Training Calendar - CSS NC II

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Andres Soriano Ave., Mangagoy, Bislig City

PHILCOM Telefax No. 853-1635
PLDT Tel No. 628-2004

Name of TVI : Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Qualification : Computer Systems Servicing NC II
Name of Trainer : Brian A. Salazar
Training Period : July 13, 2020-August 31, 2020
No. of Training Days : 35 Days
Schedule of National Competency Assessment : September 7-9, 2020

Schedule Number
Instructional Expected Outputs of Trainer
Delivery Hours
Date Title Learning Content/Topic/ Activity
Face to Online/
Face Offline
UC1 - Participate in workplace 8 hrs.
LO1 - Obtain and convey workplace 1.1 Specific and relevant information is 2 hrs.
information accessed from appropriate sources
July 13, 2020  Effective Communication 1.2 Effective questioning, active listening
and speaking skills are used to gather and
convey information Brian A. Salazar
1.3 Appropriate medium is used to transfer
information and ideas
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal communication
is used
1.5 Appropriate lines of communication with
supervisors and colleagues are identified
and followed
1.6 Defined workplace procedures for the
location and storage of information are
1.7 Personal interaction is carried out
clearly and concisely
LO2 - Participate workplace 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time 2 hrs.
meeting and discussion 2.2 Own opinions are clearly expressed and
 Type of Forms those of others are listened to without
2.3 Meeting inputs are consistent with the
meeting purpose and established
2.4 Workplace interactions are conducted
in a courteous manner
2.5 Questions about simple routine
workplace procedures and maters
concerning working conditions of
employment are asked and responded to
2.6 Meetings outcomes are interpreted and
Brian A. Salazar
LO3 - Complete relevant work- 3.1 Range of forms relating to conditions of 4 hrs.
related document employment are completed accurately and
 Work instruction and basic legibly
tools 3.2 Workplace data is recorded on standard
workplace forms and documents
3.3 Basic mathematical processes are used
for routine calculations
3.4 Errors in recording information on
forms/ documents are identified and
properly acted upon
3.5 Reporting requirements to supervisor
are completed according to organizational
UC2 - Work in a team environment 8 hrs.
LO1 - Describe and identify team 2.1. The role and objective of the team is
July 14, 2020 role and responsibility identified from available sources of 2 hrs.
 Team Role 2.2. Team parameters, reporting
 Relationship and relationships and responsibilities are
responsibilities identified from team discussions and
 Role and responsibilities with appropriate external sources
team environment. 2.3. Individual role and responsibilities
 Relationship within a team. within the team environment are identified
2.4. Roles and responsibility of other team
members are identified and recognized
2.5. Reporting relationships within team and
external to team are identified
LO2 - Describe work as a team 3.1. Effective and appropriate forms of
member communicationsused and interactions 6 hrs.
 Communication process undertaken with team members
 Team structure/team roles who contribute to known team activities and
 Group planning and decision objectives
making 3.2. Effective and appropriate contributions
made to complement team activities and
objectives, based on individual skills and
competencies and workplace
3.3. Observed protocols in reporting using
standard operating procedures
3.4. Contribute to the development of team
work plans based on an understanding of Brian A. Salazar
team’s role and objectives and individual
competencies of the members.
UC3 - Practice career 8 hrs.
LO1 - Integrate personal objectives 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are
with organizational goals pursued towards improving the
 Integrate personal objective qualifications set for the profession 3 hrs.
with organizational goals 1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships is
 Personal hygiene and are
maintained in the course of managing
