Aircraft Power Plants PDF
Aircraft Power Plants PDF
Aircraft Power Plants PDF
JUN ,2 5 1971;
Engineering Division, Air Materiel Command
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio \} N I VfRs,
9;-'\} l'J..
H. S. TSIEN 4..0
Guggenheim Laboratory <
California Institute oj TechnoloKY::.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Califronia Institute oj Technology
The AAF Scientific Advisory Group was activated late
in 1944 by General of the Army H. H. Arnold. He se·
cured the services of Dr. Theodore von Karman, reo
nowned scientist and consultant in aeronautics, who
agreed to organize and direct the group.
Dr. von Karman gathered about him a group of Ameri-
can scientists from every field of research having a
bearing on air power. These men then analyzed im-
portant developments in the basic sciences, both here
and abroad, and attempted to evaluate the effects of their
application to air power.
This volume is one of a group of reports made to the
Army Air Forces by the Scientific Advisory Group.
lhIs docum.nt contains information affecting the natlonal d.f.nse of the Unit.d StCltes within
the m.aning af the apionag. Act, 50 U. S. C., 31 Clnd 32. as amend.d. Its transmission ar the
r ..... latlon of its contents in any manner to an unauthorlz.d p.rson is prohibit.d by law.
Capt M. Miller
Capt T. E. Daley
Part I
Introduction .................. ............................................ . 1
Reciprocating Engine .•...•••••............••.•.•.•...•..••••....••..•... 1
Com pound Engines ...••..•..•••............•...•.•.......••..••..•.•.... 2
Free-Piston Engine ......................................................................................... . 3
Gas Turbine ......... ................................................................................................ . 4
Turbojet. . ....... . . . .............. . ....... ..................... ...... . .... ............................. .............. 8
Recommendations for Future Research. . . • . • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . .. 13
Tables ................................................................• 18
Illustrations ................•.•.•...........•.....................•...... 21
Part II
The Present Status of Aeropulse. . . • . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . • . . . . .. 41
The Specific Fuel Consumption ..........•.......•.....•.••••.•......... 41
Frequency of Pulsation and Thrust ..........................•.......... 47
Possible Improvement of the Existing Form of Aeropuls4:. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51
Valveless Aeropulse .................... '. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. 52
Improvement in Specific Fuel Consumption ........................•••.. 52
Increase in Thrust Coefficient. . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53
Concluding Remarks ...•........•....•.................•....•.......... , 53
Appendices. • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • • . . . . . . .. 54
Part III
Introduction. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. 61
Basis of the Theoretical Analysis. . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . .. . .. 63
Calculated Performance. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . • . . • . • • • • . . . . . • • .. 66
Weight of a Ramjet. . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • . • • • . . . . . . •• 70
Boosting of the Ramjet at Low Forward Speeds •••.......•..•............. 70
Research and Development on the Ramjet. . . . . . . •. .. . . . .•. • .•. . ... . . . . . •. 70
Ramjet Combustion as a Problem in Fluid Mechanics. . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. 71
References. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . .. . . .. • . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. • .. .. 74
Appendix. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . .• 75
Part IV
Types of Rockets and Their Present Applications. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • • . . . •• 81
Solid· Propellant Rockets. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • .. 82
Liquid.Propellant Rockets. . . • • . • • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . .. 92
Part V
Introduction .............•.......................•.....••..•••.......•.. 103
Materials for Gas· Turbine Power Plants .............................•.... 103
Materials for Ramjet Power Plants ....................................... 107
Materials for Rocket Power Plants ............................•.•.•••••.. 108
Materials for Atomic Energy Aircraft Power Plants •............•..••..••.. 111
Conclusions .................... .................................................................... . 112
Gas-turbine propulsion is used as a general term covering the various means of
propulsion incorporating a gas turbine as its primary component. Included under
gas-turbine propulsion are the following systems:
(1) Turboprop, or gas turbine driving a propeller.
(2) Turbofan, or gas turbine driving a ducted fan.
(3) Turbojet, or gas turbine plus jet reaction.
In the pre,ent report brief comments will first be made on the reciprocating
engine, compound engine, free piston, and various gas-turbine systems. Then the
scientific background of some of the propulsion systems will be discussed from the
point of view of stressing future possibilities of development.
The primary purpose of this report is to show ways in which the gas turbine is
basically capable of considerable improvements toward increasing its potentialities
for high-speed aircraft application. In order to obtain improvements of this nature,
greater emphasis on basic and applied research is needed. This report stresses in
particular the items on which research and development should pay the greatest
The chief advantage of the reciprocating engine at the present time is in low
specific fuel consumption, especially at partial load. This makes it particularly applica-
ble to long-range flight at present cruising speeds. Typical reciprocating engines now
in use have specific fuel consumptions which are in the neighborhood of 0.7 lb/bhp-hr
at full-rated rpm, decreasing to about 0.4S lb/bhp-hr at cruising conditions.
The principle characteristics of several current and proposed reciprocating
engines of higher horsepower of interest fflr comparison with gas turbines, are given
in Table I.
The largest reciprocating engine now under development is the SOOO-hp Lycom-
ing R-77S S. One of the chief aims of this engine is fuel economy for long-range bomb-
er application. The estimated minimum specific fuel consumption is approximately
0.37 lb/bhp-hr, the improvement being associated largely with increased compression
ratio. However, it is noted that there is no improvement in either specific weight or
power per unit frontal area of the R· 7755 over the R.4360. The ratio of dry weight to
take-off power is 1.211b/hp for the R-7755 as compared with 1.14 lb/hp for the R-
4360 and the ratio of take-off power to frontal area is 178 for the R- 7 7 5 5 as compared
with 198 for the R-4360.
Further increase of reciprocating-engine power involves further increase in
cylinder volume, which is already at a critical stage as regards number and arrange-
ment of cylinders, complexity of the drh'e, excessive frontal area, and difficulty of
cooling. There are development projects at present aimed at increasing the output
of the R-3350 to 3200 hp and the R·4360 to 4300 hp.
Some increase in fuel economy can reasonably be expected by utilizing higher
pressure ratios, improved fuels, improved metallurgy, etc., but engine manufacturers
consider that it would be difficult to attain a specific fuel consumption essentially lower
than 0.35 lb/bhp-hr.
A serious limitation of the reciprocating engine for high-speed flight is the cooling
problem, as pointed out in the discussion on airplane designs by Sears, Ashkenas and
Hasert (Part II of Aerodynamics and Aircraft Design, another report of the AAF
Scientific Advisory Group). The adiabatic rise in temperature due to impingement of
the air on the engine surfaces is proportional to the square of the air velocity, and would
reach a value of 90°F at 700 mph, and 180°F at 1000 mph. This cooling difficulty
coupled with the relatively large frontal area, would act as a serious drawback to the
application of the reciprocating engine to supersonic flight.
The motorjet or Campini system, whereby a reciprocating engine drives a ducted
fan, has several advantages, especially that afterburning can be used for temporary
increase in thrust, but the basic limitations are those associated with the reciprocating
The compound engine represents the beginning of a transition between the con-
ventional engine and the gas turbine. Compounding is an attempt to recover a con·
siderable portion of exhaust energy by operating some form of a gas turbine which
feeds back into the main power drive. Several projects now under consideration are:
1. Wright Aeronautical Corporation proposes a system in which the exhaust
blows forward through turbine buckets located on the tips of cooling fan blades in the
front nose cowl ring. The turbine drives the cooling fan, and the surplus power is
transmitted to the propeller shaft through a gear transmission. By this means, it is
estimated that the fuel consumption can be reduced from 10 to 20 percent.
2. Allison V·1 710-127. An exhaust turbine is mounted on the rear of the auxil.
iary stage supercharger, and is connected to the crankshaft system by means of an
extension shaft.
3. The General Electric Company at West Lynn have a development project for
an exhaust gas turbine feeding back into the crankshaft of a R·4360 engine.
In the compound engine described in the preceding paragraphs, the pistons of"
nciprocating engine are used partly to drive a crankshaft and partly to serve as a gas
generator to drive a gas turbine. The so-called free-piston engine represents the ex-
treme in the compounding principle, in that the pistons are used solely as gas-gener-
ators, and the products of combustion are used entirely to run a gas turbine.
The main principle of the free-piston engine is the utilization of floating pistons
which, instead of driving connecting rods and crankshafts as in conventional engines,
generate compressed and heated gases by recoiling to and fro between cushions of
charged air, with combustion taking place at the time of maximum compression of
each charge. The products of combustion are then available either to pass directly
through a discharge nozzle, furnishing jet propulsion, 01' they may pass through a
turbine, and generate power for driving a propeller 01' ducted fan. For the gas-turbine
application, one of the chief advantages claimed for the free-piston engine is low
specific fuel consumption, which is associated with the fact that combustion takes
place at a relatively high value of instantaneous pressure. Since partial expansions
take place in the cylinder after combustion, the temperature of the gases entering the
turbine is not excessively high. The free piston can also be used to compress air which
is mixed with hot gases, thereby resulting in a cooler mixture. These factors are favor-
able for turbine wheel construction and life. In addition, the partial load character-
istics are more favorable than the normal gas turbine.
The successful applications of the free-piston engine so far have been to stationary
power plants 01' marine engines, where weight and bulk were not important factors.
Professor Junkers had been experimenting in Germany with the free-piston principle
for several decades, and the Junkers Company has been making a free-piston marine
engine. Pescara in France has developed stationary power plants of the free-piston
type. Sulzer Brothers in Switzerland also build free-piston power plants.
The Japanese Navy, in 1940, became interested in applying the free-piston engine
to gas turbine - propeller combinations for aircraft propulsion, and in 1941 a model
free-piston gas turbine was placed in operation. It soon became apparent, however,
that too much development work would be needed before it could be useful in the war
effort, and it was later abandoned in favor of copying German turbojets.
In Germany, O. Lutz of the Luhfahrtforschungsanstalt Hermann Goring was
attempting to develop a free-piston engine for aircraft application. This engine was
claimed to be essentially lighter in weight and smaller in bulk than the Pescara and
Junkers types. This was accomplished chiefly by having" a series of pistons rotate and
oscillate within a torus-shaped housing. In a working prototype there are two banks of
three pistons each, which rotate about a central axis. Although both groups of pistons
rotate at the same mean speed, they have a superimposed oscillatory motion of such
nature that one piston group is always oppositely phased to the other. In this way there
are six working spaces, of which three are expanding while the other three are con-
tracting at the same rate. Valves are simple slots which require no further mechanism.
By the end of the war, the prototype had not been tested enough to indicate its feasi-
With regard to possible aircraft application of the free piston, it is believed that
a specific fuel consumption of 0.35 lb/bhp-hr may be attainable. Considerable re-
significant factor is the turbine inlet temperature T4. It is seen from the cycle diagram
of Fig. 2 that higher tenrperatures result in greater work output. However, as far as a
theorectical cycle without losses is concerned, the fuel consumption would increase
proportionately with the net output so that the specific fuel consumption would be
independent of turbine-inlet temperature. However, for the actual cycle with losses,
increased turbine-inlet temperature has generally a beneficial effect on fuel con-
This is shown in Fig. 3, for temperatures of 1600 o F, which have already been
exceeded; 2000 o F, which several current units almost attain, and 2600 0 F for a future
goal. A flight Mach No. of 0.8 is used for this example. The assumed compressor and
turbine efficiencies of 85% have already been attained in axial flow units.
