WEEK 22 - Unit 7 - Growing Up
WEEK 22 - Unit 7 - Growing Up
WEEK 22 - Unit 7 - Growing Up
60 minutes Language Year
CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Recognise and reproduce 2.1 Communicate simple information
target language sounds intelligibly
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils do p.72, Activity 1. Follow instructions in Teacher’s Book p.86 Exercise 1.Ask: Which adjective is
similar to short? (small) Which is similar to slim? (thin)
3. Pupils do Activity 2, CD2.21. Follow the instructions in Teacher’s Book p.86 Exercise 2. Pupils should
practise saying their sentences to a partner. Make sure pupils say factual, positive descriptions about
ACTIVITIES themselves.
4. Explain that pupils are going to listen for words with long sounds. Pupils do Activity 3, CD2.22. Follow
instructions in Teacher’s Book p.87 Exercise 3. Write on board: ‘hear’, ‘loud’, ‘square’, ‘white’. Pupils
identify sound and say number 1–4.
5. Write on board ‘Spot the mistake’. Pupils use sentences they wrote about themselves in Activity 2 but
change two adjectives. They write them on paper and put their name on the back. Collect sentences and put in
a container. Take one out, say the name of the pupil and read description to class. Pupils put up their hands if
they spot the mistake. Choose pupils to say the mistakes then ask the pupil who wrote the sentences if they’re
right or wrong.
6. Do “Make a word ladder” to review new vocabulary to describe people.
Describing people ; height and build :
Average build , average height , overweight , short , slim , tall
VOCABULARY Hair : bald , black , blonde , curly , dark brown , light brown , grey , long , red , short , spiky , straight
Face and eyes : blue , brown , green , brey , round , square , thin
Other features : beard , glasses , moustache , sunglasses
LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Nouns: moustache,beard, height
FOCUS Adjectives: round, short, average, slim
VALUE respect PAK21 TOOLS I-think Map
CCE Language ICT
Student’s Book Activities 1-3 p.72
Teacher’s Book p. 86-87
PERFORMANCE LEVEL Level 3 - Satisfactory ability
Describing Teacher uses pictures description based on the topic learnt today .
Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
REFLECTION Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
60 minutes Language Year
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils able to talk about how to describe people at least in 5 words independently.
Lesson delivery
2. Tell pupils they are going to describe an avatar. First, they brainstorm vocabulary then draw a stick figure and
write adjectives and nouns around it. Pupils do p.72, Activity 4.
3. Pupils look at Key Phrases on p.73. Read them aloud. Ask: Which phrase tells us the speaker is positive? (I’m
ACTIVITIES sure). Which phrases show the speaker isn’t positive? (I’m not sure, Maybe/Perhaps).
4. Display drawings of avatars on wall and write a number on each drawing. Put pupils in two teams A and B. Give
instructions. Look at the drawings. Think about how to describe them. One pupil from team A describes an avatar
aloud. One pupil from team B identifies it. Say the number on drawing and use a Key Phrase to give the answer. If
correct, your team gets a point. If your English is good, your team gets a second point. Repeat so that teams have 5 or
6 turns each. Which team identified most avatars? Which team had the most accurate English?
5. Use “Test My Friend” to review vocabulary for describing people.
Describing people ; height and build :
Average build , average height , overweight , short , slim , tall
VOCABULARY Hair : bald , black , blonde , curly , dark brown , light brown , grey , long , red , short , spiky , straight
Face and eyes : blue , brown , green , brey , round , square , thin
Other features : beard , glasses , moustache , sunglasses
LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Nouns: moustache,beard, height
FOCUS Adjectives: round, short, average, slim
VALUE self-confidence PAK21 TOOLS Round robin
CCE Language Creativity and Inovation
Student’s Book Activity 4 p.72-73
Teacher’s Book p.87
PERFORMANCE LEVEL Level 3 - Satisfactory ability
Group Teacher uses group discussion as the assessment based on the topic learnt today .
Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
REFLECTION Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
HOMEWORK Choose an item. Page
60 minutes Language Year
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils able to read and know how to describe people at least in 5 words independently.
Lesson delivery
2. Show a few photos of Malaysian celebrities on the board. Write: ‘Who is it?’. Pupils read p.73 Key Phrases again.
Choose pupils to read them aloud. Pupils in pairs say one phrase each when they guess who is in the photo. Ask who
thinks they know the celebrity. Find out how many used each phrase with a show of hands.
3. Pupils in mixed-ability pairs do Activity 7, Use It!. Point out the second speech bubble has two key phrases. Do 1
as example. Explain that ‘now’ and ‘in real life’ help to identify the actor in the photos. Follow instructions in
ACTIVITIES Teacher’s Book p.87 Exercise 7.
