DLL Matatag - Science 4 Q1 W5
DLL Matatag - Science 4 Q1 W5
DLL Matatag - Science 4 Q1 W5
B. Performance By the end of the Quarter, learners describe chemical properties of materials and changes to them. They demonstrate
Standards an understanding that science processes can solve everyday problems and use creativity and determination to
provide examples. They exhibit objectivity and open-mindedness in gathering information related to environmental
issues and concerns in the community
A. Activating DAY 1
Knowledge ● The "Change Challenge" game
● The students will use a game to recall their prior knowledge of physical and activates students' prior
chemical changes. knowledge by prompting them
to recall examples, apply
Game: Change Challenge
concepts, and engage in
Students identify whether a given scenario represents a physical or chemical
critical thinking related to
physical and chemical
Materials Needed: changes. It provides an
● Flashcards or slips of paper with scenarios written on them opportunity for students to
● Two containers labeled "Physical Change" and "Chemical Change" build upon their existing
● Timer (optional) understanding and deepen
Instructions: their comprehension through
● Divide the class into two teams. active participation and
● Place the "Physical Change" and "Chemical Change" containers on opposite discussion.
ends of the room.
● Shuffle the flashcards or slips of paper with scenarios written on them.
● Choose a student from the first team to draw a scenario card.
● Read the scenario aloud to the class.
● The team must discuss whether the scenario describes a physical change or a
chemical change and then decide which container to place the card in.
● If the team correctly identifies the type of change, they earn a point. If not,
the other team has a chance to steal the point by correctly identifying the change.
● Repeat steps 4-7 with students from each team taking turns drawing scenario
● Continue playing until all scenario cards have been used or for a set time
Example Scenario Cards:
1. You tear a piece of paper into small pieces.
2. Water boils on the stove and turns into steam.
3. Iron nails left outside begin to rust.
4. Mixing vinegar and baking soda together causes fizzing and bubbling.
5. Ice cubes melt in a glass of water.
6. A candle burns and produces heat and light.
7. Cutting vegetables into small pieces for a salad.
8. Mixing salt into a glass of water until it dissolves completely.
9. Wood is burned in a campfire and turns into ashes.
10. Milk curdles after adding lemon juice.
Variation: Students can act out the scenarios instead of reading them from cards
for a more interactive variation. This adds a fun and engaging element to the game.
Last week you learned that matters undergo various changes when exposed to
changes in temperature, which can be classified as either physical change or
chemical change. In the next phase of the lesson, you will be able to know and
understand how some changes in matters can have harmful effects on us humans
and our environments. You will also be learning how we can minimize the
harmful effects of these changes and how to properly handle reactive materials.
● Present to the class the given unscrambled words and ask the students to will give the meaning of the word
re-arrange the letters to create a word corresponding to the meaning given then the students will arrange
by the teacher. the letters to form the word.
Meaning: It is the natural home or environment of a plant, animal, or other
organism. It provides the organisms that live there with food, water, shelter,
and space to survive.
Unscrambled word #1: TATABHI
C. Developing and SUB-TOPIC 1: “Harmful Effect of Changes in Materials” ● substances, leading to the
Deepening 1. Explication production of unpleasant
Understanding ● Ask the students if they can identify if a change in material is useful or odors and the release of
harmful to our environment. greenhouse gases.
● Let the students complete the table below. This can be done by the teacher ● Ripening of fruits: Unwanted
together with the students or by group. chemical change - fruits
● Instructions: produce ethylene gas,
✔ Given the table are examples of changes in matter. Identify whether they causing them to ripen and
are physical or chemical. Put a ( ) in the column if it refers to a physical eventually spoil, resulting in
or a chemical change and whether it is wanted or unwanted. food waste.
✔ Justify your answers and share them with your classmates. ● Burning of fossil fuels:
Unwanted chemical change -
fossil fuels combust,
releasing pollutants such as
carbon dioxide, sulfur
Effects of Change Physical Chemical dioxide, and nitrogen oxides,
contributing to air pollution
Melting ice cream
and climate change.
Rusting of iron nails ● Digestion of food: Chemical
change - food is broken down
Boiling water by enzymes in the digestive
system, releasing nutrients
Burning wood in a fireplace
for absorption into the body.
