Style Guide-Revised

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Style Guide for Judaics Papers

Below please find guidance on general formatting, citation, and transliteration. At the back is a
glossary of commonly transliterated words.


 General formatting
 Spacing: Double
 Font: Times New Roman, size 12
 Margins: Normal

 First page
 Title: Centered, not underlined or bolded
 Please include a heading with:
 your name
 the semester (e.g. Spring 2021)
 the name of the class
 the name of the professor


We are using the Chicago Manual of Style, notes-bibliography style. Please refer to CMS style
guides (e.g., Purdue Owl:
chicago_manual_of_style_17th_edition.html) for citation guidelines.

 General notes:
 Please cite any idea in your paper that is not your original idea, even if you do not
quote directly from a source! When in doubt, err on the side of too much citation.

 Please take care not to paraphrase any source too closely, as this can be construed as
plagiarism, even if you use your own words. Your sentences, paragraphs, and flow of
ideas should not mirror your source’s.

 In your citation (e.g., of a biblical commentary, midrash, SHU”T, work of Halakhah,

etc.), please give as much locating information as you can, so that the reader could
easily look up the source herself.

Here are a couple specifics that apply to Judaics papers:

 Citations: Notes
 Tanakh
 Sefer perek:pasuk
 E.g., Bereshis 5:7; Kohelet 8:2 (see transliteration section regarding tav vs. sav)

 Commentary on Tanakh
 Rashi, Bereishis 1:1

 Artscroll Tanakh
 On first appearance: 1. Rabbi Nosson Scherman, ed., Isaiah, Milstein ed., ArtScroll
Series (New York: Mesorah, 2013), 8:7.
 On subsequent appearances: 2. Scherman, Isaiah, 8:7.

 Gemara
 BT, Megilah 23a  ‫ עמוד א‬,‫ דף כג‬,‫ מסכת מגילה‬,‫תלמוד בבלי‬
 JT, Rosh ha-Shanah 2b  ‫ עמוד ב‬,‫ דף ב‬,‫ מסכת ראש השנה‬,‫תלמוד ירושלמי‬
 ArtScroll Gemara
 First appearance
 Rabbi Yisroel Simcha Schorr and Rabbi Chaim Malinowitz, eds. The Horn
Edition of Seder Moed: Tractate Pesachim, elucidated by Rabbis Abba Zvi
Naiman, Eliezer Herzka, and Moshe Zev Einhorn, 3rd ed., bk. 1, Schottenstein
ed., Artscroll Series (New York: Mesorah, 2005), 53a.
 Subsequent appearances
 Schorr and Malinowitz, Pesachim, 53a.

 Sefer from online database

 Shemot Rabbah 3:1, Sefaria,

 Translated Sefer
 First appearance:
 Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed, trans. M. Friedlander (New York:
Dover, 1956).
 Subsequent appearances
 Maimonides, Guide, 187.

 Shulchan Arukh
 Rabbi Yosef Karo, Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De’ah 178:1

 Mishneh Torah

 Rabbi Moses Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilkhos Me’ilah 5:2.

 Article from online database

 Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, “The Author of Our Lives,” Mikeitz, Covenant and

 Citations: Works Cited

 Please follow Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.

 Please include whatever publication information is available, even for sefarim.

 Sources from Tanakh, standard meforshei Tanakh, Midrash, and Gemara do not
need to appear in your Works Cited list, unless you are taking your translation from
somewhere (e.g. Artscroll, Sefaria, etc.). Rather, add this note at the end:
Additional references from Torah, Gemara, and Midrash. (put in whichever are

 ArtScroll Tanakh
 Scherman, Rabbi Nosson, ed. Isaiah. Milstein Edition. ArtScroll Series. New York:
Mesorah, 2015.

 ArtScroll Gemara
 Schorr, Rabbi Yisroel Simcha and Rabbi Chaim Malinowitz, eds. The Horn Edition
of Seder Moed: Tractate Pesachim. Elucidated by Rabbis Abba Zvi Naiman, Eliezer
Herzka, and Moshe Zev Einhorn. 3rd ed. Bk. 1. Schottenstein Edition. ArtScroll
Series. New York: Mesorah, 2005.

