Lab Experiment 2
Lab Experiment 2
Lab Experiment 2
College of Engineering
SCI 402
Laboratory Experiment # 2
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I. Introduction
In this laboratory activity, we will explore the microscopic world of
microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. These organisms are crucial
components of various ecosystems and play significant roles in environmental
processes and human health. Using an electron microscope, we will observe and
identify these microorganisms, gaining insights into their structures, behaviors, and
ecological importance. Through this hands-on exploration, we aim to gain a deeper
understanding of the world of microorganisms and the significance of microscopic
observation in microbiology.
II. Objectives:
•To observe and identify microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) using a
electron microscope.
•To understand the roles of microorganisms in different habitats and their impact on
- Electron microscope
- Microscope slides
- Cover slips
- Dropper or pipette
- Distilled water
- Cotton swabs
-Sample sources (pond water, yogurt/Yakult, slice of bread with visible molds)
- Microscope slide labels
- Permanent marker
IV. Procedures:
1. Preparation of Microscope Slides:
a. Place a clean microscope slide on a flat, clean surface.
b. Using a dropper or pipette, place a small drop of distilled water in the center of
the slide.
c. If working with solid samples:
For yogurt (bacteria): Gently streak a small portion of yogurt onto the drop of
water using a sterile cotton swab.
For bread (fungi): Press a small section of moldy bread onto the slide.
d. For liquid samples (e.g., pond water for protozoa), use a dropper to place a small
sample onto the drop of water on the slide.
e. Place a cover slip over the drop of water, gently lowering it at an angle to avoid air
bubbles. Ensure the cover slip rests evenly on the sample.
2. Describe the potential benefits of the microorganisms found in yogurt for human
4. How do fungi contribute to the decomposition process of organic matter like bread?
Pond Water
5. What microorganisms did you observe in the pond water sample under the
microscope? Describe their shapes, sizes, and movements.
VII. Conclusion: