Activities - UNIT - 4 Lesson 11
Activities - UNIT - 4 Lesson 11
Activities - UNIT - 4 Lesson 11
1. After reading the key concepts, write your self-reflection starting your sentence as: I
realized that…
a. Teacher as role model
I realized that teachers should demonstrate integrity and proper ethical behavior.
They should not show unprofessionalism inside the classroom and in the conduct
with the students’ parents and co-workers. Being a role model among the students
ensures the uncompromising education that they will receive. Thus, students will be
motivated and encouraged to be a person that possesses integrity and righteousness
to become a great individual someday.
c. Teacher’s personality
I realized that teachers should have an approachable personality which is a great
help for the students to inquire to them without feeling intimidated. They should
practice proper communication skills since their job is to guide the students with their
learning, to sustain good quality education, and to hone them in becoming great
individuals. Teachers must provide effective teaching and be impartial to their
learner’s difficulty to
Situation C Article VIII: The
Section 4. A teacher
The teacher should
Teachers and
shall not accept
not accept gifts from
Learners , Section 4.
favors or gifts from
learners with or
learners, their
without a genuine
parents or others in
intention. Accepting a
their behalf in
gift after computing
exchange for
their grades will just
make a teacher think
that a student is
especially if
deserving to have
good grades. It might
also be a root of
issue if other
individuals knew
about them accepting
a gift after releasing
Situation D1 Article VIII: The
Section 7. In a
The teacher should
Teachers and
situation where
reject the student
Learners , Section 7.
mutual attraction and
kindly and explain the
subsequent love
situation firmly. If the
develop between
teacher also feels
teacher and learner,
something towards
the teacher shall
the student, the
exercise utmost
teacher should still
discretion to avoid
towards her work and
gossip and
avoid scandals.
preferential treatment
Although it is hard to
of the learner.
let go of a person you
like, it is still
important to be
accountable to your
responsibilities and
Situation A. Reden is in his history class. He raised his hand and asked his teacher, “Sir, how
can the study of ancient history help me make some money? What could be the reason for
Kenneth’s attitude towards his subject?
Situation B. Your student ask you questions not related to your lesson but within your course
topic. Unfortunately, really do not know the answer. What will you do and say to your student?
Situation C. On your birthday, one of your students gives you a very expensive birthday gift.
You have just computed his failing grades but not yet given to him the result. Will you accept the
gift? Why?
Situation D. (for male teacher) A beautiful, young female student in your class admitted that she
has fallen in-love with you. She told you that she is willing to live-in with you anytime you want
to. How will you handle the situation? What specific steps should you take to solve this problem
without hurting your student regardless of whether the feeling is mutual or not.
D1. If you are a female teacher and a male student courted you openly in front of
everybody in your class room and in the whole campus. How will you handle the situation and
what steps should you take to solve the problem considering the fact that you also feel
something to your male student?
Situation E. You are newly hired faculty in one school and had not yet passed the LET, in which
you will take in a few days. You heard one of the faculty said that once you fail in the LET, she
would slap her license into your face and will recommend to the principal not to renew your
contract. This faculty had been intriguing you since the first day of your work. How will you
handle the situation?