Training Plan Fbs

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Training PLAN - FBS

Introduction to Communications (West Visayas State University)

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2014 Regional KABALIKAT Awardee – Institution Category


Qualification: Food and Beverage Services NC II

Trainees Training Mode of Facilities, Tools and Assessment
Training Activity/ Task Staff Venue and
Requirements Training Equipment Arrangement
LO 1: Obtain and convey 1.1 Specific and relevant Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
workplace information information is accessed from Lecture Telephone
appropriate sources Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
1.2 Effective questioning , active
listening and speaking skills Computer Lab Performance test
are used to gather and Area
convey information

1.3 Appropriate medium is used

to transfer information and

1.4 Appropriate non- verbal

communication is used

1.5 Appropriate lines of

communication with
supervisors and colleagues
are identified and followed

1.6 Defined workplace

procedures for the location
and storage of information
are used

1.7 Personal interaction is

carried out clearly and

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LO2: Speak English at a 2.1 Simple conversations on is Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
basic operational level participated Lecture Telephone
Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
2.2 Simple familiar topics with Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
work colleagues verbal
instructions or requests are Computer Lab Performance test
responded to Area

2.3 Simple requests are made

2.4 Routine procedures are


2.5 Likes, dislikes and

preferences are expressed

2.6 Different forms of expression

in English is identified
LO 3: Participate in 3.1 Team meetings are attended Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
workplace meetings on time Lecture Telephone
and discussions Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
3.2 Own opinions are clearly Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
expressed and those of others
are listened to without Computer Lab Performance test
interruption Area

3.3 Meeting inputs are consistent

with the meeting purpose
and established protocols

3.4 Workplace interactions are

conducted in a courteous

3.5 Questions about simple

routine workplace
procedures and matters
concerning working
conditions of employment are
asked and responded to
3.6 Meetings outcomes are
interpreted and implemented

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LO 4: Complete relevant 4.1 Range of forms relating to Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
work related documents conditions of employment are Lecture Telephone
completed accurately and Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
legibly Demonstration Internet Work Area examination

4.2 Workplace data is recorded Computer Lab Performance test

on standard workplace forms Area
and documents

4.3 Basic mathematical processes

are used for routine

4.4 Errors in recording

information on forms/
documents are identified and
properly acted upon

4.5 Reporting requirements to

supervisor are completed
according to organizational
LO 1: Describe team role 1.1. The role and objective of Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
and scope the team is identified from Lecture Telephone
available sources of Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
information Demonstration Internet Work Area examination

1.2. Team parameters, reporting

relationships and
responsibilities are identified
from team discussions and
appropriate external sources
LO 2: Identify own role 2.1. Individual role and Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
and responsibility responsibilities within the Lecture Telephone
within team team environment are Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
identified Demonstration Internet Work Area examination

2.2. Roles and responsibility of

other team members are
identified and recognized

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2.3. Reporting relationships

within team and external to
team are identified
LO 3: Work as a team 3.1. Effective and appropriate Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
member forms of communications Lecture Telephone
used and interactions Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
undertaken with team Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
members who contribute to
known team activities and

3.2. Effective and appropriate

contributions made to
complement team activities
and objectives, based on
individual skills and
competencies and
workplace context

3.3. Observed protocols in

reporting using standard
operating procedures

3.4. Contribute to the

development of team work
plans based on an
understanding of team’s role
and objectives and individual
competencies of the
LO 4: Work effectively 4.1 Information is Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
with colleagues communicated clearly and in Lecture Telephone
concise manner using Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
appropriate Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
communication techniques

4.2 Relationships are established

and maintained effectively
with colleagues

4.3 Work activities are

performed within the team

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to ensure achievement of
team goals
LO 5: Work in socially 5.1 Customers and colleagues Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
diverse environment from diverse backgrounds Lecture Telephone
are communicated with, in Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
all verbal and non-verbal Demonstration Internet Work Area examination

5.2 Cross cultural

misunderstandings are dealt
with, taking account of
cultural considerations
LO 1: Integrate personal 1.1 Personal growth and work Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Observation
objectives with plans are pursued towards Lecture Telephone
organizational goals improving the qualifications Discussion Writing materials Practical Oral examination
set for the profession Demonstration Internet Work Area
1.2 Intra- and interpersonal examination
relationships are maintained
in the course of managing
oneself based on
performance evaluation

1.3 Commitment to the

organization and its goal is
demonstrated in the
performance of duties
LO 2: Set and meet work 2.1 Competing demands are Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Observation
priorities prioritized to achieve Lecture Telephone
personal, team and Discussion Writing materials Practical Oral examination
organizational goals and Demonstration Internet Work Area
objectives. Written
2.2 Resources are utilized
efficiently and effectively to
manage work priorities and

