Training Plan EIM NC2

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Course Title: Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC Level: NC II

Nominal Training Hours:

18 Hours (Basic competencies)
24 Hours (Common competencies)
154 Hours (Core competencies)
Total: 196 Hours

Course Description:

This course is designed to equip individuals with operational skills in

Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC level II particularly in installing and
maintaining electrical wiring, lighting and related equipment/systems in residential
houses/buildings where the voltage does not exceed 600 volts.

To complete the course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and  Describe Organizational policies  Group 2 Hours
 Oral evaluation
workplace convey workplace discussion
communication information  Read:
o Effective communication
o Written communication
o Communication procedures and
 Identify:  Written
 Lecture
o Different modes of communication
o Medium of communication
o Flow of communication
o Available technology relevant to
the enterprise and the individual’s
 Prepare different Types of question
 Gather different sources of information
 Apply storage system in  Demonstration  Observation
establishing workplace information
 Demonstrate Telephone courtesy
1.2 Complete relevant  Describe Communication procedures and  Group 1 hour
 Oral evaluation
work related systems discussion
documents  Read:  Written
 Lecture
o Meeting protocols examination
o Nature of workplace meetings
o Workplace interactions
o Barriers of communication
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
 Complete work related documents  Demonstration  Observation
 Read instructions on work  Written
 Lecture
related forms/documents examination
 Practice:
o Estimate, calculate and record
routine workplace measures
o Basic mathematical processes of  Demonstration  Observation
addition, subtraction, division
 Demonstrate office activities in:  Oral evaluation
o workplace meetings and  Role play
 Observation
discussions scenario
 Perform workplace duties scenario following
simple written notices
 Follow simple spoken language  Demonstration  Observation
 Identify the different Non-  Written
 Lecture
verbal communication examination
 Demonstrate ability to relate to people
 Demonstration  Observation
of social range in the workplace
 Gather and provide information in
response to workplace requirements

1.3 Participate in  Identify: 1 hour

workplace o types of workplace documents and forms
meeting and
o kinds of workplace report  Written
discussion  Lecture
o Available technology relevant to examination
the enterprise and the individual’s
work responsibilities
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
 Read and follow instructions in
applying basic mathematical concepts
 Follow simple spoken language
 Demonstrate ability to relate to people  Demonstration  Observation
of social range in the workplace
 Gather and provide information in
response to workplace requirements
2. Work in a 2.1 Describe and  Describe the team role and scope  Group 2 Hours
 Oral evaluation
team identify team role discussion
environment and responsibility  Read
in a team.  Written
o Definition of Team  Lecture
o Difference between team and group
o Objectives and goals of team
 Identify different sources of information
2.2 Describe work as  Describe team goals and objectives  Group 2 Hours
 Oral evaluation
a team discussion
 Perform exercises in setting team goals  Oral evaluation
and expectations scenario  Role play
 Observation
 Identify:  Written
 Lecture
o individual role and responsibility examination
 Practice Interacting effectively with others
 Read:
 Group  Oral evaluation
o Fundamental rights at work discussion  Written
including gender sensitivity
 Lecture examination
o Understanding individual competencies
relative to teamwork
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
o Types of individuals
o Role of leaders

3. Practice career 3.1 Integrate personal  Describe performance evaluation  Group 2 Hours
professionalism objectives with  Oral evaluation
 Read:
o Work values and ethics (Code  Written
 Lecture
of Conduct, Code of Ethics, examination
o Understanding personal objectives
o Understanding organizational goals
 Demonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills
at work
 Demonstration  Observation
 Demonstrate personal commitment in work

3.2 Set and meet  Describe company policies, operations,  Group 2 Hours
work priorities procedures and standards  Oral evaluation
 Read:
o Time Management
 Written
o Basic strategic planning concepts  Lecture
o Resource utilization and management

 Apply managing goals and time  Demonstration  Observation

 Practice:
o economic use of resources and facilities
o time management
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
3.3 Maintain  Describe company recognition and  Group 2 Hours
professional incentives  Oral evaluation
growth and
 Read:
o Career development opportunities
 Written
o Information on relevant licenses and  Lecture
or certifications
o personal career development needs

