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dlp6 Math4q1

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DLP No. 6 Learning Area: Math Grade Level: 4 Quarter: 1 Duration: 50 min

Learning Compare numbers up to 100 000 using relational symbols Code:M4NS-Ib-12.4

Key Concepts/  In comparing numbers, compare the digits in the highest place value.
Understandings If they are equal, go to next place value. If they are not, determine the number which is greater
To be Developed: or lesser.
 Use the symbol < for “ is less than, ” > for “ is greater than, ” and = for “ is equal.”
Knowledge Compare numbers up to 100 000 using relational symbols

Skills Use the relation symbol <, >, = in comparing numbers

Attitudes Show the value of honesty when given a task

Values Display eagerness to help others do the exercises

Comparing Numbers up to 100 000 Using Relational Symbols

Resources/ K to 12 Grade 4 CG, LM Math Grade 4 pages 16 to 18
Materials/ Worktext, pictures, real objects
4.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes
each step will consume)
Preparation 1. Drill:
5 minutes Tell the missing numbers.
a. 3 456 ________ 3 458 ________ 3 460 _______ 3 462
b. ______ 6 789 _______ 6 791 _______ 6793 ______ 6 795

2. Review:
Conduct a review on identifying the place value of a digit in a given number.
Give exercises on this.

3. Motivation:
Tell the class to group themselves according to their favorite subject.
Ask: What subject is liked by most pupils? the least?
How would you compare the numbers?
Presentation 1. Present a problem to the class
20 minutes
“For school year 2015-2016, St. Mark School had an enrolment of 2 154 pupils while
St. James School had an enrolment of 2 043 pupils. Which school had more
2. Ask the pupils to compare the two numbers by working in pairs.
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
2 1 5 4

2 0 4 3
Same 1 is greater than 0

So, 2 154 is greater than 2 043 or 2 154 > 2 043

3. Process the Activity
●How did you find the activity?
●Which pair was able to give the correct answer?
●Which pair was not able to give a correct answer?

4. Let the pupils generalize the lesson by asking these questions:

●How do we compare numbers?
●What symbols do we use?

10 minutes Write a digit in the blank to make the statement true.
1. 23 _34 > 23 645
2. 34 567 < _4 321
3. _5 760 = 65 342

5.Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or

Analysis of Learners’ Products and/or Tests ______minutes)

Refer to Worktext page 8 Exercise A

Written Test
10 minutes Write the relation symbol <, >, or = to compare the numbers.
1. 374 824 ( ) 364 824
2. 824 725 ( ) 428 925
3. 869 296 ( ) 98 296

6.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson and/or Preparation for a new lesson) _______ minutes

Refer to Worktext page 9 Exercise B and C.

3 minutes Write the symbol <, >, or = on each box to make the number sentence true.

1. 635 433 600 000 + 30 000 + 5 000 + 400 + 30 + 3

2. 400 000 + 300 + 50 + 9 4 359

Wrap-up/Concludi Close the period by wrapping-up the day’s lesson.
ng Activity
2 minutes

Prepared by:

Name: Francisco C. Gaon Jr. School: Marangog Elementary School

Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Bogo City
Contact Number: 09918361776 Email Address: [email protected]

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