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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy


Vision Vision
A leading university that transforms individuals into morally upright and globally A premier College of Business Management and Accountancy that produces globally
competitive professionals through quality and practical education for all. competitive accountants and business professionals through advanced quality education.
Mission Mission
To provide exemplary outcome-based and advanced instructions; socially relevant and To render impressive word-class instructions, conduct scholarly researches and
innovative researches; and inclusive extension services, partnerships and/or linkages. community extension engagements for notably ethical accountants and business
Goals Goals
1. Instill formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary to make an individual 1. Develop highly competitive, competent and respectable accountants and business
a responsible member of the society, enhance the development of instruction to produce professionals through delivery of excellent, remarkable and well-known instruction
high-level professionals, and harness the productive capacity of the country’s human approaches and in still knowledge and attitudes to be responsible members of the
resource base toward international competitiveness. society.
2. Mold individuals who will conduct scientific, innovative, and advanced researches in the 2. Conduct an innovative and relevant research that promote significant roles of
quest for new knowledge, provide leadership in various fields toward dynamic and self- accountants and business professionals in the community.
sustaining economy, and enrich historical and cultural heritage.
Community Services 3. Participate in research extension and development programs that can influence the
3. Undertake participatory and inclusive extension services which are relevant and responsive, ability of accountants and business professionals to broaden linkages and establish
accessible and equitable, through efficient and effective community development programs, social responsibility for a common good.
and broaden symbiotic partnerships and linkages to establish inter-generational
responsibility for the common good.
Objectives Objectives
1. To provide professional, technical, and expert instruction in arts, sciences, humanities, and 1. To promote excellent and affordable academic programs in accountancy and business
technology. education attuned to the needs of time to achieve global recognition.

2. To conduct systematic investigations geared toward the establishment and discovery of 2. To explore applicable researches that can improve local or national business activities to
novel facts, solve present or existing problems, provide new ideas or develop new theories, promote livelihood programs of the community.
satisfy curiosity, and mastery of nature.
3. To launch feasible livelihood projects like entrepreneurship and financial literacy
3. To establish sustainable livelihood projects that will uplift the quality of life of the members programs that can create impact on community development.
of the community, and to expand transnational collaborations that will have socio-economic
benefits to the present and future generations.

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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

Institutional Outcomes: The UCU Core Values

Integrity Competence
True UCUians imbued with the spirit of nobility live their lives guided by the Passion for excellence drives noble persons to shine in their chosen craft. They
ideals of honesty and authenticity. Their words and actions consistently reveal their do not settle for mediocrity and capacitate themselves with the requisite know-how
commitment to decency and honor. They pursue the path of truth even if this were the and skills to establish their expertise and credibility in their discipline. They
less popular choice. continue the pioneering character of Dr. Pedro Orata by spearheading innovations
while building on traditions of excellence.
Teamwork Transcendence
The spirit of nobility moves UCUians to cooperate with other members of the Noble UCUians are selfless stewards of goodness and compassion to their fellow
university in realizing a common goal. With humility, they accept that each member human beings, to the school, to the community, and to those in need—prioritizing the
of the UCU community brings his or her own capabilities to actualize the university’s cause of others before theirs, willing to accept, do, and get the job done without
vision. Noble UCUians seek and pursue to achieve unity in any area or situation, expecting recompense. Going beyond self-actualization, they aim to reach their full
understanding that the best outcomes almost always happen in the spirit of potential to best serve noble causes beyond the self.

Program Outcomes (CMO 27 S. 2017)

The BS Accountancy graduates have the ability to:

1. Resolve business issues and problems, with a global and strategic perspective using knowledge and technical proficiency in the areas of financial accounting
and reporting, cost accounting and management, accounting and control, taxation, and accounting information systems;
2. Conduct accountancy research through independent studies of relevant literature and appropriate use of accounting theory and methodologies;
3. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information, generating reports and making decisions;
4. Apply knowledge and skills successfully respond to various types of assessments; and (including professional licensure and certifications); and
5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate citizenship, social responsibility and ethical practice in performing functions as an accountant.

