Teacher's Resource File

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The document discusses an English language teaching project called High Five 5, which aims to consolidate learning from previous grades and operationalize the curriculum goals for 5th grade.

High Five 5 is a project conceived for 5th grade students who have already taken English in 3rd and 4th grade. It aims to consolidate learning from the 1st cycle of basic education and operationalize the domains, objectives and performance descriptors established in the English Curriculum Goals for 5th grade.

The project includes a Student's Book organized in 7 units, teacher support materials, diagnostic tests, and listening tests. It also provides regular support materials for teachers.


Resource File

Introduction  *FNFOT
„ High Five 5 – project presentation „ 5JTFOJOHTFT
„ Fun pack – teacher’s notes – 6 Listening tests (1 per unit)
„ Passport•BOWFSLF (2 per unit – two levels of difficulty)



Envio regular de materiais para
todos os momentos de avaliação,
ao longo da vigência do projeto
Apresentação do projeto
High Five 5 é um projeto concebido para os alunos que frequentam o 5.º ano
de escolaridade e que já frequentaram a disciplina de Inglês nos 3.º e 4.º anos.
Deste modo, pretende, em primeiro lugar, garantir a consolidação de aprendizagenss
que foram trabalhadas no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Em segundo lugar, o projeto
pretende operacionalizar, de forma exequível, os domínios, objetivos e descritores de desempenho
previstos nas Metas Curriculares de Inglês (MC) para o 5.º ano, que foram definidas tendo como
referência os níveis de proficiência do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas,
nomeadamente o nível A1+ para o 5.º ano de escolaridade.
High Five 5 surgiu da necessidade de desenvolver um conjunto de materiais didáticos
que fossem ao encontro das necessidades dos professores, tendo em conta a cada vez
maior heterogeneidade das turmas e a construção de uma competência global de
comunicação em inglês por parte dos alunos.
High Five 5 é ainda um projeto que apresenta uma vasta quantidade e diversidade de
instrumentos de apoio aos professores, para os diversos momentos da prática letiva: preparação,
organização das suas aulas e do processo de ensino/aprendizagem, adequação das estratégias
às características específicas dos alunos (conhecimentos, ritmos de aprendizagem, interesses e

Componentes do projeto
.: Para o aluno
Student’s Book
O manual está organizado em sete unidades.
• Unit 0 – Remember! • Unit 4 – What’s for lunch?
• Unit 1 – My ID • Unit 5 – Wake me up!
• Unit 2 – Look at me! • Unit 6 – It’s fun time!
• Unit 3 – Home, sweet home!
Todas as unidades começam com a indicação What’s in this unit?, onde estão elencados
os conteúdos/temas que serão trabalhados. Cada unidade contempla ainda, em banda la-
teral exclusiva do professor, indicação dos descritores das Metas Curriculares, incluindo
referência às Metas Curriculares dos 3o. e 4.o anos e que deverão ser retomadas (Recycled
As unidades desenvolvem-se em torno das seguintes rubricas:
• Vocabulary – Apresentação do vocabulário, com o apoio de imagens, acompanhada de
exercícios listen and repeat, que visam facilitar a interiorização dos tópicos trabalha-
dos (através da sua audição/repetição) e, por conseguinte, alargar o repertório linguís-
tico dos alunos.
• Listen and read – Os textos apresentam, com regularidade, personagens conhecidas
dos alunos – desportistas, cantores, atores ou cartoons –, com o intuito de lhes despertar
curiosidade e interesse. Outros têm uma forte componente cultural. Através deles, os alu-
nos conhecerão melhor aspetos da cultura dos English-speaking countries, relacionados
com os tópicos em estudo. Os textos estão locucionados por falantes nativos e dispõem
© ASA • High Five 5

de uma versão digital animada, na componente multimédia do projeto. Além de textos de

tipologia diversa, incluem-se nesta rubrica canções (também disponíveis em versão
karaoke), que resultam da adaptação das letras de músicas do agrado dos alunos aos
conteúdos trabalhados e ao grau de dificuldade. Todas as letras são por isso originais e
visam o reforço do vocabulário e a motivação dos alunos para a aprendizagem.

• Listen – Dado que os alunos deste nível de ensino necessitam de desenvolver a cons-
ciência fonética e linguística, esta rubrica apresenta situações de compreensão do oral,
em suporte áudio, locucionadas por falantes nativos, e sem a presença do texto escrito;
estas atividades estão acompanhadas de exercícios de compreensão de resposta fechada.

• Say it right – Esta rubrica permite que os alunos aprendam a distinguir e a reproduzir
sons que não existem em português, conforme previsto nas metas de Spoken production
(audição e articulação dos fonemas e associação de palavras a esses fonemas).

• Speak – Atividades de produção/interação oral guiadas, que desenvolvem de forma efeti-

va a capacidade de comunicar oralmente. Ao longo de todas as unidades, estas atividades
apresentam, em primeiro lugar, modelos dos textos orais – fornecidos em Take a look! –,
que os alunos poderão depois usar como referência mediante as instruções sugeridas em
Now you!

• Watch and learn – Esta rubrica proporciona o contacto com pequenos trailers de filmes
e excertos de vídeos adequados à faixa etária os alunos. Do visionamento dos vídeos
decorrem propostas de atividades de compreensão oral de tipologia variada.

• Everyday Talk – Esta rubrica de Spoken interaction está focada em situações do quo-
tidiano. Pretende-se, portanto, a consolidação de vocabulário e estruturas de língua, úteis
aquando da utilização da língua inglesa em contexto real. Todas as atividades apresen-
tam um modelo step by step (Take a look!) – com highlights em expressões úteis – para que
todos os alunos consigam concretizar a tarefa, proposta em Now you! O role-play, propria-
mente dito, está apoiado em diagramas e esquemas que auxiliam os alunos na interação.

• Write – Promove-se nesta rubrica a escrita, fornecendo-se um modelo step by step (Take
a look!), para que o aluno possa depois redigir o seu texto, usando as suas palavras e
ideias, com o apoio de caixas, diagramas e expressões úteis – Now you!

• Grammar – Os conteúdos gramaticais são abordados a partir de exemplos contextua-

lizados e de sínteses claras e sucintas. Esta rubrica é complementada por animações,
disponíveis em 20 Aula Digital. Após a explicação de cada conteúdo, surgem exercícios
organizados por grau de dificuldade e de tipologia diversificada.

• Keep in Mind! – Caixas com chamadas de atenção para determinadas estruturas

lexicais e/ou gramaticais (linguísticas) que os alunos deverão recordar e/ou aprofundar e
que poderão copiar para o caderno diário.

• Guess what – Rubrica referente a aspetos culturais e geográficos dos English-speaking

countries. Esta rubrica surge frequentemente associada ao Passport.

• Think twice – Esta rubrica promove o desenvolvimento do espírito crítico e a consciên-

cia social, conduzindo os alunos a uma reflexão acerca de temáticas socioculturais.

• Have fun – Momento lúdico com adivinhas, anedotas ou charadas a propósito das temá-
ticas trabalhadas.

• Self-check – Teste de autoavaliação. No final, o aluno poderá preencher uma grelha

de verificação das aprendizagens e poderá colar um autocolante High Five!
© ASA • High Five 5

• Speedy me … – Esta é uma secção para fast finishers, para a qual vão sendo
feitas remissões ao longo das unidades. Esta secção, de dupla página, apresenta um con-
junto de atividades extra para que os alunos mais rápidos possam manter-se ocupados e
motivados para a aprendizagem. As soluções surgem invertidas, para permitir um trabalho
autónomo por parte dos alunos.

O Manual inclui ainda os seguintes anexos:
• Extensive reading – Adaptação (retold) da obra James and the Giant Peach, de Roald
Dahl, acompanhada de exercícios de análise textual organizados em Before You Read,
I Understand, After You Read.
• Vocabulary bank – Glossário ilustrado (com apresentação dos termos em inglês
e português), organizado por unidades. Este material é complementado pelo Interactive
vocabulary bank ( ), que apresenta as palavras em suporte áudio, para que
os alunos possam treinar a pronúncia de forma autónoma.
• Grammar bank – Secção que apresenta a explicação das regras gramaticais em por-
tuguês. Constitui-se como um instrumento de estudo e de preparação para os momentos
de avaliação.
• It’s time to celebrate… – Nesta secção abordam-se algumas das festividades típicas dos
English-speaking countries, com proposta de exercícios lúdicos de alargamento vocabular.
Apresenta, também, uma página com Crazy celebrations, para que os alunos se divirtam
com algumas efemérides (improváveis) celebradas nos Estados Unidos da América.
Num formato idêntico ao de um passaporte, este pequeno caderno propõe ao aluno uma
viagem por alguns English-speaking countries. São aqui apresentadas informações culturais
e geográficas, bem como curiosidades. Em seguida, surgem curtas atividades lúdicas de
verificação das aprendizagens. No final de cada “viagem”, os alunos poderão colar os auto-
colantes da bandeira do país abordado e “viajar” para o destino seguinte.
Fichas de trabalho para reforço do Vocabulário, da Leitura e da Gramática, que poderão ser
realizadas como trabalho de casa. Para cada uma das fichas deste caderno surge a remissão
ao longo das unidades do Manual.
Este componente promove o trabalho autónomo do aluno, dentro e/ou fora da sala de aula, e
apresenta um conjunto diversificado de exercícios de reforço de vocabulário e de gramática.
Tendo sido concebido em direta articulação com o Manual, o Workbook está igualmente
estruturado em 7 unidades. No final de cada unidade, surge um teste, complementar ao do
Manual, que inclui também um grupo de expressão escrita. O Workbook inclui, ainda, uma
secção de Fun activities.
No final, as soluções (destacáveis) permitem ao professor e aos encarregados de educação
uma mais fácil gestão da sua apresentação aos alunos.
Esta publicação inclui ainda bookmarks destacáveis, úteis para o estudo dos conteúdos
gramaticais e lexicais abordados em cada unidade.

.: Para o professor
Manual (Edição do Professor)
• Indicação dos descritores das Metas Curriculares de 5.o ano, em articulação com as
metas curriculares de 3.o e 4.o anos (Recycled language).
• Listagem dos recursos disponíveis no projeto: por exemplo, no início de cada unidade,
© ASA • High Five 5

sugere-se a exploração de Interactive board game, para revisão dos conteúdos lecionados
em anos anteriores; no final das unidades 2, 4 e 6, apresenta-se sugestão de exploração
do jogo interativo It’s quiz time!, para treino de vocabulário e estruturas de língua leciona-
das nas várias unidades; ao longo do Manual, vão surgindo outras atividades para explorar
os diversos recursos.

• Soluções dos exercícios.
• Sugestões metodológicas, nomeadamente para a dinamização de jogos que podem ser
realizados no início da aula, como ice breakers, ou no final da aula, a título de consolidação:
> jogos de mímica;
> jogos de repetição (com base na audição de palavras-chave);
> disappearing sentences, para consciencialização de estruturas gramaticais / linguísticas;
> jogos de treino de atenção/concentração, de apoio à realização de determinadas tarefas;
> jogos de bingo;
> jogos de guessing;
> jogos de associação de imagem/palavra;
> nas sugestões metodológicas: propostas de exploração dos flashcards e dos posters.

Teacher’s Resource File* *Totalmente editável em 20 aula digital.

Este dossiê contém um amplo conjunto de materiais ready-to-use e fotocopiáveis:

• jogos Hide and Speak e Mad Libs;
• 17 fichas de revisão de conteúdos trabalhados nos 3.o e 4.o anos;
• 19 fichas para aulas de apoio ao estudo (ou aulas de substituição);
• 30 fichas diferenciadas para alunos com NEE (vocabulário e gramática);
• 21 fichas diferenciadas para alunos com CEI;
• 6 fichas de articulação interdisciplinar;
• 8 fichas extra de celebrações;
• 24 fichas extra de gramática (disponíveis em dois graus de dificuldade);
• 14 fichas extra de vocabulário (disponíveis em dois graus de dificuldade);
• 21 atividades de speaking;
• Avaliação
> 2 testes de diagnóstico – com dois graus de dificuldade (B mais fácil);
> 7 testes de listening;
> 12 testes de avaliação – 2 por unidade e com dois graus de dificuldade (B mais fácil);
> matrizes e grelhas de classificação dos testes e transcripts dos ficheiros áudio.

Planning* *Totalmente editável em 20 aula digital.

• Planificação anual (versão para carga letiva de 3 aulas semanais e de 2 aulas semanais);
planificação com articulação com as metas dos 3.o e 4.o anos.
• Planificações periódicas (versão para as duas cargas letivas de disciplina).
• Planificação para Adequações Curriculares Individuais e para alunos com CEI;
• Planos de aula por subunidade (editáveis em Word® e PowerPoint®) – incluem sugestões
para duas cargas letivas.

Fun pack
• 100 flashcards e 6 cartazes temáticos – materiais que constituem um excelente suporte
visual para apresentação, consolidação e alargamento vocabular.
• Card games set – um conjunto de quatro sets de 72 cartões que permitem a construção
© ASA • High Five 5

de frases de acordo com as temáticas da descrição física, intitulado Got it (unidade 2), e da
rotina diária, intitulado Scrambled sentences (unidade 5);
• Motivational stamps e motivational stickers – com o intuito de motivar os alunos para a
aprendizagem e de os premiar pelo seu desempenho, ao longo do ano letivo, poderão ser
colocados no caderno diário, em fichas de trabalho, em trabalhos de casa ou no Manual.

CD Áudio
Este CD contém todos os recursos áudio (textos, canções) de apoio a atividades do manual,
bem como todos os testes de listening, gravados por falantes nativos.

Recurso inovador com grande utilidade na sala de aula, que permite:

• a realização e a correção dos exercícios nas páginas do manual;
• a visualização, in loco, de recursos digitais, tais como animações, canções, áudios e vídeos;
• a exploração, a partir das páginas do manual, dos exercícios do Workbook e respetiva correção;
• o acesso imediato a materiais editáveis (fichas e testes e apresentações PowerPoint®);
• o acompanhamento da progressão da aprendizagem.

Ferramenta que possibilita, em sala de aula, a fácil exploração do projeto através das novas
tecnologias e o acesso a um vasto conjunto de conteúdos multimédia associados ao manual.

Listagem geral dos recursos multimédia do High Five 5

• ANIMAÇÕES – As animações estão associadas às rubricas Listen and Read e Everyday
talk, permitindo uma maior envolvência com os textos apresentados através de movimento,
imagem e som. A versão final contará com 19 animações.

UNIT 1 – My ID UNIT 2 – Look at me!

• Nice to meet you (p. 18) • Shawn Mendes (p. 36)
• A dream job (p. 23) • A new look! (p. 40)
• My birthday party (p. 29) • Meeting at the cinema (p. 49)
UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home! UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch?
• What a house! (p. 56) • Breakfast time! (p. 74)
• Hobbits’ houses (p. 60) • Junior MasterChef USA (p. 80)
• My bedroom (p. 67) • At the restaurant (p. 85)
UNIT 5 – Wake me up! UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!
• Let’s meet Lin (p. 92) • Chloe and Riley (p. 109)
• What time is it? (p. 93) • Greetings from South Africa (p. 114)
• Renato Sanches: Just a regular day! (p. 98) • At the cinema ticket office (p. 121)
• Chatting (p. 103)

• VÍDEOS – Os vídeos estão associados à rubrica Watch and Learn com excertos de filmes
e à rubrica Guess What com vídeos de contextualização, culturais e de curiosidades. Possi-
bilidade de legendagem em português e em inglês. A versão final contará com 13 vídeos.

UNIT 1 – My ID UNIT 2 – Look at me!

• Ronaldo (p. 20) • The BFG (p. 44)
UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home! UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch?
• Hobbiton movie set (p. 62) • Mr. Peabody and Sherman (p. 76)
• Can I stay? (p. 63) • Kids eating healthy made easy (p. 85)
• Inside out – new house (p. 66)
UNIT 5 – Wake me up! UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!
© ASA • High Five 5

• Meet the Minions (p. 90) • Sing (p. 111)

• Change the world in 5 minutes – everyday at • South Africa (p. 115)
school (p. 92) Extensive Reading
• The secret life of pets (p. 96)
• James and the giant peach – trailer (p. 155)

• GRAMÁTICAS – As animações dos conteúdos gramaticais – com explicações passo a
passo e exercícios de aplicação – estão associadas à rubrica Grammar. A versão final
contará com 27 animações.

UNIT 0 – Remember UNIT 1 – My ID

• Personal pronouns (subject) (p. 8) • Verb to be (affirmative and negative) (p. 19)
• Definite and indefinite articles (p. 21)
• Verb to be (interrogative) (p. 24)
• Question words (p. 25)
• Possessive determiners (p. 27)
UNIT 2 – Look at me! UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home!
• Verb have got (affirmative and negative) (p. 37) • Verb there + to be (p. 57)
• Verb have got (interrogative) (p. 39) • Prepositions of place (p. 61)
• Possessive case (p. 42) • Plural of nouns (p. 65)
• Possessive pronouns (p. 45)
• Adjectives (p. 47)
UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch? UNIT 5 – Wake me up!
• Quantifiers: some / any (p. 75) • Present simple (affirmative and negative) (p. 94)
• Present simple: verb like (affirmative and • Present simple (interrogative) (p. 97)
negative) (p. 77) • Adverbs of frequency (p. 100)
• Present simple: verb like (interrogative) (p. 79)
• Expressing preferences (p. 81)
• Connectors: so / because (p. 83)
UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!
• Present continuous (affirmative and negative) (p. 110)
• Present continuous (interrogative) (p. 112)
• Personal pronouns (object) (p. 117)
• Prepositions of movement (p. 119)
• Imperative (p. 119)

• FLASHCARDS DIGITAIS – Os flashcards digitais estão associados à rubrica Vocabulary

com o objetivo de reforçar e complementar o vocabulário presente no Manual, através
do uso de imagem, texto e áudio. A versão final contará com 13 sets com 360 flashcards.

UNIT 0 – Remember UNIT 1 – My ID

• Numbers, days of the week, months, seasons • Family (p. 16)
and weather (pp. 9 e 10) • Jobs and occupations (p. 22)
• Means of transport, places in town, school
objects, animals and colours (pp. 11, 13, 14, 15)
UNIT 2 – Look at me! UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home!
• The human body (p. 34) • Parts of the house (p. 54)
• Clothes, footwear and acessories (p. 41) • Furniture (p. 59)
UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch? UNIT 5 – Wake me up!
• Food and drinks (p. 72) • Daily routine (p. 90)
• Meals (p. 73)
UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!
© ASA • High Five 5

• Free time activities (p. 108)

• Sports (p. 114)

• GLOSSÁRIOS INTERATIVOS – Os glossários interativos estão associados à rubrica
Vocabulary e são um complemento à aprendizagem de vocabulário pela presença de tra-
dução, imagem e áudio. A versão final contará com 6 glossários.

UNIT 1 – My ID UNIT 2 – Look at me!

• Interactive vocabulary bank – Unit 1 (p. 16) • Interactive vocabulary bank – Unit 2 (p. 34)

UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home! UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch?

• Interactive vocabulary bank – Unit 3 (p. 54) • Interactive vocabulary bank – Unit 4 (p. 72)

UNIT 5 – Wake me up! UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!

• Interactive vocabulary bank – Unit 5 (p. 90) • Interactive vocabulary bank – Unit 6 (p. 108)

• JOGOS – Os interactive board games podem ser usados para revisão e estão presentes
no início de cada unidade – jogos de recycled language – permitindo, de forma lúdica e ao
longo de cada unidade, rever conteúdos prévios. Os jogos It’s QuizTime! permitem conso-
lidar conhecimentos novos; são jogos trimestrais e estão presentes no final das unidades
2, 4 e 6. A versão final contará com 9 jogos.

UNIT 1 – My ID UNIT 2 – Look at me!

• Interactive board game – Unit 1 (p. 16) • Interactive board game – Unit 2 (p. 34)
• It’s quiz time! – Units 0, 1 and 2 (p. 51)
UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home! UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch?
• Interactive board game – Unit 3 (p. 54) • Interactive board game – Unit 4 (p. 72)
• It’s quiz time! – Units 3 and 4 (p. 87)
UNIT 5 – Wake me up! UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!
• Interactive board game – Unit 5 (p. 90) • Interactive board game – Unit 6 (p. 108)
• It’s quiz time! – Units 5 and 6 (p. 123)

• KARAOKES – Os karaokes são uma versão animada das canções presentes na rubrica
Listen and Read, permitindo, de uma forma lúdica, a aquisição e/ou consolidação de voca-
bulário e o desenvolvimento da oralidade. A versão final contará com 8 karaokes.

UNIT 0 – Remember UNIT 1 – My ID

• High Five 5 Anthem (p. 6) • What’s your job? (p. 26)
• The Alphabet (p. 6)
UNIT 2 – Look at me! UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home!

• What are you like? (p. 46) • It’s my house! (p. 64)

UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch? UNIT 5 – Wake me up!

• Good food! (p. 78) • Waiting (p. 102)

UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!

© ASA • High Five 5

• Let’s play! (p. 118)

• AULAS PROJETÁVEIS EM FORMATO POWERPOINT® – As aulas projetáveis em for-
mato PowerPoint® incluem, de forma sequencial, os diferentes momentos e respetivos
recursos enunciados em cada plano de aula, permitindo uma maior otimização e gestão do
tempo em sala de aula. A versão final contará com 100 aulas projetáveis.

UNIT 0 – Remember UNIT 1 – My ID

• 6 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®: • 15 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®:
Unit 0 (p. 6) Unit 1 (p. 16)
UNIT 2 – Look at me! UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home!
• 15 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®: • 18 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®:
Unit 2 (p. 34) Unit 3 (p. 54)
UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch? UNIT 5 – Wake me up!
• 18 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®: • 14 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®:
Unit 4 (p. 72) Unit 5 (p. 90)
UNIT 6 – It’s fun time
• 14 Aulas projetáveis em formato PowerPoint®:
Unit 6 (p. 108)

• APRESENTAÇÕES POWERPOINT® – As Apresentações em Powerpoint® apresentam-se

como recursos lúdicos e de carácter prático para aplicar conhecimentos de vocabulário
e gramática, com especial destaque para as festividades.
Total de apresentações disponíveis no projeto: 9

UNIT 0 – Remember UNIT 3 – Home, sweet home!

• Memory game – Classroom objects (p. 13) • Memory game – Prepositions of place (p. 61)
UNIT 4 – What’s for lunch? UNIT 6 – It’s fun time!
• What are they doing? – Present continuous
• Healthy eating habits (p. 85)
(p. 112)
• Let’s celebrate Halloween (p. 126) • Valentine’s day (p. 129)
• A typical Thanksgiving day in America (p. 127) • It’s Easter time (p. 130)
• Christmas day (p. 128)

• ÁUDIOS – Os áudios do CD Áudio estão presentes na plataforma 20 Aula Digital e ao

longo do manual através de hotspots. Na plataforma estão presentes duas versões dos
áudios para exercícios de Listening – standard e slow.

• SIMULADORES – Os simuladores podem ser usados em várias atividades e dinâmicas de

sala de aula:
> Timer – Cronómetro personalizável, no qual pode inserir o tempo estimado para a rea-
lização de tarefas em sala de aula, permitindo aos alunos visualizar o tempo que têm
disponível para a conclusão de uma determinada tarefa, ao longo da sua realização.
> Random number generator – Ferramenta de atribuição aleatória de números que per-
mite eleger um aluno, através do seu número de turma, para realizar uma determinada
© ASA • High Five 5

tarefa e/ou estudar os números ou até para organizar a saída dos alunos da sala de aula.

Guia de Exploração de Recursos Multimédia
Proposta de exploração dos conteúdos multimédia da versão de demonstração (com indicação
das respetivas metas e sugestões de exploração), referente à Unit 3 – Home, sweet home!.

Manual em versão interativa

Cenários de utilização
Pág. Recurso Metas Curriculares
Sugestões de exploração
• Metas específicas a • Através do manual interativo é possível:
serem trabalhadas no – realizar exercícios diretamente nas páginas
manual ao longo da do manual, obter feedback imediato e
unidade a que os áudios projetar a correção dos exercícios;
e os testes se referem – projetar vídeos e animações diretamente
nas páginas do manual ou em ecrã total,
com legendas em inglês ou português,
áudios incluídos, e possibilidade de parar
para explorar e/ou antecipar o seu conteúdo
ou realizar exercícios de compreensão;
– aceder às versões standard e slow dos
áudios dos textos e das rubricas de
Todas listening; a versão slow permite ouvir
cada palavra mais claramente e facilita a
compreensão dos textos;
– apresentar as canções do manual em
versão karaoke, para os alunos associarem
• Manual em versão mais facilmente o que escutam à letra
interativa (versão de escrita e poderem cantar;
demonstração) – aceder a recursos diretamente nas páginas
Formato totalmente do manual (flashcards digitais, glossários
interativo do manual. interativos, jogos, powerpoints, materiais
editáveis, etc.);
Rubricas: Todas
– projetar exercícios do workbook e
respetivas soluções, através dos
Powerpoint® aulas.
56 • What a house! • L5 5.1 – Identificar • A funcionalidade de ativação e desativação
palavras e expressões de legendas em tempo real permite trabalhar
em canções e textos diferentes graus de dificuldade e diferentes
áudio/audiovisuais. abordagens com os alunos, nomeadamente:
• L5 5.4 – Entender e reagir – retirar o áudio (através do botão mute)
a instruções breves. e ativar as legendas em inglês para
• L5 5.6 – Identificar a trabalhar a competência de Reading,
60 • Hobbits’ houses ideia global de pequenos nomeadamente a leitura em voz alta;
67 • My bedroom textos orais. – ativar o som/áudio e a legenda para
Animação dos textos • R5 3.1 – Pronunciar trabalhar associação de sons a palavras,
principais do manual as palavras de forma podendo explorar o seu significado:
através de som e suficientemente clara a exploração do vocabulário pode ser
movimento. A animação para serem entendidas. feita ao ritmo de cada turma, uma vez
envolve os alunos, • R5 3.2 – Utilizar a que pode parar, recuar e/ou avançar
que podem associar o entoação e o ritmo a animação sempre que necessário;
vocabulário e a própria adequado. – desativar as legendas para que os
narração a momentos • R5 4.3 – Seguir alunos façam uma atividade de listening
visuais. instruções elementares. com suporte dos elementos visuais da
Rubricas: • R5 4.5 – Reconhecer animação, reforçando a associação de
Listen and Read informação que lhe é som a imagem.
Everyday talk familiar.
• LG5 8.28 – Formular e
responder a perguntas,
começando por which.
• SP5 5.3 – Usar a entoação
© ASA • High Five 5

adequada em frases
simples e conhecidas
(afirmações, perguntas e
• SP5 6.5 – Falar sobre
temas trabalhados.

Cenários de utilização
Pág. Recurso Metas Curriculares
Sugestões de exploração
62 • Hobbiton movie set • L5 5.1 – Identificar • Todos os vídeos têm versões legendadas
63 • Can I stay? palavras e expressões em inglês e em português. A legendagem
em canções e textos é opcional.
áudio/audiovisuais. • Através das legendas, é possível trabalhar
• L5 5.6 – Identificar a a associação de sons a palavras escritas,
ideia global de pequenos no caso da versão com legendagem em
textos orais inglês, ou associar sons a significados em
português, no caso da versão legendada em
66 • Inside out – new house português. Portanto, as diferentes opções
Vídeos – com excertos de legenda permitem trabalhar vocabulário
de filmes de animação e skills de listening/reading.
recentes (da preferência • O modo de pausa permite explorar as
dos alunos desta faixa imagens que vão surgindo no vídeo e, por
etária e relevantes conseguinte, desenvolver competências de
do ponto de vista speaking.
intercultural), que
permitem desenvolver
o vocabulário e as
estruturas gramaticais
contextualizados nos
temas e nas capacidades
de compreensão oral.
Rubricas: Watch and
Learn; Guess what?

57 • There + to be • L5 5.1 – Identificar • Para a exploração deste conteúdo, pode
palavras e expressões optar por explorar, inicialmente, as regras
em canções e textos e esquemas do manual e, depois, reforçar
áudio/audiovisuais. a explicação com a animação da gramática.
• L5 5.6 – Identificar a • Este recurso pode ser colocado em modo
ideia global de de pausa para permitir a exploração dos
pequenos textos orais. exemplos. Nessa exploração, pode ainda
61 • Prepositions of place • L5 5.4 – Entender convidar os alunos a criarem outros
65 • Plural of nouns e reagir a instruções exemplos que poderiam ser usados na
As animações breves. explicação.
gramaticais apresentam • LG5 8.17 – Usar o verbo • No final, os alunos têm de responder a um
uma explicação passo there + to be, no present pequeno desafio que consiste na aplicação
a passo para cada simple, nas formas do conteúdo a uma nova situação de
conteúdo gramatical. afirmativa, negativa aprendizagem.
São breves e e interrogativa.
esquemáticas, • LG5 8.18 – Usar as
recorrendo a exemplos formas abreviadas do
e imagens que ajudam verbo there + to be.
a estruturar as regras. • LG5 8.19 – Usar verbos
Rubricas: Grammar no present simple.
• LG5 8.23 – Responder
a perguntas, utilizando
short answers na
afirmativa e na negativa.
• LG5 – Language
awareness: There is /
there are para exprimir
“existe /há”.
© ASA • High Five 5

• LG5 8.14 – Usar at, in

front of, behind, under,
above, below (place).
• LG5 8.3 – Reconhecer
os plurais irregulares de
alguns nomes.

Flashcards digitais
Cenários de utilização
Pág. Recurso Metas Curriculares
Sugestões de exploração
54 • R5 5.1 – Saber procurar • É possível fazer a apresentação ou a
59 palavras por áreas revisão de vocabulário trabalhando
temáticas abordadas. também os domínios de speaking, reading
• L5 5.1 – Identificar e listening através dos flashcards digitais.
palavras e expressões Os flashcards de cada set podem ser
• Parts of the house em textos áudio/ usados para complementar ou reforçar
• Furniture audiovisuais. o vocabulário trabalhado no manual.
• ID5 8.7 – Identificar • É possível escolher um set, clicando no
Os flashcards digitais as divisões da casa. cartão correspondente, e apresentar os
são recursos agregadores • ID5 8.7 – Identificar flashcards digitais aos alunos de forma
de conteúdos, associados as divisões da casa semelhante aos flashcards de cartolina:
à rubrica Vocabulary. e o mobiliário. – mostrar a imagem, perguntar ao aluno
Têm como objetivo • LG5 8.29 – Apropriar-se o que é e revelar a palavra, clicando no
reforçar e complementar de novos itens lexicais, botão texto ;
o vocabulário presente no relacionados com – mostrar a leitura do vocabulário – com
manual, através do uso as áreas temáticas sotaque nativo – clicando em ;
de imagem, texto e áudio. previstas no domínio – sempre que se termina a exploração de
Rubricas: Vocabulary intercultural um cartão, pode clicar-se no botão
para voltar ao menu principal.

Glossários interativos
• R5 5.1 – Saber procurar • O Interactive vocabulary bank é a versão
palavras por áreas multimédia do Vocabulary bank (acresce à
temáticas abordadas. tradução o suporte de áudio e de imagem).
• L5 5.1 – Identificar • O facto de ter áudio ajuda a treinar a
palavras e expressões pronúncia, e a existência de imagens ajuda
em textos áudio/ à associação das palavras a um elemento
54 • Interactive vocabulary audiovisuais. visual.
bank – Unit 3 • ID5 8.7 – Identificar as • Pode ser utilizado ao longo da unidade,
Os glossários interativos divisões da casa e o à medida que o vocabulário novo vai
contêm vocabulário mobiliário. surgindo.
de cada unidade com • LG5 8.29 – Apropriar-se • Pode utilizar este recurso em sala de
suporte de imagem, áudio de novos itens lexicais, aula e explorar os diferentes vocábulos
e tradução, permitindo o relacionados com com todos os alunos ou pedir que treinem
reforço da aquisição de as áreas temáticas individualmente em casa.
vocabulário. previstas no domínio • No final, pode desafiar os alunos a
Rubricas: Vocabulary intercultural selecionarem a(s) palavra(s) do dia,
consultando o glossário, e registando
os nomes dos primeiros três alunos que
utilizarem a(s) palavra(s) numa frase
e em contexto, durante a aula.

Recycled language • Estes jogos podem ser usados no início
• LG4 6.4 (divisões de cada unidade para trabalhar vocabulário
da casa) elementar e mobilizar estruturas
• LG3 4.1 e LG4 7.2 linguísticas fundamentais para
(preposições de lugar) a progressão na aprendizagem.
• LG3 4.1 e LG4 7.2 • Os jogos podem ser usados com toda a
54 • Interactive board
(nomes no singular turma ou em pequenos grupos, e permitem
game – Unit 3
e no plural) ao professor fazer um diagnóstico rápido
Os interactive board • L5 5.4 – Entender das aprendizagens já feitas pelos alunos
games surgem no e reagir a instruções ou daquelas que requerem consolidação.
início de cada unidade breves. • O funcionamento do jogo é bastante
e destinam-se a rever intuitivo e as suas regras são idênticas
© ASA • High Five 5

recycled language, às dos jogos de tabuleiro convencionais.

de forma lúdica e • O caráter lúdico permite que este
apelativa. diagnóstico decorra de forma
Rubricas: Vocabulary; descontraída.

Cenários de utilização
Pág. Recurso Metas Curriculares
Sugestões de exploração
• LG5 8.17 – Usar o verbo It’s quiz time!
there + to be, no present • O jogo permite rever e consolidar, de forma
simple, nas formas lúdica, conteúdos abordados em cada
afirmativa, negativa período.
e interrogativa. • O facto de este jogo seguir o modelo da
• LG5 8.18 – Usar as “Roda da sorte” permite que seja jogado em
68 • It’s quiz time! – Units 3 formas abreviadas do grupo (até quatro elementos).
and 4 (versão verbo there + to be. • As questões podem ser organizadas por
demonstração) • LG5 8.19 – Usar verbos conteúdos e/ou unidades:
• Os quizzes surgem a no present simple. – Vocabulary Unit 3
cada duas unidades • LG5 8.23 – Responder – Vocabulary Unit 4
e visam rever e a perguntas, utilizando – Grammar Unit 3
consolidar, de forma short answers na – Grammar Unit 4
lúdica, conteúdos afirmativa e na negativa. – entre outros
vocabulares e • LG5 – Language
gramaticais lecionados. awareness: There is /
Rubricas: Self-Check there are para exprimir
“existe /há”.
• LG5 8.14 – Usar at, in
front of, behind, under,
above, below (place).
• LG5 8.3 – Reconhecer
os plurais irregulares de
alguns nomes.
• ID5 8.7 – Identificar as
divisões da casa e o
• LG5 8.29 – Apropriar-se
de novos itens lexicais,
relacionados com
as áreas temáticas
previstas no domínio

• High Five Anthem • L5 5.1 – Identificar • As canções, em formato de karaoke,
palavras e expressões constituem um instrumento privilegiado
em textos áudio/ de motivação dos alunos. Para além disso,
audiovisuais. a apresentação de músicas atuais, que
• L5 5.4 – Entender fazem parte da realidade dos alunos, com
e reagir a instruções adaptação da letra aos temas em estudo,
breves. constitui um fator extra de motivação.
64 • It’s my house! • L5 5.6 – Identificar a Através delas é possível trabalhar
Os karaokes são a versão ideia global de pequenos vocabulário e pronúncia.
animada das canções, textos orais. • As canções podem ser exploradas da
permitindo, de uma • ID5 8.7 – Identificar seguinte forma:
forma lúdica, a aquisição as divisões da casa – apresentar a canção completa
e/ou consolidação e o mobiliário. (instrumental + voz) e incentivar os alunos
de vocabulário e a acompanharem a canção através da
estruturas gramaticais leitura do texto;
e o desenvolvimento – sempre que possível, acrescentar gestos
das capacidades de alusivos ao vocabulário que é trabalhado
compreensão do oral na canção;
e de pronúncia. – avançar para a segunda secção do
recurso, onde os alunos terão de cantar
Rubricas: Listen and Read
© ASA • High Five 5

acompanhados apenas do instrumental

da canção.

Aulas projetáveis em PowerPoint®
Cenários de utilização
Recurso Metas Curriculares
Sugestões de exploração
• Metas específicas a serem • As aulas estão construídas nas
trabalhadas no manual ao longo apresentações em Powerpoint®, respeitando
da unidade a que os áudios e os a sequência e os diferentes momentos
testes se referem da planificação de cada aula – em formato
pronto a usar.
• Permitem uma otimização do tempo, com
toda a organização e estrutura de cada
• 15 Aulas projetáveis: aula, que pode ser editada e diretamente
Unit 3 projetada:
– pode projetar a aula e ir avançando nos
As aulas projetáveis em diferentes slides, de forma a cumprir
PowerPoint® incluem, os objetivos do respetivo plano de aula;
de forma sequencial, – pode editar quer o plano quer a aula,
recursos e respetivas caso seja necessário adaptar as
estratégias enunciados propostas às necessidades da sua turma.
em cada plano de aula.
Rubricas: Ao longo
do manual

• Áudios • Metas específicas a serem • Os áudios têm duas versões: a versão
Áudios apresentados trabalhadas no manual ao longo standard e a versão slow – mais lenta.
ao longo do manual, com da unidade a que os áudios e os Pode usar a versão que julgar ser mais
destaque para as duas testes se referem adequada, mediante as necessidades
versões, com diferentes das suas turmas.
velocidades, para os • Pode iniciar as atividades de listening com
exercícios de Listening a versão mais lenta e depois mudar para a
– standard e slow. versão standard.
• As duas versões são apresentadas em
Rubricas: Ao longo
dois ficheiros independentes, assinaladas
do manual
através de dois hotspots no manual para
cada áudio. A versão lenta terá slow version
escrito no seu título.

Recurso Cenários de utilização / Sugestões de exploração
• Cronómetro personalizável, no qual pode inserir o tempo estimado para a
realização de uma determinada tarefa e colocá-lo em contagem decrescente,
indicando aos alunos que apenas têm aquele tempo.
• Esta ferramenta permite imprimir mais foco na realização das tarefas, não só
• Timer pelo incentivo do próprio desafio do tempo, como também pela competição
saudável que se pode gerar para cumprir o prazo.
• Permite igualmente uma maior otimização do tempo em sala de aula, pela
gestão orientada por objetivos.
Random number generator
• Ferramenta de atribuição aleatória de números que permite inserir o número
de alunos que existem na sua turma com o objetivo de, aleatoriamente, sortear
• Random number um número. O aluno com esse número deverá desempenhar a tarefa que lhe for
generator pedida.
Simuladores que • Pode ainda utilizar este recurso para trabalhar os números: primeiro pede aos
permitem otimizar o alunos que indiquem, em inglês, um intervalo de números – mínimo e máximo –,
tempo e a gestão em sala que é inserido na aplicação. Após o sorteio, têm de dizer o número que saiu em
inglês. Um outro aluno pode dizer se a resposta está certa ou errada.
© ASA • High Five 5

de aula.
Rubricas: Ao longo
do manual

Fun pack – Teacher’s notes
.: Jogo “Got it” – Unit 2
Este jogo destina-se à prática do vocabulário referente à descrição da face.
É composto por 4 sets de:
• 8 cartões com uma face completa
• 64 cartas com partes da face
1. Antes do início do jogo, as cartas devem estar divididas por cores: a cor da carta que tem
a face completa deverá corresponder à cor das 8 cartas com as várias partes da face.
2. O professor divide a turma em 4 grupos de alunos.
3. A partir do conjunto de cartas com a face completa, um dos elementos do grupo escolhe
aleatoriamente uma carta (sem que os outros elementos do grupo a vejam).
4. O elemento que tem a carta com a face completa começa o jogo, descrevendo essa face.
Pode dizer, por exemplo, “She has got glasses”.
5. Os outros elementos do grupo (na posse das restantes 8 cartas) escolhem a carta cor-
respondente à descrição que vai sendo feita (por exemplo, a carta com os óculos) e co-
locam-na na mesa.
6. O elemento que tem a carta com a face completa continua (por exemplo, “She has got
blue eyes”), até esgotar a caracterização. Os outros elementos do grupo colocam na mesa
a carta correspondente e vão fazendo o mesmo até se obter um total de quatro cartas na
mesa. (As cartas vão sendo colocadas umas ao lado das outras, formando frases).
7. Quando estiverem as quatro cartas na mesa, o aluno que tem a carta com a face com-
pleta mostra a sua carta e confirma se as restantes estão bem. Conta-se um ponto por
cada parte da cara correta.
8. Troca-se o aluno que tem a carta com a face completa até se esgotarem as 8 cartas
disponíveis (com a cara completa).
9. No fim do tempo limite (15-20 minutos), ou depois de todos terem conseguido explicar as
oito caras, ganha o grupo que tiver obtido a maior pontuação.

.: Jogo “Scrambled Sentences” – Unit 5

Este jogo tem como objetivo reforçar a aprendizagem do vocabulário e de estruturas grama-
ticais referentes a Daily Routine, nomeadamente o present simple e adverbs of frequency.
É composto por 4 sets de 64 cartas com palavras.
1. O jogo pode ser dinamizado em grande grupo; em alternativa, a turma pode ser dividida
em grupos de 4/5 alunos e cada grupo receberá um conjunto de cartões.
2. O objetivo é que se consiga fazer o maior número de frases possíveis, com as palavras
disponíveis, num tempo determinado (15-20 minutos).
3. O professor poderá optar por dois cenários para apurar quem vence:
a) o grupo vencedor (ou o aluno vencedor) pode ser aquele que, num tempo limite de 15-20
© ASA • High Five 5

minutos, conseguir fazer o maior número de frases. Neste caso, cada frase certa conta
1 ponto (não podem existir erros na frase);
b) o grupo vencedor pode ser aquele que, num tempo limite de 15-20 minutos, ficar com
menos palavras por colocar em frase. As frases têm de estar todas corretas, caso
contrário as palavras voltarão a ser contabilizadas como estando de fora.

Exemplos de frases possíveis:

Mary gets up at 7 o’clock.

I never go to school on foot.
Scott plays football in the afternoon.
Does Jessica do her homework every day?
Melissa and John don’t study at the weekend.
They are always late for classes.
Do they have lunch in the school canteen?
My sister doesn’t arrive home early.
What time do you have dinner?
We sometimes have milk for breakfast.
Henry usually goes to bed late.
Jenny helps her mother on Saturdays.
Martha has a shower in the evening.
Where do you catch the bus?
James studies in the school library.
You brush your teeth in the morning.
Kate never watches TV after dinner.
He doesn’t go to the park after school.

Extra classroom games


Descrição do jogo:
• O objetivo deste jogo é levar os alunos a praticar, de forma lúdica, o vocabulário e as estru-
turas linguísticas referentes à identificação pessoal. Este jogo pode ser realizado no início
da aula, como ice breaker, ou no final da aula, a título de consolidação.
• Os cartões apresentados na página seguinte podem ser fotocopiados e recortados, de
acordo com o número de alunos por turma (36 cartões disponíveis: cartões disponíveis
para 12 perguntas e 24 respostas).
• Cada cartão poderá ser escondido, por exemplo debaixo de cada cadeira ou de algo que os
alunos possam ter em cima das suas secretárias (os alunos podem ser informados disso
mesmo, antes da realização do jogo).
• De forma ordenada e um de cada vez, os alunos que têm um cartão com fundo mais
escuro (perguntas) leem em voz alta a questão que está no cartão. Assim que lerem a
© ASA • High Five 5

pergunta deverão surgir as várias respostas, que são lidas a partir do texto dos cartões,
pelos colegas (de forma ordenada e uma de cada vez). A cada cartão com uma pergunta
correspondem dois cartões com resposta.
• Os cartões do jogo podem ser adaptados pelos professores, uma vez que se encontram
disponíveis, em formato editável, em .

What’s your
What’s your name?

How old are you? Where are you from?

When’s your What’s your

birthday? address?

Is your father
Are you a student?
a doctor?

How are you? Hi!

© ASA • High Five 5

Nice to meet you. Goodbye!

My name’s Ana. My name’s Tom.

My surname My surname
is Santos. is Sanders.

I’m thirteen
I’m ten years old.
years old.

I’m from Portugal. I’m from England.

My birthday My birthday
is on 15th March. is on 23rd April.

My address is My address is
© ASA • High Five 5

Rua do Ouro, 11. 4 Camden Street.

Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
I’m a student. I’m a pilot.

Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

My father My father
is a doctor. is a firefighter.

I’m fine, thanks! I’m fine, thank you!

Hi! Hello!

Nice to meet Nice to meet

you, too! you, too!
© ASA • High Five 5

See you! Bye!

Descrição do jogo:
• Mad Libs é um jogo de palavras originalmente criado nos Estados Unidos. No High
Five 5, apresentam-se 7 propostas de Mad Libs, uma por unidade. Poderão ser usadas
no âmbito de atividades de produção e de interação oral (e de consolidação vocabular
e de estruturas de língua).

• Em primeiro lugar, os alunos leem um diálogo ou um texto (com sentido).

• Depois, os alunos irão substituir algumas palavras do texto inicial, de acordo com ins-
truções específicas, criando assim novos textos (humorísticos), que serão lidos, em voz
alta, para a turma.

• No final, os alunos leem os novos textos em voz alta.


A Read the sentence.

“My brother and my father eat toast with butter for breakfast.”

B Do the following tasks.

1. Write an animal you like.

2. Choose one of these: onions; ice cream; spaghetti.


C Now fill in the gaps with your words (1-2) from exercise B.
My brother and my (1)________________
dog eat toast with (2)________________
onions for

D Read the sentence from C out loud.

Have fu
© ASA • High Five 5

Remember Unit 0

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the dialogue with your partner.

João: Hi, I’m João!
Maria: Hi, I’m Maria!
João: How old are you?
Maria: I’m ten. And you?
João: I’m eleven.
Maria: Wow! What is that on your desk?
João: Oh, it’s my new pen.
Maria: I like it! It’s red!

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the name of a famous singer. ______________________________________
2. Write a funny Portuguese name (man or woman). __________________________
3. Write a number between 20 and 40. _____________________________________
4. Write a number between 45 and 80. _____________________________________
5. Choose a school object: school bag; chair; pencil case. _____________________
6. Write the name of your favourite animal. _________________________________
7. Write your favourite colour. _____________________________________________
C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-7 from exercise B.
A: Hi, I’m (1)______________________!
B: Hi, I’m (2)______________________!
A: How old are you?
B: I’m (3)______________________.
And you?
A: I’m (4)______________________.
B: Wow! What is that on your

A: Oh, it’s my new

© ASA • High Five 5

B: I like it! It’s (7)______________________!

D. Now practise the dialogue in C with your partner. Have fun!

Unit 1 My ID

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the dialogue with your partner.


Michael: Hello! What’s your name?
Marta: Hi! My name’s Marta.
Michael: Nice to meet you. I’m Michael.
Marta: Where are you from?
Michael: I’m from France. And you?
Marta: I’m from Portugal. I live with my parentst andd my sister.
Marta: Are you a student?
Michael: Yes, I am. And you?
Marta: I’m a student, too. Is your sister a student?
Michael: No, she isn’t. She’s a nurse.

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the name of your best friend. ______________________________________
2. Write the name of someone from the British Royal Family. __________________
3. Write the name of the country where the British Royal Family lives. ___________
4. Write the name of your favourite country. _________________________________
5. Write a family member you live with. _____________________________________
6. Write a family member you don’t live with. ________________________________
7. Write a job you don’t like. _______________________________________________
8. Write a job you like. ___________________________________________________
C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-8 from exercise B.
A: Hello! What’s your name?
B: Hi! My name’s (1)___________.
A: Nice to meet you. I’m (2)___________.
B: Where are you from?
A: I’m from (3)___________. And you?
B: I’m from (4)___________. I live with my (5)___________.and my (6)___________.
A: Are you a/an (7)___________?
B: Yes, I am. And you?
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A: I’m a (7)___________, too. Is your (6)___________ a/ an (7)___________?

B: No, he/she isn’t. He/She is a/an (8)___________.
D. Now practise the dialogue in C with your partner. Have fun!

Look at me! Unit 2

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the dialogue with your partner.

Jessica: Hi! Who is your best friend?
Lara: Hi! My best friend is António.
Jessica: What does he look like?
Lara: He’s tall and thin. He has got short black hair and brown eyes.
Jessica: Has he got freckles?
Lara: Oh, no, but he has got glasses.
Jessica: What are his favourite clothes?
Lara: He wears shorts in the summer and jeans in the winter.
Jessica: Is he polite?
Lara: Oh, yes!

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the name of your best friend (boy). __________________________________
2. Write the opposite of “tall”. _____________________________________________
3. Write your favourite colour. _____________________________________________
4. Write a number between 5 and 10. ______________________________________
5. How do you say “barba” in English? ______________________________________
6. Write a piece of clothing you wear in the winter. ___________________________
7. Write a piece of clothing you wear in the summer. __________________________
8. Write the opposite of “polite”. ___________________________________________
C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-8 from exercise B.
A: Hi, Lara! Who is your best friend?
B: My best friend is (1)___________.
A: What does he/she look like?
B: He/She is (2)___________ and thin. He/She has got short (3)___________ hair
and (4)___________ eyes.
A: Has he/she got freckles?
B: Oh, no, but he/she has got a (5)___________.
A: What are his/her favourite clothes?
B: He/She wears (6)___________ in the summer and (7)___________ in the winter.
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A: Is he/she (8)___________?
B: Oh, yes!
D. Now practise the dialogue in C with your partner. Have fun!

Unit 3 Home, sweet home!

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the text.

My dream house is a small detached house with
white walls.
It has got two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a
kitchen and a living room. In the living room
there are two sofas, a TV and a lamp in front
of an armchair.
In my bedroom there is a desk next to a big
window and the curtains are pink.
There is a beautiful garden with lots of flowers, but there isn’t a garage.

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the opposite of “small”. ___________________________________________
2. Write the colour of a blackboard. ________________________________________
3. Write a number between 30 and 50. _____________________________________
4. Write a number between 10 and 30. _____________________________________
5. Write a piece of furniture we can find in the kitchen (plural). _________________
6. Write the opposite of “in front of”. _______________________________________
7. How do you say “porta” in English? ______________________________________
8. Write a piece of furniture we find in the bathroom. _________________________
9. Write a colour you don’t like. ____________________________________________
10. Write the name of an animal you like (plural). ____________________________

C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-10 from exercise B.

My dream house is a (1)___________ detached house with (2)___________ walls.
It has got (3)___________ bedrooms, (4)___________ bathrooms, a kitchen and
a living room. In the living room there are two (5)___________, a TV and a lamp
(6)___________ a/an (7)___________.

In my bedroom there is a/an (8)___________ next to a big window and the curtains
are (9)___________.
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There is a beautiful garden with lots of (10)___________, but there isn’t a garage.

D. Now read your text from exercise C to the class or to your partner.
Have fun!

What’s for lunch? Unit 4

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the dialogue with your partner.

Jenny: Hi! What’s your favourite food?
John: Hello! I love pasta and pizza. And you?
Jenny: I prefer rice and hamburgers. Do you
like fruit and vegetables?
John: Yes, I do. I like eating lettuce and apples
as a dessert.
Jenny: I also like apples and lettuce, but I love
strawberries and tomatoes.
John: What do you like eating for breakfast?
Jenny: Cereal! And you?
John: I like drinking milk and I always eat toast with butter. Yummy!

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the name of a food you hate. _______________________________________
2. Write the name of a fruit you hate. _______________________________________
3. Write the name of the first meal of the day. _______________________________
4. Write the name of a vegetable you hate. __________________________________
5. Write the name of a dessert. ____________________________________________
6. Write the name of something you drink at lunch. ___________________________
7. Choose one word from this list: ice cream; fish; spaghetti; onions. _____________

C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-7 from exercise B.

A: Hi! What’s your favourite food?
B: Hello! I love (1)___________ and pizza. And you?
A: I prefer rice and hamburgers. Do you like fruit and vegetables?
B: Yes, I do. I like eating lettuce and (2)___________ after (3)___________.
A: I also like (2)___________ and lettuce, but I love strawberries and

B: What do you like eating for breakfast?

A: (5)___________! And you?
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B: I like drinking (6)___________ and I always eat toast with (7)___________.


D. Now practise the dialogue in C with your partner. Have fun!

Unit 5 Wake me up!

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the text.


I always get up at seven o’clock. I get dressed
and have cereal for breakfast. I brush my teeth
and I go to school by bus. Classes start at eight
o’clock and finish at midday. Then, I have lunch at
the school canteen and I have classes again. I go
home at half past five.
At home, I do my homework. I always do my
I have dinner with my family and after dinner we watch TV. I go to
bed at ten o’clock.

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the name of a food you eat for lunch. ________________________________
2. Write the name of a means of transport that flies. _________________________
3. Write the name of your favourite restaurant. ______________________________
4. How do you say “dormir” in English? _____________________________________
5. Write your favourite free time activity. ____________________________________
6. Write the opposite of “always”. __________________________________________
7. Write the name of a pet. ________________________________________________
8. Write a time between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. __________________________________

C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-8 from exercise B.

What a busy day!
I always get up at seven o’clock. I get dressed and have (1)___________ for breakfast.
I brush my teeth and I go to school by (2)___________. Classes start at eight o’clock
and finish at midday. Then, I have lunch at (3)___________ and I (4)___________. I go
home at half past five.
At home, I (5)___________. I (6)___________ do my homework!
I have dinner with my (7)___________ and after dinner we watch TV. I go to bed at
© ASA • High Five 5


D. Now read your text from exercise C to the class or to your partner.
Have fun!

It’s fun time! Unit 6

Date: / / No.: Class:

A. Read the dialogue with your partner.

Steve: Hello, Tomás! What’s your favourite
free time activity?
Tomás: Hello, Steve! I love playing video games!s!
It’s fantastic!
Steve: I prefer surfing the net or listening to
music. I love listening to Adele. She is
my favourite singer!
Tomás: Do you have a favourite sport?
Steve: Yes, I do. It’s football! And you?
Tomás: I like tennis and swimming. I love waterr sports!
Steve: I also enjoy going to the beach in the summer,
but I don’t swim!

B. Do the following tasks.

1. Write the name of a famous football player. _______________________________
2. Write the name of a famous actor/actress. ________________________________
3. Write the name of a free time activity you hate. ____________________________
4. Write the name of your best friend. ______________________________________
5. Write the name of a sport you hate. ______________________________________
6. Write the name of a sport you practise in the winter. ________________________
7. Write the name of the season when the weather is really cold. _______________

C. Fill in the gaps with your words 1-7 from exercise B.

A: Hello, (1)___________! What’s your favourite free time activity?
B: Hello, (2)___________! I love playing video games! It’s fantastic!
A: I prefer (3)___________ or listening to music. I love listening to (4)___________.
He/She is my favourite singer!
B: Do you have a favourite sport?
A: Yes, I do. It’s (5)___________! And you?
B: I like tennis and (6)___________. I love water sports!
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A: I also enjoy going to the beach in the (7)___________, but I don’t swim!

D. Now practise the dialogue in C with your partner. Have fun!

Listening transcripts
Unit 0 (page 9) Unit 5 (page 93)
1. A: How old are you John? Are you thirty? 1. When is the swimming lesson this week?
John: No, I’m thirteen. Freddy: Look! Here’s a note from our swimming teacher!
2. A: How old are you Sally? Are you seventeen? Adele: Oh! It says the swimming lesson is on Thursday, not
Sally: No, I’m seventy. Tuesday this week.
Freddy: Thursday? Well, today is Wednesday, so the swimming
3. A: How old is Clare? Is she twelve? class is tomorrow at 9.
B: No, she isn’t. She’s twenty. Adele: That’s right!
4. A: How old is Peter? Is he fifty? 2. What time is Winnie’s athletics training?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s fifteen.
Winnie: Hurry up, Shaz.
5. A: How old are Molly and Sue? Are they six? Shaz: Relax. The training is at six.
B: No, they aren’t. They’re sixteen. Winnie: No, it isn’t. It’s at half past five.
Shaz: Really? Let’s go then.
6. A: How old are you, Jessica and Mike? Are you forty?
Jessica and Mike: No, we aren’t. We’re fourteen. 3. When is Lin’s birthday party?
Adele: What time is Lin’s birthday party, Winnie? 7.30?
Unit 1 (page 17) Winnie: No, it’s at 8.30. We’ve got a tennis lesson at 6 o’clock
and then we have a dance lesson at 7 o’clock.
Hello! My name’s William and this is my family: the British Royal
My father is Charles and my mother is Diana. Camilla is my
Unit 6 (page 116)
stepmother. 1.
My brother is Harry. Mary: Hi, Bill. What are you doing?
My grandfather is Philip and my grandmother is Elizabeth II. Bill: I’m at the supermarket. I’m preparing a barbecue. It’s
My wife is Kate. George is our son and Charlotte is our daughter. tomorrow. Can you come?
My favourite cousin is Beatrice. Her parents are Andrew, my uncle, Mary: Oh, yes! I can bring some burgers or drinks.
and Sarah, my aunt. Bill: No, thanks. I’ve got everything now.
I love my family. Mary: OK, see you there!
Unit 2 (page 41) Melanie: Hello, Rita! I’m doing my English homework. I need your
1. Jessica – Jessica’s hair isn’t long. It’s short. She’s got big brown help!
eyes. She loves blue. She’s very kind. Rita: OK. Where are you?
Melanie: At the school library. Thomas is also here and he
2. Rose – Rose is tall. Her hair is long, curly and brown. She’s got is studying with me!
brown shoes and her favourite colour is pink. She’s very happy. Rita: Cool! See you in 5 minutes!
3. Donna – Donna is tall and thin. She hasn’t got short hair and her 3.
hair is blond. She likes trousers and her favourite colour is red. Mum: Hello, dear. It’s Mum. Are you having a good time
She’s very funny. at summer camp?
4. Emma – Emma is of medium height and slim. She’s got long Boy: Yes, it’s really good. Today there’s a sports competition.
straight hair. She’s got glasses and a green sweater. She’s shy. We’re playing football, tennis and basketball.
Mum: Nice! Is your sister Beth with you?
Boy: Oh, yes, she is. She’s preparing hot dogs for everyone.
Unit 3 (page 63) Mum: Great! Have fun!

Hello! 4.
I’m Emily and I’m a student. Rick: Hi, Paul. Are you free today? Let’s go fishing.
This is my bedroom! It’s very big. There’s a comfortable bed next to Paul: Sorry, Rick, I prefer surfing.
a bookcase and there’s a clock on the wall. Rick: OK, I can go surfing with you. Can I take Jane and Julie,
The desk is below the window. There are two boxes on the bookcase. too?
There’s a lamp in front of the window and a big rug on the floor. Paul: Sure. That’s fantastic! See you at nine at your house?
I haven’t got a TV in my bedroom, but I’ve got books. Rick: Let’s meet at 10.
I love my bedroom!! Paul: OK, see you.

Unit 4 (page 82)

Jim: Hello, Julie. Happy birthday!
Julie: Thanks, Jim. Can you help me in the kitchen?
Jim: Of course!
Julie: Can you make a sandwich for Barbara? She likes cheese, but
she doesn’t like lettuce.
Jim: OK. No problem. Can I make one for you, too, Julie?
© ASA • High Five 5

Julie: No, thanks! I prefer a chocolate ice cream.

Jim: Fine. What about Diana?
Julie: She isn’t hungry. Just a glass of water for her, please. It’s her
favourite drink. Oh, and for you, Jim?
Jim: I love hamburgers...with lots of ketchup!
Julie: A cheese sandwich, a chocolate ice cream, a glass of water
and a hamburger. Let’s go!

Passport – Answer key
The United Kingdom (page 6) The United States of America (page 19)
4 5
A. 1. Northern Ireland | 2. Wales | 3. Scotland | 4. England
1 D C
B. 1. Edinburgh | 2. Belfast | 3. London | 4. London | 5. Cardiff H E
C. 1. False | 2. False | 3. True | 4. False | 5. True I W
Canada (page 11) E Y
2 B A L D E A G L E O 6
A. 1. c) | 2. b) | 3. a) H R F
New Zealand (page 15) U F
A E R Y U M A W R O 3 S T A T U E O F L I B ER T Y
Y E U W S O T L G A Australia (page 23)
K I W I E R C L B U A. 1. c) | 2. b) | 3. c)

South Africa (page 25)
A. 1. Rhino | 2. Elephant | 3. Lion | 4. Buffalo | 5. Leopard

© ASA • High Five 5

Review worksheets
3rd and 4th grade review worksheets*
?PSLIFFT Greetings and goodbyes
?PSLIFFT Personal ID | Personal pronouns
?PSLIFFT  Days of the week, months, seasons and weather
?PSLIFFT! Numbers (1-100) | Ordinal numbers (1st-31st)
?PSLIFFT" School places | School objects and activities | Demonstratives
?PSLIFFT# Classroom language
?PSLIFFT$ Family members | Possessive case | Question word: Whose…?
?PSLIFFT% Clothes, footwear and accessories | Colours
?PSLIFFT& The human body
?PSLIFFTDescribing faces | Verb have got
?PSLIFFT Free time activities | Sports
?PSLIFFT Animals | Definite and indefinite articles
?PSLIFFT Parts of the house
?PSLIFFT!Food and drinks | Present simple: verb like | Short answers with do
?PSLIFFT" Means of transport and places in town
?PSLIFFT#The time
?PSLIFFT$ Recycling

Greetings and goodbyes Worksheet 1
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Use the greetings/goodbyes from the box.

(Legenda as figuras. Usa as saudações/despedidas da caixa.)

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Good night! Hello! Goodbye!

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B. Look at the clocks. Write the correct part of the day (morning,
afternoon, evening, night).
(Olha para os relógios. Escreve o momento do dia correto – morning, afternoon,
evening, night.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

Worksheet 2 Personal ID | Personal pronouns

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher


A. Complete the text. Use the words from the box. There is one example.
(Completa o texto. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

English Sheeran Taylor

Swift United States of America

My name is Ed. My surname is (1) .

I’m from England, so I’m (2) .

I have a friend. Her name is (3) .
Her surname is (4) _____________________
Swift . She’s from Swift
the (5) _____________________________________________. Ed
She is American.

B. Answer the questions about YOU.

(Agora responde às questões sobre TI.)

1. What is your name?

My name is _______________________________________________________________

2. What is your surname?

My surname is ___________________________________________________________

3. How old are you?

I’m _______________________________________________________________________

4. Where are you from?

I’m from _________________________________________________________________
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5. What is your nationality?

I’m _______________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 2
C. Complete the table with the correct personal pronouns.
There are two examples.
(Completa a tabela com os personal pronouns corretos. Segue os exemplos.)

Portuguese English
eu I
tu 1.
ele 2.
ela 3.
ele/ela (objetos/animais) it
nós 4.
vós 5.
eles/elas they

D. Complete the sentences. Use the personal pronouns from

exercise A. There is one example.
(Completa as frases. Usa os personal pronouns do exercício A. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Usain Bolt is from Jamaica.

He is from Jamaica.

2. Peter is nine years old.

______________________ is nine years old.

3. Tom and Rachel are ten years old.

______________________ are ten years old.

4. J. K Rowling is British.
______________________ is British.

5. Maria and I are friends.

______________________ are friends.

6. The book is on the table.

______________________ is on the table.
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7. Thomas and you are tall.

______________________ are tall.

Worksheet 3 Days of the week, months, seasons and weather

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the days of the week. (Completa os dias da semana.)

1. M DAY 5. F DAY
2. T DAY 6. S A DAY
3. W E D DAY 7. S DAY

4. T H DAY

B. There are 12 months in the year. Circle them in the word snakes.
(O ano tem 12 meses. Rodeia-os na cobra de palavras.)
e r Jun
a n u a r yco c
a r c h h i l ly A f low e
hJ M pr ay



eb a ilwar m M

n Ju

mo ruar yr i s t m a sDe ly
b e a c hS cto
b e r h al hr
g ust O l rc







ho m bers c h nNove

C. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as figuras. Usa as palavras da caixa.)


1.. _________________
________________________ 2. ________________________
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3. ________________________ 4. ________________________

Numbers (1–100) | Ordinal numbers (1st–31st) Worksheet 4
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Find the numbers in the word search (¾¼).

(Encontra os números na sopa de letras.)


B. Complete the crossword with the ordinal numbers.

(Completa as palavras cruzadas com os numerais ordinais.)

23rd 1st

10th 2nd
31 –
9th –

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Worksheet 5 School objects | School places | Demonstratives | School activities

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher


A. Label the school objects. (Legenda os objetos escolares.)

1. This is a ________________. 4. This is a ______________.

2. These are ______________. 5. This is a ____________.

3. This is a ________________. 6. This is a _____________


B. Label the school places. Use the words from the box.
(Legenda os espaços da escola. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

gym canteen library classroom

1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________
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3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

Worksheet 5
C. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with this / these / that /
those. (Observa as figuras. Completa as frases com this / these / that / those.)

1. ____________ is my new computer.

2. ____________ is a blackboard.

3. ____________ are new crayons.

4. ____________ are my books.

D. Label the pictures. Use the words/expressions from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras/expressões da caixa.)

reading doing my homework

playing hide and seek playing in the playground

1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

Worksheet 6 Classroom language

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Write the following classroom expressions in Portuguese.

(Escreve as seguintes expressões de sala de aula em português.)

1. Listen and repeat.


2. Come to the board, please.


3. Can I come in?


4. How do you spell it?


5. Sorry, I’m late!


B. Tick () the correct option. (Seleciona a opção correta.))

1. Senta-te.
a) Sit down.
b) Stand up.
c) Close the door.

2. Abre o livro.
a) Close your book.
b) Open your book.
c) Open the window.

3. O que significa “kitten”?

a) What does “kitten” mean?
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b) How do you write “kitten” in English?

c) Which is the correct word for “gatinho”.

Family | Possessive case | Whose...? Worksheet 7
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Find the family members in the word search (¾¼).

(Encontra os membros da família na sopa de letras.)

Z S I N T E R Q V I O R D father
M I H Q J X T C G C N A G mother
G R B L T N Q S T B N A D grandfather
F H U W H Y G N E C T T M grandmother
H G L W B B M L G U W R H aunt
E D E I S D F C F A G D E cousin

B. Write sentences using the possessive case. There is one example.

(Escreve frases com o possessive case. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Maria has got a brother. __________________________________________________

It’s Maria’s brother.
2. Susan has got a sister. It’s _______________________________________________.
3. James has got a grandmother. It’s _______________________________________.
4. Homer has got a car. It’s _________________________________________________.

C. Answer the questions. There is one example.

(Responde às questões. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Whose book is this? _________________________________________

It’s my brother’s book. (my brother)

2. Whose family is this? ______________________________________________ (Mary)

© ASA • High Five 5

3. Whose pens are these? ____________________________________ (their cousin)

4. Whose dog is this? ____________________________________ (his grandmother)

Worksheet 8 Clothes | Footwear | Colours

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the clothes and footwear. Then colour them.

(Legenda a roupa e o calçado. Depois pinta-os.)

Pink Brown Grey

1. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

Blue Green Black

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

Yellow Orange Red

7. ______________________ 8. ______________________ 9. ______________________

The human body Worksheet 9
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the parts of the body. Use the words from the box.
There is one example.
(Legenda as partes do corpo. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

leg mouth knee head foot hand

arm ear eye nose finger toe

1 head 7

2 8

3 9

4 10

5 11
© ASA • High Five 5

6 12

Worksheet 10 Describing faces | Verb have got

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Read the sentences. Draw and colour the faces.

(Lê as frases. Desenha e pinta as caras.)

1. My name is Arthur. I have got short black hair. I have got a small mouth
and a big nose. I have got big green eyes.

2. My name is Janice. I have got long blond hair. I have got a big mouth
and a small nose. I have got big blue eyes.

© ASA • High Five 5

Hobbies | Sports Worksheet 11
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Look at the pictures. Match them with the hobbies.

(Observa as figuras e associa-as às atividades de tempos livres.)

1. • • a) dancing

2. • • b) singing

3. • • c) reading

4. • • d) watching TV

B. Label the activities. Use the words/expressions from the box.

(Legenda as atividades. Usa as palavras/expressões da caixa.)



1. 2. 3.

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4. 5. 6.

Worksheet 12 Animals (pets, farm animals, zoo animals) | a, an, the

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the animals. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda os animais. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

elephant cow giraffe duck

lion cat chicken dog

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

B. Place the names of the animals from exercise A in the correct

place. There is one example.
(Coloca os animais do exercício A na coluna correta. Segue o exemplo.)

Pets Farm animals Zoo animals


C. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the.

(Preenche os espaços com a, an, the.)

1. ___________ pig 4. ___________ elephant

© ASA • High Five 5

2. ___________ tiger 5. ___________ horse

3. ___________ sun 6. ___________ monkey

Parts of the house Worksheet 13
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the crossword with the parts of the house.

(Completa as palavras cruzadas com as divisões da casa.)


2 5



2. Place where you ea
3. Place under the ro
4. Place for your car.
5. Small bathroom.
e w h e re yo u study/work 6. Place where you sl
1. Plac . eep.
e w h e re y o u watch TV
7. Plac re your mea
yo u p re p a
8. Place where ath.
c e w h e re you take a b
9. Pla es.
fl o w e rs a nd small tre
10. Place with
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 14 Food and drinks | Present simple: like | Short answers with do

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as figuras. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

orange cheese bread meat eggs milk chips

spaghetti lettuce orange juice cake fish

1. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

7. ______________________ 8. ______________________ 9. _______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

10. _____________________ 11. ______________________ 12. ______________________

Worksheet 14
B. Complete the table with the present simple of the verb like.
(Completa a tabela com o present simple do verbo like.)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I like I ____________ like ____________ I like?
You ____________ You don’t like Do you like?
He _____________ He ____________ like Does he like?
She likes She doesn’t like ____________ she like?
It ______________ It ____________ like ____________ it like?
We like We ____________ like Do we like?
You like You don’t like Do you like?
They __________ They ____________ like Do they like?

Short answer (affirmative) Short answer (negative)

Yes, I _____________. don’t
No, I __________________.
Yes, you . No, you don't.
Yes, he does. No, he .
Yes, she . No, she .
Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Yes, we . No, we don't.
Yes, you do. No, you .
Yes, they . No, they don't.

C. Answers the questions. Use short answers. There is one example.

(Responde às perguntas. Usa respostas curtas. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Does John like soup? () _________________________________________________

Yes, he does.
2. Do we like vegetables? () _______________________________________________
3. Do Mary and Julia like cheese? () _______________________________________
4. Does it like bones? () ___________________________________________________
5. And you? Do you like bananas? __________________________________________

D. Write two sentences about what you like and two sentences about
what you don’t like.
(Escreve duas frases sobre o que gostas e duas sobre o que não gostas.)

I like ________________________________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

I don’t like __________________________________________________________________


Worksheet 15 Means of transport | Places in town

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the pictures of the means of transport with their names.

(Associa as imagens de meios de transporte aos respetivos nomes.)

1. • • a) motorbike

2. • • b) train

3. • • c) bus

4. • • d) plane

5. • • e) car

6. • • f) boat

B. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

bank supermarket school police station hospital library

1. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

Telling the time Worksheet 16
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Tick () the correct option. (Seleciona a opção correta.)

1. It’s
a) half past ten.
b) ten o’clock.
c) a quarter to ten.

2. It’s
a) midday.
b) half past twelve.
c) a quarter to three.

3. It’s
a) a quarter past eleven.
b) half past ten.
c) a quarter to twelve.

4. It’s
a) half past three.
b) a quarter past three.
c) a quarter to three.

B. Draw the hands on the clocks. (Desenha os ponteiros dos relógios.)

1. It’s midday. 3. It’s a quarter

to ten.
© ASA • High Five 5

2. It’s half past ten. 4. It’s eleven o’clock.

Worksheet 17 Recycling

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Paint the containers (blue, yellow, green) according to their labels.

(Pinta os contentores – azul, amarelo, verde – de acordo com a sua legenda.)

1. Paper 2. Glass 3. Plastic

B. Match the sentences to the images.

(Associa as palavras às imagens.)

Don’t litter. 1. • • a)

Put the rubbish in the bin. 2. • • b)

C. What else can you recycle? Colour the things you can recycle
green and colour the things you cannot recycle red.
(O que não podes reciclar? Pinta de verde o que podes reciclar e de vermelho o que
não podes reciclar.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. 2. 3. 4.

Answer key
Worksheet 1 (page 1) 12th T W E L F T H I
A. 1. Good morning! | 2. Good afternoon! | 3. Hello! | 4. Good night! | E 5th R
5. Good evening! | 6. Goodbye! N F 10th 2nd S
st T H
B. 1. morning | 2. evening | 3. afternoon | 4. night. 31 I R T Y - F I R S T
Y F E 6th E
Worksheet 2 (page 2) 9th - T N S C

A. 1. Sheeran | 2. English | 3. Taylor | 5. United States of America.

N T H T I 4th F O U R T H
I H th H X N
B. Personal answers. N I S 3rd T H I R D
C. 13th T H I R T E E N T H
Portuguese English H D V

eu I 11th E L E V E N T H
tu 1. you
ele 2. he 8th E I G H T H
ela 3. she
ele/ela (objetos/animais) it
nós 4. we Worksheet 5 (page 6)
vós 5. you A. 1. pen | 2. rulers | 3. rubber | 4. notebook | 5. pencil | 6. pencil
eles/elas they case.
B. 1. gym | 2. classroom | 3. library | 4. canteen.
D. 2. He | 3. They | 4. She | 5. We | 6. It | 7. You
C. 1. This | 2. That | 3. These | 4. Those.
Worksheet 3 (page 4)
D. 1. playing in the playground | 2. doing my homework | 3. reading |
A. 1. Monday | 2. Tuesday | 3. Wednesday | 4. Thursday | 5. Friday | 4. playing hide and seek.
6. Saturday | 7. Sunday
Worksheet 6 (page 8)
anu yco archchilly lowe June A. 1. Ouve e repete. | 2. Vem ao quadro, por favor. | 3. Posso entrar? |
A yf
hJ M pr a

nJ 4. Como se soletra? | 5. Desculpe o atraso.


n eb a i lw a r m M

mo ruar yr u ly
stbe achS ct o b
e r h al
l hr c B. 1. a) | 2. b) | 3. a)





em en

bers c h r

ho Nov e Worksheet 7 (page 9)

C. 1. autumn | 2. winter | 3. spring | 4. summer.
Worksheet 4 (page 5)
A. M I H Q J X T C G C N A G
L O P J T N E O L Q N L C B. 2. It’s Susan’s sister. | 3. It’s James’s grandmother. | 4. It’s
Homer’s car.
C. 2. It’s Mary’s family. | 3. They are their cousin’s pens. | 4. It’s his
© ASA • High Five 5

grandmother’s dog.

Worksheet 8 (page 10)

A. 1. skirt | 2. shoes | 3. coat | 4. jeans | 5. hoodie/sweatshirt |
6. socks | 7. shirt | 8. T-shirt | 9. trainers.

Answer key

Worksheet 9 (page 11) Worksheet 15 (page 18)

A. 2. ear | 3. arm | 4. finger | 5. knee | 6. foot | 7. eye | 8. mouth | A. 1. d) | 2. b) | 3. f) | 4. c) | 5. e) | 6. a).
9. nose | 10. hand | 11. leg | 12. toe.
B. 1. bank | 2. library | 3. hospital | 4. police station | 5. school |
Worksheet 11 (page 13) 6. supermarket.

A. 1. b) | 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. c). Worksheet 16 (page 19)

B. 1. playing football | 2. swimming | 3. cycling | 4. playing A. 1. b) | 2. b) | 3. c) | 4. b).
basketball | 5. playing tennis | 6. running.
B. 1. 3.
Worksheet 12 (page 14)
A. 1. giraffe | 2. dog | 3. cow | 4. cat | 5. duck | 6. elephant |
7. chicken | 8. lion.
B. Pets – cat, dog | farm animals – duck, cow, chicken |
zoo animals – lion, giraffe.
C. 1. a | 2. a | 3. the | 4. an | 5. a | 6. a. 2. 4.

Worksheet 13 (page 15)

3 G
A A 6

2 T R 5 B
Worksheet 17 (page 20)
D T A T E A. 1. blue | 2. green | 3. yellow.
7 L I V I N G R O O M D
B. 1. a) | 2. b).
1 N C E I R
S I L O C. 1; 3 – red | 2; 4 – green.

8 K I T C H E N E O
U G 9 B A T H R O O M
D 10 G A R D E N

Worksheet 14 (page 16)

A. 1. meat | 2. orange juice | 3. cheese | 4. orange | 5. fish | 6. chips |
7. milk | 8. bread | 9. spaghetti | 10. lettuce | 11. eggs | 12. cake.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I like I don’t like Do I like?
You like You don’t like Do you like?
He likes He doesn’t like Does he like?
She likes She doesn’t like Does she like?
It likes It doesn’t like Does it like?
We like We don’t like Do we like?
You like You don’t like Do you like?
They like They don’t like Do they like?

Short answer (positive) Short answer (negative)

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Yes, we do. No, we don't.
© ASA • High Five 5

Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

Yes, they do. No, they don't.

C. 2. No, we don’t. | 3. No, they don’t. | 4. Yes, it does. | 5. Yes, I do. /

No, I don’t.
D. Personal answers.

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets*
?PSLIFFT Verb to be | Personal ID
?PSLIFFT Definite and indefinite articles | Jobs and occupations
?PSLIFFT  Possessive determiners | Family members
?PSLIFFT! Verb have got | Physical features | Personality
?PSLIFFT" Possessive case | Possessive pronouns | Question word: Whose…?
Clothes, footwear and accessories
?PSLIFFT# Demonstrative pronouns | Parts of the house | Furniture

“Apoio ao estudo”
?PSLIFFT$ Verb there + to be | Prepositions of place
?PSLIFFT% Plural of nouns
?PSLIFFT& To be | There + to be | Have got
?PSLIFFTQuantifiers: some / any | Connectors: so / because | Food and drinks
?PSLIFFT Present simple: verb like | Expressing preferences | Food and drinks
?PSLIFFT Daily routine | The time
?PSLIFFT Present simple
?PSLIFFT!Adverbs of frequency | Question words
?PSLIFFT" Prepositions of time | Free time activities | Sports
?PSLIFFT#Present continuous | Adverbs of time
?PSLIFFT$ Personal pronouns (object) | Free time activities | Sports
?PSLIFFT% Prepositions of movement | Places in town
?PSLIFFT&Imperative | Public signs

Verb to be | Personal ID Apoio ao estudo 1
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

Para escreveres em inglês, é fundamental que saibas muito bem o verbo to be, que signifi-
ca “ser” ou “estar”. Nunca te esqueças de colocar os pronomes pessoais (I, you, she, …) antes
do verbo.
Para fazeres a forma negativa só tens de colocar not depois do verbo (ex.: She is not
Kate.) Para a forma interrogativa, deves “trocar” de sítio o pronome pessoal (ou o nome)
com o verbo (ex.: Is she Portuguese?).
Verb to be
Ah… e não te esqueças de que o verbo to be se usa sem-
pre para dizer a idade em inglês (ex.: I’m ten years old.)! Full forms Short forms
I am I’m
you are you’re
he is he’s
she is she’s
Bom es
it is it’s
we are we’re
you are you’re
they are they’re

A. Write the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms. There is

one example. (Escreve as frases na negativa e na interrogativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Kate is from Wales.

Negative: Kate is not from Wales.
Interrogative: Is Kate from Wales?
2. Tom is eleven years old.
3. Our surname is Jackson.
4. They are from London.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. I’m ten years old.


Aula de apoio ao estudo 1
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be
(affirmative / negative / interrogative).
(Completa as frases com a forma correta do verbo to be – afirmativa / negativa /

1. What your first name? My first name Jane.

2. How old you? I nine years old.
3. Where you from? We from Portugal.
4. he from England? No, he .
5. When your birthday? It on 5th April.

C. Read the information and the text about Kate.

(Lê a informação e o texto sobre a Kate.)

Name: Kate
My name is Kate and my
Surname: Smith surname is Smith. I’m ten
Age: ten years old. My birthday is on
7th May. I’m from Cardiff in
Birthday: 7th May
the United Kingdom. Bye!
Home town: Cardiff

D. Now read the information about Tom and complete the text.
(Agora lê a informação acerca do Tom e completa o texto.)

Name: Tom
My name is
Surname: Peterson
Age: twelve
I .
Birthday: 9th November
My birthday
Home town: London

. Bye!
© ASA • High Five 5

Definite and indefinite articles | Apoio ao estudo 2
Jobs and occupations
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

Não te esqueças de que a / an e the se colocam sempre antes dos nomes.
a / an são indefinite articles e significam “um, uma”. Utilizam-se em situa-
ções diferentes: a antes de palavras começadas por consoante (ex.: a cook) e an antes de
palavras começadas por vogal (ex.: an actor). Não se usam com nomes no plural!
The é um definite article e significa “o / a / os / as”. Não se coloca antes dos nomes próprios
de pessoas (ex.: Peter; Kate), de desportos (ex.: football) ou de países (ex.: Portugal), exceto
The UK, The USA.
Bom es

A. Write the correct article: a / an. (Escreve o artigo correto: a / an.)

1. football player 4. mechanic
2. firefighter 5. actor
3. astronaut 6. police officer

B. Circle the correct option. (Rodeia a opção correta.)

1. an / the nurse 4. a / an architect
2. the / a United Kingdom 5. a / the teachers
3. the / an doctor 6. a / an singer

C. Label the pictures with the correct job. There is one example.
(Legenda as imagens com a profissão correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1 2 3

1. a vet
4 5
© ASA • High Five 5


Apoio ao estudo 3 Possessive determiners | Family members

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

Não te esqueças de que os possessive determiners indicam sempre posse, ou seja, uma
ideia de que alguma coisa pertence a alguém. Colocam-se sempre antes dos nomes (ex.: my
brother; his name; etc.). Para os aplicares corretamente, deves memorizá-los. Estes deter-
minantes usam-se frequentemente com vocabulário da família (ex.: brother, parents, etc.).

Personal pronouns Possessive determiners

I my
you your
he his
she her
it its
Bom es we our
you your
they their

A. Tick () the correct option. (Seleciona a opção correta.)

1. Jennifer is my friend. sister is Mary.
a) Their b) His c) Her
2. They are Mr and Mrs Smith. son and daughter are at
a) Its b) Their c) Our
3. Henry is my friend. This is family.
a) my b) his c) your
4. family is big, Tom.
a) Its b) Your c) Her
5. Ann and I are sisters. parents are Susan and Peter.
a) Their b) Your c) Our
6. Hi, Jason. Who is friend?
a) its b) your c) her
© ASA • High Five 5

7. Hello, I’m the new student. name is Susan.

a) His b) Our c) My

Aula de apoio ao estudo 3
B. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive determiner.
(Completa as frases com o possessive determiner correto.)

1. name is Ann. I’m from England.

2. Is that friend Peter, Kate?
3. That is Oscar. David is son.
4. Sarah is my friend. father is from my home town.
5. Chloe and I are twin sisters. parents are teachers.
6. Daniel and Ann are parents. daughter Mary is at school.

C. Look at the family tree. Complete it with the correct family member.
Use the words from the box. There is one example.
(Observa a imagem. Legenda-a com o membro da família correto. Usa as palavras
da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

grandmother uncle aunt father sister

mother cousin brother grandfather


1 2

3 father 4 5 6
© ASA • High Five 5

7 8 9

Apoio ao estudo 4 Verb have got | Physical features

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

O verbo have got significa “ter” e indica posse. Nunca te esqueças de colocar os pronomes
pessoais (I, you, he, …) antes do verbo.
Para fazeres a forma negativa, só tens que colocar
Verb have got
not depois da primeira parte do verbo (ex.: She has not
Full forms Short forms
got long hair. / She hasn’t got long hair.) Para a forma
interrogativa, deves “trocar” de sítio o pronome I I
have got ’ve got
pessoal (ou o nome) com has ou have (ex.: Has she you you
got long hair?). he he
Este verbo usa-se frequentemente com a descrição she has got she ’s got
física (ex.: I’ve got green eyes). it it
we we
Bom es
you have got you ’ve got
they they

A. Write sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

(Escreve frases na negativa e na interrogativa.)

1. Tom and Kate have got green eyes.

2. He has got a blue cap.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got
(affirmative, negative, interrogative.)
(Completa as frases com a forma correta do verbo have got.)

1. The boy short hair.

2. We (not) red T-shirts.
3. The girl freckles.
4. The nice man a big nose.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. I long straight black hair.

6. he
brown eyes?

Possessive case | Possessive pronouns |
Question word: Whose…? | Apoio ao estudo 5
Clothes, footwear and accessories

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

Quando queres indicar que algo pertence a alguém utilizas possessive case = nome + ’s
+ item (ex.: Kate’s house. – A casa da Kate.). Se o primeiro nome for singular, acrescentas ’s
(ex.: Peter’s cat). Se o primeiro nome for plural e terminar em -s, acrescentas apenas o após-
trofo ’ (ex.: The boys’ cats).
A palavra whose significa “de quem” e utiliza-se em perguntas.
Os possessive pronouns indicam sempre posse e substituem os nomes. Assim, nunca
aparecem antes deles. Deves memorizá-los para os aplicares corretamente.

Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns

I mine
you yours
he his
she hers
it its
we ours
you yours
they theirs
Bom es

A. Write the words in the correct order. Use ’ ou ’s.

There is one example.
(Escreve frases na ordem correta. Usa ’ ou ’s. Segue o exemplo.)

1. shoes / Patricia Patricia’s shoes

2. ball / the boys
3. car / my father
4. red cap / Tom
5. house / our parents
6. coat / Mr Smith
7. boots / the girls
© ASA • High Five 5

8. dress / Mrs Peterson

Aula de apoio ao estudo 5
B. Read the questions and answer them. There is one example.
(Lê as questões e responde. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Whose cat is that? 3. Whose shirt is this?

It is Jack’s cat. (Jack) It is . (Jess)

2. Whose sweater is this? 4. Whose jacket is that?

It is . (Mary) It is . (Sarah)

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun.

(Completa os espaços com o possessive pronoun correto.)

1. Mary has got a red skirt. It’s .

2. Kate and Paul have got dogs. They’re .

3. I have got a black cat. It’s .

4. Jack has got a new watch. It’s .

5. We have got a big house. It’s .

6. You have got blue trousers. They’re .

7. This is my new cap. It’s .

8. My parents have got a new car. It’s .

9. Paul and I have got a computer. It’s .

10. You and Tess have got a new pen. It’s .

D. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

1. 2. 3.

© ASA • High Five 5


4. 5. 6.

Demonstratives |
Parts of the house | Furniture
Apoio ao estudo 6
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

Os demonstratives (this – este / these – estes; that – aquele / those – aque-
les) indicam o local onde um objeto se encontra face à pessoa que fala.
Não te esqueças de que deves saber muito bem o vocabulário relacionado com a casa
(as suas divisões e mobília). Para isso, faz listas de vocabulário e memoriza-as, dizendo-as em
voz alta e escrevendo as palavras. Só treinando consegues fixar a forma como as palavras se
Bom estudo!

A. Look at the pictures and write this / these / that / those. There are two
examples. (Observa as imagens e escreve this / these / that / those. Segue os exemplos.)

1. this lamp
2. those armchairs

B. Look at the picture and label it. Use the words from the box.
(Observa a imagem e legenda-a. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

garage hall kitchen living room bathroom

bedroom attic study dining room

1 3.
2 3 4
© ASA • High Five 5

5 6 7 8 9 7.

Apoio ao estudo 7 Verb there + to be | Prepositions of place

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

There + to be significa “haver” e apresenta duas formas em inglês: there is – singular e
there are – plural. A forma negativa faz-se com a palavra not (ex.: There is not a lamp here.).
Para formar a interrogativa, coloca-se is ou are em primeiro lugar (ex.: Is there a lamp
here? / Are there lamps here?).
As prepositions of place (preposições de lugar), como at, in front of, behind, under…,
indicam onde algo se situa. Deves saber muito bem o seu significado para que as possas
aplicar corretamente.

Bom estudo!
A. Write the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms. There is
one example. (Escreve as frases na negativa e na interrogativa. Segue o exemplo.)
1. There is a rug opposite the bed.
Negative: There isn’t a rug opposite the bed.
Interrogative: Is there a rug opposite the bed?
2. There are two bedside tables in the bedroom.
3. There is one computer on the desk.

B. Look at Peter’s bedroom. Complete the sentences with the

prepositions of place from the box. (Observa a imagem do quarto do Peter.
Completa as frases com as prepositions of place da caixa.)

at under opposite in front of below behind on

1. There is a bed the window.

2. There is a poster the door.
3. There is a desk the bed.
4. There are shoes the bed.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. There is a lamp the desk.

6. There is a mirror the door.
7. Peter is home in his bedroom.

Plural of nouns Apoio ao estudo 8
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

Os nomes formam o plural em inglês, regra geral, acrescentando-se -s ao
nome no singular (ex.: cat – cats; girl – girls; table – tables).
Há, no entanto, exceções:
• para os nomes que terminam em -s / -ss / -x / -sh / - ch / -o, acrescenta-se -es (ex.: potato
– potatoes; kiss – kisses);
• para os nomes que terminam em consoante + y, retira-se a letra y e acrescenta-se -ies
(ex.: baby – babies; dictionary – dictionaries).
Para além de saberes bem estas regras, deves memorizar os plurais irregulares em pala-
vras como fish – fish, foot – feet, man – men, woman – women, child – children; person – people,
entre outras.
Faz muitos exercícios de treino e vais ver que rapidamente saberás
B o m estudo!
estas regras!

A. Write the plurals. (Escreve os plurais.)

1. one boy – three 6. one foot – two
2. one child – four 7. one party – two
3. one man – two 8. one box – six
4. one bus – five 9. one person – twenty
5. one watch – two 10. one tomato – two

B. Write the sentences in the plural. There is one example.

(Escreve as frases no plural. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I have got one dog, one house, one watch and one fish.
We have got two dogs, two houses, two watches and two fish.

2. The girl has got one book, one cat, one dress and one brush.

3. That person has got one car, one child, one garage and one house.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. This woman has got one watch, one skirt, one hat and one box.

Apoio ao estudo 9 To be | There + to be | Have got

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

Para saberes falar e escrever corretamente em inglês, deves saber
conjugar bem os verbos. Os verbos to be (ser/estar), there + to be (ha-
ver) e have got (ter) são muito importantes, por isso deves decorá-los.
Para isso, escreve-os muitas vezes e memoriza as suas regras: para a
negativa, coloca sempre o not à frente do verbo, e, no caso do have
got, entre have/has e got; para a interrogativa, escreve sempre o
verbo primeiro e depois o pronome ou nome. Se souberes que estas Bom es
regras se aplicam a vários verbos, é mais fácil a sua compreensão.

A. Complete the tables with the affirmative (full forms) of the verbs.
(Completa a tabela com a afirmativa – forma longa – dos verbos.)

To be Have got
you you
he he Keep in Mind!
she she There + to be:
it it singular: there is
we we plural: there are
you you
they they

B. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs to be,
have got and there + to be.
(Completa as frases com a forma correta dos verbos to be, have got e there + to be.)

1. My name Mary. I eleven years old.

2. some apples in the kitchen.
3. I (not) a brother. I one sister.
4. Where you from?
5. At home a fridge in the kitchen.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. any potatoes?
7. The girls red dresses.
8. She five pencils in her school bag.

Quantifiers: some / any |
Connectors: so / because | Food and drinks Apoio ao estudo 10
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

Quando uma pergunta em inglês começa por How many...? (Quantos?)
pretende-se saber a quantidade. Para responder, pode usar-se some (algum/ns),
nas frases afirmativas, e any (algum/nenhum), nas frases interrogativas e nas
frases negativas.
Para além disto, para escreveres bem em inglês, é preciso saberes ligar as
frases para que um texto tenha sentido. Deves, assim, conhecer palavras como
because (porque) ou so (então) que servem para isso.
Bom estudo!

A. Complete the sentences with some or any.

(Completa as frases com some ou any.)

1. There are apples in the kitchen.

2. Is there milk in the fridge?
3. Mary has got water bottles in the car.
4. We haven’t got food at home.
5. I have got juice in the fridge.
6. Have you got fruit at home?

B. Write sentences with so or because.

(Escreve frases com so ou because.)

1. Peter hates hamburger. He eats pizza.

Peter hates hamburger, so he eats pizza.

2. We drink milk every day. We love it.

3. They don’t like oranges. They eat bananas.

4. I like soup. It is healthy.

© ASA • High Five 5

5. Kate hates cheese. She eats ham.

Apoio ao estudo 11 Present simple: verb like | Expressing
preferences | Food and drinks

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

O verbo like (gostar) e o verbo hate (detestar) servem para manifestar preferências. Po-
dem ser seguidos de um nome (ex.: I like bananas. / I hate bananas.) ou de um outro verbo
terminado em -ing (ex.: I like eating bananas. – Eu gosto de comer bananas. / I hate eating
bananas. – Eu detesto comer bananas.)
O vocabulário relacionado com a alimentação deve ser bem treinado.
Para isso, faz listas de palavras e estuda-as.
Bom es

A. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the -ing form.

(Completa as frases com a -ing form dos verbos.)

1. Ann loves (play) football with her friends.

2. We hate (watch) football matches on TV.
3. Tom loves (read) books about famous people.
4. I like (eat) food very much.
5. My sister hates (cook).
6. They love (swim).
7. She doesn’t like (dance).
8. We love (go) to the cinema.

B. Put the words in the correct order. Make sentences.

(Coloca as palavras na ordem correta. Constrói frases.)

1. like / Peter / does / tea / not / drinking / .

2. we / cooking / love / food / different / .

3. hates / Susan / watching / horror / films / .

© ASA • High Five 5

4. my / love / Chinese / parents / food / eating / .

Daily routine | The time Apoio ao estudo 12
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

Para descreveres a tua rotina diária em inglês, deves saber muito bem verbos e expres-
sões como: get up, go to school, have lunch, etc.
Quando descreves a rotina, podes indicar as horas: as horas certas escrevem-se através
da expressão o’clock (ex.: 7 o’clock); half significa “meia hora” e a quarter “um quarto de
hora”; past utiliza-se para indicar os minutos até 30 e to a partir de 30. Se for antes do
meio-dia, deves incluir a.m. (ex.: 11 a.m. – 11 da manhã) e, se for depois do meio-dia, deves
incluir p.m. (ex.: 2 p.m. – 2 da tarde).
Bom estudo!
A. Complete the text. Use the expressions from the box.
(Completa o texto. Usa as expressões da caixa.) go to bed
get up
I (1) at 7 o’clock and then I (2) .
have breakfast
I (3) in the kitchen at 7.15. I always eat cereal.
have dinner
At 7.30 I (4) by bus. My classes do
are at 8 o’clock. At 12.30 I (5) in the have a shower
school canteen. In the afternoon I (6) my
go to school
homework. I (7) at 9.05 p.m. and
have lunch
I (8) at 11.30 p.m.

B. What time is it? Match the pictures with the correct time.
(Que horas são? Liga as imagens às horas certas.)

08:30 1. • • a) a quarter to four

04:00 2. • • b) half past eight

06:50 3. • • c) ten to seven

03:45 4. • • d) four o’clock

C. What time is it? Write correct sentences. (Que horas são? Escreve frases.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. 1.15 It’s a quarter past one. 3. 4.30

2. 5.40 4. 9.10

Apoio ao estudo 13 Present simple

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

O present simple é um tempo verbal usado para falar sobre rotina diária, factos e hábitos.
A forma afirmativa é igual para todas as pessoas, à exceção da 3ª pessoa do singular,
a que se acrescenta um -s. Aos verbos que terminam em -o, -ch, -sh, -s, -x e -z, acrescenta-se
-es na 3ª pessoa do singular (ex.: I go – he goes; I watch – he watches, etc.). Para os verbos
que terminam em consoante seguida de -y, retira-se esta letra e acrescenta-se -ies
(ex.: I study – he studies).
Para fazeres as formas negativa e interrogativa precisas sempre de um verbo auxiliar, o
verbo do. Na negativa, acrescentas do not/does not ao infinitivo do verbo principal (ex.: I do
not eat apples. / She does not eat apples.). Na interrogativa, colocas do/does, seguido do
nome/pronome e do infinitivo do verbo principal (ex.: Do you eat apples? / Does she eat

Verb eat
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
eat do not Do
you you you
he he he
she eats she does not eat Does she eat…?
it it it
we we we
you eat you do not Do you
tudo! they they they
Bom es
Estuda estas regras e faz muitos exercícios para saberes bem
este tempo verbal.

A. Circle the correct option. (Rodeia a opção correta.)

1. I get up / gets up at half past seven every day.
2. On Mondays she go / goes to a football match.
3. They have / has dinner at eight o’clock.
4. We don’t drink / doesn’t drink orange juice.
5. Our classmates love / loves football.
6. Tom wakes / wake up at seven o’clock.
© ASA • High Five 5

7. My brother and I doesn’t eat / don’t eat meat.

8. My parents live / lives in England.
9. You and John play / plays the piano.

Aula de apoio ao estudo 13
B. Write sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.
(Escreve frases na negativa e na interrogativa.)

1. Kate gets up at 8 o’clock.

Negative: Kate does not get up at 8 o’clock.
Interrogative: Does Kate get up at 8 o’clock?
2. We go to school by car.
3. Peter eats breakfast at home.
4. They brush their teeth after breakfast.
5. You play tennis with your friends.

C. Complete the text with the present simple of the verbs.

(Complete o texto com os verbos no present simple.)

Mary and Jack ((1) (be) brothers. They (2)

(wake up) at a quarter to eight every morning. They (3)

(have) breakfast and they (4) (brush) their teeth. Then they
(5) (get) dressed.

At twenty past eight, Jack (6) (go) to school by bike and

Mary (7) (go) on foot. Their classes (8) __________ (start) at
a quarter to nine.

They always (9) (have) lunch at school but Mary

(10) (not / like) the food there very much. Jack (11)
(love) eating at school.
© ASA • High Five 5

At six o’clock, they (12) (arrive) home. They (13)

(not / watch) TV. Jack (14) (play) video games and Mary
(15) (listen) to music.

Apoio ao estudo 14 Adverbs of frequency | Question words

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

Os adverbs of frequency (advérbios de frequência) – como always (sempre), usually
(h sometimes (às vezes), never (nunca) – usam-se para indicar a frequência de
um ação. Estes advérbios colocam-se antes do verbo conjugado (ex.: I never play football.) ou
de do verbo to be (ex.: I am never sad.). Utilizam-se com o present simple para descrever
a rotina diária.
Deves saber muito bem o que significam palavras como who (quem), where (onde), when
(quando) ou expressões como how many (quantos), entre outras, para poderes participar em
atividades de speaking e responder corretamente a perguntas de interpretação sobre um texto.

Bom estudo!

A. Write sentences. Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place.

(Escreve frases. Coloca os adverbs of frequency no local correto.)

1. We eat in the school canteen. (always)

2. Kate is late for her class. (usually)

3. They have breakfast in the school bar. (sometimes)

4. I go to school on foot. (never)

B. Complete the questions with the question words from the box.
(Completa as perguntas com as question words da caixa.)

who what where why how how many

1. is your favourite meal? 4. are you happy?

It’s lunch. Because it’s sunny.
2. is that woman? 5. students are here?
© ASA • High Five 5

It’s my mother. Ten.

3. are you? 6. are you?
At home. OK.

Prepositions of time | Apoio ao estudo 15
Free time activities | Sports

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

Se souberes bem para que se usam as preposições de tempo, vais
aplicá-las corretamente: in (para partes do dia, meses, anos e estações do
ano), at (para horas e night) e on (dias da semana e datas específicas).
Para escreveres cada vez melhor em inglês, deves aprender novas palavras e memorizá-las.
Assim, faz uma lista com os hobbies e desportos que aprendeste e treina bem esse vocabulário
para não escreveres com erros ortográficos.
tud o!
Bom es

A. Complete the sentences with in, at, on. (Completa as frases com in, at, on.)
1. We wake up 7 o’clock.
2. Ann has a shower the morning.
3. 2017, Thomas is ten years old.
4. My cousins play football Mondays.
5. We receive presents Christmas Day.
6. We go to bed night.
7. Her birthday is August.
8. Our classes finish 3.35 p.m.

B. Write the words in the correct order. (Escreve as palavras na ordem correta.)
1. evening / watch TV / we / the / in / .

2. Janet / at / listens to music / night / .

3. play football / 8.30 p.m. / Peter / at / does / ?

4. I / the / to school / morning / go / in

© ASA • High Five 5

5. you / after dinner / read / book / a / don’t / .

Apoio ao estudo 16 Present continuous | Adverbs of time

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

O present continuous é um tempo verbal usado para falar sobre algo que está a acontecer
no momento do discurso. Forma-se com o verbo to be (am, is, are) seguido do verbo principal
terminado em -ing. Na forma negativa coloca-se o not a seguir ao verbo to be (ex.: Kate is not
playing tennis.). Na forma interrogativa, coloca-se o verbo to be primeiro, seguido do nome/
pronome e do verbo principal terminado em -ing (ex.: Is Kate playing tennis?).

Verb sing
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am I am not Am I
you are you are not Are you
he he he
she is singing she is not singing Is she singing…?

Bom it it it

estudo! we we we
you are you are not Are you
they they they

Com este tempo verbal utilizam-se os adverbs of time today (hoje), now (agora) e still
(ainda), bem como expressões como at the moment (neste momento).
Estuda bem estas regras e faz muitos exercícios para saberes este tempo verbal.

A. Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous.

(Completa as frases. Usa o present continuous.)
Keep in Mind!
1. I (do) my homework.
go – going
2. Peter (write) Jack an email.
3. We (go) to the cinema. smile – smiling
put – putting
4. They (play) football.

B. Write sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

(Escreve frases na negativa e na interrogativa.)

1. She is reading a book at the moment.

© ASA • High Five 5

2. You are watching TV in the kitchen today.


Personal pronouns (object) | Apoio ao estudo 17
Free time activities | Sports

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

Não te esqueças de que os pronomes pessoais substituem sempre os nomes. Podem
aparecer no lugar do sujeito (subject), normalmente no início das frases, ou então no lugar de
um complemento (object), já depois do verbo conjugado.
Os personal pronouns (object) são também usados depois de uma preposição (ex.: I am
talking to Kate. / I am talking to her.)

Personal pronouns (subject) Personal pronouns (object)

I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
Para os aplicares corretamente, deves memorizá-los, assim como o todo o vocabulário
que fores aprendendo.
Bom estudo!
A. Tick () the correct personal pronoun.
(Seleciona o personal pronoun correto.)

1. They are playing football with Tom. They always want in their
a) it b) him c) them
2. Henry is my friend. He plays tennis with all the time.
a) me b) him c) your
3. Your parents are calling on your phone, Tom.
a) it b) you c) her
4. Kate and John want to see the photos. Put on the computer.
a) them b) us c) you
5. We like to cycle. Those new bikes are for .
© ASA • High Five 5

a) it b) us c) me
6. Susan, we are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with ?
a) it b) us c) me

Apoio ao estudo 18 Prepositions of movement | Places in town

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

As prepositions of movement indicam direção. Deves, assim, saber bem o seu significado
para as poderes aplicar corretamente.
Não confundas to (para) com into (para dentro de) ou onto (para cima de).
Para escreveres cada vez melhor em inglês, deves aprender novas palavras e memorizá-las,
sabendo qual o seu local nas frases.

Bom es

A. Circle the correct preposition of movement.

(Rodeia a preposition of movement correta.)

1. We always go to / over the cinema on Saturdays.

2. The man is driving to / onto the museum.
3. Oliver is jumping into / onto the box.
4. The dogs are running into / onto the house.
5. They are going into / onto the car park.
6. Kate is going onto / to the park.
7. The children are jumping onto / into the skateboard.
8. The car is going onto / into the garage.

B. Complete the sentences with the prepositions to, onto, into.

(Completa as frases com onto, to, into.)

1. The children are in the garden. They are climbing the three.
2. The boys are jumping the swimming pool.
3. The man is driving the park.
4. Come with me the shopping
5. The dog is jumping
© ASA • High Five 5

the fence.
6. My sister is running
the room to get her coat.

