Class IX Holiday HW

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ENGLISH E- Travel Brochure
Read the Chapter – ‘Kathmandu’. The text is a travelogue where the author, Vikram
Seth talks about his visit to two sacred places in Kathmandu.
Based on your reading and research, design an E-Travel Brochure for Meghalaya to create
interest and entice travellers around the world to visit the place for its beauty.
Provide all relevant information sought by tourists visiting the state to help them make it a
memorable sojourn.
The brochure should include the following:
✓ The climate at the time of the visit
✓ Cultural background of the place
✓ Well-known eateries offering varied cuisines
✓ Places of tourist interest / Architecture of the place
✓ Attractive pictures of the tourist attractions and natural beauty of the state
✓ Shopping for handicrafts and souvenirs
✓ Refer to the link about how you can design the brochure
✓ Wildlife (National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.)
⮚ To make it a pictorial presentation
⮚ To include self-composed captions with the pictures
2. Complete your notebook work and revise the topics done in the class.
3. Practice writing skills and reading comprehensions from the Assignment pdf
attached. Get these pages printed and complete them.

HINDI 1. ‘अतिति, िुम कब जाओगे’ पाठ को पढ़कर कॉतमक स्ट्रिप के रूप में उसकी किा तित्ोों सतिि
तिस्ट्िए | (5 – 6 पृष्ोों की)
2 तिोंदी असाइनमेंट बुकिेट में अपतठि गद्ाोंश, अनुच्छेद िेिन, तित् वर्णन ििा उपसगण, प्रत्यय
कीतजए |

MATHS 1. Perform and write the following Maths activities in your Maths Lab Manual -
(a) To construct a square root spiral.
(b) To verify the algebraic identity 𝑎2 − 𝑏 2 = (𝑎 + 𝑏)(𝑎 − 𝑏)
(c) To verify the algebraic identity (𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐)2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 + 𝑐 2 + 2𝑎𝑏 + 2𝑏𝑐 + 2𝑎𝑐
(d) To interpret the factors of a quadratic expression of the type 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
geometrically by using square grids, strips and paper slips.
(e) To draw the geometrical figure with the given coordinates and obtain its mirror
image with respect to the x-axis and y-axis.
2. Make a colorful Mathematics Poster (information visualization, Flow Charts, Mind
Maps, etc) on a chart paper on any topic of your choice.
3. Solve (on ruled sheets) the worksheets given in your assignment booklet for Ch
1, 2, 3 and Ch 6.

SCIENCE Design an infographic to save water/climate.

SOCIAL 1. All students must ensure completion of notebook work if pending any.
SCIENCE 2. Do a project on Disaster management. You may take any one of the following disasters
for this
A. Earthquake B. Flood
C. Landslide D. Fire
E. Tsunami
Kindly note the following:
● The project should be handwritten.
● It should include Cover page, Content page, Acknowledgement,
● Introduction of the topic
● Paste pictures or drawing to support your content.
● Integration of Art forms wherever required will be appreciated.
● Rubrics for assessment:
● Content, accuracy and originality
● Creativity and presentation
● Viva

FRENCH 1.Préparez un arbre pour expliqué votre famille. (Prépare a family tree and write some
lines on your family.( from Lesson-1)
2.Décrivez votre ami(e ) et votre cousine avez ses physique. ( Describe your friend with
his/ her physical appearance. (from Lesson-2)
3.Comment tu as passé votre vacances? Écrivez quelque ligne . (How do you passed your
vacations? Write some lines)
4.Lisez le comprehension et répondez les question.(Read the paragraph and give answers
of the questions)
Les vaches
Les vaches sont des animaux qui habitent à la ferme. Elles nous donnent du lait. Les
vaches mangent l'herbe Les bébés vaches s'appellent les veaux.
1. Où habitent les vaches?
2. Qu'est-ce que les vaches aiment manger?
3. Comment s'appellent les bébé vaches?
ग्रीष्म अवकाश सोंस्कृि गृिकायण कक्षा 9
1. अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक से पाठ 4 को पढ़िे हुए एक वीतियो ररकॉिण करें ।
2. अपनी तदनियाण की गतिवति को कम से कम 20 वाक्ोों में सोंग्रिीि करके अपनी पुस्ट्स्तका में तििें

3. अपनी पुस्ट्स्तका में कम से कम 25 नई िािुओों के नाम तििकर उनमें से नई पाों ि िािुओों के रूप
पाोंिोों िकारोों में तििें ििा उनको याद करें ।
4. अभी िक तजिने भी पाठ िम पढ़ िुके िैं उनको तिर से दोिराएों ।
Create a Podcast on the any one topic from the following:
● Trending Technology
● Importance of Communication skills

(Data Science)
Project: Basic Data Visualization
Objective: Learn how to visualize data using different types of graphs.
⮚ Import a dataset (e.g., Iris dataset or a simple CSV file with student grades).
⮚ Use widgets like Scatter Plot, Box Plot, and Histogram to create visual
⮚ Analyze and interpret the visualizations.

You can once go through the process in the following link.

Link :
Note : Prepare a project file for the same with the screenshots of the graphs and orange
(Artificial Intelligence)
1. Create a PowerPoint presentation on the topic ‘Popular AI Machines’. Insert suitable
pictures of AI machines. You can also add videos on the slides to make it more interesting.
2. One of the major parts of the person’s career is a job. AI has been replacing people in the
employment sector. Try to find out how people change their career path once AI takes over
their role. Based on your findings, write a speech in 200 words on how this is good or bad
and what can be done to improve the situation.
Submission Requirements:
⮚ Learn all the work done in class and e-mail the holiday’s homework to
[email protected] with your name, class and section on before
of June 30, 2024.
⮚ Include a brief summary of your learning experience and any challenges faced
during the holiday homework.

Physical Activity Trainer

1. Prepare a Presentation on the employability skill PPT
topic allotted to you
2. Write any 5-lesson plan of different activities Rule sheet in practical
3. Draw the diagram of area required for free play Practical file
games and list down the equipment needed
4. List the various activities to develop cognitive skills Practical file



1. Make a separate file or copy, with decorative cover page with financial
terminology or pictures.
2. The Name of the student, subject, and topics of the project should be mentioned
on the first page.
3. Try to include pictures and flow chart diagrams in a creative way.
4. Work must have an appropriate conclusion.

It is believed the money since its first appearance as early money had a long journey in
various forms till it took its final shape as the bank note or currencies. With the help of
pictures examples provide the details of evolution of money at each stage in flow chart
IFM Level -I with early to current money or currency.

a) Early Money
b) Symbolic Money
d) Paper Money
e) Coins
f) Egyptian Currency
g) Bank notes

Date of Submission: Monday, 01/07/2024

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