CBMA Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILO) and its Relationship to Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of UCU


The BS Accountancy graduates have the I R CS 1 2 3
ability to:
1. Resolve business issues and problems, with a

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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

global and strategic perspective using

knowledge and technical proficiency in the
areas of financial accounting and reporting,
cost accounting and management, accounting
and control, taxation, and accounting
information systems;
2. Conduct accountancy research through
independent studies of relevant literature and
appropriate use of accounting theory and
3. Employ technology as a business tool in
capturing financial and non-financial
information, generating reports and making
4. Apply knowledge and skills successfully
respond to various types of assessments; and
(including professional licensure and
certifications); and
5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good
corporate citizenship, social responsibility and
ethical practice in performing functions as an

CBMA Performance Indicators and its Relationship to CHTM Program Intended Learning Outcomes
Accountancy Performance Indicators CBMA PILO
1 2 3 4 5

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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

1. Record financial transactions in compliance with generally accepted accounting and reporting standards (both global and
local) for sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, government and not-for-profit organizations.
2. Prepare Accountancy reports such as budgets and business plans using appropriate framework.
3. Conduct financial and operational audits of all types of business enterprise and not-for-profit organization.
4. Prepare individual and corporate income tax returns and conduct basic tax planning in compliance with relevant
legislations and regulations.
5. Perform cost-benefit analysis for management decisions.
6. Design and implement a management control and performance system.
7. Communicate effectively the results of financial analysis.
8. Design an appropriate research plan.
9. Prepare a critical review of related literature.
10. Analyze results of study and discuss implications and contributions to body of knowledge.
11. Present findings and conclusions of study.
12. Communicate effectively the recommendations.
13. Customize an accounting software to a particular business entity.
14. Develop a financial model using a spreadsheet software.
15. Analyze the performance of a particular business entity using appropriate accounting software tools and functions.
16. Perform accounting-related work in actual workplace based on preset standards.
17. Pass licensure examinations or qualify for professional accreditations/certifications.
18. Promote adherence to legitimate and acceptable ethical objectives of an organization.
19. Communicate limitations or other constraints that would preclude responsible judgment or successful performance of an
activity such as in the practicum or on-the-job training.

Course Information

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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

Course Title: THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Course Credit: 3 units (18 weeks, 54 hours)
Course Code: Prerequisite: None

Course Description Instructor’s Information

This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted
phenomenon of globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the
economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have created an increasing 2. MA. SHERYL VALDEZ
awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course
provides an overview of the various debates in global governance, development, and sustainability.
Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of 4. JOCELDA VIDAL
global citizenship and global ethical responsibility. This course includes mandatory topics on
population education in the context of population and demography 5. BENJIE ANDRADA

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO) and its Relationship to Business Administration Performance Indicators


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1. Distinguish different interpretations
of and approaches to globalization

2. Describe the emergence of global

economic, political, social and
cultural systems

3. Analyze the various contemporary

drivers of globalization

4. Understand the issues confronting

the nation-state
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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

5. Assess the effects of globalization on

different social units and their responses

Module Time Learning Outcomes Content Teaching Learning Activities Assessment

No. Allotment
Week 1 To orient the students the Vision, Mission, Goals and Self-contained, independent Individual Interactions
meeting of the VMGO of the Objectives of the College learning
College At the end of this
Lesson, the students should be
able to :
 Introduce themselves Google Meet sharing
to their classmates and (Introductions)
teacher Face to face discussion
 To determine students’
expectations of the
1 Week 2-3  Discuss the different Chapter I: Introduction to Lecture Discussion
aspects of globalization Globalization:
 Examine the various  Aspects of Explore the things they have in their Formative Assessment:
conceptions of Globalization possession and categorize the ones 1. Essay
globalization  Definitions of made in the Philippines and foreign 2. Take-home activities
 Distinguish the different Globalization brands. 3. TIKTOK ANALYSIS
 Attributes of
definitions of
Globalization Construct a 150- 300 word essay
globalization from
 Globalization as a that discusses the important
experts condition contribution in globalization.
 Globalization as an
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College of Business Management
and Accountancy

