dlp6 Math4q1
dlp6 Math4q1
dlp6 Math4q1
DLP No. 6 Learning Area: Math Grade Level: 4 Quarter: 1 Duration: 50 min
Resources/ K to 12 Grade 4 CG, LM Math Grade 4 pages 16 to 18
Materials/ Worktext, pictures, real objects
4.Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes
each step will consume)
Preparation 1. Drill:
5 minutes Tell the missing numbers.
a. 3 456 ________ 3 458 ________ 3 460 _______ 3 462
b. ______ 6 789 _______ 6 791 _______ 6793 ______ 6 795
2. Review:
Conduct a review on identifying the place value of a digit in a given number.
Give exercises on this.
3. Motivation:
Tell the class to group themselves according to their favorite subject.
Ask: What subject is liked by most pupils? the least?
How would you compare the numbers?
Presentation 1. Present a problem to the class
20 minutes
“For school year 2015-2016, St. Mark School had an enrolment of 2 154 pupils while
St. James School had an enrolment of 2 043 pupils. Which school had more
2. Ask the pupils to compare the two numbers by working in pairs.
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
2 1 5 4
2 0 4 3
Same 1 is greater than 0
10 minutes Write a digit in the blank to make the statement true.
1. 23 _34 > 23 645
2. 34 567 < _4 321
3. _5 760 = 65 342
6.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson and/or Preparation for a new lesson) _______ minutes
Wrap-up/Concludi Close the period by wrapping-up the day’s lesson.
ng Activity
2 minutes
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