Practices oneself based on performance evaluation
July 15, 2020  Code of ethics 1.3 Commitment to the organization and its
goal is demonstrated in the performance of
LO2 - Set and meet work priorities 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to
 Organizational key result achieve personal, team and organizational
areas (KRA) goals and objectives. 2 hrs.
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and
 Work values and ethical effectively to manage work priorities and
standards commitments
 Company policies on the use 2.3 Practices along economic use and
maintenance of equipment and facilities are
and maintenance of followed as per established procedures
LO3 - Maintain professional growth 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities
and development are identified and availed of based on job
 Qualification standards requirements 3 hrs.
 Gender and development 3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and
(GAD) sensitivity demonstrated as proof of career
 Professionalism in the advancement
workplace 3.3 Licenses and/or certifications
 List of professional licenses relevant to job and career are obtained and
UC4 - Practice occupational health 16 hrs.
and safety procedures
LO1 - Identify hazards and risks 1.1 Safety regulations and workplace
 Hazards and risks safety and hazard control practices and
identification and control procedures are clarified and explained
based on organization procedures
 Organizational safety and 1.2 Hazards/risks in the workplace and 4 hrs.
July 16, 2020 health protocol their
 OHS indicators corresponding indicators are identified to
minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, Brian A. Salazar
workplace and environment in accordance
with organization procedures
1.3 Contingency measures during
workplace accidents, fire and other
emergencies are recognized and
established in accordance with organization
LO2 - Evaluate hazards and risks 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable limits 6 hrs.
 Effects of hazards in the which whenexceeded will result in harm or
workplace damage are identified based on threshold
 Ergonomics limit values (TLV)
 ECC Regulations 2.2 Effects of the hazards are determined
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns and
identified safety hazards are reported to
designated personnel in accordance with
workplace requirements and relevant
workplace OHS legislation
LO3 - Control hazards and risks 3.1 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
 Safety regulations procedures for controlling hazards/risks in
 Clean air act workplace are consistently followed
July 17, 2020 3.2 Procedures for dealing with workplace
 Electrical and fire safety code accidents, fire and emergencies are 4 hrs.
 Waste management followed in accordance with organization
 Disaster preparedness and OHS policies
management 3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
is correctly used in accordance with
 Contingency measures and
organization OHS procedures and practices
procedures 3.4 Appropriate assistance is provided in
the event of a workplace emergency in
accordance with established
organization protocol Brian A. Salazar
LO4 - Maintain occupational health 4.1 Emergency-related drills and
and safety awareness trainings are participated in as per
 Operational health and safety established organization guidelines and 6 hrs.
procedure, practices and
4.2 OHS personal records are completed
regulations and updated in accordance with workplace
 Emergency-related drills and requirements
UC1 - Apply quality standards 8 hrs.
1.1. Work instruction is obtained and work
LO1 - Assess quality of received is carried out in accordance with standard 2 hrs.
materials operating procedures.
 Characteristics of Quality 1.2. Received materials are checked
July 20, 2020 Materials against workplace standards and
 Fault Identification and specifications.
Reporting 1.3. Faulty materials related to work are
identified and isolated.
1.4. Faults and any identified causes are
recorded and/or reported to the supervisor
concerned in accordance with workplace
1.5. Faulty materials are replaced in
accordance with workplace procedures.