 Adopt a working ideology Look into editorials that discusses

definition of globalization  Case in point: The the definition of globalization and
Tiktok War: social underlying principle.
media role in RUSSIA-
 SDG 16

2 Week 4-6  Define economic Chapter II: The Lecture Discussion

globalization Structures of
 Analyse the actors that Globalization: Define terms based on their own Formative Assessment:
facilitate economic  The Global Economy understanding. 1. Essay
globalization and  POST WW2 2. ORAL RECITATION
articulate a stance on ECONOMIC SYSTEM Search for a Filipino global 3. Research Paper
 Market Integration corporation and discuss its history 4. Quiz (Identification)
global economic
 The Global Interstate and global reach.
 Explain the role of  Contemporary Global Learn to identify if classification of
international financial Governance business is international,
institutions in the creation multinational, transnational or
of a global economy global.
 Narrate a short history of
global market integration Research on the role of United
in the 20th century Nations Organization with the
economy. pressing issues that the world is
 Infer the attributes of facing today.
global corporations
 Explain the effects of
globalization on nation-
 Categorize the institutions
that govern international
relations; and
 Differentiate
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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

internationalism from
 Identify the roles and
functions of the United
Nations (UN)
 Describe the challenges
of global governance in
the 21st century.
3 Week 8-9  Explain the term Global Chapter III: A World of Lecture Discussion
South Regions:
 Differentiate the Global  The Global Divides Search or Create a caricature that Formative Assessment:
South from the Third  Asian Regionalism illustrate their answer to the  Essay
World question “Are the Global North and  Research Paper
 Differentiate between South dependent on one another?”  Illustrations
regionalization and  Quiz (Classification)
globalization Look for cities in the country and  CASE ANALYSIS (FROM GLOBAL
 Identify the factors that identify scenarios between Global TO LOCAL: A VIEW FROM THE
lead to a greater North and Global South. PHILIPPINES)
integration of Asian
regions Write a short essay discussing the
 Analyze how different strengths of the country and its
Asian states confront the possible contribution to the Asia
challenges of Region.
globalization and
regionalization through Identify and classify countries if
regionalism. they belong to the First, Second and
Third World countries and Core,
Periphery and Semi-periphery
4 Week 10-  Analyze how different Chapter IV: A World of Lecture Discussion
12 forms of media drive Ideas:
various manifestations of  Global Culture and Make a position essay on their stand Formative Assessment:
global integration Media to the question: Globalization dos  Essay
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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

 Explain the dynamics  The Globalization of not need media for global
between local and global Religion integration.
cultural productions
 Explain how Look for Asian musical influences
globalization affects and study the reason why they
religious practices and became internationally famous.
 Analyze the relationship Make a discussion paper with
between religion and regards to different religions in the
global conflict and peace world s and their histories.

Write a short essay on how the

present trend of globalization
affects our practice and beliefs.
5 Week 14-  Identify the attributes of a Chapter V: Global Lecture Discussion
15 global city Population and Mobility:
 Analyze how cities are  Global City Create an action plan that will Formative Assessment:
serve as engines of  Global Demography elevate the National Capital Region  Action and concept plan
globalization  Global Migration among the leading global cities in  Analysis Report
 Explain how the world.  Short Video presentation
multinational  REACTION VIDEO GLOC 9
corporations influence the Choose a specific city outside Metro WALANG NATIRA
development of global Manila and look for the issues and
cities challenges, strengths and
 Identify the different weaknesses, trends, reason why it
international issues and was chosen as their own global city
trends in global and ways to develop global cities on
population how they can achieve global
 Synthesize the concept of competitiveness.
globalization in relation
to demography and Make an analysis report of their
population own barangays and their
 Explain the theory of demographics.
demographic transition
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College of Business Management
and Accountancy