 Translated Sefer
 Maimonides. The Guide for the Perplexed. Trans. M. Friedlander. 2nd ed. New York:
Dover, 1956.

 Shulchan Arukh
 Karo, Rabbi Yosef. Even ha-Ezer. Vol. 3 of Shulchan Arukh.

 Mishneh Torah
 Maimonides, Rabbi Moses. Mishneh Torah. Hilkhos Meilah.

 Article from website

 Sacks, Rabbi Lord Jonathan. “The Author of Our Lives.” Mikeitz. Covenant and


 General transliteration guidelines

 Please choose tav (Sepharadit) or sav (Ashkenazis) and stick to it consistently.

 Please use Roman letters (English) rather than Hebrew except when strictly necessary, as
Hebrew letters are complicated for our printer (they have to be put in backwards).

 Letters
 ‫=פ‬f
 ‫=ח‬ch
 ‫=כ‬kh
 ‫=צ‬tz
 ‫=ק‬k
 Double yud=yi
 ‫ ה‬at the end of the word=h
 Tzeirei yud=ei
 Segol=e
 Kamatz=a
 Patach=a
 Sheva na=e

 No double letters, except in a word where it has become universally accepted, like
Shabbos or Tehillim.

 When a word has a prefix, the prefix should be followed by a hyphen (-). If the word
requires capitalization, capitalize only the first letter of the main word, not the prefix
 E.g. Beit ha-Mikdash

 Use apostrophes only when there are two vowels in a row that could be confused as one
sound (e.g. Re’eh rather than Reeh, but Behaalosekha and Tazria)

 For Rabbi/Rav/Rabi/Rebi, use R.

 Italics
 Italicize any non-English word. Do not italicize
 names of people (e.g., figures in Tanakh)
 meforshim
 places

 Names of books and seforim should be italicized.


 Capitalization
 Capitalize only a word that would be capitalized in English (proper nouns—e.g. names of
places, names of tefillos, names of holidays). When in doubt, consult the Chicago Manual
of Style


Bereshit/s Shemot/s Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim

Noach Va'era Tzav Naso Va’etchanan/
Lekh Lekha Bo Shemini Behaalotekha/ Ekev
Vayera Beshalach Tazria Shelach Re'eh
Chayei Sarah Yitro/Yisro Metzora Korach Shoftim

Toledot/s Mishpatim Acharei Mot/s Chukat/s Ki Tetze

Vayetzei Terumah Kedoshim Balak Ki Tavo/Savo

Vayishlach Tetzaveh Emor Pinchas Nitzavim

Vayeshev Ki Tisa/Sisa Behar Matot/s Vayelekh

Miketz Vayak’hel Bechukotai/ Masei Haazinu
Vayigash Pekudei Vezot/s

The Prophets, Nevi'im The Twelve Minor The Writings,

Prophets Ketuvim
Trei Asar
Joshua Hosea Psalms
Yehoshua Hoshea Tehillim
Judges Joel Proverbs
Shoftim Yoel Mishlei
1 Samuel Amos Job
I Shmuel Iyov
2 Samuel Obadiah The Song of Songs
II Shmuel Ovadyah Shir Hashirim
1 Kings Jonah Ruth
I Melakhim Yonah Rut/s
2 Kings Micah Lamentations
II Melakhim Mikhah Eikhah
Isaiah Nahum Ecclesiastes
Yeshayah Nachum Kohelet/s
Jeremiah Habakkuk Esther
Yirmiyahu Chavakuk
Ezekiel Zephaniah Daniel
Yechezkel Tzefanyah
Haggai Ezra
Zechariah Nehemiah
Zekharyah Nechemyah
Malakhi I, II Divrei Hayamim