Imperative | Public signs Apoio ao estudo 19
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

O imperative (imperativo) é um modo verbal usado para transmitir indicações, or-
dens e conselhos/sugestões. Pode ser usado também para fazer pedidos/convites.
Forma-se com o infinitivo do verbo sem to (ex.: Pay attention! – Presta/ai atenção.)
Forma-se a negativa colocando-se do, seguido de not e o verbo principal no infinitivo (ex.:
Do not enter. – Não entres/eis.)
É muito utilizado diariamente em conversas, em situações de sala de aula e, no exterior,
em sinais públicos que dão diversas indicações e informações às pessoas.
Bom es

A. Write the verbs in the imperative. (Escreve os verbos no imperative.)

1. Brush (brush) your teeth.
2. Tom, (do) your homework!
3. (not / to be) late for school again!
4. Please, (to be) quiet.
5. (not / break) the lamp!

B. Match the sentences with the pictures. (Associa as frases às imagens.)

Do not smoke here! 1. • • a)

Please, clean up after your pet. 2. • • b)

Push the button for green light. 3. • • c)

Please, keep the toilets clean. 4. • • d)

© ASA • High Five 5

Do not walk on the grass! 5. • • e)

Answer key
AULAS DE APOIO AO ESTUDO B. 1. is (’s) / am (’m) | 2. There are | 3. haven’t got / have got | 4. are |
5. there is | 6. Are there | 9. have got | 10. has got.
Worksheet 1 (page 1)
A. 2. Tom isn’t (is not) eleven years old. / Is Tom eleven years old? |
Worksheet 10 (page 13)
3. Our surname isn’t (is not) Jackson. / Is our surname Jackson? | A. 1. some | 2. any | 3. some | 4. any | 5. some | 6. any.
4. They aren’t (are not) from London. / Are they from London? | B. 2. We drink milk every day because we love it. | 3. They don’t like
5. I’m not (am not) ten years old. / Am I (Are you) ten years old? oranges so they eat bananas. | 4. I like soup because it’s healthy. |
B. 1. is (‘s) / is | 2. are / am (’m) | 3. are / are (’re) | 4. Is / isn’t | 5. Kate hates cheese so she eats ham.
5. is / is (‘s).
D. My name is Tom and my surname is Peterson. I’m twelve years Worksheet 11 (page 14)
old. My birthday is on 9th November. I’m from London, in the United A. 1. playing | 2. watching | 3. reading | 4. eating | 5. cooking |
Kingdom. Bye! 6. swimming | 7. dancing | 8. going.
B. 1. Peter does not like drinking tea. | 2. We love cooking different
Worksheet 2 (page 3) food. | 3. Susan hates watching horror films. | 4. My parents love
A. 1. a | 2. a | 3. an | 4. a | 5. an | 6. a. eating Chinese food.
B. 1. the | 2. the | 3. the | 4. an | 5. the | 6. a.
C. 2. a firefighter | 3. an architect | 4. a cook | 5. a doctor. Worksheet 12 (page 15)
A. 1. get up | 2. have a shower | 3. have breakfast | 4. go to school |
Worksheet 3 (page 4) 5. have lunch | 6. do | 7. have dinner | 8. go to bed.
A. 1. c) | 2. b) | 3. b) | 4. b) | 5. c) | 6. b) | 7. c). B. 1. b) | 2. d) | 3. c) | 4. a).
B. 1. My | 2. your | 3. his | 4. Her | 5. Our | 6. Their. C. 2. It’s twenty to six. | 3. It’s half past four. | 4. It’s ten past nine.
C. 1. grandfather | 2. grandmother | 4. mother | 5. uncle | 6. aunt |
7. sister | 8. brother | 9. cousin. Worksheet 13 (page 16)
A. 1. get up | 2. goes | 3. have | 4. don’t drink | 5. love | 6. wakes |
Worksheet 4 (page 6) 7. don’t eat | 8. live | 9. play.
A. 1. Tom and Kate haven’t got green eyes. / Have Tom and Kate got B. 2. We don’t go to school by car. / Do we go to school by car? |
green eyes? | 2. He hasn’t got blue cap. / Has he got a blue cap? 3. Peter doesn’t eat breakfast at home. / Does Peter eat breakfast
B. 1. has got | 2. haven’t got | 3. has got | 4. has got | 5. have got | at home? | 4. They don’t brush their teeth after breakfast. / Do they
6. Has… got. brush their teeth after breakfast? | 5. You don’t play tennis with
your friends. / Do you play tennis with your friends?
Worksheet 5 (page 7) C. 1. are | 2. wake up | 3. have | 4. brush | 5. get | 6. goes | 7. goes |
A. 2. The boys’ ball | 3. My father’s car | 4. Tom’s red cap | 5. Our 8. start | 9. have | 10. doesn’t like | 11. loves | 12. arrive | 13. don’t
parents’ house | 6. Mr Smith’s coat | 7. The girls’ boots | 8. Mrs watch | 14. plays | 15. listens.
Peterson’s dress.
B. 2. It’s Mary’s sweater. | 3. Jess’s shirt | 4. Sarah’s jacket. Worksheet 14 (page 18)
C. 1. hers | 2. theirs | 3. mine | 4. his | 5. ours | 6. yours | 7. mine | A. 1. We always eat in the school canteen | 2. Kate is usually late
8. theirs | 9. ours | 10. yours. for her class. | 3. They sometimes have breakfast in the school bar. |
D. 1. scarf | 2. dress | 3. boots | 4. pyjamas | 5. trainers | 6. jeans. 4. I never go to school on foot.
B. 1. What | 2. Who | 3. Where | 4. Why | 5. How many | 6. How.
Worksheet 6 (page 9)
A. 3. these beds | 4. that cupboard | 5. this TV set | 6. those tables. Worksheet 15 (page 19)
B. 1. attic | 2. bedroom | 3. bathroom | 4. study | 5. kitchen | A. 1. at | 2. in | 3. In | 4. on | 5. on | 6. at | 7. in | 8. at.
6. dining room | 7. hall | 8. living room | 9. garage. B. 1. We watch TV in the evening. | 2. Janet listens to music at
night | 3. Does Peter play football at 8:30 p.m.? | 4. I go to school in
Worksheet 7 (page 10) the morning. | 5. You don’t read a book after dinner.
A. 2. There aren’t two bedside tables in the bedroom. / Are there
two bedside tables in the bedroom? | 3. There isn’t one computer Worksheet 16 (page 20)
on the desk. / Is there one computer on the desk? A. 1. am (’m) doing | 2. is writing | 3. are going | 4. are playing.
B. 1. below | 2. behind | 3. in front of / opposite | 4. under | 5. on |
B. 1. She isn’t reading a book at the moment. / Is she reading a book
6. In front of / opposite | 7. at.
at the moment? | 2. You aren’t watching TV in the kitchen today. /
Are you watching TV in the kitchen today?
Worksheet 8 (page 11)
A. 1. boys | 2. children | 3. men | 4. buses | 5. watches | 6. feet | Worksheet 17 (page 21)
7. parties | 8. boxes | 9. people | 10. tomatoes.
A. 1. b) | 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. a) | 5. b) | 6. b).
B. 2. The girls have got two books, two cats, two dresses and two
brushes. | 3. Those people have got two cars, two children, two Worksheet 18 (page 22)
© ASA • High Five 5

garages and two houses. | 4. Those women have got two watches ,
A. 1. to | 2. to | 3. onto| 4. into | 5. into | 6. to | 7. onto | 8. into.
two skirts, two hats and two boxes.
B. 1. onto | 2. into | 3. to | 4. to | 5. onto | 6. into.
Worksheet 9 (page 12)
Worksheet 19 (page 23)
A. To be: I am | you are | he/she/it is | we are | you are | they are
Have got: I have got | you have got | he/she/it has got | we have got | A. 2. do | 3. Don’t be | 4. be | 5. Don’t break.
you have got | they have got. B. 1. b) | 2. e) | 3. d) | 4. a) | 5. c).

Differentiated worksheets*
 7..  ,.2

Vocabulary worksheets ?PSLIFFT Alphabet | Colours

?PSLIFFT Greetings and goodbyes
?PSLIFFT Greetings and goodbyes
?PSLIFFT  Personal pronouns
?PSLIFFT Personal ID
?PSLIFFT! Personal ID
?PSLIFFT  Family members
?PSLIFFT" Numbers
?PSLIFFT! Jobs and occupations
?PSLIFFT# Days of the week
?PSLIFFT" The human body
?PSLIFFT$ Months
?PSLIFFT# Clothes, footwear and accessories
?PSLIFFT% School objects
?PSLIFFT$ Parts of the house | Furniture
?PSLIFFT& Animals
?PSLIFFT% Food and drinks
?PSLIFFT Family members
?PSLIFFT& Daily routine | The time
?PSLIFFT Jobs and occupations
?PSLIFFT Free time activities
?PSLIFFT Verb to be

Differentiated worksheets
?PSLIFFT  The human body
Grammar worksheets ?PSLIFFT! Clothes, footwear and accessories
?PSLIFFT" Verb have got
?PSLIFFT Personal pronouns
?PSLIFFT# Parts of the house | Furniture
?PSLIFFT Verb to be
?PSLIFFT$ Food and drinks
?PSLIFFT  Question words 1
?PSLIFFT% Present simple: verb like
?PSLIFFT! Definite and indefinite articles
?PSLIFFT& Daily routine | The time
?PSLIFFT" Possessive determiners
?PSLIFFTFree time activities
?PSLIFFT# Verb have got
?PSLIFFT$ Possessive pronouns
?PSLIFFT% Possessive case | Question word: Whose…?
?PSLIFFT& Verb there + to be
?PSLIFFT Prepositions of place
?PSLIFFT Plural of nouns
?PSLIFFT Quantifiers: some / any |
Question word: How many…?
?PSLIFFT  Present simple: verb like |
Expressing preferences (like / hate + -ing)
?PSLIFFT! Present simple
?PSLIFFT" Adverbs of frequency
?PSLIFFT# Question words 2
?PSLIFFT$ Present continuous
?PSLIFFT% Personal pronouns (object)
?PSLIFFT& Prepositions of movement
NEE – Vocabulary
1 Greetings and goodbyes 2

2 Personal ID 3

3 Family members 4

4 Jobs and occupations 5

5 The human body 6

6 Clothes, footwear and accessories 7

7 Parts of the house | Furniture 8

8 Food and drinks 9

9 Daily routine | The time 10

10 Free time activities 12

11 Sports 13

Answer key 59

Available in editable format at

Worksheet 1 Greetings and goodbyes

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct greeting from the box.
There is one example.
(Legenda as imagens com a saudação correta da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

Good afternoon! Good evening! Good morning! Good night!

1. Good evening! 3. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

B. Complete the sentences. Use the expressions from the box. There is
one example. (Completa as frases. Usa as expressões da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

How are you? Goodbye! See you later! I’m fine Hello!

Tom: Hello , Anne!

Anne: Hello, Tom! (1) ?
© ASA • High Five 5

Tom: (2) , thank you! And you?

Anne: I’m very well. (3) .
Tom: (4) !

Personal ID Worksheet 2
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the table with information about YOU.

(Preenche a tabela com informações sobre TI.)

1. Name (nome)
2. Age (idade)
3. Birthday (data de nascimento)
4. Home town (cidade onde vives)

B. Now, answer the questions about YOU.

(Agora responde às questões sobre TI.)

1. What’s your name? My name’s .

2. How old are you? I’m years old.

3. When is your birthday? My birthday is on

. (dia e mês do teu aniversário)

4. Where are you from? I’m from . (cidade onde vives)

C. Write sentences. There is one example.

(Escreve frases. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Maria / 9 / 10th October / Lagos / .

My name is Maria. I’m nine years old. My birthday
is on 10th October. I am from Lagos.

2. Francis / 10 / 23rd April / Ottawa / .

3. Peter / 12 / 31st August / London / .

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4. Karen / 9 / 5th May / Liverpool / .

Worksheet 3 Family members

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the columns to make words about family members.

There is one example.
(Faz a ligação entre as colunas para formares palavras sobre a família.
Segue o exemplo.)

Mãe Mo 1. • • a) ter

Pai Fat 2. • • b) sin

Irmão Broth 3. • • c) her

Irmã Sis 4. • • d) cle

Tio Un 5. • • e) er

Primo Cou 6. • • f) ther

B. Label the picture. Use the words from the box. There are two
examples. (Legenda a imagem. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue os exemplos.)

grandmother cousin father sister mother

aunt uncle grandfather Tip (the dog)

1. sister
2. 3. 4. aunt

© ASA • High Five 5

me 9.
8. 7.

Jobs and occupations Worksheet 4
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the pictures with the names of the jobs. There is one
example. (Associa as imagens aos nomes das profissões. Segue o exemplo.)

1. • • a)

2. • • b)

3. • • c)

police officer
4. • • d)

5. • • e)

A. Find the jobs in the word search (¾¼) and write them. There is one
example. (Encontra as profissões na sopa de letras e escreve-as. Segue o exemplo.)

1. L A W Y E R B X K R V J L N X E L
2. S N
3. B Y T
4. A H C
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5. M H A T K P P E X I N T N L
6. N R R W H J U X K R F C A

Worksheet 5 The human body

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the parts of Alice’s body. Use the words from the box.
There is one example.
(Legenda as partes do corpo da Alice. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

eye (olho) ear (orelha) nose (nariz) mouth (boca) hair (cabelo)
arm (braço) hand (mão) leg (perna) knee (joelho) foot (pé)

1 hair 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

B. Colour the monster. Follow the instructions.

(Pinta o monstro. Segue as instruções.)

1. yellow face
2. blue teeth
3. orange hair
4. green arms
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5. purple fingers
6. red legs
7. grey body

Clothes, footwear and accessories Worksheet 6
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Tick () the correct option. There is one example.

(Seleciona a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. 4.

a) jeans
a) T-shirt (T-shirt) (calças de ganga)
b) sweater (camisola) b) cap (boné)

2. 5.

a) trousers (calças) a) belt (cinto)

b) skirt (saia) b) hat (chapéu)
3. 6.

a) dress (vestido) a) socks (meias)

b) shirt (camisa) b) jacket (casaco)

B. Colour the clothes. (Pinta as roupas.)

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1. shorts (calções) – blue (azul) 2. cap (boné) – red (vermelho)

Worksheet 7 Parts of the house | Furniture

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the words with the pictures. There is one example.

(Faz a ligação entre as palavras e as imagens. Segue o exemplo.)

chest of drawers 1. • • a)

wardrobe 2. • • b)

sink 3. • • c)

cooker 4. • • d)

chair 5. • • e)

B. Write each group of furniture in the correct part of the house.

(Escreve cada grupo de mobília na divisão correta.)

1. bed (cama); rug (tapete); bedside table (mesa de cabeceira)

2. fridge (frigorífico); cupboard (armário); table (mesa)
3. table (mesa); TV (TV); sofa (sofá); armchair (cadeirão)
4. bath (banheira); washbasin (lavatório); toilet (sanita)

a) living room (sala de estar)

b) bedroom (quarto)

c) kitchen (cozinha)
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d) bathroom (casa de banho)

Food and drinks Worksheet 8
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Write the food and drink in the correct meal. There are two examples.
(Escreve a comida e a bebida na refeição correta. Segue os exemplos.)

fish (peixe) rice (arroz) vegetables (vegetais) soup (sopa)

milk (leite) juice (sumo) water (água) bread (pão)
cereal (cereais) toast (torrada) meat (carne) cheese (queijo)

1. breakfast


2. lunch


B. Look at the pictures. Unscramble the letters and write the name
of the food and drink.
(Observa as imagens. Ordena as letras e escreve o nome dos alimentos e da bebida.)

1. GEG 2. KEAC 3. AET

© ASA • High Five 5


Worksheet 9 Daily routine | The time

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Write the daily routine activities in the correct part of the day.
There is one example.
(Escreve as tarefas da rotina diária na parte do dia adequada. Segue o exemplo.)

go to bed (deitar-se) get dressed (vestir-se) have dinner (jantar)

go to school (ir para a escola) get up (levantar-se) read (ler)
watch TV (ver TV) do (my) homework (fazer os TPC)
have breakfast (tomar o pequeno-almoço) have lunch (almoçar)

1. morning

2. afternoon

3. evening / night

go to bed,
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 9
B. Match the clocks with the time. There is one example.
(Liga os relógios às horas. Segue o exemplo.)

12:00 1. • • a) It’s a quarter to nine.

(São nove menos um quarto.)

10:00 2. • • b) It’s ten o’clock.

(São dez horas.)

04:15 3. • • c) It’s ten past seven.

(São sete e dez.)

06:30 4. • • d) It’s twenty past one.

(É uma e vinte.)

08:45 5. • • e) It’s midday.

(É meio-dia.)

07:10 6. • • f) It’s a quarter past four.

(São quatro e um quarto.)

01:20 7. • • g) It’s half past six.

(São seis e meia.)

C. Draw the hands on the clock and colour it.

(Desenha os ponteiros do relógio e pinta-o.)
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It’s half past one!

Worksheet 10 Free time activities

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the free time activities with the correct images.

There is one example.
(Liga as atividades de tempos livres às imagens corretas. Segue o exemplo.)

1. • • a) playing cards
(jogar às cartas)

2. • • b) listening to music
(ouvir música)

3. • • c) reading

4. • • d) singing

5. • • e) watching TV
(ver TV)

B. Put the words in the correct order and find the free time activities.
There is one example. (Coloca as palavras na ordem correta e descobre as
atividades de tempos livres. Segue o exemplo.)

1. out / friends / hanging / with Hanging out with friends.

2. the / guitar / playing

3. games / video / playing

© ASA • High Five 5

4. the / going / cinema / to

5. to / beach / the / going

Sports Worksheet 11
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the sports with the balls. There is one example.

(Liga os desportos às bolas correspondentes. Segue o exemplo.)

baseball 1. • • a)

basketball 2. • • b)

tennis 3. • • c)

football 4. • • d)

volleyball 5. • • e)

rugby 6. • • f)

B. Draw your favourite sport and say what it is.

(Desenha o teu desporto favorito e diz qual é.)
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What’s your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is .

NEE – Grammar
1 Personal pronouns 16

2 Verb to be 17

3 Question words 1 18

4 Definite and indefinite articles 19

5 Possessive determiners 20

6 Verb have got 21

7 Possessive pronouns 22

8 Possessive case | Question word: Whose…? 23

9 Verb there + to be 24

10 Prepositions of place 25

11 Plural of nouns 26

12 Quantifiers: some / any | Question word: How many…? 27

13 Present simple: verb like + Expressing preferences

(like / hate + -ing) 28

14 Present simple 29

15 Adverbs of frequency 31

16 Question words 2 32

17 Present continuous 33

18 Personal pronouns (object) 35

19 Prepositions of movement 36

Answer key 60

Available in editable format at

Worksheet 1 Personal pronouns

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Translate to Portuguese. There is one example.

(Traduz para português. Segue o exemplo.)

English Português
I eu

B. Which personal pronoun does NOT exist in Portuguese?

(Que personal pronoun não existe em português?)


C. Write the correct personal pronoun. There is one example.

(Escreve o personal pronoun correto. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Maria is ten years old. 6. The flower is yellow.

She is ten years old. is yellow.

2. Maria and Ana are friends. 7. José and Manuel are at home.
are friends. are at home.

3. José is Maria’s brother. 8. The table is blue.

is Maria’s brother. is blue.

4. You and your friends are 9. Susy is a teacher.

at school.
Susy: “ am a teacher.”
are at school.
10. The dogs are brown.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. My mother and I are tall.

are brown.
are tall.

Verb to be Worksheet 2
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are. There is one example.
(Completa as frases. Usa am, is, are. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Hello. My name is Maria.

2. I ten years old.
3. She tall and thin.
4. My hair blond and my eyes green.
5. You from Portugal.
6. They at school.

B. Fill in the gaps. Use ’m not, isn’t, aren’t. There is one example.
(Completa os espaços. Usa ’m not, isn’t, aren’t. Segue o exemplo.)

Hi. (1) I ’m not Maria. I’m Alice. I (2) ten years old. I’m eleven.
I (3) tall and thin. I’m short. My hair (4) brown and
my eyes (5) green. My hair is black and my eyes are blue.

C. Complete the questions. Use the verb to be. There is one example.
(Completa as perguntas. Usa o verbo to be. Segue o exemplo.)

Hi. (1) Are you Maria? (2) you ten years old? (3)
you tall and thin? (4) your hair brown? (5) your
eyes green?

D. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. My name is / are João. I are / am very tall and slim. My hair is / am

blond and my eyes are / am blue. My mouth aren’t / isn’t very big.
My nose is / am big.
2. And you? What are / is your name? Are / Is you tall or short?
3. My friend Jimmy am / is short, but he am / is very good at running.
4. Me and my friends am / are at the same school, but we am not / aren’t
© ASA • High Five 5

in the same football team.

5. My sister are / is very beautiful. We aren’t / isn’t at the same school.
6. My family am / is great. I love them.

Worksheet 3 Question words 1

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Write the question words in Portuguese. There is one example.

(Escreve o significado das palavras em português. Segue o exemplo.)

English Português
1. What…? O que é…? Qual…?
2. Who…?
3. When…?
4. Where…?
5. How…?
6. How old…?

B. Match the questions with the answers. There is one example.

(Associa as perguntas às respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

What’s his surname? 1. • • a) He’s from the USA.

How old is he? 2. • • b) His surname is Delgado.
Where is he from? 3. • • c) She’s my sister Claire.
When is his birthday? 4. • • d) He’s 10 years old.
Who is that girl? 5. • • e) It’s on 4th January.

C. Read the answers and complete the questions. Circle the correct
question words. There is one example.
(Lê as respostas e completa as perguntas. Rodeia as question words corretas.
Segue o exemplo.)

1. Who / What is she? She’s Gloria.

2. What / Who is her surname? Her surname is Pritchett.
3. Who old / How old is Gloria? She is 45 years old.
4. When / Where is she from? She is from Colombia.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. Where / When is her birthday? It’s on 10th July.

6. How / Who is she? She’s fine.
7. Who / What is her son’s name? His name is Manny.

Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet 4
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. a / an animal 4. a / an cat 7. a / an giraffe

2. a / an lion 5. a / an elephant 8. a / an zebra
3. a / an horse 6. a / an dog 9. a / an old tiger

B. Complete the sentences using a, an. There is one example.

(Completa as frases com a, an. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I have got a cat. 4. I have got book and

2. Anna has got apple. rubber.
3. My parents have got dog. 5. I have got orange pencil.

C. Read and match. There is one example. (Lê e associa. Segue o exemplo.)
the pen 1. a) a) b)
the dog 2.
the taxi 3. c) d)
the girl 4.

D. Write the and label the pictures. There is one example.

(Escreve the e legenda as imagens. Segue o exemplo.)

1. the rubber 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

E. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. London is the capital of the / a UK. Lisbon is the capital of the / – Portugal.
© ASA • High Five 5

2. She is a / an doctor. She has got a / an orange T-shirt.

3. James has got two children: a / an boy and a / an girl. The / A boy is ten
and the / a girl is eleven.

Worksheet 5 Possessive determiners

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the personal pronouns with the possessive determiners.

There is one example. (Associa os personal pronouns aos possessive
determiners. Segue o exemplo.)

I you he she it we you they

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
her their my its your your our his

B. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. This is Tom. His / Her father is a teacher.

2. That’s Jane. His / Her favourite colour is blue.
3. This is my cat. My / Its eyes are grey.
4. These are my parents. Your / Their dog is a Labrador.
5. Mary and I are sisters. Your / Our house is blue and white.
6. I’m Alice. My / Your favourite colour is green.

C. Read the dialogue and circle the correct option. There is one
example. (Lê o diálogo e rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)
Mike: Hello! (1) My / Your name is Mike. I’m (2) your / my doctor.
Alice: Hello. Nice to meet you.
Mike: What’s (3) my / your name?
Alice: (4) My / your name is Alice. These are (5) your / my children.
Mike: What are (6) my / their names?
Alice: (7) My / Their names are Thomas and Rick.

D. Fill in the gaps with a possessive determiner. There is one example.

(Preenche os espaços com um possessive determiner. Segue o exemplo.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. Is this your father? (you) 3. It’s pen. (she)

2. This is English 4. Is this ruler? (he)

teacher. (we)

Verb have got Worksheet 6
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I have got / has got a big family. I has got / have got two brothers and
three sisters.
2. My sister has got / have got a friend in England.
3. My friend Annie haven’t got / hasn’t got any brothers or sisters.
4. My grandmother has got / have got a pet.
5. Have / Has you got any brothers or sisters?
6. My brother has got / have got brown hair and brown eyes.
7. We haven’t got / hasn’t got small eyes. We have got / has got big eyes.
8. Has / Have Annie got a cat?

B. Tick () the correct negative sentence.

(Assinala a frase negativa correta.)

1. We have got a big family. 2. Annie has got a dog.

a) Have we got a big family. a) Annie hasn’t got a dog.
b) We haven’t got a big family. b) Has Annie got a dog.
c) We have got a big family. c) She has got a dog.

C. Match the questions with the answers. There is one example.

(Liga as perguntas às respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

Have they got a nice house? 1. • • a) No, she hasn’t.

Has John got a beard? 2. • • b) Yes, I have.
Has Jane got blond hair? 3. • • c) No, they haven’t.
Have you got an oval face? 4. • • d) Yes, he has.

D. Answer the questions about YOU. Tick () the correct answer.
(Responde a estas questões sobre TI. Seleciona a opção certa.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. Have you got a big family? 2. Has your mother got blue eyes?
a) Yes, I have. a) Yes, she has.
b) No, I haven’t. b) No, she hasn’t.

Worksheet 7 Possessive pronouns

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the table with the possessive pronouns. Use the words
from the box. There is one example. (Completa a tabela com os possessive
pronouns. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

theirs ours mine his yours hers its yours

Personal pronouns Possessive determiners Possessive pronouns

I my
you your yours
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
they their

B. Circle the correct possessive pronoun. There is one example.

(Rodeia o possessive pronoun correto. Segue o exemplo.)

1. This is your book. It’s your / yours.

2. This is my bike. It’s mine / my.
3. This is his computer. It’s his / her.
4. This is her tablet. It’s his / hers.
5. This is our house. It’s yours / ours.
6. This is their dog. It’s their / theirs.

C. Complete the sentences with a possessive pronoun from the

table in exercise A. There is one example. (Completa as frases com um
possessive pronoun da tabela do exercício A. Segue o exemplo.)

1. My flip flops are red. They are mine .

2. Mary’s red skirt is very nice. It is .
© ASA • High Five 5

3. Those are my father’s T-shirts. Those are .

4. Our new trainers are beautiful. They are .
5. These are your clothes. They are .

Possessive case | Question word: Whose…? Worksheet 8
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Look at the pictures. Tick () the sentences True or False.

There is one example.
(Observa as figuras. Assinala verdadeiro ou falso. Segue o exemplo.)


1. James is Dennis’s father. 
2. Maggie is Andrea’s mother.
3. Dennis is Andrea’s father.
4. James and Maggie are Dennis and Andrea’s parents.
5. Dennis is Maggie’s daughter.
6. Andrea is Maggie’s daughter.

B. Answer the questions. There is one example.

(Responde às questões. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Whose bike is this? This is John ’s bike.

2. Whose computer is this? This is Claire computer.

3. Whose ball is this? This is the boys ball.

4. Whose toy is this? This is James toy.

5. Whose car is that? This is Mr Jones car.

© ASA • High Five 5

6. Whose books are these? These are the girls books.

7. Whose bag is this? This is Sophie bag.

Worksheet 9 Verb there + to be

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Match the sentence with the correct picture. There is one example.
(Associa a frase à imagem correta. Segue o exemplo.)

There is a table in the kitchen. 1. • • a)

There are two chairs. 2. • • b)

There is a book on the table. 3. • • c)

There are two cupcakes on the plate. 4. • • d)

B. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with there is, there
are, there isn’t, there aren’t. There is one example. (Observa a imagem.
Completa as frases com there is, there are, there isn’t, there aren’t. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There is a sofa.
2. two tables.
3. a cupboard.
4. four chairs.
5. some books.
6. a lamp.

C. Write the sentences in the negative form. There is one example.

(Escreve as frases na forma negativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There is a bath in the bathroom.

There isn’t a bath in the bathroom.

2. There are bookcases in the kitchen.

© ASA • High Five 5

3. There is a big bed in the bedroom.

Prepositions of place Worksheet 10
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

B. Look at the pictures. Tick () True or False.

There is one example.
(Observa as imagens. Assinala Verdadeira ou Falsa. Segue o exemplo.)

1 4 5 6

1. Oliver is in front of the box. 
2. Oliver is behind the box.
3 3. Oliver is below the box.
4. Oliver is behind the box.
5. Oliver is under the box.
6. Oliver is on the box.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of place:

at, in front of, on, behind, under, below. There is one example.
(Completa as frases com at, in front of, behind, on, under, below. Segue o exemplo.)

1 4
1. Jane is at the door.

2. The dog is his dog house.

2 5
3. The cat is the dog.

4. The cat is the table.

3 6
5. The lamp is
© ASA • High Five 5

the table.

6. The chair is the window.

Worksheet 11 Plural of nouns

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one
example. (Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

watches chairs boxes pianos boys wolves

1. chairs 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B. Circle the correct plural word. There is one example.

(Rodeia a palavra correta no plural. Segue o exemplo.)

1. foot – foots / feet 6. shelf – shelves / shelfs

2. knife – knives / knifes 7. family – families / familys
3. brush – brushs / brushes 8. lady – ladys / ladies
4. woman – women / womans 9. potato – potatoes / potatos
5. person – people / peoples 10. wife – wifes / wives

C. Write the sentences in the plural. There is one example.

(Escreve as frases no plural. Segue o exemplo.)

1. My foot is big. Our feet are big.

2. There is a chair.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. The lady is pretty.

4. The child is playing.
5. This mouse is small and brown.

Quantifiers: some / any | Question word: How many…? Worksheet 12
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Look at the pictures and circle the correct answer. There is one
example. (Observa as imagens e rodeia a resposta correta. Segue o exemplo.)
1. There are some / any apples in the shopping cart.
2. There aren’t some / any pears in the shopping cart.
3. There are some / any potatoes in the shopping cart.
4. There are some / any carrots in the shopping cart.

B. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with some or any.

There are two examples. (Observa a figura. Completa as frases com
some ou any. Segue os exemplos.)

1. There are some apples on the table.

2. There aren’t any potatoes.
3. There aren’t peas.
4. There are bananas.
5. There aren’t strawberries.

C. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

(Observa a imagem e responde às questões.)

1. How many chairs are there in the bedroom?

There are chairs in the bedroom.

2. How many posters are there on the wall?

There are posters on the wall.

3. How many beds are there?

There is bed.

D. Now read the answers and complete the questions.

(Agora lê as respostas e completa as perguntas.)

1. are there in the bookcase?

© ASA • High Five 5

There are 10 books in the bookcase.

2. are there in the bedroom?

There are two boys in the bedroom.

Worksheet 13 Present simple: verb like |
Expressing preferences (like / hate + -ing)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs. There is one
example. (Completa as frases com a -ing form dos verbos. Segue o exemplo.)

1. They like drinking (drink) orange juice.

2. I like (eat) chocolate cake.
3. My mother hates (cook).
4. They don’t like (do) homework in the morning.

B. Write the sentences in the negative and in the interrogative. There is

one example. (Escreve as frases na negativa e na interrogativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. You like eating soup.

Negative: You don’t like eating soup.
Interrogative: Do you like eating soup?
2. I like baking cakes.
3. They like drinking coffee.

C. Look at the table and circle the correct option. There is one
example. (Observa a tabela e rodeia a opção correta . Segue o exemplo.)

1. Liz

2. Sam and Junior

3. Jack

4. Liv’s mother

1. Liz likes / doesn’t like soup, but she likes / doesn’t like lettuce.
© ASA • High Five 5

2. Sam and Junior like / don’t like hamburgers, but they like / don’t like pizza.
3. Jack likes / doesn’t like coffee, but he likes / doesn’t like water.
4. Liv’s mother likes / doesn’t like apples, but she likes / doesn’t like fish.

Present simple Worksheet 14
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. She play / plays the guitar very well.

2. Annie wake up / wakes up at 7:20 a.m.
3. She have / has a shower in the morning.
4. She go / goes to school by bus.
5. She have / has lunch in the school canteen.
6. She do / does her homework after classes.
7. She play / plays video games.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (affirmative).
There is one example.
(Completa estas frases com a forma correta dos verbos – afirmativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I get up (get up) at 7:15 a.m.

2. We (go) to school by bus.
3. They (have) lunch in the school canteen.
4. You (do) your homework before dinner.
5. Peter (play) games with his brother after dinner.
6. I (go) to bed at 9.30 p.m.

C. Tick () the correct answer about YOU. (Seleciona a resposta correta sobre TI.
Se nenhuma delas for totalmente verdadeira, escolhe a mais aproximada.)

1. How do you go to school? 3. When do you do your homework?

a) I go to school by car. a) I do my homework in the afternoon.
b) I go to school by bus. b) I do my homework after dinner.
c) I go to school on foot. c) I do my homework in the morning.
2. Where do you have lunch? 4. What time do you go to bed?
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a) I have lunch at school. a) I go to bed at 10 p.m.

b) I have lunch at home. b) I go to bed at 9.30 p.m.
c) I have lunch in a restaurant. c) I go to bed at 9 p.m.

Worksheet 14
D. Circle the correct form of the verbs (affirmative/negative).
There is one example.
(Rodeia a forma correta dos verbos – afirmativa / negativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Jane does / do her homework at home.

2. The children play / plays after school.
3. Thomas doesn’t play / don’t play football.
4. The boys don’t watch / doesn’t watch TV.
5. I doesn’t play / don’t play computer games during the week.
6. My brother and I don’t play / doesn’t play guitar in the living room.
7. My parents eat / eats breakfast in the kitchen.

E. Write the sentences in the negative form. There is one example.

(Escreve as frases na negativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I get up at eight o’clock. 3. Annie brushes her teeth.

I don’t get up at eight o’clock. Annie her teeth.

2. We go to school by car. 4. She plays in her bedroom.

We to school She in her
by car. bedroom.

F. Match the question with the correct answer. There is one example.
(Associa a pergunta à resposta correta. Segue o exemplo.)

Do the children play in the park? 1. • • a) Yes, she does.

Does Annie go home after school? 2. • • b) No, they don’t.
Do you wash the dishes on Sunday? 3. • • c) No, he doesn’t.
Does Jimmy play the piano? 4. • • d) Yes, I do.

G. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

I (1) wakes up / wake up at seven o’clock, every day. I (2) have / has breakfast
in the kitchen with my mother. After that, I (3) brush / brushes my teeth and
© ASA • High Five 5

I (4) goes / go to the bus stop. My friend Annie (5) catches / catch the bus with me.
Annie (6) have / has different classes: she (7) learn / learns gardening and arts.
I (8) love / loves my friend. She (9) are / is really nice.

Adverbs of frequency Worksheet 15
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Tick () the correct option. There is one example.

(Seleciona a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Annie has breakfast. (always)

 a) Annie always has breakfast.
b) Annie has always breakfast.
c) Always Annie has breakfast.
2. Annie has lunch at home during the week. (never)
a) Annie has lunch never at home during the week.
b) Annie has never lunch at home during the week.
c) Annie never has lunch at home during the week.
3. Annie goes for a walk in the park. (sometimes)
a) Annie sometimes goes for a walk in the park.
b) Annie goes sometimes for a walk in the park.
c) Sometimes goes Annie for a walk in the park.

B. Look at the table and complete the sentences about Annie’s daily
routine. There is one example.
(Completa as frases acerca da rotina diária da Annie. Segue o exemplo.)

every day never sometimes usually always

swim after school 

have piano lessons 
do her homework 
help her mother at home 
talk to her friends 

1. Annie talks to her friends every day .

2. She has piano lessons.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. Annie does her homework.

4. Annie swims after school.
5. She helps her mother at home.

Worksheet 16 Question words 2

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Read the answers and circle the correct question word. There is one
example. (Lê as respostas e rodeia a question word correta.)
1. How / What are you today? I’m fine, thanks.
2. How high / How tall is your brother? He is 1 metre 62 tall.
3. How big / How many brothers and sisters I have got a brother
have you got? and a sister.
4. Which / Who pen do you want? The blue one, please.
5. Whose / Who scooter is this? It’s Joe’s.
6. When / What do you go back to school? On 3rd January.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct question word. Use the
words from the box. There is one example. (Completa as frases com as
question words corretas. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

What How high Whose How many Why How big

1. What is your surname? My surname is MacAllister.

2. pencils are there in the box? There are three pencils.
3. T-shirt is this? It’s mine.
4. are you happy? Because I love English!
5. is your house? My house is very big. It’s got
three floors.
6. is the tree in your garden? It’s 2,5 metres high.

C. Match the questions with the correct answers. There is one example.
(Liga as perguntas à respostas corretas. Segue o exemplo.)

What is your first name? 1. • • a) I’m fine.

How are you today? 2. • • b) I’m from Portugal.
How old is your mother? 3. • • c) My first name is Maria.
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Where are you from? 4. • • d) She’s 45 years old.

Where do you live? 5. • • e) Blue, please.
Which colour do you want? 6. • • f) I live in Leiria.

Present continuous Worksheet 17
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. The children is watching / are watching an episode of Modern Family.

2. Maggie is talking / are talking to Joe.
3. I are reading / am reading a book.
4. We is studying / are studying now.
5. Are / Is you playing computer games?

B. Write sentences. Use the present continuous. There is one example.

(Escreve frases com o present continuous. Segue o exemplo.)

1. He / play > He is playing video games.

2. She / write > a book.
3. We / play > cards.
4. They / camp > in the park.
5. He / hang out > with his friends.
6. I / surf > the net.

C. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. There is one

example. (Olha para as imagens e responde às questões. Segue o exemplo.)

1. What are the girls playing?

The girls are playing football.

2. What are the boys doing?

The boys their
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3. What are the dogs doing? run

in the

Worksheet 17
D. Write the sentences in the negative form. There is one example.
(Escreve as frases na forma negativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Paul and Jim are reading a newspaper.

Paul and Jim aren’t reading a newspaper.

2. Jenny is playing the guitar.

3. They are writing a postcard.
4. We are watching TV.

E. Match the question with the answers. There is one example.

(Associa as perguntas às respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

Is Charles having lunch? 1. • • a) Yes, she is.

Are the twins riding a bike? 2. • • b) No, I’m not.
Are you swimming in the pool? 3. • • c) Yes, they are.
Is Louise talking to her friend? 4. • • d) Yes, he is.

F. Tick () the correct option. There is one example.

(Seleciona a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Are you playing football now?

a) Yes, I am.  b) No, I’m not.

2. Is Jenny singing at the moment?

a) No, she isn’t. b) Yes, she is.

3. Is Peter dancing?
a) Yes, he is. b) No, he isn’t.

4. Are they listening to music?

a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren’t.
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Personal pronouns (object) Worksheet 18
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Write the personal pronouns – object. Use the words from you me
the box. There is one example. (Escreve os personal pronouns – her him you
object. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.) it them us
pronouns I you he she it we you they

1. me 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

B. Circle the correct personal pronoun (object). There is one example.

(Rodeia o personal pronoun – object correto. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Your mother is talking. Listen to her / she.

2. Jane and Anne are going to the cinema. I’m going with her / them.
3. I like eating chocolate cake. I really love it / he.
4. Listen to Jane and me. Listen to us / we.
5. John is a great friend. I like him / her.

C. Complete the sentences with a personal pronoun – object. Use the

words from the box. There is one example. (Completa as frases com o
personal pronoun – object adequado. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

him us her them me it

1. Susie is dancing with George. She is dancing with him .

2. The cat belongs to Susie. The cat belongs to .
3. I can see the ball. I can see .
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4. I am talking to you. Are you listening to ?

5. My friend invited me and my sister for the party. She invited .
6. Mr Anderson is talking to my friends. He is talking to .

Worksheet 19 Prepositions of movement

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Circle the correct preposition of movement. There is one example.

(Rodeia a preposition of movement correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I usually go to / onto school by bus.

2. I love jumping into / onto the lake, in the summer.
3. Let’s go to / into the cinema tonight.
4. I’m going to / into the doctor.
5. Let’s go into / onto the classroom.

B. Label the pictures with to, into or onto.

(Legenda as imagens com to, into ou onto.)

1. Oliver is running the box.

2. Oliver is jumping the box to get

the toy.

3. Oliver is jumping the box.

4. The girl is putting her toys

the box.

5. The girl is going bed.

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1 Alphabet | Colours 38

2 Greetings and goodbyes 39

3 Personal pronouns 40

4 Personal ID 41

5 Numbers 42

6 Days of the week 43

7 Months 44

8 School objects 45

9 Animals 46

10 Family members 47

11 Jobs and occupations 48

12 Verb to be 49

13 The human body 50

14 Clothes, footwear and accessories 51

15 Verb have got 52

16 Parts of the house | Furniture 53

17 Food and drinks 54

18 Present simple: verb like 55

19 Daily routine 56

20 Free time activities 57

21 Sports 58

Answer key 61

Available in editable format at

Worksheet 1 Alphabet | Colours

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Relembra o alfabeto.
(Remember the alphabet.)

B. Escreve as letras que faltam.

(Write the missing letters.)



C. Liga os pontos e escreve as cores.

(Join the dots and write the colours.)

cor-de-rosa pink
P¶§i§n§k verde green
vermelho red
R‰e§d azul blue
laranja orange
Or§r§a§n§ge roxo purple
amarelo yellow Ye§l§l§ow preto black B‰§l§a§c§k

D. Pinta as letras.
(Colour the letters.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. yellow 2. green 3. blue 4. red 5. brown

Greetings and goodbyes Worksheet 2
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê o poema e sublinha todas as palavras em inglês.

(Read the poem and underline the words in English.)

“Hello” means “Olá”!

“Good morning” dizemos de manhã.
“Goodbye” é para as despedidas.
“Good night” ao deitar, com um beijo à mamã.

B. Une os pontos e escreve as saudações.

(Join the dots and write the greetings.)

How are I’m fine, Nice to meet

Hello! / Hi!
you? thanks! you!

H‰e§l§l§o! / H‰§i! H‰§ow a§re ¥§ou? I ’m fi§ne, ™§ha§n§k§ß! N£§ice ™ø mee§t ¥ou!

C. Faz a ligação entre as imagens e as palavras/expressões.

(Match the pictures to the words/expressions.)

a) b) c) d)

1. Good 2. Good 3. Good 4. Goodbye /

morning afternoon night Bye-bye!

D. Pinta de verde as saudações e de vermelho as despedidas.

(Colour the greetings in green and the goodbyes in red.)
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 3 Personal pronouns

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Escreve os pronomes pessoais. Segue o exemplo.

(Write the personal pronouns. There is one example.)

eu tu ele ela ele/ela nós vós eles/elas

(objetos e animais)

I you he she it we you they


B. Rodeia os pronomes pessoais.

(Circle the personal pronouns.)


C. Legenda as imagens com o pronome pessoal correto.

Segue o exemplo.
(Label the pictures with the correct personal pronoun. There is one example.)

he she they it he

1. he 2. 3. 4. 5.

D. Rodeia o pronome pessoal correto. Segue o exemplo.

(Circle the correct personal pronoun. There is one example.)

1. Carol is ten years old. She / They is ten years old.

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2. Carol, John and David are from England. It / They are from England.
3. David is my friend. He / We is my friend.
4. The cat is white. They / It is white.

Personal ID Worksheet 4
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Escreve informações sobre ti no cartão.

(Write information about you on the card.)

Name (nome):
Surname (apelido):
Age (idade): years old.
Home town (cidade onde vives):
Desenha a tua cara aqui

B. Completa as frases sobre ti e depois copia-as.

(Complete the sentences about you and write them.)

1. My name is (nome).
My name .

2. My surname is (apelido / último nome).

3. I am years old. (idade)

4. I am from (cidade onde vives).

C. Sim ou não? Assinala () a resposta correta.

(Yes or No? Tick the correct option).

Hi! My name is Julie Watson.

I’m 11 years old and I’m from London.

1. Name: Juliette
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2. Surname: Watson
3. Age: ten years old
4. Hometown: London

Worksheet 5 Numbers

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê os números. (Read the numbers.)

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

B. Escreve os números. Segue o exemplo.

(Write the numbers. There is one example.)

ten 10 two

one nine

five six

eight three

four seven

C. Quantas letras? Segue o exemplo.

(How many letters? There is one example.)

1. A eight – 8

2. D –

3. M –

4. O –

5. R –

6. N –
© ASA • High Five 5

Days of the week Worksheet 6
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê os dias da semana. (Read the days of the week.)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
segunda-feira terça-feira quarta-feira quinta-feira

Friday Saturday Sunday

sexta-feira sábado domingo

B. Descobre os dias da semana na sopa de letras (¾¼) e escreve-os.

Segue o exemplo.
(Find the days of the week in the word search and write them. There is one example.)

1. S unday
2. M
3. T
S D S A X E A A C T S 4. W
A N C S J C I X T R N 5. T
6. F
7. S

C. Liga as partes das palavras. Segue o exemplo.

(Match the parts of the words. There is one example.)

1. Mo 2. Wed 3. Fr 4. Sat 5. Sund

• • • • •
• • • • •
© ASA • High Five 5

a) iday b) urday c) nday d) nesday e) ay

Worksheet 7 Months

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Liga os pontos e escreve os meses do ano.

(Join the dots and write the months of the year.)

January February March

Ja§nua§ry F¶e§brua§r§y M£a§rc§h

April May June

A‰§p§r§i§l M‰§a§y J§u§ne

July August September

J§u§l§y A£§ug§u§s§t S¶e§p§te§m§bæ§r

October November December

O‰§c§tobæ§r N‰§ovæ§m§bæ§r D¶ece§m§bæ§r

B. Liga as festividades ao mês. (Match the festivities with the month.)

1. Christmas 2. Valentine’s Day 3. Summer holidays 4. Halloween

a) February b) December c) October d) August

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C. Quando é o teu aniversário? (When is your birthday?)

My birthday is in .

School objects Worksheet 8
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê as palavras.
(Read the words.)

pencil – lápis

ruler – régua

book – livro

pencil case – estojo

pencil sharpener – afia-lápis

rubber – borracha

pen – caneta scissors - tesoura

B. Coloca as letras por ordem para fazer palavras.

(Put the letters in order to make words.)


1. R ______________ 2. R ______________ 3. B ______________ 4. P ______________

C. Consegues adivinhar qual é o objeto? (Can you guess the object?)

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1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Worksheet 9 Animals

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Liga os pontos e escreve os nomes dos animais.

(Join the dots and write the names of the animals.)

1. d§og 2. c§a§t 3. s§hee§p 4. ra§bbi§t

5. r§h§i§nø 6. @e§le§p§h§a§n§t 7. g§i§ra§fƒæ 8. l§ion

B. Qual é o animal? Segue o exemplo. (What animal is it? There is one example.)

1. elephant 4. d

2. c 5. r
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3. l 6. g

Family members Worksheet 10
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Conhece a família do Sam. (Meet Sam’s family.)

grandfather grandmother
(avô) (avó)

aunt father
(tia) (pai)

uncle mother
(tio) (mãe)

cousin Sam (irmã)
(primo) brother

B. Une os pontos e escreve as palavras. (Join the dots and write the words.)

1. brot§he§r
2. s§i§s§te§r
3. ƒ§a§t§he§r
4. mot§he§r
5. g§ra§nd§fa§t§he§r
6. g§ra§nd§mot§he§r

C. Desenha quatro pessoas da tua família e faz a legenda.

(Draw four members of your family and label.)
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 11 Jobs and occupations

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Liga os pontos e escreve as palavras. Depois liga-as às imagens.

Segue o exemplo.
(Join the dots and write the words. Match them with the pictures. There is one example.)

doctor 1. • • a)

™eac§he§r 2. • • b)

cook 3. • • c)

mec§ha§n§ic 4. • • d)

s§tude§nt 5. • • e)

B. Pinta a tua ocupação. (Colour your occupation.)

1. teacher 2. student 3. police officer

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C. Qual é a tua profissão favorita? (What’s your favourite job?)

My favourite job is .

Verb to be Worksheet 12
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Escreve o verbo to be. Segue o exemplo.

(Write the verb to be. There is one example.)

Eu sou / Eu estou I am I am
Tu és / Tu estás You are
Ele é / Ele está He is
Ela é / Ela está She is
Ele/Ela é / Ele/Ela está It is
Nós somos / Nós estamos We are
Vós sois / Vós estais You are
Eles/Elas são / Eles/Elas estão They are

B. Liga os pronomes pessoais à forma correta do verbo to be.

(Match the pronouns with the forms of the verb to be.)

WE 1. • • a) IS

YOU 2. • • b) ARE

SHE 3. • • c) AM

THEY 4. • • d) ARE

I 5. • • e) IS

IT 6. • • f) ARE

C. Certo ou errado ? Segue o exemplo.

(Right or Wrong ? There is one example.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. I are a student. 4. I am John.

2. You are ten years old. 5. We is at school.
3. They are from Scotland. 6. It are a cat.

Worksheet 13 The human body

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê e escreve as partes do corpo. Segue o exemplo.

(Read and write the parts of the body. There is one example.)

cabeça (head) olhos (eyes)


boca (mouth) nariz (nose)

braço (arm) mão (hand)

perna (leg) pé (foot)

B. Escreve o nome das partes do corpo. (Write the parts of the body.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

C. De quem são as partes do corpo do exercício B? Assinala () a opção

correta. (Whose parts of the body are those in exercise B? Tick the correct option.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. Hulk 2. Shrek 3. Mike 4. Kermit

Clothes, footwear and accessories Worksheet 14
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê e pinta as roupas. (Read and colour the clothes.)

1. pink 2. blue 3. yellow 4. green

T-shirt jeans dress jacket

5. purple 6. brown 7. grey 8. red

pyjamas shoes trainers cap

B. Completa o crucigrama. (Complete the crossword.)

5 7
1 6
– 8


© ASA • High Five 5

4 5

Worksheet 15 Verb have got

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Escreve o verbo have got. Segue o exemplo.

(Write the verb have got. There is one example.)

Eu tenho I have got I have got

Tu tens You have got

Ele tem He has got

Ela tem She has got

Ele/Ela tem It has got

Nós temos We have got

Vós tendes You have got

Eles/Elas têm They have got

B. Liga as frases ao seu significado.

(Match the sentences with their meaning.)

I have got a cat. 1. • • a) Nós temos uma bola.

They have got a pencil. 2. • • b) Ele tem um livro.
We have got a ball. 3. • • c) Eu tenho um gato.
He has got a book. 4. • • d) Elas têm um lápis.

C. Escreve have got ou has got. Segue o exemplo.

(Write have got or has got. There is one example.)

1. Sarah has got a pencil.

2. Julie, Peter and Louise a dog.
3. We a big family.
4. Peter a sister.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. I a computer.
6. The cat a ball.

Parts of the house | Furniture Worksheet 16
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Lê e escreve as partes da casa e o mobiliário.

(Read and write the parts of the house and furniture.)
1 chair (cadeira)

2 bed (cama)
6 3 sofa (sofá)

9 7
3 4 table (mesa)

5 bedroom (quarto) 6 bath (banheira) 7 kitchen (cozinha)

8 bathroom (casa de banho) 9 living room (sala de estar)

B. Que parte da casa consegues ver? (What room can you see?)

1. b ______________ 2. b ______________ 3. l _____________ 4. k _____________

C. Rodeia, na serpente, as cinco palavras sobre a mobília e escreve-as.

(Circle in the word snake five words about furniture and write them.)

© ASA • High Five 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Worksheet 17 Food and drinks

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.

(Circle the correct option. There is one example)

1. coffee / jeans 2. arm / apple 3. water / milk 4. egg / salad

5. potato / soup 6. chicken / 7. orange / banana 8. dog / fish


B. Coloca as letras por ordem C. Olha para o exercício B

e escreve as palavras. e numera as imagens.
(Put the letters in order (Look at exercise B and number
and write the words.) the pictures.)



a) b) c)

5. F SFIH e)
6. E GEG
d) g)


9. B BANAAN f) h)
© ASA • High Five 5

10. S D ASADL i) j)

D. Pinta os alimentos de que gostas. (Colour the food you like.)

Present simple: verb like Worksheet 18
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Escreve o verbo like – gostar. Segue o exemplo.