It is seen that the minimum specific fuel consumption shows a moderate decrease
with increasing temperature. The influence of turbine-inlet temperature on the power
output is much greater, as shown in Fig. 4, for the same range of temperatures. It is
seen that the power output would be increased 60% at 2000 0 F and over 180% at
2600 0 F for the same mass flow, providing the pressure ratio were also increased for
the higher temperatures. The magnitude of the power increase emphasizes the need
for intensive support of high-temperature materials development.
5. 'nfercoo/ing.
One means of improving the power output of a gas turbine is by intercooling
between compressor stages. By this method the power required by the compressor to
obtain a given pressure ratio is less, which leaves more of the turbine output for the
propeller. The nature of intercooling is such that its effectiveness increases with
pressure ratio.
The pressure ratios of most current units are too low to warrant incorporation of
intercooling, and its utility is greater for gas turbines with high pressure ratios. It is
likely to become of increasing importance since pressure ratios are becoming pro-
gressively higher. Interviews with manufacturers indicate that the majority did not
think that intercooling paid for the increased weight and complication, except for
units of high pressure ratio.
6. Regeneration.
One of the most effective means of improving cycle efficiency and decreasing
specific fuel consumption is by the use of regeneration. The reasoning behind this is
that the exhaust gas leaving the turbine still has an essential temperature head. This
heat may be partially recoveredby the incorporation of a heat exchanger in the turbine
exhaust. If this heat is used to preheat the air entering the combustion chamber, it is
obvious that less fuel will be eneded to raise the temperature of the combustion gases to
the allowable limiting value at the turbine inlet. By this means, it is estimated that a
saving of between 20 and 30 percent in the specific fuel consumption is possible.
Against this advantage must be weighed the disadvantage of increased weight, pressure
loss, and complications. Wright Aeronautical Corporation engineers, among others,
have made a theoretical study of regeneration, including weight estimates.
Sample estimates for a typical 5000.hp gas turbine are:
W ithollt Regeneration
Dry Weight 40001b
Specific Fuel Consumption at Sea Level .80 lb/hp/hr
Specific Fuel Consumption at 20,000 ft .58 Ib/hp/hr
With Regeneration
Dry Weight 5600lb
Specific Fuel Consumption at Sea Level .561b/hp/hr
Special Fuel Consumption at 20,000 ft .41 Ib/hp/hr
One of the chief factors hindering development of the regenerative system is that
this type of heat exchanger for aircraft application is in the early stages of development.
A German project for developing a ceramic heat exchanger was being conducted at
Gouingen, and should be reviewed for possible application. General research on the
development of light and efficient heat exchangers with low pressure loss for aircraft
application is recommended.
7. Relaeat.
A further increase in performance of the gas-turbine cycle can be obtained by
dividing the turbine into several separate stages and reheating the gas by combustion
between the stages. Both power and fuel economy are improved. Against this gain the
increased complication and weight must be weighed. Reheat for aircraft gas turbines
is relatively unexplored, because lightness and simplicity were necessarily prerequisite
to the first aircraft applications. All such methods of improvement should be explored
for the future.
9. Closed Cycle. ,
In the closed cycle as developed by). Ackeret and C. Keller for Escher Wyss in
Zurich, the gas passing through the compressor and turbine is recirculated in a closed
circuit, while combustion takes place externally and transmits heat to the gas through
a heat exchanger. This cycle offers several advantages from the theoretical point of
view; for instance, since the cycle is enclosed, it may be made gas tight and operated
at an] desired pressure level. By using air under pressure, it is obvious that a higher
output of power may be obtained with smaller dimensions of compressor and turbine.
Also, there is much better control of the temperature distribution entering th~ turbine,
which enables the turbine to operate at a somewhat higher level of mean temperature
than would otherwise be the case. A schematic diagram of a closed cycle is shown in
Fig. 7. The air is compressed in the axial 01' centrifugal compressor A and heat is added
at B through a heat exchanger associated with external combustion. The hot gas passes
through the turbine D and the residual heat is removed by means of the heat exchanger
F and transferred to the air leaving the compressor. The air leaving the heat exchanger
recirculates and enters the compressor without further change in pressure and temper-
ature. High efficiencies are obtainable with this cycle, as shown by curves of). Ackeret
in Fig. 8. It is seen from the figures that the level of efficiency occurs at relatively low
values of pressure ratio, which means that a compressor-turbine unit with fewer stages
could be used. The disadvantage of the system is the large amount of heat exchange
surface required, which would tend toward a unit much too bulky and heavy for present
consideration. However, the inherent advantage of good efficiency would indicate
research on this cycle to be desirable. It is recommended that estimates be made of the
over-all weight, size, and performance of this system. Another possibility which should
be investigated is the utilization of different gases for this cycle, such as freon, carbon
dioxide, argon, helium. etc.
Ihat there IS no propeller drive, and all the net output of the unit goes into the jet. The
turbine extracts just enough heat to drive the compressor. fhe work developed by the
turbine, therefore, is equal to the work absorbed by the compressor. The remaining
energy of the hot gases leaving the turbine goes into thrust upon expansion in the
Calculations were made by M. Alperin of the specific fuel consumption and specific
thrust for a series of assumed values of turbine-inlet temperatures, compressor e~
ciency, turbine efficiency, and pressure ratio. * With the aid of these studies, it is possi-
ble to draw general conclusions regarding the factors influencing the performance of
turbojets, and to estimate the order of magnitude of the gain to be expected for various
future improvements.
4. Met~oJs of Obtaining Temporary Increase of Thrust.
Methods of obtaining temporary increase of thrust are especially important for
jet engines at both ends of the speed range. For take-off the over-all efficiency of the jet
unit is low due to the high residual knietic energy associated with the large differential
between jet velocity and airplane speed. Since the efficiency of the turbojet increases
with rpm, cruising conditions are closer to the maximum than is the case for a con-
ventional engine. Increased thrust is, therefore, desirable for temporary increase of
One method of obtaining a temporary increase of thrust is by after burning or
supplementary combustion in the tail pipe. The amount of thrust increases with in-
creasing pressure ratio. Therefore, afterburning is especially effective with high pres-
sure ratio gas turbines, and the thrust increases rapidly with flight speed due to the
ram pressure. In the report by Sears, Ashkenas, and Hasert, it was estimated that
although supersonic speeds were questionable for turbojets now in operation, after-
burning would furnish enough thrust to make supersonic speeds appear feasible. Due
to the importance of this question, it is recommended that systematic theoretical and
experimental studies be conaucted to explore the possibilities of afterburning, es-
pecially at supersonic speeds.
Another promising means of obtaining increased thrust is by liquid injection,
especially in combination with after burning. Injection of ammonia and fuels should
receive further attention, especially with regard to oxygen-bearing fuels for altitude
6. Comhuslion.
The combustion process opens a new field for analysis in that both thermodynam-
ics and aerodynamics must be taken into consideration. This forms, in fact, a new
science which has recently been referred to as aerothermodynamics. The fuel is sprayed
into the combustion cylinder through a series of spray nozzles, and combustion takes
place in the presence of a steady flow of air. Since the amount of fuel is small in propor-
tion to the air, the process involves an addition of heat content without essential change
of mass flow. The equations are, therefore, similar in nature to those for a shock wave.
If conditions upstream of the combustion process are denoted by a subscript 1, and
conditions downstream by 2, and H represents the heat added by the combustion
process per unit mass flow, then the three basic equations for mean changes through
the combustion chamber are:
For a given o:et of entering conditions the amount of heat added can be plotted as a
function of either pressure or Mach number at the downstream section. The pressure
decreases in a parabolic function as the amount of heat is increased. However, the
significant fact emerging from the analysis is that there is a definite maximum to the
amount of heat that can be added. The equations show that the maximum added heat
corresponds to a discharge Mach number M2 equal to 1. For this maximum condition
of added heat, a curve can be plotted of maximum heat versus inlet Mach number. This
is shown in Fig, 17. It is noted that the maximum heat which can be added increases
rapidly with decreased inlet Mach number. This would indicate that low entrance
velocities are desirable from the point of view of adding as much heat as possible.
However, it should be pointed out that lower velocities are associated with larger
combustion chambers which mean larger and heavier units, so that for this particular
item a compromise must be made. One of the chief problems in combustion is turbu-
lent mixing and diffusion to obtain an efficient and uniform combustion process. There
has been considerable aerodynamic research on the turbulent Bow of air alone, but
there is a need for research on the turbulent mixture of air and fuel droplets. This is
especially true at altitudes where the air deasity is very low.
One of the difficulties of present units is the nonuniformity of the combustion
process. The distribution of temperatures around an annular ring is irregular and high
points or hot spots occur. This means that the mean turbulent temperature has to be
kept at a lower value than would be the case if the temperature were uniform and
regions of higher temperature did not exist.
Combustion at altitude is a problem about which there is very little known.
Various factors become critical at altitude, for instance, the air becomes too rare for
proper diffusion and mixture; the spark becomes too weak for proper ignition; the
distance between the fuel nozzles and the point of ignition may be 'Wrong; the com-
pressor and turbine may be far enough off their design operating point to cause
pumping and instability; the relative Mach number at the compressor inlet increases
with the decreasing temperature, which may lead to increased losses and choking.
All these subjects should be the subject of intensive investigation in altitude com-
bustion laboratories and in high-speed, altitude wind tunnels.
5. High-Temperature Materials.
The development of high-temperature materials is especially important in view
of the considerable increase of thrust or power per unit frontal area which occurs
with increase of the turbine-inlet temperature. It should be emphasized that the fatigue
characteristics at high temperatures are of greater importance than simple rupture
strength. The development of ceramics should be given special attention because
they give promise of significant temperature increase. Research on the develop-
ment of ceramic alloys which can be used as the construction material itself should be
6. Turbine Research.
Aerodynamic research on turbines is needed on problems of three-dimensional
flow, degree of reaction, influence of tip clearance and interaction with nozzle flow.
The present turbojet units tend to use impulse-type of turbine blading because it is
possible to utilize only one stage for the lower pressure ratios of such units as the
1-40 and TG-180. Reaction blading appears to be somewhat more efficient, but since
it has less pressure drop, more stages are required. There is an important question,
therefore, as to the interrelationship between efficiency and the number of stages.
Aerodynamic factors contributing to the forcing function for turbine-blade vibration
should be investigated. Utilization of hollow blades, especially in conjunction with
blade cooling or boundary layer suction, is an important research problem, in the
light of utilizing higher gas temperatures with associated thrust increase.
With respect to the cooling of turbine blades several German projects are of in-
terest. One project by Schmidt of the LFA was concerned with water cooling of the
blades. The steam resulting from the heating of the water was utilized in a steam tur-
bine which could either feed back into the driveshaft or be used to furnish auxiliary
power for the aircraft.
Another similar project was by Rietz of Gottingen who was experimenting with
sodium instead of water as the cooling medium.
Cooling of walls by seepage through porous material as mentioned in. the report
by Duwez should be investigated for application to turbine blades.
In general, research on blade cooling is recomended because of the possibilities
of increased thrust per unit frontal area. The cost in weight and complication should
be estimated throughout in order to have realistic evaluations.