 Identify career opportunities

 Determine personal career development  Group
needs discussion  Oral evaluation

4. Practice 4.1 Identify hazard  Describe OHS procedures, practices  Group 1 hour
occupational and risks and regulations  Oral evaluation
health and  Read
o OHS indicators
 Written
o Organizational contingency practices  Lecture
 Practice hazards/risks identification and
4.2 Evaluate hazard  Group 1 hour
and risks  Describe effects of safety hazards  Oral evaluation
 Read  Written
 Lecture
o Threshold Limit Value –TLV examination
 Practice reporting safety hazards
 Role play  Observation
 Demonstrate evaluating hazards and
risks using communication equipment  Demonstration  Observation
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
4.3 Control hazards  Describe : 1 hour
and risks o Organization safety and health protocol  Group
 Oral evaluation
o Company emergency procedure practices
 Practice personal hygiene  Demonstration  Observation

 Practice drills on responding to emergency  Demonstration

 Simulation  Observation

4.4 Maintain  Identify emergency-related drills information  Written 1 hour

occupational  Lecture
health and  Practice occupational safety and
safety health standards on personal records  Role play  Observation
awareness in the workplace
 Practice emergency related drills in  Demonstration
the workplace  Simulation  Observation

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
1. Use Hand 1.1 Plan and  Identification of different types of hand tools and their uses  Lecture /  Written/Oral 1 hours
Tools prepare for  Function, operation and common faults in Demonstration examination
tasks to be electrical/ electronic hand tools  Distance  Practical
undertaken  Planning and preparing task/activity education demonstration
 Film Showing
1.2 Prepare hand  Proper use of hand tools  Lecture /  Written/Oral 1 hours
tools  Checking and safety requirements in handling tools Demonstration examination
 Standard procedures in checking, identification  Distance  Practical
and marking of safe or unsafe/ faulty tools education demonstration
 Identifying and checking hand tools  Film Showing
 Marking of safe or unsafe/ faulty hand tools

1.3 Use appropriate  Safety requirements in using electronics hand tools  Lecture /  Written/Oral 2 hours
hand tools and and test equipment Demonstration examination
test equipment.  Familiarizing usage of electrical/electronic hand tools  Distance  Practical
for adjusting, dismantling, assembling, finishing, and education demonstration
cutting  Film Showing
 Processes, Operations, Systems
o Proper usage and care of hand tools
o Types and uses of test equipment
 Identification of common faults in the use of hand tools
 Applying safety handling of hand tools and test equipment
 Using appropriate hand tools and test equipment for
the job requirement
1.4 Maintain hand  Safety requirements in maintenance of hand tools  Lecture /  Written/Oral 1 hours
tools  Processes, Operations, Systems Demonstration examination
o Maintenance of tools  Distance  Practical
o Storage of hand tools education demonstration
 Procedures in maintaining hand tools  Film Showing
 Applying 5S principles in maintenance of hand tools
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
2. Perform 2.1 Select  Types of measuring tools and its uses  Self-  Written/Oral 1 hours
Mensurations measuring  Selecting measuring instruments paced/ examination
and instruments; modular  Practical
Calculation  Demonstration demonstration
 Small group
2.2 Carry-out  Measurements  Self-  Written/Oral 2 hours
measurements o Linear measurement paced/ examination
and calculations o Geometrical measurement modular  Practical
 Calculations  Demonstration demonstration
o Trade Mathematics  Small group
o Unit conversion discussion
o Ratio and proportion
o Area
 Interpreting formulas for volume, areas, perimeters
of plane and geometric figures
 Performing measurement
 Computing measurement formulas
2.3 Maintain  Safe handling procedures in using measuring instruments  Self-  Written/Oral 1 hours
measuring  Procedures on maintenance of measuring instruments paced/ examination
instruments  Handling and maintaining measuring instruments modular  Practical
 Demonstration demonstration
 Small group
3. Prepare and 3.1 Identify different  Types of technical drawings  Lecture  Written /oral 1 hours
Interpret kinds of  Technical drawing applications  demonstration  examinations
Technical technical  Mark up/Notation of Drawings  Film Viewing  Direct observation
Drawing drawings  Identifying type of drawing  Individualized  Project method
 Evaluating mark-up/ notation of drawings Learning  interview
 Interpreting signs and symbols
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
3.2 Interpret  Blueprint Reading and Plan Specification  Lecture  Written /oral 1 hours
technical  Electrical/Electronic symbols and abbreviations  demonstration  examinations
drawing  Trade Theory  Film Viewing  Direct observation
o Types of electrical/electronic product plans  Individualized  Project method
o Notes and specifications Learning  Interview
 Interpreting technical drawing and plans  Direct Student
for electrical/electronics Laboratory
 Matching specification details with existing resources Experience
3.3 Prepare/ make  Freehand sketching techniques  Lecture  Written /oral 2 hours
changes to  Pictorial drawing  demonstration  examinations
electrical/  Drawing conventions  Film Viewing  Direct observation
electronic  Dimensioning conventions  Individualized  Project method
schematics and  Mathematics Learning  Interview
drawings o Four fundamental operations  Direct Student
o Percentage Laboratory
o Fraction Experience
o Algebra
o Geometry
 Sketching drawings and plans
 Sketching pictures
 Computing formulas
 Using drawing instruments

