Q1 - LE - Science 7 - Lesson 3 - Week 3
Q1 - LE - Science 7 - Lesson 3 - Week 3
Q1 - LE - Science 7 - Lesson 3 - Week 3
Quarter 1
Lesson 1 1
Lesson Exemplar Lesson
for Science 3
for Science
Lesson Exemplar for Science 7
Quarter 1: Lesson 3 (Week 3)
S.Y. 2024-2025
This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during the School
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Development Team
• Jefferson E. Flores (Leyte Normal University)
• Diana Lou E. Sipalay (Caloocan High School)
Management Team
Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher Quality
SiMERR National Research Centre
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A. Content The learners shall learn that diagrams and flowcharts are very useful in demonstrating and explaining the motion and
Standards arrangement of particles during changes of state.
B. Performance By the end of the Quarter, learners recognize that scientists use models to describe the particle model of matter. They
Standards use diagrams and illustrations to explain the motion and arrangement of particles during changes of state. They
demonstrate an understanding of the role of solute and solvent in solutions and the factors that affect solubility. They
demonstrate skills to plan and conduct a scientific investigation making accurate measurements and using standard
C. Learning Learning Competency: The learners use diagrams and illustrations to describe the arrangement, spacing, and relative
Competencies motion of the particles in each of the three states (phases) of matter.
and Objectives
Learning Objective:
The learners shall be able to:
1. develop a deeper understanding of particle arrangement and movement in different states of matter (solid, liquid,
gas) through various ways of expression.
Learning Competency: The learners explain the changes of state in terms of particle arrangement and energy
a. solid → liquid → vapor, and
b. vapor → liquid → solid.
Learning Objectives:
The learners shall be able to:
1. explain how a substance changes its state from solid to liquid to gas by analyzing particle behavior and the
influence of temperature; and
2. demonstrate understanding of changes of state: solid → liquid → vapor, and vice versa.
D. Integration • Interconnectedness of Systems
• Sustainability and Environmental Impact
• Health and wellbeing
• Scientific literacy and Scientific Qualities
2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary index card or piece of paper.
Ensure that the terms are
Materials Needed: shuffled and placed face down
• Index cards or small pieces of paper on a table.
• Markers or pens
Divide the class into small
General Instructions for students: groups of 3-4 students each.
1. Each group will take turns selecting a vocabulary term from the table.
2. Without revealing the term, one from your group will read the definition Explain to the students that
aloud to your teammates. they will be participating in a
3. The group must then discuss and decide which term from the table vocabulary matching game
matches the given definition. related to states of matter and
4. Once a match is chosen, your group will turn over the selected card to particle arrangement.
reveal the vocabulary term.
5. If the match is correct, your group earns a point. If incorrect, return the Repeat steps 1-5 with the next
card to its original position. No point is awarded. group until all vocabulary
terms have been matched.
Terms to be unlocked:
Points for Discussion:
• Share any terms you found challenging and discuss your understanding of Clarify any misconceptions and
each term. reinforce the definitions of the
vocabulary terms as needed.
• Developing and 1. Explicitation Begin by asking students to
Deepening Prompt Questions: reflect on how they visualize the
Understanding • How do you imagine the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid, or gas? arrangement of particles in
• What tools or visuals help you understand the concept better? different states of matter.
Source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/62/cf/bc62cfde91a0ccf4027049b8b9ef66ff.jpg
2. To depict motion, you can use arrows and other helpful legends. Label your create a series of diagrams
diagrams with the appropriate states of matter and describe the changes in illustrating the particle
particle arrangement with temperature. arrangement at low and high
temperatures. They could
3. After drawing and discussing with your groupmates, present your diagrams depict particles however they
to the class, explaining the changes in particle arrangement with want.
temperature of your chosen substance.
Facilitate a class discussion on
the similarities and differences
between the diagrams, focusing
on how particle arrangement
varies with temperature in
solids, liquids, and gases.
3. Lesson Activity
• Refer to LAS 1 of Quarter 1 Worksheets for Science - Week 3 Depending on time, this could
be done in the classroom or
could be a take home activity.
substance changes its state
2. Explicitation from solid to liquid to gas by
analyzing particle behavior and
Visualizing Particle Arrangement the influence of temperature."