and its effects on global Conduct an interview about the life

population and struggles of a real life OFW and
 Distinguish different make a short video presentation.
global civilizations and
 Analyze the political,
economic, cultural, and
social factors underlying
the global movements of
 Reflect on the
experiences of OFWs
6 Week 16  Determine the Chapter VI: Towards a Lecture Discussion
significance of Sustainable World:
sustainable development  Sustainable Create a SWOT (Strength, Formative Assessment:
in a globalized world Development Weakness, Opportunities, and  SWOT Analysis
 Differentiate the concept  Food Security Threats) Analysis on the sustainable  Discussion paper
of stability from development of the country.  Essay
Discuss with their own thoughts
 Evaluate the concept of
Brundtland’s quote on sustainable
sustainable development development.
in a shrinking world
 Explain food security as a Make a 500 word essay regarding
way to eradicate poverty the status of food security in the
and hunger country.
 Categorize the issues and
challenges of food
security and their
 Synthesize the concept of
food security as part of
sustainable development
7 Week 17  Explain the definition of Chapter VII: Global Lecture Discussion
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College of Business Management
and Accountancy

global citizenship and the Citizenship

categories of global Construct a short essay their own Formative Assessment:
citizenship definition of global citizenship and  Essay
 Discuss the types of what are its advantages.  Video presentation
rights and duties of global
citizenship Create a video presentation which
answers the question: How can we Summative Assessment:
 Formulate a commitment
make this world a better place?  Portfolio of all of the activities
statement regarding your
rights and responsibilities
related to citizenship.
Final Examination

Grading System Final Grade is computed as follows:

FG = (PG + MG + TFG)/3
● FG refers to the Final Grade

● PG refers to the Prelim Grade

● MG refers to the Midterm Grade

● TFG refers to the Tentative Final Grade

The Prelim Grade is computed as (1st CS) + (Prelim Exam)
The Midterm Grade is computed as (2nd CS) + (Midterm Exam)
The Tentative Grade is computed as (3rd CS) + (Final Exam)
● CS refers to Class Standing which is 60% composed of Quizzes (20%)+ Recitation (20%) + Final Project (20%)

● Recitation includes participation in discussion prompts for online classes and discussion activities for offline classes.

● Major Exams = 40%

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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

Course policies and ACADEMIC HONESTY

standards All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying, and other forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student
found guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive an F or failure in the course requirement or in
the course. Cheating refers to securing help in a test; copying test, assignments, reports or term papers; collaborating with other students during an
examination or in preparing academic work that has not been designated as collaborative activity; signing another student’s name on an attendance
sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.
1. In view of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic on the educational landscape, the university is modifying its policy on
attendance for this semester.
2. Every student is required to attend his/her classes for every week of the course.
3. For online-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s participation in an interactive online study
group or discussion prompt, student’s submission of outputs (assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that
the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject related to the course.
4. For correspondence-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s accomplishment of outputs
(assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a
question about an academic subject related to the course.

Readings Iwan, l. (2018). Difference between global, transnational, international, and multinational company. Retrieved from
http:/leeivan.word.press/2007/06/18 difference-global transnational-international-and-multinational-company
Richter, S. & West, J. (2014). Regionalism, Asis style. The Globalist. Retrieved from https://www.theglobalist.com/regionalism-asia-style/
World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our common future, from one earth to one world. Retrieved from http://un-
Rogers, P., Jalal, K., & Boyd, J. (2008). An Introduction to sustainable development. Earth scan: London.
United Nations http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable development. Goals/
Veugelers, W. (2011). The Moral and the political in global citizenship: Appreciating differences in education. Globalization, Societies and
Education, 9(3-4), 473-485.
Wenar, L. (September 9, 2015). Rights. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rights/

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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Business Management
and Accountancy

References Ariola, Mariano M. Sociology and Anthropology with Family Planning. Manila: Purely Books Trading and Publishing Corp., 2012
Ariola, Mariano M. The Contemporary World. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc., 2018
Aldama, Prince Kennex R. The Contemporary World. Manila: Rex Book Store., 2018
Botor, Nephtaly Joel B., et.al. A Course Module for The Contemporary World. Manila: Rex Book Store., 2020
Brazalote. Tumuroh C., et.al. The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc., 2019
Claudio, Lisandro E., et.al. The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc., 2018

Prepared: Noted: Recommending Approval:

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Vice President for Academic Affairs



Acting University President

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