Dissolving sugar in water
Chopping vegetables
Cooking eggs
water wisely and reducing
things that make the Earth
warmer, like pollution.
Worked of food
1. Too Much Evaporation. Evaporation is when water turns into vapor and goes
up into the air, like when a puddle dries up in the sun. Too much evaporation
means a lot of water is disappearing from where it should be, like from lakes, rivers,
or even the soil.
Harmful Effects:
● Drying Up of Water Sources: If too much water evaporates from lakes,
rivers, and reservoirs, they can shrink or even disappear, making it hard for
animals and people to get water to drink or for plants to grow.
● Increase in Droughts: When there's not enough water in the soil or in the
air because of too much evaporation, it can lead to droughts, which means
there's not enough water for crops to grow, causing food shortages and
harming farms and farmers. ● These harmful effects of
chemical changes remind us of
2. Melting of Glaciers: Glaciers are huge masses of ice that are very important the importance of using
because they store a lot of fresh water. When they melt, they turn into water, which chemicals responsibly and
flows into rivers and oceans. taking steps to protect the
Harmful Effects: environment and human
● Rising Sea Levels: When glaciers melt too fast, it adds a lot of water to the health.
oceans, causing them to rise. This can flood coastal areas, where many
people live, and can damage homes and buildings.
● Loss of Habitat: Animals like polar bears and seals rely on glaciers for
hunting and resting. When the ice melts, they lose their homes and places
to find food, making it harder for them to survive.
1. Air Pollution: Chemical changes can release harmful gases into the air, like
when cars burn fuel or factories produce smoke.
Harmful Effects:
● Respiratory Problems: Breathing in polluted air can cause coughing,
asthma, and other breathing problems, making it hard for people, especially
kids and older adults, to stay healthy.
● Environmental Damage: Polluted air can harm plants and animals,
disrupt ecosystems, and even lead to global warming, which can cause
extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts.
● 2. Water Contamination: Chemical changes can also happen in water, like
when factories dump waste into rivers or when fertilizers from farms wash
into lakes.
Harmful Effects:
● Health Risks: Contaminated water can make people sick if they drink it or
swim in it. It can cause stomachaches, diarrhea, and even more serious
● Harm to Aquatic Life: Chemicals in water can harm fish, frogs, and other
aquatic animals, disrupting their habitats and causing population declines.
This can affect the balance of ecosystems and reduce biodiversity.
2. Soil Degradation: Chemical changes in the soil can occur when pesticides,
herbicides, or other chemicals are used in farming or gardening.
Harmful Effects:
● Loss of Fertility: Chemicals in the soil can kill helpful organisms like
earthworms and bacteria, making it hard for plants to grow. This leads to
poor crop yields and reduces the amount of food that can be grown.
● Contamination of Food: If plants absorb chemicals from the soil, they can
end up in the food we eat. Eating food contaminated with harmful
chemicals can cause health problems over time.
● Costly Repairs: Fixing or replacing corroded metal objects can be expensive
and time-consuming, especially if they're critical infrastructure or
4. Acid Rain: Chemical reactions in the atmosphere can produce acids that fall
back to Earth as rain, snow, or fog.
Harmful Effects:
● Damage to Ecosystems: Acid rain can harm plants, trees, and aquatic life
by leaching nutrients from the soil, damaging leaves and needles, and
making bodies of water too acidic for fish and other organisms to survive.
● Deterioration of Buildings and Monuments: Acid rain can erode and
Discuss the observations with
corrode buildings, statues, and monuments made of stone or metal, leading
the students.
to their deterioration and loss of cultural heritage.
Ask questions like:
a. What changes did you observe
5. Groundwater Contamination: Chemicals from industrial spills, landfills, or
in the nails during the
agricultural runoff can seep into the ground and contaminate groundwater
sources. Harmful Effects:
● Health Risks: Contaminated groundwater can pose serious health risks to b. Can you describe the
humans and animals if consumed, leading to illnesses such as cancer, differences between the nail
neurological disorders, and reproductive problems. that underwent a physical
● Long-Term Environmental Damage: Once groundwater is contaminated, it change and the one that
can be difficult and costly to clean up, posing long-term risks to the underwent a chemical
environment and public health. change?
c. How did the appearance of the
nails change after each part of
3. Lesson Activity the activity? Why do you think
it's important to understand
● Divide the class into four (4) groups. Each member of every group will the differences between
decide on the specific role that they will play within their group (Team physical and chemical
Jobs). Along with each role are color-coded visors with their corresponding changes?
meaning (Manager-Red; Speaker-Blue; Director-Green; Reports d. What harmful effects did we
Coordinator-Yellow). discuss regarding physical
● Provide each group with a copy of the activity titled “Exploring the changes, such as scratching
Impact of Changes on Everyday Objects” the nail?