Zera'im Mo'ed Nashim Nezikin Kodashim Taharot/s

Berakho Shabbat/ Yevamot Bava Kama Zevachim Kelim

Peah Eruvin Ketubot Bava Metzia Menachot Ohalot

Demai Pesachim Nedarim Bava Bat/sra Chullin Nega'im

Kilayim Shekalim Nazir Sanhedrin Bekhorot Parah

Shevi'it/s Yoma Sotah Makot/s Arakhin Taharot/s
Terumot/s Sukkah Gittin Shevuot/s Temurah Mikvaot/s
Maaserot/s Beitzah Kiddushin Eduyot/s Kerit/sot/s Nidah
Maaser Rosh ha- Avodah Me'ilah Makhshirin
Sheni Shanah Zarah
Challah Taanit Avot/s Tamid Zavim
Orlah Megillah Horayot/s Midot/s Tevul Yom

Bikurim Mo'ed Katan Kinim Yadayim

Chagigah Uktzin

Abarbanel Bris/t bein ha-Bes/tarim Exodus

Abaye Chafetz Chayim Gan Eden
afra be-alma chametz Ga’on, Ge’onim
Aggadah Chananyah, Mishael, G-d
aleph Azaryah Gehinnom
aleph-bet Chanukah Gemara
akeidah Charedim gematria
akhilat/s kelev Charvonah get
aliyah Chat/sam Sofer geulah
Amalek Charedi gezerah shavah
Amora Chasid/Chasidim gilui arayot/s
Amoraim chazal golden calf
argaman Chazon Ish Ha’amek She'elah
Arukh ha-Shulhan Chelkat/s Yaakov ha-din
aseh lekha rav Chidushei ha-Rashba Hagahot Maimuniyot
Aseres ha-Dibros/Ten chilazon ha-Kadosh barukh Hu
Commandments chilul Hashem Hakdamah le-Perek
asherah Chovot/s ha-Levavot/s Chelek
asmakhta (sefer is capitalized, Halakhah/halakhos/t
Av (month) otherwise lowercased) (capitalize when talking
aveirah Chumash about the body of
Avnei Nezer chutz la-Aretz Halakhah, lowercase when
Avot/s de-Rabbi Nat/san Darkhei Moshe talking about an individual
avos/t/ patriarchs darkhei no’am halakhah)
ba’alei chayim daven Halakhah le-Moshe mi-
Ba’alei ha-Tosafot dayan Sinai
Barait/sa derash Halakhic/Halakhically
Barukh she-Amar Derashot /s ha-Ran Halikhot/s ha-Mishor
bedi-eved Devarim Rabbah Har Sinai
Be’er Sheva dibbur ha-mat/schil Hashem
beit/s din dina de-malkhut/sa Haskalah
beit /s din kavua (batei dinim hasagot/s
din) divine (lowercase) hesder
Beit/s ha-Mikdash egel ha-zahav Hilkhot/s Teshuvah
Beit/s Yitzchak Ein-Sof Hilkhot/s Yesodei ha-
Beit Yosef Ein Yaakov Torah
Beis Yaakov Eliyahu Rabbah hokhei’ach tokhi’ach
Bereshit Rabbah Elokim igeres
Bilam/Balaam Elul Igrot/s Moshe
Birkat ha-Mazon Encylopedia Talmudit isur
Bnei Yisrael Eretz Yisrael Kabbalah
borer ever min ha-chai kabbalistic