7. Combustion Research.
This subject is considered especially important in view of the primitive state of
knowledge regarding even the fundamental processes of combustion. Investigation
should be made as to the physical principles at work and the factors of similarity
which make it possible to predict behavior in the di1{erent operating conditions. Es-
pecially important are questions of stability at altitude and behavior over wide operat-
ing ranges. For flight above the speed of sound, the effect of flow changes through the·
jet unit should be investigated as to their effect on combustion. The relative merits
of the annular type of combustion chamber versus the individual type should be studied
Interests of size and weight dictate small, compact combustion chambers. This, how-
ever, involves higher air speeds through the combustion chamber and sufficient
investigation should be made to enable reasonable design compromises to be reached
The mixing of fuel with air should be studied, especially under altitude conditions
where the air density is low. Also in dealing with combustion chambers, the ques-
tion of safety becomes important, and the construction should be considered from this
'0 Fuel Researc",
It is recommended that more study be given to the heat content per unit volume of
various fuels as well as the heat content per pound, since with the large quantities of'
fuel required by jet airplanes, the frontal area is a significant factor. Combustion effi-
ciency should also be studied, since a fuel with a high energy content may lose its
advantage if the combustion efficiency is low. Hydrogen is attractive from a heat value
standpoint and investigation is recommended as to the possibility for its utilization.
Development of fuels for high.altitude operation: It may be necessary to carry
fuel with a certain percentage of self-oxidizer to be used for altitudes above the limits
of normal combustion.
Of paramount importance for the future is the possible utilization of atomic
fuels. This is discussed in the report by H. S. Tsien. It is pointed out that although
the heat content of atomic fuels range between 3 x 10 8 and 3 x 1010 BTU/lb as com·
pared with 1.87 x 10 4 BTU/lb for gasoline, the significant factor for its utilization in
gas turbines, etc., is the rate of energy release, which is·about 5 x 10· BTU/hr/lb,
for a typical case. Although low, application to gas.turbine propulsion appears within
the range of feasible application.
Ther~ is a distinct need for engineering development work to apply the abstract
results of nuclear physics to engineering utilization of nuclear power for propulsion.
9. Cycle Researc,,"
It has been noted in an earlier part of this report that considerable gain in fuel
economy can be obtained by use of regeneration, reheating, use of a closed cycle with
gas under pressure, etc. However, the advantages are counterbalanced by increased
weight and complication. It would be highly important to know to what degree weight
and complication might be cut down by suitable research on heat exchangers and other
such items entering these cycles.
It is recommended that the component parts involved in cycle improvement be
subjected to systematic research regarding future improvements. Similar studies
should be made on the compound engine, the free-piston system, the turbofan, and
the use of new gases in csnjunction with a closed cycle.
Manufacturer Wright Aeronautical Pratt & Whitney Lycoming
Model R-3350-57 R-4~60-27 XR-7755-3
Type 18-Cyl 28-Cyl 36-Cyl
Single-Stage Single-Stage Dual Rotation
Single-Speed Variable-Speed (Two-Speed Reo Gear)
Supercharger Supercharger Fuel Injection
Sea Level Performance Take-Off 2200 hp Take-Off 3000 hp Take-Off 5000 hp
60% Cruise 1200 hp 60% Cruise 1500 hp Medium Cruise 2000 hp
Speed RPM 2800 rpm 2700 rpm 2600 rpm
2000 rpm 2144 rpm 1600 rpm
Air Flow 4.45Ih/sec 6.11 lb/sec
2.22Ib/sec 3.13 lb/sec
Specific Fuel .80 lb/hp-hr .73 lb/hp-hr .70 lb/hp-hr
Consumption .44 lb/hp-hr .46 lb/hp-hr .37Ib/hp-hr
Compression Ratio 6.85:1 7:1 8.5:1
Over.all Length 76.26 in. 96.75 in. lZl in.
Over-all Diameter 55.94 in. 52.5 in. 61 in.
Total Dry Weight 2758lb 3404lb 6050lb
NOTE: These data furnished by Power Plant Laboratory, Wright Field, based on information available as of
2 November 1945.
Manufacturer G. E. G.E. G.E. I Westing- Westing- Westing- Lockheed
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---_. ..
Figure 9 - Turflolatt
_ C>
0 0 0 0 0 0 _ .. 0
a • • a atGO 0 _ 0
Figure JO - Turboiet
The German aeropulse and the American copy of it for the flying bomb are
the first successful realizations of this type of power plant. The general dimensions
are given in Fig. 1. The air is sucked into the combustion chamber by the vacuum
created by exhaust of the previous cycle. The intake air passes the venturi where
gasoline is continuously injected. The explosion of the air-fuel mixture raises the
pressure in the combustion chamber to a high level and closes the spring valve at
the intake. The gas is thus forced to expand through the exhaust duct and is discharged
at high speed. This gives the propelling impulse. At the end of discharge, the inertia
of the gas creates a vacuum in the combustion chamber and the engine is ready to
start a new cycle again. The pressure in the combustion chamber is controlled by
the rate of fuel injection, and this, in turn, controls the discharge velocity of the gas,
and thus the propulsive thrust. To start the engine, a carefully adjusted amount of fuel
is sprayed into the cold combustion chamber, so as to create a mixture of correct
ratio around the spark plug. The spark plug ignites the mixture and the resulting
strong explosion starts the cycle. The flow in the combustion chamber and the dis-
charge duct is thus a pulsating one with very large amplitude, as shown by Figs. 2
and 3.
Therefore, it might be expected that the specific consumption will decrease with in-
crease in fuel rate. In other words, the thrust output of the unit increases faster than the
increase in fuel flow. This is actually borne out by the experiments, as the lower points
in Fig. 4, at a given Mach number, correspond to higher fuel rates. It is seen that as
flight Mach number or flight speed is increased, the specific consumption gradually
decreases. The trend is represented by the heavy curve in the figure. At stationary
conditions, the consumption is 5 lb/hr/lb-thrust. It decreases to 3.7 lb/hr/lb-thrust
at a flight Mach number of 0.6, or 450 mph.
To extrapolate the specific consumption curve to higher flight numbers, it is
necessary to have the guidance of theoretical calculation. Since the flow is nonsteady,
the complete anlysis should include the inertia effects, and the calculation will be very
complicated. To simplify the calculation the following assumptions will be made:
(a) The. pressure in the combustion chamber at the end of the charging process
or at· the beginning of combustion is one-half of the stagnation pressure of the air
stream, assuming isentropic compression.
(b) The combustion is carried out at constant volume and the combustion effi-
ciency is 95 percent.
(c) The discharge process is quasi steady. In other words, the flow at each in-
stant is assumed to be the same as that of a steady discharge through a Laval nozzle
of perfect design, with the chamber pressure prevailing at that instant.
(d) The specific heats of the air and combustion products are assumed to be con-
stants, but different values are used for air and for the combustion products.
(e) The mass flow of fuel is neglected with respect to the mass flow of air.
The basis for these assumptions will now be discussed.
The pressure in the combustion chamber at the end of the charging process de-
pends upon two factors: the diffusor efficiency of the duct, and the throttling effect
of the venturi with fuel jets. Since the duct is very short, most of the compression must
occur outside of the duct with diverging streamlines. Therefore, aside from the
possible effect of shock wave at supersonic flight velocities, the pressure in front of
the spring valve should be very close to the st~gnation pressure with isentropic com-
pression. On the other hand, the throttling effect of the spring valve and venturi is
very strong. Since the charging process is very fast, the flow velocity through the valve
and venturi must approach that of sound. The pressure at the valve and venturi must
be very close to one-half of the pressure in front of the spring valve. Due to the poor
aerodynamic shape of the valves and the venturi, necessitated by the requirements for
mixing of fuel and air, the pressure recovery must be inefficient. A rough approxi-
mation would be to assume no recovery. Thus the pressure in the combustion chamber
at the end of the charging process is one-half of the stagnation pressure.
Since the combustion is explosive and occurs in very short intervals of time, the
expansion of the product during combustion is negligible. Therefore, the assump-
tion of constant volume should be a satisfactory approximation. The actual com-
bustion process is quite complicated: During the expansion and dicsharge process,
the gasoline injected into the combustion chamber is vaporized by the walls and the
hot gas remaining in the chamber. The result is an over-rich mixture, which is pre-
sumably partially oxidized, i.e., the large hydrocarbon molecules are partially broker.
down to more active elements. When the discharge process is completed, the low
pressure then prevailing in the chamber will open the spring valve, and fresh air in
strong eddies created by the venturi will be admitted to the chamber. The mixing of
the fresh air with the partially oxidized and activated hydrocarbon vapor immediately
starts the rapid combustion with a rise in pressure. Of course, if detonation occurs,
much higher local pressures can be attained than by smooth combustion, as assumed
here. However, actual measurements do not indicate the occurrence of detonation.
Thus the assumption of constant volume combustion should be satisfactory.
The assumed discharge process really corresponds to that of a slow discharge
through a small nozzle fitted to a large chamber. In the slow discharge, the inertia
effect is small and can be neglected. Then the quasisteady process is an exact repre-
sentation of the physical phenomenon. The assumption adopted is thus to approxi-
mate the impulse of a rapid discharge process by the impulse of a slow discharge
process. This approximation should be satisfactory, as generally the impulse of a
jet propulsion device is little influenced by the rate of the process.
The last two assumptions of constant specific heats and constant mass flow are
generally adopted and are· believed to have little influence on the results.
The results are shown in Fig. 4. The curves correspond to different values of the
pressure ratio after combustion and before combustion. For a given pressure ratio,
the specific consumption first increases with the flight speed, but then reaches a maxi-
mum value and decreases with further increase in flight speed. The larger pressure
ratios give lower fuel consumption than expected. However, in order to explain the
experimental data, it seems that the maximum pressure ratio that can actually be ob-
tained in the German aeropulse is a function of the forward speed. At lower speed,
this ratio is smaller than four. This is in accordance with the pressure record shown in
Figs. 2 and 3. However, as the speed increases, the combustion can be pushed to higher
limits and the pressure ratio is increased, giving a decrease in the actual fuel consump-
tion. On the other hand, with gasoline as the fuel, the maximum com bustion tempera-
ture is roughly 5000°F. In other words, the pressure ratio cannot increase indefinitely,
but must be limited to a value lower than nine. Hence, the theoretical specific con-
sumption corresponding to the pressure ratio nine forms the lower limit of the con-
sumption of the German aeropulse. This is the basis for the heavy curve in Fig. 4,
representing the probable trend of consumption with increase in flight velocity. Ap-
proximately then, the specilic consumption of the German aeropulse is not likely to
be lower than 3 lb/hr/lb-thrust at supersonic speeds.
cited on page 41) show that the frequency of the aeropulse varies very little with
changes in the fuel rate or the pressure ratio; the frequency so calculated for very small
pressure amplitudes should be representative for that of large pressure amplitudes.
Consider the aeropulse as an organ pipe closed at the end where the spring valve
is located and open at the other end. Then the pulsation in the pipe can be considered
as a quarter wavelength oscillation with a maximum pressure amplitude at the closed
end and a zero pressure amplitude, but maximum velocity amplitude at the open end,
as shown by Fig. 5. If a* is the velocity of sound propagation and L the length of the
pipe, the frequency f is
f = 4L cps. (1)
Figure 5
For the application to the aeropulse, a* should correspond to the mean con-
ditions of the flow in the duct. It is estimated that the German aero pulse with no
forward velocity should have a frequency of f = 50.1 cps. This checks very well with
the measured value of 46 cps. Most of the difference is perhaps accounted for by the
combustion period, which, although short, is not negligible. At higher fuel rates,
the combustion period is lengthened. This tends to lower the frequency. Experiments
show that the frequency at high fuel rates is actually slightly lower, in spite of the
higher sound velocity at higher temperatures, due to the richer mixture.