(Write the verb like – gostar. There is one example.)

I like I like I don’t like I don’t like

You like You don’t like
He likes He doesn’t like
She likes She doesn’t like
It likes It doesn’t like
We like We don’t like
You like You don’t like
They like They don’t like

C. Sim ou não? Assinala () a resposta correta. Segue o exemplo.

(Yes or No? Tick the correct option. There is one example.) YES NO
1. I like bananas. = Eu gosto de bananas.
2. I don’t like apples. = Eu gosto de maçãs.
3. She likes hamburgers. = Ela gosta de hambúrgueres.
4. They don’t like pizza. = Eles não gostam de piza.
5. We don’t like milk. = Nós gostamos de leite.
C. Observa as imagens e completa as frases com as palavras da caixa.
Segue os exemplos.
(Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two examples.)
don’t like
1. She likes cheese, but she doesn’t like onions.
© ASA • High Five 5

don’t like
2. I apples, but I fish.
3. You carrots, but you bananas. doesn’t
4. He cake, but he lettuce.

Worksheet 19 Daily routine

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Une os pontos e escreve as atividades diárias.

(Join the dots and write the daily activities.)

1. wake up wa§ke †§p

2. brush my teeth br§u§s§h m§y ™ee§t§h

3. have a shower ha§væ a s§howæ§r

4. have breakfast ha§væ brea§k§fa§s§t

5. go to school go ™o sc§hool

6. have lunch ha§væ lu§n§c§h

7. go to bed go ™o bed

B. Escreve as atividades do exercício A no local correto.

(Write the activities from exercise A in the correct place.)

1. In the morning, I… 1. In the afternnon, I… 1. At night, I…

(De manhã, eu…) (De tarde, eu…) (De noite, eu…)

• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
© ASA • High Five 5

Free time activities Worksheet 20
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Liga as palavras às imagens. Segue o exemplo.

(Match the words to the pictures. There is one example.)

h 1. watching TV

2. playing video games

a) e)

3. listening to music

4. reading a book b) f)

5. going to the cinema

6. singing c) g)

7. surfing the net

8. playing cards d) h)

B. Escreve as atividades no local correto.

(Write the free time activities in the correct place.)

I like… I don’t like…

• •
• •
© ASA • High Five 5

• •
• •

Worksheet 21 Sports

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.

(Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one example.)

swimming football basketball tennis cycling

dancing volleyball gymnastics running

1. g ymnastics_________ 2. d ____________________ 3. s _____________________

4. f _____________________ 5. c ____________________ 6. b _____________________

7. r _____________________ 8. t ____________________ 9. v _____________________

B. Rodeia, no exercício A, os desportos que praticas.

(Circle, in exercise A, the sports you do.)
© ASA • High Five 5

C. Qual é o teu desporto favorito? (What’s your favourite sport?)

My favourite sport is .

Answer key
DIFFERENTIATED WORKSHEETS B. 2. b) | 3. f) | 4. g) | 5. a) | 6. c) | 7. d).

Worksheet 1 (page 2)
A. 2. Good morning! | 3. Good afternoon! | 4. Good night!
B. 1. How are you? | 2. I’m fine | 3. See you later! / Goodbye! |
4. See you later! / Goodbye!

Worksheet 2 (page 3)
A. / B. Personal answers.
C. 2. My name is Francis. I’m ten years old. My birthday is on 23rd
April. I’m from Ottawa. | 3. My name is Peter. I’m twelve years Worksheet 10 (page 12)
old. My birthday is on 31st August. I’m from London. | 4. My name
A. 2. c) | 3. e) | 4. a) | 5. d).
is Karen. I’m nine years old. My birthday is on 5th May. I’m from
Liverpool. B. 2. Playing the guitar. | 3. Playing videogames. | 4. Going to the
cinema. | 5. Going to the beach.
Worksheet 3 (page 4)
A. 2. c) | 3. e) | 4. a) | 5. d) | 6. b).
Worksheet 11 (page 13)
A. 2. e) | 3. a) | 4. f) | 5. d) | 6. b).
B. 2. mother| 3. grandmother | 5. uncle | 6. pet | 7. cousin |
8. grandfather | 9. father. B. Personal answers.

Worksheet 4 (page 5)
A. 2. a) | 3. e) | 4. c) | 5. b).

Worksheet 5 (page 6)
A. 2. eye | 3. mouth| 4. knee | 5. foot | 6. ear | 7. nose| 8. arm |
9. hand | 10. leg.

Worksheet 6 (page 7)
A. 2. b) | 3. b) | 4. a) | 5. a) | 6. b).

Worksheet 7 (page 8)
A. 2. d) | 3. e) | 4. c) | 5. a).
B. a) 3; b) 1; c) 2; d) 4.

Worksheet 8 (page 9)
A. 1. juice, bread, cereal, toast, cheese | 2. rice, vegetables, soup,
water, meat.
© ASA • High Five 5

B. 1. EGG | 2. CAKE | 3. TEA | 4. APPLE | 5. SALAD.

Worksheet 9 (page 10)

A. 1. get up, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school | 2. have
lunch, go to school, do my homework, watch TV | 3. have dinner,
watch TV, read.

Answer Keys key

DIFFERENTIATED WORKSHEETS C. 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. b).

NEE – GRAMMAR D. Personal answers.

Worksheet 1 (page 16) Worksheet 7 (page 22)

A. A.
English Português Possessive Possessive
Personal pronouns
I eu determiners pronouns
you tu I my mine
he ele you your your
she ela he his his
it ele/ela she her hers
we nós it its its
you vós
we our ours
they eles/elas
you your yours
they their theirs
B. it

C. 2. They | 3. He | 4. You | 5. We | 6. It | 7. They | 8. It | 9. She | 10. They. B. 2. mine | 3. his | 4. hers | 5. ours | 6. theirs.
C. 2. hers | 3. his | 4. ours | 5. yours.
Worksheet 2 (page 17)
A. 2. am | 3. is | 4. is / are | 5. are | 6. are.
Worksheet 8 (page 23)
A. 2. T | 3. F | 4. T | 5. F | 6. T.
B. 2. ’m not | 3. ’m not | 4. isn’t | 5. aren’t.
B. 2. ’s | 3. ’ | 4. ’s | 5. ’s | 6. ’ | 7. ’s.
C. 2. Are | 3. Are | 4. Is | 5. Are.

D. 1. am / is / are / isn’t / is | 2. is / Are | 3. is / is | 4. are / aren’t | Worksheet 9 (page 24)

5. is / aren’t | 6. is.
A. 2. c) | 3. a) | 4. b).
Worksheet 3 (page 18) B. 2. There aren’t | 3. There is | 4. There are | 5. There are |
6. There isn’t.
English Português C. 2. There aren’t five bookcases in the kitchen. | 3. There isn’t a big
bed in the bedroom.
1. What…? O que é…? Qual…?
2. Who…? Quem…? Worksheet 10 (page 25)
3. When…? Quando…? A. 2. T | 3. T | 4. F | 5. T | 6. F.
4. Where…? Onde…?
B. 2. in front of | 3. behind | 4. under | 5. on | 6. below.
5. How…? Como…?
6. How old…? Quantos anos….? Worksheet 11 (page 26)
A. 2. boys | 3. pianos | 4. watches | 5. boxes | 6. wolves.
B. 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. e) | 5. c).
B. 2. knives | 3. brushes | 4. women | 5. people | 6. shelves |
C. 2. What | 3. How old | 4. Where | 5. When | 6. How | 7. What. 7. families | 8. ladies | 9. potatoes | 10. wives.

Worksheet 4 (page 19) C. 2. There are chairs. | 3. The ladies are pretty. | 4. The children
are playing. | 5. The mice are small and brown.
A. 2. a | 3. a | 4. a | 5. an | 6. a | 7. a | 8. a | 9. an.

B. 2. an | 3. a | 4. a / a | 5. an. Worksheet 12 (page 27)

C. 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. c). A. 2. any | 3. some | 4. some.

D. 2. the cat | 3. the apple | 4. the elephant. B. 3. any | 4. some | 5. any.

E. 1. – | 2. a / an | 3. a / a / The / the. C. 1. two | 2. five | 3. one.

D. 1. How many books| 2. How many boys.
Worksheet 5 (page 20)
A. 2. e) / f) | 3. h) | 4. a) | 5. d) | 6. g) | 7. f) / e) | 8. b). Worksheet 13 (page 28)
B. 2. Her | 3. Its | 4. Their | 5. Our | 6. My. A. 2. eating | 3. cooking | 4. doing.

C. 2. your | 3. your | 4. My | 5. my | 6. their | 7. Their. B. 2. I don’t like baking cakes / Do I / you like baking cakes? |
3. They don’t like drinking coffee. Do they like drinking coffee?
© ASA • High Five 5

D. 2. our | 3. her | 4. his.

C. 2. like / don’t like | 3. doesn’t like / likes | 4. likes / doesn’t like.
Worksheet 6 (page 21)
Worksheet 14 (page 29)
A. 1. have got | 2. has got | 3. hasn’t got | 4. has got | 5. Have |
6. has got | 7. haven’t got / have got| 8. Has. A. 2. wakes up | 3. has | 4. goes | 5. has | 6. does | 7. plays.

B. 1. b) | 2. a). B. 2. go | 3. have | 4. do | 5. plays | 6. go.



D. 2. play | 3. doesn’t play | 4. don’t watch | 5. don’t play |
6. doesn’t play | 7. eat. Worksheet 1 (page 38)
E. 2. don’t go | 3. doesn’t brush | 4. doesn’t play. B. C | F | G | I | K | M | P | Q | S | V | X | Y | Z.

F. 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. c). Worksheet 2 (page 39)

G. 2. have | 3. brush | 4. go | 5. catches | 6. has | 7. learns | 8. love | A. “Hello”, “means”, “Good morning”, “Goodbye”, “Good night”
9. is.
C. 1. c) | 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. b)
Worksheet 15 (page 31) D. Verde: Hello, Good morning;
A. 2. c) | 3. a). Vermelho:
lho: Bye-bye, Goodbye,
Go Good night.

B. 2. sometimes | 3. always | 4. never | 5. usually. Worksheet

ksheet 3 (page 40)
Worksheet 16 (page 32) B.

A. 2. How tall | 3. How many | 4. Which | 5. Whose | 6. When.

B. 2. How many | 3. Whose | 4. Why | 5. How big | 6. How high. UB
C. 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. b) | 5. f) | 6. e). NÇ THE
Worksheet 17 (page 33)
A. 2. is talking | 3. am reading | 4. are studying | 5. Are. C. 2. they | 3. she | 4. he | 5. it.

B. 2. She is (She’s) writing | 3. We are (We’re) playing | 4. They D. 2. They | 3. He | 4. It.

(They’re) are camping | 5. He is (He’s) hanging out | 6. I am (I’m)
surfing. Worksheet 4 (page 41)
C. 2. are riding their bikes. | 3. The dogs are running in the park. A. / B. Personal answers.

D. 2. Jenny isn’t playing the guitar. | 3. They aren’t writing C. 1. No | 2. Yes | 3. No | 4. Yes.
a postcard. | 4. We aren’t watching TV.
Worksheet 5 (page 42)
E. 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. a).
B. 2. 1 | 3. 5 | 4. 8 | 5. 4 | 6. 2 | 7. 9 | 8. 6 | 9. 3 | 10. 7.
F. 2. b) | 3. b) | 4. a).
C. 2. two – 2 | 3. three – 3 | 4. twelve – 12 | 5. seven – 7 | 6. four – 4.
Worksheet 18 (page 35)
Worksheet 6 (page 43)
A. 2. you | 3. him | 4. her | 5. It | 6. us | 7. you | 8. them.
B. 2. Monday | 3. Tuesday | 4. Wednesday | 5. Thursday | 6. Friday |
B. 2. them | 3. It | 4. us | 5. him. 7. Saturday
C. 2. her | 3. it | 4. me | 5. us | 6. them.
Worksheet 19 (page 36) E T H U R S H M G I T
A. 2. into | 3. to | 4. to | 5. Into. D Q J E H N G O D J I
B. 1. into | 2. into | 3. onto | 4. into | 5. to. N Y K S T X T N R S E

C. 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. b) | 5. e).

Worksheet 7 (page 44)

B. 1. b) | 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. c).
© ASA • High Five 5

C. Personal answer.

Worksheet 8 (page 45)

B. 1. ruler | 2. rubber | 3. book | 4. pencil.
C. 1. scissors | 2. pencil case | 3. pencil sharpener | 4. pen.

Answer Keys key

Worksheet 9 (page 46) Worksheet 15 (page 52)

A. 2. cat | 3. lion | 4. dog | 5. rabbit | 6. giraffe. B. 1. c) | 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. b).
C. 2. have got | 3. have got | 4. has got | 5. have got | 6. has got.
Worksheet 10 (page 47)
C. Personal answers. Worksheet 16 (page 53)
B. 1. bathroom | 2. bedroom | 3. living room | 4. kitchen
Worksheet 11 (page 48)
C. 1. bed | 2. bath | 3. table | 4. sofa | 5. chair.
A. 2. e) | 3. a) | 4. b) | 5. d).
B. 2. student. Worksheet 17 (page 54)
C. Personal answer. A. 2. apple | 3. milk | 4. egg | 5. potato | 6. tomato |
7. orange | 8. fish.
Worksheet 12 (page 49)
B. 1. tomato | 2. potato | 3. apple | 4. orange | 5. fish | 6. egg |
B. 1. b) / d) / f) | 2. b) / d) / f) | 3. a) / e) | 4. b) / d) / f) | 5. c) | 6. a) / e). 7. milk | 8. coffee | 9. banana | 10. salad.

C. 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. C. a) 7 | b) 2 | c) 3 | d) 5 | e) 4 | f) 9 | g) 8 | h) 10 | i) 6 | j) 1.

Worksheet 13 (page 50) Worksheet 18 (page 55)

B. 1. eye | 2. hand | 3. arm | 4. foot | 5. mouth. B. 2. No | 3. Yes | 4. Yes | 5. No.

C. 3. Mike. C. 2. like… don’t like | 3. like… don’t like | 4. likes… doesn’t like.

Worksheet 14 (page 51) Worksheet 19 (page 56)

A. 1. rosa | 2. azul | 3. amarelo | 4. verde | 5. roxo | 6. castanho | B. Sugestão de resposta:
7. cinzento | 8. vermelho 1. wake up, brush my teeth, have breakfast, go to school | 2. have
lunch, have a shower | 3. go to bed.
5 7 Worksheet 20 (page 57)
C 6 T
A. 2. c) | 3. g) | 4. f) | 5. d) | 6. e) | 7. b) | 8. a).
A J – 8
1 P Y J A M A S J B. Personal answers.
C H 2 D R E S S
K I A Worksheet 21 (page 58)
3 S H O E S R N A. 2. dancing | 3. swimming | 4. football | 5. cycling | 6. basketball |
T 4 T R A I N E R S 7. running | 8. tennis | 9. volleyball.
B. Personal answers.
C. Personal answers.

© ASA • High Five 5

Extra worksheets
?PSLIFFT Halloween
(two levels of difficulty)
?PSLIFFT Bonfire Night ?PSLIFFT Verb to be
?PSLIFFT  Thanksgiving ?PSLIFFT Question words 1
?PSLIFFT! Christmas ?PSLIFFT  Definite and indefinite articles
?PSLIFFT" Valentine’s Day ?PSLIFFT! Possessive determiners
?PSLIFFT# Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day ?PSLIFFT" Verb have got
?PSLIFFT$ Saint Patrick’s Day ?PSLIFFT# Verb to be vs. verb have got
?PSLIFFT% Easter ?PSLIFFT$ Possessive case | Question word: Whose…?
?PSLIFFT% Possessive pronouns
(two levels of difficulty) ?PSLIFFT Verb there + to be
?PSLIFFT To be | Have got | There + to be
?PSLIFFT Language review
?PSLIFFT Prepositions of place
?PSLIFFT Personal ID
?PSLIFFT  Plural of nouns
?PSLIFFT  Family members
?PSLIFFT! Connectors: some / any
?PSLIFFT! Jobs and occupations
?PSLIFFT" Question word: How many…?
?PSLIFFT" The human body
?PSLIFFT# Connectors: so / because
?PSLIFFT# Physical features
?PSLIFFT$ Present simple: verb like |
?PSLIFFT$ Clothes, footwear and accessories Expressing preferences (like / hate + -ing)
?PSLIFFT% Parts of the house ?PSLIFFT% Present simple
?PSLIFFT& Furniture ?PSLIFFT& Adverbs of frequency
?PSLIFFT Food and drinks ?PSLIFFT Question words 2
?PSLIFFT Daily routine ?PSLIFFT Present continuous
?PSLIFFT The time ?PSLIFFT Personal pronouns (object)
Extra worksheets
Free time activities ?PSLIFFT  Prepositions of movement
?PSLIFFT! Sports ?PSLIFFT! Imperative

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“ @9>~E 6G53{yA-;EG3>
“ @9>~E 6G53{yA€E;53
“ @9>~E 6G53{yA$GE;53>
1 Halloween ................................................................................... 2
2 Bonfire Night .............................................................................. 3
3 Thanksgiving .............................................................................. 4
4 Christmas ................................................................................... 5
5 Valentine’s Day .......................................................................... 6
6 Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day............................................ 7
7 St. Patrick’s Day ........................................................................ 8
8 Easter ........................................................................................... 9
Answer key ............................................................................ 134

Available in editable format at

Celebrations Halloween

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Welcome to Horror Village. Monsters and strange people live here!

Do you know them? Unscramble the letters and write their names.


1 3 4 6 8

1. chtiw ____________________________ 5. tab ______________________________

2. nsmtero _________________________ 6. kclab tac ________________________
3. keelonts ________________________ 7. ackj-o’-ternaln ___________________
4. gstoh ___________________________ 6. redpis ___________________________

B. In some countries children dress up and go from house to house

saying: “Trick or Treat!”. Sweets are a treat. If they don’t get
sweets, they play a trick… Look at the pictures and say if it is a
“Trick” or a “Treat!

1 2

__________________________________________ __________________________________

C. This is Sam, the vampire! Complete the words to make a greeting

for this day!

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A L N!
© ASA • High Five 5

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Bonfire Night Celebrations

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Complete the text. Use the words / expressions in the box.

English Parliament fireworks king the United Kingdom

bomb Guy Fawkes Bonfire

In (1) _____________________ on 5th November, people celebrate

(2) ________________________ Night.

It is the anniversary of the Guy Fawkes’s plan to kill the (3) ________

and put a (4) ___________ in the (5) __________________________.

To celebrate this day, people watch (6) ____________________ and

burn a model of (7) ____________________ on a big fire.

B. Find the words in the word search (pr).

parliament fireworks bonfire king

celebrate night November Guy Fawkes

© ASA • High Five 5


Celebrations Thanksgiving

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. This is Turkey Village! Every year we have a big celebration!

Read about it.

Every year, Americans and Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving with

their family. Americans in November and Canadians in October. They
like to watch American football on TV and have a
big dinner with turkey, corn, pumpkin and other
turkey = peru
5 traditional food. corn = milho
pumpkin = abóbora

B. Circle the Thanksgiving symbols.

1. pumpkin 2. turkey 3. bells

4. heart 5. corn 6. rabbit

C. This is Turk! He’s a turkey and he

lives in Turkey Village. Read the text.

This is a turkey as you can see.

It is beautiful and painted by me.
It comes with love just to say,
© ASA • High Five 5

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!

D. Colour Turk.

Christmas Celebrations

Name No.: Class:

ate: / / Teacher

A. Welcome to Santa’s Village. Read the bubbles. Colour the picture.

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! I’m Father Christmas. I’m fat and tall
and I have got a big white beard and long wavy white hair! I have got
glasses and I wear red clothes! I live in Santa’s Village.

This is me! I’m one of the reindeer for

Santa’s sleigh! I’m brown and I’ve got a big
red nose!

B. Label the pictures. Choose a word from the box.

presents candy canes Christmas tree bells sleigh stockings

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

On Christmas Eve we eat codfish On Christmas Day we eat

and boiled potatoes with cabbage. roast, stuffed turkey with gravy
Traditionally we also have “bolo-rei” and we eat the traditional
and “rabanadas” at our table. Christmas pudding.

Celebrations Valentine’s Day

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Read the text.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated on 14th February. People send letters

and cards to their loved ones. They also offer presents, such as
sweets, boxes of chocolate and flowers. It’s a day to celebrate
love and friendship.

B. Label the images. Use the words in bold from the text.

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

C. Some people write poems. Read this one and write the name of a

Dear ____________________
We’re friends for all time,
© ASA • High Five 5

For all time, for all time,

We’re friends for all time,
Be my Valentine.

Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day Celebrations

Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Teacher

A. Read the text.

Shrove Tuesday is celebrated

between 3rd February and 9th March.
On that day people usually eat
pancakes. In the United Kingdom,
there are pancake races. People runn
down the street with a frying pan. They
have to toss the pancake three times
and run very fast.

B. These are the things you need to make pancakes.

Match the pictures with the words.
a) flour
b) milk
1 c) eggs
3 4
2 d) sugar
1. 5.
e) lemon
2. 6. 7 f) oil
3. 7.
8 g) whisk
4. 8. 5 6 h) frying pan

C. Here’s the recipe for pancakes! Make some pancakes and organise
a race! You can eat them with your friends!

250 g of flour • Mix the flour, the milk and the eggs
300 ml of milk in a bowl.
2 eggs • Put some oil in the frying pan and
oil fry the pancakes.
© ASA • High Five 5

lemon • Suggestion: put some lemon juice

sugar and sugar on the pancakes before
you eat them. It’s delicious!

Celebrations St. Patrick’s Day

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Read the text and look at the pictures.

St. Patrick’s Day is on 17th March. St. Patrick

k is
the patron saint of Ireland.
The Irish have street parades and people dress
up in green clothes and put shamrocks on their
5 jackets and hats.
The leprechaun is a symbol of this day. It hasas
got secret pots of gold! You can find them at
the end of the rainbow!

St. Patrick green clothes shamrock leprechaun

street parade pot of gold rainbow

B. Read the sentences and colour the picture.

1. There are green shamrocks.
2. There is a green hat.
3. There is a brown pot.
4. There is yellow gold.
5. There is a rainbow. Its colours
© ASA • High Five 5

are red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, purple and pink.

Easter Celebrations

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Welcome to Easter Village. Read the text.

Hi! I’m Mr Egg. I live in Easter Village. Here everything

is different. All my egg friends have different colours.
There aren’t any chickens. There are only rabbits!! These
are my friends.

B. Read the sentences and colour the eggs.

1 2 3 4

1. I’m white with red and yellow 3. I’m pink and green. I’ve got purple
spots. hair.
2. I’m blue and I’ve got a black stripe. 4. I’m half brown and half white.

C. We have an egg hunt here in Easter Village. Look at the picture and
find 12 eggs. Circle the eggs.
© ASA • High Five 5

• Inglês / Matemática .......................................................... 12
• Inglês / Ciências Naturais ............................................... 13
• Inglês / História e Geografia de Portugal ................... 14
• Inglês / Educação Visual ................................................. 15
• Inglês / Educação Física .................................................. 16
• Inglês / Educação Musical .............................................. 17
Answer key.......................................................................... 134

Available in editable format at

Cross-curricular Worksheet Matemática

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Count the items in the pictures and write the correct number.
(Conta os elementos das figuras e escreve o número correto.)

1. There are ___________ 2. There are ___________ 3. There are ___________

rabbits. cup cakes. cats.

4. There are ___________ 5. There are ___________ 6. There is ___________

apples. pens. chocolate bar.

B. Write the correct number in words. (Escreve o número correto por extenso.)
1. 3 + 7 = ___________________________ 6. 21 – 9 = _________________________
2. 30 – 15 = ________________________ 7. 91 – 1 = __________________________
3. 5 x 5 = __________________________ 8. 20 x 4 = _________________________
4. 13 + 3 = _________________________ 9. 8  4 = _________________________
5. 15  3 = ________________________ 10. 10 + 8 = ________________________

C. Write the numbers in words. (Escreve os números ordinais por extenso.)

1st _________________________________ 6th _________________________________
2nd _________________________________ 7th _________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

3rd _________________________________ 8th _________________________________

4th _________________________________ 9th _________________________________
5th _________________________________ 10th ________________________________

Ciências Naturais Cross-curricular Worksheet

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Read the sentences and write the name of the animals. Use the words
from the box. (Lê as frases e escreve o nome dos animais. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

rhino mouse giraffe lion cat

1. I have got a long neck. I have got short orange fur with spots.
I’m a ________________________.
2. I’m very small, grey and fast. I like cheese.
I’m a ________________________.
3. I’m strong and fast. I have got golden fur.
I’m a ________________________.
4. I’m small and I have got long whiskers.
I’m a ________________________.
5. I’m big and I have got grey skin. I have got a big horn on my nose.
I’m a ________________________.

B. Read the sentences and colour the animals. (Lê as frases e pinta os animais.)
1. The zebra is black and white. 4. I’m a frog. I’m green.
2. Hello. I’m a big, brown cow. 5. The tiger is orange with black
3. This dog is black. It is beautiful. stripes.
6. I have got a red fish. It is small.


© ASA • High Five 5


Cross-curricular Worksheet História e Geografia de Portugal

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the map. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda o mapa. Usa as palavras da caixa)

Portugal The United Kingdom

Europe Asia Africa
Australia The USA New Zealand
South Africa Canada


2 4

7 10

1. ____________________________________ 6. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________ 7. ____________________________________

3. ___________________________________ 8. ___________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

4. ___________________________________ 9. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________ 10. __________________________________

Educação Visual Cross-curricular Worksheet

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Colour the palette with the correct colours.

(Pinta a paleta com as cores corretas.)











B. If you mix two different colours you get a new one. Write the name
of the new colour.
(Se misturares duas cores diferentes, obténs uma cor nova. Escreve o nome da nova cor.)

1. + = ___________

2. + = ___________

3. + = ___________

4. + = ___________
© ASA • High Five 5

5. + = ___________

Cross-curricular Worksheet Educação Física

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Write the words from the box in the correct column.

(Escreve as palavras da caixa na coluna correta.)

swimming pool trainers running shoes tennis shoes

swimming cap racket dancing shoes goal
football field goggles swimsuit track shorts music

Football Swimming Athletics Basketball Dancing Tennis

BB. Draw your favourite sports and label them.

(Desenha os teus desportos favoritos e legenda-os.)

© ASA • High Five 5

Educação Musical Cross-curricular Worksheet

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa o vocabulário da caixa.)

piano guitar conductor drums keyboards flute harp violin

DJ saxophone bagpipes stereo headphones CD singer organ

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. ______________ 11. _______________ 12. ______________

© ASA • High Five 5

13. ______________ 14. ______________ 15. ______________ 16. ______________

Extra vocabulary
(two levels of difficulty)
1 Language review................................................................... 20
2 Personal ID ............................................................................. 24
3 Family members ................................................................... 26
4 Jobs and occupations ......................................................... 28
5 The human body ................................................................... 30
6 Physical features .................................................................. 32
7 Clothes, footwear and accessories ................................. 34
8 Parts of the house ................................................................ 36
9 Furniture ......................................................................................... 38
10 Food and drinks ..................................................................... 40
11 Daily routine ........................................................................... 42
12 The time .................................................................................. 44
13 Free time activities ............................................................... 46
14 Sports....................................................................................... 48
Answer key ............................................................................. 135

Available in editable format at

Worksheet 1A Language review

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct greeting.

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

B. Read the text.

Mary: Hi! My name is Mary and my surname is Pitt. What’s your name?
Peter: Hello! My name is Peter Anderson.
Mary: How do you spell your surname?
Peter: A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N.

C. Now answer the questions about you.

1. What’s your name? _______________________________________________________
2. What’s your surname? ___________________________________________________

D. Look at the picture and complete Rachel

the questions and answers. 40 years old
Write the numbers in words.
Si m
35 ye
ea old
1. How old is Simon? He is ______________ years old.
2. How ___________________ is Rachel? 12
1 years old

She __________________________________________. Charles

8 years old
3. ________________________ is Mary?
© ASA • High Five 5

4. How old ________________________?


Worksheet 1A
E. Write the numbers in words. There is one example.
1. one 9. 20.
2. 10. 21.
3. 11. 30.
4. 12. 40.
5. 13. 57.
6. 14. 80.
7. 15. 90.
8. 18. 100.

F. Write the days of the week. There is one example.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Sunday Monday Tuesday

1. Friday 2.
3. Thursday 4.
5. Sunday 6.
7. Tuesday 8.

G. What’s the weather like? Label the pictures. Use the words in the box.

sunny rainy cold hot

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

H. Label the pictures. Write the names of the animals.

© ASA • High Five 5

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________

Worksheet 1B Language review

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct greeting. Use the words from
the box. There is one example. (Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da
caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

Good night!

Good morning!
Good evening!
Good afternoon!
1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________
Good night! 4. ______________

B. Read the text. (Lê o texto.)

Mary: Hi! My name is Mary and my surname is Pitt. What’s your name?
Peter: Hello! My name is Peter Anderson.
Mary: How do you spell your surname?
Peter: A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N.

C. Answer the questions about you. (Responde às questões sobre ti.)

1. What’s your name? My name is __________________________________________.
2. What’s your surname? My surname is ___________________________________.

D. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use the words
from the box. There is one example. (Observa a imagem e completa as
frases. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

5 years old
12 yea
ars old thirty-five Rachel
40 years ol
ld how old years old
8 years old

1. H thirty-five years old.

How old is Simon? He is ______________
© ASA • High Five 5

2. H
How old is ______________? She is forty years old.
3. __
______________ is Mary? She is twelve years old.

4. H
How old is Charles? He is eight _________________.

Worksheet 1B
E. Write the numbers in words. There are two examples.
(Escreve os números por extenso. Segue os exemplos.)

1. one 8. 30. thirty

2. 9. 40.
3. 10. 50.
4. 11. 70.
5. 12. 80.
6. 15. 90.
7. 20. 100.

F. Complete with the days of the week. Use the words from the box.
There is one example. (Completa as frases com os dias da semana. Usa as
palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Sunday Monday Tuesday
1. Friday 2.
3. Thursday 4.
5. Sunday 6.
7. Tuesday 8. Saturday

G. Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. There is one example.
(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. __________
sunny 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________

H. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

There is one example. (Legenda as imagens. elephant
Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.) pig
© ASA • High Five 5


1. ________
cat 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ______________

Worksheet 2A Personal ID (Unit 0)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the questions with the answers.

What’s your name? 1. • • a) My surname is Pereira.
What’s your surname? 2. • • b) I’m from Portugal.
When is your birthday? 3. • • c) My name is Francisco.
Where are you from? 4. • • d) My birthday is on 19th March.

B. Fill in the school card with information about YOU.

Name: _________________________

Surname: ______________________
Age: ___________________________
Birthday: ______________________

Country: _______________________

C. Now answer the questions.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?


3. How old are you?


4. Where are you from?

© ASA • High Five 5

5. When is your birthday?


Personal ID (Unit 0) Worksheet 2B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the questions with the answers.

(Associa as perguntas às respostas.)

What’s your name? 1. • • a) My surname is Pereira.

What’s your surname? 2. • • b) I’m from Portugal.
When is your birthday? 3. • • c) My name is Francisco.
Where are you from? 4. • • d) My birthday is on 19th March.

B. Fill in the school card with information about YOU.

(Preenche o cartão de estudante com informações acerca de TI.)

Name (nome): __________________


Surname (apelido): ______________

Age (idade): _____________________
Country (país): __________________
Nationality (nacionalidade): ______

C. Now answer the questions. (Agora responde às questões.)

1. What is your name?
My name is _______________________________________________________________.

2. What is your surname?

My surname is ___________________________________________________________.

3. How old are you?

I’m _______________________________________________________________________.

4. Where are you from?

I’m _______________________________________________________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. When is your birthday?

It’s on ____________________________________________________________________.

Worksheet 3A Family members (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Look at Tom’s family tree. Label the pictures with the words from
the box.

uncle father parents grandmother

grandfather sister mother aunt
grandparents brother cousin

1. ________________

2. _______________ 3. _______________

4. _____________

5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. _____________ 8. _____________

9. _____________ 10. ___________ TOM 11. ____________

B. Fill in the table with other family words.

1. M ___ ___ 5. S ___ ___

© ASA • High Five 5

2. D ___ ___ 6. D ___ U ___ ___ ___ ___ R

3. H ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7. S ___ ___ P M ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. ___ I F___ 8. S ___ ___ P F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Family members (Unit 1) Worksheet 3B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Look at Tom’s family tree. Label the pictures with the words from
the box. There are two examples. (Observa a árvore genealógica do Tom.
Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue os exemplos.)

mother grandfather grandmother father

brother sister cousin aunt uncle

1. _______________ 2. _______________

3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________

7. _____________ 8. ___________ TOM 9. ____________

B. Fill in the table with other family words: son, daughter, mum, dad,
parents, grandparents, husband, wife. (Completa a tabela com outros graus
de parentesco: son, daughter, mom, dad, grandparents, parents, husband, wife.)

1. M ___ ___ 5. S ___ ___

© ASA • High Five 5

2. D ___ ___ 6. D ___ U ___ ___ ___ ___ R

3. H ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7. P ___ RE ___ ___ ___
4. ___ IF___ 8. GR ___ ___ ___ P ___ ___ ___ ___ TS

Worksheet 4A Jobs and occupations (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct job.

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

© ASA • High Five 5

9. _______________ 10. ______________ 11. _______________ 12. ______________

Jobs and occupations (Unit 1) Worksheet 4B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct job. Use the words from the
box. There is one example. (Legenda as imagens com a profissão correta.
Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

teacher vet firefighter police officer

engineer cook singer pilot
fisherman mechanic football player doctor

1. ________________
fisherman 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

© ASA • High Five 5

9. _______________ 10. ______________ 11. _______________ 12. ______________

Worksheet 5A The human body (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the picture with the correct parts of the body.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

B. Unscramble the letters and write the words.

1. rae ______________________________ 4. shldreou ________________________
2. boelw ___________________________ 5. finrge ___________________________
3. ecaf _____________________________ 6. eadh ____________________________

C. Find out which part of the body this is.

1. I smell, so I am the ______________.

2. I eat, so I am the _________________.

© ASA • High Five 5

3. I touch, so I am the ______________.

4. I walk, so I am the _______________.

The human body (Unit 2) Worksheet 5B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the picture with the correct parts of the body. Use the words
from the box. There is one example. (Legenda as imagens com as partes
do corpo. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. hair 5.
2. 6. eye
3. 7. hand

4. 8.

B. Look at the pictures and unscramble the letters. There is one

example. (Observa as imagens e coloca as letras das palavras na ordem correta.
Segue o exemplo.)

1. rae _______________________
e 4. shldreou _________________

2. eson ______________________
n 5. finrge _____________________

3. ecaf ______________________
f 6. eadh ______________________

C. Write the name of the part of the body. Use the words from the box.
There is one example. (Escreve o nome da parte do corpo. Usa as palavras da
caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I smell, so I am the _______________ . nose

2. I eat, so I am the __________________. hand

© ASA • High Five 5

3. I touch, so I am the _______________. foot

4. I walk, so I am the ________________.

Worksheet 6A Physical features (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Read Mary’s description.

Mary is tall and fat. She has got brown hair and brown eyes.
Her hair is short and her eyes are small. She is nice and pretty.

B. Now complete the text about Mary’s sister.

Mary has got a sister. Her sister is the opposite of her.

Her sister is (1)_________________ and (2)_________________.
She has got (3)_________________ hair and (4)_________________ eyes.
Her hair is (5)_________________ and her eyes are (6)_________________.
She is also nice and pretty.

C. Write the words in the correct order. Make sentences.

1. has got / short / hair / Sarah / .

2. has got / brown / big / eyes / Jane / .


3. has got / wavy / red hair / Tom / .


4. has got / curly / long / black hair / Anne / .


D. Read the text and complete the picture.


She has got long straight brown

hair. Her eyes are big and round.
© ASA • High Five 5

Her mouth is small and her nose

is small, too.

Physical features (Unit 2) Worksheet 6B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Read Mary’s description. (Lê a descrição da Mary.)

Mary is tall and fat. She has got brown hair and brown eyes.
Her hair is short and her eyes are small. She is nice and pretty.

B. Now, complete the text about Mary’s sister. Circle the correct option.
(Agora completa o texto acerca da irmã da Mary. Rodeia a opção correta.)

Mary has got a sister. Her sister is the opposite of her.

Her sister is (1) short / tall and (2) fat / thin.
She has got (3) blond / black hair and (4) blue / brown eyes.
Her hair is (5) short / long and her eyes are (6) small / big.
She is also nice and pretty.

C. Write the words in the correct order. Make sentences.

(Escreve as palavras na ordem correta. Constrói frases.)

1. Sarah has got / short / hair / .


2. Jane has got / brown / big / eyes / .


3. Tom has got / wavy / red hair / .


4. Anne has got / curly / long / black / hair / .


D. Read the text and complete the picture.

(Lê o texto e completa o desenho.)

She has got long straight brown hair.

© ASA • High Five 5

Her eyes are big and round. Her mouth

is small and her nose is small, too.

Worksheet 7A Clothes, footwear and accessories (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures.

1. ________________
pyjamas 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. ________________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. ______________ 11. _______________ 12. ______________

© ASA • High Five 5

13. ______________ 14. ______________ 15. ______________ 16. ______________

Clothes, footwear and accessories (Unit 2) Worksheet 7B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one
example. (Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

shoes jeans shorts boots dress skirt pyjamas trousers

belt hat coat shirt jacket socks trainers scarf

1. ________________
pyjamas 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. ________________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. ______________ 11. _______________ 12. ______________

© ASA • High Five 5

13. ______________ 14. ______________ 15. ______________ 16. ______________

Worksheet 8A Parts of the house (Unit 3)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the picture. Write the correct number.

4 5


3 1

a) bathroom f) attic
b) kitchen g) wall
c) living room h) roof
d) dining room i) window
© ASA • High Five 5

e) bedroom j) garage

Parts of the house (Unit 3) Worksheet 8B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the picture. Write the correct number. There is one example.
(Legenda a imagem. Escreve o número correto. Segue o exemplo.)

4 5


3 1

4 a) bathroom (casa de banho) f) attic (sótão)

b) kitchen (cozinha) g) wall (parede)
c) living room (sala de estar) h) roof (telhado)
d) dining room (sala de jantar) i) window (janela)
© ASA • High Five 5

e) bedroom (quarto) j) garage (garagem)

Worksheet 9A Furniture (Unit 3)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the words with the pictures.

1 2

5 6

7 8

a) bedside table d) rug g) sink

b) chest of drawers e) table h) desk
c) cooker f) cupboard i) washbasin

B. Complete the text.

In Sam’s kitchen there is a (1)______________ and six (2)_______________ .

In the living room there is a (3)___________ and an (4)_____________ .

© ASA • High Five 5

In her bedroom there is a (5)____________ and a (6)______________ .

In the study there is a (7)_________________ and a (8)________________ .

Furniture (Unit 3) Worksheet 9B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one example.
(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

cupboard washbasin cooker desk

sink rug chest of drawers table

1. _________________
cupboard 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________

5. _________________ 6. _________________ 7. _________________ 8. _________________

B. Complete the text. Use the words from the box. There is one example.
(Completa o texto. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

bookcase armchair fridge sofa

lamp chairs bed wardrobe

In Sam’s kitchen there is a (1)______________

fridge and six (2)_______________ .

In the living room there is a (3)___________ and an (4)_____________ .

© ASA • High Five 5

In her bedroom there is a (5)____________ and a (6)______________ .

In the study there is a (7)_________________ and a (8)________________ .

Worksheet 10A Food and drinks (Unit 4)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table. Write the names of the food and drinks in the
correct place.

chicken water tea lettuce tomato coffee

mango pear milk apple banana cheese
cake jelly potato eggs ice cream chips

Fruit Vegetables Dessert Drinks Other food

B. Label the pictures.

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. ________________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. ________________

© ASA • High Five 5

9. _______________ 10. ______________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________

Food and drinks (Unit 4) Worksheet 10B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the pictures with the correct name of food and drinks.
There is one example.
(Associa as imagens às palavras de comida e bebidas. Segue o exemplo.)


4 5

8 10
7 9

1 a) chicken c) tomato e) milk g) bananas i) eggs

b) lettuce d) pear f) apple h) cake j) cheese

B. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one example.
(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

peas pie salad soup bread strawberries orange onions

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________
© ASA • High Five 5

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

Worksheet 11A Daily routine (Unit 5)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct daily routine activity.

1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________

5. _________________ 6. _________________ 7. _________________ 8. _________________

9. _________________ 10. ________________ 11. ________________ 12. ________________

© ASA • High Five 5

13. ________________ 14. ________________ 15. ________________ 16. ________________

Daily routine (Unit 5) Worksheet 11B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures with the correct daily routine activity. Use the
expressions from the box. There is one example. (Legenda as imagens
com as atividades da rotina diária. Usa as expressões da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

get up have dinner do her homework

get dressed have classes go to bed
have breakfast catch the bus have lunch

get up
1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________

4. ________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. ________________________

© ASA • High Five 5

7. ________________________ 8. ________________________ 9. ________________________

Worksheet 12A The time (Unit 5)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the pictures with the correct time.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

a) It’s ten o’clock. f) It’s a quarter to eleven.

b) It’s six p.m. g) It’s twenty past nine.
c) It’s a quarter past eleven. h) It’s midnight.
d) It’s midday. i) It’s half past ten.
e) It’s six a.m. j) It’s five to eight.

B. What time is it? Label the pictures.

1. _________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

C. Draw the hands on the clocks.

© ASA • High Five 5

1. It’s half past eight. 2. It’s five o’clock. 3. It’s ten to nine.

The time (Unit 5) Worksheet 12B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the pictures with the correct time. There is one example.
(Associa os relógios às respetivas horas. Segue o exemplo.)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 a) It’s ten o’clock. d) It’s a quarter to eleven.
b) It’s a quarter past eleven. e) It’s twenty past nine.
c) It’s midday. f) It’s half past ten.

B. What time is it? Label the pictures. Use the expressions from the
box. There is one example. (Que horas são? Legenda as imagens. Usa as
expressões da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

It’s half past nine. It’s two o’clock.

It’s five past nine. It’s a quarter past nine.

1. _________________
It’s two 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

C. What time is it? Tick () the correct option. There is one example.
(Que horas são? Seleciona a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

a) It’s five past five. a) It’s midday.

1. 3.
 b) It’s five to five. b) It’s one o’clock.
© ASA • High Five 5

a) It’s ten past nine. a) It’s seven o’clock.

2. 4.
b) It’s ten to nine. b) It’s five o’clock.

Worksheet 13A Free time activities (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the pictures with the correct word/expression.

1 2 3

4 5 6
a) camping c) dancing e) playing the guitar
b) writing d) going to the beach f) playing video games

B. Label the pictures with the free time activities.

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

4. ________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. ________________________

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Free time activities (Unit 6) Worksheet 13B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Tick () the correct option. There is one example.

(Seleciona a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. What are they doing? 4. Where is he going?

 a) camping a) to the cinema
b) singing b) to the beach

2. What is she doing? 5. What is he doing?

a) writing a) playing the guitar
b) dancing b) playing the piano

3. What are they doing? 6. What are they doing?

a) playing the guitar a) playing video games
b) dancing b) playing cards

B. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one
example. (Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

reading playing cards listening to music

watching TV going to the cinema singing

1. _______________________
reading 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________
© ASA • High Five 5

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

Worksheet 14A Sports (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Label the pictures. Write the names of the sports.

1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________

4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________

7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

10. ______________________ 11. ______________________ 12. ______________________

Sports (Unit 6) Worksheet 14B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the pictures with the correct words. There is one example.
(Associa as imagens às palavras correspondentes. Segue o exemplo.)

1 2 3

4 5 6

4 a) football c) volleyball e) judo

b) basketball d) baseball f) rugby

B. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box. There is one example.
(Legenda as figuras. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

tennis swimming cycling gymnastics

skiing running surfing ice skating

1. ________________
running 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________
© ASA • High Five 5

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7 . _______________ 8. _______________

Extra grammar
(two levels of difficulty)
1 Verb to be ................................................................................ 52
2 Question words 1 .................................................................. 56
3 Definite and indefinite articles ......................................... 58
4 Possessive determiners ..................................................... 60
5 Verb have got ......................................................................... 62
6 Verb to be vs. verb have got............................................... 66
7 Possessive case | Question word: Whose...? ................ 68
8 Possessive pronouns ........................................................... 70
9 Adjectives ................................................................................ 72
10 Verb there + to be ................................................................. 74
11 To be, Have got, There + to be .......................................... 76
12 Prepositions of place ........................................................... 78
13 Plural of nouns ...................................................................... 80
14 Quantifiers: some / any ....................................................... 82
15 Question word: How many...? ........................................... 84
16 Connectors: so / because ................................................... 86
17 Present simple: verb like |
Expressing preferences (like / hate + -ing) ................... 88
18 Present simple ...................................................................... 92
19 Adverbs of frequency .......................................................... 98
20 Question words 2.................................................................. 100
21 Present continuous ............................................................... 102
22 Personal pronouns (object) ............................................... 106
23 Prepositions of movement................................................. 108
24 Imperative ............................................................................... 110
Answer key ............................................................................. 136

Available in editable format at

Worksheet 1A Verb to be (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the personal pronouns.

Portuguese English
eu I
ele/ela (objetos/animais) it
eles/elas they

B. Complete the table with the present simple of the verb to be.

Verb to be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not) Am I...?



C. Write the short form of the verb to be. There is one example.
1. She is twelve years old. ___________________________________________________
She’s twelve years old.
2. We are in the same class. ________________________________________________
3. They are students. _______________________________________________________
4. You are a nice person. ____________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

5. His name is Jack. ________________________________________________________

6. I am happy today. ________________________________________________________

Worksheet 1A
D. Fill in the blanks with am, is, are. There is one example.
1. Jack ____
is from Scotland. 4. My parents _________ in the park.
2. My mother ___________ a teacher. 5. Riley _____ in the film Inside Out.
3. We _____________ cousins. 6. I _________ a student.

E. Complete the sentences with the verb to be (affirmative/negative).

There is one example.

I am
(1)_____ Tim. I’m from Portugal, but I (2)_________________________ (not)

Portuguese. I (3)___________________ from Scotland. Annie (4)___________________

my best friend. She (5)_________________ (not) from Scotland. Her parents

(6)_________________ from England.

F. Put the words in the correct order. Write sentences. There is one

1. I / ten / am / years old / . __________________________________________________

I am ten years old.
2. name / her / is / Annie / . _________________________________________________
3. old / how / are / you / ? ___________________________________________________
4. actress / is / Emma Watson / an / . _______________________________________
5. parents / your / are / firefighters / ? ______________________________________
6. Portugal / are / we / not / from / . ________________________________________

G. Imagine you are talking to Emma Watson (E.W.). Answer her

questions about yourself.

E.W.: Hello! What’s your first name?

You: (1) ________________________________________________________

E.W.: What’s your surname?

You: (2) _____________________________________________________

E.W.: How old are you?

You: (3) _________________________________________________

E.W.: Where are you from?

You: (4) ___________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

E.W.: Nice to meet you. Bye!!

Worksheet 1B Verb to be (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the personal pronouns. Use the words
from the box. (Completa a tabela com os personal pronouns. Usa as palavras da

you she we you he

Portuguese English
eu I
ele/ela (objetos/animais) it
eles/elas they

B. Complete the table with the present simple of the verb to be. There
is one example.
(Completa a tabela com o present simple do verbo to be. Segue o exemplo.)

Verb to be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not) Am I...?
you you you…?
he he he…?
she she she…?
it it it…?
we we we…?
you you you…?
they they they…?
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 1B
C. Circle the correct option. There is one example.
(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Jack is / are from Scotland. 6. Tom and Jack is / are doctors.

2. My mother is / am a teacher. 7. Helen am / is happy.
3. We am / are cousins. 8. Katy and I am / are sisters.
4. My parents is / are in the park. 9. You is / are British.
5. I am / are a student. 10. I am / are fine, thanks.

D. Look at the pictures and tick () the correct option. There is one
example. (Observa as imagens e seleciona a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)
1. Is she at school? 3. Are they twin sisters?
a) Yes, she is. a) Yes, they are.
 b) No, she isn’t. b) No, they aren’t.

2. Are they teachers? 4. Is he Portuguese?

a) Yes, they are. a) Yes, he is.
b) No, they aren’t. b) No, he isn’t.

E. Put the words in the correct order. Write sentences. There is one
example. (Coloca as palavras na ordem correta. Escreve frases. Segue o exemplo.)

I am ten years old.

1. I / ten / am / years old / . __________________________________________________
2. name / Her / is / Annie / . _________________________________________________
3. old / How / are / you / ? ___________________________________________________
4. actress / is / Emma Watson / an / . _______________________________________
5. Portugal / are not / We / from / . _________________________________________

F. Complete the dialogue about yourself. Use the verb to be. There is
one example. (Completa o diálogo sobre ti. Usa o verbo to be.).)

Emma Watson: Hello! What (1) ____

is your first name?
You: My name (2) ______ _____________________________.
E.W.: How old (3) ___________ you?
You: I (4) ______ ______________________ years old.
© ASA • High Five 5

E.W.: Where (5) ___________ you from?

You: I (6) ______ _________________ ______________________.
E.W.: Nice to meet you. Bye!!

Worksheet 2A Question words 1 (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the questions with the answers. There is one example.

Where is Adele from? 1. • • a) Her surname is Santos.
When is his birthday? 2. • • b) She is from the UK.
What is her surname? 3. • • c) I’m fine, thanks.
Who is your friend? 4. • • d) I’m in the garden.
How are you? 5. • • e) His birthday is on 7th October.
How old are they? 6. • • f) It’s Jonas.
Where are you? 7. • • g) They are ten years old.

B. Read the answers and complete the questions.

1. _______________ is your name? 6. _______________ are you today?
My name is Jane. I’m fine, thanks.

2. _______________ are you from? 7. _______________ is your English

I’m from England. teacher? It’s Miss Highsmith.

3. _______________ are you? 8. _______________ is your school?

I’m ten years old. It’s in Leiria.

4. _______________ is your birthday? 9. _______________ is your job?

It’s on 6th November. I’m a mechanic.

5. _______________ is your favourite 10. _______________ is Jane’s party?

colour? It’s blue. It’s on Sunday.

C. Ask questions. There is one example.

1. _______________________________
What’s your name ? My name is Justin.
2. _______________________________? We are singers.
3. _______________________________? The party is at school.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. _______________________________? My birthday is on 20th Ma

5. _______________________________? She is fine.
6. _______________________________? They’re nine years old.

Question words 1 (Unit 1) Worksheet 2B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

Who (Quem) What (Qual) When (Quando)

Where (Onde) How (Como) How old (Quantos anos)

A. Match the questions with the answers. There is one example.

(Associa as perguntas às respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

Where is Adele from? 1. • • a) Her surname is Santos.

When is his birthday? 2. • • b) She is from the UK.
What is her surname? 3. • • c) I’m fine, thanks.
Who is your friend? 4. • • d) His birthday is on 7th October.
How are you? 5. • • e) It’s Jonas.
How old are they? 6. • • f) They are ten years
ears old.

B. Tick () the right question. There is one example.

(Seleciona a pergunta correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. _______________? His name is Justin.

a) What’s his nationality?  b) What’s his name?

2. _______________? He’s a singer.

a) What’s his job? b) Where is he from?

3. _______________? It’s at school.

a) When is the party? b) Where is the party?

4. _______________? It’s on 20th March.

a) Where are you from? b) When is your birthday?

C. Read the answers and complete the questions. There is one example.
(Lê as respostas e completa as perguntas. Segue o exemplo.)

1. ________________
What is your name? My name is Jane.
2. ________________ are you from? I’m from England.
3. ________________ are you? I’m ten years old.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. ________________ is your favourite colour? It’s blue.

5. ________________ are you today? I’m fine, thanks.
6. ________________ is your English teacher? It’s Miss Highsmith.

Worksheet 3A Definite and indefinite articles (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Write a or an.