LO2 - Assess own work 2.1. Documentation relative to quality

 Workplace Policies and within the company is identified and used. 3 hrs.
Procedures 2.2. Completed work is checked against
 Quality Standards workplace standards relevant to the task
2.3. Errors are identified and isolated.
2.4. Information on the quality and other
indicators of production performance are
recorded in accordance with workplace Brian A. Salazar
2.5. In cases of deviations from specific
quality standards,
causes are documented and reported in
accordance with the workplace’ s standards
operating procedures.
LO3 - Engage in quality 3.1. Process improvement procedures are
improvement participated in relative to workplace
 Quality Process assignment. 3 hrs.
3.2. Work is carried out in accordance with
process improvement procedures.
 Tools and Techniques for 3.3. Performance of operation or quality of
Process Improvement product of service to ensure customer
satisfaction is monitored.
UC2 - Perform computer operations 26 hrs.
LO1 - Plan and prepare for tasks to 1.1. Requirements of task are determined in
be undertaken accordance with the required output. 3 hrs.
 Task Identification 1.2. Appropriate hardware and software
- Planning are selected according to task assigned
- Preparing and required outcome.
 Operational health and safety 1.3. Task is planned to ensure that OH & S
(OHS) guidelines and guidelines and procedures are followed.
July 21, 2020 procedures 1.4. Client -specific guidelines and
procedures are followed.
1.5. Required data security guidelines are
applied in accordance with existing
LO2 - Input data into computer 2.1. Data are entered into the computer
 Types of program/ using
application software appropriate program/application in
accordance with company procedures. 4 hrs.
- word processing
2.2. Accuracy of information is checked and
- web browsers information is saved in accordance with
- internet standard operating procedures.
 Data processing 2.3. Inputted data is stored in storage
 Storage devices media according to requirements.
- primary 2.4. Work is performed within ergonomic
- secondary
 Work Ergonomic
LO3 - Access information using 3.1. Correct program/application is selected
July 22, 2020 computer based on job requirements.
 Desktop icons 3.2. Program/application containing the
information required is accessed according 4 hrs. Brian A. Salazar
- Directories
to company procedures.
- Files and folders
3.3. Desktop icons are correctly selected,
- Recycle bin
opened and closed for navigation purposes.
 Keyboard techniques 3.4. Keyboard techniques are carried out in
- Proper handling line with OH & S requirements for safe use
- Shortcut keys of keyboards.
 Keyboard care and
LO4 - Produce output/data using 4.1. Entered data are processed using
computer systems appropriate software commands.
 Computer application 4.2. Data are printed out as required using
computer hardware /peripheral devices in 6 hrs.
accordance with standard operating
 Computer peripherals procedures.
- Printer 4.3. Files and data are transferred between
 Storage devices compatible systems using computer
hardware/peripheral devices in accordance
with standard operating procedures.
LO5 - Use basic functions of web 5.1. Information requirements for internet
browser to locate information search are established.
 Requirements for Internet 5.2. Browser is launched.
5.3. Search engine is loaded. 3 hrs.
July 23, 2020 5.4. Appropriate search criteria/or URL of
- Browsers site is entered.
- URL 5.5. Relevant links are followed to locate
- search engine required information. Brian A. Salazar
- bookmark 5.6. Useful pages are bookmarked or
- link printed as required.
LO6 - Maintain computer equipment 6.1. Procedures for ensuring security of
and system data, including regular back-ups and virus
 Computer maintenance checks are implemented in accordance with
standard operating procedures.
- Disk cleanup
6.2. Basic file maintenance procedures are 6 hrs.
- Checking disk errors implemented in line with the standards
- Replacement of operating procedures.
- Dusting the external
and internal part of
the computer
 File maintenance
- Backing up files
- Deleting unwanted
- Updating antivirus
database/using more
appropriate anti-virus
UC3 - Perform mensuration and 8 hrs.
LO1 – Select measuring 1.1. Object or component to be measured is
instruments identified
 Type of Component and 1.2. Correct specifications are obtained 2 hrs.
Objects to be Measured from
 Computer Memory and relevant source
1.3. Measuring tools are selected in line
Processor with job requirements
July 23, 2020 LO2 - Carry out Mensuration and 2.1. Appropriate measuring instrument is
