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Chapter Six

2 Sivan, 5784 – June 8, 2024

Compiled from the works of

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Rabbi Shmuel Mendelsohn
North Miami Beach, FL

A Project of
Vaad L’Hafotzas Sichos
A n O u tlin e o f th e R eb b e 's E x p la n a tio n o f Pirk ei A v o s
Chapter VI
Sefer Hasichos, 5749 Volume 2, Pages 481 - 482

Chapter VI
‫ זוכה לדברים הרבה‬,‫ כל העוסק בתורה לשמה‬:‫ רבי מאיר אומר‬.‫ ברוך שבחר בהם ובמשנתם‬,‫ שנו חכמים בלשון המשנה‬:'‫ משנה א‬,'‫פרק ו‬
Chapter 6, Mishnah1 1: The Sages taught in the language of the Mishnah (blessed is He who chose them and
their learning): Rabbi Mayer would (often) say, "Whoever studies Torah for its own sake merits many things …

The Simple Explanation

This week, we learn the sixth chapter of Pirkei Avos. It begins with "the Sages taught in the language of
the Mishnah." This tells us that the chapter itself is not Mishnah; instead, it is a collection of teachings of the
Sages of the Mishnah written in the same language.
The Mishnayos of Pirkei Avos consists of five chapters. This sixth chapter was added later. It is called
"Kinyan Torah – the Acquisition of Torah." This is because the entire chapter discusses the importance and
greatness of Torah study. Some say it was added because of the custom of learning/reciting one chapter of Avos
each week between the festival of Pesach and Shavuos. There are six weeks; hence, we need to have six chapters.
It is vital to learn this chapter, which teaches us how to acquire the Torah on the Shabbos immediately preceding
Shavuos when we celebrate the giving of the Torah 2 3 .
Rabbi Yehudah Hanossi edited the Mishnah and decided what to include. The teachings in this chapter

1. I am using the term “Mishnah – ‫ “משנה‬in both the Hebrew and the English in order to maintain consistency with
the earlier chapters. As we shall see in the explanation, it is not an actual Mishnah. Rather this chapter consists of teachings
of the Sages of the Mishnah. However, they were not included in the Mishnah’s canon.
2. See the commentary of the Midrash Shmuel to this Beraysoh.
3. There are actually two customs regarding when Pirkei Avos is to be learned. The Alter Rebbe writes in his Siddur
(before Pirkei Avos which follows the Shabbos afternoon service) as follows. “It is customary to recite one chapter of Pirkei
Avos each Shabbos between Pesach and Shavuos at the afternoon service … There are those who follow this custom each
Shabbos of the summer.” According to the first custom, we can understand the reason for addin g this particular chapter on
the sixth (and final) week. It immediately precedes the giving of the Torah. However, according to the second custom why
read chapter six on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah? It may be possible to explain that Rosh Hashanah is the beginning
of the “Ten Days of Teshuvah.” These days come to a conclusion on Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is also the time of receiving
the Torah, inasmuch as we then received the second set of tablets.
I have written this as a footnote rather than including it in the text because the Rebbe did not include it in this talk. However,
the Sages teach us that Yom Kippur is the day on which we received the second tablets. See also the Rebbe’s discourse
Lehovin Inyan Simchas Torah 5742.
are called Beraysos, derived from the Aramaic term "Bar," meaning outside. They are "outside of the scope of
the Mishnah." However, Beraysos are written in the same language and style as the Mishnah 4 . The Mishnah and
the Beraysos are written in Hebrew, contrasting with the Gemorah written in Aramaic. Additionally, the style of
the Mishnah and the Beraysos are similar; they are both written in very terse and concise language. Furthermore,
the teachings in this chapter are fit to be called Mishnah; they are equal in stature to the Mishnayos5 .
Difficulties in Understanding the Mishnah
The fact that Beraysos are written in the same language and linguistic style as the Mishnayos is true in
this chapter and throughout the Talmud. The entire Talmud is interspersed with Beraysos. Yet we find no other
place where the Sages declare the greatness of a Beraysoh. Of all sixty-three tractates of the Talmud, why did the
Sages choose Pirkei Avos alone to let us know the stature of a Beraysoh? The Midrash Shmuel states that "they
are equal in stature to the Mishnayos."
The Explanation
We can find the explanation in the question itself. As mentioned above, Beraysoh is derived from the
Aramaic word "outside." On a deeper level, the word "outside" conveys something very positive. We are taking
the teachings of the Sages of the Mishnah and transporting them to somewhere seemingly outside the realm of the
This is a fundamental part of the entire Torah. On the one hand , the Torah is6 a "secret treasure, which
You had hidden… before the world was created." However, the Torah also7 "descended from its place of glory
… and progressively descended through hidden stages, stage after stage, with the descent of the worlds, until it
clothed itself in physical objects and this-worldly things." Despite this tremendous descent, it retains its essence.
Even in this corporal, physical world, it remains Hashem's Will and Wisdom. There, it has the power to elevate
and refine this world; it can be used to transform this world into8 "a dwelling place for Hashem below."
We see this idea of the Torah "progressively descending through stages" at the beginning of Pirkei Avos.
It tells us that 9 "Moshe received the Torah from (Hashem at Mount) Sinai and gave it to Yehoshua. Yehoshua
gave it over to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets gave it over to the Men of the Great
Assembly." The commentaries explain10 that the Mishnah is telling us the chain of the Torah's transmission.