● Remind the teammates of their roles. e. What harmful effects did we
● Students perform the activity as directed and answer the observe regarding chemical
questions provided in the worksheet. changes, such as rusting in
● Ask the students to present their output in class. vinegar?
f. How can we continue to raise
awareness about
DAY 2 environmental issues and
SUB-TOPIC 2: “Minimizing Harmful Effects in Changes in Properties of encourage action within our
Materials” school or community?
1. Explicitation g. Are there any additional
● Explain the importance of minimizing harmful effects on the environment, environmental topics or
especially from materials that don't break down easily.
issues you would like to
● Discuss the concept of recycling and how it helps reduce waste and conserve
explore in future activities or
● Sorting Activity: Set up a sorting station with different bins labeled for
h. What steps can we take to
different types of recyclable materials (e.g., paper, plastic, metal).
ensure that our actions
● Provide students with a variety of everyday materials and ask them to sort
contribute to a cleaner,
the items into the appropriate bins based on their recyclability.
healthier environment for
● Encourage participants to discuss why each item belongs in a particular bin
future generations?
and how recycling helps protect the environment.
● The teacher may ask the following questions during the sharing:
1. Why do you think we're sorting these items into different bins?
2. Can you explain why certain materials are recyclable while others are not?
3. How do you think recycling helps protect the environment?
4. What harmful effects can materials like plastic have on the environment if
they're not properly disposed of? Lead a discussion about the
5. How can recycling help minimize these harmful effects? harmful effects of materials that
6. Besides recycling, what are some other ways we can reduce our impact on don't break down easily in the
the environment? environment, such as plastic
pollution and landfill
2. Worked Example overcrowding.
Ways in Minimizing Harmful Effects in Changes in Properties of Materials Ask students to share their
thoughts on why recycling is
1. Recycling: important and how it can help
● Benefit to Humans: Recycling reduces the need for raw materials, lowering minimize these harmful effects.
production costs for goods made from recycled materials. It also creates job
opportunities in the recycling industry. Discuss other ways to minimize
● Recycling conserves natural resources, reduces energy consumption, and the environmental impact of
minimizes greenhouse gas emissions associated with resource extraction materials, such as reducing
and manufacturing processes. consumption, reusing items, and
choosing eco-friendly
2. Reducing Consumption:
● By consuming less, individuals can save money, reduce clutter in their
homes, and lead simpler, less stressful lifestyles.
● Reduced consumption decreases the demand for new materials, helping to
conserve natural resources and minimize environmental degradation
associated with resource extraction and production.
3. Reusing Items:
5. Proper Disposal:
● Benefit to Humans: Proper disposal practices help prevent pollution and
contamination of air, water, and soil, safeguarding human health and well-
● Proper disposal minimizes the release of hazardous substances into the
environment, preserving ecosystem health and biodiversity.
● Students need to perform the activity as directed and answer the Ask questions like:
questions provided in the worksheet. a. What did you learn from
● Allow the students to present their output to the class. participating in this activity?
● Divide the class into five (3) groups: land pollution, water pollution, and air b. How did portraying real-world
pollution. environmental issues through
● Each group will perform a news-reporting skit featuring the assigned a news reporting format
topic. For example, the group assigned to air pollution will report on aerial enhance your understanding
problems in the environment. of the topics?