1. _______ singer 2. _______ architect 3. _______ nurse

4. _______ firefighter 5. _______ teacher 6. _______ actor

B. Complete the sentences with a, an or the.

1. Quaresma is _______ football player.
2. I have got _______ new pet. It is _______ yellow cat.
3. It’s _______ orange. It’s _______ big orange.
4. _______ United States is _______ English-speaking country.
5. _______ Smiths are a big family.
6. _______ students are in _______ classrooms.

C. Complete the dialogues with a, an, the, –.

1. A. Are you from _______ UK? 4. A. Is he _______ basketball player?
B. No, I’m not. I’m from _______ B. No, he isn’t. He plays _______
France. tennis.

2. A. Do you like _______ animals? 5. A. Is _______ sun shining?

B. Yes, I do. I love _______ cats. B. Yes, it is. It’s _______ beautiful
© ASA • High Five 5

I have got _______ cat. day.

3. A. Is this _______ apple? 6. A. Is _______ Ellen your friend?

B. Yes, it’s _______ red apple. B. Yes, she is _______ old friend.

Definite and indefinite articles (Unit 1) Worksheet 3B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. a / an singer 2. a / an architect 3. a / an nurse

4. a / an firefighter 5. a / an teacher 6. a / an actor

B. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Quaresma is a / an football player.

2. I have got a / an new pet. It is a / an yellow cat.
3. It’s a / an orange. It’s a / an big orange.
4. The / A United States is a / an English-speaking country.
5. The / A Smiths are a big family.
6. The / A students are in a / the classrooms.

C. Fill in the gaps with the or –. There is one example.

(Preenche os espaços com the ou –. Segue o exemplo.)

the UK.
1. Ed Sheeran is from _______
2. Peter is _______ only boy in _______ classroom.
3. He plays _______ basketball.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. _______ sun is shining.

5. This is the city of _______ Lisbon.
6. _______ Ellen is my friend.

Worksheet 4A Possessive determiners (Unit 1)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the sentences. Use the possessive determiners: my, your,

his, its, our, your, their.

1. I have got a book.

It’s _______________________ book.
2. You have got a dog.
It’s _______________________ dog.
3. He has got a cousin.
It’s _______________________ cousin.
4. She has got a ruler.
It’s _______________________ ruler.
5. We have got new bikes.
They are _______________________ bikes.
6. They have got a parrot. It’s _______________________ parrot.

B. Complete the sentences with a possessive determiner.

1. We are from Portugal. ___________________ parents are Portuguese.
2. She’s ten years old. ___________________ birthday is on 1st July.
3. They are at home. ___________________ house is in Coimbra.
4. You are Tom. ___________________ surname is Taylor.
5. He lives in London. ___________________ address is 34 Kings Road.
6. I’m happy. ___________________ family is happy, too.

C. Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive determiner.

Hello! My name is Trevor! This is (1)________ family. We are the Robinsons.
Tim and Ann are (2)________ parents. Peter and Sophie are my brother and
sister. We have got a pet. (3)________ pet is a dog. (4)________ name is Bones.
I am eleven years old and Peter and Sophie are eight. They are twins and
© ASA • High Five 5

(5)________ favourite colour is blue. My mother is forty years old. (6)________

favourite colour is green. My father is forty-three. (7)______________ favourite
colour is orange.

Possessive determiners (Unit 1) Worksheet 4B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct possessive determiner.

There is one example. (Completa as frases. Rodeia o possessive determiner
correto. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I have got a book. It’s my / our book.

2. You have got a dog. It’s your / his dog.
3. He has got a cousin. It’s his / their cousin.
4. She has got a ruler. It’s her / his ruler.
5. We have got new bikes. They are your / our
6. They have got a parrot. It’s their / your

B. Fill in the gaps with her, his, our, your, their. There is one example.
(Preenche os espaços com her, his, our, your, their. Segue o exemplo.)

1. We are from Portugal. ______

Our parents are Portuguese.
2. She’s ten years old. ______________ birthday is on 1st July.
3. They are at home. ______________ house is in Coimbra.
4. You are Tom. ______________ surname is Taylor.
5. He lives in London. ______________ address is 34 Kings Road.
6. We are happy. ______________ family is happy, too.

C. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

Hello! My name is Trevor! This is (1) my / his family. Tim and Ann are
(2) my / your parents. Peter and Sophie are my brother and sister. We have
got a pet . (3) Its / Our pet is a dog. (4) Its / Our name is Bones.
I am eleven years old and Peter and Sophie are eight. They are twins
© ASA • High Five 5

and (5) their / your favourite colour is blue. My mother is forty years old.
(6) Her / His favourite colour is green. My father is forty-three. (7) Her / His
favourite colour is orange.

Worksheet 5A Verb have got (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the present simple of the verb have got. There is one

Verb have got

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have got I haven’t got Have I got… ?

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got.
1. Peter ___________________ a brother.
2. Anne and I ___________________ black hair.
3. She ___________________ short hair and brown eyes.
4. They ___________________ three children.
5. I ___________________ a new skirt.
6. You ___________________ a round face.

C. Look at the pictures and match.

Fred Lucy John Anna

Has John got glasses? 1. • • a) Yes, he has.

© ASA • High Five 5

Has Lucy got blond hair? 2. • • b) No, she hasn’t.

Has Anna got short hair? 3. • • c) Yes, she has.
Has Fred got blue eyes? 4. • • d) No, he hasn’t.

Worksheet 5A
D. Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verb
have got (affirmative/negative). There is one example.


3 4 

1. I ___________________
haven’t got a new schoolbag.
2. He ___________________ a blue book.
3. You ___________________ a cap.
4. We ___________________ a mobile phone.
5. My parents ___________________ brown hair. 
6. She ___________________ a blue dress.

E. Ask and answer. Use the verb have got. There is one example.

1. _______________________________________________
Has the dog got a ruler?
No, it hasn’t. It has got a pencil.

1. the dog / ruler

2. _______________________________________________


2. Paul and Tom / cat

3. _______________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5


3. Susan / sister

Worksheet 5B Verb have got (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the present simple of the verb have got.
Use the full form. There is one example.
(Completa a tabela com o present simple do verbo have got. Usa as formas longas.
Segue o exemplo.)

Verb have got

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have got I have not got Have I got…?
you you you ?
he he he ?
she she she ?
it it it ?
we we we ?
you you you ?
they they they ?

B. Rewrite the sentences. Use the short form of the verb have got
(affirmative). There is one example.
(Reescreve as frases. Usa a forma abreviada do verbo have got na afirmativa. Segue
o exemplo.)

1. I have got blue eyes. ______________________________________________________

I’ve got blue eyes.
2. He has got freckles. ______________________________________________________
3. You have got glasses. ____________________________________________________
4. They have got blond hair. ________________________________________________
5. Sally has got a hamster. __________________________________________________

C. Fill in the blanks with hasn’t got / haven’t got. There is one example.
(Preenche os espaços com hasn’t got / haven’t got. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Jeff _______________________
hasn’t got a beard.
2. They _______________________ short hair.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. We _______________________ big eyes.

4. Daniela _______________________ straight hair.
5. You _______________________ brown eyes.

Worksheet 5B
D. Circle the correct form of the verb have got (affirmative). There is
one example. (Rodeia a forma correta do verbo have got na afirmativa.)

1. Peter has got / have got a 4. I has got / have got a new skirt.
brother. 5. You has got / have got a round
2. She has got / have got short hair. face.
3. They has got / have got three 6. Your parents has got / have got
children. glasses.

E. Circle the correct option. There is one example.  2

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I have got / haven’t got a new schoolbag. 1

2. She has got / hasn’t got a blue dress. 
3. You have got / haven’t got a cap. 
4. We have got / haven’t got a mobile phone. 
F. Look at the pictures. Match the questions with the answers.
(Observa as imagens. Faz a ligação entre as perguntas e as respostas.)

Fred Lucy John Anna

Has John got glasses? 1. • • a) Yes, he has.

Has Lucy got blond hair? 2. • • b) No, she hasn’t.
Has Anna got short hair? 3. • • c) Yes, she has.
Has Fred got blue eyes? 4. • • d) No, he hasn’t.

G. Answer the questions. Use short answers. There is one example.

(Responde às perguntas usando respostas curtas. Segue o exemplo.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. Has the dog got a 2. Has Susan got a 3. Have Paul and Tom
ruler? sister? got a cat?
No, it hasn’t.
_____________________ _____________________. _____________________.

Worksheet 6A Verb to be vs. verb have got (Units 1-2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Write the sentences in the negative form.

1. I’m ten years old.

2. My name is Peter. I have got a cat.


3. We are at school. It has got a big playground.


4. It’s a brown cat. It has got big eyes.


B. Put the words in the correct order. Write sentences.

1. got / brothers / two / I’ve / . _________________________________________
2. name / his / is / Éder / . _____________________________________________
3. Portugal / is / Harry Styles / not / from / . _________________________

4. children / got / my sister / has / two /. _____________________________


5. got / a / you / pencil / have / ? ____________________________________________

C. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb to be or the
verb have got.

This (1)_________________ Mário. He (2)_________________ ten years old. He

(3)_________________ from Braga. He (4)_________________ a sister. Her name
(5)_________________ Rosa and she (6)_________________ twelve years old. She
(7)_________________ long blond hair, and she (8)_________________ tall and thin.
© ASA • High Five 5

She (9)_________________ a student. They (10)_________________ a very big dog.

It (11)_________________ long ears.
They (12)_________________ a very happy family!

Verb to be vs. verb have got (Units 1-2) Worksheet 6B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Write these sentences in Portuguese. There is one example.

(Escreve as frases em português. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I am Fred. ________________________________________________________
Eu sou o Fred.
2. He has got green eyes. _________________________________________
3. Joanna is tall and slim. ________________________________________
4. I’m ten years old. ______________________________________________
B. Rewrite the sentences with the short form of the verbs.
There is one example.
(Reescreve as frases com a forma abreviada dos verbos. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I am ten years old. ________________________________________________________

I’m ten years old.
2. My name is Peter. I have got a cat. _______________________________________

3. We are at school. _________________________________________________________

4. It is a brown cat. It has got big eyes. ______________________________________
C. Put the words in the correct order. Write sentences. There is one
example. (Coloca as palavras na ordem correta. Escreve frases. Segue o exemplo.)

I’ve got two brothers.

1. got / brothers / two / I’ve / . _______________________________________________
2. name / His / is / Éder / . ___________________________________________________
3. Portugal / is / Harry Styles / not / from / . ________________________________

4. children / got / My sister / has / two /. ____________________________________

5. got / a / you / pencil / Have / ? ____________________________________________

D. Circle the correct form of the verb to be or the verb have got. There is
one example. (Rodeia a forma correta do verbo to be ou have got. Segue o exemplo.)

This (1) is / are Mário. He (2) is / has got ten years old. He (3) is / are from
Braga. He (4) is / has got a sister. Her name (5) is / am Rosa and she (6) is / has
got 12 years old. She (7) is / has got long blond hair, and she (8) is / has got
© ASA • High Five 5

tall and thin. She (9) is / are a student. They (10) are / have got a very big dog.
It (11) is / has got long ears.
They (12) are / is a very happy family!

Worksheet 7A Possessive case | Question word: Whose…? (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete with ’s or ’.
1. He is Jack _____ father.
2. Is this the girls _____ mother?
3. It’s my sister _____ dress.
4. Are these the boys _____ computers?
5. This is Julie _____ scarf.
6. Lucas _____ hair is black.

B. Whose pets are these? Write sentences with ’s. There is one example.
1. John has got a brown dog. That is John’s brown dog.

2. Maria has got a white cat. ________________________________________________

3. Catarina has got a green bird. ____________________________________________
4. James has got a black dog. ______________________________________________
5. Our parents have got a green turtle. ______________________________________
6. Charles has got a red fish. ________________________________________________

C. Write sentences. There is one example.

Phil Ellen Tom Mr Lisbon

1. Whose books are these?

They are Phil’s books.

2. ______________________________________ shirt is this?


3. __________________________________________________?
© ASA • High Five 5


4. __________________________________________________?

Possessive case | Question word: Whose…? (Unit 2) Worksheet 7B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Circle the correct option – ’s or ’. There is one

example. (Rodeia a opção correta – ’s ou ’. Segue o exemplo.)

1. He is Jack’s / Jack’ father.

2. Is this the girls’s / girls’ mother?
3. It’s my sister’s / sister’ dress.
4. Are these the boys’s / boys’ computers?
5. This is Julie’s / Julie’ scarf.
6. Lucas’s / Lucas’ hair is black.

B. Complete the sentences. Use ’s or ’. There is one example.

(Completa as frases. Usa ’s ou ’. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Paul is _________
Mary’s brother. (Mary) 4. Tim is _____________ father. (Ann)
2. _____________ skirt is blue. (Kate) 5. The _______________ dresses are
3. _____________ glasses are purple. beautiful. (girls)

(James) 6. Our ________ car is blue. (parents)

C. Whose pets are these? Complete the sentences with ’s. There is one
example. (De quem são estes animais? Completa as frases com ’s. Segue o exemplo.)

This is John’s brown dog.

1. John has got a brown dog. _______________________________________________
2. Maria has got a white cat. This is Maria’s _________________________________
3. James has got a black dog. This is _______________________________________
4. Rodrigo has got a hamster. This is ________________________________________

D. Read the questions and write the answers. There are two examples.
(Lê as perguntas e escreve as respostas. Segue os exemplos.)

1. Whose books are these? Phil / books _____________________________________

They are Phil’s books.
It’s Ellen’s shirt.
2. Whose shirt is this? Ellen / shirt __________________________________________
3. Whose jeans are these? Tom / jeans ______________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

4. Whose coat is this? Mr Lisbon / coat _____________________________________

5. Whose dress is this? My sister / dress ____________________________________
6. Whose dog is this? Our parents / dog _____________________________________

Worksheet 8A Possessive pronouns (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Circle the correct option.

1. Mine / My scarf is new. I like it a lot. Where is your / yours?
2. Which is Tom’s shirt? Is this one his / hers?
3. You and Annie have got new skirts. I like her / hers.
4. These are new coloured pencils. They aren’t our / ours.
5. This is a big hat. Is it yours / your?
6. Are these Charles’s shoes? No, they are my / mine.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct

possessive pronoun: mine, yours, his, hers, its,
ours, theirs.

1. This is my dress. It’s _______________________________ .

2. This is your bag. It’s _______________________________ .
3. That is her hat. It’s ________________________________.
4. These are his jeans. They are _____________________ .
5. These are our clothes. They are ___________________.
6. These are their shoes. They are ___________________.
7. That is its ball. It is _________________________________.

C. Complete the sentences. Use possessive pronouns.

1. This is not my pen. _________________ is in my pencil case.
2. These aren’t your boots. _________________ are brown.
3. Those are not Ellen’s trainers. _________________ are white.
4. Their parents have got a new car. This car is _________________.
5. That isn’t our ball. _________________ is new.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. That isn’t John’s schoolbag. _________________ is blue.

7. That is not your car. _________________ is in the garage.

Possessive pronouns (Unit 2) Worksheet 8B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Fill in the table with the missing possessive pronouns. Use the
words from the box. There are two examples. (Completa a tabela com
os possessive pronouns em falta. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue os exemplos.)

Possessive determiners Possessive pronouns

my mine
your mine its
yours ours
its its his yours
our hers theirs

B. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. This is my dress. It’s mine / yours. 4. These are his jeans. They are
hers / his.
2. This is your bag. It’s ours / yours.
3. That is her hat. It’s hers / his. 5. These are our clothes. They are
yours / ours.

C. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Which is Tom’s shirt? Is this one his / hers?

2. You and Annie have got new skirts. I like her / hers.
3. This is a big hat. Is it yours / your?
4. Are these Charles’s shoes? No, they are my / mine.
D. Complete the sentences. Use the possessive pronouns from the
box. There is one example. (Completa as frases. Usa os possessive pronouns
da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. This is not my pen. _________________

Mine is in my pencil case. mine
2. These aren’t your boots. _________________ are brown. ours
© ASA • High Five 5

3. Those are not Ellen’s trainers. _________________ are white. theirs

4. Their parents have got a new car. This car is _________________.
5. It isn’t our ball. ________________ is new.

Worksheet 9A Adjectives (Unit 2)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the text. Use the adjectives from the box. There is one

nice tall handsome brown wavy

Hi, my name is Claire and I’m ten years old. I love music.
My favourite singer is Shawn Mendes. His full name is Shawn
Peter Raul Mendes. He’s Portuguese-Canadian.
He is (1)__________________ and thin. He has got dark brown
(2)__________________ hair and (3)__________________ eyes. He is
(4)__________________ nice
and (5)__________________ .

B. Write the opposites.

1. beautiful – _______________________ 4. thin – ____________________________
2. kind – ____________________________ 5. happy –__________________________
3. tall – ____________________________ 6. funny – __________________________

C. Put the words in the right order. Write sentences.There is one example.
1. sister / my / is / intelligent / .
My sister is intelligent.

2. Charlie / happy / isn’t / .


3. sociable / are / their parents / .


4. is / old / my / grandmother / .

5. we / generous / are / people / .

© ASA • High Five 5


6. a / kind / she / girl / is / .


Adjectives (Unit 2) Worksheet 9B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the text. Use the adjectives from the box. There is one
example. (Completa o texto. Usa os adjetivos da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

nice tall handsome brown wavy

Hi, my name is Claire and I’m ten years old. I love music.
My favourite singer is Shawn Mendes. His full name is Shawn
Peter Raul Mendes. He’s Portuguese-Canadian.
He is (1)__________________ and thin. He has got dark brown
(2)__________________ hair and (3)__________________ eyes. He is
(4)__________________ nice
and (5)__________________ .

B. Write the opposites. Use the adjectives from the box. There is one
example. (Escreve os opostos. Seleciona um adjetivo da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)
p )

1. beautiful – ________________
ugly 4. thin – _____________________ sad ugly
2. kind – _____________________ 5. happy –___________________
serious short
3. tall – _____________________ 6. funny – ___________________
fat unkind

C. Circle the correct form. There is one example.

(Rodeia a forma correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1 2 3 4 5 6
© ASA • High Five 5

1. She is short / tall. 4. He has got blond / black hair.

2. Her hair is straight / curly. 5. He has got a yellow / blue shirt.
3. Her hair is short / long. 6. He has got a green / white T-shirt.

Worksheet 10A Verb there + to be (Unit 3)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with there + to be. Use the full and the short
forms. There is one example.

Verb there + to be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Singular Is there... ?

B. Look at the picture. Write There is, There isn’t, There are or There

1. __________________
a chimney.

2. __________________
two bedrooms.

3. __________________
a garage.

4. __________________
a roof.

5. __________________
five windows.

C. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb there + to be

In my town (1)________________ many houses. I live in a beautiful detached

house. (2)________________ (not) a garden but (3)________________ some
© ASA • High Five 5

trees in front of the house. (4)________________ (not) a swimming pool but

(5)________________ an attic. Near my house (6)________________ a school. It’s
my school. I love it.

Verb there + to be (Unit 3) Worksheet 10B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with there + to be. Use the full and the short
forms. There are two examples. (Completa a tabela com there + to be. Usa
as formas longas e as formas abreviadas. Segue os exemplos.)

Verb there + to be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Singular there is / there’s
Plural there are

B. Look at the picture. Circle the correct option. There is one example.
(Observa a figura. Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There is / There are

a chimney.

2. There is / There are

two bedrooms.

3. There is / There isn’t

a garage.

4. There is / There isn’t

a roof.

5. There isn’t / There aren’t

five windows.

C. Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

In my town (1) there are / there is many houses. I live in a beautiful detached
house. (2) There aren’t / There isn’t a garden but (3) there is / there are some
© ASA • High Five 5

trees in front of the house. (4) There isn’t / There aren’t a swimming pool but
(5) there is / there are an attic. Near my house (6) there is / there are a school.

It’s my school. I love it.

Worksheet 11A To be | Have got | There + to be

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Fill in the crosswords with the correct form of the verbs to be,
have got and there + to be.
Across 7 1 Down
1. I ____ tall. 2 6. She ____ funny.
2. You ____ got red hair. 8 7. Mary ____ three cars.
3. She ____ got freckles. 3 8. Paul and I ____ got
(not – short form) a pet.
4. ____ any cars in the 10 9. You ____ English. (not
garage. (not – short 4 – short form)
form) 10. They ____ ten years
5. The dog ____ mine. 5
(not – short form)

B. Write the correct form of the verbs to be or have got.

1. He _______________ (not) at school.
2. I _______________ a pet. It’s a dog.
3. Lisa _______________ a student. She _______________ (not) a teacher.
4. Lucy _______________ a brother.
5. “_______________ she from Canada?”
“No, she _______________. She _______________ from England.”
6. New York _______________ (not) in Europe. It _______________ in the USA.
7. Agnes and Edith _______________ a sister. Her name is Margo.

C. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs to be, have
got or there + to be.

Hello! My name (1)_______________ Patty. I (2)_______________ ten years old

and I (3)_______________ a big house. (4)_______________ three bedrooms in my
house. My favourite room (5)_______________ my bedroom. It (6)_______________
very comfortable.
© ASA • High Five 5

I (7)_______________ one sister. She (8)_______________ green eyes and blond

hair. I love her. In her bedroom (9)_______________ a big bed and lots of posters
on the wall! It (10)_______________ great!

To be | Have got | There + to be Worksheet 11B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Fill in the crosswords with the correct form of the verbs to be, have
got and there + to be. (Preenche as palavras cruzadas com a forma correta dos
verbos to be, have got e there + to be.)

Across 9 Down
7 1
1. I ____ tall. (to be) 6. She ____ funny. (to be)
2. You ____ got red hair. 7. Mary ____ three cars.
(have got) 8 (have got)
3. She ____ got freckles. 3 8. Paul and I ____ got
(have got, negative, a pet. (have got)
short form) 10 9. You ____ English. (to be,
4. ____ any cars in the 4 negative, short form)
garage. (there + to be, 10. They ____ ten years
negative, short form) old. (to be)
5. The dog ____ mine. (to
be, negative, short form)

B. Read the sentences. Circle the correct option.

There is one example.
(Lê as frases. Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. John and Richard are / is British.

2. He isn’t / aren’t at school.
3. Lisa am / is a student.
4. Lucy has got / have got three sisters.
5. “Are they from Canada?” “No, they isn’t / aren’t.”
6. I have got / has got a pet. It’s a dog.
7. New York is / are in the USA.

C. Complete the text. Use the verbs to be, have got and there + to be.
There is one example.
(Completa o texto com os verbos to be, have got e there + to be. Segue o exemplo.)

Hello! My name (1)_______________ Patty. I (2)_______________ ten years old.
I live in a big house. It (3)_______________ two floors. My favourite room
© ASA • High Five 5

(4)_______________ my bedroom. It (5)_______________ very comfortable. In

my room (6)_______________ a big bed and lots of posters on the wall!
It (7)_______________ great!

Worksheet 12A Prepositions of place (Unit 3)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Where is Oliver? Complete the sentences with under, in, above, on,
in front of, behind.

1. Oliver is _____________ 2. It is _________________ 3. It is __________________

the box. the box. the box.

4. Oliver is _____________ 5. Oliver is _____________ 6. It is __________________

the box. the box. the box.
B. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct
preposition of place.

1. There is a rug __________________________ the floor.

2. There is a clock __________________________ the wall.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. There is a black chair __________________________ the desk.

4. The guitar is __________________________ the bed.
5. The bed is __________________________ the bedside table and the bookcase.

Prepositions of place (Unit 3) Worksheet 12B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Where is Oliver? Circle the correct option. There is one example.

(Onde está o Oliver? Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Oliver is in front of / 2. It is in / under 3. It is in /under the

behind the box. the box. box.

4. Oliver is under / 5. Oliver is under / 6. It is on / next to

above the box. behind the box. the box.

B. Look at the picture. Circle the correct option. There is one example.
(Observa a imagem. Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There is a rug on / in front of the floor.

2. There is a picture at / on the wall.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. There is a black chair in front of / behind the desk.

4. The guitar is next to / over the bed.
5. The bed is between / behind the bedside table and the bookcase.

Worksheet 13A Plural of nouns (Unit 3)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Write the plural.

1. book 2. table 3. man

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

4. watch 5. toy 6. child

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

7. brush 8. tomato 9. baby

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

10. bus 11. person 12. foot

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

B. Rewrite the sentences in the plural.

1. My dog is black. __________________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

2. There is a pen and a rubber. ______________________________________________

3. The boy is over there. _____________________________________________________
4. The toy is in the box. _____________________________________________________

Plural of nouns (Unit 3) Worksheet 13B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Circle the correct plural. (Rodeia o plural adequado.)

1. My dogs / doges are black.
2. There are penns / pens and rubbers / rubber on the table.
3. The boyes / boys and the girls / girles are there.
4. The toies / toys are in the boxes.
B. Complete the crossword puzzle. Write plurals. There is one example.
(Completa as palavras cruzadas. Escreve os plurais. Segue o exemplo.)

bus 6
5 6
5 T
1 3 O
4 Y
7 7 8 S
table 10


12 book
© ASA • High Five 5


Worksheet 14A Quantifiers: some / any (Unit 4)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Write some or any.

1. She hasn’t got _____________________ pencils.
2. There are _____________________ tomatoes in the fridge.
3. She hasn’t got _____________________ sandwiches.
4. Have we got _____________________ strawberries?
5 There isn’t _____________________ water in the glass.
6. There is _____________________ fruit in the basket.

B. It’s Mary’s birthday. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences

with some or any.

1. There is a beautiful table with _____________________ cakes.

2. There isn’t _____________________ juice. There is only water.
3. There is _____________________ bread and cheese.
4. There aren’t _____________________ chocolates.
5. I can see _____________________ presents under the table.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. Are there _____________________ balloons? Yes, there are many.

7. Is there _____________________ fruit salad? No, there isn’t.
8. There are _____________________ sweets.

Quantifiers: some / any (Unit 4) Worksheet 14B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Circle the correct word: some or any.

(Rodeia a opção correta: some ou any.)

1. She hasn’t got some / any pencils.

2. There are some / any tomatoes in the fridge.
3. She hasn’t got some / any sandwiches.
4. Have we got some / any strawberries?
5. There isn’t some / any water in the glass.
6. There is some / any fruit in the basket.

B. It’s Mary’s birthday. Look at the picture. Circle the correct word:
some or any. (É o aniversário da Mary. Observa a imagem. Rodeia a palavra
correta: some ou any.)

1. There’s a beautiful table with some / any cakes.

2. There isn’t some / any juice. There is only water.
3. There’s some / any bread and cheese.
4. There aren’t some / any chocolates.
5. I can see some / any presents under the table.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. Are there some / any balloons? Yes, there are many.

7. Is there some / any fruit salad? No, there isn’t.
8. There are some / any sweets.

Worksheet 15A Question word: How many…? (Unit 4)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Count the items in the pictures. Ask questions and answer them.
Write the numbers in words.

1. How many apples are there? 3. _____________________________ pears

There are _________________________ ___________________________________?

____________________________ apples. There are __________________ pears.

2. How many oranges are there? 4. ___________________________________?

There are _________________________ There is ___________________________
___________________________________. ___________________________________.

B. Answer the question about your

How many boys and girls are
there in your class?
© ASA • High Five 5

There are _____________________ boys

and _____________________ girls.

Question word: How many…? (Unit 4) Worksheet 15B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Count the items in the pictures and circle the correct option.
(Conta os elementos de cada grupo e rodeia a resposta certa.)

1. How many apples are there? 3. How many pears are there?
There are thirteen / thirty apples. There is / are eight pears.

2. How many oranges are there? 4. How many bananas are there?
There are twelve / twenty oranges. There is / are one banana.

B. Answer the question about your

class. (Responde sobre a tua turma.)
How many boys and girls are
there in your class?
© ASA • High Five 5

There are _________________________

boys and ____________________ girls.

Worksheet 16A Connectors: so / because (Unit 4)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Use because to connect the sentences.

1. Paula is eating a hamburger. She is hungry.

2. Kate likes vegetables. They are healthy.


3. Sarah likes her brother. He is funny.


B. Use so to connect the sentences.

1. Joseph does a lot of sport. He is healthy.

2. Thomas is allergic to milk. He can’t drink it.


3. Jennifer likes all types of fruit. She likes apples.


C. Circle the correct option.

1. Peter is sad because / so he is sick.
2. They are quiet so / because they are watching TV.
3. I like Taylor Swift because / so her songs are great.
4. I love strawberries so / because I eat them a lot.

D. Use because / so to connect the sentences. Make the necessary


1. I want water. I’m thirsty. __________________________________________________

2. I study. I pass the tests. __________________________________________________
3. She’s happy. It’s sunny. ___________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

4. Peter likes oranges. He eats them a lot. _________________________________

5. I like Éder. He is a good football player. ___________________________________

Connectors: so / because (Unit 4) Worksheet 16B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Tick () the correct option. (Seleciona a opção correta.)

1. She is eating a hamburger… 4. She likes her brother…
she is hungry. he is funny.
a) so  b) because a) so b) because

2. They like vegetables… 5. He is allergic to milk…

they are healthy. he can’t drink it.
a) so b) because a) so b) because

3. He does a lot of sport… 6. She likes all types of fruit…

he is healthy. she likes apples.
a) so b) because a) so b) because

B. Circle the correct option. (Rodeia a palavra correta.)

1. I want water so / because I’m thirsty.
2. I study so / because I have good grades.
3. She’s happy so / because it’s sunny.
4. Peter likes to run so / because he runs every day.
5. They like sports so / because they are fit.
6. People are dancing so / because they are at the party.

C. These sentences have the wrong connector. Correct them.

(As frases têm o conector errado. Corrige-as.)

1. Peter is sad so he is sick.

Peter is sad because he is sick.

2. They are quiet so they are watching TV.


3. I like Taylor Swift so her songs are great.

© ASA • High Five 5


4. I love strawberries because I eat them a lot.


Present simple: verb like |
Worksheet 17A Expressing preferences (like/hate + -ing) (Unit 4)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the tables. There is one example.

Affirmative Negative
I like dancing. I don’t like dancing.
You You
He He
She She
It It
We We
You You
They They

Interrogative Short answers

Do I like dancing? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
you ?
Does he ?
Does she ?
Does it ?
we ?
you ?
they ?
© ASA • High Five 5
Worksheet 17A
B. Write the following sentences in the negative form.
1. He likes going to the cinema. _____________________________________________
2. We like playing the guitar. ________________________________________________
3. They like horror movies. ________________________________________________
4. I like running. ___________________________________________________________

C. Read and match.

Does Tom like going to the cinema? 1. • • a) Yes, I do.
Do Ann and Claire like playing together? 2. • • b) Yes, we do.
Do you like bananas? 3. • • c) No, they don’t.
Do Paula and I like onions? 4. • • d) No, he doesn’t.

D. What do you like / prefer / don’t like / hate doing? Write about you.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1. dancing __________________________________________________________________
2. listening to music ________________________________________________________
3. reading __________________________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

4. playing football __________________________________________________________

5. running __________________________________________________________________
6. playing cards _____________________________________________________________

Present simple: verb like |
Worksheet 17B Expressing preferences (like/hate + -ing) (Unit 4)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Read the information in the table. (Lê a informação na tabela.)

like + -ing
Affirmative Negative
I like dancing. I don’t like dancing.
You like dancing. You don’t like dancing.
He likes dancing. He doesn’t like dancing.
She likes dancing. She doesn’t like dancing.
It likes dancing. It doesn’t like dancing.
We like dancing. We don’t like dancing.
You like dancing. You don’t like dancing.
They like dancing. They don’t like dancing.

B. Now complete the table with the verb like + reading.

(Agora completa a tabela com o verbo like + reading.)

Interrogative Short answers

Do I like reading? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
you ?
Does he ? Yes, does. No, doesn’t.
Does she ?
Does it ?
we ?
you ?
they ?
© ASA • High Five 5
Worksheet 17B
C. Complete the sentences with don’t like / doesn’t like.
(Completa as frases com don’t like / doesn’t like.)

1. He ___________________________ going to the cinema.

2. We ___________________________ playing together.
3. They ___________________________ sleeping late.
4. I ___________________________ going shopping.

D. Read and match the questions with the answers.

(Lê e liga as perguntas às respostas.)

Does he like going to the cinema? 1. • • a) Yes, I do.

Do we like playing together? 2. • • b) Yes, we do.
Do they like bananas? 3. • • c) No, they don’t.
Do you like onions? 4. • • d) No, he doesn’t.

E. What do you like / don’t like doing? Circle, according to your opinion.
(O que é que gostas / não gostas de fazer? Rodeia, de acordo com a tua opinião.)

1. listening to music.
I like / don’t like listening to music.

2. reading
I like / don’t like reading.

3. playing football
I like / don’t like playing football.

4. watching TV
© ASA • High Five 5

I like / don’t like watching TV.

Worksheet 18A Present simple (Unit 5)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the present simple of the verb eat
(affirmative, negative and interrogative).

Verb eat
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I eat I don’t eat Do I eat...?
you you
he he
she eats she Does she eat…?
it it
we we
you you
they they

B. Write the sentences in the 3rd person singular (he / she).

1. I go to school by bus.
He _______________________________________________________________________.

2. I watch TV in the evening.

She _______________________________________________________________________.

3. They get up at seven o’clock.

He ________________________________________________________________________.

4. I study every day.

She ______________________________________________________________________.

C. Answer. Use short answers.

1. Do you like fruit? Yes, ____________________________________________________.
2. Do you eat bread for breakfast? No, _____________________________________.
3. Does Sarah have cereals for breakfast? Yes, _____________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. Does Jimmy drink milk? No, _____________________________________________.

5. Do they eat eggs? Yes, ___________________________________________________.

Worksheet 18A
D. Write the sentences in the negative form.
1. Pedro takes the bus on Sunday.

2. He and his mother like coffee.


3. I go to school on foot.

4. They have a shower in the morning.


E. Read the answers. Ask questions.

1. ____________________________________________
Yes, he does. He gets up at seven o’clock.

2. ____________________________________________
No, we don’t. We don’t live in Porto.
We live in Braga.

3. ____________________________________________

Yes I do. I have lunch in the school canteen.

4. ____________________________________________


No, I don’t. I don’t go to bed at 10 p.m.

I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.

F. Match the questions with the correct answers.

What time do you go 1. • • a) He has lunch in the school
to bed? canteen.
Where does he have lunch? 2. • • b) They go to school by bus.
© ASA • High Five 5

How do they go to school? 3. • • c) I go to bed at 10 p.m.

When do you play 4. • • d) I play football on
football? Wednesdays and Fridays.

Worksheet 18A
G. Complete the text with the present simple of the verbs in brackets.
Tom (1)____________________ (get up) at seven o’clock every morning. He
(2)____________________ (have) breakfast with his mother in the kitchen. They
usually (3)____________________ (drink) milk or tea and (4)____________________
(eat) toast or pancakes. Then he (5)____________________ (brush) his teeth.
He (6)_______________ (catch) the bus to school. Classes (7)_______________
(start) at twenty-five to nine. Tom (8)__________________ (have) lunch in the
school canteen. Sometimes, he (9)_______________ (have) classes again in the
afternoon. School (10)_______________ (finish) at twenty-five past four.
He (11)__________________ (go) home at five p.m.
He (12)_____________________________ (do) his homework. Before dinner, he
(13)_____________________ (watch) TV. He always (14)_____________________ (go)
to bed at ten o’clock.
On Wednesdays and Fridays he (15)____________________________ (not have)
classes in the afternoon, so he (16)____________________________ (play) football
in the park.

H. Put the words in the correct order. Make sentences.

1. eats / my / cat / sardines / .

2. you / do / like / tea / ?


3. school / don’t go / to / I / on foot / .


4. football / they / play / sometimes / .


5. do / breakfast / you / in / the kitchen / have / ?

© ASA • High Five 5

6. teeth / brush / I / my / every day / .


Present simple (Unit 5) Worksheet 18B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the present simple of the verb eat
(affirmative, negative and interrogative). (Completa a tabela com o
present simple do verbo eat – afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.)

Verb eat
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I eat I don’t eat Do I eat...?
you you
he he
she eats she Does she eat...?
it it
we we
you eat you Do you eat...?
they they don’t eat

B. Write the sentences in the 3rd person singular (he or she). Make the
necessary changes. Add -s, -es or -ies. (Escreve as frases na 3.a pessoa do
singular (he ou she). Faz as alterações necessárias. Acrescenta -s, -es, ou -ies.)

1. I go to school by bus.
goes to school by bus.
She _______________________________________________________________________

2. I watch TV in the evening.

He ________________________________________________________________________.

3. They get up at seven o’clock.

She _______________________________________________________________________.

4. I study every day.

He ________________________________________________________________________.

5. I have breakfast in the kitchen.

He ________________________________________________________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. I brush my teeth before beakfast.

She _______________________________________________________________________.

Worksheet 18B
C. Answer these Yes/No questions. Use short answers.
(Responde às questões Yes/No com respostas curtas.)

Yes, I do.
1. Do you like fruit? _________________________________________________________
2. Do you eat bread for breakfast? __________________________________________
No, I don’t.
3. Does Sarah have cereals for breakfast? Yes, _____________________________.
4. Does Jimmy drink milk? No, _____________________________________________.
5. Do they eat eggs? Yes, ___________________________________________________.
6. Do Mary and her sister eat chips? No, ___________________________________.

D. Write the sentences in the negative form.

(Escreve as frases na negativa.)

1. Pedro goes to school on Sunday.

Pedro doesn’t go to school on Sunday.

2. They like baseball.

They don’t like baseball.

3. Pedro takes the bus on Sunday.


4. He and his mother like coffee.


5. I go to school by bus.

6. They have a shower in the morning.


E. Match the questions with the correct answers.

(Liga as perguntas às respostas.)

What time do you go 1. • • a) He has lunch in the school

to bed? canteen.
Where does he have lunch? 2. • • b) They go to school by bus.
© ASA • High Five 5

How do they go to school? 3. • • c) I go to bed at 10 p.m.

When do you play 4. • • d) I play football on
football? Wednesdays and Fridays.

Worksheet 18B
F. Circle the correct option. (Rodeia a hipótese correta.)
Tom (1) gets up / get up at seven o’clock every morning. He (2) has / have
breakfast with his mother in the kitchen. They usually (3) drink / drinks milk
or tea and (4) eat / eats toast or pancakes. He (5) brush / brushes his teeth.
He (6) catch / catches the bus to school. Classes (7) start / starts at twenty-five
to nine.
Tom (8) has / have lunch in the school canteen. Sometimes he (9) have /
has classes again in the afternoon. School (10) finishes / finish at twenty-five
past six.
He (11) go / goes back home at seven o’clock. He (12) do / does his homework.
Before dinner, he (13) watch / watches TV. He always (14) go / goes to bed at
ten o’clock.
On Wednesdays and Fridays he (15) doesn’t have / don’t have classes in
the afternoon, so he (16) play / plays football.

G. Put the words in the correct order. Make sentences.

(Coloca as palavras na ordem correta. Escreve frases.)

1. eats / My cat / sardines / .

My cat eats sardines.

2. you / Do / like / tea / ?


3. school / don’t go / to / I / on foot / .


4. she / Does / speak / Chinese / ?


5. They / football / play / sometimes / .

© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 19A Adverbs of frequency (Unit 5)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Anna does some sports. Look at her timetable and complete

the sentences. Use the adverbs from the box.

never sometimes usually always every day

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


1. She ______________________________ goes to dance classes.

2. She ______________________________ does gymnastics.
3. She ______________________________ has basketball classes.
4. She ______________________________ goes to tennis class on Sundays.
5. She does sports ______________________________.

B. Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct


1. Renato gets up at 8 o’clock. (always)


2. He goes to bed after 11 o’clock. (never)


3. He goes to the cinema with some friends. (sometimes)


4. He practises football at the stadium. (usually)


5. I listen to music. (every day)

© ASA • High Five 5


Adverbs of frequency (Unit 5) Worksheet 19B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Ana does some sports. Look at the table and circle the correct option.
(A Ana pratica alguns desportos. Olha para a tabela e rodeia a opção correta.)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


1. She never / usually goes to dance classes.

2. She always / sometimes does gymnastics.
3. She sometimes / always practises basketball.
4. She sometimes / never goes to tennis class on Sundays.
5. She does sports sometimes / every day.

B. Tick () the correct sentence. (Seleciona a opção correta.)

1. Renato gets up at 8 o’clock. (always)
a) Renato gets always up at 8 o’clock.
b) Renato always gets up at 8 o’clock.
2. He goes to bed after 11 o’clock. (never)
a) Never he goes to bed after 11 o’clock.
b) He never goes to bed after 11 o’clock.
3. Ellen goes to the cinema with some friends. (sometimes)
a) Ellen sometimes goes to the cinema with some friends.
b) Ellen goes to sometimes the cinema with some friends.
4. They practise football at the stadium. (usually)
a) They usually practise football at the stadium.
b) They practise usually football at the stadium.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. I listen to music. (every day)

a) I listen to music every day.
b) I every day listen to music.

Worksheet 20A Question words 2 (Unit 5)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Match the questions to the answers.

Why are you happy today? 1. • • a) I’m not very tall.
Which is your car? 2. • • b) It’s basketball.
How tall are you? 3. • • c) Because I’m sad.
How big is your house? 4. • • d) It’s the black one.
Which is your favourite sport? 5. • • e) It’s 2 metres high.
Why are you crying? 6. • • f) It’s big. It has got 4 bedrooms.
How high is the wall? 7. • • g) It’s very small.
How big is the pool? 8. • • h) Because it’s sunny.

B. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

1. Why is Peter happy? (sunny) 3. How high is the Empire State

____________________________________ Building? (very high) ______________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

2. Which is your ball? (orange) 4. How tall is Francis? (not very)

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Question words 2 (Unit 5) Worksheet 20B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

Why (Porquê) Which (Qual) How high (Qual é a altura)

How tall (Qual é a altura – pessoas) How big (Qual é o tamanho)

A. Match the questions with the answers. (Associa as perguntas às respostas.)

Why are you happy today? 1. • • a) I’m not very tall.
Which is your car? 2. • • b) It’s basketball.
How tall are you? 3. • • c) Because I’m sad.
How big is your house? 4. • • d) It’s the black one.
Which is your favourite sport? 5. • • e) It’s 2 metres high.
Why are you crying? 6. • • f) It’s big. It has 4 bedrooms.
How high is the wall? 7. • • g) It’s very small.
How big is the pool? 8. • • h) Because it’s sunny.

B. Look at the pictures. Order the words and expressions to answer

the questions. (Observa as imagens. Ordena as palavras e expressões para
responderes às perguntas.)

1. Why is Peter happy? (it / is sunny / because)

Because it is sunny.

2. Which is your ball? (the orange one / my ball / is)



3. How high is the Empire State Building? (very high / it / is)



4. How tall is Francis? (tall / very / she / is not)

© ASA • High Five 5



Worksheet 21A Present continuous (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the verb learn in the present continuous.
Verb learn
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I’m learning I’m not learning Am I learning... ?
you you you ?
he’s learning he isn’t learning Is he learning... ?
she she she ?
it it it ?
we we we ?
you you you ?
they they they ?

B. Write the -ing form.

1. drink ____________________________________
2. swim ___________________________________
3. study ___________________________________
4. play ____________________________________
5. dance ___________________________________
6. run _____________________________________

C. Complete the sentences with the present continuous (affirmative)

of the verbs.

1. Now, I _______________________________ to go home. (wait)

2. The boy ___________ still ______________________________. (sleep)
3. I _______________________________ at my picture. (look)
4. The cat _______________________________ up the tree now. (climb)
5. The cat ___________ still ____________________________ after the mouse. (run)
© ASA • High Five 5

6. Today, the students _______________________________ the exam. (do)

Worksheet 21A
D. Write the sentences in the negative and the interrogative forms.
1. He is playing the guitar.
Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

2. They are watching TV.

Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

3. We are going to the beach.

Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

4. It is running in the park.

Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

E. Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs in the correct place.

1. I’m working online. (now)

2. The teacher is teaching the students. (today)


3. The boys are playing the guitar. (now)


4. Thomas is listening to music. (today)


5. We are watching a movie. (still)


6. I am writing a text. (now)

© ASA • High Five 5


7. Maria is waiting for the bus. (still)


Worksheet 21B Present continuous (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the table with the verb learn in the present continuous.
(Completa a tabela com o present continuous do verbo learn – aprender).

Verb learn
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I’m learning I’m not learning Am I learning... ?
you you you ?
he’s learning he isn’t learning Is he learning... ?
she she she ?
it it it ?
we we we ?
you you you ?
they they they ?

B. Circle the correct option of the -ing form.

(Rodeia a forma correta da -ing form.)

1. drink – drinking / drinkking

2. swim – swimming / swiming
3. play – playing / playng
4. dance – dancing / danceing
5. cry – criing / crying
6. jog – jogging / joging

C. Read the sentences. Circle the correct option.

(Lê as frases. Rodeia a opção correta.)

1. Now, I am waiting / waitting to go home.

2. The boy is / are still sleeping.
3. My mother is bakeing / baking cookies.
4. I am looking / lookeing at my picture.
5. The cats is / are climbing up the tree now.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. The cat is / are still running after the mouse.

7. Today, the students are / is doing their exam.

Worksheet 21B
D. Write the sentences in negative and interrogative forms.
(Escreve as frases nas formas negativa e interrogativa.)

1. He is playing the guitar.

He isn’t playing the guitar.
Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Is he playing the guitar?
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

2. They are watching TV.

Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

3. We are going to the beach.

Neg: ________________________________________________________________________
Int: _________________________________________________________________________

E. Tick () the correct option for the position of the adverb.
(Seleciona a opção correta, de acordo com a posição do

1. I’m working online. (now)

a) I’m working now online.
 b) I’m working online now.

2. The teacher is teaching the students. (today)

a) The teacher is teaching the students today.
b) The teacher is today teaching the students.

3. The boys are playing the guitar. (now)

a) Now the boys are playing the guitar.
b) The boys are playing now the guitar.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. My mother is cooking dinner. (now)

a) My mother is cooking now dinner.
b) My mother is now cooking dinner.

Worksheet 22A Personal pronouns (object) (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the sentences with a personal pronoun (object).

1. I am watching The Voice on TV. I’m watching ____________.
2. Aurea and Mariza are talking. Michael is listening to ____________.
3. Aurea is a singer. I like ____________.
4. We are talking about the singers. They are looking at ____________.
5. I am listening. Are you talking to ____________?
6. Anselmo is very funny. I love ____________.
7. You and your mother are singing. I am listening to ____________.
8. You are good at dancing. I love watching ____________.

B. Complete the texts with the correct personal pronouns (subject/


I’m playing a game at the moment. My brother is in the living room
with (1)____________________. (2)____________________ is watching a TV show.
My mother and my father are in the kitchen. (3)________________________ are
preparing dinner. I know that (4)____________________ are going to ask for our
help very soon. (5)____________________ usually set the table.

I have a cousin, Tom. (1)___________________ doesn’t like reading books.
His mother reads to (2)________________. He has got a sister. (3)______________
loves reading.
(4)_________________ am reading a funny story now. (5)_________________ is
really interesting. The characters are great. I love (6)_________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

Personal pronouns (object) (Unit 6) Worksheet 22B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Circle the correct personal pronoun (object).

(Rodeia o personal pronoun – object correto.)

1. I am watching the TV program The Voice. I’m watching it / him.

2. Aurea and Mariza are talking. Michael is listening to us / them.
3. Aurea is a singer. I like her / him.
4. We are talking about the singers. They are looking at you / us.
5. I am listening. Are you talking to me / you?
6. Anselmo is very funny. I love us / him.
7. You and your mother are singing. I am listening to you / them.
8. You are good at dancing. I love watching me / you.

B. Circle the correct personal pronoun (object/subject).

(Seleciona o personal pronoun – object/subject – correto.)

(1) I / Me am playing a game at the moment. My brother is in the living
room with (2) I / me. (3) He / Him is watching a TV show. My mother and my
father are in the kitchen. (4) They / Them are preparing dinner. I know that
(5) they / them are going to ask for our help very soon. (6) We / Us usually
set the table.

I have a cousin. (1) He / Him doesn’t like reading books. His mother reads
to (1) him / he. He has got a sister. (3) She / Her loves reading. (4) I / Me am
reading a funny story now. (5) It / She is really interesting. The characters
are great. I love (6) it / us.
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 23A Prepositions of movement (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Look at the pictures. Draw a line for Oliver’s movement.

1. Oliver goes into the box.

2. Oliver goes onto the box.

3. Oliver goes to the box.

B. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition of movement:

into, onto, to, around, over.

1. He goes ____________ school.

2. She is going ____________ the classroom.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. The tiger is climbing ____________ the tree.

4. The boys are running ____________ the park.
5. His dog jumps ____________ the table.

Prepositions of movement (Unit 6) Worksheet 23B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Look at the pictures. Draw a line for Oliver’s movement. Remember:

to = para / into = para dentro de / onto = para cima de.
(Observa as imagens. Desenha o movimento do Oliver. Recorda: to = para / into = para
dentro de / onto = para cima de.)

1. Oliver goes into the box.

2. Oliver goes onto the box.

3. Oliver goes to the box.

B. Circle the correct preposition. (Rodeia a preposição correta.)

1. He goes into / to school.
2. She is going into / onto the classroom.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. The tiger is climbing onto / on the tree.

4. The boys are running to / onto the park.
5. His dog jumps onto / into the table.

Worksheet 24A Imperative (Unit 6)

Name No.: Class:

Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the sentences. Use the expressions from the box.

do not infinitive form give suggestions

make requests give orders

1. The imperative is used to ______________________, to ______________________,

or to ______________________.

2. To form the imperative, use the _________________________ of the verb

without to. In the negative form, put “_________________________” or “don’t”
before the verb (e.g. “Don’t touch that!”)

B. Write the sentences in the negative form.

1. Peter, sit down! ___________________________________________________________
2. Be quiet! _________________________________________________________________
3. Open the door, please! ___________________________________________________
4. Do that! __________________________________________________________________
5. Pay the bill! ______________________________________________________________
6. Clean your room! ________________________________________________________

C. Write the sentences in Portuguese.

1. Come to the board! ___________________________________
2. Go to the bathroom! __________________________________
3. Please, be quiet! _____________________________________
4. Open your books on page fifteen. ____________________

5. Come in! __________________________________________

6. Close the window, please. _________________________
© ASA • High Five 5


Imperative (Unit 6) Worksheet 24B
Name No.: Class:
Date: / / Mark Teacher

A. Complete the sentences. Use the expressions from the box.

(Completa as frases. Usa as expressões da caixa.)

do not infinitive form give suggestions

make requests give orders

1. The imperative is used to ______________________

give orders , to ______________________,
or to _______________________.

2. To form the imperative, use the _________________________

infinitive form of the verb
without to. In the negative form, put “_________________________” or “don’t”
before the verb (e.g. “Don’t touch that!”)

B. Write the sentences in the negative form.

(Escreve as frases na negativa.)

1. Peter, sit down! ___________________________________________________________

Peter, don’t sit down!
2. Be quiet! _________________________________________________________________
3. Open the door, please! ___________________________________________________
4. Do that! __________________________________________________________________
5. Pay the bill! ______________________________________________________________
6. Clean your room! ________________________________________________________

C. Write the sentences in Portuguese.

(Escreve as frases em português.)

1. Come to the board! ___________________________________

Vem ao quadro!
2. Go to the bathroom! __________________________________
3. Please, be quiet! _____________________________________
4. Open your books on page fifteen. __________________
© ASA • High Five 5

5. Come in! __________________________________________

6. Close the window, please. _________________________

Unit 0 Asking and answering personal questions ... 114
Unit 0 Introducing yourself ............................................. 115
Unit 1 Introducing a friend .............................................. 116
Unit 2 Describing someone ............................................ 119
Unit 2 Describing yourself .............................................. 121
Unit 3 Talking about my house...................................... 122
Unit 4 Talking about food and drinks........................... 124
Unit 5 Making arrangements ......................................... 126
Unit 5 Talking about daily routine..................................... 127
Unit 6 Describing situations – Talking about free
time activities and sports ................................... 130
Unit 6 Talking about your favourites – Free time
activities and sports............................................. 131

Available in editable format at

Unit 0 Asking and answering personal questions

− Rever/Treinar a identidade, a idade, os numerais cardinais e ordinais, o país de origem, as cores e os animais favoritos.
− Utilizar palavras e expressões para cumprimentar, agradecer e despedir-se.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.

