file & Assignment to be done in register.
III. Refer to NCERT or Reference book.
1. Revise all the chapters which have been covered in the class.

2. Research Based Project-

To prepare PROJECT REPORT as per the following guidelines:

The expectations of the project work are that:
 Learners will complete only ONE project in each academic session.
 Project should be of 3500-4000 words (excluding diagrams & graphs),
preferably hand written.
 It will be an independent self-directed piece of study.
Expected Checklist:
● Introduction of topic/title
● Identifying the causes, consequences and /or remedies
● Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
● Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
● Short term and long term implications of economic strategies suggested
in the course of research
● Validity & reliability, appropriateness and
relevance of data used for research work and for
presentation in the project file.
● Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
● Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources
section, bibliography etc.
∙3. Art Integrated Project (Pairing State Delhi and Andaman Nicobar, Lakshadweep)

Prepare a project on the comparative study between Delhi and Andaman Nicobar
island on the basis of macroeconomic indicators of both the states as subtopics and
represent them in form of explanation, diagram, mind map, pie chart, graphs and
make wise use of map and pictures related to topic. In this project you can show all
your Art skills, drawing, colouring and designing etc. (To be done on A4 size sheets
bound in a drawing file with beautiful cover)

4.ASSIGNMENT –UNIT -1: Methods to Estimate National Income –Solve

Numerical from Book –Q41 to Q81 (Pg-4.115 to Pg.- 4.130)

HINDI प रयोजना काय

१- िहंदी भाषाऔर सािह से जुड़े िविवध िवषयों /िवधाओं /सािह कारों /समकालीन ले खन /वादों /भाषा के
तकनीकी प / भाव /अनु योग /सािह के सामािजक संदभ एवं जीवन-मू संबंधी भावों आिद पर
प रयोजना काय तैयार कीिजए।
(प रयोजना की श सीमा लगभग दो हज़ार श ों की होनी चािहए तथा आव कता अनुसार िच ों का
योग भी कर।)
२- वाचनकौशल के अ गत
भाषण स र किवता पाठ ,वातालाप और उसकी औपचा रकता ,काय म - ुित ,कथा-कहानी अथवा
घटना सुनाना, प रचय दे ना,भावानु कूल संवाद -वाचन।िव ाथ िकसी एक पर तैयार करगे।
(समय ल ग १ िमनट से २ िमनट)

EDUCATION 1. Prepare a physical education practical file
2. This will be your board's practical file so make it creatively and presentable.
3. The Topic which you have to write is
a. Khelo India Fitness test school version in detail
b. Yogic practice (15 Asanas / 3 for each life style disease)
c. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of any one IOA recognized Sport/ Basketball,
Cricket, Swimming, Volleyball)


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