The average thrust of the aeropulse depends on the rate of airflow and the mixture
ratio. The rate per second at which the air is taken into the duct is, in turn, dependent
upon the charge per cycle and the number of cycles per second. However, all three
factors are interrelated. For instance, if the number of cycles per second is very large.
the charge pressure in the chamber will be low due to the necessary rapid acceleration
to push the air into the chamber. In other words, the charge per cycle tends to decrease
as the frequency is increased. Furthermore, the combustion process also tends to
limit the mixture ratio that could be effectively used to lower values if the frequency
were increased as the combustion time grows shorter. Thus the average thrust of the
aeropulse, being an increasing function of the product of all three factors, has a maxi-
mum with respect to the rate of fuel injection and with respect to the frequency, which
depends on the length of the tail pipe. The prediction of the thrust of an aero pulse
is thus rather complicated. The situation is very similar to the case of the reciprocat-
ing gasoline engine. The calculation of horsepower output of the reciprocating engine
is generally based upon empirical data, as the effects of volumetric efficiency or breath-
ing capacity and combustion conditions are very difficult to calculate.
The experimental data available at present on the thrust output of the German
aero pulse is plotted in Fig. 6. The gross thrust is presented in two forms, C F and K F•
C F is the ratio of the maximum gross thrust to the product of the dynamic pressure
and the sectio~al area of the combustion chamber or the frontal area. KF is the ratio
of the maximum gross thrust to the product of the atmospheric pressure and the
sectional area of the combustion chamber. Thus
C = gross thrust
p 1/2 air density x (velocity)2 x frontal area
K = gross threat
P atmospheric pressure x frontal area
Both quantities are plotted against the flight Mach number and are related by the
. 2
Cp = Kp OMo2 (4)
where 0 is the ratio of specific heats for air and Mo is the flight Mach number. Due
to the fact that the aero pulse has a static thrust, the value of KF is not zero at zero
velocity. Therefore Cp become infinite when Mo = O.
As stated previously, the prediction of the thrust of aeropulse is very difficult.
Therefore, to estimate the thrust coefficients at higher flight velocities, two assumptions
have to be made:
(a) The frequency of the unit remains the same as at low speed.
(b) The maximum thrust operating conditions follow the heavy line in Fig. 4.
The first assumption agrees with the observational data available and leads to the
conclusion that the air mass flow through the aero pulse is proportional to the density
of the air in the combustion chamber at the end of the charging process. The second
assumption seems justified by the test data, as explained previously.
With these assumptions, the thrust coefficient curves can be extrapolated as shown
in Fig. 6. It is seen that for the German aeropulse at supersonic speed, the value of the
thrust coefficient Cp is almost constant and remains at about 0.70.
To increase the thrust and to reduce the fuel consumption of the present-day aero-
pulse as described in the previous paragraphs, either the air flow or the combustion
pressure should be increased and the external drag of the duct reduced. To increase the
air flow, the effective flow area into the combustion chamber must be enlarged. The
resultant reduction in the throttling action of the grid valve will also raise the pressure
in the combustion chamber at the end of the charging process and hence give higher
combustion pressure and better fuel economy. For instance, by removing part of the
rib* in the grid of the valve, the static thrust can be increased from 660 to 880 lb.
The specific consumption can be similarly reduced from 3 lb/hr/lb of gross thrust to
2.8 lb/hr/lb gross thrust. To reduce the external drag, the unit can be mounted in-
ternally in the fuselage. But this is not possible with the present construction material,
due to the overheating caused by the lack of cooling air flow.
If air alone could be introduced into the duct behind the explosive air-fuel mixture,
then when the mixture is burned, it would act as a piston to push out the air column.
The total air mass per cycle .is thus increased, with resultant larger momentum and
better efficiency. The air and air-fuel mixture must be separated for two reasons: (1)
A very lean mixture will not burn properly. (2) Even if the mixture burns properly,
the explosion pressure would be too low for effective energy utilization. This form of
augmentation really already occurs in the present aeropulse to a certain degree, as
during the charging time some atmospheric air flows into the duct through the rear
opening. This part of the charge contains no gasoline (which is only injected into the
combustion chamber) and serves as the air for augmentation. For air to enter the duct
through the rear opening, the direction of the flow has to be reversed, and this be-
comes more difficult as the flight speed is increased. Therefore, this natural augmen-
tation effect decreases at higher velocities. To remedy this, it has been suggested that
two ducts be used, mounted one in front of the other, as shown in Fig. 7. Then during
the suction or charging period, the air flows into the se'cond grid B and fills the second
duct with augmentation charge. However, this idea has yet to be exhaustively tested.
The combustion pressure can also be raised by using a fuel which tends to deton-
ate. Of course, for such fuels the injection has to be timed properly instead of using
the present continuous uncontrolled flow. This may lead to the further necessity of
using a timed spark plug to ignite the mixture. Whether there would be a large enough
increase in performance by this method to justify the complications, only experiments
can determine. The weight of the present aeropulse is about 300 lb, for a thrust of
* This was done by Eisla and G. Dietrich of DFS at Ainring, Germany, during 1944.
r .....
- - - ~
- . -
Air Velocity B
Figure 7
70 lb. With better materials and method of construction, this value could be re-
duced. This is another possible direction of development.
the specific fuel consumption. However, the difference for a rather large change from
pressure ratio nine to pressure ratio six is quite small. The parts of the curves for flight
Mach number less than unity are drawn in broken lines, to indicate that the simple
theory does not correspond to a real situation, due to the neglect of expansion and
escape of the combustion products from the front opening of the duct. Thus, in general,
the idealized valveless aeropulse will give a specific consumption equal to 2 lb/hr/lb
of gross thrust in the supersonic region. Actually, of course, minor losses are in-
evitable and a valveless aeropulse will have a specific consumption somewhat higher
than this, i.e., between 2 and 3 lb/hr/lb-thrust. The higher value is the specific con-
sumption of the valved type, for example the German aeropulse for the flying bomb.
Let the subscript 0 denote quantities cottesponding to the free atmospheric condi-
tions, the subscript 1 denote the stagnation conditions when the spring valves are
dosed, the subscript 2 denote the conditions in the combustion ,chamber at the end
of the charging process, and the subscript 3 denote the conditions at the end of com-
bustion. Since the compression from free stream to the stagnation pressure is assumed
to be isentropic,
The temperature Th being a representation of the total energy of the gas at rest,
must be the same as Tl, since no appreciable heat loss can occur.
T2 = Tl (8)
Since the combustion is assumed to be carried out at constant volume, the heat
added h per unit mass
The primed quantities refer to the combustion products. Since the combustion is
carried out at constant volume
h = .!.. C'
0' p
T I (1 - P2PI). (11)
To calculate the discharge process, the quasi steady How is assumed. Thus if v
is the discharge velocity corresponding to p. then
The impulse due to a discharge dm at this velocity is
dI = vdm (13)
Let m be the mass before the removal of dm, the ratio of density in the chamber after
the removal of dm and that before removal is then
P +p dp (m -:ndm) 0 1
0' dm = _ dp (17)
m P
Now m = p V, where V is the yolume of the combustion chamber.
... 1
1 20' .f. [1
0'-1 P
1 PV d P
0' P
To find the total impulse due to the discharge, we have to integrate dI for pressure
variations from the initial pressure pa to the final Po' Therefore
After some reduction, this equation can be written as
as ( P2)
s =' 3600 ;: 1 - Ps (23)
778H'tlb 6'(6'-1) !!' _ Mo (ao)
as as
In this formula the ratio of sound velocity is given by
as)2 == g ~'-1 (~) (Tl) (24)
ao Cp 0-1 P2 To
Fig. 4 is calculated on the following assumed values for the constants:
C~ = 0.276 BTU/lb;oF
Cp = 0.243 BTU/lb;oF (25)
6 = 1.405, 6' = 4/3
H == 18,700 BTU/lb
'tlb == 95%.
Frequency oj Aeropulse
To extrapolate the thrust for higher flight velocities, it is assumed that the fre-
quency of the unit will remain approximately constant. Then the volume flow of air
will also be constant. However, the density of the air is proportional to
2) 0'-1
( 1 + -2 M0
Thus the air mass flow is proportional to the same factor. On the other hand, the heat
added per unit mass of air is proportional to the temperature difference T3-T 2, or pro-
portional to
From the tests on the German aero pulse, it is found that the fuel rate for maximum
thrust at Mo = 0.515 is 2890 lb/hr. From Fig. 4, the corrsponding pressure ratio
pa/p2 is 5.9. Hence,
Pa _ 1
1 + 0.2025MJ) 3.469 ~ (33)
fuel rate at Mo = 2890 ( 1.0537 4.9
where s is the specific consumption in lb/hr/lb-thrust taken from the heavy curve
in Fig. 4. The value of pa / p2 can also be taken from the same figure.
The ramjet (Fig. 1) consists of a diffusor to decelerate and to compress the high
velocity air stream due to the rapid forward motion, a combustion chamber for add-
ing heat to the air mass, and a nozzle to discharge the combustion products at high
velocity. The pressure in the combustion chamber, being obtained by ram compression
only, is necessarily lower than that of the aeropulse moving at the same speed. In fact,
at static conditions, the pressure in the combustion chamber of a ramjet is equal to the
atmospheric pressure and no thrust can be produced. On the other hand, the continu-
ous operation of the ramjet leads to a more efficient utilization of the combustion
pressure. Furthermore, the inherent extreme simplicity of the power plant, as com-
pared even with the aeropuise, is very attractive from the engineering point of view.
Compared with the turbojet, the specific fuel consumption of the ramjet is higher,
especially at small flight velocities. The present available information seems to indi-
cate that for flight velocities corresponding to a Mach number greater than 2.5, or
for velocities over 1800 mph, the specific fuel consumption of the ramjet becomes com-
parable with that of the turbojet. Then the extreme simplicity and the lightweight of
the ramjet would indicate that it is the favored power plant for such very high flight
speeds, provided the air density is high enough to give a satisfactorily large thrust.
For these reasons, the interest in the ramjet at present is wide-spread. However, the
experimental research on this power plant is only at its beginning. The only available
complete data are those obtained for the hydrogen-burning Focke-Wulf ramjet (Ref.
1). The Bumblebee project of the Bureau of Ordnance, U. S. Navy, has demonstrated
the feasibility of a supersonic ramjet with a measured acceleration of the missile
equal to 1 g at flight Mach number 1.5. However, no detailed performance data are
Historically, the concept of the ramjet as a power plant for locomotion is cer-
tainly not new. Due to its inherent simplicity, the ramjet was "invented" many times
during the past decades. However, a doser examination always reveals the high fuel
consumption and the inefficiency at low flight speeds in comparison with the con-
1. Dilfusor.
The deviation from isentropic compression in the diffusor is caused by the loss
through skin friction on the wall of the diffusor, by the eddying dissipation due to
boundary layer separation, and by the irreversible process of shock wave in supersonic
flows. In subsonic flows, the shock loss does not occur and the losses are due to the
presence of the walls of the diffusor only. Therefore, as far as the compression of the
air stream through the ramjet is concerned, it is better to dispense with the diffusor
completely alld obtain the pressure rise by diverging streamlines ahead of the duct.
This is the so-called "outside compression" as indicated in Fig. 2. However, the diverg-
ing stream ahead of the duct requires very large fairings on the outside surfaces of
the duct to reduce the external drag. But even then the external drag is considerably
increased. Therefore, an optimum design requires the correct compromise between
the complete inside compression with a long diffusor and the complete outside com-
pression without the diffusor. Test results of NACA (Ref. 4) show that with proper
design the diffusor efficiency in subsonic flows, or the ratio of the actual pressure in-
crease in the diffusor to the theoretical pressure increase in isentropic compression,
can be made to be 85 % or higher. This is the basis of Ref. 3.