A. Choose a character and read his/her identity card.

Name: ________ Name: Robyn Rihanna
Surname: ________ Fenty
Surname: _______
Date of birth: 1 March, 1994
___________________ 20th February, 1988
Date of birth: ______________________
Country: __________ Barbados
Country: ____________
Favourite colour: ________ Green
Favourite colour: ________
Favourite animal: _____ Cat
Favourite animal: _____

B. Ask your partner questions about his/her character. Answer about

Example questions: What’s your name? How old are you? When
is your birthday? Where are you from? What’s your favourite
colour? What’s your favourite animal?

A. Find out more about your partner. Look at the example below and
use the words/expressions from the box to ask him/her questions.

How old are you? • Say hello. • What/favourite

• What/name? colour?
I’m ten years old.
Wh • What/favourite
o old?
• Say goodbye.

© ASA • High Five 5

Introducing yourself Unit 0
− Rever/Treinar a identidade, a idade, os números, país de origem, cores e animais favoritos.
− Falar sobre si próprio.
− Exprimir gostos e preferências pessoais.

A. Imagine this is your first day at Camp Kikiwaka. Fill in your ID card.

This is me!
1. Name: _____________________________________________
2. Surname: __________________________________________
3. Age: _______________________________________________
4. Birthday: _________________________________
5. Country: ________________________________
6. Favourite colour: ________________________
7. Favourite animal: ___________________________

B. Match the sentences below with the numbers from exercise A.

There is one example.

1. My favourite animal is the dog. ____________
2. I’m 11 (eleven) years old. ____________

3. My favourite colour is blue. ____________

4. I’m from Portugal. ____________

5. My birthday is on 5th May. ____________

6. My surname is Santos. ____________

7. My name is João. ____________

C. Introduce yourself to the members of the camp (your classmates).

Use your answers in Exercise A. Don’t forget to greet your friends
at the beginning and to say goodbye at the end.

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 1 Introducing a friend

− Rever/Treinar as formas de cumprimento inicial e de apresentar um amigo.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de três alunos; cada grupo deve ler o diálogo (exercício A) em voz alta, sob a forma de role-play.
De seguida, escolhem três personagens das imagens (exercício B) e fazem um diálogo semelhante ao do exercício  A.
Os  alunos podem depois representar o diálogo para a turma. Como forma de os auxiliar nesta tarefa, os alunos podem
escrever primeiro o diálogo no caderno diário.

A. Read the dialogue.


Julie, Meg and Tom are at a New Year’s party.
Julie: Hi, Meg! How are you?
Meg: Hi, Julie! Fine, thanks! Who’s that boy?
Julie: Oh, it’s Tom. Tom, come here, please!
5 Tom: Hi, Julie!
Julie: Hi, Tom. This is my friend Meg.
Tom: Hi, Meg! Nice to meet you!
Meg: Hi, Tom! Nice to meet you, too!
Tom/Meg/Julie: Let’s have fun! Happy New Year!

B. Work in groups of three. Choose three characters and role-play

a dialogue similar to the one from exercise A.

Adam Levine Daniela Ruah Zendaya Coleman

Ariana Grande David Carreira Cristiano Ronaldo

© ASA • High Five 5

Introducing a friend Unit 01
− Rever/Treinar a identidade, a idade, os numerais cardinais e ordinais, o país de origem e as profissões.
− Rever/Treinar a distinção entre os determinantes possessivos his/her.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno; os alunos
terão de preencher os espaços com a informação em falta, utilizando as perguntas que têm no cartão. Só podem fazer
perguntas e nunca devem ler o seu texto.


How old is... (person’s name)? Where is he/she from?
When is his/her birthday? What is his/her job?

1. Jane is ________ years old. She is from _________________. Her birthday is

on __________________. She is a __________________. (job)

2. John is eleven years old. He is from Berlin. His birthday is on 12th March.
He is a student.

3. Tess is ________ years old. She is from _________________. Her birthday is

on __________________. She is an __________________. (job)

4. Marco is twenty years old. He is from Lisbon. His birthday is on

13th July. He is a firefighter.

How old is... (person’s name)? Where is he/she from?
When is his/her birthday? What is his/her job?

1. Jane is thirty years old. She is from London. Her birthday is on 7th April.
She is a lawyer.

2. John is ________ years old. He is from _________________. His birthday is

on __________________. He is a __________________. (job)

3. Tess is fifty years old. She is from Dublin. Her birthday is on

22nd September. She is an engineer.

4. Marco is ________ years old. He is from _________________. His birthday is

on __________________. He is a __________________. (job)

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 1 Introducing a friend

− Rever/Treinar a identidade, a idade, os numerais cardinais e ordinais, o país de origem, a família e as profissões.
− Rever/Treinar a distinção entre os determinantes possessivos.
− Utilizar as estruturas corretas para apresentar alguém.

A. Read the text about Jamie and fill in his ID card.

Name: _______________
Surname: ___________
This is Jamie and he’s 36
Age: ___________________ ye old. His birthday is on 22nd
Birthday: ______________ February. He’s from Manchester,
Hometown: ____________ in the UK.
___________ 5 He’s a mechanic.
Job: __________________
___________ His father is a doctor and his
Father’s job: __________
mother is a teacher.
Mother’s job: __________ His brother is Tom and his
Brothers / sisters: ____ two sisters are Erica and Sophie.

B. Introduce one of these characters to the class. Use the text from
exercise A as a model.

Name: _______ Peter
Name: _______ Name: Oliver/Owen n_
Surname: _______ Smith
Surname: _______ Jones
Surname: _______
10 years old
Age: _______________ 25 years old
Age: _______________ 14 years old
Age: _______________
1st February
Birthday: _______________ 23rd April
Birthday: _______________ 20th June
Birthday: ___________
Hometown: ____________ Hometown: London
________ Cardiff
Hometown: _________
Job: __________ Job: lawyer
________ students
Job: ___________
Father’s job: ______ nurse
Father’s job: ______ singer
Father’s job: ________
Mother’s job: _____ teacher
Mother’s job: _________ Mother’s job: architect
Brothers / sisters: _____ one
Brothers / sisters: _____ one
Brothers / sisters: _____
brother (John)
________________________ sister (Maria)
________________________ brother (Thomas)

C. Now introduce your partner to the class.

© ASA • High Five 5

Describing someone Unit 02
− Treinar o vocabulário relacionado com a descrição física e o vestuário.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno; em grupos
de dois, os alunos devem ir questionando o colega até descobrirem o nome de todas as personagens que estão na sua
imagem. Podem usar as perguntas/formas de resposta que surgem na caixa ao lado da imagem.


• What does Nicole’s

hair look like?
• How big are Chris’s
• Is Karen tall?
• Has Laura got
straight hair?
• Has Nicole got a
• Has Laura got
Nicole Chris Karen Ben Lau


• Her/His hair is...

• His/Her eyes are
• Yes, she/he is.
No, she/he isn’t.
She/He is…
• Yes, she/he has.
No, she/he hasn’t.
She/He has...

Karen Chris Nicole Ben Laura

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 2 Describing someone

− Treinar o vocabulário relacionado com a descrição física e o vestuário.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno; em grupos de
dois, os alunos devem ir questionando o colega até descobrirem o nome de todas as personagens que veem na sua imagem.
Podem usar as perguntas/formas de resposta que têm na caixa ao lado da imagem.


• What does ...’s hair

look like?
• How big are
...’s eyes?
• Is... tall?
• Has... got straight
• Has... got glasses?
• Has... got trainers?

Julia Thomas Rebecca Henry


• Her/His hair is...

• His/Her eyes are
• Yes, she/he is.
No, she/he isn’t.
She/He is…
• Yes, she/he has.
No, she/he hasn’t.
She/He has...

Julia Henry Sally Thomas Rebecca

© ASA • High Five 5

Describing yourself Unit 02
− Treinar o vocabulário relacionado com a descrição física e o vestuário.
− Usar números para expressar pesos e medidas.
− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.

A. Look at the pictures.

wavy tall straight red

oval blue


Lucas Lee Lucy Linda

B. Read the descriptions. Match them with the pictures from

exercise A. Write the names.

1. I’m medium-height and thin. I have got long red hair. My eyes are blue.
I have got white jeans and a scarf. I’m ___________________.

2. I’m short and thin. I have got dark hair and I love T-shirts and caps.
I’m ___________________.

3. I’m tall and thin. My face is oval. I have got brown eyes and my hair is
short and wavy. I’m ___________________.

4. I’m medium height and thin. I have got straight brown hair and green
eyes. My favourite clothes are dresses and skirts. I’m ___________________.

C. Use the sentences from exercise B and describe yourself to the

class. You can write your description in your notebook first.

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 3 Talking about my house

− Usar a entoação adequada em frases simples e conhecidas (afirmações, perguntas e exclamações).
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – as partes da casa e o mobiliário.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− Treinar o verbo there +to be.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno; em grupos
de dois, os alunos devem ir questionando o colega até conseguirem adivinhar qual é a sua divisão favorita.

• Choose your favourite room.
• Write the name of the room.
• Look at the pictures. Circle two
pieces of furniture/objects you
can find in your room.
• Try to guess your partner’s room.
• Ask him/her questions about
the two pieces of furniture/objects:
Examples: Have you got a table?
Is there a rug? Are there any chairs?
• You can only try to guess your
partner’s room once – Is it the...?

My room: ________________ My partner’s room: ________________

• Choose your favourite room.
• Write the name of the room.
• Look at the pictures. Circle two
pieces of furniture/objects you
can find in your room.
• Try to guess your partner’s room.
• Ask him/her questions about
the two pieces of furniture/objects:
Examples: Have you got a table?
Is there a rug? Are there any chairs?
• You can only try to guess your
partner’s room once – Is it the...?

My room: ________________ My partner’s room: ________________

© ASA • High Five 5

Talking about my house Unit 03
− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – as partes da casa e o mobiliário.
− Treinar o verbo there + to be e as preposições de lugar.

A. Read the text.


Hi! My name is Josh and I live in Sydney,
Australia. I live in a detached house. It’s crazy –
it’s upside down! It has got nine rooms:
a kitchen, two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a living room, m
5 a dining room and a study. There isn’t an attic, but there’s ’ a garden
in front of the house. I love my bedroom! It has got a big bed
and a desk between the wardrobe and an armchair. There r are lots
of posters on the walls.
What about your house? Tell me about it!

B. Now answer Josh’s questions about your house.

1. Where do you live?
I live in __________________________________________________________. (place)

2. Which type of house have you got?

My house is a ___________________________________________________________.

3. How many rooms has your house got?

It has got ________________________________________________________ rooms.

4. Which rooms are there in your house?

There is _________________________________________________________________.

5. What’s your favourite room?

My favourite room is the ________________________________________________.

6. What is there in your favourite room?

There is _________________________________________________________________.

C. Use your answers from exercise B and the model from exercise A to
tell the class about your house and your favourite room.

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 4 Talking about food & drinks

− Usar a entoação adequada em frases simples e conhecidas (afirmações, perguntas e exclamações).
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – comida e bebidas.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− Exprimir gostos e preferências pessoais.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno; em grupos de
dois, os alunos devem ir questionando o colega até conseguirem preencher as colunas com as respostas dadas pelos colegas.

• Ask your partner
• What do you like what he/she likes
for breakfast? (use the questions
• Do you like... for Lunch in the box).
lunch? _________________________________________ • Write the food/
• Do you like… for _________________________________________ drink words your
dinner? _________________________________________
partner says in
• What’s your Dinner the correct place –
favourite drink? breakfast, lunch or

• Ask your partner
• What do you like what he/she likes
for breakfast? (use the questions
• Do you like... for Lunch in the box).
lunch? _________________________________________ • Write the food/
• Do you like… for _________________________________________ drink words your
dinner? _________________________________________
partner says in
• What’s your Dinner the correct place –
favourite drink? breakfast, lunch
or dinner.

© ASA • High Five 5

Talking about food & drinks Unit 40
− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – comida e bebidas.
− Exprimir gostos e preferências pessoais.

A. Look at the table.



B. Read the texts.

I’m Pam. I like eating
lettuce and hamburgers.
I love drinking juice.
I don’t like cheese or

I’m Ted. I like eating

carrots. I love chicken
and I like drinking milk.
I hate onions and

C. Tell the class about what you like/don’t like eating/drinking. Use the
model texts from exercise B.

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 5 Making arrangements

− Usar a entoação adequada em frases simples e conhecidas (afirmações, perguntas e exclamações).
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades da rotina diária e horas.
− Fazer sugestões e convites simples (let’s/why don’t we…).
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno; cada aluno
preenche individualmente o seu cartão com as frases dadas e as palavras que estão acompanhadas por imagens; em grupos
de dois, os alunos simulam o diálogo oralmente.

Why What about See you I can’t
• Complete
A: Hi, ___________ (name)! What’s up? the dialogue.
B: Hi, ___________ (name)! Let’s meet at the cinema at half past You can use
some words/
eight on Saturday.
A: Sorry, ___________! I have a birthday party on Saturday. in the box
_________________ Friday? _________________ don’t we have and your own
_________________ (meal) at the new pizzeria first? ideas.
B: Great idea! Let’s meet at a quarter past seven, then! Where? • Role-play the
dialogue with
A: At my house! _________________ on Friday!
your partner.
B: That’s fine! See you!

Let’s See you Where
• Complete
A: Hi, ___________ (name)! What’s up? the dialogue.
B: Hi, ____________ (name)! ____________ meet at the cinema You can use
some words/
at ________________________ on Saturday.
A: Sorry, I can’t! I have a birthday party on Saturday. What about in the box
Friday? Why don’t we have dinner at the new pizzeria first? and your own
B: Great idea! Let’s meet at ___________________________ , ideas.
then! ______________? • Role-play the
dialogue with
A: At my house! See you on Friday!
your partner.
B: That’s fine! __________________!

© ASA • High Five 5

Talking about daily routine Unit 05
− Usar a entoação adequada em frases simples e conhecidas (afirmações, perguntas e exclamações).
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades da rotina diária e horas.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor dá uma folha a cada aluno ou a cada par; os alunos decidem quem
será quem; fazem depois perguntas um ao outro com as question words indicadas e as expressões da caixa. Devem fazê-lo
cada um na sua vez, mas em forma de diálogo.


Dom Jessie Katniss

• Decide with your partner which film character you are.

• Ask your partner questions about his/her daily routine. Use the question words:
When…?; Where…?; How…?; What…?; What time...?
Example questions:
− What time do you get up?
− What do you have for breakfast?
− How do you go to school/work?
− Where do you have dinner?
− When do you go to bed?
• Choose expressions from the box to answer the questions.

• get up at… (time)

• have… for breakfast (food/drink)
• go to school/work by/on… (car, bus, foot)
• have lunch at… (time)
• afternoon – drive fast cars; run; babysit; go to the gym...
• have dinner at... (home, restaurant)
• go to bed early/late

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 5 Talking about daily routine

− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades da rotina diária e horas.
− Descrever a sua rotina diária.

A. Fill in the gaps with daily routine expressions and information about
YOU. Draw the missing activity from your daily routine. Then, cut out
the pictures and stick them into your notebook in the correct order.

This is my day!

1. I ____________________ 2. I ___________________ 3. I ___________________

at __________ (time). at __________ (time). at __________ (time).

4. I ___________________ 5. I ___________________ 6. I ___________________

at __________ (time). at __________ (time). at __________ (time).

7. I ___________________ 8. I ___________________ 9. I ___________________

at __________ (time). at __________ (time). at __________ (time).

© ASA • High Five 5

Talking about daily routine Unit 05
− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades da rotina diária e horas.
− Descrever a sua rotina diária.

A. Read the text.

Every Monday I get up at 7 o’clock.

Then I go to the bathroom and I have a
shower. After that I go to the kitchen and
have breakfast.

5 I have milk and cereal for breakfast.

At 8 o’clock I leave home and I go to
school by bus.

I arrive at school at 8.55 and I have

classes from 9 to 3.30. For lunch I have fish
10 and chips. After school I go to the park
and play basketball with my friends.

Then, I go home and do my homework.

I have dinner at 7.30.

After dinner I watch TV, listen to music

15 or read a book. Finally, I go to bed at about
11 p.m.

B. Use the information from the text and describe your daily routine to
the class. Include some of the following words.

every day at the weekend then

sometimes always after dinner

in the morning in the afternoon for lunch

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 6 Describing situations – Talking about free time activities & sports

− Usar a entoação adequada em frases simples e conhecidas (afirmações, perguntas e exclamações).
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades de tempos livres e desportos.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− A turma é dividida em grupos de dois alunos; o professor corta a folha em duas partes e dá uma parte a cada aluno. O primeiro
aluno recebe a folha A e o segundo aluno recebe a folha B. Os alunos terão de descobrir as quatro diferenças entre os desenhos,
colocando questões aos colegas. Ganha aquele que descobrir as diferenças primeiro.


Find the differences
• The man is running. Answers
Is the man in your
picture running?
• Yes, he/she is.
| No, he/
• The two boys sitting she isn’t. He/
at the table are She is...
listening to music and
playing video games.
• Yes, they are.
| No, they
Are the two boys in
aren’t. They
your picture listening
to music and playing
video games?

Find the differences

• The man is Answers
sleeping. Is the man • Yes, he/she
in your picture is. | No, he/
sleeping? she isn’t. He/
• The boy and the She is...
girl are playing • Yes, they
basketball. Are the are. | No, they
boy and the girl in aren’t. They
your picture playing are...

© ASA • High Five 5

Talking about your favourites – Free time activities & sports Unit 06
− Usar a entoação adequada em frases simples e conhecidas (afirmações, perguntas e exclamações).
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades de tempos livres e desportos.
− Formular perguntas e respostas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares.
− Exprimir gostos e preferências pessoais.

A. Read the dialogue.

Anna: Hi, Paul!

Paul: Hi, Anna!
Anna: What’s your favourite free time activity?
Paul: I love playing video games. Do you like playing video
5 games?
Anna: Not really! I prefer watching TV or surfing the net.
I also like hanging out with my friends.
Paul: What about sports? Do you like sports?
Anna: Yes I do! I love tennis. And you?
10 Paul: I like tennis, too, but I prefer football. Come with me!
I’m going to a football match!
Anna: OK! Great idea!

B. Role play a similar dialogue with your partner. Replace the words/
expressions in bold by information about YOU. You can write the
dialogue in your notebook.

© ASA • High Five 5

Unit 6 Talking about favourites – Free time activities & sports

− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades de tempos livres e desportos.
− Apresentar preferências de familiares ou amigos.

A. Look at Joe’s room. What does he do in his free time? Look at the
picture, read the options and put a tick () or a cross ().

a) listening to music d) playing baseball g) playing volleyball

b) watching TV e) playing video games h) riding a bike
c) playing football f) reading i) dancing

B. Tell the class about Joe’s favourite free time activities.

Joe likes playing video games. He doesn’t like playing
Example: ___________________________________________________________________

C. Now tell the class about your best friend’s favourite free time
activities or about the free time activities of a member of your
family (mother, father, brother or sister...).

© ASA • High Five 5

Talking about your favourites – Free time activities & sports Unit 06
− Pronunciar, com correção, expressões e frases familiares.
− Falar sobre temas trabalhados – atividades de tempos livres e desportos.
− Exprimir gostos e preferências pessoais.

A. Read the text.

Look at me! I’m playing the piano. It’s

my favourite hobby.
In my free time I also like listening to
music and going to the cinema. I don’t like
5 playing football or tennis. I prefer surfing.
What about you?

B. Tell Lucy all about your favourite sports and hobbies. Complete the
text below.

Picture of you

Look at me! I’m (1)_________________. It’s my favourite
In my free time I also like (2)_________________ and
(3)_________________. I don’t like (4)_________________
_________________ or (5)_________________.

I prefer (6)_________________.

Picture of your
favourite hobby

C. Now tell the class about your favourite hobby. Use the model text
from exercise A. You can place a photo of you doing your favourite
hobby or you can draw it.

© ASA • High Five 5

Answer key

Celebrations Cross-curricular worksheets

Halloween (page 2) Inglês | Matemática (page 12)
A. 1. witch | 2. monster | 3. skeleton | 4. ghost | 5. bat | 6. black A. 1. eight | 2. three | 3. seven | 4. ten | 5. four | 6. one
cat | 8. Jack-o’-lantern | 9. spider
B. 1. ten | 2. fifteen | 3. twenty-five | 4. sixteen | 5. five | 6. twelve |
B. 1. Treat | 2. Trick 7. ninety | 8. eighty | 9. two | 10. eighteen
C. Happy Halloween! C. first | second | third | fourth | fifth | sixth | seventh | eighth |
ninth | tenth
Bonfire Night (page 3)
Inglês | Ciências Naturais (page 13)
A. 1. the United Kingdom | 2. Bonfire | 3. king | 4. blow up |
5. English Parliament | 6. fireworks | 7. Guy Fawkes A. 1. giraffe | 2. mouse | 3. lion | 4. cat | 5. rhino

Inglês | História e Geografia de Portugal (page 19)
A. 1. Canada | 2. The USA | 3. The United Kingdom | 4. Portugal |
K P A R L I A M E N T O 5. Europe | 6. Africa | 7. South Africa | 8. Asia | 9. Australia |
I G W N I H H T M R N N 10. New Zealand

N Q N O V E M B E R I F Inglês | Educação Visual (page 15)

G B O N T I R E T Y G I B. 1. grey | 2. pink | 3. orange | 4. green | 5. purple
Inglês | Educação Física (page 16)
A. Football: trainers | shorts | goal | football field;
F I R E W O R K S O N V Swimming: swimming pool | swimming cap | goggles | swimsuit;
Athletics: trainers | running shoes | track | shorts;
Basketball: trainers | shorts;
Thanksgiving (page 4) Dancing: trainers | music | dancing shoes;
B. 1. | 2. | 5. Tennis: tennis shoes | shorts | racket.
B. Personal answer.
Christmas (page 5)
B. 1. presents | 2. bells | 3. candy canes | 4. sleigh | 5. Christmas Inglês | Educação Musical (page 17)
tree | 6. stockings 1. singer | 2. conductor | 3. guitar | 4. organ | 5. flute | 6. DJ |
7. CD | 8. saxophone | 9. violin | 10. bagpipes | 11. drums |
St. Valentine’s Day (page 6) 12. harp | 13. keyboards | 14. stereo | 15. piano | 16. headphones

B. 1. letters | 2. sweets | 3. cards | 4. boxes of chocolates |

5. presents | 6. flowers
C. Personal answer.

Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day (page 7)

B. 1. c) | 2. e) | 3. h) | 4. g) | 5. d) | 6. a) | 7. b) | 8. f)

Easter (page 9)
© ASA • High Five 5

Answer key

Extra vocabulary worksheets 8. police officer | 9. pilot | 10. football player | 11. teacher |
12. engineer
Worksheet 1A (page 20)
Worksheet 5A (page 30)
A. 1. Good evening! | 2. Good morning! | 3. Good night! | 4. Good
A. 1. hair (head) | 2. teeth | 3. arm | 4. hand | 5. leg | 6. eye | 7. mouth | 
8. neck | 9. knee | 10. foot
C. Personal answers.
B. 1. ear | 2. elbow | 3. face | 4. shoulder | 5. finger | 6. head
D. 1. thirty-five | 2. old / is forty years old | 3. How old / She is twelve
C. 1. nose | 2. mouth | 3. hand | 4. foot
years old | 4. is Charles / He is eight years old
E. 2. two | 3. three | 4. four | 5. five | 6. six | 7. seven | 8. eight | 9. nine | Worksheet 5B (page 31)
10. ten | 11. eleven | 12. twelve | 13. thirteen | 14. fourteen | 15. fifteen |
A. 2. arm | 3. hand | 4. leg | 5. eye | 6. mouth | 7. neck | 8. foot
18. eighteen | 20. twenty | 21. twenty-one | 30. thirty | 40. forty |
57. fifty-seven | 80. eighty | 90. ninety | 100. one hundred B. 1. ear | 2. nose | 3. face | 4. shoulder | 5. finger | 6. head
F. 2. Monday | 3. Tuesday | 4. Wednesday | 5. Thursday | 6. Friday | C. 2. mouth | 3. hand | 4. foot
7. Saturday
Worksheet 6 A (page 32)
G. 1. sunny | 2. cold | 3. hot | 4. rainy
B. 1. short | 2. thin/slim | 3. blond | 4. blue | 5. long | 6. big
H. 1. cat | 2. dog | 3. pig | 4. fox | 5. lion | 5. elephant
C. 1. Sarah has got short hair. | 2. Jane has got big brown eyes. |
Worksheet 1B (page 22) 3. Tom has got wavy red hair. | 4. Anne has got long curly black hair.
A. 1. Good evening! | 2. Good morning! | 4. Good afternoon! D. Personal answers.
C. Personal answers.
Worksheet 6B (page 33)
D. 1. thirty-five | 2. Rachel | 3. How old | 4. years old B. 1. short | 2. thin | 3. blond | 4. blue | 5. long | 6. big
E. 2. two | 3. three | 4. four | 5. five | 6. six | 7. seven | 8. eight | 9. nine | C. 1. Sarah has got short hair. | 2. Jane has got big brown eyes. |
10. ten | 11. eleven | 12. twelve | 15. fifteen | 20. twenty | 40. forty | 3. Tom has got wavy red hair. | 4. Anne has got long curly black hair.
50. fifty | 70. seventy | 80. eighty | 90. ninety | 100. one hundred
F. 2. Monday | 3. Tuesday | 4. Wednesday | 5. Thursday | 6. Friday | Worksheet 7A (page 34)
7. Saturday A. 2. belt | 3. jeans | 4. trousers | 5. dress | 6. skirt | 7. scarf | 8. hat |
G. 2. cold | 3. hot | 4. rainy 9. shirt | 10. coat | 11. jacket | 12. shoes | 13. socks | 14. trainers |
15. boots | 16. shorts
H. 2. dog | 3. pig | 4. lion | 5. elephant
Worksheet 7B (page 35)
Worksheet 2A (page 24)
A. 2. belt | 3. jeans | 4. trousers | 5. dress | 6. skirt | 7. scarf | 8. hat |
A. 1. c) | 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. b) 9. shirt | 10. coat | 11. jacket | 12. shoes | 13. socks | 14. trainers |
B./C. Personal answers. 15. boots | 16. shorts

Worksheet 8A (page 36)

Worksheet 2B (page 25)
A. a) 4 | b) 10 | c) 3 | d) 1 | e) 5 | f) 6 | g) 8 | h) 2 | i) 9 | j) 7
A. 1. c) | 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. b) |
B./C. Personal answers. Worksheet 8B (page 37)
A. b) 10 | c) 3 | d) 1 | e) 5 | f) 6 | g) 8 | h) 2 | i) 9 | j) 7
Worksheet 3A (page 26)
A. 1. grandparents | 2. grandfather | 3. grandmother | 4. parents | Worksheet 9A (page 38)
5. father | 6. mother | 7. uncle | 8. aunt | 9. brother | 10. sister |
A. a) 7 | b) 3 | c) 2 | d) 5 | e) 1 | f) 9 | g) 8 | h) 6 | i) 4
11. cousin
B. 1. fridge | 2. chairs | 3. sofa | 4. armchair | 5. bed | 6. wardrobe |
B. 1. MUM | 2. DAD | 3. HUSBAND | 4. WIFE | 5. SON | 6. DAUGHTER |
7. lamp | 8. bookcase
Worksheet 9B (page 39)
Worksheet 3B (page 27)
A. 2. grandmother | 4. mother | 5. uncle | 6. aunt | 7. brother | A. 2. table | 3. cooker | 4. rug | 5. chest of drawers | 6. washbasin |
8. sister | 9. cousin 7. desk | 8. sink
A. 1. MUM | 2. DAD | 3. HUSBAND | 4. WIFE | 5. SON | 6. DAUGHTER | B. 2. chairs | 3. sofa | 4. armchair | 5. bed | 6. wardrobe | 7. lamp |
7. PARENTS | 8. GRANDPARENTS 8. bookcase

Worksheet 4A (page 28) Worksheet 10A (page 40)

© ASA • High Five 5

A. 1. fisherman | 2. singer | 3. doctor | 4. vet | 5. firefighter | A. Fruit: mango | pear | apple | banana; Vegetables: lettuce
6. mechanic | 7. cook | 8. police officer | 9. pilot | 10. football player | | tomato | potato; Desssert: cake | jelly | ice cream; Drinks: water
11. teacher | 12. engineer | tea | coffee | milk; Other food: chicken | cheese | eggs | chips
B. 1. strawberries | 2. salad | 3. pie | 4. soup | 5. bread | 6. peas |
Worksheet 4B (page 29)
7.  orange | 8. onions | 9. watermelon | 10. fish | 11. meatballs |
B. 2. singer | 3. doctor | 4. vet | 5. firefighter | 6. mechanic | 7. cook | 12. steak

Answer key

Worksheet 10B (page 41) Extra grammar worksheets

A. b) 3 | c) 6 | d) 10 e) 7 | f) 8 | g) 2 | h) 5 | i) 4 | j) 9
Worksheet 1A (page 52)
B. 2. salad | 3. pie | 4. soup | 5. bread | 6. peas | 7. orange | 8. onions
Worksheet 11A (page 42) Portuguese English
A. 1. get up / wake up | 2. have a shower | 3. get dressed | 4. have eu I
breakfast | 5. brush her teeth | 6. catch the bus | 7. have classes |
8. play basketball | 9. have lunch | 10. do her homework | 11. go to tu you
the swimming pool | 12. surf the net | 13. watch TV | 14. have dinner |
ele he
15. read a book | 16. go to bed
ela she
Worksheet 11B (page 43)
ele/ela (objetos/animais) it
A. 2. get dressed | 3. have breakfast | 4. catch the bus | 5. have classes |
6. have lunch | 7. do her homework | 8. have dinner | 9. go to bed nós we

vós you
Worksheet 12A (page 44)
A. a) 1 | b) 7 | c) 6 | d) 3 | e) 8 | f) 5 | g) 10 | h) 4 | i) 2 | j) 9 eles/elas they

B. 1. It’s two o’clock. | 2. It’s five past nine. | 3. It’s twenty to ten. | 4. It’s B.
half past nine.
Verb to be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not) Am I…?

you are (you’re) you are not (you aren’t) Are you…?

he/she/it is (he’s/ he/she/it is not (he/she/

Is he/she/it…?
she’s/it’s) it isn’t)

we are (we’re) we are not (we aren’t) Are we…?

Worksheet 12B (page 45)
you are (you’re) you are not (you aren’t) Are you…?
A. b) 5 | c) 3 | d) 4 | e) 6 | f) 2
B. 2. It’s five past nine. | 3. It’s half past nine. | 4. It’s a quarter past they are (they’re) they are not (they aren’t) Are they…?
C. 2. We’re in the same class. | 3. They’re students. | 4. You’re a
C. 2. b) | 3. a) | 4. b) nice person. | 5. His name’s Jack. | 6. I’m happy today.

Worksheet 13A (page 46) D. 2. is | 3. are | 4. are | 5. is | 6. am

A. a) 3 | b) 2 | c) 4 | d) 1 | e) 6 | f) 5 E. 2. am not (’m not) | 3. am (’m) | 4. is (’s) | 5. is not (isn’t) | 6. are

B. 1. reading | 2. watching TV | 3. going to the cinema | 4. listening F. 1. Her name is Annie. | 2. How old are you? | 3. Emma Watson is
to music | 5. playing cards | 6. singing an actress. | 4. Are your parents firefighters? | 5. We are not from
Worksheet 13B (page 47) G. Personal answers.
A. 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. b) | 5. a) | 6. a)
Worksheet 1B (page 54)
B. 2. watching TV | 3. going to the cinema | 4. listening to music |
5. playing cards | 6. singing A.
Portuguese English
Worksheet 14A (page 48)
eu I
A. 1. basketball | 2. cycling | 3. running | 4. judo | 5. tennis |
6. football | 7. rugby | 8. volleyball | 9. gymnastics | 10. surfing | tu you
11. skiing | 12. swimming
ela he

Worksheet 14 B (page 49) ele she

A. b) 3 | c) 6 | d) 2 | e) 1 | f) 5
ele/ela (objetos/animais) it
B. 2. cycling | 3. gymnastics | 4. skiing | 5. surfing | 6. swimming |
7. ice skating | 8. tennis nós we
© ASA • High Five 5

vós you

eles/elas they

Answer key

B. Worksheet 5A (page 62)

Verb to be Verb have got
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not) Am I…? I have got I haven’t got Have I got…?

you are (you’re) you are not (you aren’t) Are you…? you have got you haven’t got Have you got…?

he/she/it is (he’s/ he/she/it is not (he/she/ Has he/she/it

Is he/she/it…? he/she/it has got he/she/it hasn’t got
she’s/it’s) it isn’t) got…?

we are (we’re) we are not (we aren’t) Are we…? we have got we haven’t got Have we got…?

you are (you’re) you are not (you aren’t) Are you…? you have got you haven’t got Have you got…?

they are (they’re) they are not (they aren’t) Are they…? they have got they haven’t got Have they got…?

C. 2. is | 3. are | 4. are | 5. am | 6. are | 7. is | 8. are | 9. are | 10. am B. 1. has got | 2. have got | 3. has got | 4. have got | 5. have got |
6. have got
D. 2. b) | 3. a) | 4. b)
C. 1. a) | 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. d)
E. 2. Her name is Annie. | 3. How old are you? | 4. Emma Watson is
an actress. | 5. We are not from Portugal. D. 2. has got | 3. have got | 4. haven’t got | 5. have got | 6. hasn’t got
E. 2. Have Paul and Tom got a cat? No, they haven’t. They have got
F. Personal answers.
a dog. | 3. Has Susan got a sister? Yes, she has.

Worksheet 2A (page 56) Worksheet 5B (page 64)

A. 2. e) | 3. a) | 4. f) | 5. c) | 6. g) | 7. d) A.
B. 1. What | 2. Where | 3. How old | 4. When | 5. What | 6. How | Verb have got
7. Who | 8. Where | 9. What | 10. When
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
C. 2. What’s your job? | 3. Where is the party? | 4. When is your I have got I haven’t got Have I got…?
birthday? | 5. How is she? | 6. How old are they?
you have got you haven’t got Have you got…?
Worksheet 2B (page 57) Has he/she/it
he/she /it has got he/she/it hasn’t got
A. 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. e) | 5. c) | 6. f) got…?

we have got we haven’t got Have we got…?

B. 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. b)
you have got you haven’t got Have you got…?
C. 2. Where | 3. How old | 4. What | 5. How | 6. Who
they have got they haven’t got Have they got…?
Worksheet 3A (page 58)
A. 1. a | 2. an | 3. a | 4. a | 5. a | 6. an B. 2. He’s got freckles. | 3. You’ve got glasses. | 4. They’ve got
blond hair. | 5. Sally’s got a hamster.
B. 1. a | 2. a / a | 3. an / a | 4. The / an | 5. The | 6. The / the
C. 2. haven’t got | 3. haven’t got | 4. hasn’t got | 5. haven’t got
C. 1. the / – | 2. – / – / a | 3. an / a | 4. a / – | 5. the / a | 6. – / an
D. 2. has got | 3. have got | 4. have got | 5. have got | 6. have got

Worksheet 3B (page 59) E. 2. hasn’t got | 3. have got | 4. haven’t got

A. 2. an | 3. a | 4. a | 5. a | 6. an F. 1. a) | 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. d)

B. 2. a / a | 3. an / a | 4. The / an | 5. The | 6. The / the G. 2. Yes, she has.| 3. No, they haven’t.

C. 2. the / the | 3. – | 4. The | 5. – | 6. – Worksheet 6A (page 66)

A. 1. I’m not ten years old. | 2. My name isn’t Peter. I haven’t got a
Worksheet 4A (page 60)
cat. | 3. We aren’t at school. It hasn’t got a big playground. |
A. 1. my | 2. your | 3. his | 4. her | 5. our | 6. their 4. It isn’t a brown cat. It hasn’t got big eyes.

B. 1. Our | 2. Her | 3. Their | 4. Your | 5. His | 6. Their B. 1. I’ve got two brothers. | 2. His name is Éder. | 3. Harry Styles is
not from Portugal. | 4. My sister has got two children. | 5. Have you
C. 1. my | 2. my | 3. Our / My | 4. Its | 5. their | 6. Her | 7. His got a pencil?
C. 1. is | 2. is | 3. is | 4. has got | 5. is | 6. is | 7. has got | 8. is | 9. is |
© ASA • High Five 5

Worksheet 4B (page 61) 10. have got | 11. has got | 12. are
A. 2. your | 3. his | 4. her | 5. our | 6. their
Worksheet 6B (page 67)
B. 2. Her | 3. Their | 4. Your | 5. His | 6. Our
A. 2. Ele tem olhos verdes. | 3. A Joanna é alta e magra. |
C. 2. my | 3. Our | 4. Its | 5. their | 6. Her | 7. His 4. Eu tenho 10 anos.

Answer key

B. 2. My name’s Peter. I’ve got a cat. | 3. We’re at school. | 4. It’s a Worksheet 10A (page 74)
brown cat. It’s got big eyes. A.
C. 2. His name is Éder. | 3. Harry Styles is not from Portugal. | Verb there + to be
4. My sister has got two children. | 5. Have you got a pencil?
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
D. 2. is | 3. is | 4. has got | 5. is | 6. is | 7. has got | 8. is | 9. is |
there is not/
10. have got | 11. has got | 12. are Singular there is / there’s Is there…?
there isn’t
Worksheet 7A (page 68) there are not /
Plural there are Are there…?
there aren’t
A. 1. ’s | 2. ’ | 3. ’s | 4. ’ | 5. ’s | 6. ’s
B. 2. That is Maria’s white cat.| 3. That’s Catarina’s green bird. | B. 1. There is | 2. There are | 3. There isn’t | 4. There is | 5. There
4. That’s James’s black dog. | 5. That’s our parents’ green turtle. | aren’t
6. That’s Charles’s red fish. C. 1. there are | 2. There isn’t | 3. there are | 4. There isn’t |
C. 1. Whose / It’s Ellen’s shirt. | 2. Whose jeans are these? They’re 5. there is | 6. there is
Tom’s jeans. | 3. Whose coat is this? It’s Mr Lisbon’s coat.
Worksheet 10B (page 75)
Worksheet 7B (page 69) A.
A. 2. girls’ | 3. sister’s | 4. boys’ | 5. Julie’s | 6. Lucas’s Verb there + to be

B. 2. Kate’s | 3. James’s | 4. Ann’s | 5. girls’ | 6. parents’ Affirmative Negative Interrogative

C. 2. white cat.| 3. James’s black dog. | 4. Rodrigo’s hamster. there is not/

Singular there is / there’s Is there… ?
there isn’t
D. 3. They’re Tom’s jeans. | 4. It’s Mr Lisbon’s coat. | 5. It’s my
sister’s dress.| 6. It’s our parents’ dog. there are not /
Plural there are Are there…?
there aren’t
Worksheet 8A (page 70) B. 2. There are | 3. There isn’t | 4. There is | 5. There aren’t
A. 1. My / yours | 2. his | 3. hers | 4. ours | 5. yours | 6. mine C. 2. There isn’t | 3. there are | 4. There isn’t | 5. there is | 6. there is
B. 1. mine | 2. yours | 3. hers | 4. his | 5. ours | 6. theirs | 7. its
Worksheet 11A (page 76)
C. 1. Mine | 2. Yours | 3. Hers | 4. theirs | 5. Ours | 6. His | 7. Yours
A. 9
Worksheet 8B (page 71) 7 1 A M
Possessive determiners Possessive pronouns 2 H A V E R
A 8 E
my mine
S 3 H A S N ’T
your yours G A ’T
O V 10
his his
4 T H E R E A R E N ’T
her hers 6 R
its its 5 I S N ’T E
our ours
B. 1. isn’t | 2. have got | 3. is / isn’t | 4. has got | 5. Is / isn’t / is |
your yours 6. isn’t / is | 7. have got
their theirs C. 1. is (’s) | 2. am (’m) | 3. have got | 4. There are | 5. is | 6. is (’s)|
7. have got (’ve got) | 8. has got (’s got) | 9. there is (there’s) | 10. is (’s)
B. 2. yours | 3. hers | 4. his | 5. ours
Worksheet 11B (page 77)
C. 2. hers | 3. yours | 4. mine
A. 9
D. 2. Yours | 3. Hers | 4. theirs | 5. Ours A M
7 1
Worksheet 9A (page 72) 2 H A V E R
A 8 E
A. 1. tall | 2. wavy | 3. brown | 4. handsome S 3 H A S N ’T
B. 1. ugly | 2. unkind | 3. short | 4. fat | 5. unhappy / sad | 6. serious G A ’T
O V 10
C. 2. Charlie isn’t happy. | 3. Their parents are sociable. | 4. My
grandmother is old. | 5. We are generous people. | 5. She is 4 T H E R E A R E N ’T
© ASA • High Five 5

a kind girl. 6
5 I S N ’T E
Worksheet 9B (page 73)
A. 1. tall | 2. wavy | 3. brown | 4. handsome
B. 2. isn’t | 3. is | 4. has got (’s got) | 5. aren’t | 6. have got | 7. is
B. 2. unkind | 3. short | 4. fat | 5. sad | 6. serious
C. 2. am (’m) | 3. has got (’s got) | 4. is | 5. is (’s) | 6. there is (there’s) |
C. 2. straight | 3. short | 4. blond | 5. blue | 6. white 7. is (’s)

Answer key

Worksheet 12A (page 78) D. 1. I want water because I’m thirsty. | 2. I study so I pass the tests. |
3. She’s happy because it’s sunny. | 4. Peter likes oranges so he eats
A. 1. in front of | 2. under | 3. in | 4. above | 5. behind | 6. on
them a lot. | 5. I like Éder because he is a good football player.
B. 1. on | 2. on | 3. in front of | 4. next to | 5. between
Worksheet 16B (page 87)
Worksheet 12B (page 79)
A. 2. b) | 3. a) | 4. b) | 5. a) | 6. a)
A. 2. under | 3. in | 4. above | 5. behind | 6. on
B. 2. so | 3. because | 4. so | 5. because | 6. because
B. 2. on | 3. in front of | 4. next to | 5. between
C. 2. They are quiet because they are watching TV. | 3. I like Taylor
Worksheet 13A (page 80) Swift because her songs are great. | 4. I love strawberries so I eat
them a lot.
A. 1. books | 2. tables | 3. men | 4. watches | 5. toys | 6. children |
7. brushes | 8. tomatoes | 9. babies | 10. buses | 11. people | 12. feet
Worksheet 17A (page 88)
B. 1. Our dogs are black. | 2. There are pens and rubbers. | 3. The
boys are over there. | 4. The toys are in the boxes. A.
Affirmative Negative
Worksheet 13B (page 81)
I like dancing. I don’t like dancing.
A. 1. dogs | 2. pens / rubbers | 3. boys / girls | 4. toys
You like dancing. You don’t like dancing.
B. He/She/It likes dancing. He /She/It doesn’t like dancing.
5 T
1 3 P O We like dancing. We don’t like dancing.
F B 4 E Y
You like dancing. You don’t like dancing.
7 M E N U T 8 B O O K S
E 2 S O P They like dancing. They don’t like dancing.
9 T A B L E S M L
R S 10 B A B I E S Interrogative Short answers
Do I like dancing? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
11 C H I L D R E N Do you like dancing? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
E S Yes, he/she/ No, he/she/it
12 W A T C H E S Does he/she/it like dancing?
it does. doesn’t.

Worksheet 14A (page 82) Do we like dancing? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

A. 1. any | 2. some | 3. any | 4. any | 5. any | 6. some Do you like dancing? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

B. 1. some | 2. any | 3. some | 4. any | 5. some | 6. any | 7. any | Do they like dancing)? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
8. some
B. 1. He doesn’t like going to the cinema. | 2. We don’t like playing
Worksheet 14B (page 83) the guitar. | 3. They don’t like horror movies. | 4. I don’t like running.
A. 2. some | 3. any | 4. any | 5. any | 6. some C. 1. d) | 2. c) | 3. a) | 4. b)
B. 2. any | 3. some | 4. any | 5. some | 6. any | 7. any | 8. some D. Personal answers.

Worksheet 15A (page 84)

Worksheet 17B (page 90)
A. 1. thirteen | 2. twenty oranges | 3. How many / are there / eight |
4. How many bananas are there / one banana B.
Interrogative Short answers
B. Personal answers.
Do I like reading? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Worksheet 15B (page 85)
Do you like reading? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
A. 1. thirteen | 2. twenty | 3. are | 4. is
Yes, he/she/ No, he/she/it
Does he/she/it like reading?
B. Personal answers. it does. doesn’t.

Do we like reading? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

Worksheet 16A (page 86)
A. 1. Paula is eating a hamburger because she is hungry. | 2. Kate Do you like reading? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
© ASA • High Five 5

likes vegetables because they are healthy. | 3. Sarah likes her Do they like reading? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
brother because he is funny.
B. 1. Joseph does a lot of sport so he is healthy. | 2. Thomas is C. 1. doesn’t like | 2. don’t like | 3. don’t like | 4. don’t like
allergic to milk so he can’t drink it. | 3. Jennifer likes all types of
fruit so she likes apples. D. 2. b) | 3. c) | 4. a)

C. 2. because | 3. because | 4. so E. Personal answers.

Answer key

Worksheet 18A (page 92) B. 1. Renato always gets up at 8 o’clock. | 2. He never goes to bed
after 11 o’clock. | 3. He sometimes goes to the cinema with some
friends. | 4. He usually practises football at the stadium. | 5. I listen
Affirmative Negative Interrogative to music every day.
I eat I don’t eat Do I eat…?
Worksheet 19B (page 99)
you eat you don’t eat Do I eat…?
A. 2. sometimes | 3. always | 4. never | 5. every day
Does he/she/
he/she/it eats he/she/it doesn’t eat B. 1. b) | 2. b) | 3. a) | 4. a) | 5. a)
it eat…?
we eat we don’t eat Do we eat…? Worksheet 20A (page 100)
you eat you don’t eat Do you eat…? A. 1. h) | 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. f) | 5. b) | 6. c) | 7. e) | 8. g)
they eat they don’t eat Do they eat…? B. 1. Peter is happy because it is sunny. | 2. My ball is the orange
one. | 3. The Empire State Building is very high. | 4. Francis is not
B. 1. He goes to school by bus. | 2. She watches TV in the evening. | very tall.
3. He gets up at seven o’clock. | 4. She studies every day.
C. 1. I do | 2. I don’t | 3. she does | 4. he doesn’t | 5. they do Worksheet 20B (page 101)

D. 1. Pedro doesn’t take the bus on Sunday. | 2. He and his mother A. 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. f) | 5. b) | 6. c) | 7. e) | 8. g)

don’t like coffee. | 3. I don’t go to school on foot. | 4. They don’t B. 1. Because it’s sunny. | 2. My ball is the orange one. | 3. It is very
have a shower in the morning. high. | 4. She is not very tall.
E. 1. Does he get up at seven o’clock? | 2. Do you live in Porto? |
3. Do you have lunch in the school canteen? | 4. Do you go to bed at Worksheet 21A (page 102)
10 o’clock? A.
F. 1. c) | 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. d) Affirmative Negative Interrogative
G. 1. gets up | 2. has | 3. drink | 4. eat | 5. brushes | 6. catches | I’m learning I’m not learning Am I learning…?
7. start | 8. has | 9. has | 10. finishes | 11. goes | 12. does | 13.
watches | 14. goes | 15. doesn’t have | 16. plays you’re learning you aren’t learning Are you learning…?

H. 1. My cat eats sardines. | 2. Do you like tea? | 3. I don’t go to he/she/it isn’t Is he/she/
he/she/it’s learning
school on foot. | 4. They sometimes play football. | 5. Do you have learning it learning…?
breakfast in the kitchen? | 6. I brush my teeth every day.
we’re learning we aren’t learning Are we learning…?
Worksheet 18B (page 95) you’re learning you aren’t learning Are you learning…?
they’re learning they aren’t learning Are they learning…?
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I eat I don’t eat Do I eat…? B. 2. swimming | 3. studying | 4. playing | 5. dancing | 6. running
you eat you don’t eat Do you eat…? C. 1. ’m (am) waiting | 2. is / sleeping | 3. ’m (am) looking | 4. is
climbing | 5. is / running | 6. are doing
Does he/she/
he/she/it is eats he /she/it doesn’t eat
it eat…? D. 1. He is not (He isn’t) playing the guitar. / Is he playing the guitar? |
2. They are not (They aren’t) watching TV. / Are they watching TV? |
we eat we don’t eat Do we eat…?
3. We are not (we aren’t) going to the beach. / Are we going to the
you eat you don’t eat Do you eat…? beach? | 4. It is not (It isn’t) running in the park. / Is it running in the
they eat they don’t eat Do they eat…?
E. 1. I’m now working online. | 2. Today the teacher is teaching the
B. 2. He watches TV in the evening. | 3. She gets up at seven students. | 3. The boys are now playing the guitar. | 4. Thomas is
o’clock. | 4. He studies every day. | 5. He has breakfast in the listening to music today. | 5. We are still watching a movie. | 6. I am
kitchen. | 6. She brushes her teeth before breakfast. now writing a text. | 7. Maria is still waiting for the bus.

C. 3. she does | 4. he doesn’t | 5. they do | 6. they don’t Worksheet 21B (page 104)
D. 3. Pedro doesn’t take the bus on Sunday. | 4. He and his mother A.
don’t like coffee. | 5. I don’t go to school by bus. | 6. They don’t have
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
a shower in the morning.
I’m learning I’m not learning Am I learning…?
E. 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. d)
F. 2. has | 3. drink | 4. eat | 5. brushes | 6. catches | 7. start | you’re learning you aren’t learning Are you learning…?
8. has | 9. has | 10. finishes | 11. goes | 12. does | 13. watches |
© ASA • High Five 5

he/she/it isn’t Is he/she/

14. goes | 15. doesn’t have | 16. plays he/she/it’s learning
learning it learning…?
G. 2. Do you like tea? | 3. I don’t go to school on foot. | 4. Does she
we’re learning we aren’t learning Are we learning…?
speak Chinese? | 5. They sometimes play football.
you’re learning you aren’t learning Are you learning…?
Worksheet 19A (page 98)
they’re learning they aren’t learning Are they learning…?
A. 1. usually | 2. sometimes | 3. always | 4. never | 5. every day

Answer key

B. 2. swimming | 3. playing | 4. dancing | 5. crying | 6. jogging Worksheet 23B (page 109)

C. 2. is | 3. baking | 4. looking | 5. are | 6. is | 7. are A. 1.
D. 2. They are not (They aren’t) watching TV. / Are they watching
TV? | 3. We are not (We aren’t) going to the beach. / Are we going to
the beach?
E. 2. a) | 3. a) | 4. b)
Worksheet 22A (page 106)
A. 1. it | 2. them | 3. her | 4. us | 5. me | 6. him | 7. you | 8. you
B. Text 1 – 1. me | 2. He | 3. They | 4. they | 5. We
Text 2 – 1. He | 2. him | 3. She | 4. I | 5. It | 6. it
Worksheet 22B (page 107)
A. 2. them | 3. her | 4. us | 5. me | 6. him | 7. you | 8. you
B. Text 1 – 2. me | 3. He | 4. They | 5. they | 6. We
Text 2 – 1. He | 2. him | 3. She | 4. I | 5. It | 6. it
B. 2. into | 3. onto | 4. to | 5. onto
Worksheet 23A (page 108)
A. 1. Worksheet 24A (page 110)
A. 1. give orders | 2. make requests | 3. give suggestions | 4. infinitive
form | 5. do not

B. 1. Peter, don’t sit down! | 2. Don’t be quiet! | 3. Do not open the

door, please! | 4. Don’t do that! | 5. Don’t pay the bill! | 6. Don’t clean
2. your room!

C. 1. Vem ao quadro! | 2. Vai à casa de banho! | 3. Por favor está

calado/a! | 4. Abram os livros na página 15. | 5. Entra/Entrem! |
6. Fecha a janela, por favor.

