Training Calendar - CSS NC II
Training Calendar - CSS NC II
Training Calendar - CSS NC II
Name of TVI : Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Qualification : Computer Systems Servicing NC II
Name of Trainer : Brian A. Salazar
Training Period : July 13, 2020-August 31, 2020
No. of Training Days : 35 Days
Schedule of National Competency Assessment : September 7-9, 2020
Schedule Number
Instructional Expected Outputs of Trainer
Delivery Hours
Date Title Learning Content/Topic/ Activity
Face to Online/
Face Offline
UC1 - Participate in workplace 8 hrs.
LO1 - Obtain and convey workplace 1.1 Specific and relevant information is 2 hrs.
information accessed from appropriate sources
July 13, 2020 Effective Communication 1.2 Effective questioning, active listening
and speaking skills are used to gather and
convey information Brian A. Salazar
1.3 Appropriate medium is used to transfer
information and ideas
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal communication
is used
1.5 Appropriate lines of communication with
supervisors and colleagues are identified
and followed
1.6 Defined workplace procedures for the
location and storage of information are
1.7 Personal interaction is carried out
clearly and concisely
LO2 - Participate workplace 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time 2 hrs.
meeting and discussion 2.2 Own opinions are clearly expressed and
Type of Forms those of others are listened to without
2.3 Meeting inputs are consistent with the
meeting purpose and established
2.4 Workplace interactions are conducted
in a courteous manner
2.5 Questions about simple routine
workplace procedures and maters
concerning working conditions of
employment are asked and responded to
2.6 Meetings outcomes are interpreted and
Brian A. Salazar
LO3 - Complete relevant work- 3.1 Range of forms relating to conditions of 4 hrs.
related document employment are completed accurately and
Work instruction and basic legibly
tools 3.2 Workplace data is recorded on standard
workplace forms and documents
3.3 Basic mathematical processes are used
for routine calculations
3.4 Errors in recording information on
forms/ documents are identified and
properly acted upon
3.5 Reporting requirements to supervisor
are completed according to organizational
UC2 - Work in a team environment 8 hrs.
LO1 - Describe and identify team 2.1. The role and objective of the team is
July 14, 2020 role and responsibility identified from available sources of 2 hrs.
Team Role 2.2. Team parameters, reporting
Relationship and relationships and responsibilities are
responsibilities identified from team discussions and
Role and responsibilities with appropriate external sources
team environment. 2.3. Individual role and responsibilities
Relationship within a team. within the team environment are identified
2.4. Roles and responsibility of other team
members are identified and recognized
2.5. Reporting relationships within team and
external to team are identified
LO2 - Describe work as a team 3.1. Effective and appropriate forms of
member communicationsused and interactions 6 hrs.
Communication process undertaken with team members
Team structure/team roles who contribute to known team activities and
Group planning and decision objectives
making 3.2. Effective and appropriate contributions
made to complement team activities and
objectives, based on individual skills and
competencies and workplace
3.3. Observed protocols in reporting using
standard operating procedures
3.4. Contribute to the development of team
work plans based on an understanding of Brian A. Salazar
team’s role and objectives and individual
competencies of the members.
UC3 - Practice career 8 hrs.
LO1 - Integrate personal objectives 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are
with organizational goals pursued towards improving the
Integrate personal objective qualifications set for the profession 3 hrs.
with organizational goals 1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships is
Personal hygiene and are
maintained in the course of managing
Practices oneself based on performance evaluation
July 15, 2020 Code of ethics 1.3 Commitment to the organization and its
goal is demonstrated in the performance of
LO2 - Set and meet work priorities 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to
Organizational key result achieve personal, team and organizational
areas (KRA) goals and objectives. 2 hrs.
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and
Work values and ethical effectively to manage work priorities and
standards commitments
Company policies on the use 2.3 Practices along economic use and
maintenance of equipment and facilities are
and maintenance of followed as per established procedures
LO3 - Maintain professional growth 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities
and development are identified and availed of based on job
Qualification standards requirements 3 hrs.
Gender and development 3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and
(GAD) sensitivity demonstrated as proof of career
Professionalism in the advancement
workplace 3.3 Licenses and/or certifications
List of professional licenses relevant to job and career are obtained and
UC4 - Practice occupational health 16 hrs.
and safety procedures
LO1 - Identify hazards and risks 1.1 Safety regulations and workplace
Hazards and risks safety and hazard control practices and
identification and control procedures are clarified and explained
based on organization procedures
Organizational safety and 1.2 Hazards/risks in the workplace and 4 hrs.
July 16, 2020 health protocol their
OHS indicators corresponding indicators are identified to
minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, Brian A. Salazar
workplace and environment in accordance
with organization procedures
1.3 Contingency measures during
workplace accidents, fire and other
emergencies are recognized and
established in accordance with organization
LO2 - Evaluate hazards and risks 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable limits 6 hrs.
Effects of hazards in the which whenexceeded will result in harm or
workplace damage are identified based on threshold
Ergonomics limit values (TLV)
ECC Regulations 2.2 Effects of the hazards are determined
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns and
identified safety hazards are reported to
designated personnel in accordance with
workplace requirements and relevant
workplace OHS legislation
LO3 - Control hazards and risks 3.1 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Safety regulations procedures for controlling hazards/risks in
Clean air act workplace are consistently followed
July 17, 2020 3.2 Procedures for dealing with workplace
Electrical and fire safety code accidents, fire and emergencies are 4 hrs.
