DLL - Mapeh 3 - Q1 - W9

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School: Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by Ma’am GENALYN O. REYES Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JULY 30 - AUGUST 3, 2018 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding
the importance of nutritional importance of nutritional guidelines the importance of nutritional the importance of nutritional of the importance of
guidelines and balanced diet in and balanced diet in good nutrition guidelines and balanced diet in guidelines and balanced diet in nutritional guidelines and
good nutrition and health and health good nutrition and health good nutrition and health balanced diet in good
nutrition and health
B.Performance Standards Consistently demonstrates good Consistently demonstrates good Consistently demonstrates good Consistently demonstrates good Consistently demonstrates
decision-making skills in making decision-making skills in making decision-making skills in making decision-making skills in making good decision-making skills in
food choices food choices food choices food choices making food choices
C.Learning H3N-II-17 H3N-Ij-18 H3N-Ij-19 H3N-Ij-20 H3N-Ij-21
Competencies/Objectives Discuss the different nutrition Realizes the importance of Describes ways of maintaining Evaluates ones's lifestyle Adopts habits for a healthier
Write the LC code for each guidelines following nutritional guidelines healthy lifestyle lifestyle
II.CONTENT Identufy nutritional problems- Identify the nutritional guidelines 1 Identify the different guidelines Discuss ways on how to keep food
overnutrition and 4 for Filipinos 3,5,7 and 8 for Filipinos safe and clean Adopt habits for healthy
Form of malnutrition lifestyle
1.Teacher's Guide pages Pp 367-368 Pp 369-371 Pp 372-374 Pp 375-376 Pp 377-378
2.Learner's materials pages Pp 423-424 Pp 425-426 Pp 427-430 Pp 431-434 Pp 435-438
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from powerpoint chart powerpoint Chart
learning resources(LR)portal Show board
B.Other Learning Resources Chart/picture Real pictures of foods Charts/pictures flashcards
A.Reviewing previous What is obesity? What is your favorite food? Let us sing a song What are the examples of POST
lesson or presenting the Row,row.row your boat nutritious foods? TEST
new lesson
B.Establishing a purpose for Read a letter aloud Show the illustration Instruct the pupils to turn to LM Sing a song
the lesson
C.Presenting Answer the questions orally after What is your favorite food for Look for nutritious foods found What is the message of the song?
examples/Instances of the each story breakfast,lunch and dinner? in the puzzle Original File Submitted and
new lesson Formatted by DepEd Club Member
- visit depedclub.com for more
D.Discussing new concepts Activity 2:Getapiece of paper and Draw your favorite dishes on each Identify your food that you Turn to activity 1 on LM
ang practicing new skills # 1 draw.. plate found?
E.Discussing new concepts Is it okay to eat food as much as we Are your favorite meals healthy? What kinds of foods are these? Observe the pictures
and practicing new skills #2 want?
F.Developing mastery What will happen if we eat food Recall about forms of malnutrition What do they give the body? What's wrong with the things in
(Leads to formative more than the righr amount? the picture?
assessment 3)
G.Finding practical Do you think it was the reason why Draw a big pyramid on the board… Why do we need to eat more What can we get from eating in
applications of concepts the friend in the letter became fat? vegetables,fruits,and root dirty places?
and skills in daily living crops?
H.Making generalizations Answer Let's Remember on LM Why do we need to follow the food Complete the sentence… What are the ways to have clean
and abstractions about the pyramid? and safe food?
I.Evaluating learning Answer Let's Check o LM Answer Let's Chech on LM Answer Let's Chech on LM Answer activity.Let's Check! On
J.Additional activities for Answer the ff. questions Createyour own menu Draw different nutritious foods Why do we need to eat clean and
application or remediation safe food?

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