11th Fruits 1. Types of fruits Students should be 1. Sample of Teacher should : Student should
2. Nutritive value able to different fruits 1. Displays fruits in 1. Identify the
of fruits 1. Identify 2. A chat season. fruits on
3. Factors to different types showing 2. Guides the display
consider when of fruits different types discussion on the 2. Participate in
choosing fruits 2. State the of fruits topic the discussion
4. Preparation of nutritive valve 3. Demonstrates the 3. Practice the
fruits of fruits preparation and preparation
5. Effects of 3. Discuss the service of some and service of
cooking on factors to fruits some fruits
fruits consider while 4. Give a chalk board 4. Copy the
6. Method of choosing fruits summary chalk board
serving fruits 4. Prepare and summary
serve various
1ST Cleaning of School General Cleaning General Cleaning Cutlass And Hoe, Supervising And Cleaning Of School
Compound /Revision Of School Of School Broom. Revision Of Last Compound By The
Of Last TERM Work Compound/ Compound Session Work. Student
Revision Of Last
term Work
2nd Vegetables/ Fruits 1. Types of The students should 1. Samples of Teacher should: Student should
vegetables be able to: vegetables on 1. Displays various 1. Identify the
2. Nutritive value 1. Identify the display vegetables vegetables on
of vegetables different 2. Chart showing 2. Leads the display
3. Factors affecting vegetables some drawing of discussion on the 2. Ask and answer
choice of 2. Discuss the vegetables topic questions
vegetables nutritive value 3. Cut out pictures 3. Demonstrations of 3. Observe the
4. Cooking of of well garnished cooking methods demonstration
methods for vegetable/fruits dishes. of vegetables. 4. Practice cooking
vegetables 3. State the factors 4. Salad and 4. Explains food some vegetables
5. Salads affecting the desserts garnishing 5. Utilization of
garnishing choice of salad/desserts fruits vegetables
4. Prepare
vegetables using
5. Utilizing such in
salad dessert
3rd Cooking of food 1. Definition Student should be Pot, frying pan, Teacher should: Student should
2. Reason for able to \ pressure pot, Sauce 1. guides the 1. Student
cooking foods 1. Give the pan discussion on participate in
3. Methods of heat Definition of method of class discussion
transfer food cooking 2. Student ask and
(conduction, 2. Give the reason 2. Explain the answer
convention, of cooking food advantages and questions
radiation) 3. Explain the disadvantages of 3. Student copy
4. Method of meaning of cooking food from
cooking conduction, 3. Give the meaning chalkboard
- Most heat convention and of conduction,
methods radiation convention and
- Boiling, 4. Give the radiation
stewing, advantages and 4. Teacher explains
steaming, disadvantages of method of
pressure each method cooking food e.g.
cooking boiling, stewing,
5. Advantages and steaming, pressure
disadvantages cooking.
6. Examples of 5.
foods cooked
with each
4th The art of 1. Being a good The student should 1. Table setting Teacher should: Student should
entertainment host/hostess be able to materials 1. Discusses 1. Participate in
a. Planning ahead 1. Describe 2. Chat showing entertainment for discussion
b. Issuing of different forms different types of the student 2. Observe teacher
invitation and of entertainment table setting 2. Demonstrate demonstration
receiving 2. Plan for 3. Sample of different table and practices
guests(where entertainment invitation settings 3. Write invitations
applicable 3. Discuss good letters/cards 3. Discusses how to and also
2. Table setting table manners write invitation response to
a. Formal table 4. Discuss guiding 4. Supervises student invitation
setting rules for practice 4. Submit note
b. Informal table entertainment 5. Give a book for
setting 5. Demonstrate chalkboard necessary
3. Serving of food different table summary correction
a. Waiting at table settings
b. Clearing after
4. Being a good
a. Response to
b. Table manners
5th Foods for special 1. Special The students should A chart showing Teacher should: Student should
occasion occasions; be able to: the deferent 1. Discuss foods for 1. Listen and
- Weddings 1. Identify foods occasions and special occasions participate in the
- Thanksgiving that are suitable accompanying and occasions of discussion
service for different dishes use 2. Ask and
- Birthdays occasions 2. Demonstrates the answering
- Naming 2. Identify preparation of question
ceremonies occasions that food for special
- Cocktails are special or occasions
- Buffet, etc observed in the
2. Special foods locality/country
- Fried Rice 3. Plan meals for
- Jollof rice special
- Pounded occasions
yam/Soup 4. Prepares and
- Moi-moi serve different
- Semovita/soup foods for special
3. Preparation of occasions
food for special
6th Beverages a. Non- The students should 1. Samples of some Teacher should: Student should
alcoholic be able to non-alcoholic 1. Lists alcoholic 1. Participate in
beverages 1. Identify and alcoholic and non-alcoholic the discussion
1. Identify types of types of beverages beverages 2. Observe the
beverages beverages 2. Some fruits for 2. Explains how to teachers
- Non alcoholic - Non alcoholic preparing fruit prepare different demonstration
- Alcoholic - Alcoholic juices as fruit juices and 3. Practice in
2. Explain the 3. Explain the nourishing drinks groups to
nutritive value nutritive value refreshing 3. Demonstrates how prepare fruit
of beverages of beverages, beverages to prepare coffee juice
3. Prepare juices and drinks using different 4. Gives a
beverages, for different methods chalkboard
juices and drinks occasions 4. Gives a summary
for different chalkboard
7th Rechauffe (left over 1. Meaning of The student should Cut out photographs’ Teacher should: Student should
cookery) “Rechauffe”. be able to: of displayed left 1. Leads discussion 1. participate in the
2. Left-over foods: 1. explain the over food on meaning of discussion
- Reheating or meaning of “Rechauffe” 2. observe the
warming of left “Rechauffe” - left over foods teachers’
- over foods 2. describe ways to - packaging and demonstration
3. use of left over use left over storage of left 3. Practice the
foods in making foods foods packaging of
new dishes 3. describe how to 2. demonstrates how some left over
- rechauffe of left over foods to prepare some foods.