3.4 Store technical  Effective ways to catalogue and store technical drawings  Lecture  Written /oral 1 hours
drawings and  Manual methods of handling, storing and  demonstration  examinations
equipment/ maintaining paper drawings  Film Viewing  Direct observation
instruments  Storing drawing in digital forms  Project method
o Scanner  Individualized  Interview
o CAD Learning
 Handling and storing of drawings  Direct Student
 scanning and storing drawings in digital form Laboratory
 Handling and storing drawing instruments Experience
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
4. Apply 4.1 Assess quality  Relevant production processes, materials and products  Field trip  Written test 1 hours
Quality of received  Characteristics of materials, software and hardware  Symposium  Demonstration &
Standards materials used in production processes  Video clips questioning
 Quality checking procedures  Simulation/ Role  Observation &
 Quality Workplace procedures playing questioning
 Identification of faulty materials  On the
 Checking quality of materials or component parts as job
per manufacturer’s standards training
 Interpreting specifications or symbols
4.2 Assess own  Safety and environmental aspects of production processes  Field trip  Demonstration & 2 hours
work  Fault identification and reporting  Symposium questioning
 Workplace procedure in documenting completed work  Film showing  Observation &
 Workplace Quality Indicators  Simulation questioning
 Observing safety and environmental aspects of  On the  Third party report
production processes job
 Preparing technical reports training
 Performing procedures in the workplace
4.3 Engage in  Quality improvement processes  Field trip  Demonstration & 2 hours
quality  IEC/ISO standards  Symposium questioning
improvement  Environmental and safety standards  Film showing  Observation &
 Implementing continuous improvement  Simulation questioning
 On the  Third party report
5. Terminate 5.1 Plan and  Use of hand tools and test instruments / equipment  Film Viewing  Demonstration 1 hour
and Connect prepare for  Basic Electrical theory and application  Individualized and Questioning
Electrical termination/  OH & S guidelines and procedures Learning  Assessment of
wiring and connection of  Basic electrical and electronic devices  Direct Student Output Product
Electronic electrical wiring/  Preparing hand tools and test equipment for termination Laboratory
Circuit electronics  Preparing electrical/electronic materials for termination Experience
circuits  On the
 Project Method
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
5.2 Terminate/  Electrical wirings  Film Viewing  Demonstration 2 hours
connect o Wiring techniques  Individualized and Questioning
electrical o OH & S principles Learning  Assessment of
wirings/ o Specifications and methods for terminating  Direct Student Output Product
electronic different materials Laboratory
circuits  Electronics circuits Experience
o Soldering techniques and procedures  On the
o OH & S principles Job
o Surface mount soldering techniques Training
o Use of lead-free soldering technology  Project Method
 Performing different types of splices
 Perform soldering techniques and procedures
5.3 Test  Use of diagnostic equipment  Film Viewing  Demonstration 2 hours
termination/  Continuity testing and grounding  Individualized and Questioning
connections of o Electrical Learning  Assessment of
electrical wiring/ o Electronics  Direct Student Output Product
electronics  Functionality test Laboratory
circuits o Electrical Experience
o Electronics  On the
 Performing continuity test Job
 Performing functionality test Training
 Project Method
(154 Hours)

Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1. Perform roughing- 1.1 Install  Interpret electrical wiring diagrams  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
in, wiring and electrical and mechanical drawings  Demonstration or
cabling works for metallic /non-  Identify proper usage and types of  Modular examination
single-phase metallic (PVC conduits, fittings in electrical (self- paced)  Direct
distribution, power, conduit) installation.  Dualized-training observation and
lighting and  Identify technique of installation  PowerPoint/Video questioning
auxiliary systems and bending of conduit and fitting. presentation  Demonstration
 Apply proper usage of safety harness. (able to impart
 Interpret plan and details drawing. knowledge and
 Practice proper handling of skills)
materials, tools and equipment
 Project method
 Practice procedure in proper bending
of conduits  Practical
 Practice procedure in Installing conduits Lab/
 Perform the installation economically Exercises
1.2 Install wire ways  Identify use of materials, tools  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
and cable tray and equipment  Demonstration or
 Interpret electrical/mechanical drawing  Modular examination
 Determine suitability for installation and (self- paced)  Direct
used of bus way, cable tray, fittings and  Dualized-training observation and
panels, conformity with the provision of  PowerPoint/Video questioning
the PEC Code. presentation  Demonstration
 Practice wire way and cable (able to impart
tray installation knowledge and
 Practice proper use of safety skills)
harness (PPE)
 Project method
 Interpret technical plan
 Use effective communication  Practical
skills (written and oral ) Lab/
 Practice effective use of measuring tape Exercises
 Perform the installation economically
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1.3 Install auxiliary  Learn and apply mensuration  Lecture  Written test 12 hours
terminal cabinet  Determine blue print reading and  Demonstration or
and distribution materials specification.  Modular examination
panel  Read proper proofing standards (self- paced)  Direct
 Perform proper procedure in installation  Dualized-training observation and
of auxiliary terminal cabinet and  PowerPoint/Video questioning
distribution panel. presentation  Demonstration
 Apply proper use of safety harness (PPE). (able to impart
 Interpret technical plan knowledge and
 Practice effective use of skills)
measuring devices  Project method
 Practice proper handling of tools
 Practical
and equipment
 Install terminal cabinet and
distribution panel
 Perform the installation economically.
1.4 Prepare for  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 6 hours
cable pulling and o mensuration  Demonstration or
installation o blue print reading and  Modular examination
materials specification. (self- paced)  Direct
o uses of wires, cables and tools  Dualized-training observation and
o required sizes of cable based  PowerPoint/Video questioning
on PEC Wire Table presentation  Demonstration
 Prepare cable for installation
(able to impart
 Interpret technical plan and drawing.
knowledge and
 Practice effective use of measuring tapes skills)
 Practice proper handling of tools
 Practical
and equipment
 Apply methods and techniques in
various type of wiring wires and cables.
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1.5 Perform wiring  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
and cabling lay o Mensuration  Demonstration or
out o Blue print reading and  Modular examination
materials specification (self- paced)  Direct
o Application of pulling compound  Dualized-training observation and
o Methods in cable pulling  Group discussion questioning
 Interpret technical plan and drawing.
 PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
 Apply methods in cable pulling
presentation (able to impart
 Follow procedures in bending radius knowledge and
and loop tolerances for cables. skills)
 Project method
 Practical
1.6 Notify completion  Describe processes, Operations Systems  Lecture  Written test 4 hours
of work - Maintenance of tools & materials  Demonstration or
- Storage of tools  Modular examination
 Check and conform the installation based (self- paced)  Direct
on job requirement  Group discussion observation and
 Practice good housekeeping. questioning
 Perform commissioning activities  Demonstration
(able to impart
knowledge and
 Practical
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
2. Install electrical 2.1 Plan and  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 8 hours
protective devices prepare work o Types of protective devices and  Demonstration or
for distribution, its applications  Modular examination
power, lighting, o Identification of standard (self- paced)  Direct
auxiliary, lightning drawing based on standard  Dualized-training observation and
protection and (ANSI or IEC)
 Group discussion questioning
grounding systems o Protective devices specifications
and ratings  PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
 Interpret plans & detail drawing presentation (able to impart
knowledge and
 Describe proper handling of
materials, tools and equipment
 Check and quantify item as needed in
the job requirement
 Apply active and non-active test to