Figure 2
For supersonic flows, the matter is much more complicated due to the presence
of the shock waves. If the flow through the duct is small compared with the size of the
duct, then the flow velocity in the duct must be low and the shock wave is forced to
the front of the diffusor opening. For this case then, the pressure rise can be calculated
by assuming a normal shock from the supersonic flight velocities to subsonic veloci-
ty. After the shock, the flow is subsonic and the subsonic test data can be applied, i.e.,
85% diffusor efficiency for flow behind the shock. The over-all efficiency includ-
ing the shock is, however, much lower. At Mach number 3, the efficiency is only 30%.
This is the basis of Ref. 2.
However, this is really an oversimplification, as the shock wave does not always
occur ahead of the diffusor opening. If the flow through the duct is large, the shock
wave is generally oblique to the stream direction and occurs within the diffusor. Thus,
the situation is not unlike that of the diffusor after the test section of a supersonic
wind tunnel. However, for the latter case, there is a rather thick boundary layer at the
beginning of the diffusor while for the diffusor of the ramjet, there is no such boundary
layer at the entrance. It is well known that the effect of boundary layer is to cause
a premature occurrence of shock wave and thus is detrimental to the compression
process. If the shock in the entrance diffusor is weaker than that in the wind-tunnel
diffusor, then much better over-all diffusor efficiency than that used in Ref. 2 can be
achieved. The effect is shown very clearly by the recent tests of A. Kantrowitz and C.
duP. Donaldson (Ref. 5). These tests demonstrated that the efficient supersonic diffu-
sor should be designed with a contracting entrance section before the final expanding
section. Then the shock wave will occur in the neighborhood of the throat. This means
that the velocity of the air stream is considerably reduced by the contracting sec-
tion before the shock wave appears. Since the loss through a shock wave decreases
if the velocity in front of the shock is reduced, the efficiency of such a diffusor is con-
siderably higher than the diffusor with a normal shock ahead of the entrance as
assumed in Ref. 2. Thus the diffusor compression efficiency used in Ref. 2 is on the
conservative side.
Another method of improving the diffusor efficiency is to design the entrance so
that a series of oblique shock waves form at the entrance section to reduce the flow
velocity before entering the expanding section of the diffusor. Since the loss across
an oblique shock is considerably less than that across a normal shock, the compression
efficiency will be raised. K. Oswatitsch (Ref. 6) has designed such a diffusor for Mach
number 2.9 witb a total pressure recovery of 60% (Fig. 3). This is higher than the
Divergent Section
Oblique Shock
111" now..
the increased volume. The increase of velocity, however, can be obtained only by a
large accelerating force corresponding to a large pressure drop.
The calculation in Ref. 2 takes this fact into account. The additional pressure
drop due to the eddying motion created by burning and baBIes is taken from prelimin-
ary test data of combustion research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In the first repon of Ref. 2, this additional pressure drop is assumed to be four times
the dynamic pressure at the entrance to the combustion chamber. In the light of later
experiments, this drop is reduced to one dynamic pressure in the second report of
Ref. 2. However, the best design of ramjet combustion chamber now tested indicates
that a half dynamic pressure drop is possible. Thus the calculation of Ref. 2 may be
considered as somewhat conservative. On the other hand, the calculation of Ref. 3
isbased upon a test on turbojet combustion chambers with low heat addition. There-
~re; for large heat addition, the pressure drop must be considerably larger than the
assumed value. For this reason, the value used in Ref. 3 is somewhat optimistic.
3. Noule.
Due to the non uniformity of the flow in the cross section of the nozzle and due to
skin friction, the expansion in the nozzle is not isentropic. Both calculations in Ref.
2 and in Ref. 3 use a nozzle efficiency of 95 %. * This value is quite reasonable and is
in agreement with the results of tests on rocket discharge nozzles.
4. Over--all Thrust Calculation.
In both Ref. 2 and Ref. 3, the strong interaction in subsonic flow between the jet
and the flow over the outside surface of the duct is not considered. Due to the frictional
forces or the forces of mon..entum transport between the high-speed jet and the sur-
rounding air, the velocity over the outside surface of the duct is considerably increased.
In other words, there is an effective ejector action of the jet. The net result on the per-
formance of the ,ramjet is not unlike that of the thrust augmentor for the rockets. The
theory of thrust augmentation is based upon the mixing of the jet and the surrounding
air stream. At low velocities, the increase in thrust of the rocket system due to the
augmentation can be as large as 60-80%. For the subsonic ramjet, similar augmenta-
tion exists with the resultant considerable increase in effective thrust. Physically this
thrust increase comes from the stronger suction force over the leading edge of the
diffusor due to increased flow velocity. The neglection of this effect in both theoretical
calculations of Refs. 2 and 3 makes the results conservative. This should be kept in
mind for comparing theoretical and experimental data.
The calculated performance of the ramjet as obtained in Refs. 2 and 3 will now
be discussed. The results of the theoretical analyses are generally confirmed by the
available test data (see Appendix).
the two calculations. It is seen that due to the rather optimistic assumptions on the
pressure drop of Ref. 3, the specific fuel consumption calculated is lower than that
of the more conservative computations of Ref. 2. However, from the trend of the curves,
this difference only occurs in subsonic flight velocities. For supersonic flight veloci-
ties, both calculations will give a specific fuel consumption of three pounds per hour
per pound of gross thrust. Of course, strictly speaking, one must be careful in compar-
ing the results, as the assumptions regarding the combustion tempeutures are not the
same. Ref. 2 assumes a constant static temperature at the end of combustion chamber
equal to 3000°F while for Ref. 3 the ratio 1" of the total temperature at the end of com-
bustion and the atmospheric temperature is kept at a constant value for a given curve.
However, the difference due to variation in T is small and will not appreciably modi-
fy the general conclusion as stated previously.
2. Tltrusf Coefficient.
The results of calculation for sea-level conditions are again compared in Fig. 5
where the gross thrust coefficient is plotted against the flight Mach number. The thrust
coefficient is defined as the ratio of thrust to the product of dynamic pressure of the
free stream and the cross-sectional area of the combustion chamber. Ref. 2 assumes a
constant static temperature. Therefore, more energy can be added to the gas stream
as the flight velocity increases, since this additional energy is transformed directly
into velocity at the exit of the combustion chamber instead of into temperature rise.
The increase in the energy added is reflected in the rapid rise in thrust coefficient.
However, this rapid rise is slowed down and even changes to a decrease at higher
flight Mach numbers due to the choking of the combustion chamber. The choking
condition is the limiting condition for stable combustion, and limits the amount of
fuel that can be efficiently burned. Of course, this condition can be delayed by de-
creasing the inlet velocity to the combustion chamber. However, this would require
. an enlargement of the combustion chamber and the increase in the thrust coefficient
will be small.
For subsonic velocities, the result of Ref. 2 should be compared with that of Ref.
3 for 1" = 6.6. Then the maximum temperature will be approximately the same.
It is seen that the thrust coefficients of the two computations are nearly equal.
From Fig. 5, it is seen that the highest thrust coefficient is obtained in the range
of flight Mach numbers from 1 to 2.6 for a maximum temperature of 3000~. How-
ever, as stated in "Basis of the Theoretical Analysis," page 63, the assumed diffusor
efficiency for flight Mach numbers greater than 2.0 is probably too low. Therefore,
the possible performance of the ramjet at high Mach numbers will be much better
than indicated by Figs. 4 and 5. In fact for Mach numbers greater than three, one has
good reasons to believe that the specific fuel consumption will be close to two pounds
per hour per pound thrust and the thrust coefficient will be approximately O.B. It is
then clear that the ramjet is essentially a propulsive power plant for extremely high
speeds. In other words, it is an ideal power plant for guided missiles with speeds
over 2000 mph if the trajectory of the missile is not too high for supplying enough
atmospheric oxygen to support combustion.
Since no actual ramjet has yet been built, it is difficult to estimate the weight
of such power plants. However, due to the extreme inherent simplicity of the unit.
the weight per pound of thrust should be lower than that of the aeropulse.
2. High.Energy Fuels.
If the heat value of fuels can be increased, the specific consumption will be corres-
pondingly smaller. Here the restrictions on fuels for compressorless thermal jets are
less stringent. For instance, if the combustion product contains solid particles, the
fuel will not be suitable for turbojet operation due to the possible erosive action of
such particles on the turbine blades. But such fuels can be used for compressorless
thermal jets. Furthermore, a small increase in the heat value has a very large beneficial
effect on the pay load of the aircraft as the percentage of the fuel weight for such air-
craft is necessarily very high. For instance, if the fuel weight is 70% of the total weight,
while the pay load is 10% of the total weight, a 1% increase in heat value will give a
7% increase in the pay load.
Due to the high gas-stream velocity and large heat addition, the problem of com-
bustion chamber design is very difficult. Experiments carried out by various research
laboratories, especially those by the National Bureau of Standards and the Chemical
Engineering Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have answered
many questions. However, one must realize that such tests are exploratory rather than
systematic. The fundamental problems of combustion under conditions of the ramjet
are essentially aerodynamic in character. Hence the correct solution can be arrived
at only by utilizing all the modern developments in fluid mechanics. This important
problem will be discussed in detail in the following section.
Flame Front
,.,gur. 0
Therefore, to shorten the combustion chamber, we have to introduce many ignition
or flame holders.
The question of flame propagation velocity is, of course, closely connected with
the chemical-kinetic process of combustion. However, fluid mechanical considera-
tions must also be introduced. First, the flow is not laminar but turbulent, i. e., in addi-
tion to molecular agitation of microscopic scale, there is also agitation of macro-
scopic scale with fluid elements as units. It is certain that the flame propagation velocity
is a function of the scale and degree of turbulence. This relation must be thoroughly
investigated. A beginning has been made by P. Chambre' and C. C. Lin (Ref. 7) in this
field of research, yet much work remains to be done.
dh "" d ( -l vO
2 P-
+ - ) (3)
2 0-1 P
where dh is differential heat added per unit mass and 'Y is the ratio of specific heats.
By simple elimination,
vdv = 1 dh (4)
M2- 1
where M is the local Mach number. Similarly, the variation of the local Mach number
OM2-1 db
d(M2) = (0-1) 2. _ 1 0;2 (5)
Equations (4) and (5) show that for flow velocities smaller than the local velocity
of sound, both the velocity and the Mach number will increase with the addition of
heat. For flow velocities greater than the local velocity of sound, both the velocity
and the Mach number will deaease with the additional heat. Fo~ these quantities to
increase in supersonic flow, heat has to be subtracted from the flow i.e., make dh
negative. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain supersonic velocities at the exit of a
combustion chamber of constant section by continuous addition of heat if the Mach
number at the inlet is smaller than one. In fact, the maximum amount of hear that can
be added corresponds to that required to accelerate the gas stream to the local velocity
of sound. This limit can be called the critical rich-mixture limit or simply the choking
limit. This result is indeed somewhat surprising if one is limited to considerations of
chemical kinetics only. It is certainly a combination of inertia and heating effect.