2.3 Practices along economic use

and maintenance of

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equipment and facilities are

followed as per established
LO 3: Maintain 3.1 Trainings and career Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Observation
professional growth and opportunities are identified Lecture Telephone
development and availed of based on job Discussion Writing materials Practical Oral examination
requirements Demonstration Internet Work Area
3.2 Recognitions are examination
sought/received and
demonstrated as proof of
career advancement

3.3 Licenses and/or

certifications relevant to job
and career are obtained and
LO 1: Identify hazards 1.1 Safety regulations and Self – paced : PPE: Lecture Room Observation
and workplace safety and hazard Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
risks control practices and Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
procedures are clarified and Demonstration Work Area
mask/shield, Ear muffs,
explained based on Written
organization procedures Apron/Gown/coverall/jump examination
suit, Anti-static suits
1.2 Hazards/risks in the
workplace and their Writing materials
corresponding indicators are
identified to minimize or
eliminate risk to co-workers,
workplace and environment
in accordance with
organization procedures

1.3 Contingency measures during

workplace accidents, fire and
other emergencies are
recognized and established in
accordance with
organization procedures
LO 2: Evaluate hazards 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable Self – paced : PPE: Lecture Room Observation

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and risks limits which when exceeded Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
will result in harm or Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
damage are identified based Demonstration mask/shield, Ear muffs, Work Area
on threshold limit values Written
(TLV) examination
2.2 Effects of the hazards are suit, Anti-static suits
Writing materials
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns
and identified safety hazards
are reported to designated
personnel in accordance
with workplace
requirements and relevant
workplace OHS legislation
LO 3: Control hazards 3.1 Occupational Health and Self – paced : PPE: Lecture Room Observation
and Safety (OHS) procedures for Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
risks controlling hazards/risks in Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
workplace are consistently Demonstration Work Area
mask/shield, Ear muffs,
followed Written
Apron/Gown/coverall/jump examination
3.2 Procedures for dealing with suit, Anti-static suits
workplace accidents, fire
and emergencies are Writing materials
followed in accordance with
organization OHS policies

3.3 Personal protective

equipment (PPE) is correctly
used in accordance with
organization OHS
procedures and practices

3.4 Appropriate assistance is

provided in the event of a
workplace emergency in
accordance with established
organization protocol
LO 4: Maintain OHS 4.1 Emergency-related drills Self – paced : PPE: Lecture Room Observation
awareness and trainings are Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
participated in as per Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
established organization Demonstration Work Area

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guidelines and procedures mask/shield, Ear muffs, Written

Apron/Gown/coverall/jump examination
4.2 OHS personal records are suit, Anti-static suits
completed and updated in
accordance with workplace
Writing materials
LO 5: Perform basic first- 5.1 Situation is assessed in Self – paced : PPE: Lecture Room Observation
aid procedures accordance with accepted Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
practice Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
Demonstration Work Area
mask/shield, Ear muffs,
5.2 Basic first-aid techniques is Written
applied in accordance with Apron/Gown/coverall/jump examination
established first-aid suit, Anti-static suits
procedures and enterprise
policy Writing materials

5.3 Details of the incident is

communicated in a timely
manner according to
enterprise policy

Trainees Training Mode of Facilities, Tools and Assessment
Training Activity/ Task Staff Venue and
Requirements Training Equipment Arrangement
LO 1: Seek information 1.1 Sources of information on Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
on the industry the industry are correctly Lecture journals
identified and accessed Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
1.2 Information to assist Written
effective work examination
performance is obtained in
line with job requirements

1.3 Specific information on

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sector of work is accessed

and updated

1.4 Industry information is

correctly applied to day-to-
day work activities
LO 2: Update industry 2.1 Informal and/or formal Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
knowledge research is used to update Lecture journals
general knowledge of the Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
industry Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
2.2 Updated knowledge is examination
shared with customers and
colleagues as appropriate
and incorporated into day-
today working activities
LO 3: Develop and 3.1 Local knowledge is Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
update local knowledge developed to assist queries Lecture journals
on local/national tourism Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
industry Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
3.2 Local knowledge is updated examination
using informal and/or
formal research

3.3 Contact with local

communities is maintained
LO 4: Promote products 4.1 Promotional initiatives are Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
and services to described that may be used Lecture journals
customers to promote products and Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
services Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
4.2 Selling skills are applied examination
according to customer needs


LO 1: Follow hygiene 1.1 Workplace hygiene Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
procedures procedures are implemented Lecture journals
in line with enterprise and Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
legal requirements Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
Cleaning materials Written

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1.2 Handling and storage of Supply/Tool examination

items are undertaken in line Area
with enterprise and legal
LO 2: Identify and 2.1 Potential hygiene risks are Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
prevent hygiene risks identified in line with Lecture journals
enterprise procedures Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
2.2 Action to minimize and Cleaning materials Written
remove risks are taken Supply/Tool examination
within scope of individual Area
responsibility of