3. Worksheet 24B (page 111)

A. 2. make requests | 3. give suggestions | 5. do not

B. 2. Don’t be quiet! | 3. Do not open the door, please! | 4. Don’t do

that! | 5. Don’t play the bill! | 6. Don’t clean your room!

C. 2. Vai à casa de banho! | 3. Por favor está calado/a! | 4. Abram os

B. 1. to | 2. into / to | 3. onto | 4. into / to | 5. onto livros na página 15! | 5. Entra/Entrem! | 6. Fecha a janela, por favor.
© ASA • High Five 5

– Diagnostic test
– 6 Listening tests (1 per unit)
– Unit 1
Test A
Test B
– Unit 2
Test A
Test B
– Unit 3
Test A
Test B
– Unit 4
Test A
Test B
– Unit 5
Test A
Test B
– Unit 6
Test A
Test B

Diagnostic listening test ......................................... 5
Diagnostic test A....................................................... 6
Diagnostic test B....................................................... 8
Unit 1 Listening test 1 .......................................................... 11
Test 1 A ........................................................................ 12
Test 1 B ........................................................................ 16
Unit 2 Listening test 2.......................................................... 22
Test 2 A ........................................................................ 23
Test 2 B ........................................................................ 27
Unit 3 Listening test 3.......................................................... 33
Test 3 A........................................................................ 34
Test 3 B ........................................................................ 38
Unit 4 Listening test 4 ......................................................... 44
Test 4 A........................................................................ 45
Test 4 B........................................................................ 49
Unit 5 Listening test 5.......................................................... 55
Test 5 A........................................................................ 56
Test 5 B ........................................................................ 60
Unit 6 Listening test 6.......................................................... 66
Test 6 A........................................................................ 67
Test 6 B ........................................................................ 71
Self-assessment grid .............................................. 75
End of term assessment grid................................ 76
Test correction table ............................................... 77
Answer key ................................................................. 78

Available in editable format at

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Diagnostic Listening test / Diagnostic tests A and B
Metas Curriculares (Recycled language)
Listening Lexis and Grammar
4.o ano 3.o ano
4. Compreender frases simples, articuladas de forma clara 2. Conhecer vocabulário relacionado com a escola.
e pausada. 2.2. Identificar objetos dentro da sala de aula.
4.3. Entender frases sobre os temas estudados. 3. Conhecer vocabulário simples, de forma contextualizada, com base
nas estações do ano (cores).
Reading 4. Conhecer, de forma implícita, algumas estruturas elementares do
4.o ano funcionamento da língua.
2. Compreender frases e textos muito simples. 4.1. Usar lexical chunks ou frases que contenham: personal
pronouns; verb to be; question words.
Writing 4.o ano
4.o ano 1. Conhecer vocabulário simples do dia a dia.
4. Produzir um texto muito simples com vocabulário limitado. 1.1. Identificar numerais cardinais até 100.
4.2. Escrever sobre si. 1.2. Identificar numerais ordinais nas datas.
4. Compreender algumas estruturas elementares de funcionamento
Intercultural domain da língua.
3.o ano 4.1. Reconhecer e utilizar as estruturas dadas, de forma implícita,
1. Conhecer-se a si e ao outro. no 3.o ano (verbo to be).
1.1. Identificar-se a si e aos outros. 4.2. Usar lexical chunks ou frases que contenham: question words.
2. Conhecer o dia a dia na escola.
2.1. Identificar objetos da sala de aula.
2.2. Identificar alguns meios de transporte.
4.o ano
5. Desenvolver o conhecimento do seu mundo e do mundo do outro.
5.4. Identificar os espaços à nossa volta.
5.5. Identificar animais.

Matriz do teste diagnóstico de Compreensão Oral

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening A. Vocabulário A. Escolher a opção
comprehension – 100% e estruturas certa. 5 x 8% = 40%
A. Compreender lecionados em anos
palavras e anteriores:
expressões simples. − personal ID: name;
− school objects
− months Resposta certa ou errada
− weather B. Colorir de acordo com 6 x 10% = 60%
as instruções dadas.
B. Entender B. Vocabulário
instruções dadas e gramática
para completar lecionados em anos
tarefas. anteriores:
− animals
− colours
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste diagnóstico A

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação

Vocabulary – 34% Vocabulário lecionado A. Legendar imagens. 8 x 2% = 16% Resposta certa ou errada
em anos anteriores:
A. Identificar − animals
vocabulário − means of transport
acompanhado por − school objects
imagens. − places in town
B. Identificar Numbers B. Escrever por extenso 9 x 2% = 18% Erros de ortografia do numeral correto: -0,5
os números os numerais cardinais Numeral errado: 0 pontos
e ordinais indicados.

Grammar – 36% Personal pronouns C. Completar com os 6 x 3% = 18% Resposta certa ou errada
pronomes pessoais.
C. Conhecer algumas
elementares do
funcionamento da
D. Formular perguntas Greetings F. Ligar perguntas 6 x 3% = 18% Resposta certa ou errada
e respostas. Question words às respostas

Writing – 30% Name G. Responder 5 x 6% = 30% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura

E. Responder a Surname a perguntas. de resposta organizada e coerente: 20 a 30
perguntas sobre a Age pontos
identificação pessoal. Birthday Erros de ortografia + estrutura de resposta
Favourite colour pouco organizada: 14 a 19 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura de resposta
bastante desorganizada: 4 a 13 pontos
Frases incoerentes sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste diagnóstico B

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Vocabulary & Vocabulário lecionado
Grammar – 100% em anos anteriores:
• Compreender − colours
palavras, conceitos − numbers
simples isolados. − school objects
− animals
− means of transport
– sports

Gramática lecionada A. Escolher a opção 10 x 10% = 100% Resposta certa ou errada

• Identificar correta.
vocabulário. em anos anteriores:
Verb to be
• Conhecer Personal pronouns
algumas estruturas Verb have got
elementares do Present simple
da língua.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS Diagnostic Listening Test

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Listen and tick () the correct answer. Then listen again and check
your answers.

1. What’s the girl’s name?

a) Jessie b) Jessica c) Jessa

2. How old is the boy?

a) b) c)

3. What’s that on her desk?

a) b) c)

4. When is Jane’s birthday?

a) b) c)

5. What’s the weather like?

a) b) c)

B. Listen and colour.

© ASA • High Five 5

Diagnostic Test A High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

taxi ruler pencil park

cat rubber train dog

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

B. Write the missing numbers.

Cardinal Ordinal
one first
© ASA • High Five 5


C. Complete the sentences with I, he, she, it, we, they.
1. Mrs Smith is my English teacher. ___________ is nice.
2. That is my brother. _________ is eleven years old.
3. _________ ’m Portuguese.
4. My house is in London. _________ is a big house.
5. James and Tessa are my parents. _________ are teachers.
6. Mariah and I have got brown eyes and _________ have got black hair, too.

D. Match the questions/greetings with the answers.

Good morning! 1. • • a) I’m ten years old.

Nice to meet you. 2. • • b) I’m fine, thanks.

What’s your name? 3. • • c) It’s on 25th October.

How are you? 4. • • d) Nice to meet you, too.

How old are you? 5. • • e) My name’s Melissa.

When is your birthday? 6. • • f) Good morning!

E. Answer the questions about YOU. Give complete answers.

1. What’s your first name?


2. What’s your surname?


3. How old are you?


4. When is your birthday?


5. What’s your favourite colour?

© ASA • High Five 5


Diagnostic Test B High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the sentences. Tick () the correct option.

(Lê as frases. Seleciona a opção correta.)

1. How old are you? 6. In my pencil case I have got

I ___________ eleven years old. a ____________.
a) have got a) crayons
b) like b) book
c) am c) pen

2. Ben and Kevin are twelve years 7. My favourite sport

old. _________ are students. is ____________.

a) I a) Cristiano Ronaldo
b) They b) football
c) You c) school

8. My lucky number is number

3. Sophie _________ happy.
a) am
a) twenty-four
b) is
b) twenty-fourth
c) are
c) first

4. My favourite colour is __________. 9. Kate goes to school by __________.

a) red a) foot
b) cat b) bus
c) pencil c) feet

5. __________ you Portuguese? 10. The ___________ is a very big

Yes, I am. animal.
a) Am a) mouse
© ASA • High Five 5

b) Is b) dog
c) Are c) elephant

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Listening test / Progress tests A and B (Unit 1)
Metas Curriculares
Listening Lexis and Grammar
5. Compreender discursos simples, articulados de forma clara 8. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas
e pausada. estruturas elementares do funcionamento da língua:
5.3. Entender informações que lhe são dadas. Articles
5.6. Identificar a ideia global de pequenos textos orais. 8.1. Distinguir entre a e an (indefinite).
8.2. Distinguir algumas situações de uso e de omissão de the
Reading (definite).
4. Compreender textos breves e simples. Question words
4.3. Seguir instruções elementares. 8.28. Formular e responder a perguntas, começando por how,
4.4. Entender o conteúdo de mensagens. what, where, when, how old, how.
4.5. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar (dados de natureza Verbs
pessoal). 8.17. Usar o verbo to be, no present simple, nas formas afirmativa,
negativa e interrogativa.
8.23. Responder a perguntas, utilizando short answers, na afirmativa
6. Produzir um texto simples, de 20 a 30 palavras. e na negativa.
Intercultural domain
8. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender
a diversidade.
8.1. Identificar laços de parentesco.
8.2. Identificar algumas profissões.

Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 1

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening Textos relacionados A. Completar um quadro 8 x 5% = 40%
comprehension – 100% com os tópicos da com os dados pessoais
unidade 1 (personal ID, corretos.
A. Compreender o family, jobs and Resposta errada: 0 pontos
texto na globalidade occupations). B. Legendar as imagens 6 x 10% = 60%
e em detalhe. com os graus de
parentesco corretos.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste 1A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Escolher a opção 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 1 (personal correta, de acordo
– 24% ID, family, jobs and com o texto.
Compreender o texto occupations).
na globalidade e em C. Completar frases, 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
detalhe. de acordo com o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
D. Responder a questões 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
sobre o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Vocabulary – 12% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar corretamente 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 1: as profissões. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 1. – jobs
Grammar – 48% Artigos indefinidos F. Completar espaços 6 x 1% = 6% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens a, an e artigo definido com os artigos indefinidos
gramaticais the (omissão do artigo (a, an) ou com o artigo
trabalhados. definido). definido the (+ omissão
do artigo).
Question words G. Completar espaços 6 x 1% = 6%
com Question words.
Possessive H. Escolher o determinante 4 x 2% = 8%
determiners possessivo correto.
Verbo to be I. Fazer perguntas 3 x 4% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
e dar respostas com Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
o verbo to be. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
J. Completar um texto 8 x 2% = 16% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
com as formas afirmativa, Resposta errada: 0 pontos
negativa e interrogativa
do verbo to be.
Writing – 16% Tema: Identificação K. Escrever um texto 16% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura das
Produzir um texto pessoal sobre si próprio. respostas organizada e completa: 12 a 16 pontos
sobre si próprio. Erros de ortografia + estrutura pouco organizada
das respostas : 8 a 11 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura bastante
desorganizada: 1 a 7 pontos
Frases incoerentes / sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste 1B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Escolher a opção 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 1 (personal correta, de acordo
– 24% ID, family, jobs and com o texto.
Compreender o texto occupations).
na globalidade e em C. Completar frases, 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
detalhe. de acordo com o texto.

D. Fazer corresponder 4 x 2% = 8%
perguntas e respostas,
de acordo com o texto.
Vocabulary – 12% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar corretamente 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 1: as profissões. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 1. – jobs

Grammar – 52% Artigos indefinidos F. Completar espaços 4 x 3% = 12% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens a, an e artigo definido com os artigos indefinidos
gramaticais the (omissão do artigo (a, an) ou com o artigo
trabalhados. definido). definido the (+ omissão
do artigo).

Question words G. Completar espaços 4 x 3% = 12%

com Question words.
Possessive H. Escolher o determinante 4 x 2% = 8%
determiners possessivo correto.

Verbo to be I. Fazer perguntas 3 x 2% = 6% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos

e dar respostas com Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
o verbo to be. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
© ASA • High Five 5

J. Escolher as formas 7 x 2% = 14% Resposta errada: 0 pontos

verbais do verbo to be
adequadas, de forma
a completar um
pequeno texto.

Writing – 12% Tema: Identificação K. Responder a perguntas 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Produzir um texto pessoal sobre si próprio. Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
sobre si próprio.

High Five 5 | TESTS Listening Test 1
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Listen and complete the table. Then listen again and check your

1. First name
2. Surname
3. Age
4. Home town
5. Country
6. Birthday
7. Occupation
8. Future job

B. Listen and complete the labels. Use the words from the box. There
is one example. Then listen again and check your answers.

aunt mother sister cousin

grandfather cousin grandmother

2. Lin 4. Mary 6. Holly

______________ ______________ cousin
1. Jeff
3. Emily 5. Vicky 7. Jennifer
______________ ______________ ______________

Paul Jack Matt Tom John

3 4 5
© ASA • High Five 5

2 7

Progress Test 1A High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the text.

Hi! My name’s Peter and my
surname’s Brown.
I’m 11 years old and I’m from
Edinburgh, in Scotland. I’m a student.
5 I have got a big family! My mother’s
name is Leslie. She’s 39 years old and
she’s a vet. My father’s name is Jerry.
He’s 41 years old and he’s an architect.
I have got a twin sister. Her name is
10 Susan. We live with our grandparents,
Tom and Christine.
We are a happy family!

B. Tick () the correct option.

1. Peter is
a) eleven years old. b) twelve years old. c) nine years old.
2. Leslie and Jerry are his
a) grandparents. b) cousins. c) parents.
3. Jerry is
a) a vet. b) an architect. c) a teacher.
4. Susan is
a) twelve years old. b) ten years old. c) eleven years old.

C. Complete the sentences about Peter.

1. His surname is ___________________________________________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

2. He’s a __________________________________________________. (job/occupation)

3. His mother is __________________________________________________ years old.
4. He has got a twin ________________________________________________________.

D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.
1. Where’s Peter from? He’s from ___________________________________________
2. Is his mother a nurse? ___________________________________________________
3. How old is his father? ____________________________________________________
4. Who are Tom and Christine? ________________

E. Label the pictures with the correct job.

1. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

F. Complete the sentences with a / an / the / ---.

1. John is _____ architect. 4. Peter is from _____ Scotland.
2. Katy Perry is _____ singer. 5. Matt is _____ cook.
3. Cardiff is _____ capital of Wales. 6. Jenny and Alicia are _____ sisters.
G. Complete the sentences. Use the question words from the box.
1. ________________ is your name? My name’s Peter. How old
2. ________________ are they from? They’re from Ireland. What
3. ________________ are you? I’m fine, thanks.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. ________________ is she? She’s fifteen years old.

5. ________________ is his birthday? It’s on 10th July.
6. ________________ is she? She’s our new English teacher.

H. Tick () the correct possessive determiner.
1. I have got a brother. ______ name is Ted.
a) Your b) His c) Her
2. I’m a pilot. ______ name is Robert.
a) My b) Your c) His
3. They are my grandparents. ______ names are Chris and Susan.
a) My b) Their c) Your
4. We are twins. ______ names are Jim and Josh.
a) Its b) My c) Our

I. Ask and answer.

1. He / pilot
Is he a pilot?

No, he ____________________________________________.
He’s _______________________________________________.

2. He / fisherman



3. She / vet

© ASA • High Five 5


J. Complete the text with the verb to be.

Hello! My name (1) ________________ Alex and

I (2) _____________ eleven years old. I (3) ______________
from Manchester. I have got two brothers, Joey and
Matt. They (4) ____________________ six years old. My
family (5) ________________________ (not) very big.
My father (6) ______________________ a doctor and my
mother (7)________________________ a police officer.
And you? How old (8) _______________________ you?

K. Write an email to Alex talking about yourself (20-30 words).

Don’t forget to mention your name, age, birthday, home town and









© ASA • High Five 5

Progress Test 1B High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the text. (Lê o texto)

Hi! My name’s Peter and my surname’s
I’m 11 years old and I’m from Edinburgh,
in Scotland. I’m a student.
5 I have got a big family! My mother’s name
is Leslie. She’s 39 years old and she’s a vet.
My father’s name is Jerry. He’s 41 years old
and he’s an architect. I have got a twin sister.
Her name is Susan. We live with our
10 grandparents, Tom and Christine.
We are a happy family!

B. Tick () the correct option.

(Seleciona a opção certa.)

1. Peter is 3. Jerry is
a) eleven years old. a) a vet.
b) twelve years old. b) an architect.
2. Leslie and Jerry are his 4. Susan is
a) cousins. a) eleven years old.
b) parents. b) ten years old.

C. Complete the sentences about Peter. Use the words from the box.
(Completa as frases sobre o Peter. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

big Brown student thirty-nine

1. His surname is ___________________________________________________________.

© ASA • High Five 5

2. His family is _____________________________________________________________.

3. He is a ___________________________________________________________________.
4. His mother is __________________________________________________ years old.

D. Match the questions and the answers. There is one example.
(Faz a ligação entre as perguntas e as respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

Where’s Peter from? 1. • • a) They are his grandparents.

Is his mother a nurse? 2. • • b) He’s forty-one years old.
How old is his father? 3. • • c) No, she isn’t.
Who are Tom and Christine? 4. • • d) He’s from Edinburgh.
Are they happy? 5. • • e) Yes, they are.

E. Label the pictures with the correct job. Use the words from the box.
(Legenda as imagens com a profissão correta. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

teacher mechanic cook dentist firefighter football player

1. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

F. Complete the sentences with a / an / the / –. There is one example.

(Completa as frases com a / an / the / –. Segue o exemplo.)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. Katy Perry is ____

a singer. 4. Peter is from _____ Scotland.
2. John is _____ architect. 5. Matt is _____ cook.
3. Cardiff is _____ capital of Wales.

G. Complete the sentences. Use the question words from the box.
(Completa as frases. Usa as question words da caixa.)

1. _________________ is your name? My name’s Peter. How old

2. _________________ are they from? They’re from Ireland. What

3. _________________ is she? She’s fifteen years old. When
4. ________________ is his birthday? It’s on 10th July. Where

H. Tick () the correct possessive determiner. There is one example.

(Seleciona o possessive determiner correto. Segue o exemplo.)

1. He is my brother. ______ name is Ted.

a) Your b) His c) Her
2. She is a dentist. ______ name is Jackie.
a) My b) Her c) Our
3. I am a pilot. ______ name is Robert.
a) My b) Your c) His
4. They are my grandparents. ______ names are Chris and Susan.
a) My b) Their c) Your
5. We are twins. ______ names are Jim and Josh.
a) Its b) My c) Our

I. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

(Observa as imagens e responde.)

1. He / pilot
Is he a pilot?

No, he ____________________________________________________.

2. He / fisherman
Is _________________________________________________________?
Yes, he ____________________________________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. She / vet
Is _________________________________________________________?

J. Circle the correct option. There is one example.
(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

Hello! My name (1) is / are Alex and

I (2) am / is eleven years old. I (3) am / is
from Manchester.
I have got two brothers, Joey and Matt.
They (4) are / am six years old. They are
twins. My family (5) isn’t / aren’t very
big. My father (6) is / are a doctor and
my mother (7) is / are a police officer.
And you? How old (8) are / is you?

K. Answer the questions about YOU.

(Responde às perguntas sobre TI.)

1. What’s your name?

My name is ______________________________________.

2. What’s your surname?

My surname is ___________________________________.

3. How old are you?

I’m _____________________________________ years old.

4. When is your birthday?

My birthday is on ________________________________.

5. Where are you from?

I’m from _________________________________________.

6. What’s your occupation?

I’m a _____________________________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Listening test / Progress tests A and B (Unit 2)
Metas Curriculares
Listening Lexis and Grammar
5. Compreender discursos simples, articulados de forma clara 8. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas
e pausada. estruturas elementares do funcionamento da língua:
5.3. Entender informações que lhe são dadas. Verbs
5.6. Identificar a ideia global de pequenos textos orais. 8.17. Usar o verbo to have (got), no present simple, nas formas
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
Reading 8.23. Responder a perguntas, utilizando short answers, na afirmativa
4. Compreender textos breves e simples. e na negativa.
4.3. Seguir instruções elementares. Possessive case
4.4. Entender o conteúdo de mensagens. Pronouns
4.5. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar (dados de natureza 8.13. Usar mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs (possessive).
pessoal). Adjectives
Writing 8.6. Identificar a posição do adjetivo na frase.
Language awareness: To be + adjective.
6. Produzir um texto simples, de 20 a 30 palavras.
6.2. Descrever-se a si.
Intercultural domain
8. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender a diversidade.
8.3. Identificar características elementares, de personalidade
e físicas.
8.4. Identificar peças de vestuário.

Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 2

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening Textos relacionados A. Legendar as imagens 6 x 10% = 60%
comprehension – 100% com os tópicos da com os nomes das
unidade 2 (physical personagens descritas
A. Compreender o and character (descrição física).
texto na globalidade description; clothes,
e em detalhe. footwear and B. Assinalar como 8 x 5% = 40% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
accessories). verdadeiras ou falsas
as afirmações acerca
do texto ouvido (dados
pessoais, descrição física
e psicológica e vestuário).

Matriz do teste 2A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado B. Fazer corresponder 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension com a unidade 2 a informação de duas
– 26% (physical and colunas para construir
Compreender o texto character description; frases, de acordo com
na globalidade e em clothes, footwear and o texto.
detalhe. accessories).
C. Identificar frases 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
verdadeiras e falsas,
de acordo com o texto.
D. Responder 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
corretamente e de forma Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
completa a questões Resposta errada: 0 pontos
sobre o texto.
© ASA • High Five 5

Vocabulary – 7% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar corretamente 7 x 1% = 7% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos

Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 2: as peças de vestuário, Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 2. - clothes, footwear and calçado e acessórios.

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste 2A (cont.)

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação

Grammar – 52% Verbo have got F. Completar espaços 5 x 2% = 10% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens com o verbo have got na
gramaticais afirmativa e na negativa.
trabalhados. G. Formular perguntas 3 x 4% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
e respostas, usando o Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
verbo have got. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Possessive case H. Completar espaços 6 x 2% = 12% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
aplicando as regras do
caso possessivo.
Possessives pronouns I. Escolher os pronomes 6 x 1% = 6%
possessivos adequados.
Adjectives J. Construir frases 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
colocando os adjetivos Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
na ordem correta. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Writing – 15% Tema: Descrição física K. Escrever um texto 15% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura das
Produzir um texto e psicológica sobre a sua descrição respostas organizada e completa: 11 a 15 pontos
sobre si próprio. física e psicológica. Erros de ortografia + estrutura pouco organizada
das respostas: 7 a 10 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura bastante
desorganizada: 1 a 6 pontos
Frases incoerentes / sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste 2B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado B. Fazer corresponder 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension com a unidade 2 a informação de duas
– 26% (physical and colunas para construir
Compreender o texto character description; frases, de acordo com
na globalidade e em clothes, footwear and o texto.
detalhe. accessories).
C. Identificar frases 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
verdadeiras e falsas, Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
de acordo com o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
D. Completar respostas, 5 x 2% = 10%
de acordo com o texto.
Vocabulary – 10% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar corretamente 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 2: as peças de vestuário, Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 2. - clothes, footwear and calçado e acessórios.
Grammar – 49% Verbo have got F. Escolher as formas 5 x 2% = 10% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens do verbo have got na
gramaticais afirmativa e na negativa.
trabalhados. G. Fazer corresponder 3 x 3% = 9%
perguntas e respostas
com o verbo have got
(formas afirmativa,
negativa e interrogativa,
e respostas curtas).
Possessive case H. Completar espaços 5 x 2% = 10%
aplicando as regras do
caso possessivo.
Possessive pronouns I. Escolher os pronomes 5 x 2% = 10%
possessivos adequados.
Adjectives J. Construir frases 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
colocando os adjetivos Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
na ordem correta. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Writing – 15% Tema: Descrição física K. Completar um texto 15% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Produzir um texto e psicológica sobre a sua descrição Resposta errada: 0 pontos
sobre si próprio. física e psicológica.
© ASA • High Five 5

Listening Test 2 High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Look at the pictures and listen to the descriptions. Label the

pictures with the names from the box. Then listen again and check
your answers.

Joey Liz Tim Tony Jessica Mary

1. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

B. Listen and tick () TRUE or FALSE. Listen again

and check your answers.
1. Skai Jackson is an actress.
2. She’s from New Orleans.
3. She’s fat.
4. Her smile is very beautiful.
5. Her eyes are dark green.
© ASA • High Five 5

6. She is rude and unkind.

7. She likes jeans, skirts and trainers.
8. She wears dresses at parties.

High Five 5 | TESTS Progress Test 2A
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the dialogue.

Marion and Tim are friends. They are at the park.
Marion: Hi, Tim! Look at this picture.
Tim: Who is she?
Marion: She’s Taylor Swift, my favourite singer.
5 Tim: Where is she from?
Marion: She’s from the United States of
America. I love her songs.
Tim: She’s so beautiful… Look at her big
blue eyes and wavy blond hair!
10 Marion: She’s also very intelligent and kind. And she
loves animals, too.
Tim: Has she got any pets?
Marion: Yes, she has. She has got a brown dog. His name is Walt.

B. Match the two columns.

Marion and Tim are 1. • • a) Taylor Swift.
Marion’s favourite singer is 2. • • b) big eyes and wavy hair.
Taylor Swift is 3. • • c) intelligent and kind.
She has got 4. • • d) friends.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

1. Marion and Tim are at the playground.
2. Taylor Swift is a singer.
3. She has got green eyes.
4. Taylor’s dog is brown.
© ASA • High Five 5

D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.
1. Where is Taylor Swift from?

2. What’s her job?


3. Has she got brown hair?


4. Is she intelligent and kind?


5. What’s her pet’s name?


E. Label Taylor’s clothes, footwear and accessories. Use the words

from the box.

glasses boots scarf jacket

dress shoes jeans

5 4

3 7

1. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

2. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________

F. Complete the sentences with the verb have got (affirmative
or negative). There is one example.
1. I have got a red cap. () / They haven’t got any shoes. ()
2. We __________________________________ straight blond hair. ()
3. Marion ____________________________________ a blue T-shirt. ()
4. Jim ________________________________________ an oval face. ()
5. You _________________________________________ many skirts. ()
6. Delilah and her brother _________________________ glasses. ()

G. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer. There is one

1. Has Mary got red hair?(Mary / brown hair)
No, she hasn’t. She has got brown hair.

2. _____________________________ short hair? (Ted / short hair)



3. ______________________________ a short neck? (it / long neck)



4. _____________________________________ curly hair? (Lisa and

Maggie / straight hair)


H. Complete the sentences. Use the possessive case. There is one

1. It’s ___________________________________________
Rita’s red skirt. (Rita)
2. These are _______________________________ shorts. (my sister)
3. This is __________________________________ blue T-shirt. (Jack)
4. It’s _____________________________________ scarf. (her mother)
© ASA • High Five 5

5. Those are _______________________________ flip flops. (James)

6. These are ______________________________ jeans. (our parents)
7. That is ________________________________________ jacket. (Mary)

I. Circle the correct possessive pronoun.
1. Those are your clothes. They are mine / yours.
2. That is Megan’s T-shirt. It’s its / hers.
3. This is the boy’s pet. It’s theirs / his.
4. Those are my socks. They are mine / ours.
5. This is John’s mobile phone. It’s its / his.
6. That is my parents’ house. It’s yours / theirs.

J. Put the words in the correct order and write sentences.

1. father / your / friendly / is / . _____________________________________________
2. Taylor / a famous / is / singer / . __________________________________________
3. we / straight / have got / hair / . __________________________________________
4. Mike / a nice / has got / friend / . _________________________________________
5. I / shy / am not / . _________________________________________________________
6. his smile / beautiful / is / ? _______________________________________________

K. Describe yourself.
Don’t forget to mention: your age, height, weight, face, eyes, nose,
mouth, hair, general appearance and personality.







© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS Progress Test 2B
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the dialogue. (Lê o diálogo.)

Marion and Tim are friends. They are at the park.
Marion: Hi, Tim! Look at this picture.
Tim: Who is she?
Marion: She’s Taylor Swift, my favourite singer.
5 Tim: Where is she from?
Marion: She’s from the United States of
America. I love her songs.
Tim: She’s so beautiful… Look at her big
blue eyes and wavy blond hair!
10 Marion: She’s also very intelligent and kind. And she
loves animals, too.
Tim: Has she got any pets?
Marion: Yes, she has. She has got a brown dog. His name is Walt.

B. Match the two columns. There is one example.

(Faz a ligação entre as duas colunas. Segue o exemplo.)

Marion and Tim are 1. • • a) Taylor Swift.

Marion’s favourite singer is 2. • • b) big eyes and wavy hair.
Taylor Swift is 3. • • c) intelligent and kind.
She has got 4. • • d) friends.
Taylor loves 5. • • e) animals.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

(Lê as frases e assinala () verdadeiro ou falso.)

1. Marion and Tim are at the playground.
© ASA • High Five 5

2. Taylor Swift is a singer.

3. She has got green eyes.
4. Taylor’s dog is brown.

D. Read the questions and complete the answers.
(Lê as perguntas e completa as respostas.)

1. Where is Taylor Swift from?

Taylor Swift is from ______________________________________________________.

2. What’s her job?

She is a __________________________________________________________________.

3. Has she got brown hair?

No, she __________________________________________________________________.

4. Is she intelligent and kind?

Yes, she __________________________________________________________________.

5. What’s her dog’s name?

Her dog’s name is ________________________________________________________.

E. Label Taylor’s clothes, footwear and accessories. Use the words

from the box.
(Legenda as roupas, o calçado e os acessórios da Taylor. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

glasses shoes jeans dress jacket

1. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

2. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________

F. Circle the correct form of the verb have got.
(Rodeia a forma correta do verbo have got.)

1. I have got / has got a red cap.

2. We have got / has got straight blond hair.
3. Marion hasn’t got / haven’t got a blue T-shirt.
4. Jim have got / has got an oval face.
5. They hasn’t got / haven’t got glasses.

G. Match the questions and the answers. There is one example.

(Faz corresponder as perguntas às respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

Have you got 1. • • a) No, it hasn’t. It has got

red hair? a long neck.
Has Tom got 2. • • b) No, I haven’t. I haven’t got
long hair? red hair. I’ve got brown hair.
Has the giraffe got 3. • • c) Yes, they have. They have
a short neck? got straight hair.
Have they got 4. • • d) No, he hasn’t. He has got
straight hair? short hair.

H. Complete the sentences with ’s or ’. There is one example.

(Completa as frases com ’s ou ’. Segue o exemplo.)

1. It’s Rita ___

’s red skirt.
2. These are my sister _____ shorts.
3. This is Jack _____ blue T-shirt.
4. It’s her mother _____ scarf.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. Those are James _____ flip flops.

6. These are our parents _____ jeans.

I. Circle the correct possessive pronoun. There is one example.
(Rodeia o possessive pronoun correto. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Those are your clothes. They are mine / yours.

2. That is her sweater. It’s its / hers.
3. This is his pet. It’s theirs / his.
4. Those are my socks. They are mine / ours.
5. This is John’s mobile phone. It’s its / his.
6. That is their house. It’s yours / theirs.

J. Put the words in the correct order and write sentences.

(Coloca as palavras pela ordem correta e escreve frases.)

1. father / Your / is / friendly / . ______________________________________________

2. is / famous / Taylor / . ____________________________________________________
3. We / straight / have got / hair / . __________________________________________
4. Mike / a T-shirt / has got / . _______________________________________________
5. I / shy / am not / . _________________________________________________________

K. Complete the text and circle the words about YOU.

(Completa o texto e rodeia as opções que te caracterizam.)

Hello, my name is ___________________________________________ and I’m

___________________ years old.
I’m tall / short / medium height and thin / fat / slim.
My face is round / oval. I have got curly / wavy / straight hair
and it is short / long and brown / dark / blond / red.
I’m intelligent / shy / nice / generous.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Listening test / Progress tests A and B (Unit 3)
Metas Curriculares
Listening Lexis and Grammar
5. Compreender discursos simples, articulados de forma clara 8. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas
e pausada. estruturas elementares do funcionamento da língua:
5.3. Entender informações que lhe são dadas. Verbs
5.6. Identificar a ideia global de pequenos textos orais. 8.17. Usar o verbo there + to be, no present simple, nas formas
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
Reading 8.23. Responder a perguntas, utilizando short answers, na afirmativa
4. Compreender textos breves e simples. e na negativa.
4.3. Seguir instruções elementares. Prepositions
4.4. Entender o conteúdo de mensagens. 8.14. Usar at, in front of, behind, opposite, under, above, below
4.5. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar. (place).
Writing 8.3. Reconhecer os plurais irregulares de alguns nomes.
6. Produzir um texto simples, de 20 a 30 palavras.
6.3. Descrever a casa.
Intercultural domain
8. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender a diversidade.
8.7. Identificar as divisões da casa e o mobiliário.

Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 3

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening Texto relacionado A. Selecionar as opções 5 x 6% = 30%
comprehension – 100% com os tópicos da corretas, de acordo com
unidade 3 (parts of the a descrição da casa.
A. Compreender o house, furniture).
texto na globalidade B. Legendar as 7 x 10% = 70% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
e em detalhe. imagens com as peças
de mobiliário descritas
no texto.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste 3A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Identificar frases 5 x 2% = 10% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 3 (parts of verdadeiras e falsas,
– 32% the house, furniture). de acordo com o texto.
Compreender o texto
na globalidade e em C. Completar frases, 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
detalhe. de acordo com o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
D. Responder de forma 4 x 3% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
completa a questões Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
sobre o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Vocabulary – 25% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar as divisões 7 x 1% = 7% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 3: da casa. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 3. - parts of the house
- types of houses F. Preencher um quadro 9 x 2% = 18%
- furniture com peças de mobiliário,
de acordo com a divisão
a que pertencem.
Grammar – 28% Verbo there + to be G. Completar espaços 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar os itens com o verbo there + to be Resposta errada: 0 pontos
gramaticais nas formas afirmativa,
trabalhados. negativa e interrogativa.
Prepositions of place H. Completar espaços 8 x 1% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
com preposições de lugar.
Plural of nouns I. Escrever o plural 8 x 1% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
de nomes regulares Resposta errada: 0 pontos
e irregulares.
Writing – 15% Tema: Descrição J. Escrever um texto 15% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura das
Produzir um texto da casa sobre a sua casa. respostas organizada e completa: 12 a 15 pontos
sobre a casa. Erros de ortografia + estrutura pouco organizada
das respostas: 7 a 10 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura bastante
desorganizada: 1 a 6 pontos
Frases incoerentes / sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste 3B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Identificar frases 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 3 (parts of verdadeiras e falsas,
– 32% the house, furniture). de acordo com o texto.
Compreender o texto
na globalidade e em C. Completar frases, 4 x 3% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
detalhe. de acordo com o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
D. Fazer corresponder 3 x 4% = 12% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
perguntas e respostas,
de acordo com o texto.
Vocabulary – 22% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar as divisões 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 3: da casa. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 3. - parts of the house
- types of houses F. Legendar peças 6 x 2% = 12%
- furniture de mobiliário.

Grammar – 30% Verbo there + to be G. Selecionar formas 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos

Aplicar os itens verbais (verbo there +
gramaticais to be) que permitam
trabalhados. construir frases
Prepositions of place H. Selecionar 4 x 2% = 8%
preposições de lugar,
de acordo com uma
imagem apresentada.
Plural of nouns I. Selecionar o plural 7 x 2% = 14%
correto de nomes
regulares e irregulares.
J. Responder a perguntas 4 x 4% = 16% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
© ASA • High Five 5

Writing – 16% Tema: Descrição

Produzir respostas da casa sobre a sua casa. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
sobre a sua casa.

High Five 5 | TESTS Listening Test 3
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Listen to the text. Tick () he correct option.

1. Zack’s house is…
a) a detached house. b) a cottage. c) a flat.

2. Zack’s favourite rooms are…

a) his bedroom b) the kitchen and c) the bathrooms.
and the kitchen. the hall.
3. The bedside table is…
a) opposite the bed. b) in front of the bed. c) next to the bed.

4. There are some posters…

a) on the wall. b) on the table. c) on the bed.

5. There’s a cupboard opposite…

a) the door. b) the cooker. c) the fridge.

B. Where are these things in Zack’s house?

Listen again and match.

1. sink a)
2. bed
3. bookcase
4. cupboard
5. fridge
6. rug b)
7. bedside table
© ASA • High Five 5

Progress Test 3A High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the text.

Riley Andersen is 11 years old and she’s
in the film Inside Out.
She lives in a semi-detached house in
San Francisco, in the United States of America.
5 It has got two floors. Upstairs, there’s a bathroom
and two bedrooms, but there isn’t an attic. Downstairs,
there’s a modern kitchen, a dining room, a hall and a big living room.
There’s also a study opposite the living room.
Her favourite room is her bedroom, because it has got
10 a comfortable bed. There’s a big wardrobe and a small bookcase in her
bedroom, too. There’s a bedside table next to her bed and there’s
a window opposite the bookcase. There are some posters on the
wall and there’s a big lamp on the bedside table. She loves her house!

B. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

1. Riley Andersen is eleven years old.
2. Inside Out is a film.
3. Riley lives in a detached house in San Francisco.
4. There are three floors in her house.
5. There’s a comfortable bed in her bedroom.

C. Complete the sentences with ONE word.

1. There’s a bathroom and two bedrooms _____________________.
2. There isn’t an _____________________ in Riley’s house.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. Her bedroom is her favourite _____________________.

4. The bedside table has got a big _____________________ on it.
5. Riley loves her _____________________.

D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.
1. What rooms are there downstairs in Riley’s house?


2. What is there opposite the living room?


3. Why is Riley’s bedroom her favourite room?



4. Are there any posters on her bedroom wall?


E. Write the parts of this house.

1 2 3

5 6 7

1. ______________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

5. _____________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________

F. Put the furniture in the correct column. There is one example.

fridge bed washbasin armchair bookcase

sofa toilet sink wardrobe cooker

Bedroom Kitchen Bathroom Living room


G. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with there + to be

(affirmative, negative or interrogative).

1. ____________________ two windows.

2. ____________________ a rug on the floor.
3. ____________________ a sink between the fridge and the cupboard.
4. ____________________ two books on the table.
© ASA • High Five 5

5. ____________________ a cooker? Yes, ____________________.

6. ____________________ three pictures on the wall? No, ____________________.

H. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the prepositions
of place: in | between | under | above | on | opposite.

1. There’s a bed ____________________ two bedside tables.

2. There are two posters ____________________ the wall.
3. There’s a window ____________________ the bed.
4. There’s a lamp ____________________ the bedside table.
5. There’s a wardrobe ____________________ the bed.
6. There’s a box ____________________ the bed.
7. There’s a carpet ____________________ the floor.
8. There’s a cat ____________________ the box.

I. Write the plural of the nouns.

1. man _____________________________ 5. box ______________________________
2. person __________________________ 6. chair ____________________________
3. shelf ____________________________ 7. dress ____________________________
4. child ____________________________ 8. boy ______________________________

J. Describe your house. Write 20 to 30 words. Don’t forget to mention:

type of house, number and name of rooms and your favourite room.


© ASA • High Five 5




Progress Test 3B High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the text. (Lê o texto.)

Riley Andersen is 11 years old and she’s
in the film Inside Out.
She lives in a semi-detached house in
San Francisco, in the United States of America.
5 It has got two floors. Upstairs, there’s a bathroom
and two bedrooms, but there isn’t an attic. Downstairs,
there’s a modern kitchen, a dining room, a hall and a big living room.
There’s also a study opposite the living room.
Her favourite room is her bedroom, because it has got
10 a comfortable bed. There’s a big wardrobe and a small bookcase in her
bedroom, too. There’s a bedside table next to her bed and there’s
a window opposite the bookcase. There are some posters on the
wall and there’s a big lamp on the bedside table. She loves her house!

B. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

(Lê as frases e assinala () verdadeiro ou falso.)

1. Riley Andersen is eleven years old.
2. Riley lives in a detached house in San Francisco.
3. There are three floors in her house.
4. There’s a comfortable bed in her bedroom.

C. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

(Completa as frases. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

1. There isn’t an _____________________ in Riley’s house. attic

2. Her bedroom is her favourite _____________________. lamp

© ASA • High Five 5

3. The bedside table has got a big _____________________ on it. house

4. Riley loves her _____________________. room

D. Match the questions and the answers. There is one example.
(Faz a ligação entre as perguntas e as respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

What rooms are there 1. • • a) Yes, there are.


What is there opposite 2. • • b) It’s her bedroom, because it has

the living room? got a comfortable bed.

Which is Riley’s favourite 3. • • c) There’s a kitchen, a dining room,

room? a hall, a living room and a study.

Are there any posters on 4. • • d) There’s a study.

the bedroom wall?

E. Write the parts of the house. Use the words from the box. There is
one example.
(Escreve as divisões da casa. Usa as palavras da caixa. Segue o exemplo.)

bathroom garage bedroom

kitchen study living room

1 2 3

5 6
© ASA • High Five 5

1. _____________________________________
bedroom 4. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

F. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.
(Escreve o nome das peças de mobiliário. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

fridge bath bookcase

sink armchair bed

1. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________

G. Circle the correct form of there + to be. There is one example.

(Rodeia a forma correta de there + to be. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There is / There are two chairs next to the table.

2. There isn’t / There aren’t a rug on the floor.
3. There is / There are a sink between the fridge and the cupboard.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. Is there / Are there a cooker? Yes, there is / there are.

5. Is there / Are there three pictures on the wall?
No, there isn’t / there aren’t.

H. Look at the picture. Circle the correct preposition of place. There is
one example.
(Observa a imagem. Rodeia a preposição de lugar correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There’s a rug on / under the floor. 4. There’s a box under / in front of

2. There’s a bed on / between the the bed.
two bedside tables. 5. There’s a cat between / in the
3. There’s a window above / under box.
the bed.

I. Circle the correct plural form. There is one example.

(Rodeia a forma correta do plural. Segue o exemplo.)

1. man – mans / men 5. child – childs / children

2. girl – girl / girls 6. box – boxes / boxs
3. shelf – shelves / shelfes 7. dress – dresses / dressies
4. baby – babyes / babies 8. boy – boies / boys

J. Read the questions and complete the answers about your house.
(Lê as questões e completa as respostas sobre a tua casa.)

1. What type of house have you got? I have got a ___________________________.

2. How many rooms are there?

There are __________ bedrooms, __________ bathrooms and __________ kitchen.

3. What is your favourite room? My favourite room is ______________________.

© ASA • High Five 5

4. Is there an attic in your house?

(Tick () the correct option. – Seleciona a opção correta.)

a) Yes, there is. b) No, there isn’t.

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Listening test / Progress tests A and B (Unit 4)
Metas Curriculares
Listening Lexis and Grammar
5. Compreender discursos simples, articulados de forma clara 8. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas
e pausada. estruturas elementares do funcionamento da língua:
5.3. Entender informações que lhe são dadas. Quantifiers
5.6. Identificar a ideia global de pequenos textos orais. 8.16. Usar some e any.
8.20. Usar o verbo to do, no present simple, como auxiliar nas formas
4. Compreender textos breves e simples. negativa e interrogativa.
4.3. Seguir instruções elementares. 8.22. I like / I hate + -ing form
4.4. Entender o conteúdo de mensagens. 8.23. Responder a perguntas, utilizando short answers, na afirmativa
4.5. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar (hábitos alimentares). e na negativa.
Language awareness
Short answers, usando o auxiliar (to do).
6. Produzir um texto simples, de 20 a 30 palavras.
Intercultural domain 8.8. Usar because e so.
8. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender a diversidade.
8.6. Identificar diferentes tipos de alimentos.

Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 4

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening Texto/Diálogo A. Selecionar a opção 3 x 10% = 30%
comprehension – 100% relacionado com os correta, de acordo com
tópicos da unidade 4 o diálogo.
A. Compreender (food and drinks).
o diálogo/texto B. Classificar as 5 x 14% = 70% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
na globalidade afirmações como
e em detalhe. verdadeiras ou falsas,
de acordo com o texto.

Matriz do teste 4A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Fazer corresponder 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 4 (food and a informação de duas
– 30% drinks). colunas para construir
Compreender o texto frases, de acordo com
na globalidade e em o texto.
C. Classificar afirmações 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
como verdadeiras ou Resposta errada: 0 pontos
falsas, de acordo com 2 x 1% = 2%
o texto. (8% + 2% =
Corrigir as falsas com = 10%)
expressões do texto.
D. Responder de forma 4 x 3% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
completa a questões Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
sobre o texto. Resposta errada: 0 pontos

Vocabulary – 18% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar alimentos 9 x 2% = 18% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 4: e bebidas. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 4. – food, drinks, meals
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste 4A (cont.)

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação

Grammar – 38% Quantificadores some F. Completar espaços 8 x 1% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos

Aplicar os itens e any com os quantificadores
gramaticais some e any.
Verbo like (present G. Corrigir frases 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
simple) gramaticalmente Resposta errada: 0 pontos
incorretas, conjugando
corretamente as formas
do verbo like.
Like | prefer | hate H. Escrever frases 4 x 4% = 16%
don’t like + -ing form usando verbos + -ing
form para exprimir
Conectores so I. Construir frases, 3 x 2% = 6%
e because utilizando o conector
Writing – 14% Tema: Alimentação J. Escrever um texto 14% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura das
Produzir um texto sobre o prato, a bebida respostas organizada e completa: 11 a 14 pontos
sobre hábitos e a refeição preferidos. Erros de ortografia + estrutura pouco organizada
alimentares. das respostas: 7 a 10 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura bastante
desorganizada: 1 a 6 pontos
Frases incoerentes / sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste 4B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Fazer corresponder 4 x 3% = 12% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 4 (food and a informação de duas
– 36% drinks). colunas para construir
Compreender o texto frases, de acordo com
na globalidade e em o texto.
C. Classificar afirmações 4 x 3% = 12%
como verdadeiras ou
falsas, de acordo com
o texto.
D. Selecionar a opção 4 x 3% = 12%
correta para responder
a questões sobre o texto.

Vocabulary – 12% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar alimentos 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 4: e bebidas. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 4. – food, drinks, meals
Grammar – 36% Quantificadores some F. Selecionar a opção 9 x 2% = 18% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens e any correta, de acordo com
gramaticais o uso de some e any.
Verbo like G. Reescrever frases na 2 x 3% = 6% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
negativa e na interrogativa Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Like | prefer | hate H. Escrever frases 3 x 2% = 6%
don’t like + -ing form usando verbos + -ing
form para exprimir
Conectores so I. Selecionar o conector 3 x 2% = 6% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
e because correto.
Writing – 16% Tema: Alimentação J. Responder a questões 4 x 4% = 16% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Produzir respostas sobre o prato, a bebida Resposta errada: 0 pontos
sobre os seus hábitos e a refeição preferidos.
© ASA • High Five 5

Listening Test 4 High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Listen to the dialogue between Sarah and her mother. Tick () the
correct answer. Then listen again and check your answers.

1. Which is Sarah’s favourite food?

a) b) c)

2. Which is her mother’s favourite drink?

a) b) c)

3. What’s for dessert?

a) b) c)

B. Listen and tick () TRUE or FALSE. Listen again and check your
1. Sam’s favourite meal is lunch.
2. He likes eating toast or bread with butter.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. He drinks tea for breakfast.

4. He likes eating fruit in the afternoon.
5. He doesn’t like cereal and he hates cakes.

High Five 5 | TESTS Progress Test 4A
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the text.

My name is Matilda Ramsay, but my parents call
me* Tilly. I’m from England. I’ve got two sisters,
Megan and Holly, and one brother, Jack. My father
is Gordon Ramsay. He’s a famous chef.
5 I love cooking with my father, because it’s fun.
I like preparing different dishes for our family and
I like eating fruit and soup, but my favourite food
is roast chicken. My favourite drink is orange juice.
*call me = chamam-me

B. Match the two columns.

Matilda is from 1. • • a) Tilly.

Her parents call her 2. • • b) Gordon Ramsay.
Her father is 3. • • c) cooking.
Matilda likes 4. • • d) England.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false
ones. Use sentences from the text.
1. Jack is Tilly’s brother.
2. Tilly’s father is a famous teacher.
3. She likes cooking for her family and friends.
4. She likes eating fruit and salad.
© ASA • High Five 5




D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.
1. How many brothers and sisters has Tilly got?


2. Why does she like cooking with her father?



3. Does Tilly like eating fruit?



4. What’s her favourite food?



E. Label the pictures.

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

7. ______________________ 8. ______________________ 9. ______________________

F. Complete the sentences with some or any.
1. There are some carrots in the shopping cart, but there aren’t ___________

2. Are there ___________ oranges? No, there aren’t ___________ oranges, but
there are ___________ apples.

3. There isn’t ___________ milk, but there is ___________ lemonade.

4. There is ___________ bread, but there isn’t ___________ cake.

G. The verbs in these sentences are wrong. Correct them.

1. She like apple pie.

2. My mother don’t like chocolate.


3. Does they like tea?


4. We likes cooking.

H. Look at the table and write sentences with like, prefer, don’t like
and hate + -ing form.

bake prepare go to the eat

cakes lunch supermarket chocolate
1. I

2. We

3. Bill and Grace

4. Dan and Nick

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________

I. Join the sentences using the connectors so / because.

1. Tilly hates fast food a) he prepares their family’s meals.

2. Her father loves cooking, b) it isn’t healthy.
3. Jack is allergic to fish, c) he can’t eat it.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________

J. Write a text (20 to 30 words) about your favourite food and drink.
Don’t forget to mention your favourite meal and what you don’t








© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS Progress Test 4B
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the text. (Lê o texto.)

My name is Matilda Ramsay. I’m from England.
I’ve got two sisters, Megan and Holly, and one
brother, Jack. My father is Gordon Ramsay. He’s a
famous chef.
5 I love cooking with my father, because it’s fun.
I like preparing different dishes for our family and
I like eating fruit and soup, but my favourite food
is roast chicken. My favourite drink is orange juice.

B. Match the two columns. There is one example.

(Faz a ligação entre as duas colunas. Segue o exemplo.)

Matilda’s surname is 1. • • a) two sisters.

Matilda is from 2. • • b) Gordon Ramsay.
She has got 3. • • c) cooking.
Her father is 4. • • d) England.
Matilda enjoys 5. • • e) Ramsay.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

(Lê as frases e assinala () verdadeiro ou falso.)

1. Jack is Matilda’s brother.
2. Matilda’s father is a famous teacher.
3. She likes cooking for her family and friends.
4. She likes eating fruit and salad.
© ASA • High Five 5

D. Tick () the correct option to answer the questions.
(Seleciona a opção correta para responderes às perguntas.)

1. How many brothers and sisters has Matilda got?

a) She has got two brothers and one sister.
b) She has got two sisters and one brother.

2. Why does she like cooking with her father?

a) She likes cooking with her father because it’s fun.
b) She likes cooking with her father because he’s a chef.

3. Does Matilda like soup?

a) Yes, she does.
b) No, she doesn’t.

4. What’s her favourite food?

a) Her favourite food is soup.
b) Her favourite food is roast chicken.

E. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

lettuce milk carrots

ice cream cheese eggs

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

© ASA • High Five 5

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

F. Circle the correct option. There is one example.
(Rodeia a opção correta. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There are some / any carrots in the shopping cart, but there aren’t any /
some bananas.
2. Are there any / some oranges? No, there aren’t any / some oranges,
but there are any / some apples.
3. Is there some / any milk? There isn’t any / some milk, but there is any /
some lemonade.
4. There is any / some bread, but there isn’t any / some cake.

G. Rewrite the sentences in the negative and in the interrogative

form. There is one example.
(Reescreve as frases nas formas negativa e interrogativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. We like soup.
We don’t like soup.
Neg.: ______________________________________________________________________
Do you like soup?
Interrog.: __________________________________________________________________

2. She likes apple pie.

Neg.: ______________________________________________________________________
Interrog.: __________________________________________________________________

3. You like chocolate.

Neg.: ______________________________________________________________________
Interrog.: __________________________________________________________________

H. Write sentences. Use the -ing form. There is one example.

(Escreve frases. Usa a -ing form. Segue o exemplo.)