ensure its functionality of the devices.
2.2 Install electrical  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
protective devices o Guidelines Governing Occupational  Demonstration or
Safety and Health in the  Modular examination
Construction Industry. (self- paced)  Direct
o Types and usage of different  Dualized-training observation and
electrical protective devices questioning
 Group discussion
 Perform procedures for installation
 PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
of electrical protective devices
presentation (able to impart
 Perform selection of electrical
knowledge and
protective devices as per job
 Practice good housekeeping  Project method
 Apply methods and techniques in  Practical
various types of protective devices and Lab/
lightning protection and grounding Exercises
 Terminate and mount devices.
 Check and conform the installation
based on job requirement
 Perform the installation economically.
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
2.3 Install lighting  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
fixture and auxiliary o Guidelines Governing Occupational  Demonstration or
outlet Safety and Health in the  Modular examination
Construction Industry. (self- paced)  Direct
o Types and usage of different  Dualized-training observation and
lighting fixture and auxiliary outlet  Group discussion questioning
 Perform procedures for installation
 PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
of lighting fixture and auxiliary outlet
presentation (able to impart
 Perform selection of lighting fixture
knowledge and
and auxiliary outlet as per job
 Practice good housekeeping  Project method
 Interpret plans and details  Practical
 Practice proper handling of materials, Lab/
tools and equipment Exercises
 Apply methods and techniques in various
types of lighting fixture and auxiliary
 Check and conforming the
installation based on job requirement
2.4 Notify completion  Describe Processes, Operations Systems  Lecture  Written test 4 hours
of work o Maintenance of tools & materials  Demonstration or
o Storage of tools  Modular examination
 Check and conform the installation based (self- paced)  Direct
on job requirement  Dualized-training observation and
 Practice good housekeeping.  Group discussion questioning
 Perform commissioning activities  Demonstration
(able to impart
knowledge and
 Practical
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
3. Install wiring 3.1 Select wiring  Determine materials specification  Lecture  Written test 4 hours
devices of floor devices  Identify types and usage of electrical  Demonstration or
and wall wiring devices and consumable items  Modular examination
mounted outlets,  Interpret electrical drawing and (self- paced)  Direct
lighting wiring diagram.  Dualized-training observation and
fixtures/switches  Describe function of every devices used  Group discussion questioning
and auxiliary in the line/job requirements
outlets  PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
 Check and quantify the item needed in presentation (able to impart
the job requirement. knowledge and
 Check the required rating based on its skills)
specification in accordance with
 Project method
 Practical
3.2 Install wiring  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
devices o Setting of lay-out and dimension of  Demonstration or
electrical drawing or wiring  Modular examination
diagram. (self- paced)  Direct
o Materials specification as per  Dualized-training observation and
job requirements.
 Group discussion questioning
o Proper installation of wiring devices.
o Good housekeeping.  PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
presentation (able to impart
 Apply methods and techniques in
knowledge and
installation of various type of
wiring devices
 Practice proper handling of  Project method
materials, tools and equipment  Practical
 Perform the installation economically. Lab/
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
3.3 Install lighting  Read and familiarize:  Lecture  Written test 16 hours
fixtures/switches o Guidelines Governing Occupational  Demonstration or
Safety and Health in the  Modular examination
Construction Industry. (self- paced)  Direct
o Types and usage of different  Dualized-training observation and
lighting fixtures/switches  Group discussion questioning
 Perform procedures for installation
 PowerPoint/Video  Demonstration
of lighting fixture/switches
presentation (able to impart
 Perform selection of lighting
knowledge and
fixtures/ switches as per job
 Practice good housekeeping  Project method
 Interpret plans and details  Practical
 Practice proper handling of materials, Lab/
tools and equipment Exercises
 Apply methods and techniques in
various types of lighting fixtures/
 Check and conform the installation based
on job requirement
3.4 Notify completion of  Describe Processes, Operations, Systems  Lecture  Written test 4 hours
work o Maintenance of tools  Demonstration or
o Storage of tools  Modular examination
 Check and conform the installation (self- paced)  Direct
based on job requirement  Dualized-training observation and
 Practice good housekeeping  Group discussion questioning
 Perform commissioning activities  Demonstration
(able to impart
knowledge and
 Practical