meat 4. identify storage left over foods 4. Copy chalk
- rechauffe of facilities for left 3. supervises board summary.
vegetables over foods students’ practice 5. Student submit
- rechauffe of 4. gives a chalkboard notes for
other dishes summary correction
5. collects students
note for necessary
8th Nutritional needs of the 1. Nutritional The student should Food items, dishes, Teacher should: Student should
family needs of : be able to: cooking utensils, 1. Discusses: 1. Listen and
a. Infants and 1. Discuss the crockery, cutleries The participate in
children nutritional nutritionals discussion
b. Adolescents requirements of needs of 2. Plan simples
c. Adults different age different age and adequate
d. The aged groups in the groups meals for the
e. Pregnant and family. 2. Factors family.
lactating 2. State factors affecting meal
mothers. affecting meal planning.
2. Factors affecting planning.
meal planning.
9th Nutritional needs of the 1. Planning of 1. Plan simple Food items, dishes, Teacher should: Student should
family (contd) adequate diets adequate meals cooking utensils, 1. Assesses students’ 1. Interpret
2. Test to the family. crockery, cutleries, meal plan and practical test
interpretation 2. Interpret a practical test questions in
practical test questions. groups
assignment 2. Explains a 2. Carry out
3. Prepare and practical test practical lessons
serve meals question. in groups
3. Gives a
4. Teacher samples
dishes, displayed
allot marks for
work done.
10th Cultural food habits 1. Meaning of The students should Cut out of Teacher should: Student should
habits and be able to: photographs of 1. Guides the 1. Participate in
taboos 1. State the intercontinental discussion on the discussion.
2. Food habit meaning of dishes, posters, - Meaning of food 2. Ask and answer
-fads and food habits charts, etc habits questions
fallacies 2. Identify food - Food fads and 3. Copy chalk
-taboos habits fallacies board summary
3. Traditional 3. Discuss the - Traditional dishes.
dishes traditional 2. Gives a
-dishes from foods that chalkboard
different are summary
localities associated
4. Foreign with taboos
dishes in the
-Indian locality.