1. like / cakes / bake / I

I like baking cakes.

2. prepare / prefer / we / lunch


3. go / don’t like / Bill and Grace / to the supermarket

© ASA • High Five 5

4. Dan and Nick / eat / hate / chocolate


I. Circle the correct option (so or because). There is one example.
(Rodeia a opção correta: so ou because. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Tilly hates fast food because / so it isn’t healthy.

2. Her father loves cooking, because / so he prepares their family’s meals.
3. Jack is allergic to fish, because / so he can’t eat it.
4. Megan and Holly like eating fruit because / so it’s healthy.

J. Read the questions and complete the answers about your favourite
food and drink.
(Lê as questões e completa as respostas sobre a tua comida e a tua bebida preferidas.)

1. What’s your favourite food?

My favourite food is ______________________________________________________.

2. What’s your favourite drink?

My favourite drink is _____________________________________________________.

3. What’s your favourite meal?

My favourite meal is _____________________________________________________.

4. Do you like soup?

(Tick () the correct option. – Seleciona a opção correta.)

a) Yes, I do. b) No, I don’t.

© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Listening test / Progress tests A and B (Unit 5)
Metas Curriculares
Listening Lexis and Grammar
5. Compreender discursos simples, articulados de forma clara 8. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas
e pausada. estruturas elementares do funcionamento da língua:
5.3. Entender informações que lhe são dadas.
5.6. Identificar a ideia global de pequenos textos orais. Verbs
8.19. Usar verbos no present simple
Reading 8.20. Usar o verbo to do, no present simple, como auxiliar nas formas
4. Compreender textos breves e simples. negativa e interrogativa.
4.3. Seguir instruções elementares.
4.4. Entender o conteúdo de mensagens. 8.23. Responder a perguntas, utilizando short answers, na afirmativa
4.5. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar (rotinas). e na negativa.
Language awareness
Writing – terminação em –s, -es, -ies na 3.a pessoa do singular, present simple.
6. Produzir um texto simples, de 20 a 30 palavras.
– short answers, usando o auxiliar (to do).
Intercultural domain Adverbs
8. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender a diversidade. 8.10. Usar every day, never, sometimes, usually, always (frequency)
8.5. Identificar rotinas diárias

Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 5

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening Textos relacionados A. Selecionar o relógio 4 x 10% = 40%
comprehension – 100% com os tópicos correto, de acordo com
da unidade 5 as horas indicadas no
Compreender o texto (daily routine). guião.
na globalidade e em Resposta errada: 0 pontos
detalhe. B. Selecionar a opção 6 x 10% = 60%
correta, de acordo com
o texto.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste 5A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado B. Completar frases de 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension com a unidade 5 acordo com o texto.
– 32% (daily routine).
Compreender o texto C. Classificar afirmações 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
na globalidade e em como verdadeiras ou Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
detalhe. falsas, de acordo com 2 x 1% = 2% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
o texto. Corrigir as falsas (10% + 2% =
com expressões do texto. = 12%)
D. Responder de forma 4 x 3% = 12%
completa a questões
sobre o texto.
Vocabulary – 8% Vocabulário relacionado E. Escrever as horas, de 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 5: acordo com o indicado Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 5. – the time nos relógios apresentados.
Grammar – 45% Present simple F. Completar espaços com 5 x 2% = 10% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens as formas verbais corretas
gramaticais (afirmativa e negativa).
G. Associar perguntas 5 x 1% = 5%
às respetivas respostas
H. Formular questões, de 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
acordo com as respostas Resposta errada: 0 pontos
I. Completar um texto 6 x 2% = 12%
sobre a daily routine,
colocando os verbos no
present simple.
Adverbs of frequency J. Ordenar palavras para 5 x 2% = 10%
construir frases no present
simple, posicionando
corretamente os advérbios
de frequência.
Writing – 15% Tema: Rotina diária K. Escrever um texto 15% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura das
Produzir um texto sobre o dia da semana respostas organizada e completa: 11 a 15 pontos
sobre o dia da preferido. Erros de ortografia + estrutura pouco organizada
semana preferido. das respostas: 7 a 10 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura bastante
desorganizada: 1 a 6 pontos
Frases incoerentes / sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste 5B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado B. Completar frases, 4 x 3% = 12% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension com a unidade 5 de acordo com o texto.
– 36% (daily routine).
Compreender o texto C. Classificar afirmações 4 x 3% = 12%
na globalidade e em como verdadeiras ou
detalhe. falsas, de acordo com
o texto.
D. Selecionar a resposta 4 x 3% = 12%
correta, de acordo com
o texto.
Vocabulary – 12% Vocabulário relacionado E. Escrever as horas, de 4 x 3% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 5: acordo com o indicado Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 5. – the time nos relógios apresentados.
Grammar – 36% Present simple F. Selecionar as formas 4 x 3% = 12% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Aplicar os itens verbais corretas
gramaticais (afirmativa e negativa).
G. Associar perguntas 3 x 2% = 6%
às respetivas respostas
H. Completar um texto 6 x 2% = 12% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
© ASA • High Five 5

sobre a daily routine. Resposta errada: 0 pontos

Adverbs of frequency I. Ordenar palavras para 3 x 2% = 6%
construir frases no present
Writing – 16% Tema: Rotina diária J. Responder a perguntas 4 x 4% = 16% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Produzir respostas sobre a rotina diária. Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
sobre a sua rotina. Resposta errada: 0 pontos

High Five 5 | TESTS Listening Test 5
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Listen and tick () the correct clock. Then listen again and check
your answers.

1. 3.

a) b) a) b)

2. 4.

a) b) a) b)

B. Listen and tick () the correct option. Listen again and check your

1. John gets up at…

a) 7:30. b) 6:30. c) 6:15.
2. He always has breakfast in the…
a) living room. b) kitchen. c) dining room.
3. He has lunch…
a) at the restaurant. b) at school. c) at home.
4. At lunch he usually has…
a) soup and salad. b) chicken. c) a snack.
5. At six o’clock, he goes…
© ASA • High Five 5

a) home. b) to the swimming pool. c) to the library.

6. He goes to bed at…
a) ten o'clock. b) nine o'clock. c) eleven o'clock.

Progress Test 5A High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the blog entry.

Posted by Karan Brar on March, 10th

My daily routine
My name’s Karan Brar and I’m an actor.
My parents are from India, but I’m from the
USA. I live in Los Angeles. I usually get up at
half past six, have a shower and get dressed.
5 After that, I have breakfast. I always drink
orange juice and have toast. Then I brush my
teeth and go to work by bus.
I have lunch with Miranda May, my best friend.
After lunch I go to work and I go home at 7 p.m.
10 In the evening, I always have dinner with
my family and after that I watch TV. I also love
reading comic books, so I sometimes read until
10.30 p.m. Then I go to bed.

B. Complete the sentences with ONE word/expression.

1. Karan is an _____________________. 3. He lives in ______________________.
2. His parents are from ___________. 4. He goes to work by _____________.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false
ones. Use sentences from the text.
1. After breakfast, Karan brushes his teeth.
2. He has lunch with his family.
3. He goes home at seven o’clock.
4. After dinner he watches TV.
5. He always reads comic books until half past ten.
© ASA • High Five 5




D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.
1. What time does Karan get up?

2. What does he usually have for breakfast?


3. Where does he go after breakfast?


4. Does he have dinner with his family?


E. What time is it?

1. It's ______________________________________________

2. It’s ________________________________________________

3. It’s ________________________________________________

4. It’s ________________________________________________
© ASA • High Five 5

F. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple of the verbs in
brackets (affirmative or negative).

1. Jessie __________________ (study) every day.

2. Miranda and Karan __________________ (watch) their favourite TV programme
at Karan’s house.
3. They never __________________ (swim) on Sunday.
4. We __________________ (not do) our homework in the evening.
5. She __________________ (not play) basketball in the morning.

G. Read and match the questions with the answers.

Does Miranda go to work 1. • • a) Yes, they do.
on foot?

Do her parents stay at home 2. • • b) No, it doesn't.

after dinner?

Do you have lunch in the 3. • • c) No, she doesn't.

school canteen?

Does the bus stop in front 4. • • d) Yes, I do.

of the school?

Does he study for the 5. • • e) Yes, he does.


H. Read the answers and ask questions.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
He lives in the USA.

2. ___________________________________________________________________________
I get up at 7:30 a.m.

3. ___________________________________________________________________________
Kim goes to school by bus.
© ASA • High Five 5

4. ___________________________________________________________________________
Matt cooks at night.

I. Complete the text about Miranda’s day. Use the verbs in the box in
the present simple.

get up have a shower go home go to bed

brush her teeth have breakfast have dinner

gets up at a quarter past six.

Miranda (1)__________
Then she (2)__________________. She (3)__________________ at seven
o’clock in the kitchen. She has coffee with milk and bread with
butter. Then she (4)__________________.
She goes to work at half past seven. She has lunch at two with
her best friend, Karan Brar. She works for four hours and she
(5)____________________ at 7 p.m. She usually (6)____________________

with her boyfriend at 8 p.m. She (7)__________________ at ten p.m.

J. Put the words in order to make correct sentences.

1. go / to school / always / by car / I / .

2. don’t / the cinema / we / go / to / on Mondays / .


3. sometimes / they / have lunch / midday / at / .


4. Miranda / is / late / never / for work / .


5. have dinner / do / usually / Paul and Annie / at the restaurant / ?


K. Write a blog entry (20-30 words) about your favourite day of the week.
Don’t forget to mention: what you do in the morning / afternoon, what
time you have lunch / dinner, what time you go to bed.

© ASA • High Five 5




Progress Test 5B High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the blog entry. (Lê a entrada do blogue.)

Posted by Karan Brar on March, 10th

My daily routine
My name’s Karan Brar and I’m an actor.
My parents are from India, but I’m from the
USA. I live in Los Angeles. I usually get up at
half past six, have a shower and get dressed.
5 After that, I have breakfast. I always drink
orange juice and have toast. Then I brush my
teeth and go to work by bus.
I have lunch with Miranda May, my best friend.
After lunch I go to work and I go home at 7 p.m.
10 In the evening, I always have dinner with
my family and after that I watch TV. I also love
reading comic books, so I sometimes read until
10.30 p.m. Then I go to bed.

B. Complete the sentences with ONE word/expression. Use the

words/expressions from the box. (Completa as frases com UMA palavra/
expressão. Usa as palavras/expressões da caixa.)

1. Karan is an _____________________________.
2. His parents are from ___________________. India bus
3. He goes to work by ____________________. actor Los Angeles
4. He lives in _____________________________.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

(Lê as frases e assinala () verdadeiro ou falso.)

1. After breakfast, Karan brushes his teeth.
© ASA • High Five 5

2. He has lunch with his family.

3. He goes home at seven o’clock.
4. He always reads comic books until half past ten.

D. Read the questions and tick () the correct answers.
(Lê as perguntas e seleciona as respostas corretas.)

1. What time does Karan get up?

a) Karan gets up at half past six.
b) Karan gets up at a quarter past six.

2. What does he usually have for breakfast?

a) He usually has cereal and milk for breakfast.
b) He usually has orange juice and toast for breakfast.

3. Where does he go after breakfast?

a) After breakfast he goes to school.
b) After breakfast he goes to work.

4. Does he have dinner with his family?

a) Yes, he does. b) No, he doesn't.

E. What time is it? Use the expressions from the box.

(Que horas são? Usa as expressões da caixa.)

a quarter past six five o’clock

ten to eight half past ten

1. It’s __________________________ 3. It’s __________________________

© ASA • High Five 5

2. It’s __________________________ 4. It’s __________________________

F. Circle the correct form of the verbs. There is one example.
(Rodeia as formas verbais corretas. Segue o exemplo.)

1. You read / reads every day.

2. Miranda and Karan watch / watches their favourite TV series at Karan’s flat.
3. She never swim / swims on Sundays.
4. We doesn’t do / don’t do our homework in the evening.
5. She don’t play / doesn’t play basketball in the morning.

G. Match the questions with the answers. There is one example.

(Faz corresponder as perguntas às respostas. Segue o exemplo.)

Does Miranda go to work on foot? 1. • • a) Yes, they do.

Do her parents stay at home after dinner? 2. • • b) No, she doesn’t.
Do you have lunch in the school canteen? 3. • • c) Yes, I do.
Does he study for the tests? 4. • • d) Yes, he does.

H. Complete the text about Miranda’s day. Use the verbs from the
box. There is one example.
(Completa o texto sobre o dia da Miranda. Usa as formas verbais da caixa.
Segue o exemplo.)

gets up catches the bus has a shower

brushes her teeth goes home reads goes to bed

gets up at a quarter past six.

Miranda (1)__________
Then she (2) ____________________________ and
she gets dressed. She always has breakfast
at seven o’clock in the kitchen. Then she
(3) ________________________________.

She (4) _______________________ at half past

seven. She has lunch with her best friend,
Karan Brar. After that, she studies with other
actors. She (5) _______________________ at 7 p.m.
She usually has dinner with her boyfriend.
© ASA • High Five 5

Then she (6) _______________________ a book. She

(7) _______________________ at around ten.

I. Put the words in the correct order and make sentences. There is
one example.
(Ordena as palavras e constrói frases. Segue o exemplo.)

1. go / to school / always / by car / I / .

I always go to school by car.

2. don’t go / to the cinema / We / on Mondays / .


3. They / have lunch / midday / at / .


4. Miranda / is / late / never / for work / .


J. Read the questions and complete the answers about your daily
(Lê as questões e completa as respostas sobre a tua rotina diária.)

1. What time do you usually get up?

I usually get up at ________________________________________________________.

2. What do you have for breakfast?

I have ____________________________________________________________________.

3. What time do you have lunch?

I have lunch at ___________________________________________________________.

4. Do you have lunch at school or at home?

I have lunch at ___________________________________________________________.
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Table of specifications
Listening test / Progress tests A and B (Unit 6)
Metas Curriculares
Listening Lexis and Grammar
5. Compreender discursos simples, articulados de forma clara 8. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas
e pausada. estruturas elementares do funcionamento da língua:
5.3. Entender informações que lhe são dadas. Verbs
5.6. Identificar a ideia global de pequenos textos orais. 8.21. Usar verbos no present continuous.
Reading 8.23. Responder a perguntas, utilizando short answers, na afirmativa
e na negativa.
4. Compreender textos breves e simples.
8.24. Reconhecer o imperative quando são dadas instruções.
4.3. Seguir instruções elementares.
4.4. Entender o conteúdo de mensagens.
8.12. Usar me, you, him, her, it, us, them (personal).
4.5. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar.
Writing 8.15. Usar to, onto, into (movement).
6. Produzir um texto simples, de 20 a 30 palavras.
Intercultural domain
8. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender a diversidade.
8.8. Identificar atividades de tempos livres.

Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 6

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Listening Textos relacionados A. Classificar as 6 x 10% = 60%
comprehension – 100% com os tópicos da afirmações como
unidade 6 (free time verdadeiras ou falsas,
Compreender activities and sports). de acordo com o texto.
o texto / diálogo Resposta errada: 0 pontos
na globalidade e em B. Numerar as imagens, 4 x 10% = 40%
detalhe. de acordo com os
diálogos escutados.

Matriz do teste 6A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Fazer corresponder 5 x 2% = 10% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension a unidade 6 (free time a informação de duas
– 34% activities and sports). colunas para construir
Compreender o texto frases, de acordo com
na globalidade e em o texto.
detalhe. C. Classificar afirmações 5 x 2% = 10% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
como verdadeiras ou Erros de ortografia + estrutura: -1 ponto
falsas, de acordo com o 3 x 2% = 6% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
texto. (10% + 6% =
Corrigir as falsas com = 16%)
expressões do texto.
D. Responder de forma 4 x 2% = 8%
completa a questões
sobre o texto.

Vocabulary – 16% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar as atividades 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 6 (free de tempos livres. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 6. time activities and
sports). F. Legendar os desportos. 4 x 2% = 8%
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS

Matriz do teste 6A (cont.)

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação

Grammar – 36% Present continuous G. Completar espaços 4 x 2% = 8% Resposta errada: 0 pontos

Aplicar os itens com as formas verbais
gramaticais corretas (afirmativa e
trabalhados. negativa).
H. Formular questões e 3 x 2% = 6% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
responder, na afirmativa Resposta errada: 0 pontos
e na negativa, e com
respostas curtas.
Pronomes pessoais I. Completar frases com 4 x 2% = 8% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
(complemento) pronomes pessoais Resposta errada: 0 pontos
Preposições J. Completar frases 5 x 2% = 10%
de movimento com preposições de
Imperativo K. Escrever frases, 4 x 1% = 4%
selecionando o verbo
Writing – 14% Tema: Convidar L. Escrever um convite 14% Erros de ortografia irrelevantes + estrutura
Produzir um convite amigos de aniversário. das respostas organizada e completa: 10 a 14
de aniversário. pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura pouco organizada
das respostas: 6 a 9 pontos
Erros de ortografia + estrutura bastante
desorganizada: 1 a 5 pontos
Frases incoerentes / sem estrutura: 0 pontos

Matriz do teste 6B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Reading Texto relacionado com B. Fazer corresponder 3 x 3% = 9% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
comprehension – 33% a unidade 6 (free time a informação de duas
Compreender o texto activities and sports). colunas para construir
na globalidade e em frases, de acordo com
detalhe. o texto.
C. Classificar afirmações 4 x 3% = 12%
como verdadeiras ou
falsas, de acordo com
o texto.
D. Selecionar as 4 x 3% = 12%
respostas corretas,
de acordo com o texto.
Vocabulary – 18% Vocabulário relacionado E. Legendar as atividades 3 x 3% = 9% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Aplicar vocabulário com a unidade 6 (free de tempos livres. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
da unidade 6. time activities and
sports). F. Legendar os desportos. 3 x 3% = 9%

Grammar – 34% Present continuous G. Selecionar as formas 3 x 2% = 6% Resposta errada: 0 pontos

Aplicar os itens verbais corretas
gramaticais (afirmativa e negativa).
trabalhados. H. Ordenar palavras 3 x 2% = 6% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
para construir frases na Resposta errada: 0 pontos
afirmativa, na negativa
e na interrogativa.
Pronomes pessoais I. Selecionar os pronomes 3 x 2% = 6% Resposta errada: 0 pontos
(complemento) pessoais (complemento)
Preposições J. Selecionar as 4 x 3% = 12%
de movimento preposições de
movimento adequadas.
Imperativo K. Completar com 4 x 1% = 4% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
o verbo adequado. Resposta errada: 0 pontos
© ASA • High Five 5

Writing – 15% Tema: Atividades L. Responder a perguntas 3 x 5% = 15% Erros de ortografia: -0,5 pontos
Produzir respostas de tempos livres sobre as atividades Resposta errada: 0 pontos
sobre atividades e desportos de tempos livres e os
de tempos livres desportos preferidos.
e desportos

Listening Test 6 High Five 5 | TESTS

Name No.: Class: Date: / /

Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Listen and tick () TRUE or FALSE. Then listen again and check
your answers.
1. Allison is fifteen years old.
2. She’s from South Africa.
3. Vanessa is reading the newspaper.
4. Allison’s parents are cooking.
5. Her uncle Tom is preparing the barbecue.
6. Allison’s grandfather is doing sports.

B. Listen to four dialogues on the phone. Number the pictures in the

correct order. Listen again and check your answers.

a) c)

b) d)
© ASA • High Five 5

High Five 5 | TESTS Progress Test 6A
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the dialogue.

Allison is at home. She’s listening to music. Her favourite
singer, Carson Lueders, is online, so she’s asking him some
questions, too.
Allison: Hi, Carson! My name’s Allison. I love
5 your songs! What are you doing now?
Carson: Hello! I’m here talking to my fans.
Allison: What’s your favourite hobby?
Carson: I love dancing, writing and camping.
Allison: Oh, I love camping, too. Do you like
10 sports?
Carson: Yes, I love doing sports. My favourite
is basketball, but I also like swimming.
What about you?
Allison: I enjoy running and playing cards with
15 my brother.
Carson: Sorry, Allison, my friend Josh
is calling me to practise a
new dance routine. See you!
Allison: OK! Thanks, Carson.

B. Match the two columns.

Allison is 1. • • a) to music.
She’s listening 2. • • b) at home.
Carson Lueders is 3. • • c) a singer.
Allison and Carson are talking 4. • • d) sports.
© ASA • High Five 5

Carson likes 5. • • e) online.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false
ones. Use sentences from the text.
1. Allison hates Carson’s songs.
2. She loves camping.
3. Allison’s favourite sport is basketball.
4. Carson likes tennis and football.
5. Allison enjoys running and playing cards with her brother.







D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.

1. What is Allison doing?

2. Who’s her favourite singer?


3. What is Carson doing?


4. Is his friend John calling him?


E. Label the pictures. Write the names of the free time activities.
© ASA • High Five 5

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

F. Write the names of the sports.

1. ________________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

G. Complete the sentences with the present continuous (affirmative

or negative).

1. I ____________________________ (listen) to Carson’s new song.

2. Now Allison and her brother ____________________________ (not watch) TV.
They are sleeping.
3. Carson ____________________________ (prepare) his new album.
4. They ____________________________ (not play) at the park.

H. Ask and answer. Use the present continuous of the verbs.

1. Jane / read a book ()

Is Jane reading a book? No, she isn’t.
She is playing cards.

2. Mandy and Sophia / drink milk ()



3. Tim / play the piano ()



4. Emma / do gymnastics ()

© ASA • High Five 5



I. Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronouns (object).
1. Mike and Susan are my friends. Do you know ________________?
2. Where’s Carson? I can’t find ________________!
3. I’m going shopping. Come with ________________!
4. We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with ________________?

J. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of movement:

into; onto; to.

1. I’m diving ________________________ the swimming pool.

2. We usually go ________________________ the theatre with our friends.
3. His cat jumps ________________________ the table.
4. Michael is running ________________________ the garden.
5. Jenny enjoys getting ________________________ her skate and riding it fast.

K. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the box.

Be Turn off Don’t use Don’t be

1. ______________ your mobile phone in classes. 3. ______________ polite.

2. ______________ the lights. 4. ______________ rude.

L. Invite Allison to your birthday party. Write about 20-30 words.








© ASA • High Five 5


Please confirm _________________________

High Five 5 | TESTS Progress Test 6B
Name No.: Class: Date: / /
Mark Teacher Enc. Educação

A. Read the dialogue. (Lê o diálogo.)

Allison is at home. She’s listening to music.
Her favourite singer, Carson Lueders, is online,
so she’s asking him some questions, too.
Allison: Hi, Carson! My name’s Allison. I love your
5 songs! What are you doing now?
Carson: Hello! I’m here talking to my fans.
Allison: What’s your favourite hobby?
Carson: I love dancing, writing and camping.
Allison: Oh, I love camping, too. Do you like
10 sports?
Carson: Yes, I love doing sports. My favourite is basketball,
but I also like swimming. What about you?
Allison: I enjoy running and playing cards with my brother.
Carson: Sorry, Allison, my friend Josh is calling me to practise
15 a new dance routine. See you!
Allison: OK! Thanks, Carson.

B. Match the two columns. There is one example.

(Liga as duas colunas. Segue o exemplo.)

Allison is 1. • • a) to music.
She’s listening 2. • • b) at home.
Carson Lueders is 3. • • c) a singer.
Allison and Carson are talking 4. • • d) online.

C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

(Lê as frases e assinala () verdadeiro ou falso.)

1. Allison hates Carson’s songs.
2. She loves camping.
© ASA • High Five 5

3. Carson likes basketball and football.

4. Allison enjoys running and playing cards with her brother.

D. Tick () the correct option to answer the questions.
(Seleciona a opção correta para responderes às perguntas.)

1. What is Allison doing?

a) Allison is listening to music. b) Allison is dancing.

2. Who’s her favourite singer?

a) Her favourite singer is Carson Lueders.
b) Her favourite singer is Justin Bieber.

3. What are Carson’s favourite hobbies?

a) His favourite hobbies are dancing, writing and singing.
b) His favourite hobbies are dancing, writing and camping.

4. Is his friend Josh calling him?

a) Yes, he is. b) No, he isn’t.

E. Label the pictures. Use the expressions from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa as expressões da caixa.)

singing playing cards reading

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

F. Write the names of the sports. Use the words from the box.
(Escreve os nomes dos desportos. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

tennis swimming basketball

© ASA • High Five 5

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

G. Circle the correct form of the verbs.
(Rodeia as formas verbais corretas.)

1. I is listening / am listening to Carson’s new song.

2. Now Allison and her brother isn’t watching / aren’t watching TV.
3. Carson is preparing / are preparing his new album.
4. They aren’t playing / isn’t playing at the park.

H. Put the words in order and write sentences. There is one example.
(Ordena as palavras e constrói frases. Segue o exemplo.)

1. I / for the test / am studying / .

I am studying for the test.

2. our father / is not baking / a cake / Now / .



3. Is / Carson / at the moment / dancing / ?



4. aren’t swimming / They / in the river / .



I. Circle the correct personal pronouns (object).

(Rodeia os personal pronouns – object – corretos.)

1. They are my friends. Do you know him / them?

2. Where’s Carson? I can’t find him / me!
3. I’m going shopping. Come with them / me!
4. We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us / you?

J. Circle the correct prepositions of movement.

(Rodeia as prepositions of movement adequadas.)

1. I’m diving into / over the swimming pool.

© ASA • High Five 5

2. We usually go onto / to the theatre with our friends.

3. Michael is running onto / into the garden.
4. Jenny enjoys getting onto / into her skate and riding it fast.

K. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.
(Completa as frases com os verbos da caixa.)

Be Turn off Don’t use Don’t be

1. ___________________________________ your mobile phone in classes.

2. ___________________________________ the lights.
3. ___________________________________ polite.
4. __________________________________ rude.

L. Read the questions and complete the answers about YOU.

(Lê as perguntas e completa as respostas sobre TI.)

1. What’s your favourite hobby?

My favourite hobby is ____________________________________________________.

2. What’s your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is _____________________________________________________.

3. Do you like playing basketball?

(Tick () the correct option. – Seleciona a opção correta.)

a) Yes, I do.
b) No, I don’t.

© ASA • High Five 5

Self-assessment grid (Ficha de autoavaliação)

Name No.: Class:

1.° Período 2.° Período 3.° Período

Sempre / Quase sempre

Sempre / Quase sempre

Sempre / Quase sempre

Raramente / Nunca

Raramente / Nunca

Raramente / Nunca
Algumas vezes

Algumas vezes

Algumas vezes
Muitas vezes

Muitas vezes

Muitas vezes
Compreendo o que leio
Compreendo o que oiço
Exprimo-me, oralmente,
de forma adequada
Exprimo-me, por escrito,
de forma adequada
Domino o vocabulário
Respeito o meu professor
e os meus colegas
Sou assíduo/a e pontual
Sou organizado/a
Estou atento/a
e concentrado/a
Trago o material
necessário para a aula
Participo nas
atividades da aula
Realizo os trabalhos
de casa
Procuro superar as
minhas dificuldades
Recorro ao dicionário
como meio auxiliar de
Tenho hábitos
e métodos de estudo

Nível: ______ Nível: ______ Nível: ______

O MEU NÍVEL: Data: ____ /____/____ Data: ____ /____/____ Data: ____ /____/____
Ass: ________________ Ass: ________________ Ass: ________________
escreve o que deves fazer de modo a melhorar os teus resultados no próximo período.
© ASA • High Five 5


Available in Excel® format at

Média final
Teste 1 Teste 2 Média final Teste 3 Teste 4 Média final Teste 5 Teste 6
Nome 1.o Per. 2.o Per. 3.o Per.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

Available in Excel® format at

End of term assessment grid (Grelha de avaliação por período)


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B C D E F G H I J K L M Total

1 Class:

Available in Excel® format at




Test correction table (Grelha de correção)


Answer key
Diagnostic Listening Test (page 3) Transcript B
This is Paul’s family. His mother is Mary and his father is Matt. He
Listening transcripts has got one sister, Emily, and one brother, Jack. Lin and Jeff are
Transcript A his grandparents. His uncle Tom and his aunt Vicky have got three
1. children, Jennifer, John and Holly. They are Paul’s cousins.
Girl – Hi! What’s your name? Answer key
Girl – Hi! My name’s Jessie. A. (8 x 5% = 40%)
Girl – How do you spell it? 1. Olivia | 2. Martins | 3. eleven years old | 4. London | 5. England |
Girl – J-E-S-S-I-E 6. 5th October | 7. student | 8. doctor
Girl – Nice to meet you, Jessie!
B. (6 x 10% = 60%)
2. 1. grandfather | 2. grandmother | 3. sister | 4. mother | 5. aunt |
Girl – How old are you? 7. cousin
Boy – I’m eleven years old. And you?
Girl – I’m twelve years old. Progress Test 1A (page 10)
3. Answer key
Boy – What’s that on your desk? B. (4 x 2% = 8%)
Girl – Oh, that’s my new pen. 1. a) | 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. c)
Boy – Wow, nice pen!
C. (4 x 2% = 8%)
4. 1. Brown | 2. student | 3. thirty-nine | 4. sister
Boy – My birthday is in June. When’s your birthday, Jane?
Girl – My birthday is in January. D. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. Scotland | 2. No, she isn’t. She is a vet. | 3. He’s 41 years old. |
5. 4. They are his grandparents.
Girl – It’s hot today.
Boy – Yes, it’s hot and sunny. I love this weather! E. (6 x 2% = 12%)
1. firefighter | 2. football player | 3. teacher | 4. mechanic | 5. cook |
Transcript B 6. dentist
The turtle is blue. | The lion is red. | The hippo is pink. |
The dog is brown. | The fish is orange. | The giraffe is yellow. F. (6 x 1% = 6%)
1. an | 2. a | 3. the | 4. – | 5. a | 6. –
Answer key
A. (5 x 8% = 40%) G. (6 x 1% = 6%)
1. a) | 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. c) | 5. a) 1. What | 2. Where | 3. How | 4. How old | 5. When | 6. Who

B. (6 x 10% = 60%) H. (4 x 2% = 8%)

1. b) | 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. c)
Diagnostic Test A (page 4) I. (3 x 4% = 12%)
Answer key 1. No, he isn’t. He is (He’s) a mechanic. | 2. Is he a fisherman? Yes, he
A. (8 x 2% = 16%) is. | 3. Is she a vet? No, she isn’t. She is (She’s) a cook.
1. cat | 2. taxi | 3. train | 4. pencil | 5. rubber | 6. ruler | 7. dog | J. (8 x 2% = 16%)
8. park 1. is / ‘s | 2. am / ’m | 3. am / ’m | 4. are / ’re | 5. is not / isn’t | 6. is / ’s |
7. is / ’s | 8. are.
B. (9 x 2% = 18%)
Cardinal: twenty-three | thirty-two | seventy-nine K. (16%)
Ordinal: second | eighth | fourteenth | forty-fifth | fiftieth (Resposta pessoal.)
Exemplo: 1. “Hi, Alex! How are you? My name is… and my surname
C. (6 x 3% = 18%)
is… I’m… years old. My birthday is on… I’m from… I have got a…
1. She | 2. He | 3. I | 4. It | 5. They | 6. we
family. Bye!”
D. (6 x 3% = 18%)
1. f) | 2. d) | 3. e) | 4. b) | 5. a) | 6. c) Progress Test 1B (page 14)
E. (5 x 6% = 30%) Answer key
(Respostas pessoais.) B. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. My first name is... | 2. My surname is... | 3. I’m... years old. | 1. a) | 2. b) | 3. b) | 4. a)
4. My birthday is on... | 5. My favourite colour is...
C. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. Brown | 2. big | 3. student | 4. thirty-nine
Diagnostic Test B (page 6)
D. (4 x 2% = 8%)
Answer key
2. c) 3. b) | 4. a) | 5. e)
A. (10 x 10% = 100%)
1. c) | 2. b) | 3. b) | 4. a) | 5. c) | 6. c) | 7. b) | 8. a) | 9. b) | 10. c) E. (6 x 2% = 12%)
1. cook | 2. football player | 3. teacher | 4. mechanic | 5. firefighter |
UNIT 1 6. dentist
© ASA • High Five 5

Listening Test 1 (page 9) F. (4 x 3% = 12%)

2. an | 3. the | 4. – | 5. a
Listening transcripts
G. (4 x 3% = 12%)
Transcript A
1. What | 2. Where | 3. How old | 4. When
Hello! My first name’s Olivia and my surname’s Martins. I’m eleven
years old. I’m from London, in England. My birthday is on 5th October. H. (4 x 2% = 8%)
I’m a student and in the future I want to be a doctor. 2. b) | 3. a) | 4. b) | 5. c)

Answer key

I. (3 x 2% = 6%) J. (6 x 2% = 12%)
1. No, he isn’t. | 2. Is he a fisherman? Yes, he is. | 3. Is she a vet? No, 1. Your father is friendly. | 2. Taylor is a famous singer. | 3. We have
she isn’t. got straight hair. | 4. Mike has got a nice friend. | 5. I am not shy. |
6. Is his smile beautiful?
J. (7 x 2% = 14%)
2. am | 3. am | 4. are | 5. isn’t | 6. is | 7. is | 8. are K. (15%)
(Resposta pessoal.)
K. (6 x 2% = 12%)
(Resposta pessoal.)
Progress Test 2B (page 25)
UNIT 2 Answer key
Listening test 2 (page 20) B. (4 x 2% = 8%)
2. a) | 3. c) | 4. b) | 5. e)
Listening transcripts
C. (4 x2 % = 8%)
Transcript A 1. False. (Marion and Tim are at the park.) | 2. True. | 3. False.
Liz has got long curly blond hair and a round face. (She has got blue eyes.) | 4. True.
Joey is tall and thin. He wears glasses.
Tim is short and fat. His hair is dark. D. (5 x 2% = 10%)
Tony is slim. He has got a beard. 1. … the United States of America. | 2. … singer. | 3. … hasn’t.
Mary has got short wavy hair. She wears trousers. (She has got blond hair.) | 4. … is. | 5. … Walt.
Jessica has got long wavy brown hair and her face is oval. E. (5 x 2% = 10%)
Transcript B 1. glasses | 2. dress | 3. shoes | 4. jacket | 5. jeans
Skai Jackson is an actress. She’s from New York. F. (5 x 2% = 10%)
She’s very pretty. She’s slim and she has got a very beautiful smile. 1. have got | 2. have got | 3. hasn’t got | 4. has got | 5. haven’t got
She has got dark brown eyes and her face is round. She’s very
intelligent, kind and generous. G. (3 x 3% = 9%)
She wears jeans, T-shirts and trainers. She wears dresses 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. c)
at parties.
H. (5 x 2% = 10%)
Answer key 2. ’s | 3. ’s | 4. ’s | 5. ’s | 6.’
A. (6 x 10% = 60%)
I. (5 x 2% = 10%)
1. Liz | 2. Mary | 3. Joey | 4. Tim | 5. Jessica | 6. Tony
2. hers | 3. his | 4. mine | 5. his | 6. theirs
B. (8 x 5% = 40%)
J. (5 x 2% = 10%)
1. True. | 2. False. (She’s from New York.) | 3. False. (She’s slim.) |
1. Your father is friendly. | 2. Taylor is famous. | 3. We have got
4. True. | 5. False. (Her eyes are dark brown.) | 6. False. (She’s generous
straight hair. | 4. Mike has got a T-shirt. | 5. I am not shy.
and kind.) | 7. False. (She likes jeans, T-shirts and trainers.) | 8. True.
K. (15%)
Progress Test 2A (page 21) (Resposta pessoal.)
Answer key
B. (4 x 2% = 8%) UNIT 3
1. d) | 2. a) | 3. c) | 4. b)
Listening test 3 (page 31)
C. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. False. (Marion and Tim are at the park.) | 2. True. | 3. False. Listening transcripts
(She has got blue eyes.) | 4. True.
Transcripts A/B
D. (5 x 2% = 10%) I live in a detached house. Upstairs there’s a bathroom and two
1. She is (’s) from the United States of America. | 2. She is (’s) a bedrooms. Downstairs there’s a living room, a big kitchen, a dining
singer. | 3. No, she hasn’t. (She has got blond hair.) | 4. Yes, she is. | room, a hall and a garage. My favourite rooms are my bedroom
5. Her pet’s (His) name is Walt. and the kitchen.
In my bedroom, there’s a bedside table next to the bed. There’s
E. (7 x 1% = 7%)
also a bookcase, a lamp and a rug.
1. glasses | 2. dress | 3. shoes | 4. scarf | 5. jacket | 6. jeans |
In the kitchen, there’s a cooker and a fridge. Opposite the cooker
7. boots
there’s a cupboard and there’s a sink opposite the fridge.
F. (5 x 2% = 10%) I love my house! It isn’t big, but it’s comfortable.
2. have got / ’ve got | 3. hasn’t got / has not got | 4. has got |
5. have got / ’ve got | 6. haven’t got / have not got Answer key
A. (5 x 6% = 30%)
G. (3 x 4% = 12%) 1. a) | 2. a) | 3. c) | 4. a) | 5. b)
2. Has Ted got short hair? Yes, he has. He has (He’s) got short hair. |
3. Has it got a short neck? No, it hasn’t. It hasn’t got a short neck. B. (7 x 10% = 70%)
It has (It’s) got a long neck. | 4. Have Lisa and Maggie got curly hair? 1. b) | 2. a) | 3. a) | 4. b) | 5. b) 6. a) | 7. a)
No, they haven’t. They haven’t got curly hair. They have (They’ve)
© ASA • High Five 5

got straight hair. Progress Test 3A (page 32)

H. (6 x 2% = 12%)
Answer key
2. my sister’s | 3. Jack’s | 4. her mother’s | 5. James’s |
B. (5 x 2% = 10%)
6. our parents’ | 7. Mary’s
1. True. | 2. True. | 3. False. (Riley lives in a semi-detached house
I. (6 x 1% = 6%) in San Francisco.) | 4. False. (There are two floors in her house.)
1. yours | 2. hers | 3. his | 4. mine | 5. his | 6. theirs 5. True.

Answer key

C. (5 x 2% = 10%) Sarah: And for dessert? Is there any chocolate ice cream?
1. upstairs | 2. attic | 3. room | 4. lamp | 5. house Mother: No, there isn’t. There’s some fruit salad.
Sarah: What a great dinner, Mom!
D. (4 x 3% = 12%)
1. Downstairs, there’s a kitchen, a dining room, a hall, a living
Transcript B
room and a study. | 2. There’s a study opposite the living room. |
Hi, there. I’m Sam and my favourite meal is breakfast. I love eating
3. Her favourite room is her bedroom because it has got
a comfortable bed. | 4. Yes, there are. toast or bread with butter and drinking some milk.
I also like eating some fruit in the morning.
E. (7 x 1% = 7%) I don’t like cereal and I hate cakes.
1. bedroom | 2. bathroom | 3. study | 4. garage | 5. living room |
6. dining room | 7. kitchen Answer key
F. (9 x 2% = 18%) A. (3 x 10% = 30%)
Bedroom: wardrobe / bed | Kitchen: fridge / sink / cooker 1. c) | 2. a) | 3. b)
Bathroom: washbasin / toilet | Living room: armchair / sofa B. (5 x 14% = 70%)
G. (6 x 2% = 12%) 1. False. (Sam’s favourite meal is breakfast.) | 2. True. | 3. False.
1. There are | 2. There is not (isn’t) | 3. There is (’s) | 4. There are (He drinks milk for breakfast.) | 4. False. (He likes eating fruit in
not (aren’t) | 5. Is there… there is | 6. Are there… there aren’t the morning.) | 5. True.

H. (8 x 1% = 8%)
1. between | 2. on | 3. above | 4. on | 5. opposite | 6. under | 7. on | Progress Test 4A (page 43)
8. in
Answer key
I. (8 x 1% = 8%) B. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. men | 2. people | 3. shelves | 4. children | 5. boxes | 6. chairs | 1. d) | 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. c)
7. dresses | 8. boys
C. (4 x 2% = 8% + 2 x 1% = 2%)
J. (15%) 1. True.| 2. False. (“He’s a famous chef.”) | 3. True. | 4. False.
(Resposta pessoal.) (“I like eating fruit and soup...”)

Progress Test 3B (page 36) D. (4 x 3% = 12%)

1. Tilly has got one brother and two sisters. | 2. She likes cooking
Answer key with her father because it’s fun. | 3. Yes, she does. | 4. Her favourite
B. (4 x 2% = 8%) food is roast chicken.
1. True | 2. False (She lives in a semi-detached house in
San Francisco.) | 3. False (There are two floors in her house.) | E. (9 x 2% = 18%)
4. True. 1. chicken | 2. carrots | 3. milk | 4. lettuce | 5. ice cream |
6. cheese | 7. watermelon | 8. eggs | 9. tea
C. (4 x 3% = 12%)
1. attic | 2. room | 3. lamp | 4. house F. (8 x 1% = 8%)
1. any | 2. any… any… some | 3. any… some | 4. some… any
D. (3 x 4% = 12%)
2. d) | 3. b) | 4. a) G. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. She likes apple pie. | 2. My mother doesn’t like chocolate. |
E. (5 x 2% = 10%) 3. Do they like tea? | 4. We like cooking.
2. bathroom | 3. study | 4. garage | 5. living room | 6. kitchen
H. (4 x 4% = 16%)
F. (6 x 2% = 12%) 1. like baking cakes.
1. bed | 2. fridge | 3. sink | 4. bath | 5. armchair | 6. bookcase 2. We prefer preparing lunch.
G. (4 x 2% = 8%) 3. Bill and Grace don’t like going to the supermarket.
2. There isn’t | 3. There is | 4. Is there… there is | 5. Are there… 4. Dan and Nick hate eating chocolate.
there aren’t I. (3 x 2% = 6%)
H. (4 x 2% = 8%) 1. Tilly hates fast food because it isn’t healthy. | 2. Her father
2. between | 3. above | 4. under | 5. in loves cooking, so he prepares their family’s meals. | 3. Jack is
allergic to fish, so he can’t eat it.
I. (7 x 2% = 14%)
2. girls | 3. shelves | 4. babies | 5. children | 6. boxes | 7. dresses | J. (14%)
8. boys (Resposta pessoal.)

J. (4 x 4% = 16%)
(Resposta pessoal.) Progress Test 4B (page 47)
UNIT 4 Answer key
B. (4 x 3% = 12%)
Listening test 4 (page 42) 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. b) | 5. c)
Listening transcripts C. (4 x 3% = 12%)
© ASA • High Five 5

Transcript A 1. True. | 2. False. (Matilda’s father is a famous chef.) | 3. True. |

Mother: Let’s have dinner, Sarah! 4. False. (She likes eating fruit and soup.)
Sarah: Great! What’s for dinner, Mom?
D. (4 x 3% = 12%)
Mother: Meatballs and spaghetti, your favourite food.
1. b) | 2. a) | 3. a) | 4. b)
Sarah: Yummy! Is there anything to drink?
Mother: Yes, of course. Orange juice for you and some water for E. (6 x 2% = 12%)
me. It’s my favourite drink. 1. lettuce | 2. eggs | 3. carrots | 4. milk | 5. ice cream | 6. cheese

Answer key

F. (9 x 2% = 18%) I. (6 x 2% = 12%)
1. any | 2. any… any… some | 3. any… any… some | 4. some… any 2. has a shower | 3. has breakfast | 4. brushes her teeth |
5. goes home | 6. has dinner | 7. goes to bed
G. (2 x 3% = 6%)
2. Neg.: She doesn’t like apple pie. Interrog.: Does she like apple J. (5 x 2% = 10%)
pie? | 3. Neg.: You don’t like chocolate. Interrog.: Do you like 1. I always go to school by car. | 2. We don’t go to the cinema on
chocolate? Mondays. | 3. They sometimes have lunch at midday. | 4. Miranda
is never late for work. | 5. Do Paul and Annie usually have dinner
H. (3 x 2% = 6%)
at the restaurant?
2. We prefer preparing lunch.
3. Bill and Grace don’t like going to the supermarket. K. (15%)
4. Dan and Nick hate eating chocolate. (Resposta pessoal.)
I. (3 x 2% = 6%)
2. so | 3. so | 4. because Progress Test 5B (page 58)
J. (4 x 4% = 16%) Answer key
(Resposta pessoal.) B. (4 x 3% = 12%)
1. actor | 2. India | 3. bus | 4. Los Angeles
C. (4 x 3% = 12%)
Listening test 5 (page 53) 1. True. | 2. False. (He has lunch with his best friend.) | 3. True. |
4. False. (He sometimes reads until 10.30 p.m.)
Listening transcripts
D. (4 x 3% = 12%)
Transcript A 1. a) | 2. b) | 3. b) | 4. a)
What time is it? | 1. It’s five o’clock. | 2. It’s half past three |
E. (4 x 3% = 12%)
3. It’s ten to nine. | 4. It’s midday.
1. It’s five o’clock. | 2. It’s half past ten. | 3. It’s a quarter past six. |
Transcript B 4. It’s ten to eight.
John gets up at half past six every day. Then he has a shower F. (4 x 3% = 12%)
and gets dressed. He always has breakfast in the dining room. 2. watch | 3. swims | 4. don’t do | 5. doesn’t play
He usually has cereal with milk.
He goes to school at half past seven and he has lunch at school G. (3 x 2% = 6%)
at a quarter to one. He usually has soup and a salad. He doesn’t 2. a) | 3. c) | 4. d)
like meat. He goes back home at five o’clock. Then he goes to the
swimming pool at six o’clock. H. (6 x 2% = 12%)
At night, he has a light snack and he goes to bed at ten o’clock. 2. has a shower | 3. brushes her teeth | 4. catches the bus |
5. goes home | 6. reads | 7. goes to bed
Answer key
A. (4 x 10% = 40%) I. (3 x 2% = 6%)
1. a) | 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. b) 2. We don’t go to the cinema on Mondays. | 3. They have lunch at
midday. | 4. Miranda is never late for work.
B. (6 x 10% = 60%)
1. b) | 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. a) | 5. b) | 6. a) J. (4 x 4% = 16%)
(Resposta pessoal.)

Progress test 5A (page 54)

Answer key
B. (4 x 2% = 8%) Listening test 6 (page 64)
1. actor | 2. India | 3. Los Angeles | 4. bus
Listening transcripts
C. (5 x 2% = 10% + 2 x 1% = 2%)
1. True. | 2. False. (“I have lunch with Miranda May, my best Transcript A
friend.”) | 3. True. | 4. True. | 5. False. (“... I sometimes read until Hi!
10.30 p.m.”) My name’s Allison and I’m fifteen years old. I’m from Canada, but
today I’m visiting my grandparents in Cape Town, in South Africa.
D. (4 x 3% = 12%) My cousin Vanessa is watching TV and my uncle James is reading
1. He gets up at half past six. | 2. He usually has orange juice the newspaper.
and toast for breakfast. | 3. After breakfast he goes to work. | My mother is cooking and my father is helping her.
4. Yes, he does. My uncle Tom is preparing the barbecue and my aunt Mary
E. (4 x 2% = 8%) is making a salad.
1. It’s five o’clock. | 2. It’s half past ten. | 3. It’s a quarter past six. | My grandfather is sleeping in a big armchair next to the swimming
4. It’s ten to eight. pool and my grandmother is doing sports.
I’m having a lot of fun with my family!
F. (5 x 2% = 10%)
© ASA • High Five 5

1. studies | 2. watch | 3. swim | 4. don’t do | 5. doesn’t play Transcript B

Dialogue 1
G. (5 x 1% = 5%)
Josh: Hi, Pam. What are you doing?
1. c) | 2. a) | 3. d) | 4. b) | 5. e)
Pam: I’m shopping, because I’m having a party tonight. Can you come?
H. (4 x 2% = 8%) Josh: Yes, of course! What time?
1. Where does he live? | 2. What time do you get up? | 3. How does Pam: At half past seven.
Kim go to school? | 4. When does Matt cook? Josh: OK! See you later!

Answer key

Dialogue 2 H. (3 x 2% = 6%)
Rachel: Hi, Jessica! I’m doing my homework and I need your help! 2. Are Mandy and Sophia drinking milk? Yes, they are. | 3. Is Tim
Jessica: OK. I’m running at the beach. Where are you? playing the piano? No, he isn’t. He is (He’s) playing the guitar. |
Rachel: At home. Can you come and help me, please? 4. Is Emma doing gymnastics? Yes, she is.
Jessica: Yes! See you in 30 minutes.
I. (4 x 2% = 8%)
Dialogue 3
1. them | 2. him | 3. me | 4. us
Mum: Hello, dear. Are you doing your homework?
Girl: Sorry, mum. I’m watching TV. Can I do it later? J. (5 x 2% = 10%)
Mum: OK! But do it before I arrive home, please. 1. into | 2. to | 3. onto | 4. into/to | 5. onto
Girl: Thanks, mum! Bye!
K. (4 x 1% = 4%)
Dialogue 4 1. Don’t use | 2. Turn off | 3. Be | 4. Don’t be
Rick: Hi, Jack. I’m camping in the garden. Can you come to my
L. (14%)
(Resposta pessoal.)
Jack: Sorry, Rick, I can’t go. I’m playing cards with my cousin Sam.
Rick: Bring him too, then.
Progress Test 6B (page 69)
Jack: OK!
Answer key
Answer key B. (3 x 3% = 9%)
A. (6 x 10% = 60%) 2. a) | 3. c) | 4. d)
1. True. | 2. False. (She’s from Canada.) | 3. False. (Vanessa is
watching TV. / Allison’s uncle, James, is reading the newspaper.) | C. (4 x 3% = 12%)
4. True. | 5. True. | 6. False. (Allison’s grandfather is sleeping. / 1. False. (Allison loves Carson’s songs.) | 2. True. | 3. False.
Allison’s grandmother is doing sports.) (Carson likes basketball and swimming.) | 4. True.
D. (4 x 3% = 12%)
B. (4 x 10% = 40%)
1. a) | 2. a) | 3. b) | 4. a)
a) 4 | b) 2 | c) 3 | d) 1
E. (3 x 3 % = 9%)
1. playing cards | 2. reading | 3. singing
Progress Test 6A (page 65)
F. (3 x 3% = 9%)
Answer key 1. basketball | 2. tennis | 3. swimming
B. (5 x 2% = 10%)
1. b) | 2. a) | 3. c) | 4. e) | 5. d) G. (3 x 2% = 6%)
2. aren’t watching | 3. is preparing | 4. aren’t playing
C. (5 x 2% = 10% + 3 x 2% = 6%)
H. (3 x 2% = 6%)
1. False. (“I love your songs!”) | 2. True. | 3. False. (“Carson: Yes,
2. Now our father is not baking a cake. | 3. Is Carson dancing at the
I love doing sports. My favourite is basketball ...”) | 4. False.
moment? | 4. They aren’t swimming in the river.
(“My favourite is basketball, but I also like swimming.”) | 5. True.
I. (3 x 2% = 6%)
D. (4 x 2 % = 8%) 2. him | 3. me | 4. us
1. Allison is listening to music and talking online with her favourite
singer. | 2. Her favourite singer is Carson Lueders. | 3. Carson is J. (4 x 3% = 12%)
talking online to his fans. | 4. No, he isn’t. His friend Josh is. 1. into | 2. to | 3. into | 4. onto
K. (4 x 1% = 4%)
E. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. Don’t use | 2. Turn off | 3. Be | 4. Don’t be
1. playing cards | 2. reading (a book) | 3. camping | 4. singing
L. (3 x 5% = 15%)
F. (4 x 2% = 8%) (Resposta pessoal.)
1. basketball | 2. tennis | 3. volleyball | 4. swimming

G. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. am (’m) listening | 2. aren’t (are not) watching
3. is preparing | 4. aren’t (are not) playing

Título Ilustração
Teacher’s Resource File Diogo Ruas
High Five 5 Carlos Pedro
Autoras © Shutterstock
Ana Santos
Execução Gráfica
© ASA • High Five 5

Catarina Pedrosa
Clara Bugalhão
Depósito Legal
Com a colaboração de ISBN 978-989-23-2691-7
N.o 420 891/17
Clara Antunes
Maria do Rosário Oliveira ISBN
Paula Pisa 978-888-89-0987-5

Consultor linguístico Ano / Edição / Tiragem / N.o de Exemplares

Dave Tucker 2017 / 1.a Edição / 1.a Tiragem / 5000 Ex.

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