Source: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vjVG1eEi3IU/VV4QGZWInTI/AAAAAAAAANE/9N_s1pRYFqM/s1600/Phases_of_matter.svg.png
• Heating a Solid: As we add heat (energy) to a solid (like ice), the particles Ask students if they know
gain kinetic energy and start vibrating more vigorously. This disrupts about the term that refers to
the rigid structure, causing them to move around more. the phase change from liquid to
gas. (Evaporation)
• Transitioning to Liquid: With increased movement, the particles in the Make sure to differentiate
solid can no longer maintain their fixed positions. They overcome the evaporation and boiling. In a
forces holding them together, leading to a looser arrangement and the nutshell, evaporation occurs
formation of a liquid. only on the surface of the
liquid, whereas boiling occurs
• Liquid to Gas: Further heating the liquid (like boiling water) provides all throughout the liquid.
even more energy to the particles. They move so fast that they overcome Evaporation is slower, leads to
the remaining attractive forces and spread out far apart, transforming cooling (that’s why it is called a
the liquid into a gas. “cooling process”) and usually
happens below the boiling point
of the liquid.
Points for Discussion: Lead a comparison discussion
1. What happens to the particles during melting and evaporation of wax? with the class, highlighting the
2. How does the energy source differ for melting wax and evaporating similarities and differences
water? between melting wax and
3. Can you think of examples of melting and evaporation in everyday life? evaporating water.
4. Lesson Activity
Depending on time, this could
• Refer to Part B of LAS 2 of Quarter 1 Week 3 Worksheets for Science. be done in the classroom or
could be a take home activity.
Week 3 - Day 3
Liquid to solid (Freezing)
• Where do we often see condensation occurring?
• What factors contribute to condensation? Process their responses and
emphasize the key points.
Source: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.JylIwKRkyvPi4hx1J8tymQHaD2?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain
This can be done remotely if
there is time constraint.
4. Lesson Activity
o Refer to Part C and Synthesis part of LAS 3 of Quarter 1 Week 3
Worksheets for Science.
• What are the different phases of matter represented in the diagram? (Solid,
liquid, gas)
• What do the arrows represent? (Changes of state)
• Looking at the arrows between solid and liquid, what general statement
can you make about the relationship between temperature and Ask the students these
melting/freezing? questions and let them reflect
• Looking at the arrows between liquid and gas, what general statement can and share in class their
you make about the relationship between temperature and thoughts and learnings verbally
evaporation/condensation? or written.
Can you think of any real-life examples for each of these changes of state
(melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation)?
2. Reflection on Learning
• Think about the real-life examples we discussed for each phase
change. Can you come up with your own examples from everyday
• Why is understanding phase changes important? How does it apply
to things we encounter in our daily lives? (cooking, weather
patterns, etc.)
• What are some strategies you used to better understand the phase
4. In which state of matter do particles have the most freedom of movement? energy, which increases particle
a) Solid movement.
b) Liquid 7. c) The color of the surface -
c) Gas Color doesn't directly affect
d) All of the above have the same freedom of movement. condensation, though a darker
surface might radiate heat
5. What term describes the process of a liquid changing into a gas at its surface? differently.
a) Melting 8. b) Melting - Melting is the
b) Freezing process of a solid turning into a
c) Evaporation liquid, while freezing is the
d) Condensation opposite.
9. c) Lose energy and move closer
6. What happens to the particles of a substance during melting? together. - Condensation involves
a) Gain energy and move faster. losing heat, causing particles to
b) Lose energy and move slower. slow down and come together as a
c) Don't change their energy or arrangement. liquid.
d) Change their arrangement but not their speed. 10. d) Condensation - Fog forms
when water vapor in the air cools
7. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting condensation? and condenses into tiny water
a) Pressure droplets.
b) Temperature
c) The color of the surface
d) Presence of water vapor in the air
10. What process is involved in everyday fog formation?
a) Melting You may opt to give homework
b) Boiling if you think the competency/ies
c) Evaporation
is/are not yet mastered.
d) Condensation
2. Homework (optional)
strategies explored
materials used
learner engagement/
▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?
▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?