Mathematics 3-1

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The students will be able to,
 Understand and Use Place Value
 Read and Write Number Names
 Recall the process of representing a number in Expanded Form and Short Form
 Compare Numbers
 Identify Greatest and Smallest Numbers
 Read and write the ascending order and descending order
 Read and Write the predecessor and successor
 Understand the concept of counting by intervals and identify patterns in the sequence
 Identify the odd number and even number


Understand and Use Place Value:

Recognize and identify the place value of digits in a 3-digit and 4-digit number.
Use place value to read and write large numbers.
Ex: Write the place value for the underlined digit.
1020 – Thousand
Read and Write Number Names:

Read and write numbers up to 4-digits in words and numerals.

Correctly spell number names for numbers up to 9999.
Eight thousand three hundred =8300
Expanded Form and Short Form:

Every digit in a number has a value depending on its place (units, tens, hundreds, thousand)
Expanded form expresses a number as the sum of each digit multiplied by its place value.
Units (1), Tens (10), Hundreds (100), Thousands (1000), etc.
Each place value is 10 times the value of the place to its right
Number: 4729
4 (Thousands) = 4 * 1000 = 4000
7 (Hundreds) = 7 * 100 = 700
2 (Tens) = 2 * 10 = 20
9 (Ones) = 9 * 1 = 9
Expanded form: 4000 + 700 + 20 + 9
Write short form for the following:
Ex: 6000 + 100 + 80 + 4 = 6184
Comparing Numbers

Objective: Compare numbers using >, <, = symbols.

4509 > 4501

9309 < 9239

5089 = 5089

Identify Greatest and Smallest Numbers

Ex: 5,1,2,8

Greatest number: 8521

Smallest numbers: 1258

Ascending Order: Ascending order refers to arranging numbers from the smallest to the largest.

Ex: 1749, 2641, 343, 8320, 7197

Ans: 343,1749,2641,7197,8320

Descending Order: Descending order involves organizing numbers from the largest to the smallest.

Ex: 1749, 2641, 343, 8320, 7197

Ans: 8320, 7197, 2641, 1749, 343

Write the predecessor and successor number for the following

The successor of the greatest number 1 digit number is 9

The predecessor of the smallest 4 digit number is 1000

Understand the concept of counting by intervals and identify patterns in the sequence
From 200 to 220
Ans: 200 , 202 , 204 , 206 , 208 , 210 , 212 , 214 , 216 , 218 , 220

Identify the odd number and even number

Even Number: A number divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, typically ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

Odd Number: A number not divisible by 2, typically ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.

Assignment I: I. Underline the even numbers:-

29 , 46, 99,120,45, 67,54

Teacher and student engagement :

Note: Every period begins with a 10 minutes warm-up activity, recap, homework checking session.

Period 1: Introduction to place value

Teachers Activity Students Engagement Duration

The teacher will, The students will, 5 minutes

Recall the previous year class by asking Participate in a brief

some question discussion about numbers by
answering for the asked
Ex:1) which the biggest 2 digit number? questions.

2)Read this number 789?

Introduction to place value Follow along, ask question, 15 minutes

and respond to teacher

Display a large place value chart on the board Identify the place value

Explain the place value of digits in a 4 digit


Use number cards to demonstrate

Note down the class work
Thousands Hundreds Tens Units assignments

5 2 4 9

Assign Homework: Assign a few problems

related to place value for practice. Complete the practice sheet. 10 minutes
practice sheet no:2.1 (22 sums)

Period 2: Number Names

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

The teacher will, The students will,

Recall the place value topic. Checking Share prior knowledge and listen
the homework given by teacher actively.

By asking question:

1)what is the spelling for 1’s, 10’s,

100’s , 1000 ‘s

2) write a number 34 in the black board

, ask a student to write the number
name for this number

Number names Practice writing numbers in words 15 MINUTES

and converting words to numbers

Show examples of numbers and their Listen and follow carefully .Note 5 MINUTES
corresponding names down the class work assignments.
Write numbers on the board and
convert them to words.

Assign few problems related to number Note down the homework 5 MINUTES
names for practice assignments

Period 3:Expanded form

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

The teacher will, The students will, 5 minutes

Recall number names. Checking the Share prior knowledge and listen
homework given by teacher actively.

Demonstrate converting numbers to Solve sample problems 15 minutes

expanded form on the board individually, Note down the class
work assignments
Show how to convert expanded form
back to short form.

Assign Homework: Assign a few

problems related to expanded form for Note down the homework 10 minutes
practice sheet no:2.3 and 2.4 assignments

Period 4

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

The teacher will, The students will, 40 minutes

Conduct a individual activity with a4 Participate enthusiastically and

sheet paper expanded form do the activity
Period 5: practice sheet

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

The teacher will, The students will, 40 minutes

Discuss the practice sheet sum and Solve practice sheet sums and
make them to solve clarify their doubts.

