DLL Week2 Mil
DLL Week2 Mil
DLL Week2 Mil
B. Performance Standards: The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
1. identifies the similarities and 1. editorializes the value of being a 1. shares to class media habits, 1. identifies traditional media and
differences of media literacy, media and information literate lifestyles and preferences. new media and their relationships
information literacy, and technology individual MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-4 MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-5
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives: literacy. MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2 2. identifies characteristics
/describes a responsible uses and
competent producers of media and
information. MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3
2. Editorialize the value of being a 2. Present media habits, lifestyle 1. Identify the traditional media and
Objectives . Describe how media and information-literate
and preferences. new media.
2. Differentiate traditional media
is influenced by
media and
2. React to
illustrations to
analyze which
between it is
media and
Compare and contrast the differences
and similarities of Media Literacy,
Information Literacy, and Technological
Communication Media and information literate class media habits, lifestyles and Evolution of media
2. CONTENT individual preferences
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Edward D. Gonzales, Media and Edward D. Gonzales, Media and Edward D. Gonzales, Media and Edward D. Gonzales, Media and
B. Other Learning Resources
Information Literacy, JFS Publishing Information Literacy, JFS Publishing Information Literacy, JFS Publishing Information Literacy, JFS Publishing
Services, 2016 Services, 2016 Services, 2016 Services, 2016
4. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you
can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning
processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Activity: Recapitulations Activity: I Believe Ask students: Show a video clip about the
Presenting the New Lesson Ask the student about the previous Instruct the students to answer 1. How many times in a day they evolution of media.
lesson. Instruct them to select the the following questions and start use/encounter media?2. Are you a
best answer for each item their answer with the statement, “I dependent media user?
from the box. The choices believe…”
are media, communication, 1. Why is it essential to be
information, channel, message, and media and information
receiver. literate? I believe…
2. How can you become
1. What do you call the literate in media and
communication outlets or tools information technology? I believe…
used to store and deliver 2. 3. How would you assess the
information? reliability and accuracy of
What do you call the content being information circulated in
related in the communication different social media
process? platforms? I believe
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Present objective of the lesson. Present objective of the lesson. Present objective of the lesson. Guide Question:
Lesson 1. What are the changes
in media?
Present objective of the lesson.
D. Discussing New Concepts and What are the common media habits, Group Activity: Create a timeline of
Practicing New Skills #1 Present to them what exactly Media lifestyle and preferences of the students? evolution of media.
and Information Literacy is. Let the -Based on their answer, each
student read the definition. Explain that group is given 10 minutes to make
in order to fully understand and acquire a venn diagram showing the
this skill. One should also know what differences and similarities.
media literacy, information literacy, -Ask the group to display their
and technological literacy are work and ask the group reporter to
share their work.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Activity: Unlocking of Difficulties Guide Questions: Technology Literacy is the ability to use Among all the forms of media that
Practicing New Skills #2 Discuss with the students the 1. How can we access, the appropriate technological tool in you used, which do you like most?
difference among media literacy, search, critically assess, responsible manner to communicate, Why?
information literacy, and use, and contribute content solve problem, analyze data, and acquire
technological literacy. wisely, both online and new learning
2. What are our rights online
and offline?
3. What are the ethical issues
surrounding the access and
use of information?
How can we engage with
media and ICTs to promote
equality, intercultural and
interreligious dialogue, peace,
freedom of expression, and access
to information?
F. Developing Mastery Activity: Triple Venn Diagram Activity: Video Analysis Let the The students will assess themselves their Answer the following questions
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Using the Venn Diagram, identify students watch a video media exposures in their day-to-day and start your answer with the
the similarities and differences presentation undertakings. statement
between and among media literacy, I believe… 1. Given the available
information literacy, and technology Media and Information Literate media that we have now, what are
literacy. Write your answer in a ½ Citizens: Think Critically, Click its roles and functions in a
paper. Wisely! democratic society?
I believe 2. How social media
Retrieved January 9, 2023 from affect our society? I believe
Guide Questions:
1. How many percentages of
youth are globally connected
2. How can you make sure that
all information is used for
public good?
What skills do you possess if you
are media and information literate
G. Finding Practical Applications Activity: Picture Analysis Technology Literacy is the ability to use the Technology Literacy is the ability to
of Concepts and Skills in Daily Let the students analyze the appropriate technological use the appropriate technological
Living differences between the two tool in responsible manner to communicate, tool in responsible manner to
illustrations. Which of these two solve problem, analyze communicate, solve problem, analyze
illustrations is considered media data, and acquire new learning data, and acquire new learning
and information-literate
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
Master Teacher II/Subject Group Head
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