● The teacher will give the guidelines for the whole activity. c. What insights did you gain
● The members will be designated accordingly: about the importance of
a. Newscaster addressing environmental
b. Field Reporter pollution and implementing
c. Cameramen solutions?
d. Props men (materials assigned by the teacher) d. How can the information
e. Pupils for the commercial presented in the news reports
f. Music and News Director be applied to real-life
● The news reporting will focus on how the pollution started, how it situations or environmental
affects the environment, and how we can prevent it from happening advocacy efforts?
again. e. What actions can individuals,
● The performance will be recorded in a video, which the teacher and the communities, or governments
class will review and comment on. take to address the
environmental issues
discussed in the activity?
b. How do you plan to contribute
to reducing pollution and
promoting environmental
sustainability in your own
SUB-TOPIC 2: “Proper Ways of Handling of Reactive Materials”
1. Explicitation
Summarize the key points of the
● Explain to the students that reactive materials are substances that can
demonstration, emphasizing the
undergo chemical reactions with other substances, often producing heat,
importance of proper handling
light, gas, or even explosions. These reactions can occur when the reactive and safety when working with
material comes into contact with air, water, or another chemical. reactive materials.
● Conduct a simple demonstration activity using common household
materials, this time showcasing the reaction between hydrogen peroxide This activity provides an
and yeast. engaging way to demonstrate a
✔ Start by pouring the hydrogen peroxide solution into a clear container or chemical reaction using
bowl. household materials while
✔ Next, add the warm water to the hydrogen peroxide and mix well. reinforcing important safety
✔ Finally, add the dry yeast to the mixture and observe the reaction. practices.
✔ As the yeast mixes with the hydrogen peroxide solution, it catalyzes
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and water.
This produces a foamy, bubbling reaction.
● While the reaction is safe and non-toxic, remind your audience of some
safety tips:
✔ Avoid inhaling the gas produced during the reaction.
✔ Do not taste or ingest the mixture.
✔ Wash hands thoroughly after handling chemicals.
● Have a brief discussion with the students about what they observed during
the demonstration. Ask questions like:
1. What happened when we mixed the yeast with the hydrogen peroxide
2. Why do you think the mixture foamed and bubbled up?
3. What safety precautions did we take during the demonstration?
2. Worked Example
✔ Always use bleach in a well-ventilated area to prevent the buildup of
chlorine gas.
✔ Never mix bleach with acids (like vinegar) or ammonia-based cleaners to
avoid the production of toxic gases.
✔ Wear gloves and protective eyewear to avoid skin and eye irritation when
handling bleach.
✔ Follow the manufacturer's instructions for dilution and usage carefully.
3. Aluminum Foil: Aluminum foil can react with acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus
fruits, releasing hydrogen gas.
✔ Avoid using aluminum foil with acidic foods to prevent the release of
hydrogen gas.
✔ Store aluminum foil in a cool, dry place away from sources of moisture to
prevent corrosion.
✔ Store batteries in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and sources of
✔ Dispose of batteries properly according to local regulations, and never
incinerate them.
5. Drain Cleaners: Drain cleaners often contain highly reactive chemicals like
sodium hydroxide or sulfuric acid, which can cause burns if not handled properly.
✔ Use drain cleaners in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling fumes.
✔ Wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling drain cleaners to prevent
skin and eye irritation.
✔ Never mix drain cleaners with other chemicals, as this can produce
hazardous reactions.
6. Oven Cleaners: Oven cleaners may contain strong alkalis like sodium
hydroxide, which can react with organic matter to dissolve grease and grime.
✔ Use oven cleaners according to the manufacturer's instructions and avoid
prolonged skin contact.
✔ Wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling oven cleaners to prevent
skin and eye irritation.
✔ Ensure proper ventilation when using oven cleaners to avoid inhaling
8. Matches and Lighters: Matches and lighters contain reactive materials like
phosphorus or flammable gases, which ignite when struck or activated.
✔ Store matches and lighters in a safe place out of children's reach and away
from heat sources.
✔ Handle matches and lighters with care to prevent accidental ignition.
✔ Never leave matches or lighters unattended, and ensure they are fully
extinguished after use. Guide Questions:
9. Household Cleaners: Many household cleaners contain reactive chemicals 1. What type of reactive material
such as acids, bases, or oxidizing agents, which can be hazardous if mixed together were you handling?
or handled improperly. 2. How did you identify its
✔ Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage and storage of properties and potential
household cleaners. hazards?