Waste management followed in accordance with organization
Disaster preparedness and OHS policies
management 3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
is correctly used in accordance with
Contingency measures and
organization OHS procedures and practices
procedures 3.4 Appropriate assistance is provided in
the event of a workplace emergency in
accordance with established
organization protocol Brian A. Salazar
LO4 - Maintain occupational health 4.1 Emergency-related drills and
and safety awareness trainings are participated in as per
Operational health and safety established organization guidelines and 6 hrs.
procedure, practices and
4.2 OHS personal records are completed
regulations and updated in accordance with workplace
Emergency-related drills and requirements
UC1 - Apply quality standards 8 hrs.
1.1. Work instruction is obtained and work
LO1 - Assess quality of received is carried out in accordance with standard 2 hrs.
materials operating procedures.
Characteristics of Quality 1.2. Received materials are checked
July 20, 2020 Materials against workplace standards and
Fault Identification and specifications.
Reporting 1.3. Faulty materials related to work are
identified and isolated.
1.4. Faults and any identified causes are
recorded and/or reported to the supervisor
concerned in accordance with workplace
1.5. Faulty materials are replaced in
accordance with workplace procedures.
LO3 - Set router / Wi-Fi wireless 3.1 Client Device systems settings are
access point / repeater configured in accordance with
August 17-18, configuration manufacturers’ instructions and enduser 8 hrs.
2020 preferences
Setting up a Wireless Router
3.2 Local area network (LAN) port is
Configuring a Wireless Router configured in accordance with
manufacturers’ instructions and network
3.3 Wide area network (WAN) port is
configured in accordance with
manufacturers’ instructions and network
3.4 Wireless settings are configured in
accordance manufacturers’ instructions,
network design and end-user preferences
3.5 Security/Firewall/Advance settings are
configured in accordance with
manufacturers’ instructions and enduser
LO4 - Inspect and test the configured 4.1 Final inspections are undertaken to
computer networks ensure that the configuration done on the 4 hrs.
computer networks conforms with the
manufacturer’s instruction/manual
4.2 Computer networks are checked to
ensure safe operation.
4.3 Reports are prepared/completed
according to company requirements.
UC 3 – Set-up Computer Servers 34 hrs.
August 18 – LO1 - Set-up user access 1.1 User folder is created in accordance
20, 2020 Network Services with 16 hrs.
network operating system (NOS) features Brian A. Salazar
1.2 User access level is configured based
on NOS features and established network
policies/end-user requirements.
1.3 Security check is performed in
accordance with established network
access policies/end-user requirements.
August 21- 24, LO2 - Configure network services 2.1. Normal functions of server are
2020 Access Control Lists checked in accordance with manufacturer’s 14 hrs.
2.2. Required modules /add-ons are
installed/updated based on NOS installation
2.3. Network services to be configured are
confirmed based on user/system
2.4. Operation of network services are
checked based on user/system
2.5. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
LO3 - Perform testing documentation 3.1. Pre-deployment procedures is
August 24, pre-deployment procedures undertaken based on enterprise policies 4 hrs.
2020 Test Servers vs. Production and procedures
3.2. Operation and security check are
undertaken based on end-user
3.3. Reports are prepared/completed
according to enterprise policies and
UC 4 – Maintain and Repair 30 hrs.
Computer Systems and
LO1 - Plan and prepare for the 1.1. Maintenance and/or Diagnosis of faults
maintenance of computer is planned and prepared in line with job
systems and networks requirements. 8 hrs.
August 25, 1.2. Tools, equipment and testing
2020 Guidelines on Maintenance Brian A. Salazar
devices needed for the maintenance are
Procedures obtained and checked for correct operation
Maintenance Tools and
Equipment and safety
Maintenance Reports and 1.3. Materials necessary to complete the
Documentation work are obtained in accordance with
established procedures and checked
against job requirements.
1.4. OHS policies and procedures are
followed in line with job requirements.
1.5. Computer systems and networks for
maintenance are checked against
job/service order or instructions and
LO2 - Maintain computer systems 2.1. Appropriate personal protective
Maintenance Overview equipment is used in line with standard
August 26, Software Maintenance procedures. 8 hrs.
2020 2.2. Normal function of computer systems
Procedures and networks are checked in accordance
Hardware Maintenance with manufacturer’s instructions.
Procedures 2.3. Scheduled/periodic maintenance is
performed in accordance with
manufacturer’s requirements.
2.4. Where necessary, needed repairs
/replacements are made in accordance with
established procedures.
2.5. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
LO3 - Maintain network systems 3.1. Appropriate personal protective
August 27, Basic Computer System equipment is used in line with standard 8 hrs.
2020 Diagnostics procedures.
3.2. Faults or problems in the computer
Windows Diagnostic Tools systems and networks are diagnosed
according to requirements and in line with
the standard procedures.
3.3. Contingency measures are managed
implemented in accordance with Brian A. Salazar
3.4. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures
LO4 – Correct Defects in Computer 4.1. Appropriate personal protective
Systems and Networks equipment is used in line with standard 3 hrs.
August 28, Computer System procedures.
2020 4.2. Defective components or parts are
replaced or corrected without damage to
Computer Network the surrounding
Troubleshooting environment or services
4.3. Adjustments, if necessary are made in
accordance with established procedures
4.4. Unplanned events or conditions are
responded to in accordance with
established procedures.
LO5 - Inspect and test configure / 5.1. Final inspections are undertaken to
repaired computer system ensure that the testing conducted on the
and networks device conforms with the 3 hrs.
manufacturer’s instruction/manual Brian A. Salazar
Computer System Testing And
5.2. Computer systems and networks are
Inspection checked/tested to ensure safe operation.
Computer Network Testing And 5.3. OHS standards and 5S principles are
Inspection followed according to enterprise policies
5.4. Work site is cleaned and cleared of all
debris and left in safe condition in
accordance with company procedures
5.5. Excess components and materials are
disposed of based on WEEE directives and
3Rs waste management program.
5.6. Report is prepared and completed
according to company requirements