2.3 Hygiene risks beyond the

control of individual staff
members are reported to the
appropriate person for
follow up
LO 1: Plan and prepare 1.1 Requirements of task are Self – paced : Computer Lecture Room Observation
for task to be undertaken determined Lecture Internet
Discussion OHS Guidelines Computer Oral examination
1.2 Appropriate hardware and Demonstration Enterprise procedures Laboratory
software is selected Storage media Area Written
according to task assigned examination
and required outcome
1.3 Task is planned to ensure
OH & S guidelines and
procedures are followed
LO 2: Input data into 2.1 Data are entered into the Self – paced : Computer Lecture Room Observation
computer computer using appropriate Lecture Internet
program/application in Discussion OHS Guidelines Computer Oral examination
accordance with company Demonstration Enterprise procedures Laboratory
procedures Storage media Area Written
2.2 Accuracy of information is
checked and information is Demonstration
saved in accordance with
standard operating

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2.3 Inputted data are stored in

storage media according to

2.4 Work is performed within

ergonomic guidelines
LO 3: Access information 3.1 Correct Self – paced : Computer Lecture Room Observation
using computer program/application is Lecture Internet
selected based on job Discussion OHS Guidelines Computer Oral examination
requirements Demonstration Enterprise procedures Laboratory
Storage media Area Written
3.2 Program/application examination
containing the information
required is accessed Demonstration
according to company

3.3 Desktop icons are correctly

selected, opened and closed
for navigation purposes

3.4 Keyboard techniques are

carried out in line with OH &
S requirements for safe use
of keyboards
LO 4: Produce/output 4.1 Entered data are processed Self – paced : Computer Lecture Room Observation
data using computer using appropriate software Lecture Internet
system commands Discussion OHS Guidelines Computer Oral examination
Demonstration Enterprise procedures Laboratory
4.2 Data are printed out as Storage media Area Written
required using computer examination
devices in accordance with Demonstration
standard operating

4.3 Files and data are

transferred between
compatible systems using
computer software,

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hardware/ peripheral
devices in accordance with
standard operating
LO 5: Maintain computer 5.1 Systems for cleaning, minor Self – paced : Computer Lecture Room Observation
equipment and systems maintenance and Lecture Internet
replacement of consumables Discussion OHS Guidelines Computer Oral examination
are implemented Demonstration Enterprise procedures Laboratory
Storage media Area Written
5.2 Procedures for ensuring examination
security of data, including
regular back-ups and virus Demonstration
checks are implemented in
accordance with standard
operating procedures

5.3 Basic file maintenance

procedures are implemented
in line with the standards

5.4 Document systems are

LO 1: Follow workplace 1.1 Correct health, safety and Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
procedures for health, security procedures are Lecture security, health and Work Area
safety and security followed in line with Discussion emergency Oral examination
practices legislation, regulations and Demonstration Tools Area
enterprise procedures Available tools, equipment, Written
supplies and materials Supplies Area examination
1.2 Breaches of health, safety
and security procedures are
identified and reported in
line with enterprise

1.3 Suspicious behavior or

unusual occurrence are
reported in line with
enterprise procedure
LO 2:Perform child 2.1 Issue of sexual exploitation Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
protection duties of children is identified Lecture security, health and Work Area
relevant to the tourism Discussion emergency Oral examination

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industry 2.2 National, regional and Demonstration Tools Area

international actions are Available tools, equipment, Written
described to prevent the supplies and materials Supplies Area examination
sexual exploitation of

2.3 Actions that can be taken in

the workplace are described
to protect children from
sexual exploitation
LO 3: Observe and 3.1 Areas and people who Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
monitor require observation and Lecture security, health and Work Area
people monitoring is prepared Discussion emergency Oral examination
Demonstration Tools Area
3.2 Observation and monitoring Available tools, equipment, Written
activities are implemented supplies and materials Supplies Area examination

3.4 Apprehension of offenders

are determined
3.5 Offenders are arrested
according to enterprise

3.6 Administrative
responsibilities are fulfilled
LO 4: Deal with 4.1 Emergency and potential Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
emergency situations emergency situations are Lecture security, health and Work Area
recognized and appropriate Discussion emergency Oral examination
action are taken within Demonstration Tools Area
individual’s scope of Available tools, equipment, Written
responsibility supplies and materials Supplies Area examination

4.2 Emergency procedures are

followed in line with
enterprise procedures

4.3 Assistance is sought from

colleagues to resolve or
respond to emergency

4.4 Details of emergency

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situations are reported in line

with enterprise procedures
LO 5: Maintain safe 5.1 Safe personal standards are Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
personal presentation identified and followed in Lecture security, health and Work Area
standards line with enterprise Discussion emergency Oral examination
requirements Demonstration Tools Area
Available tools, equipment, Written
supplies and materials Supplies Area examination
LO 6: Maintain a safe 6.1 Workplace health, safety and Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
and secure workplace security responsibilities are Lecture security, health and Work Area
identified Discussion emergency Oral examination
Demonstration Tools Area
6.2 Framework to maintain Available tools, equipment, Written
workplace health, safety and supplies and materials Supplies Area examination
security are and maintained