Period 6

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

The teacher will, The students will, 35 minutes

Conduct a slip test (place value number

names expanded form )

Slip Test -1 (10 marks)

1. Write the place value of the

underlined digit
a. 1358 b. 4724
2. Write the digits in the correct place
value columns for the number 1,452:

Thousand Hundred Tens Ones

Write a slip test 1.

3.Write the following numbers in words

a. 506 b. 3426 c. 8743
4. Write the expanded form of the
following numbers a. 3782 b. 2654
5. Write the short form
a. 2000 + 400 + 30 + 5

Period 7: Comparing Numbers

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

The teacher will, The students will, 5 minutes

Recall the expanded form by asking Share prior knowledge and listen
questions. actively.

1) Write a number in the

blackboard 6754 ask any one
student to write expanded
form for this number.
2) Checking the homework given
by teacher

Demonstrate about <,>, = , sign with 2 Solve sample problems 15 minutes

digits numbers, 3 digits, 4 digits individually, Note down the class
numbers and also with number names work assignments

Ex: 6 Thousand +4Hundred >


Demonstrate greatest and smallest 4-

digit number and write its number

Assign Homework: Assign a few

problems related to comparing numbers Note down the homework 10 minutes
for practice. assignments
practice sheet no:2.6 and 2.7
Ascending order and Descending order

Period 8: predecessor and successor

Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements Duration

Recall the comparing numbers . Share prior knowledge and listen 5 minutes
Checking the homework given by actively.

Demonstrate about predecessor and Solve sample problems 15 minutes

successor with the help of activity individually, Note down the class
work assignments

Assign Homework: Assign a few

problems related to predecessor and Note down the homework 10 minutes
successor for practice. assignments, doubts clarification
Period 9: Activity

Duration Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements

The teacher will, The students will,

Conduct a group activity with a4 sheet paper and Participate enthusiastically and
colour paper for 4 digit number do the activity

Conduct a activity with colour sheet and number

cards for 4 digit numbers

Period 10: Counting by 2’s &Counting by 5’s::

Duration Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements

5 minutes Recall predecessor and successor topic. Checking Share prior knowledge and
the homework given by teacher listen actively.
Demonstrate about Counting by 2’s
15 minutes on the board Solve sample problems
individually, Note down
the class work assignments

Demonstrate about Counting by 5’s on the board

Assign Homework: Assign a few problems

10 minutes related to counting by 2’s and counting by 5’s for Note down the homework
practice. assignments
Period 11: Counting by 10’s &Counting by 100’s::

Duration Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements

5 minutes Recall counting by 2’s and counting by 5’s Share prior knowledge and listen
to in class. Checking the homework given by actively.
Demonstrate about Counting by 10’s
15 minutes on the board Solve sample problems
individually, Note down the class
work assignments

Demonstrate about Counting by 100’s on the


Assign Homework: Assign a few problems

10 minutes related to counting by 10’s and counting by 100’s Note down the homework
for practice. assignments

Period 12: Identify the odd number and even number

Duration Teacher’s Activity Students Engagements

5 minutes Recall counting by 10’s and Share prior knowledge and listen actively.
counting by 100’s to in class.
Checking the homework given by

15 minutes Demonstrate about The numbers Solve sample problems individually,

which end with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are Note down the class work assignments
called odd numbers

The numbers which end with 0, 2,

4, 6, 8 are called even numbers.
Assign Homework: Assign a few
10 minutes problems related to odd number and Note down the homework assignments
even number for practice.
1. Write the place value of the underline digits (2x1=2)

a. 4576 -

b. 1239 –

2. Write the following numbers is words (3x1=3)

a.2178 -
b.897 -
c. 9999 -
3. Write the expanded form of the following numbers: ( 3x1=3)
a.472 -
b.567 -
c.5032 -
4. Write the short form (standard form) of the following expanded numbers: ( 5x1=5)
a. 2000+300+20+1 =
b. 5000+600+40+2 =
c.600+40+6 =
d. 7000+500+7 =
e. 6000+70+4 =
5. Comparing Numbers Using >, <, or = to compare the following pairs of numbers (2x1=2)

a. 368 ___ 386

b. 412 ___ 421
6. Write the greatest and smallest numbers using the digits 5, 2, 9, 1: (2x1=2)
Greatest: __________
Smallest: __________
7. Counting by Intervals or skip counting (4x½=2)
Counting by 2s: 6, 8, __, __, 14

Counting by 5s: 350,355, __, __, 370

Counting by 10s: 420, 430, __, __, 460

Counting by 100s: 6200, 6300, __, __, 6600

8. Circle the even numbers and underline the odd numbers: (1x1=1)

a. 7, 16, 23, 44, 51, 68, 79

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