Now it would be natural to ask: If the fuel-air ratio is gradually increased, keeping
the inlet Mach number constant, what will happen when the mixture ratio is larger
than the critical value stated above? One possibility will be the flash forward of the
flame to the exit'of the duct and combustion outside of the duct. If the flame velocity
is smaller than the exit velocity of the unburned gas mixture, the flame will be "blown
out-" A warning before reaching this limit is perhaps rough combustion with large
Thus it is clear that the three phases of the combustion process in ramjet, i.e., the
mixing and diffusing to. achieve a uniform fuel-air mixture, the ignition and flame
fronr propagation, and finally the combustion behind the flame front, are all closely
related to fluid mechanical considerations. The effect of turbulence of the gas flow
and the intimately coupled effects of inertia forces and thermal energy liberated by
chemical reaction must be emphasized. This point of view on the combustion problem,
as a problem in the combined field of fluid mechanics and chemical kinetics, is believed
to be essential for a fundamental understanding of the design principles of ramjet
combustion chambers.
1. Pabst, Test Report of Focke-Wulf Co.
2. Tangren, R. F., "Estimated Ramjet Performance," Progress Report 3-1, Jet-
Propulsion Laboratory, California lnstitute of Technology, (November 1944).
Tangren, R. F., "Estimated Performance of Ramjets at Subson~c Speeds," Progress
Report 3-3, (August, 1945).
3. Bollay, W., and Redding, E. M., "Performance of Open-Duct Propulsion
Systems (Ramjets) at Subsonic Speeds:' Power Plant Memorandum No.5, Bureau
of Aeronautics, U. S. Navy (December, 1943).
4. Becker, J. V., and Baals, D. D., "High-Speed Tests of a Ducted Body With
Various Air-Oudet Openings," NACA Advisory Conference Report (May, 1942).
5. Kantrowitz, A., and Donaldson, C. duP., "Preliminary Investigation of Super-
sonic Dift'users/' NACA Advisory Conference Report No. L5D20 (May, 1942).
6. Oswatitsch, K., and· Bohm, H., "Luftkrafte und Stromungsvorginge bei ange.
triebenen Geschossen," Forschungen und Entwicklungen des Heereswaft'enamtes,
Bericht Nr. 1010/1, 1010/2 (1944).
7. Chambre, P., and Lin, C. C., "The Effect of Turbulence on Flame Propaga-
tion," Progress Report 3-S, Jet-Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Tech~
nology (November, 1945).
The only complete test data on a ramjet are those obtained for the subsonic
ramjet designed by Pabst of the Focke· Wulf Co. (Ref. 1). The tests were made in the
A·9 wind tunnel of the Hermann Goring Research Institute at Brunswick, Germany.
The diameter of the ramjet is approximately seven inches. The .camjet was supported
by a streamlined strut. The drag of the strut was added to the measured thrust to obtain
the net thrust of the ramjet. The fuel used was gaseous hydrogen. Since the lower heat
value of gaseous hydrogen is SO,700 BTU/lb, while the lower heat value of gasoline
if 19,000 BTU/Ib, the measured specific fuel consumptions in hydrogen can be easily
converted to those in gasoline by the muttiplying factor SO, 700/19,000 = 2.67.
The reduced test data are given in Figs. 7 and 8. For the case with jet temperature
equal to 1472°F, one can compare the results with the calculated values in Ref. 2 for
static temperature at the exit of combustion chamber equal to 1 SOO°F and a nozzle
contraction ratio equal to 0.8. It is seen that the calculated thrust coefficient is lower
than the observed .value except at high speeds. The calculated specific fuel con sump·
tion is somehwat higher than the observed value except at high speeds. The calculated
thrust is thus too small. It is pointed out in the section "Basis of the Theoretical Analy-
sis," page 63, that the ejector action of the jet will tend to increase the net thrust of the
unit. This seems to be confirmed by the present data. The ejector action is stronger if
the jet velocity is higher or if the thrust of the unit is larger. This means higher velocity
over the outer surface of the duct can be expected at a given flight Mach number if the
temperature of the jet is higher. Therefore, at.higher jet temperatures, the shock wave
over the outer surface will appear earlier. This means that drag increase or drop in
thrust coefficient due to shock wave will appear at smaller free-stream Mach number
if the jet temperature is higher. This is shown by Fig. 7 to be true.
Thus the differences between theory and experiment can be easily explained. The
trend and magnitude of the specific consumptions and the thrust coefficients are, how-
ever, satisfactorily predicted by the theory. Hence the general validity of the assump-
tions made in the theoretical analyses is established.
The two main types of rockets are the solid-propellant type and the liquid-pro-
pellant type. The solid-propellant rockets are now used or suggested for use in pro-
pelling artillery rockets, for the assisted take-off of aircraft, for the launching of fly-
ing bombs and missiles, and for the propulsion of large missiles. The liquid-propellant
rockets are used for assisted take-off and for the propulsion of very large missiles
and airplanes. While there is no essential difference in the operating characteristics
of these two types of rockets, and thus for any new application, the possibility of both
types should be investigated, there are certain facts which should be kept in mind. The
solid-propellant rocket contains all the propellant in the high-pressure combustion
chamber or the motor. Thus if the duration of the operation is long, the chamber
volume becomes very large and the weight of the chamber will be very large. There-
fore, for very long durations, i.e., durations in excess of 30 or 40 sec, the weight
of a solid-propellant rocket is heavier than that of a liquid-propellant rocket. How-
ever, this line of demarcation also depends upon the thrust of the rocket. The reason
for this variation is that for the liquid-propellant rocket the unit weight is a function
of the thrust. Larger thrust makes the unit weight smaller, especially in the case of
pump-fed rockets. The preceding value of 30 or 40 sec corresponds to a thrust of
approximately 4000 lb. In other words, for durations in excess of 30 or 40 sec and
for thrust in excess of 4000 lb, the liquid-propellant rockets are definitely superior
to the solid-propellant rockets. For durations or thrust below these limits, generally
one can say that for short durations at large thrust, such as artillery rockets, solid-
propellant rockets are more suitable; while for long durations at a small thrust, as in
airplane propulsion, the liquid-propellant rockets are superior.
* In nrder to cover the whole field of rocket development, liberal use has been made of material
discussed in greater detail in the two papers, L. P. Hammett, "Solid Prnpellants for Rockets and
other Jet-Propelled Devices;" A. J. Stosick, "Liquid Propellants for Rocket-Type Motors," in the
volume Aircraft Fuels and Propellants, a further report of the Scientific Advisory Group.
1. Pre••nt Statu. of the Solid Propellant Roelc.".
Solid propellants are often discussed from the point of view of thermal energy,
which is essentially connected with the effective exhaust velocity or the specific fuel
consumption. However, there are many other characteristics of solid propellants
which greatly influence their usefulness as rocket propellants. These characteristics
are as given in Table I: (a) density, (b) temperature sensitivity, (c) rate of burning,
and (d) exponents in the rate of burning law.
The density of the propellant is important in that it determines the volume of the
combustion chamber if the specific impulses of the propellant remain constant. In
other words, for a given weight a less dense propellant requires a larger combustion
chamber than a denser propellant. Since for solid-propellant rockets the main part
of the motor weight is the weight of the combustion chamber, a denser propellant
wi11lead to a lighter unit. For most solid propellants, the density is 100 lb leu ft.
The temperature sensitivity is really the sensitivity of the burning rate to the
temperature of the propellant before ignition, i.e., the ambient temperature. A high
sensitivity would mean a large variation of the chamber pressure for a given motor
design. To operate the rocket at high ambient temperature, the chamber has to be
designed to withstand the high pressure, and this leads to the heavy motor weight. At
low ambient temperature, the pressure is too low for stable combustion. Therefore,
if the temperature sensitivity is high, the rocket motor operating temperature range
will be limited. The double-base propellant ballistite is an example of high-sensiti-
vity propellant.
The rate of burning of the propellant determines the burning surface. It is seen
from Table I that this rate varies but little. The large difference in the operating dura-
tion from 0.' seconds for the artillery rockets to 30 seconds for assisted-take-off
rockets is achieved by the difference in design of the propellant charge. For short
burning time, the charge is designed in such a manner that it will burn with large
surface, and thus the volume or weight of charge burned per second is large. This is
the so-called unrestricted burning. The other type for long burning time is the so-
called restricted burning. In this case, the burning surface is generally restricted to
the cross-sectional area of the combustion chamber. It is thus immediately clear
that for a restricted-burning rocket, the motor could be loaded to a fuller extent, since
gas passage ducts are not required in the motor, and thus the motor will be more com-
pact and lighter in weight. From this point of view, then, a restricted-burning rocket
is preferred. This is clearly seen in Table II, where the performance of the actual
solid-propellant rockets is compared. The impulse to total weight ratios for the un-
restricted-burning motors are lower than those for the restricted-burning rockets.
The rate of burning of a solid propellant varies as a power n with the pressure of
the gas surrounding it, while the flow of the gas through the nozzle varies as the first
power of the pressure. This situation admits of a stable steady state only if n is less
than unity. The state is more stable and less sensitive to disturbing influences, such as
variations in the burning surface, the greater the value of .!. In this sense the difference
between the exponent 0.7' of most double-base propellants and the 0.4-0.' exhibited
Composite Propellants
Ballistite GALClT '3 GALCIT'8 GALClT61C fGALCIT6'
Slow Fast (Asphaltic) (Asphaltit:) (Asphaltic) (Asphaltic)
Specific Impulse,
Ib-sec/lb 210 160 170 170 174 186 177
~ -- --- ---
Exhaust Velocity,
ft/sec 6800 5150 5500 5500 5600 5900 5700
Temperature Sensitivi-
chamber pressure be-
tween 40° and 90 0 P 29 10 14 10 10 11 11
Exponent in Rate of
Burning 0.69 0.40 0.40 0.69 0.80 0.76 0.7
Chamber Temperature, 5000 to 3000 to 3000 to 3000 to 3000 to 3000 to 3000 to
OF 6000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500
Above data are all for 2000 psi chamber pressure, 14.7 psi external pressure.
by composite propellants, is a large and important one, which leads to materially
greater reproducibility and reliability with the latter material.
EB'ect of changes in effective gas velocity. in propellant weight. and in motor weight. on veloci-
ty of 5.0 in. HVAR. Ordinates are rocket velocities.
Curve I. Effect of variation in effective gas velocity over range from 50 to 150% of value for
existing rocket (7130 ft/sec). All weights constant.
Curve II. Effect of variation in weight of propellant over range from 50 to 150% of value
for existing rocket (24.0 Ib). EB'ective gas velocity (7130 ft/sec). pay load (48.2 lb). and motor
weight (64.4 lb) constant.
Curve III. Effect of variation in weight of motor over rang~ from 50 to 150% of value for
existing rocket (64.4 lb). Effective gas velocity (7130 ft/sec). pay load 48.2 lb). and propellant
weight (24.0 lb) <;on stant.
Figure 2
Effect of changes in effective gas velocity, in propellant weight. and in motor weight on pay
load of 5.0 in. HVAR. Ordinates are values of pay load.
Curve I. Effect of variation in effective gas velocity over range from 50 to 150% of value for
existing 5.0 in. HVAR (7130 ft/sec). Motor weight (64.4lb), propellant weight (24.0 lb), and
projectile velocity constant (1375 ft/sec).
Curve II. Effect of variation in weight of propellant over range from 50 to 150% of value
for existing rocket (24.0 lb). Effective gas velocity (7130 ft/sec), projectile velocity (1375 ft/sec),
and motor weight (64.4 lb) constant.
Curve III. Effect of variation in weight of motor over range from 50 to 150% of value for
existing rocket (64.4 lb). Effective gas velocity (7130 ft/sec), projectile velocity (1375 ft/sec),
and propellant weight (24.0 lb ) conStant.