6.3 Procedures for identifying or

assessing health, safety and
security hazards and risks
are implemented

6.4 Injuries, illnesses and

incidents are investigated

6.5 Organization's health, safety

and security effectiveness
are evaluated
LO 1: Greet customer 1.1 Customers are greeted Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
according to enterprise Lecture Technology Work Area
procedure Discussion May include: Oral examination
Demonstration telephone Assessment
1.2 Verbal and non-verbal fax machine area Written
communications are computer equipment Examination
appropriate to the given internet, email
situation Practical
1.3 Non-verbal communication
are observed when
responding to customers

1.4 Sensitivity to cultural and

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social differences is
LO 2: Identify needs of 2.1 Appropriate interpersonal Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
customers skills are used to ensure Lecture Technology Work Area
that customer needs are Discussion May include: Oral examination
accurately identified Demonstration telephone Assessment
fax machine area Written
2.2 Customer needs are computer equipment Examination
assessed for urgency so that internet, email
priority for service delivery Practical
can be identified Demonstration

2.3 Customers are provided with


2.4 Personal limitation in

addressing customer and
colleague needs is identified
and where appropriate,
assistance is sought from
LO 3: Deliver service to 3.1 Customer needs are Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
customer promptly attended to in line Lecture Technology Work Area
with enterprise procedure Discussion May include: Oral examination
Demonstration telephone Assessment
3.2 Appropriate rapport is fax machine area Written
maintained with customer to computer equipment Examination
enable high quality service internet, email
delivery Practical
3.3 Opportunity to enhance the
quality of service and
products are taken wherever
LO 4: Handle queries 4.1 Common business tools Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
through use of common and technology are used Lecture Technology Work Area
business tools and efficiently to determine Discussion May include: Oral examination
technology customer requirements Demonstration telephone Assessment
fax machine area Written
4.2 Queries/ information are computer equipment Examination
recorded in line with internet, email
enterprise procedure Practical

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4.3 Queries are acted upon
promptly and correctly in
line with enterprise
LO 5: Handle 5.1 Guests are greeted with a Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
complaints/ conflict smile and eye-to-eye contact Lecture Technology Work Area
situations, evaluation Discussion May include: Oral examination
and recommendations 5.2 Responsibility for resolving Demonstration telephone Assessment
the complaint is taken fax machine area Written
within limit of responsibility computer equipment Examination
and according to enterprise internet, email
policy Practical
5.3 Nature and details of Demonstration
complaint are established
and agreed with the

5.4 Threats to personal safety

are identified and managed
to personal safety of
customers or colleagues and
appropriate assistance is

5.5 Appropriate action is taken

to resolve the complaint to
the customers satisfaction
wherever possible

5.6 Conflict situations are

resolved within scope of
individual responsibility by
applying effective
communication skills and
according to enterprise
Trainees Training Mode of Facilities, Tools and Assessment
Training Activity/ Task Staff Venue and
Requirements Training Equipment Arrangement

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LO 1: Take table 1.1 Inquiries are answered Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
reservations promptly, clearly and Lecture May include: Work Area
accurately. Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
1.2 Pertinent questions are asked Video 3 Order slips area Written
to complete the details of Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
the reservations. 5 Condiments Tools and
6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
1.3 Reservations data are 7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
recorded on forms 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
accurately based on
establishment’s standards. Tableware
May include:
1.4 Details of the reservations Dinnerware/chinaware
are repeated back and 1 Cover/service plate
confirmed with the party 2 Dinner plate
making the reservation. 3 Entrée plate
4 Fish plate
1.5 Additional information about 5 Bread plate
the food service 6 Soup bowl/plate
establishment is provided 7 Cups and saucers
when necessary. Glassware
1 Stem wares
2 Footed wares
3 Tumblers
4 Mugs Silverware/Flatware
1 Dinner fork
2 Dinner spoon
3 Soup spoon
4 Butter knife/spreader
5 Steak knife
6 Fish Fork
7 Dessert fork
8 Teaspoon
1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots

Dining room/
Restaurant equipment

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1 Service tray stands

2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 2: Prepare service 2.1 Service or waiter’s stations Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
stations and equipment are stocked with supplies Lecture May include: Work Area
necessary for service. Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
2.2 All tableware and dining Video 3 Order slips area Written
room equipment are Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
cleaned, wiped and put in 5 Condiments Tools and
their proper places. 6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
2.3 Special tent cards and 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
similar special displays are
put up for promotion. Tableware
May include:
2.4 Cleanliness and condition of Dinnerware/chinaware
all tables, tableware and 1 Cover/service plate
dining room equipment are 2 Dinner plate
checked. 3 Entrée plate
4 Fish plate
2.5 Water pitchers and ice 5 Bread plate
buckets are filled. 6 Soup bowl/plate
7 Cups and saucers
2.6 Electrical appliance or Glassware
equipment like coffee pots, 1 Stem wares
tea pots, plate warmers etc. 2 Footed wares
in the dining area are turned 3 Tumblers
on and kept ready. 4 Mugs Silverware/Flatware
1 Dinner fork
2.7 Condiments and sauce 2 Dinner spoon
bottles are refilled and the 3 Soup spoon
necks and tops of the bottles 4 Butter knife/spreader
are wiped clean and dry. 5 Steak knife
6 Fish Fork
7 Dessert fork
8 Teaspoon

