Lesson Plan On Determinants of Health

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2min 1. Discussion Answering Blackboar
i. Introduction and d
ii. Announcement of the topic questionin
3min Students 2. MIDDLE PART Listening PowerPoi
will be i. Determinants of health Explaining nt
able to  social and economic containin
enlist environment g
different  physical environment determin
determin  Individual characteristics ants of
ants of and behaviors health
5min Describe ii. Food diversity and effect on Describing Answering PowerPoi How
dietary health with and nt fruits
pattern Effect of following things: examples listening containin and
,food I. Fruits and vegetables and asking g effect of vegetabl
diversity II. Fats questions food es
and effect III. Alcohol and micronutrient diversity reduce
on health Healthy Diet health
5min Explain ii. Factors affecting dietary Discussion Participati Chart
the pattern ng in containin
factors 1 .Cultural Factor discussion g factors
affecting 2. Psychological factor Power
dietary 3. Food additives point
pattern 4. Eating habits containin
and 5. Education g
strategies Strategies strategies
for a.Maintain a balance between for
healthy calorie intake healthy
eating and calorie expenditure eating
b.Eat a variety of foods.
c.Limit sugary foods, salts, ad
refined grain products.
d.Add regular physical activity and
exercise to make the eating plan
healthy and better.
e.Take tie to chew food slowly, it
helps in proper digestion
Stop eating, when you feel full
5 min List out iii.Food & water borne diseases Asking Answering Powerpoi What
the food Microorganisms such as question nt are the
and water salmonella, campylobacter, E. containin major
borne coli , listeria, cholera, Viruses such g food food and
diseases as hepatitis A, and parasites such and water
and as trichomonosis in pigs and cattle waterbor borne
preventiv cause diseases like cholera, food ne diseases
e poisoning, cholera, hepatitis etc. diseases ?
measures Prevention and
Use good environmental practices, preventio
Practice good personal hygiene. n
Use of safe drinking water
5min Students iv.Recreation Explaining Listening Power What
will be Recreation has physical, mental, point are the
able to and social benefits to human containin limitatio
explain beings like: g benefits ns of
the  provides people a sense of and recreati
benefits identity and personal limitation on?
and autonomy. of
limitation  It improves physical and recreation
of mental health as well as
recreatio social well being.
n  It adds meaning to
individual and community
 It encourages personal
growth by self-expression.
 It satisfies the needs of
a.Excessive watching of TV and
playing video game leads to
b.Excess playing and physical
exercise may cause
musculoskeletal problems
c.It may divert attention
Students Benefits of Healthy Sex Life
5min will be  According to Dr. Michael Discussion Participati Powerpoi
able to sexual activity is a form of ng in nt
describe physical exercise in which discussion containin
the a large amount of calories g benefits
benefits burn. and
of healthy  The amount of oxygen in effects of
sex life the cells is raised which sex life
and helps the organs and
effects of tissues to function at their
unhealthy optimum level.
sex life  It increases the
production of
testosterone in men.
 It lowers the level of
cholesterol in body.
 Regular ejaculation helps
to wash out buildup fluid
within the gland
 It also reduces stress level.
 It increases level of
bonding hormone
 In women it increases
estrogen level which
protects heart.

vi. Effect of unhealthy sex life on Can you

5min Describe health Explaining Active PowerPoi enlist
the a. Stress listening nt some
effects of b. Low sexual desire containin effects
unhealthy c. Affected partner relationship g effects of
sex life on d. Recreation unhealth
health y sex
10mi List out SLEEP Discussion Participati Handouts
n some The National Heart, Lung and ng in containin
ideas Blood Institute recommends at discussion g points
to least 11-12 hours for preschool- to
improve aged children, 10 hours for school- improve
ecosyste aged children, 9-10 hours for sleep
m health teens and 7-8 hours for adults.
equilibriu To improve quality of sleep the
m following points are considered:
 Don’t take stimulants such
as coffee, drugs, and rich
spicy food
 Don’t drink alcohol to
induce the sleep.
 Have a regular sleep and
wake schedule.
 Don’t go to bed either
empty or full stomach.
 Adopt ways to relax
yourself before going to
 Maintain comfortable
temperature of sleeping
 Don’t cover the head
while sleeping.
 Wear comfortable and
light dress during sleeping.
5min Students viii. Signs of sleep deprivation and Explaining Listening Power What
will be effect on body point are the
able to a. excessive sleepiness containin signs of
enlist b. yawning g signs of Sleep
effect of c. irritability sleep deprivati
sleep d. daytime fatigue deprivatio on?
deprivati Effect on health(system wise) n
on on 1.Central nervous system
health 2.Respiratory system
3.Digestive System
4.Cardiovascular system
5.Endocrine System

5min 3. END PART What is

i. Summarization Discussion Participati the
ng in importa
ii. Feed back Asking discussion nce of
question recreati
and giving Answering on on
assignmen health?
iii. Conclusion t


1. Dash Bijayalaxmi, A comprehensive text book of Community Health Nursing”, Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publisher, 1st Edition (2017), Pp-266-270

3. Kuamri Neelam, “ A Text book of Community Health Nursing”, PV Publishers,4th Edition, Pp-198-



1. https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Determinants-
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27146890

SUBJECT: Community Health Nursing-I

TOPIC: Determinants of Health (Dietary pattern, recreation, Sexual life, Sleep)

GROUP: 2nd yr B..Sc.. Nursing students


VENUE: B.Sc. 2nd year class room


METHOD OF TEACHING: Lecture cum discussion

A.V.AIDS: Black board, Chart, Power point, Hand outs


NAME OF THE TEACHER: Mrs. Puspanjali Mahapatra

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the class the student will be able to acquire knowledge regarding
determinants of health(dietary pattern, recreation, sexual life, sleep)

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