Training Plan EIM NC2
Training Plan EIM NC2
Training Plan EIM NC2
Course Description:
To complete the course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be
3. Practice career 3.1 Integrate personal Describe performance evaluation Group 2 Hours
professionalism objectives with Oral evaluation
o Work values and ethics (Code Written
of Conduct, Code of Ethics, examination
o Understanding personal objectives
o Understanding organizational goals
Demonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills
at work
Demonstration Observation
Demonstrate personal commitment in work
3.2 Set and meet Describe company policies, operations, Group 2 Hours
work priorities procedures and standards Oral evaluation
o Time Management
o Basic strategic planning concepts Lecture
o Resource utilization and management
4. Practice 4.1 Identify hazard Describe OHS procedures, practices Group 1 hour
occupational and risks and regulations Oral evaluation
health and Read
o OHS indicators
o Organizational contingency practices Lecture
Practice hazards/risks identification and
4.2 Evaluate hazard Group 1 hour
and risks Describe effects of safety hazards Oral evaluation
Read Written
o Threshold Limit Value –TLV examination
Practice reporting safety hazards
Role play Observation
Demonstrate evaluating hazards and
risks using communication equipment Demonstration Observation
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
4.3 Control hazards Describe : 1 hour
and risks o Organization safety and health protocol Group
Oral evaluation
o Company emergency procedure practices
Practice personal hygiene Demonstration Observation
1.3 Use appropriate Safety requirements in using electronics hand tools Lecture / Written/Oral 2 hours
hand tools and and test equipment Demonstration examination
test equipment. Familiarizing usage of electrical/electronic hand tools Distance Practical
for adjusting, dismantling, assembling, finishing, and education demonstration
cutting Film Showing
Processes, Operations, Systems
o Proper usage and care of hand tools
o Types and uses of test equipment
Identification of common faults in the use of hand tools
Applying safety handling of hand tools and test equipment
Using appropriate hand tools and test equipment for
the job requirement
1.4 Maintain hand Safety requirements in maintenance of hand tools Lecture / Written/Oral 1 hours
tools Processes, Operations, Systems Demonstration examination
o Maintenance of tools Distance Practical
o Storage of hand tools education demonstration
Procedures in maintaining hand tools Film Showing
Applying 5S principles in maintenance of hand tools
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
2. Perform 2.1 Select Types of measuring tools and its uses Self- Written/Oral 1 hours
Mensurations measuring Selecting measuring instruments paced/ examination
and instruments; modular Practical
Calculation Demonstration demonstration
Small group
2.2 Carry-out Measurements Self- Written/Oral 2 hours
measurements o Linear measurement paced/ examination
and calculations o Geometrical measurement modular Practical
Calculations Demonstration demonstration
o Trade Mathematics Small group
o Unit conversion discussion
o Ratio and proportion
o Area
Interpreting formulas for volume, areas, perimeters
of plane and geometric figures
Performing measurement
Computing measurement formulas
2.3 Maintain Safe handling procedures in using measuring instruments Self- Written/Oral 1 hours
measuring Procedures on maintenance of measuring instruments paced/ examination
instruments Handling and maintaining measuring instruments modular Practical
Demonstration demonstration
Small group
3. Prepare and 3.1 Identify different Types of technical drawings Lecture Written /oral 1 hours
Interpret kinds of Technical drawing applications demonstration examinations
Technical technical Mark up/Notation of Drawings Film Viewing Direct observation
Drawing drawings Identifying type of drawing Individualized Project method
Evaluating mark-up/ notation of drawings Learning interview
Interpreting signs and symbols
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
3.2 Interpret Blueprint Reading and Plan Specification Lecture Written /oral 1 hours
technical Electrical/Electronic symbols and abbreviations demonstration examinations
drawing Trade Theory Film Viewing Direct observation
o Types of electrical/electronic product plans Individualized Project method
o Notes and specifications Learning Interview
Interpreting technical drawing and plans Direct Student
for electrical/electronics Laboratory
Matching specification details with existing resources Experience
3.3 Prepare/ make Freehand sketching techniques Lecture Written /oral 2 hours
changes to Pictorial drawing demonstration examinations
electrical/ Drawing conventions Film Viewing Direct observation
electronic Dimensioning conventions Individualized Project method