Intermittent Burnin9
Figure 4
Smooth Btlrnlnq
previous paragraph. The advantage also allows the designer to use a lower factor of
safety in the chamber design. This naturally leads to a lighter motor.
The value of a low exponent is especially great in the usual type of artillery rocket,
in which a tubular or cruciform grain burning over all or nearly all of its surface is
contained in a long motor of small diameter. When an attempt is made to reach the
highest possible ratio of propellant weight to motor weight, the limiting factor be-
comes the space available for flow of gases toward the nozzle. If this is small, a pressure
differential is set up, the burning rate increases in the high-pressure region, and the
whole effect is 'magnified by an amount which is greater, the greater the exponent.
Consequently, a low exponent permits a higher propellant-motor weight ratio for a
specified time of burning. A rigid propellant is of course desirable for the same reason,
as is one resistant to distortion under applied forces, since any bulging of the grain
under the forces of setback and pressure drop reduces the port area.
c. LOW-TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY. As stated before, the temperature
sensitivity is closely related to the permissible range of operating ambient tempera-
ture. A low temperature sensitivity is desired. Such a characteristic is also desirable
from the point of view of low motor weight, as the advantage of operating at a low
pressure vanishes if the pressure becomes four or five times greater at temperatures in
the upper part of the operating range, due to high temperature sensitivity.
It has been suggested by L. Pauling that a charge containing particles or strands
of small diameter, composed of a fast-burning powder of low temperature coefficient,
embedded in a matrix of slower burning powder of high temperature coefficient,
possesses, as a whole, the low coefficient of the particles. In this case the grain does
not burn by recession of a plane 'surface, but by the formation of a broken sutface
whose magnitude is determined by the behavior of the faster burning powder. This
procedure, already proven experimentally, makes it possible to eliminate the unde-
sirably high temperature coefficient of the double-base propellant by the addition of a
proportion of solvent-extended composite propellant.
previously, the restricted-burning solid-propellant rockets are superior to the un-
restricted-burning rockets, due to better charge-loading efficiency. However, to
make a restricted-burning rocket for very short duration of burning, one has to
develop a propellant or a group of propellants with a much higher burning rate
than those available today. It seems that by addition of certain metallic powders,
such as in the Aberdeen propellant, this can be achieved. The actual research work on
this type of solid propellant is, however, just beginning, and the final satisfactory pro-
duct is still far away. As a tentative aim, one might set the limits of burning rate from
one to 100 inches per second. Of course, to develop these propellants, a closer under-
standing of the combustion phenomema is necessary. Such understanding will not
only greatly facilitate the research work on burning rates, but also will be very useful
in the reduction of the temperature sensitivity of the propellant. It is generally true
that the temperature sensitivity' is higher for unrestricted burning than for restricted
burning for the same propellant. Thus development of a propellant of high burning
rate, so that the burning can be restricted to the cross-sectional area of the motor, is
also desirable from the point of view of temperature sensitivity.
e. OTHER POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS. To reduce the weight of the mo-
tor, one can also try to reduce the temperature to which the motor walls are heated
by the propellant gases, since the strength of metals decreases materially at tempera-
tures easily reached by the motor walls in conventional designs. Since the propellant
itself is a very good insulator, for a short-duration rocket, the charge might be made
to burn from a central perforation along the axis of the charge and gradually to burn
toward the wall of the motor. If this can be done, then aluminum, magnesium, or even
plastic walls might be used. A further possibility is the ceramic-coated wall, to insu-
late the hot gas from the metal itself.
Smoke elimination is sometimes desirable, as for ground-fired rockets, but is un-
important for others, such as airborne missiles. The same considerations apply to
flash, i. e., a luminous jet.
3. Concluding Remarlcs.
In this section, the status of the present solid-propellant rocket development is
briefly reviewed. The various possibilities of improving the performance, such as low
temperature sensitivity, low combustion pressure, and small exponent in burning law
are discussed. It is believed that the solution of these problems will greatly increase
the usefulness of the solid-propellant rockets, which possess the advantage of inherent
(at 300 psi chamber pressure)
Volu- Average
metric Chamber Exit Ratio of Molec-
Propellant Mixture Exhaust Specific Specific Tempera- Tempera- Specific ular
Ratio Velocity Impulse Impulse ture IIIre Heats of Weight of
It/sec Ib-sec/lb Ib- 0p 0p Products Products
Liquid Oxygen, Gasoline 2.5 7,780 242 14,958 5,470 2,990 1.219 22.66
Liquid Oxygen 1.5 7,830 244 14,777 5,260 2,965 1.212 21.69
Ethyl Alcohol
Liquid Oxygen
Methyl Alcohol
1.0 7,587 236 13,702 4,760 ... . .. .. ....
Liquid Oxygen, Ammonia 1.4 8,000 248 13,161 4,950 . . .. ... . ....
Liquid Oxygen, Hydrazine 0.4 8,285 257 17,327 4,120 ... . ... . ....
Red Fuming Nitric Acid 3.0 7,091 221 18,763 5,065 2,746 1.220 25.40
White Fuming Nitric Acid 3.0 7,035 219 18,184 4,900 2,635 1.221 25.01
White Fuminf Nitric Acid
Furfuryl Alco 01
2.0 6,840 212 17,867 4,293 2,578 ... . ....
Mixed Acid
2.5 6,780 210 17,569 4,600 2,800 ... . ....
Nitromethane .... 7,008 218 15,515 3,950 1,980 1.245 20.31
Diethyleneglycol, Dinitrate .... 6,865 213 18,484 4,078 2,061 1.236 21.79
Hydrogen Peroxide (100%) .... 4,710 146 13,184 1,794 714 1.249 22.70
Hydrogen Peroxide (87%) .... 4,065 126 11,039 .1,216 379 1.271 21.92
Hydrogen Peroxide (87%) 4.0 7,180 223 16,845 4,156 2,538 .... . ...
Methyl Alcohol
Hydrogen Peroxide (87%)
Nitromethane with
1.0 7,305 227 17,007 4,050 ... . .... ....
30% Methyl Alcohol
Hydrogen Peroxide (87%)
Nitromethane with
0.3 7,014 218 15,788 2,864 1,966 ... . ....
35% Nitroethane
Hydrogen Peroxide (87%)
Hydrazine Hvdrate
1.6 7,009 218 16,468 4,000 1,950 ... . ....
alcohol. Hydrogen-peroxide propellant has the lowest chamber temperature. In tact,
the chamber temperature is so low ( 1220 °F) that no cooling of the motor is required.
This is a great advantage. On the other hand, the inflammability of concentrated hy-
drogen peroxide with any organic matter, such as cellulose, causes difficulties in the
handling of the propellant, although these difficulties seem to have been overcome by
the Germans. A second choice of propellant for the aircraft application is a bipro-
pella nt, such as hydrogen peroxide plus methyl alcohol, or nitric acid plus aniline.
While these propellants have good performance, the two components complicate the
feed system. The higher combustion temperature also makes the cooling of the motor
more difficult. Although the performance of the propellant with red fuming nitric
acid is better than the performance of the propellant with white nitric acid plus a
small percentage of catalyzer, the nitric oxide fumes (N02) are objectionable for the
aircraft applications and the latter type is preferred.
For the long-range missile application, the most effective propellants are those
with liquid oxygen as the oxidizer. However, due to the difficulty of using liquid oxy-
gen as a coolant for the motor, which is subjected to very high heat flow due to high
combustion temperature, it is preferable to have fuel in the liquid state under the
conditions of temperature and pressure in the cooling ducts, and of such composi-
tion as to make adequate cooling possible. Thus the combinations should be liquid
oxygen plus ethyl alcohol, liquid oxygen plus methyl alcohol, or liquid oxygen plus
hydrazine. The last-mentioned combination is new and has not yet been tested.
However, it gives the highest performance and holds much promise.
The density of the propellant should also be. considered in conjunction with
the specific impulse Liquid hydrogen is rejected as a possible fuel on the ground
of its extremely low density, which necessitates large tank volume for storage. This
fact is particularly important for antiaircraft guided missiles, which must travel
at high speeds in relatively dense air. Hence the air resistance associated with the
large body required ">y the low-density propellant is a distinct disadvantage. This is
demonstrated in Table IV, where three winged missiles of the same explosive load,
and with three different propellants, are compared. The nitric acid and aniline pro-
pellant gives about the same flight duration as other higher preformance propellants.
This fact, together with the ease of manufacture and the spontaneous inflammability,
led the Germans to adopt this type of propellant for their antiaircraft rockets developed
during the last years of World War II. One disadvantage of the large-scale use of the
! Liquid O2+ Liquid O2 + HNO a+
Propellant Liquid H2 CHaOH Aniline
Structure Weight and Pay Load, lb 3340 3130 3100
Propellant Weight, lb 3700 4770 5260
Gross Weight, lb 7040 7900 8360
Specific Gravity of Propellant 0.4 1 1.4
Specific Consumption, lb/hr/lb-thrust 12.6 16.2 18
Volume of Propellant Tanks, cu ft 150 77 61
Body Frontal Area, sq ft 19.4 12.9 10.8
Wing Area, sq ft 161 183 194
Flight Duration, min 19.5 20.5 19.5
nitric acid plus aniline propellant is, perhaps, the high cost of the aniline. However,
the German discovery of the possibility of adding other cheap inert fuels and then re-
taining the spontaneous inflammability by use of a catalyzer is most interesting and
should be exploited. The use of a mixture for the fuel also offers a means of con-
trolling other properties of the propellant, such as freezing point and viscosity, for
wide operating temperature range of the rocket.
flow. Thus, for small thrust of the order of a few thousand pounds, the axuiliary com-
bustion pot may have metering difficulties, especially when bicomponent propellants
are used. In general, these systems have the advantage of independent location of the
pumping plant and the main rocket motor. For aircraft or missile applications, this
freedom is sometimes very desirable. Furthermore, the system is completely inde-
pendent of altitude and can be operated even in vacuum.
A similar gas-turbine pump drive has been developed by R. H. Goddard. In
this system the gas-turbine wheel is driven directly by the rocket jet. This is achieved
by bringing the edge of the wheel into the exhaust jet while letting the greater part of
the wheel remain outside the jet. Thus the blades of the turbine are in contact with the
high-temperature exhaust only a fraction of the time. Hence proper cooling can be
accomplished in spite of the very high exhaust temperature. A preliminary estimate
shows that the equivalent propellant consumption due to the presence of a gas tur-
bine in the main jet is about the same as for the turborocket drive. However. here the
advantage of independent location of the pumping plant and the main rocket motor
is lost.
Another propellant-feed method is to combine the pumping plant and the rocket
motor into a single anit, such as the centrojet. Here the rocket motor is in rapid rota·
tiona At present, although the possibility of this system has been demonstrated, its
perfection as an efficient, dependable unit has to await more fundamental research on
the combustion and the cooling of a rotating combustion chamber. However, its
inherent compactness and simplicity demand further investigation in these directions.
It has also been suggested that a windmill might be used for the pump drive. For
high-speed Hight, it is more efficient to use a ducted windmill, so that the tip speed of
the blades can be kept low. At the design altitude, the equivalent propellant consump-
tion due to the presence of the windmill is approximately four percent of the total
propellant How; thus, it is comparable with the turborocket system. However, the
output of the windmill is dependent on the air-How condition. It seems difficult to
have a design that will operate efficiently at a wide range of altitudes. Ultimately, the
size of the windmill will be prohibitive at extreme altitudes. Therefore, this type of
drive must be considered as a special device with limited applicability.
in the chamber, then the length of the chamber should be kept at almost constant value
when the thrust rating of the motor is varied, as shown in Fig. 6. However, the path
of the gas in the combustion chamber does not necessarily follow the axial direction.