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1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots

Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Service tray stands
2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 3: Set up the tables in 3.1 Tables are set according to Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
the dining area the standards of the food Lecture May include: Work Area
service establishment. Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
3.2 In cases where the menu is Video 3 Order slips area Written
pre-arranged or fixed, covers Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
are set correctly according 5 Condiments Tools and
to the predetermined menu. 6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
3.3 Tableware and glassware 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
are wiped and polished
before they are set up on the Tableware
table. May include:
3.4 Cloth napkins are folded 1 Cover/service plate
properly and laid on the 2 Dinner plate
table appropriately 3 Entrée plate
according to napkin 4 Fish plate
folding style. 5 Bread plate
6 Soup bowl/plate
3.5 Buffet or display tables are 7 Cups and saucers
skirted properly taking into Glassware
account symmetry, balance 1 Stem wares
and harmony in size and 2 Footed wares
design. 3 Tumblers
4 Mugs Silverware/Flatware
1 Dinner fork
2 Dinner spoon

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3 Soup spoon
4 Butter knife/spreader
5 Steak knife
6 Fish Fork
7 Dessert fork
8 Teaspoon
1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots

Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Service tray stands
2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 4: Set the mood/ 4.1 Lights are adjusted Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
ambiance of the dining according to time of the day. Lecture May include: Work Area
area Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
4.2 Tables, chairs and other Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
dining room furniture are Video 3 Order slips area Written
arranged to ensure comfort Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
and convenience of the 5 Condiments Tools and
guests. 6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
4.3 Appropriate music is played 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
when applicable
4.4 Floors/carpets are cleaned May include:
and made sure are dry. Dinnerware/chinaware
1 Cover/service plate
4.5 Air-condition or cooling 2 Dinner plate
units are adjusted for the 3 Entrée plate
comfort of the guests 4 Fish plate
5 Bread plate
4.6 Decorations are set-up 6 Soup bowl/plate
according to theme or 7 Cups and saucers

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concept of the dining room. Glassware

1 Stem wares
2 Footed wares
3 Tumblers
4 Mugs Silverware/Flatware
1 Dinner fork
2 Dinner spoon
3 Soup spoon
4 Butter knife/spreader
5 Steak knife
6 Fish Fork
7 Dessert fork
8 Teaspoon
1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots

Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Service tray stands
2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 1: Welcome and greet 1.1 Guests are acknowledged as Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
guests soon as they arrive. Lecture May include: Work Area
Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
1.2 Guests are greeted with an Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
appropriate welcome. Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
1.3 Details of reservations are Tools and
checked based on established Work technology supply Area Practical
standard policy. May include: Demonstration
3.1 POS
3.2 Electronic tablet order


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Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
LO 2: Seat the guests 2.1 Guests are escorted and Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
seated according to table Lecture May include: Work Area
allocations Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
2.2 Tables are utilized according Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
to the number of party. Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
Tools and
2.3 Guests are seated evenly Work technology supply Area Practical
among stations to control May include: Demonstration
the traffic flow of guests in 3.1 POS
the dining room. 3.2 Electronic tablet order
2.4 Cloth napkins are opened for
the guests when applicable. Tables
2.5 Water is served when Tableware
applicable, according to the Glassware
standards of the foodservice Silverware/Flatware
facility. Holloware
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
LO 3: Take food and 3.1 Guests are presented with Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
beverage orders the menu according to Lecture May include: Work Area
established standard Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
practice. Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
3.2 Orders are taken Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
completely in accordance Tools and
with the establishment’s Work technology supply Area Practical
standard procedures. May include: Demonstration
3.1 POS
3.3 Special requests and 3.2 Electronic tablet order
requirements are noted
accurately. Tables
3.4 Orders are repeated back to

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the guests to confirm items. Tableware

3.5 Tableware and cutlery Silverware/Flatware
appropriate for the menu Holloware
choices are provided and Dining room/
adjusted in accordance with Restaurant equipment
establishment procedures.
LO 4: Liaise between 4.1 Orders are placed and sent Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
kitchen and service areas to the kitchen promptly. Lecture May include: Work Area
Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
4.2 Quality of food is checked in Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
accordance with Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
establishment standards Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
Tools and
4.3 Tableware is checked for Work technology supply Area Practical
chips, marks, cleanliness, May include: Demonstration
spills, and drips 3.1 POS
3.2 Electronic tablet order
4.4 Plates and/or trays are
carried out safely. Tables
4.5 Colleagues are advised Tableware
promptly regarding Glassware
readiness of items for service Silverware/Flatware
4.6 Information about special Dining room/
requests, dietary or cultural Restaurant equipment
requirements is relayed
accurately to kitchen where