4. See the commentary of the Bartenura to this Beraysoh.

5. See the commentary of the Midrash Shmuel to this Beraysoh.
6. See Talmud Shabbos 88, b.
7. See Tanya Chapter 4.
8. Midrash Tanchumah Parshas Naso, 16, among other sources.
9. See Pirkei Avos Chapter 1, Mishnah 1.
10. See Midrash Shmuel at the beginning of Pirkei Avos.
This chain alludes to the Torah's descent throughout all generations of history. Due to the decline of the
stature of the generations, it is incumbent upon us to become increasingly scrupulous regarding Torah and
Mitzvos. The further the generations are removed from the giving of the Torah, the more care is needed to preserve
its integrity. Therefore, the first Mishnah concludes by telling us11 to "make a fence around the Torah," Ceaseless
vigilance is the one way we can be sure to maintain our connection to the Torah. Hence, the sages of ensuing
generations enacted laws, such as "fences," to ensure the preservation of the Torah. The fact is that these "fences"
have the same power as the Torah itself, which "Moshe received from Mount Sinai12 ."
This same idea hinted at the beginning of Pirkei Avos, is also alluded to at its conclusion. These Beraysos,
despite being outside the Mishnah, were "taught by the Sages in the language of the Mishnah." This is to
demonstrate that they are the equivalent of the Mishnah. They have the same force as the rest of the Torah, which
"Moshe received from Mount Sinai."
(Adapted from a talk given on Shabbos Mevorchim Hachodesh and Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5749)

I hope you gained as much by reading this as I did by translating and adapting it.
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11. See footnote 9.

12. See Rambam Laws of Mamrim (Rebellious Ones) Chapter 1, Paragraph 2 and Chapter 2, Paragraph 2.

the Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Soldiers of Tzivos Hashem Chaim, Aiden Oded, and Zacharya Matan ‫ שיחיו‬Morris
Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem M. and Chaya Mushka ‫ שיחיו‬Morris
Mrs. Esther ' ‫ שתחי‬Sharabani
Mr. Geri '‫ שי‬Bentov


‫מוקדש לזכות‬
‫כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו מליובאוויטש‬
‫חיילי "צבאות השם" חיים‪ ,‬עדן עודד‪ ,‬וזכרי' מתן שיחיו מאריס‬
‫נדפס ע"י הוריהם‬
‫הרה"ת ר' מנחם מענדל וחי' מושקא שיחיו מאריס‬
‫מרת אסתר שתחי' שרבני‬
‫נדפס ע"י בנה‬
‫ר' גרשון שי' בן טוב‬


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