Calculation selected to achieve required outcome 2 hrs.
 Digital Representation 2.2. Accurate measurements are obtained
for job
 Data Storage 2.3. Calculation needed to complete work
tasks are performed using the four basic Brian A. Salazar
process of addition (+), subtraction (-),
multiplication (x), and division (/)
2.4. Calculation involving fractions,
percentages and mixed numbers are used
to complete workplace tasks.
2.5. Numerical computation is self-checked
and corrected for accuracy
2.6. Instruments are read to the limit of
accuracy of the tool.
LO3 - Maintain measuring 3.1. Measuring instruments are not dropped
instruments to avoid damage
 Maintenance of measuring 3.2. Measuring instruments are cleaned 4 hrs.
before and after using.
3.3. Proper storage of instruments
- 5S undertaken
- Lubrication according to manufacturer’s specifications
- Cleaning and
- Storage standard operating procedures.
 Proper storage of
UC4 - Prepare and interpret technical 8 hrs.
LO1 - Identify different kinds of 1.1. Correct technical drawing is selected
Technical Drawings according to job requirements.
 Basic symbols 1.2. Technical drawings are segregated in 2 hrs.
 Other elements of Technical accordance with the types and kinds of
Drawing drawings
July 24, 2020 - Schematic diagram
- Charts
- Block diagrams
- Layout plans
- Loop diagrams
LO2 - Interpret technical drawing 2.1. Components, assemblies or objects
 Types of Flowchart are 2 hrs.
recognized as required.
 Interpreting Flowcharts
2.2. Dimensions of the key features of the
objects depicted in the drawing are
2.3. Symbols used in the drawing are
identified and interpreted correctly.
2.4. Drawing is checked and validated
against job requirements or equipment in
with standard operating procedures.
LO3 - Prepare/make changes on 3.1. Electrical/electronic schematic is drawn
electrical/electronic and correctly identified.
schematics and drawings 3.2. Correct drawing is identified, 3 hrs.
equipment are selected and used in
 Electrical / Electronic
accordance with job
 Schematic drawing
 Inventory of technical
 Proper storage of instrument
LO 4. Store technical drawings and 4.1. Care and maintenance of drawings are
equipment/ instruments undertaken according to company
 Care and maintenance of procedures. 1 hr.
4.2. Technical drawings are recorded and
technical drawing
inventory is prepared in accordance with
equipment/ instruments company procedures.
 Inventory of technical 4.3. Proper storage of instruments is
drawings undertaken according to company
 Proper storage of procedures.
UC 5 – Using hand tools 8 hrs.
LO1 - Plan and prepare for tasks to 1.1. Tasks to be undertaken are properly
be undertaken identified
 Identifying and selecting 1.2. Appropriate hand tools are identified 2 hrs.
different type and uses of and
hand tools selected according to the task requirements
 Uses of different hand tools
July 27, 2020
LO2 - Prepare hand tools 2.1. Appropriate hand tools are checked for
 Checking of hand tools proper operation and safety 2 hrs.
- Operating hand tools 2.2. Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and
- Unsafe or faulty marked for repair according to standard
- company procedure
LO3 - Use appropriate hand tools 3.1. Tools are used according to tasks
and test equipment undertaken 2 hrs.
 Safety procedure using 3.2. All safety procedures in using tools are
handling tools observed at all times and appropriate
- Personal protective personal protective equipment (PPE) are
equipment used
- Documentation process 3.3. Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual
events are reported to the supervisor
LO4 - Maintain hand tools 4.1. Tools are not dropped to avoid damage
 Maintenance of hand tools 4.2. Routine maintenance of tools
- Cleaning undertaken 2 hrs.
Brian A. Salazar
- Lubricating according to standard operational
- Tools repairs procedures,
- Adjusting correct principles and techniques
- Sharpening 4.3. Tools are stored safely in appropriate
locations in accordance with manufacturer’s
specifications or standard operating
UC 6 - Terminate and connect
electrical wiring and 8 hrs.
electronics circuit
LO1 - Plan and prepare to 1.1. Materials are checked according to
termination / connection of specifications and tasks
electrical wiring / electronics 1.2. Appropriate tools and equipment are
selected according to tasks requirements
1.3. Task is planned to ensure OH & S 2 hrs.
- Plan and prepare for guidelines and procedures are followed
July 28, 2020 terminator. 1.4. Electrical wiring/electronic circuits are
- Materials specification correctly prepared for