1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum and guided
by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry

or recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by
competencies written to industry standards)
b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate
individualized and self-paced learning strategies;
c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a
workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology.
d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance
of work to the industry required standards;
e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and
attitude into account but requires evidence of actual performance of
the competency as the primary source of evidence.
f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or
current competencies;
g. Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all
specified competencies.

2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery

modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as learning is guided by the competency
standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities and its
variations/components may be adopted singly or in combination with other
modalities when designing and delivering training programs:

2.1 Institution- Based:

 Dual Training System (DTS)/Dualized Training Program (DTP)

which contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork
components. Details can be referred to the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the DTS Law and the TESDA Guidelines on the DTP;

 Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority

of the instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in
the same place. Distance learning may employ correspondence
study, audio, video, computer technologies or other modern
technology that can be used to facilitate learning and formal and non-
formal training. Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by
the TESDA Secretariat.

 The traditional classroom-based or in-center instruction may be

enhanced through use of learner-centered methods as well as
laboratory or field-work components.
2.2 Enterprise-Based:

 Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment involving a

contract between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved
apprenticeable occupation.

 Enterprise-based Training- where training is implemented within

the company in accordance with the requirements of the specific
company. Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the
TESDA Secretariat.

2.3 Community-Based:

 Community-Based – short term programs conducted by non-

government organizations (NGOs), LGUs, training centers and other
TVET providers which are intended to address the specific needs of
a community. Such programs can be conducted in informal settings
such as barangay hall, basketball courts, etc. These programs can
also be mobile training program (MTP).


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees including their

education/experience. To qualify as trainee for Electrical Installation &
Maintenance NC II, a candidate:

 must have completed at least 10 yrs. basic education or an

ALS certificate of achievement with grade 10 equivalent holder
 must be able to communicate both orally and in writing
 must be able to perform basic mathematical computation

The list does not include specific institutional requirements such as

educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may
be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the
TVET program.

Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25

trainees for Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II.
5 pcs. Spirit level 5 units Electric drill 25 pcs. RSC/IMC
5 pcs. Hack saw 5 units Portable grinder 5 pcs. Entrance cap
5 pcs. Pipe cutter 5 units Multi-tester Locknut & bushing
Fire alarm Ground Fault
5 pcs. Pipe reamer 1 set system (5units 5 pcs. Current interrupting
detector, 1 device
control panel) (GFCI)
5 pcs. Pipe threader 3 sets Motion sensors 100 pcs. 3/16’ x 1” Metal Screw
5 pcs. Pipe bender 1 set equipment Access 50 pcs. Conduit strap/clamp
CCTV (4 cameras, Wiring boards, ¾ ft. x
5 pcs. Bolt cutter 1 set 1 DVR) 5 sets
4 ft. x 8 ft.
5 pcs. Ball hammer 5 units Clamp-on meter 10 pcs. Floor outlet
25 pcs. Electrician Pliers 1 unit 25 pcs. Working gloves
Resistance Tester
Earth resistance
25 pcs. Screwdrivers set 1 unit 10 pairs Safety shoes
5 pcs. Box Wrench 1 unit Labeling machine 10 pcs. Hard hat
Fire extinguisher
5 pcs. Wire splicer 1 unit 10 pcs. Safety goggles
Wire AWG
5 pcs. Wire stripper 1 unit LCD Projector 5 boxes
#12, (3.5mm2)
5 pcs. Electrician knife 1 unit Laptop 5 boxes Wire AWG #14(2.0mm2)
10 pcs. Tools holster 5 rolls Electrical tape
5 pcs. Push-pull 0-5 mtrs 1 box Wood screw ½” x 8
5 pcs. Claw hammer 25 pcs. Receptacle surface type
5 pcs. Prick punch 25 pcs. Receptacle flush type
Incandescent bulb 50
5 pcs. Heat gun 1200 watts 25 pcs.
w/ 250V AC
Convenient outlet c.o.
Heavy-duty (grounding type,/flush
5 pcs. 25 sets
soldering iron type) 2 gang w/ plate
5 pcs. Flat file smooth 8” 10 pcs. PVC square box, 4 x 4
5 Kgs. #16 G.I wire 25 mtrs flexible conduit ½”, ¾
Whiteboard 4 x 8 x
1 pc. 10 pcs. PVC conduit ½, ¾
Whiteboard 4 x 4 x
1 pc. ¾ with 25 pcs. Junction box PVC
movable stand
Whiteboard marker,
1 box 25 pcs. Utility box
assorted color
1 box Push pin 50 pcs Connectors PVC, ½
1 pc. Pencil sharpener 50 pcs Connectors PVC, ¾
25 pcs. Pencil with eraser 50 pcs Connectors RSC, ¾
2 kgs Rags 20 pcs. Elbow PVC ½
Cleaning agent
5 ltrs 20 pcs. Elbow PVC ¾
1 unit First aid kit 20 pcs. Elbow RSC ½
2 reams Bond paper 20 pcs. Elbow RSC ¾
Panel board with 70
Whiteboard eraser amp main and 4 branch
5 pcs 5 sets
magnetic ckt.
 20 amps, 2 pcs.
 15 amps, 2 pcs.
Switch (3 way with plate
10 pcs.
and cover)
Switch (single pole with
10 pcs.
plate and cover)



Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees, below are the space

requirement & their sizes:


Lecture Area 5x8 40 1 40
Laboratory Area 5x8 40 1 40
Learning Resource Area 4x5 20 1 20
Tool Room / Storage Area 4x5 20 1 20
Wash ,Toilet & Locker Room 1x2 2 2 4
Total 124
Facilities / Equipment / 38
Total Area 162

** Area requirement is equivalent to 30% of the total teaching/learning areas


To qualify as trainer for Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II level, a

person must:

 be a holder of NTTC I in Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II

(or higher)

 have at least 2-years relevant industry experience and/or teaching



Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued
for each unit of competency.

The result of the institutional assessment may be considered as

evidence for the assessment for national certification. As a matter of policy,
graduates of programs registered with TESDA under this training regulation
are required to undergo mandatory national competency assessment upon
completion of the program.

Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making

judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment
is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the
workplace as expressed in relevant competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to

prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to an
employable unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the
national qualification.


4.1.1. To attain the National Qualification of Electrical Installation &
Maintenance NC II, the candidate must demonstrate competence in all
the units listed in Section 1. Successful candidates shall be awarded a
National Certificate II signed by the TESDA Director General.

4.1.2. The qualification of Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II can be

attained through demonstration of competence through project-type
assessment covering all the required units of the qualification.

4.1.3. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with
the core units.

4.1.4. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
 Graduate of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-
based education/training programs/courses.
 Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed)

4.1.5. For those holders of existing National Certificate (NC) of individuals in

Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II, automatic conversion will
be implemented.

4.1.6. Clustering of competencies is not applicable.

4.1.7. Individuals who already possess Certificate of Competency (COC) in

Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II are advised to take the
assessment for this amended TR on or before the expiration of their

4.1.8. The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail

in the “Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification” and
“Guidelines on the Implementation of the Philippine TVET Competency
Assessment and Certification System (PTCACS)”.

4.2.1 Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is

accomplished by the candidate prior to actual competency
assessment. SAG is a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate
and the assessor determine what evidence is available, where gaps
exist, including readiness for assessment.

Thisdocument can:
a. Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge
b. Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
c. Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the
evidence that need to be presented
d. Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is
needed or additional information or skills that should be gained

4.2.2 Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited

by TESDA is authorized to conduct competency assessment.
Assessment centers undergo a quality assured procedure for
accreditation before they are authorized by TESDA to manage the
assessment for National Certification.

4.2.3 Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited competency

assessor is authorized to conduct assessment of competence.
Competency assessors undergo a quality assured system of
accreditation procedure before they are authorized by TESDA to
assess the competencies of candidates for National Certification.

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