Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
I.OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of media and information sources, and values them of communication tools.
B. Performance Standards The learner shall be able to create a log of their use and interaction with media and information providers to aid in their
understanding of media and information literacy
C. Learning Competencies/ Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes:
Objective To identify the Editorialize the value Shares to class media Identifies traditional
similarities and of being a media and habits, lifestyles and media and new media and
differences of media information literate preferences their relationships.
literacy, information individual (MIL11/12MIL-IIIa-ff) (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-5
literacy and technology (MIL11/121MIL-IIIa- Explain how the evolution
literacy MIL 11/121MIL- 3) Objectives: of media from traditional
IIIa-2) Explain what is media to new media shaped the
Objectives: habits, lifestyles and values and norms of
Objectives: Value and apply the preferences people and society
Define and show the key importance of being a Determine the media
concept (media, media information habits, lifestyles and Objectives:
information, technology literate individual preferences of the Examine the technology or
literacy and media and Discuss media as an students resources available during
information literacies) important tool in Value the the prehistoric age, the
Compare and relate the nation-building and understanding industrial age, the
media and information strengthening of regarding media electronic age, and the
literacy framework to cultural identities habits, lifestyles and new or digital age.
their own understanding albeit globalization preferences. Identify the devices used
and competent. through critiquing of by people to
media outputs. communication with each
other, store information,
and broadcast information
across the different ages
Make a timeline or
historical record of their
interaction with and
exposure to traditional
and new media.
II. CONTENT Unlocking the definitions and Value of being a Media & Media Habits, Lifestyles The Evolution of Traditional to
Understanding the Basic information Literate and Preferences New Media
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 2ff-26
2. Learners Materials pages Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation
Smart Tv Smart Tv Smart Tv Smart Tv
Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptops
3. Textbook pages
A. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Media and Information Media and Information Media and Information Media and Information
Literacy Curriculum Guide Literacy Curriculum Literacy Curriculum Literacy Curriculum Guide
Guide Guide
A. Review Guessing Activity: Name it? Watch the video and Give examples of media Diagnostic quiz on four ages in
identify the value of habits, lifestyles, history
media and information preferences and lifehacks
literate individual through a video
through the guide presentation (Lessons
questions. You can Learn About
Habits Lifehack.org)
B. Purpose Present the Learning Present the Learning Present the learning Present the learning
competencies and objectives competencies and competencies and competencies and objectives
of the lesson to the students objectives of the lesson to objectives of the lesson to of the lesson to the students
the students the students
C. Examples/Instances Unlocking definition of Cartoon analysis. During Group Activity 1: Media During the slide presentation,
of new lesson Media Literacy, Information slide presentation, use log creation and students will interact to their
Literacy, and Technology students will interact to recording of media and teacher about the images
Literacy from different their teacher about the information channels slashed on the screen
sources through formulating images being flashed on engagement
their own description of the the screen.
given terms making a word )
D. Discussing new Group Activity: 3 GROUPS Write a poem about the Writing Activity: In a Activity: Identify the
concepts Battle it Out in Vocabulary value of being a media narrative form, answer scrambled words, rearrange
and practicing new Jeopardy. and information literate the following: What kind the letters to form the correct
skills individual (30 points) of habits do you have? words
How did you form them?
F. Finding practical Group activity: Tweets Recitation: Do you Role Play Activity: Activity: info-Challenge
applications of Sample Questions: What consider yourself as a Group presentation of What is the extent to which
concepts advantages will a person have media and information their own media habits, knowledge and information
in learning about media? Cite literate individual? Why? lifestyles and preferences. have changed or remained the
the ways to enhance
Or why not? same as new media and new
information literacy skills. If
you are to choose one literacy,
media technologies have
what will it be and why? emerged in your society?
G. Making generalization Describe the similarities Why is being a media and What kind of difficulties How the emergence of new
and abstraction and/or differences of Media information literate very did you face? How did you media has impacted the way
Literacy, Information literacy important in this modern overcome them? Please people interact and how this
and Technology literacy? world? share your thoughts in benefits them?
H. Evaluating Learning Quiz 15 items Essay Quiz: Given the Individual Written Activity: My reflection
available media that we Activity: Create a table of Make a reflection paper based
have in the world now, the media habits, lifestyle, on what you have learned
what do you think is the and preferences of each from the lesson, write a
future of media? Cite a member of your family. reflection paper on how the
technology that you have Use the guide matrix (15 evolution of media shaped the
seen in a science-fiction points) values and norms of people
film or read in a book that and the society. You can also
you want to become a read news articles or surf the
reality soon? Why? internet to know more about
the effects of media and
information to the values and
norms of the Filipinos.