4.7 Work technology are

observed according to
establishment standard
policy and procedures
LO 1: Know the product 1.1 Names and pronunciations of Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
dishes in the menu are Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
mastered. Discussion Tables Oral examination
Demonstration Chairs Assessment
1.2 Ingredients of dishes are Video Tableware area Written
memorized. Presentation Examination

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Glassware Tools and

1.3 Sauces and accompaniments Silverware/Flatware supply Area Practical
are known by heart. Holloware Demonstration
Dining room/
1.4 Descriptions of every item in Restaurant equipment
the menu are studied.

1.5 Common food allergens are

mastered to prevent serious
health consequences.
LO 2: Undertake 2.1 Information about the Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
Suggestive selling food items are provided in Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
clear explanations and Discussion Tables Oral examination
descriptions. Demonstration Chairs Assessment
Video Tableware area Written
2.2 Items on specials or Presentation Glassware Examination
promos are offered to assist Silverware/Flatware Tools and
guests with food and Holloware supply Area Practical
beverage selections. Dining room/ Demonstration
Restaurant equipment
2.3 Name of specific menu items
are suggested to guests
rather than just mentioning
the general categories in
the menu to help them
make the choice and know
what they want.

2.4 Standard food and

beverage pairings are

2.5 Several choices are given to

provide more options to

2.6 Descriptive words are used

while explaining the dishes
to make it more tempting
and appetizing.

2.7 Suggestive selling is carried

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out discreetly so as not to be

too pushy or too aggressive.
LO 3: Carry out Upselling 3.1 Slow moving but highly Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
strategies profitable items are Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
suggested to increase guest Discussion Tables Oral examination
check. Demonstration Chairs Assessment
Video Tableware area Written
3.2 Second servings of items Presentation Glassware Examination
ordered are offered. Silverware/Flatware Tools and
Holloware supply Area Practical
3.3 Food portion or size is Dining room/ Demonstration
mentioned for possible Restaurant equipment
adjustments with the orders.

3.4 New items are recommended

to regular guests to
encourage them to try other
items in the menu.
LO 1: Serve food orders 1.1 Food orders are picked up Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
promptly from service areas. Lecture Chairs Work Area
Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
1.2 Food orders are checked for Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
presentation and appropriate Video flatware, hollowware area Written
garnish and Presentation Examination
accompaniments. Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
supply Area Practical
1.3 Food orders are served to the Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration
guests who ordered them. wine opener)

1.4 Food orders are served and Dining room/restaurant

cleared with minimal equipment e.g Coffee pots.
disturbance to the other dumbwaiter (stand)
guests and in accordance to
hygienic requirements.

1.5 Food orders are served in

accordance with the
enterprise serving style

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1.6 Name of the dish or order is

mentioned upon serving the

1.7 Sequence of service and

meal delivery is monitored in
accordance with enterprise
LO 2: Assist the diners 2.1 Additional requests or needs Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
of the guests are anticipated. Lecture Chairs Work Area
Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
2.2 Additional food and Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
beverage are offered and Video flatware, hollowware area Written
served at the appropriate Presentation Examination
times. Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
supply Area Practical
2.3 Necessary condiments and Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration
appropriate tableware are wine opener)
provided based on the food
order. Dining room/restaurant
equipment e.g Coffee pots.
2.4 Delays or deficiencies in dumbwaiter (stand)
service are recognized and
followed up promptly based
on enterprise policy.

2.5 The “3-minute check” is

conducted to check guest ‘s

2.6 Children and guests with

special needs are treated
with extra attention and
LO 3: Perform banquet or 3.1 Service ware are prepared Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
catering food service and checked for ad of time. Lecture Chairs Work Area
Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
3.2 Tables and chairs are set up Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
in accordance with the event Video flatware, hollowware area Written
requirements. Presentation Examination
Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
3.3 Food is served according to supply Area Practical

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general service principles. Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration

wine opener)
3.4 Food is handled based on
food safety procedures. Dining room/restaurant
3.5 Coordinated service of meal equipment e.g Coffee pots.
courses is ensured. dumbwaiter (stand)

3.6 Assigned areas are kept

clean in accordance with
enterprise procedures.

3.7 Tables are cleared and soiled

dishes prepared to be
brought for dishwashing
after the event or function,

3.8 Number of guests being

served is noted and
LO 4: Serve Beverage 4.1 Beverage orders are picked Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
Orders up promptly from the bar. Lecture Chairs Work Area
Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
4.2 Beverage orders are checked Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
for presentation and Video flatware, hollowware area Written
appropriate garnishes. Presentation Examination
Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
4.3 Beverages are served at supply Area Practical
appropriate times during Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration
meal. wine opener)

4.4 Beverages are served Dining room/restaurant

efficiently according to equipment e.g Coffee pots.
established standards of dumbwaiter (stand)

4.5 Beverages are served at the

right temperature.

