Training Plan Fbs
Training Plan Fbs
Training Plan Fbs
Trainees Training Mode of Facilities, Tools and Assessment
Training Activity/ Task Staff Venue and
Requirements Training Equipment Arrangement
LO 1: Obtain and convey 1.1 Specific and relevant Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
workplace information information is accessed from Lecture Telephone
appropriate sources Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
1.2 Effective questioning , active
listening and speaking skills Computer Lab Performance test
are used to gather and Area
convey information
LO2: Speak English at a 2.1 Simple conversations on is Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
basic operational level participated Lecture Telephone
Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
2.2 Simple familiar topics with Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
work colleagues verbal
instructions or requests are Computer Lab Performance test
responded to Area
LO 4: Complete relevant 4.1 Range of forms relating to Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
work related documents conditions of employment are Lecture Telephone
completed accurately and Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
legibly Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
to ensure achievement of
team goals
LO 5: Work in socially 5.1 Customers and colleagues Self – paced : Fax machine Lecture Room Oral examination
diverse environment from diverse backgrounds Lecture Telephone
are communicated with, in Discussion Writing materials Practical Written
all verbal and non-verbal Demonstration Internet Work Area examination
and risks limits which when exceeded Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
will result in harm or Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
damage are identified based Demonstration mask/shield, Ear muffs, Work Area
on threshold limit values Written
(TLV) examination
2.2 Effects of the hazards are suit, Anti-static suits
Writing materials
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns
and identified safety hazards
are reported to designated
personnel in accordance
with workplace
requirements and relevant
workplace OHS legislation
LO 3: Control hazards 3.1 Occupational Health and Self – paced : PPE: Lecture Room Observation
and Safety (OHS) procedures for Lecture Mask, Gloves, Goggles,
risks controlling hazards/risks in Discussion Hair Net/cap/bonnet , Face Practical Oral examination
workplace are consistently Demonstration Work Area
mask/shield, Ear muffs,
followed Written
Apron/Gown/coverall/jump examination
3.2 Procedures for dealing with suit, Anti-static suits
workplace accidents, fire
and emergencies are Writing materials
followed in accordance with
organization OHS policies
Trainees Training Mode of Facilities, Tools and Assessment
Training Activity/ Task Staff Venue and
Requirements Training Equipment Arrangement
LO 1: Seek information 1.1 Sources of information on Self – paced : Reference books, media, Lecture Room Observation
on the industry the industry are correctly Lecture journals
identified and accessed Discussion Internet Practical Oral examination
Demonstration Writing materials Work Area
1.2 Information to assist Written
effective work examination
performance is obtained in
line with job requirements
hardware/ peripheral
devices in accordance with
standard operating
LO 5: Maintain computer 5.1 Systems for cleaning, minor Self – paced : Computer Lecture Room Observation
equipment and systems maintenance and Lecture Internet
replacement of consumables Discussion OHS Guidelines Computer Oral examination
are implemented Demonstration Enterprise procedures Laboratory
Storage media Area Written
5.2 Procedures for ensuring examination
security of data, including
regular back-ups and virus Demonstration
checks are implemented in
accordance with standard
operating procedures
3.6 Administrative
responsibilities are fulfilled
LO 4: Deal with 4.1 Emergency and potential Self – paced : Procedures Manual on safety, Practical Observation
emergency situations emergency situations are Lecture security, health and Work Area
recognized and appropriate Discussion emergency Oral examination
action are taken within Demonstration Tools Area
individual’s scope of Available tools, equipment, Written
responsibility supplies and materials Supplies Area examination
social differences is
LO 2: Identify needs of 2.1 Appropriate interpersonal Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
customers skills are used to ensure Lecture Technology Work Area
that customer needs are Discussion May include: Oral examination
accurately identified Demonstration telephone Assessment
fax machine area Written
2.2 Customer needs are computer equipment Examination
assessed for urgency so that internet, email
priority for service delivery Practical
can be identified Demonstration
4.3 Queries are acted upon
promptly and correctly in
line with enterprise
LO 5: Handle 5.1 Guests are greeted with a Self – paced : Business tools and Practical Observation
complaints/ conflict smile and eye-to-eye contact Lecture Technology Work Area
situations, evaluation Discussion May include: Oral examination
and recommendations 5.2 Responsibility for resolving Demonstration telephone Assessment
the complaint is taken fax machine area Written
within limit of responsibility computer equipment Examination
and according to enterprise internet, email
policy Practical
5.3 Nature and details of Demonstration
complaint are established
and agreed with the
LO 1: Take table 1.1 Inquiries are answered Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
reservations promptly, clearly and Lecture May include: Work Area
accurately. Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
1.2 Pertinent questions are asked Video 3 Order slips area Written
to complete the details of Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
the reservations. 5 Condiments Tools and
6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
1.3 Reservations data are 7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
recorded on forms 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
accurately based on
establishment’s standards. Tableware
May include:
1.4 Details of the reservations Dinnerware/chinaware
are repeated back and 1 Cover/service plate
confirmed with the party 2 Dinner plate
making the reservation. 3 Entrée plate
4 Fish plate
1.5 Additional information about 5 Bread plate
the food service 6 Soup bowl/plate
establishment is provided 7 Cups and saucers
when necessary. Glassware
1 Stem wares
2 Footed wares
3 Tumblers
4 Mugs Silverware/Flatware
1 Dinner fork
2 Dinner spoon
3 Soup spoon
4 Butter knife/spreader
5 Steak knife
6 Fish Fork