- Task required connecting/termination in accordance with
equipment instructions and work site procedures
- Tools and equipment
- OH&S guidelines and
- Electrical wiring
- Electronics kit
LO2 - Terminate / connect wiring / 2.1. Safety procedures in using tools are
electronic circuits observed at all times and appropriate
 Proper procedures in personal protective equipment are used 2 hrs.
adjusting accessories 2.2. All work undertaken safely in
 Confirmation of termination accordance with the workplace and
standard procedures
2.3. Appropriate range of methods in
termination/connection are used according
specifications, manufacturer’s requirements
and safety
2.4. Correct sequence of operation is
followed Brian A. Salazar
2.5. Accessories used are adjusted, if
2.6. Confirm termination/connection
undertaken successfully in accordance with
job specification
LO3 - Test termination / 3.1. Testing of all completed termination/
connections of electrical connections of electric wiring/electronic
wiring / electronics circuits circuits is conducted for compliance with 4 hrs.
specifications and regulations
 Procedure in conducting
using appropriate procedures and
testing of termination / equipment
connection of electrical wiring 3.2. Wiring and circuits are checked using
/ electronics circuits. specified testing procedures
3.3. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
UC 7 - Test electronic components 14 hrs.
LO1 - Determine for testing 1.1 Work instructions are obtained and
electronics components clarified based on job order or client
 Work instructions requirements
1.2 Responsible person is consulted for 4 hrs.
 Work coordination process effective and proper work coordination
July 29, 2020  Testing criteria 1.3 Data sheets/Application notes are
- Controls obtained and interpreted based on
- Functionality manufacturer’s specifications
- Performance 1.4 Testing criteria are defined to ensure
- Operating Parameters that components meet technical and quality
1.5 Document and communicate testing
criteria to relevant personnel
LO2 - Plan an approach for 2.1 Various testing methods are Identified
component testing based on types of electronic
 Testing methods for components 2 hrs.
2.2 Characteristics and appropriateness of
electronic components
testing methods to be used during
- Automated development and on completion is
July 30, 2020 - Platform testing determined
2.3 Testing methods are
considered/selected in relation to
appropriate testing strategy
2.4 Plan for testing components is
developed at specified points during
development and on completion
2.5 Required test & measuring
instruments and tools are prepared and
checked in accordance with established
2.6 Records system is established to Brian A. Salazar
document testing results, including
problems and faults
LO3 - Test components 3.1 Testing methods are applied to ensure
 Testing strategies for that products meet creative, production and 4 hrs.
electronic components technical requirements
3.2 Problems and faults detected by testing
- Dynamic and Passive testing are recorded and remedial steps taken in
records system is documented
3.3 Problems and faults detected during
testing are resolved in accordance with
agreed project or industry practice
3.4 Evaluate final products against the
previously determined criteria
3.5 Testing process is documented and
summarized evaluation report is submitted
to relevant personnel
LO4 - Evaluate the testing process 4.1 Testing methods that were successful
 Component testing process and those that led todifficulties are identified
evaluation based on industry standards 4 hrs.
4.2 Testing process and records system are
- Documentation procedures
evaluated based on standard procedures
- Procedures in resolving 4.3 Test results/findings are documented
detected program faults for subsequent components testing.
UC 1 – Install and configure 50 hrs.
computer systems
LO1 - Assemble computer hardware 1.1 Unit assembly is planned and prepared
 Types and Parts of to ensure OH&S policies and procedures 4 hrs.
Computers are followed in accordance with systems
July 31, 2020 1.2 Materials necessary to complete the
work are identified and obtained in
accordance with established procedures
and checked against systems requirements
1.3 Tools, equipment and testing
devices needed to carry out the installation
work are obtained in accordance with
established procedures and checked for
operation and safety
1.4 Computer hardware is assembled in
accordance with established procedures Brian A. Salazar
and systems requirements
1.5 Basic-input-output-system (BIOS)
configuration is performed in accordance
with hardware requirements.