4.6 For full bottle wine orders,

wine is opened efficiently
with minimal disturbance to
the other guests.

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4.7 Wine service is carried out

in accordance with
establishment procedures.

4.8 Coffee and/or tea service is

carried out in accordance
with establishment
LO 5: Process payments 5.1 Bills are prepare and Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
and receipts processed accurately in Lecture Chairs Work Area
coordination with cashier. Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
5.2 Amount due is verified with Video flatware, hollowware area Written
customer. Presentation Examination
Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
5.3 Cash and non-cash supply Area Practical
payments are accepted and Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration
receipts are issued. wine opener)

5.4 Change is given as required. Dining room/restaurant

equipment e.g Coffee pots.
5.5 Required documentation is dumbwaiter (stand)
completed in accordance
with enterprise policy.
LO 6: Conclude food 6.1 Soiled dishes are removed Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
service and close down when guests are finished Lecture Chairs Work Area
dining area with the meal. Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
6.2 Food scraps are handled in Video flatware, hollowware area Written
accordance with hygiene Presentation Examination
regulations and enterprise Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
procedures. supply Area Practical
Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration
6.3 Equipment are cleaned and wine opener)
stored in accordance with
hygiene regulations and Dining room/restaurant
enterprise procedures. equipment e.g Coffee pots.
dumbwaiter (stand)
6.4 Tables are cleared, reset and
made ready for the next
sitting when guests are

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finished with the meal.

6.5 Guests are thanked and

given a warm farewell.

6.6 Electrical equipments are

turned off where
LO 7: Manage 7.1 Levels of intoxication of Self – paced : Tables Practical Observation
Intoxicated persons customers are determined Lecture Chairs Work Area
Discussion Different kinds of tableware: Oral examination
7.2 Difficult situations are Demonstration dinnerware, glassware, Assessment
referred to an appropriate Video flatware, hollowware area Written
person Presentation Examination
Wines (unopened bottles) Tools and
7.3 Appropriate procedures are supply Area Practical
applied to the situation and Bar tools (e.g. Cork screw or Demonstration
in accordance with wine opener)
enterprise policy
Dining room/restaurant
7.4 Legislative requirements are equipment e.g Coffee pots.
applied dumbwaiter (stand)
LO 1: Take and process 1.1 Telephone call is answered Self – paced : Room service Practical Observation
room service orders promptly and courteously in Lecture equipment and Work Area
accordance with customer Discussion supplies Oral examination
service standards. Demonstration May include: Assessment
Video 1 Trays and trolleys area Written
1.2 Guests’ name is checked and Presentation 2 Toasters Examination
used throughout the 3 Tableware and Tools and
interaction appointments supply Area Practical
4 Warming equipment Demonstration
1.3 Details of orders are clarified, 5 Linen
repeated and checked with 6 Printed material
guests for accuracy
Set-ups for room
1.4 Suggestive selling techniques service trays and or
are used. trolleys
May include:
1.5 Guests are advised of 1 Butters
approximate time of delivery 2 Condiments
3 Cutlery

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1.6 Relevant information are 4 Glassware

recorded and checked in 5 Beverages
accordance with 6 Linen
establishment policy and

1.7 Room service orders received

from doorknob dockets are
interpreted accurately.

1.8 Orders are promptly

transferred and relayed to
appropriate location for
LO 2: Set up trays and 2.1 Room service equipment Self – paced : Room service Practical Observation
trolleys and supplies are prepared Lecture equipment and Work Area
in accordance with Discussion supplies Oral examination
establishment procedures. Demonstration May include: Assessment
Video 1 Trays and trolleys area Written
2.2 Proper room service Presentation 2 Toasters Examination
equipment and supplies are 3 Tableware and Tools and
selected and checked for appointments supply Area Practical
cleanliness and condition. 4 Warming equipment Demonstration
5 Linen
2.3 Trays and trolleys are set up 6 Printed material
keeping in mind balance,
safety and attractiveness. Set-ups for room
service trays and or
2.4 Room service trays or trolleys
trolleys are set up May include:
according to the food and 1 Butters
beverage ordered 2 Condiments
3 Cutlery
2.5 Orders are checked before 4 Glassware
leaving the kitchen for 5 Beverages
delivery. 6 Linen

2.6 Food items are covered

during transportation to the
LO 3: Present and serve 3.1 The guest’s name is verified Self – paced : Room service Practical Observation
food and beverage orders on the bill before Lecture equipment and Work Area