7 Dessert fork
8 Teaspoon
1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Service tray stands
2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 3: Set up the tables in 3.1 Tables are set according to Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
the dining area the standards of the food Lecture May include: Work Area
service establishment. Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
3.2 In cases where the menu is Video 3 Order slips area Written
pre-arranged or fixed, covers Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
are set correctly according 5 Condiments Tools and
to the predetermined menu. 6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
3.3 Tableware and glassware 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
are wiped and polished
before they are set up on the Tableware
table. May include:
3.4 Cloth napkins are folded 1 Cover/service plate
properly and laid on the 2 Dinner plate
table appropriately 3 Entrée plate
according to napkin 4 Fish plate
folding style. 5 Bread plate
6 Soup bowl/plate
3.5 Buffet or display tables are 7 Cups and saucers
skirted properly taking into Glassware
account symmetry, balance 1 Stem wares
and harmony in size and 2 Footed wares
design. 3 Tumblers
4 Mugs Silverware/Flatware
1 Dinner fork
2 Dinner spoon
3 Soup spoon
4 Butter knife/spreader
5 Steak knife
6 Fish Fork
7 Dessert fork
8 Teaspoon
1 Soup tureen
2 Platters
3 Coffeepots
4 Teapots
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Service tray stands
2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 4: Set the mood/ 4.1 Lights are adjusted Self – paced : Supplies Practical Observation
ambiance of the dining according to time of the day. Lecture May include: Work Area
area Discussion 1 Napkins Oral examination
4.2 Tables, chairs and other Demonstration 2 Menu folders Assessment
dining room furniture are Video 3 Order slips area Written
arranged to ensure comfort Presentation 4 Wine list Examination
and convenience of the 5 Condiments Tools and
guests. 6 Toothpicks supply Area Practical
7 Table cloth/Placemats Demonstration
4.3 Appropriate music is played 8 Salt and Pepper shakers
when applicable
4.4 Floors/carpets are cleaned May include:
and made sure are dry. Dinnerware/chinaware
1 Cover/service plate
4.5 Air-condition or cooling 2 Dinner plate
units are adjusted for the 3 Entrée plate
comfort of the guests 4 Fish plate
5 Bread plate
4.6 Decorations are set-up 6 Soup bowl/plate
according to theme or 7 Cups and saucers
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
1 Service tray stands
2 Gueridon
3 Cake display
4 Refrigerators/Chillers
5 Coffee makers/machines
6 Point Of Sales (POS)
7 Wine service equipment
LO 1: Welcome and greet 1.1 Guests are acknowledged as Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
guests soon as they arrive. Lecture May include: Work Area
Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
1.2 Guests are greeted with an Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
appropriate welcome. Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
1.3 Details of reservations are Tools and
checked based on established Work technology supply Area Practical
standard policy. May include: Demonstration
3.1 POS
3.2 Electronic tablet order
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
LO 2: Seat the guests 2.1 Guests are escorted and Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
seated according to table Lecture May include: Work Area
allocations Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
2.2 Tables are utilized according Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
to the number of party. Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
Tools and
2.3 Guests are seated evenly Work technology supply Area Practical
among stations to control May include: Demonstration
the traffic flow of guests in 3.1 POS
the dining room. 3.2 Electronic tablet order
2.4 Cloth napkins are opened for
the guests when applicable. Tables
2.5 Water is served when Tableware
applicable, according to the Glassware
standards of the foodservice Silverware/Flatware
facility. Holloware
Dining room/
Restaurant equipment
LO 3: Take food and 3.1 Guests are presented with Self – paced : Ordering systems Practical Observation
beverage orders the menu according to Lecture May include: Work Area
established standard Discussion 1 Docket system Oral examination
practice. Demonstration 2 Checklist Assessment
Video 3 Blank order slips area Written
3.2 Orders are taken Presentation 4 Touchscreen POS system Examination
completely in accordance Tools and
with the establishment’s Work technology supply Area Practical
standard procedures. May include: Demonstration
3.1 POS
3.3 Special requests and 3.2 Electronic tablet order
requirements are noted
accurately. Tables
3.4 Orders are repeated back to
LO 5: Clear away room 5.1 Procedure to take away the Self – paced : Room service Practical Observation
service equipment tray or trolley when the Lecture equipment and Work Area
guests have finished their Discussion supplies Oral examination
meal is explained. Demonstration May include: Assessment
Video 1 Trays and trolleys area Written
5.2 Floors are checked and Presentation 2 Toasters Examination
cleared in accordance with 3 Tableware and Tools and
establishment policy and appointments supply Area Practical
guidelines. 4 Warming equipment Demonstration
5 Linen
5.3 Dirty trays are cleared in 6 Printed material
accordance with the
establishment’s procedure. Set-ups for room
service trays and or
5.4 Trays and trolleys are trolleys
cleaned and returned to the May include:
room service area. 1 Butters
2 Condiments
3 Cutlery
4 Glassware
5 Beverages
6 Linen
LO 1: Listen to the 1.1 The entire story or issue of Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
complaint concern is obtained from the Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
guest without interruption. Discussion Tables Oral examination
Demonstration Chairs Assessment
1.2 Details of the guest Video Tableware area Written
complaint or concern are Presentation Glassware Examination
noted. Silverware/Flatware Tools and
Holloware supply Area Practical
1.3 Full attention is given to the Dining room/ Demonstration
complaining guest. Restaurant equipment
1.4 Guest complaint is
paraphrased to determine if
the concern is correctly
LO 2: Apologize to the 2.1 Sincere apology is offered for Self – paced : Menu Practical Observation
guest the disservice. Lecture Order taking systems Work Area
Discussion Tables Oral examination
2.2 Empathy is shown to the Demonstration Chairs Assessment
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Contact # (033) 508-6714/+63910-795-2226
Qualification: Cookery NC II