Kad ha-Kemach messianic oral Torah

kal va-chomer messianism Or ha-Chayim
karet/s metzitzah be-peh ona’ah
Kasher (verb) Metzudas David Ovadyah of Bartenura
kashrus mezuzah parashah petuchah
kavua midah/os/t parashah set/sumah
ke-ein midat/s chasidut/s parashas/t
kedushah midrash parashiyot/s
kehillah/ot/s Midrash Rabbah Pelishtim
Kesef Mishneh Midrash Tanchuma Perek Chelek
kiddush Midrash Tehillim Peri Megadim
kiddush Hashem Midrashim Perush ha-Mishnah
kilayim Mikdash Pesach
Kit/svei ha-Ramban mikveh Pesikta de-Rav Kehana
Klal Yisrael Minchah pilpul
kohen/ kohanim Minchat/s Shai Pirkei Avos/t
kolel/kolelim minyan posek/poskim
korbanot/s Mishnah/Mishnayos pesak
kovetz Mishnah Berakhot/s R. Asher b. Yehiel
Keriyat/s Shema Mishbetzot/s Zahav R. Esriel Hildesheimer
Kuzari Mishkan R. Hai Gaon
Land of Israel Mishnah Berurah R. Isaac b. Jacob Alfasi,
le-shem Shamayim Mishneh le-Melekh Rif
Levi’im Mishneh Torah R. Joseph Saul ha-Levi
lifnim mi-shurat/s ha-din mitzvot/s aseh sheha- Na-
ma’akhalot/s asurot/s zeman gerama thanson, Sho'el u-Meshiv
Ma’amar Techiyat/s ha- mitzvah/mitzvot/s R. Meir ha-Kohen
Met/sim mitzvah de-Oraita R. Moshe Feinstein
ma’aser mitzvah de-rabanan R. Moshe Isserles
machloket/s mitzvot/s aseh R. Moshe Sofer
Magen Avraham mizmor R. Saadiah Gaon
maggid Mo’ed R. Solomon b. Abraham
mahadura kamma Mordekhai Aderet, Chidushei ha-
mahadura tanina Moreh Nevukhim Rashba
Machaneh Efrayim Moses Maimonides R. Solomon Luria,
Masekhet/s Soferim Moshe Maharshal
Mashiach Moshe Rabbeinu R. Yechiel Mikhel Epstein
maskil/im Moshe ben Maimon R. Joseph ibn Migash
Matzevah Motza’ei Shabbos/Shabbat R. Yehudah ha-Levi
mefarshim Musaf R. Yehudah Loew
Mesorah musar/Musar (Maharal)
masoretic mutar R. Yisrael Salanter
Mavo nasi Rabbanim
megillah/megillot/s Nebuchadnezzar Rabbeinu Chananel
Mekhilta Netzach Yisra'el Rabbeinu Bechaye
Messiah Noda bi-Yehudah Rabbeinu Yonah

Rama Shemot/s Rabbah Tikun

Rambam shidduch Tishah b’Av
Ran, Nimukei Yosef Shitah Mekubetzet/s to'en
Rashi Shivat/s Tziyon Torah
rav Shlomo ha-Melekh Torah shebe-
Rava shofar al peh
Ravad shul Torah Shelemah
rebbe (Hassidic) Shulchan Arukh: Orach Torah Temimah
(capitalized in title) Chayim Torat/s
Rebbe’im Yoreh Deah Choshen Tosafot/s
rebbi (teacher) Mishpat Tosefta
red heifer Even ha-Ezer Tree of
resh (letter) Siddur/siddur Knowledge
Rivkah Sifra (capitalized)
Rosh Sifre tumat/s ohel
responsa (pl.) Sift/sei Chakhamim Tur
responsum (sing.) Sift/sei Kohen tzadik(im)
reyach nicho’ach Simchat/s Torah tzedakah
Rishonim Sodom tzitzis/t
Rosh Chodesh Soferim Ulla
Rosh Hashanah Splitting of the Sea Vayikra Rabbah
rosh yeshivah State of Israel Vidui
safek de-Orait/sa le- sukkah Vilna Gaon
chumra Sukkos World to Come
safek de-rabanan le-kula tahor written Torah
Sanhedrin talmidei chakhamim yad
Satan (no “the”) Talmud Bavli Yaakov
Sedei Chemed Talmud Yerushalmi Yamim Nora’im
Seder Tammuz Yerushalayim
Sefer Emunot/s ve-De’ot/s, Tanna yeshivah, yeshivot
ma'amar Tannaim yeshivah gedolah
Sefer ha-Ikarim Tanakh yetzer ha-ra
Sefer Torah Targum Onkelos Yetzer ha-tov
Semag Targum Yonas/tan Yiddishkeit
semikhah tashmishei kedushah Yiftach
Sephardim tefilah yishuv
seudah tefilas Yisrael
seven Noahide laws Minchah Yom Kippur
Seforno tefilas Yom Shelishi
Shabbat/Shabbos Shacharis Yom Tov
Shavuos tefillin Yosef
shefikhut/s damim Tehillim Zeman Simchasenu
Shekhinah techumin Zerubabel son of She’altiel
Shema tekhelet Zohar
shemitah Tiferet/s
Shemoneh Esreh Yisrael

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