4. Ask: Which words helped you to name the famous people? e.g. 3) glasses in real life, 5) bald now, 8) straight and
blonde. Elicit ideas about what would help to answer numbers 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 .Now her hair is long and white, 2) In
real life his hair is very short but not spiky, 4) Now he’s got short spiky hair, 6) Now it’s long, curly and blonde, 7) In
real life it’s black, long and quite curly.
5. Pupils in pairs look at Activity 5 p.61. They choose one child in the drawings and take turns to describe him or her.
Partner guesses using Key Phrases on p.73.
6. Pupils do activity “Make Connections”. Use the small photos of actors and body vocabulary on p.72 and 73 e.g.
Madonna and Lady Gaga have long hair.
Describing people ; height and build :
Average build , average height , overweight , short , slim , tall
VOCABULARY Hair : bald , black , blonde , curly , dark brown , light brown , grey , long , red , short , spiky , straight
Face and eyes : blue , brown , green , brey , round , square , thin
Other features : beard , glasses , moustache , sunglasses
FOCUS Adjectives: curly, cute, bald, blonde, spiky
VALUE self-confidence PAK21 TOOLS Timed pair share
CCE Language Values
Student’s Book Activity 7 p. 73 and p.61
TEACHING AIDS Teacher’s Book p.87
A few photos of Malaysian celebrities to show on board for pupils to identify
PERFORMANCE LEVEL Level 3 - Satisfactory ability
ASSESSMENT Presentation Teacher uses presentation as the assessment based on the topic learnt today .
Attendance :
/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).
Strength of the lesson :
Weaknesses of the lesson
Lesson is postponed due to :
Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )
Course Other :
60 minutes Language Year
By the end of the lesson, pupils able to write about situations and events in the past at least in 5 words in a sentence
independently and a paragraph with little guidance .
21ST CENTURY SKILLS Communication Information Social
STRATEGIES Strategy 6 : Differentiate by thetypes of question asked
1.Write on board: He had long hair. She had curly hair. Ask: Who had long hair in the films? Who had red curly hair? Pupils
look at photos a–h p.72–73 to check.
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils do p.75 Activity 5. Follow instructions in Teacher’s Book p.89 Exercise 5.
3. Write on board: ‘Harry Potter’. Pupils put hands up if they know the name. Explain they’re going to read a short story
about the actor who was Harry Potter in the films. Follow instructions in Teacher’s Book p.89 Exercise 6. Check pupils
understand the meaning of ‘tutor’. Ask: How many paragraphs did you read? Did you enjoy them?
ACTIVITIES 4. Explain pupils are going to write sentences that tell a story about them. Pupils do Activity 7. Tell them to write ‘I’ at the
start of each sentence and the past tense of the verb, or ‘didn’t’ and the verb. Do number 1 as an example. When finished,
they compare orally with a partner using words in speech bubbles in Activity 8, Use It!. Choose pairs of pupils to say
5. Tell pupils they’re going to write a story about what they did last weekend. Pupils do finished?. They can use the verbs in
Activity 7 and they can also imagine some things they did. Follow instructions in Teacher’s Book p.89, finished?.
6. Pupils in small groups read their story to the others. They find out if anyone did same things and guess which things were
imagined. Choose a pupil from each group to say which pupils in their group did something the same and what it was.
Describing people ; height and build :
Average build , average height , overweight , short , slim , tall
VOCABULARY Hair : bald , black , blonde , curly , dark brown , light brown , grey , long , red , short , spiky , straight
Face and eyes : blue , brown , green , brey , round , square , thin
Other features : beard , glasses , moustache , sunglasses
LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Simple past tense
FOCUS Affirmative and negative : e.g. had/didn’t have
VALUE self-confidence PAK21 TOOLS I-think Map
CCE Language Values
Lesson delivery
2. Teacher goes through with the cover and the blurb with the pupils. Teacher brainstorms pupils’ ideas
about the book.
3. Put pupils into smaller group and each group does a group reading from page 6 to page 13.
ACTIVITIES 4. Each group has to choose one panel that they think is impossible to happen in real world and why
(e.g. Panel 3 page 10 – we don’t have a tiny person in the real world).
5. Each group shares their selection and reasons through 1 Stay 3 Stray activity.
6. Teacher repeats Step 3 to Step 5 and this time around, each group has to figure out the reasons why
Gulliver has a comb, silver coin and a watch in his pocket (e.g He has ______ because _____). Accept
any possible answers.
7. Each pupil has to choose a single thing that they want to put in their pocket when they travel to a
foreign land.
VOCABULARY have/don’t
FOCUS have/reasoning
VALUE self-confidence PAK21 TOOLS Think pair share
CCE Language Creativity and imagination