 Computer Operating System

and Computer System 4 hrs.
 Computer Hardware 8 hrs.
August 3, Assembly Procedure
 Power-On Self-Test (POST)
Basic Input/output System 6 hrs.
August 4, (BIOS) Configuration
LO2 - Prepare installer 2.1 Portable bootable devices are created
 Customized Operating in accordancewith software manufacturer
System Installer instruction 4 hrs.
2.2 Customized installers are prepared in
 Portable Bootable Devices accordance with software utilization guide
 Portable Applications and end user agreement.
2.3 Installation of portable applications are
carried out in accordance with software
user guide and software license
August 5, LO3 - Install operating system and 3.1 Operating system (OS) is installed in
2020 drivers for peripherals devices accordance with established installation
 Installation of Operating procedures and to comply with end-user 8 hrs.
3.2 Peripherals/devices drivers are Brian A. Salazar
installed and configured in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and/or OS
installation procedures.
3.3 OS and drivers updates/patches are
accessed and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and
3.4 On-going checks of the quality of the
work are undertaken in accordance with
established procedures
 Installation and
August 6, Configuration of 4 hrs.
2020 Peripheral Devices
 Updating and Checking of
Operating System and 4 hrs.
LO4 - Install application software 4.1 Application software are installed
 Installation of Application based on software installation guides, end- 4 hrs.
Software user requirements and software license
August 7, agreement
2020 4.2 Variation to application software
installation is carried out in accordance to
customer/client requirements
4.3 Software updates are accessed and
installed in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and requirements
LO5 - Conduct testing and 5.1 Devices / systems and/or installation is
documentation tested to determine whether it conforms to 4 hrs.
 Computer system testing requirements
5.2 Stress test is conducted to ensure
reliability of equipment in accordance with
 5s and 3rs environmental manufacturer’s instructions and system
 Creating service reports requirements
5.3 5S and 3Rs are followed according to
environmental policies
5.4 Documentation in relation to the test is
forwarded to appropriate personnel and/or
authority in accordance with requirements

UC 2 – Set-up Computer Networks 50 hrs.

LO1 - Install network cables 1.1 Cable routes are determined and
 Computer Networking planned in accordance with network 4 hrs.
Fundamentals design and actual installation site.
1.2 Network materials necessary to
complete the work are identified and
obtained in accordance with established
August 10, procedures and checked against systems
2020 requirements Brian A. Salazar
1.3 Tools, equipment and testing
devices needed to carry out the installation
work are obtained in accordance with
established procedures and checked for
correct operation and safety
1.4 Appropriate personal protective
equipment is used and OHS policies and
procedures are followed
1.5 Copper cable splicing is performed
based on Electronic Industries
Alliance/Telecommunications Industry
Association (EIA/TIA) standards
1.6 Network cables and cable raceway
are installed in accordance with established
procedures and installation requirements
1.7 Installation work is performed and is
checked to ensure no unnecessary damage
has occurred and complies with
1.8 OHS standards and 5S principles are
followed according to enterprise
1.9 Excess components and materials are
disposed of based on WEEE directives and
3Rs waste management program.
 Network Devices and Media 4 hrs.
August 11,  Network Planning, Design, and 6 hrs.
2020 Topologies
August 11 -  Cable Preparation, Routes, and 8 hrs.
12, 2020 Installation
LO2 - Set network configuration 2.1 Network connectivity of each terminal is
 Network Configuration checked in accordance with network
August 12-14,  IP Address design. 16 hrs.
2020 2.2 Any fault or problem in the network
 Domain Name System system is diagnosed and remedied in line
with the standard operating procedures.
2.3 Network interface card (NIC) settings
are configured in accordance with network
design. Brian A. Salazar
2.4 Communication checking between
terminals are carried out in accordance with
OS network configuration guides
2.5 Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures

LO3 - Set router / Wi-Fi wireless 3.1 Client Device systems settings are
access point / repeater configured in accordance with
August 17-18, configuration manufacturers’ instructions and enduser 8 hrs.
2020 preferences
 Setting up a Wireless Router
3.2 Local area network (LAN) port is
 Configuring a Wireless Router configured in accordance with
manufacturers’ instructions and network
3.3 Wide area network (WAN) port is
configured in accordance with
manufacturers’ instructions and network
3.4 Wireless settings are configured in
accordance manufacturers’ instructions,
network design and end-user preferences
3.5 Security/Firewall/Advance settings are
configured in accordance with
manufacturers’ instructions and enduser
LO4 - Inspect and test the configured 4.1 Final inspections are undertaken to
computer networks ensure that the configuration done on the 4 hrs.
computer networks conforms with the
manufacturer’s instruction/manual
4.2 Computer networks are checked to
ensure safe operation.
4.3 Reports are prepared/completed
according to company requirements.
UC 3 – Set-up Computer Servers 34 hrs.
August 18 – LO1 - Set-up user access 1.1 User folder is created in accordance
20, 2020  Network Services with 16 hrs.
network operating system (NOS) features Brian A. Salazar
1.2 User access level is configured based
on NOS features and established network
policies/end-user requirements.
1.3 Security check is performed in
accordance with established network
access policies/end-user requirements.
August 21- 24, LO2 - Configure network services 2.1. Normal functions of server are
2020  Access Control Lists checked in accordance with manufacturer’s 14 hrs.
2.2. Required modules /add-ons are
installed/updated based on NOS installation
2.3. Network services to be configured are
confirmed based on user/system
2.4. Operation of network services are
checked based on user/system
2.5. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
LO3 - Perform testing documentation 3.1. Pre-deployment procedures is
August 24, pre-deployment procedures undertaken based on enterprise policies 4 hrs.
2020  Test Servers vs. Production and procedures
3.2. Operation and security check are
undertaken based on end-user
3.3. Reports are prepared/completed
according to enterprise policies and
UC 4 – Maintain and Repair 30 hrs.
Computer Systems and
LO1 - Plan and prepare for the 1.1. Maintenance and/or Diagnosis of faults
maintenance of computer is planned and prepared in line with job
systems and networks requirements. 8 hrs.
August 25, 1.2. Tools, equipment and testing
2020  Guidelines on Maintenance Brian A. Salazar
devices needed for the maintenance are
Procedures obtained and checked for correct operation
 Maintenance Tools and
Equipment and safety
 Maintenance Reports and 1.3. Materials necessary to complete the
Documentation work are obtained in accordance with
established procedures and checked
against job requirements.
1.4. OHS policies and procedures are
followed in line with job requirements.
1.5. Computer systems and networks for
maintenance are checked against
job/service order or instructions and
LO2 - Maintain computer systems 2.1. Appropriate personal protective
 Maintenance Overview equipment is used in line with standard
August 26,  Software Maintenance procedures. 8 hrs.
2020 2.2. Normal function of computer systems
Procedures and networks are checked in accordance
 Hardware Maintenance with manufacturer’s instructions.
Procedures 2.3. Scheduled/periodic maintenance is
performed in accordance with
manufacturer’s requirements.
2.4. Where necessary, needed repairs
/replacements are made in accordance with
established procedures.
2.5. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
LO3 - Maintain network systems 3.1. Appropriate personal protective
August 27,  Basic Computer System equipment is used in line with standard 8 hrs.
2020 Diagnostics procedures.
3.2. Faults or problems in the computer
 Windows Diagnostic Tools systems and networks are diagnosed
according to requirements and in line with
the standard procedures.
3.3. Contingency measures are managed
implemented in accordance with Brian A. Salazar
3.4. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
LO4 – Correct Defects in Computer 4.1. Appropriate personal protective
Systems and Networks equipment is used in line with standard 3 hrs.
August 28,  Computer System procedures.
2020 4.2. Defective components or parts are
replaced or corrected without damage to
 Computer Network the surrounding
Troubleshooting environment or services
4.3. Adjustments, if necessary are made in
accordance with established procedures
4.4. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures.
LO5 - Inspect and test configure / 5.1. Final inspections are undertaken to
repaired computer system ensure that the testing conducted on the
and networks device conforms with the 3 hrs.
manufacturer’s instruction/manual Brian A. Salazar
 Computer System Testing And
5.2. Computer systems and networks are
Inspection checked/tested to ensure safe operation.
 Computer Network Testing And 5.3. OHS standards and 5S principles are
Inspection followed according to enterprise policies
5.4. Work site is cleaned and cleared of all
debris and left in safe condition in
accordance with company procedures
5.5. Excess components and materials are
disposed of based on WEEE directives and
3Rs waste management program.
5.6. Report is prepared and completed
according to company requirements

Prepared by: Checked by:


Trainer Administrative Officer

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