✔ Avoid mixing different household cleaners together to prevent hazardous 3. What safety precautions did
reactions. you take before handling the
✔ Wear gloves and protective eyewear to avoid skin and eye irritation when reactive material?
handling household cleaners. 4. Were there any additional
safety measures you could
have implemented?
3. Lesson Activity 5. Describe the techniques you
used to safely handle the
● Divide the class into four (4) groups. Assign specific roles to each reactive material.
participant, such as the handler of the reactive material, observers, safety 6. Were there any challenges or
officers, etc.
difficulties encountered
● Provide each group with guidelines for the role-play activity, including the
during the process?
topic "Proper Ways of Handling Reactive Materials."
● Assign each group a specific reactive household material to focus on for 7. How did you respond to
their role-play (e.g., bleach, ammonia, batteries, etc.). simulated emergencies or
● Allocate sufficient time for groups to research their assigned material and unexpected reactions?
develop their role-play script and performance. 8. What steps did you take to
● Each group will perform a role-play skit demonstrating the proper handling ensure the safety of yourself
of the assigned reactive household material. and others?
● Students enact the handling process, following proper procedures for 9. What lessons did you learn
containment, transportation, and manipulation of the reactive material. about handling reactive
● Include a segment where participants respond to simulated emergencies or materials safely?
unexpected reactions, emphasizing the importance of quick and
appropriate action.
● Encourage creativity and engagement in the role-play, such as 10.How can these lessons be
incorporating dialogue, demonstrations, and interactive elements to applied to real-life situations
convey the message effectively. involving reactive materials?
Understand that some materials can react and change quickly. These materials might
fizz, bubble, or even produce heat or smoke.
When handling anything that could be reactive, wear safety gear like goggles and gloves
to protect your eyes and skin.
Keep your workspace neat and tidy. Make sure bottles and containers are labeled
properly so you know what's inside.
If you're not sure about something or if you see something strange happening, ask your
teacher for help. It's better to ask questions than to guess and get hurt.
After you finish your experiment, clean up any spills or messes right away. Dispose of
any leftover materials properly, following your teacher's instructions.
Remember, safety is the most important thing when working with any materials. Always
be responsible and cautious.
2. Reflection on Learning
1. What are some examples of changes in materials that can be harmful to
the environment?
2. Why is it important to minimize these harmful effects?
3. How do you think individuals can contribute to minimizing the harmful
effects of changes in materials?
● Students can share their reflections and action plans with a partner or
small group if time allows. This provides an opportunity for discussion and
D) Preservation of metal objects
4. What harmful effects can result from acid rain as a chemical change?
A) Preservation of buildings and monuments
B) Promotion of aquatic life
C) Damage to ecosystems and buildings
D) Increase in soil nutrients
5. How can recycling benefit humans in minimizing the harmful effects of changes
in materials?
A) By increasing pollution
B) By reducing the need for raw materials and creating job opportunities
C) By depleting natural resources
D) By increasing energy consumption
9. Sarah lives in a city where there's heavy air pollution due to vehicle emissions
and industrial activities. She often experiences coughing and breathing difficulties.
What could be the cause of her health issues?
A) Increased biodiversity
B) Respiratory problems
C) Environmental preservation
D) Improved respiratory health
10. John's family runs a farm, and they use a lot of pesticides to protect their crops
from pests. Recently, they noticed that some of their vegetables have traces of
harmful chemicals. What could be the consequence of consuming these
contaminated vegetables?
Part I – Essay
● Imagine you are working in a science lab, and you need to conduct an
experiment using reactive materials. One of your classmates accidentally spills
a reactive substance on the floor. Describe step-by-step what you would do to
ensure everyone's safety and properly clean up the spill.
2. Homework (Optional)
Poster Creation
● Divide the class into small groups and provide them with poster board and
art supplies.
● Instruct each group to create a poster illustrating ways to minimize the
harmful effects of materials on the environment.
● Encourage participants to include drawings, slogans, and tips for recycling
and reducing waste.
● Presentation (Optional):
Allow each group to present their posters to the rest of the participants.
● After each presentation, facilitate a brief discussion about the ideas presented
on the poster and how they can be applied in everyday life.
strategies explored
materials used
learner engagement/
▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson? What did my
students learn? How did they learn?
▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently? What can
I explore in the next lesson?
Prepared by: