Water Pollution MS WORD PROJECT-1

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Water Pollution

P ollution is defined as the introduction

into the environment of substances
liable to cause harm to humans on
other living organisms.
and most of the micro-organisms that cause
waterborne diseases.

Types of water Pollutants: biological water

pollutants are micro-organisms that can
Definition: Water pollution is characterized cause different waterborne diseases in
by the presence of excess physical, chemical humans and animals. The main groups of
or biological substances that changed the Biological pollutants are bacteria, viruses,
qualities of the water and are capable of protozoa and helminths (worms). Chemical
causing harm to living organisms. water pollutants take many different forms
depending on their source, including plant
Natural or unpolluted water is colourless, nutrients (compounds of phosphorus and
odorless and nitrogen) used as fertilizers, breakdown of
transparent. human and animal
Water that tastes wastes, heavy
or smells bad or is metals, pesticides
cloudy can be and other persistent
said to have the pollutants. The
symptomsof presence of heavy
water pollution. metals in water in
However, some excess of acceptable
water, pollutants levels can cause
cannot be seen or illness and death
tasted, for among animals and
example, some humans.
chemicals, such
as pesticides,

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Minimize use of chemical Effective storm water run-
fertilizers. offs.

Prevention of
Water Pollution

Treat used water before Stop release of

releasing in the industrial and hospital
environment. effluents in water

The Streeter-Phelps equation determines the relation between the dissolved oxygen
concentration and the biological oxygen demand over time and is a solution to the linear first
order differential equation.
= 𝒌𝟏 𝑳𝒕 − 𝒌𝟐 𝑫

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1/17/2020 10:41 AM Document1

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