-Other African
11th Kitchen management 1. The kitchen- 1. Student should Chart showing the Teacher should: Student should
definition, be able to: picture of traditional 1. Guide the 1. Participate in
Type’s i.e. Identify and modern kitchen discussion on; the discussion
traditional and traditional and Identification of on kitchen
modern kitchen. modern kitchen traditional kitchen plans, selection,
2. Factors that 2. Use and care for and modern kitchen use and care of
influence the both the 2. Show the picture the kitchen
size of the traditional and of traditional and
kitchen. modern kitchen modern kitchen
3. Reasons for 3. Explain the 3. Demonstrate how
planning the factor that to arrange the
kitchen. influence the kitchen properly
4. Factors to size of the 4. Explain how to
consider when kitchen take care of the
planning the 4. Mention the kitchen
kitchen. reason for
planning the
12th Revision / Examination Revision Revision / Revision / Revision / Revision
/Examination Examination Examination Examination /Examination
13th Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/Recording
5th Flour Types of flour in Students should be Flours raising agents Explains the types of Participate in
mixtures cooking e.g whole able to discuss flavourings and flours in flour class discussion
wheat flour, all purpose types of flour colouring in flour mixtures 2. Asks and
flour, instant blending mixtures mixture 2. demonstrates how answer
flour etc 2. Identify raising to use different types questions
2. properties and agents used in flour of flour mixtures, 3. practice how
composition of flours, mixture cake, brend, etc to prepare
example of foods 3. describe how products from
produced from these each raising agent flour mixtures
flour types works in flour 4. Copy note
3. raising agents Air, mixtures from the chalk
Bakery powder, yeast, 4. discuss the basic board
palm wine steam etc. methods of
preparation flour
6th Flour Flour mixtures a. Students should be Flours raising agents Demonstrates how to 1. Participate in
Mixtures cakes, buns and sweets able to discuss the flavourings and use mix different class work
b. Pastries breads basic method of colouring in flour types of flour 2. ask and
2. Food Flavouring and preparing flour mixture mixtures cakes, answer
colouring in natural mixtures 2. baked product of bread etc. question
and artificial food 2. use standard flour mixture 2. describes the 3. practice
colouring materials measurements in natural and artificial using the
flour mixtures flavorings and saving labour
3. Decorate cake colouring displays devices
4. list food processes flours from 4. copy
flavoring and local food stuffs chalkboard
colours used in 3. Supervises the
flour mixture students work
7th Practical on Flour mixtures cake, Students should be Flour raising agent Demonstrate how to Practice how to
flour mixture pastry drug etc. from able to discuss flavoring and use mix different prepare
2. Flour from local food stuffs e.g methods of mixing colouring in flour types of flour mixture products from
local cassava flour, soya flour. mixture baked cakes, bread, etc. flour mixtures
foodstuff in bean flour, corn flour, 2. students should product of flour 2. Displays processes 2. Participate in
cookery etc be able to use mixture flours from local making local
standard foods stuffs. flour
measurement in 3. Supervises the
flour mixture students work
3. They should be 4. give chalkboard
able to bake bread summary
4. discuss the use of
local flour mixtures
in cookery
8th Food Study Types of eggs Students should be Diagram of the egg Displays the different Identify egg on
(a) Eggs 2. Nutritive valve of able to structure types of eggs. display
eggs i. identify different 2. different types of 2. explain nutritive 2. listen to the
3. factors to consider types of eggs egg sample e.g hens, value of eggs in teacher
when choosing eggs ii. discuss the ducks, turkey quall cookery 3. Ask and
and test for freshness nutritive valve of and guinea fowls 3. demonstrates how answer
4. uses of eggs in eggs eggs. to test for egg questions.
cookery iii. tests for and freshness 4. draw the
choose fresh eggs 4. demonstrates structure of an
iv. prepare, cook methods of cooking egg
and serve eggs eggs. 5. practice how
v. state uses of eggs 5. give chalkboard to test for egg
in cookery summary freshness
6. cooking
some eggs in
7. Write
summary on
their note book
9th Milk and Definition and types of Students should be Sample of milk and Explains the nutritive Students ask
Milk Products milk, able to discuss the milk products value of milk and and answer
2. nutritive valve of nutritive value of 2. chart with labeled milk products. question.
milk and milk products milk and milk milk and milk 2. discusses the 2. participate in
3. types of milk e.g products products various types of milk the preparation
Animal types e.g fresh 2. discuss the - animal and plant of the milk
pasteurized various types of types. products
homogenized, sterilized milk 3. demonstrate how
Evaporated condensed, 3. list milk products to make: Wara,
dry powered 4. state the uses of yoghurt, ice cream
- Cultured: “Non o” milk
-Plant milk source
-Types of milk
products- wara “local
cheese” uses of milk
10th Sea food Types of fist in local The students should Chart showing Explains the different Participate in
and sea waters be able to list types different types of sea types of sea foods the the lesson
2. Nutritive value of of fish found in foods 2. discusses the discussion
sea foods local and sea water 2. sample of any nutritional valve of 2. ask and
3. classes of sea food 2. discuss the available sea foods sea food answer
sea food nutritional value of 3 demonstrate sea questions
-finfish learn and fat sea foods prepare food cookery by 3. practice
-shell fish-oysters some meals using grilling, bakery frying cookery some
inollusks some sea foods etc. sea foods in