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to guests announcing the staff’s Discussion supplies Oral examination

presence outside the door. Demonstration May include: Assessment
Video 1 Trays and trolleys area Written
3.2 Guests are greeted politely in Presentation 2 Toasters Examination
accordance with the with 3 Tableware and Tools and
establishment’s service appointments supply Area Practical
procedures. 4 Warming equipment Demonstration
5 Linen
3.3 Guests are asked where they 6 Printed material
want the tray or trolley
positioned. Set-ups for room
service trays and or
3.4 Food orders are delivered on trolleys
the time desired by the May include:
guest. 1 Butters
2 Condiments
3 Cutlery
4 Glassware
5 Beverages
6 Linen
LO 4: Present room 4.1 Guests’ accounts are checked Self – paced : Room service Practical Observation
service for accuracy and presented Lecture equipment and Work Area
account in accordance with Discussion supplies Oral examination
establishment procedures Demonstration May include: Assessment
Video 1 Trays and trolleys area Written
4.2 Cash payments are Presentation 2 Toasters Examination
acknowledged and then 3 Tableware and Tools and
presented to the cashier for appointments supply Area Practical
processing in accordance 4 Warming equipment Demonstration
with establishment 5 Linen
guidelines 6 Printed material

4.3 For charge accounts, guests Set-ups for room

are asked to sign the bills. service trays and or
May include:
1 Butters
2 Condiments
3 Cutlery
4 Glassware
5 Beverages
6 Linen

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LO 5: Clear away room 5.1 Procedure to take away the Self – paced : Room service Practical Observation
service equipment tray or trolley when the Lecture equipment and Work Area
guests have finished their Discussion supplies Oral examination
meal is explained. Demonstration May include: Assessment
Video 1 Trays and trolleys area Written
5.2 Floors are checked and Presentation 2 Toasters Examination
cleared in accordance with 3 Tableware and Tools and
establishment policy and appointments supply Area Practical
guidelines. 4 Warming equipment Demonstration
5 Linen
5.3 Dirty trays are cleared in 6 Printed material
accordance with the
establishment’s procedure. Set-ups for room
service trays and or
5.4 Trays and trolleys are trolleys
cleaned and returned to the May include:
room service area. 1 Butters
2 Condiments
3 Cutlery
4 Glassware
5 Beverages
6 Linen
LO 1: Listen to the 1.1 The entire story or issue of Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
complaint concern is obtained from the Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
guest without interruption. Discussion Tables Oral examination
Demonstration Chairs Assessment
1.2 Details of the guest Video Tableware area Written
complaint or concern are Presentation Glassware Examination
noted. Silverware/Flatware Tools and
Holloware supply Area Practical
1.3 Full attention is given to the Dining room/ Demonstration
complaining guest. Restaurant equipment
1.4 Guest complaint is
paraphrased to determine if
the concern is correctly
LO 2: Apologize to the 2.1 Sincere apology is offered for Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
guest the disservice. Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
Discussion Tables Oral examination
2.2 Empathy is shown to the Demonstration Chairs Assessment

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guest to show genuine Video Tableware area Written

concern and consideration. Presentation Glassware Examination
Silverware/Flatware Tools and
2.3 Excuses or blaming others Holloware supply Area Practical
are avoided. Dining room/ Demonstration
Restaurant equipment
2.4 Gratitude is expressed to the
guest for bringing the
matter up for attention.
LO 3: Take proper action 2.1 Appropriate action is taken Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
on the complaint regarding guest’s concerns. Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
Discussion Tables Oral examination
3.3 The right person or Demonstration Chairs Assessment
department who can solve Video Tableware area Written
the problem is informed for Presentation Glassware Examination
proper action. Silverware/Flatware Tools and
Holloware supply Area Practical
3.4 Difficult situations or serious Dining room/ Demonstration
concerns are elevated or Restaurant equipment
referred to higher authority.

3.5 Problem is followed-up to

check whether it solved or
LO 4: Record complaint 4.1 Complaints are documented Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
according to the Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
establishment standard Discussion Tables Oral examination
procedures Demonstration Chairs Assessment
Video Tableware area Written
4.2 Persons concerned are Presentation Glassware Examination
recognized and actions Silverware/Flatware Tools and
taken are recorded. Holloware supply Area Practical
Dining room/ Demonstration
4.3 Feedback received from Restaurant equipment
guests is logged and collated.


2014 Regional KABALIKAT Awardee – Institution Category
TESDA Accredited Training Center
2F CISCHO Bldg., Mabolo-Delgado St., Iloilo City
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]

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Contact # (033) 508-6714/+63910-795-2226


Qualification: Food and Beverage Services NC II


2014 Regional KABALIKAT Awardee – Institution Category
TESDA Accredited Training Center
2F CISCHO Bldg., Mabolo-Delgado St., Iloilo City

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Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
Contact # (033) 508-6714/+63910-795-2226


Qualification: Cookery NC II


2014 Regional KABALIKAT Awardee – Institution Category
TESDA Accredited Training Center

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2F CISCHO Bldg., Mabolo-Delgado St., Iloilo City

Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
Contact # (033) 508-6714/+63910-795-2226


Qualification: Bread and Pastry Production NC II

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