schematics and Mathematics Learning Interview
drawings o Four fundamental operations Direct Student
o Percentage Laboratory
o Fraction Experience
o Algebra
o Geometry
Sketching drawings and plans
Sketching pictures
Computing formulas
Using drawing instruments
3.4 Store technical Effective ways to catalogue and store technical drawings Lecture Written /oral 1 hours
drawings and Manual methods of handling, storing and demonstration examinations
equipment/ maintaining paper drawings Film Viewing Direct observation
instruments Storing drawing in digital forms Project method
o Scanner Individualized Interview
o CAD Learning
Handling and storing of drawings Direct Student
scanning and storing drawings in digital form Laboratory
Handling and storing drawing instruments Experience
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
4. Apply 4.1 Assess quality Relevant production processes, materials and products Field trip Written test 1 hours
Quality of received Characteristics of materials, software and hardware Symposium Demonstration &
Standards materials used in production processes Video clips questioning
Quality checking procedures Simulation/ Role Observation &
Quality Workplace procedures playing questioning
Identification of faulty materials On the
Checking quality of materials or component parts as job
per manufacturer’s standards training
Interpreting specifications or symbols
4.2 Assess own Safety and environmental aspects of production processes Field trip Demonstration & 2 hours
work Fault identification and reporting Symposium questioning
Workplace procedure in documenting completed work Film showing Observation &
Workplace Quality Indicators Simulation questioning
Observing safety and environmental aspects of On the Third party report
production processes job
Preparing technical reports training
Performing procedures in the workplace
4.3 Engage in Quality improvement processes Field trip Demonstration & 2 hours
quality IEC/ISO standards Symposium questioning
improvement Environmental and safety standards Film showing Observation &
Implementing continuous improvement Simulation questioning
On the Third party report
5. Terminate 5.1 Plan and Use of hand tools and test instruments / equipment Film Viewing Demonstration 1 hour
and Connect prepare for Basic Electrical theory and application Individualized and Questioning
Electrical termination/ OH & S guidelines and procedures Learning Assessment of
wiring and connection of Basic electrical and electronic devices Direct Student Output Product
Electronic electrical wiring/ Preparing hand tools and test equipment for termination Laboratory
Circuit electronics Preparing electrical/electronic materials for termination Experience
circuits On the
Project Method
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
5.2 Terminate/ Electrical wirings Film Viewing Demonstration 2 hours
connect o Wiring techniques Individualized and Questioning
electrical o OH & S principles Learning Assessment of
wirings/ o Specifications and methods for terminating Direct Student Output Product
electronic different materials Laboratory
circuits Electronics circuits Experience
o Soldering techniques and procedures On the
o OH & S principles Job
o Surface mount soldering techniques Training
o Use of lead-free soldering technology Project Method
Performing different types of splices
Perform soldering techniques and procedures
5.3 Test Use of diagnostic equipment Film Viewing Demonstration 2 hours
termination/ Continuity testing and grounding Individualized and Questioning
connections of o Electrical Learning Assessment of
electrical wiring/ o Electronics Direct Student Output Product
electronics Functionality test Laboratory
circuits o Electrical Experience
o Electronics On the
Performing continuity test Job
Performing functionality test Training
Project Method
(154 Hours)
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1. Perform roughing- 1.1 Install Interpret electrical wiring diagrams Lecture Written test 16 hours
in, wiring and electrical and mechanical drawings Demonstration or
cabling works for metallic /non- Identify proper usage and types of Modular examination
single-phase metallic (PVC conduits, fittings in electrical (self- paced) Direct
distribution, power, conduit) installation. Dualized-training observation and
lighting and Identify technique of installation PowerPoint/Video questioning
auxiliary systems and bending of conduit and fitting. presentation Demonstration
Apply proper usage of safety harness. (able to impart
Interpret plan and details drawing. knowledge and
Practice proper handling of skills)
materials, tools and equipment
Project method
Practice procedure in proper bending
of conduits Practical
Practice procedure in Installing conduits Lab/
Perform the installation economically Exercises
1.2 Install wire ways Identify use of materials, tools Lecture Written test 16 hours