4. cookery methods 4. supervises students groups
bakery, grilling practice
poaching, frying and
stewing etc
11th Revision of Revision of Work Revision of Work Revision of Work Revision of Work Revision of
work Work
12th Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
13th Marking/ Marking/ Recording Marking/ Marking/ Recording Marking/ Recording Marking/
Recording Recording Recording
5th Storage of 1. Bulk purchase Student should be A chart showing 1. guide the 1. participate in
buying and - The shopping list able to prepare a perishable and non discussion on discussion
storage of - Market survey shopping list perishable food - bulk purchase 2. ask and
food stuff - cost analysis 3. explain the foods answer
2. storage of food factors to - Factors question
- perishable food consider when affecting foods 3. observe the
- non perishable food selecting the selection teachingdem
3. factors affecting food for storage 2. explain how to onstration
food selection 4. identify use storage 4. prepare some
4. storage equipment perishable food equipment foods stuff
item 3. demonstrate how for storage
5. important of to store some
buying food in food stuff 5. copy chalk
bulk 4. gives a board
6. explain the chalkboard summary
meaning of summary
shopping list
6th Nutritional 1. nutritional need of Student should be Food items, dishes, 1. discusses the 1. listen and
need of the -. Infants and able to discuss the cooking utensils, nutritional need participate in
family children nutritional crockery cutleries of the different discussion
- adolescent requirement of age group 2. plan simple
- Adult different age group 2. factor affecting and adequate
-Agents in the family meal planning meal for the
- Pregnant woman 2. state factor 3. plan a single and family
- lactating mother affecting meal adequate meal 3. ask and
planning for a family answer
4. give a chalk question
summary 4. copy
7th Meal 1. Factor affecting The student should Food items, dishes, 1. Plan a simple 1. Listen and
planning meal planning be able to state cooking utensils, adequate meal participate
2. Planning of factor affecting crockery cutleries for a family in discussion
adequate diet meal planning 2. Access student 2. Plan simple
3. Test 2. Plan simple meal meal plan and and adequate
interpretation for the family practical test meals for the
3. Interpret a 3. Explains a family
practical test practical test 3. Interpret
assignment question practical test
4. Prepared and 4. Give a questions in
serve meal chalkboard groups
summary 4. Carry out
5. Teacher samples practical
dishes, displayed lessons in
allocate mark group
work done.
8th Special diet 1. meaning of The student should Chat showing diet 1. Explain the terms 1. Listen and
- vegetarian be able to define the for special needs - Vegetarians, participate in
- invalid terms invalid, class and
- overweight - Vegetarians, convalescent, discussion
- underweight invalid, overweight, and 2. Ask and
- HIV/AIDS convalescent, HIV/AIDS answer
2. Vegetarian diet overweight, and 2. Discuss the question
- Strict vegetarian HIV/AIDS differences 3. Copy
- Lacto-vegetarian 2. different between type of chalkboard
- Lacto-ovo- between the vegetarians summary
3. different types of 3. give a chalkboard
vegetarians summary
3. Plan adequate
vegetarian diets that
meet nutritionally
9th Nutritional 1. Invalid, The student should Charts showing diets Plan a day diet for 1. Listen and
needs convalescent, diet be able to plan for special needs the following: participate in
according to 2. diets for person nutritionally - Invalid discussion
physiological suffering from: balance diet for the - Convalescent 2. Ask and
condition - Fever and infection invalid - HIV/AIDS answer
- HIV and AIDS 2. plan person questions
- Over weight nutritionally - Over weight 3. Plan a
- Underweight adequate diet - Under weight nutritionally
1. for person - Person with fever adequate die
suffering and infection for person
from 3. Summary on suffering
- fever and chalkboard from fever
infection and infection
- HIV and AIDS 4. Copy from
- Overweight and chalkboard
10th Cultural food 1. Meaning of food The student should Cut out photographs 1. Guides the 1. participate in
Habit habit and taboos be able to: of intercontinental discussion on the
2. Food habit 1. State the dishes, posters, - meaning of food discussion
- Fads and fallacies meaning of food charts etc habits 2. ask and
- Taboos habits - food fads and answer
3. Traditional dishes 2. Identify food fallacies question
from different habits - traditional dishes 3. copy
localities 3. Discuss the - foreign dishes chalkboard
4. Foreign dishes traditional foods 2. gives a summary
- Indian that are chalkboard
- Europe associated with summary
- Chinese taboos in their 3. collects note
- American locality books for
- Other African necessary
countries correction
11th Traditional 1. Traditional dishes The student should Cut out photographs 1. Guide the 5. participate in
and foreign - Dishes from be able to of traditional dishes discussion on the
dishes different locality 1. Discuss and intercontinental traditional and discussion
Foreign dishes different ethnic dishes foreign dishes 6. ask and
- Indian group dishes 2. State foreign answer
- Europe 2. Traditional dishes and question
- Chinese dishes in our traditional dishes copy chalkboard
- American locality e.g summary
- Japanese 3. Foreign dishes Yoruba
:ewedu/gbegiri soup
and amala
Igbo :- ofe onugbu
(bitter leaf soup) and
3. Foreign dishes:
European dishes:
Roast chicken with
bread sauce
Chinese dishes:
Fried rice with curry
Japanese dishes:
Chicken sauce
4. The teacher gives
a chalkboard
12th Revision/ Revision/Examination Revision/ Revision/ Revision/ Revision/
Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
13th Marking/ Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/Recording Marking/
Recording Recording