and cable tray and equipment Demonstration or
Interpret electrical/mechanical drawing Modular examination
Determine suitability for installation and (self- paced) Direct
used of bus way, cable tray, fittings and Dualized-training observation and
panels, conformity with the provision of PowerPoint/Video questioning
the PEC Code. presentation Demonstration
Practice wire way and cable (able to impart
tray installation knowledge and
Practice proper use of safety skills)
harness (PPE)
Project method
Interpret technical plan
Use effective communication Practical
skills (written and oral ) Lab/
Practice effective use of measuring tape Exercises
Perform the installation economically
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1.3 Install auxiliary Learn and apply mensuration Lecture Written test 12 hours
terminal cabinet Determine blue print reading and Demonstration or
and distribution materials specification. Modular examination
panel Read proper proofing standards (self- paced) Direct
Perform proper procedure in installation Dualized-training observation and
of auxiliary terminal cabinet and PowerPoint/Video questioning
distribution panel. presentation Demonstration
Apply proper use of safety harness (PPE). (able to impart
Interpret technical plan knowledge and
Practice effective use of skills)
measuring devices Project method
Practice proper handling of tools
and equipment
Install terminal cabinet and
distribution panel
Perform the installation economically.
1.4 Prepare for Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 6 hours
cable pulling and o mensuration Demonstration or
installation o blue print reading and Modular examination
materials specification. (self- paced) Direct
o uses of wires, cables and tools Dualized-training observation and
o required sizes of cable based PowerPoint/Video questioning
on PEC Wire Table presentation Demonstration
Prepare cable for installation
(able to impart
Interpret technical plan and drawing.
knowledge and
Practice effective use of measuring tapes skills)
Practice proper handling of tools
and equipment
Apply methods and techniques in
various type of wiring wires and cables.
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1.5 Perform wiring Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 16 hours
and cabling lay o Mensuration Demonstration or
out o Blue print reading and Modular examination
materials specification (self- paced) Direct
o Application of pulling compound Dualized-training observation and
o Methods in cable pulling Group discussion questioning
Interpret technical plan and drawing.
PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
Apply methods in cable pulling
presentation (able to impart
Follow procedures in bending radius knowledge and
and loop tolerances for cables. skills)
Project method
1.6 Notify completion Describe processes, Operations Systems Lecture Written test 4 hours
of work - Maintenance of tools & materials Demonstration or
- Storage of tools Modular examination
Check and conform the installation based (self- paced) Direct
on job requirement Group discussion observation and
Practice good housekeeping. questioning
Perform commissioning activities Demonstration
(able to impart
knowledge and
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
2. Install electrical 2.1 Plan and Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 8 hours
protective devices prepare work o Types of protective devices and Demonstration or
for distribution, its applications Modular examination
power, lighting, o Identification of standard (self- paced) Direct
auxiliary, lightning drawing based on standard Dualized-training observation and
protection and (ANSI or IEC)
Group discussion questioning
grounding systems o Protective devices specifications
and ratings PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
Interpret plans & detail drawing presentation (able to impart
knowledge and
Describe proper handling of
materials, tools and equipment
Check and quantify item as needed in
the job requirement
Apply active and non-active test to
ensure its functionality of the devices.
2.2 Install electrical Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 16 hours
protective devices o Guidelines Governing Occupational Demonstration or
Safety and Health in the Modular examination
Construction Industry. (self- paced) Direct
o Types and usage of different Dualized-training observation and
electrical protective devices questioning
Group discussion
Perform procedures for installation
PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
of electrical protective devices
presentation (able to impart
Perform selection of electrical
knowledge and
protective devices as per job
Practice good housekeeping Project method
Apply methods and techniques in Practical
various types of protective devices and Lab/
lightning protection and grounding Exercises
Terminate and mount devices.
Check and conform the installation
based on job requirement
Perform the installation economically.
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
2.3 Install lighting Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 16 hours
fixture and auxiliary o Guidelines Governing Occupational Demonstration or
outlet Safety and Health in the Modular examination
Construction Industry. (self- paced) Direct
o Types and usage of different Dualized-training observation and
lighting fixture and auxiliary outlet Group discussion questioning
Perform procedures for installation
PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
of lighting fixture and auxiliary outlet
presentation (able to impart
Perform selection of lighting fixture
knowledge and
and auxiliary outlet as per job
Practice good housekeeping Project method
Interpret plans and details Practical
Practice proper handling of materials, Lab/
tools and equipment Exercises
Apply methods and techniques in various
types of lighting fixture and auxiliary
Check and conforming the
installation based on job requirement
2.4 Notify completion Describe Processes, Operations Systems Lecture Written test 4 hours
of work o Maintenance of tools & materials Demonstration or
o Storage of tools Modular examination
Check and conform the installation based (self- paced) Direct
on job requirement Dualized-training observation and
Practice good housekeeping. Group discussion questioning
Perform commissioning activities Demonstration
(able to impart
knowledge and
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
3. Install wiring 3.1 Select wiring Determine materials specification Lecture Written test 4 hours
devices of floor devices Identify types and usage of electrical Demonstration or
and wall wiring devices and consumable items Modular examination
mounted outlets, Interpret electrical drawing and (self- paced) Direct
lighting wiring diagram. Dualized-training observation and
fixtures/switches Describe function of every devices used Group discussion questioning
and auxiliary in the line/job requirements
outlets PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
Check and quantify the item needed in presentation (able to impart
the job requirement. knowledge and
Check the required rating based on its skills)
specification in accordance with
Project method
3.2 Install wiring Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 16 hours
devices o Setting of lay-out and dimension of Demonstration or
electrical drawing or wiring Modular examination
diagram. (self- paced) Direct
o Materials specification as per Dualized-training observation and
job requirements.
Group discussion questioning
o Proper installation of wiring devices.
o Good housekeeping. PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
presentation (able to impart
Apply methods and techniques in
knowledge and
installation of various type of
wiring devices
Practice proper handling of Project method
materials, tools and equipment Practical
Perform the installation economically. Lab/
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
3.3 Install lighting Read and familiarize: Lecture Written test 16 hours
fixtures/switches o Guidelines Governing Occupational Demonstration or
Safety and Health in the Modular examination
Construction Industry. (self- paced) Direct
o Types and usage of different Dualized-training observation and
lighting fixtures/switches Group discussion questioning
Perform procedures for installation
PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
of lighting fixture/switches
presentation (able to impart
Perform selection of lighting
knowledge and
fixtures/ switches as per job
Practice good housekeeping Project method
Interpret plans and details Practical
Practice proper handling of materials, Lab/
tools and equipment Exercises
Apply methods and techniques in
various types of lighting fixtures/
Check and conform the installation based
on job requirement
3.4 Notify completion of Describe Processes, Operations, Systems Lecture Written test 4 hours
work o Maintenance of tools Demonstration or
o Storage of tools Modular examination
Check and conform the installation (self- paced) Direct
based on job requirement Dualized-training observation and
Practice good housekeeping Group discussion questioning
Perform commissioning activities Demonstration
(able to impart
knowledge and
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum and guided
by the principles of competency-based TVET.
2.3 Community-Based:
4.1.3. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with
the core units.
4.1.4. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
Graduate of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-
based education/training programs/courses.
Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed)
Thisdocument can:
a. Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge
b. Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
c. Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the
evidence that need to be presented
d. Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is
needed or additional information or skills that should be gained