In other words, the length and the duration of flow of gas depend upon the flow pat-
tern in the chamber. The simple procedure as shown in Fig. 6 is too crude and does
not lead to the most efficient design.
Of course, part of the propellant evaporated will particiapte in the combustion, but
the combustion can hardly be as efficient as for the propellant injected through the
normal injector into the main combustion lone. Thus a certain loss and an increase
in propellant consumption is inevitable. On the other hand, the loss might be quite
small and unimportant. By comparing these two methods of evaporative cooling, tbe
more uniform distribution of coolant by the porous walls leads to a more efficient
utilization of the liquid. Initial experiments (Fig. 7) indicate that this method is very
effective. However, both methods (b) and (c) should be developed for more definite
4. Concluding Remarks.
It is seen that while the future development in solid-propellant rockets leans
more heavily on the improvement in the propellant characteristics, the development of
liquid-propellant rockets depends more on research on the mechanical design.
The design of efficient large-scale rockets for heavy missiles requires especially in-
tensive enJdneering work on the combustion, cooling, and pump problems.
The basic requirements for materials to be used in aircraft propulsion devices
depend on the type of engine considered. To discuss these requirements it is conven-
ient to consider separately the three principal types of engine, i. e., turbojets, ramjets
and rockets. This subdivision into three classes is justified by the fact that the range of
temperatures to which the materials are subjected is different in each type of engine.
In a gas-turbine power plant, temperatures from 1200° to 1600 0 p are at present en-
countered. In a ramjet unit, a temperature range of from 2500° to 3 500 0 p is generally
considered possible. The case of the rocket motor is the most extreme, with tempera-
tures as high as 5 500 0 p in the combustion chamber.
important. Many failures have been encountered in practice that could not be clearly
connected to any particular weakness of the materials as shown in laboratory tests.
The correlation between actual performance and physical properties is still an import-
ant problem.
A general survey of the physical properties of the high-temperature-resisting alloys
available at present shows that both tensile strength and creep strength decrease very
markedly in the range of temperature between 1200° and 1600 0 F. The order of mag-
nitude of the maximum safe stress for operation at 1500° to 16000 F is 7000 psi. The
best alloys developed so far have, under those conditions, a creep rate of less than 1 %
in 10,000 hours, which is generally recognized as a safe upper limit. At higher tem-
peratures, very few results have been obtained, and only tensile strength values are
available for a few alloys. The order of magnitude of the decrease in strength is from
approximately 50,000 psi at 1600°F to about 10,000 psi at 2000°F. From these re-
sults it seems logical to conclude that the allowable stress at 2000°F corresponding
to an acceptable rate of creep would be much too low to meet the requirements of the
present gas-turbine design. This drop in strength with increasing temperature is the
obvious consequence of the small margin left between the required service tempera-
ture and the melting point of the alloys. More research work on high-temperature-
resisting alloys will undoubtedly improve their performance for temperatures below
1600 0 F. There seems to be little chance, however, that alloys can be developed for
higher temperatures.
The evolution of the gas turbine has been marked by continuous increase in inlet
gas temperature, which resulted in a corresponding increase in efficiency. If the field
of application ofall<?ys is really limited to a certain upper limit in temperature, consid-
eration should be given to other types of material or other methods of design.
The use of ceramic materials with high melting points, would probably raise the
temperature limit to 2000°F or higher. Another solution would be to provide an
appropriate cooling to the parts of the engine exposed to high temperature. This
approach to the problem will eventually require the development of appropriate
materials and should be considered from that point of view.
important drawbacks in their use. These fundamental concepts should be borne in
mind if successful use of ceramic material is to be made for mechanical devices. Ex-
tensive studies should be made in an effort to correlate what is known of the physics
of the solid state, and apply it to the study of ceramics. This would give the basic in-
formation so badly needed to plan a logical program of research.
To be of any interest to the gas-turbine designer, ceramic materials should have
sufficient strength at temperatures above 1600°F. Very little is known of the variation
of strength of a ceramic material with increasing temperature. A few tests have in-
dicated that the creep behavior is similar to that of metals. This similitude in the shape
of the flow-versus-time curve at a constant temperature does not necessarily mean that
the mechanism of flow is the same in the two cases. Creep in metals is mostly due to
plastic flow inside the crystals, while it is very probable that a viscous flow takes place
in the vitreous phase of a ceramic material. In addition to the strength requirements,
ceramic materials for gas turbines should also have a sufficient resistance to variations
in temperature. The thermal stresses induced in a material during a transient state of
heat transfer depend on the thermal conductivity, termal expansion and modulus of
elasticity of the material. These physical constants should be measured accurately and
correlated with the structure of the material. At present, very little information exists
on this subject. As a matter of fact nothing is known on the variation of modulus of
elasticity of ceramic materials with temp~rature~
The problem of thermal stresses is somewhat complicated by the fact that the
structure of the material is heterogeneous. The physical properties of the crystalline
and of the vitreous phases being different, local temperature stresses will exist
throughout the material, even in a state of thermal equilibrium. Microscopic
cracks will eventually develop in the material and will ultimately bring failure. This
phenomenon is likely to become a new type of fatigue due to temperature reversals
and will require a very detailed study.
An intermediate step in the trend toward using ceramic materials in a gas-turbine
power plant is the development of a ceramic coating on metals. Satisfactory coatings
have been obtained, and are expected to serve the dual purpose of decreasing the
corrosion rate and increasing the resistance to creep. The coating is only a few thou-
sandths of an inch thick and is not intended to serve as a thermal shield.
A further step in combining the properties of metals and ceramics is to produce
a composite turbine blade having a metallic center core and an outside ceramic shell.
In this case, the existence of a temperature gradient in the ceramic shell would allow
an appreciable increase in gas temperature without increasing the temperature of the
metalic part of the blade. The ceramic layer would act as a thermal shield, and would
not be subjected to an excessive stress. The technique of powder metallurgy has been
used for the production of such composite materials. By properly selecting the metal
and the ceramic powders, specimens have been obtained, thus showing the feasibility
of the method.
Along the same general line some investigators have proposed the addition
of ceramic powder (preferably a pure oxide) into a metal powder. The mixed pow-
ders are then compacted and sintered at high temperature. It is believed that the
creep properties of the mixed material thus obtained are superior to those of the
corresponding pure metal. No actual experimental data is available at present, andl
further research is necessary before any comment can be made on the chances of
success of this method.
The introduction of ceramic materials ina gas-turbine power plant will un-
doubtedly require some changes in design. These changes should take into account the
characteristic features of the ceramic materials. The shape of the blade should be
determined with special consideration for the methods of manufacturing. For these
materials, the difficulty of obtaining close tolerances is aggravated by the fact that
machining is at present very difficult, if not impossible. The method of joining the
blade to the motor will be a problem in itself. The maximum stress in service should
be reduced as much as possi ble, and stress concentrations should be minimized.
Substituting a ceramic blade for a metal blade in an existing unit would probably be
unsuccessful because it would subject the material to unduly severe conditions. In
order to assure the maximum chances of success, research on ceramic materials for
gas-turbine power plants should be integrated into the more Ileneral problem of
designing a high-temperature unit in which the advantages of the ceramic would be
exploited and its disadvantage minimized.
Porous metals are obtained by compafting and sintering metal powders. The
porosity is obtained by adding to the powder a substance which evaporates or burns
during the heat treatment of the compact. Such a technique is already used in the mak-
ing of porous bearings, but is limited to very few alloys. For gas-turbine applications,
the requirements will be much more severe than those encountered in the present
applications. This problem opens a very wide field of research. Powder metallurgy
is still a new science, and most of the basic phenomena remain without a correct quan-
titative explanation. Curiously enough, the fundamental problems involved here are
essentially the same as those encountered in ceramics, both sciences dealing essen-
tially with c~lemical reactions in the solid state.
While it is realized that the cooling problem is essentially a design problem, the
above considerations indicate it will give rise to extensive research in the field of
infrared rays of the gas. A ceramic liner of low conductivity and sufficient thickness
would constitute a more efficient solution, but it would also be a more complicated
problem. Ceramic bodies with a sufficiently high melting point to stand the combus-
tion temperature can easily be found. The difficulty is to fabricate a large cylinder with
relatively thin walls, having a low density. Besides, such a liner would obviously be
mechanically weak, and would fail by cracking when exposed to variations in tempera-
ture. To avoid these difficulties, it might be necessary to have a liner made of separate
small pieces, each piece being strongly bonded to the metal structure. The question
of finding a suitable bond between metal and ceramic is therefore of primary impor-
The presence of a ceramic liner on the walls of a ramjet combustion chamber
might have a favorable effect on the combustion of the fuel-air mixture, because it
would maintain the walls at a relatively high temperature. This factor has not been
experimentally verified yet, and its importance is not dearly established.
which can be used with each propellant combination, but do not constitute a very
critical barrier in the development of rocket motors.
As a rule no serious difficulties are encountered at the present time in building
a liquid-cooled rocket combustion chamber, as far as materials are concerned, provid-
ing the metal temperature can be kept below a certain maximum value by a correct
cooling technique. This last requirement deserves some special consideration. Cool-
ing the combustion chamber consists essentially in removing a certain quantity of
heat from the .!petal walls by raising the temperature of the cooling fluid. In aircraft
applications, because of weight consideration, no auxiliary fluid can be carried for the
purpose of cooling. One of the propellants must therefore be used for cooling. The
maximum amount of heat which can be absorbed depends on the heat capacity of the
propellant and the maximum safe temperature to which it can be heated without
danger. In some cases, as in a nitric acid - aniline motor, either one of the propellants
can absorb enough heat without reaching a dangerous temperature. In other cases,
(nitromethane, for example) the temperature of the fluid after its passage through the
cooling coil is found to be dangerously high, as a consequence, the design of are-
generatively cooled motor having metal walls becomes a very difficult problem. The
logical solution is to line the combustion chamber with a material oflow heat conduc-
tivity and high melting point, in order to reduce the rate of heat transfer through the
walls. Ceramic materials are being considered for this particular application. The
characteristic properties of a satisfactory ceramic material for combustion-cham-
ber liners will be discussed in the next section.
The nozzle of a rocket motor is undoubtedly the critical part of the unit as far as
materials are concerned. The erosion of the throat by the hot gases flowing at high
velocity is still a rather obscure phenomenon. Studies of many nozzle failures due to
erosion have shown that in all cases the temperature of the nozzle, at least at the point
of failure, must have reached rather high values. It seems that erosion occurs only if
the surface in contact with the gas reaches some critical value. Nozzles made of very
soft material like aluminum have been used successfully when properly cooled. The
hardness of the material at room temperature is not a criterion. A sufficient hardness
at the temperature the surface of the nozzle is supposed to reach during operation seems
to be required. Here again the choice of material is related to the amount of cooling
For short-duration rocket units using solid propellant as a fuel, a solid copper
nozzle properly chrome-plated has been used successfully. Refractory metals have been
tested and molybdenum inserts in the throat of a copper nozzle are quite satisfactory.
The method of cooling by injecting a fluid through a porous material seems to
offer an interesting solution to the nozzle problem. In this case, the inside of the
nozzle is made of porous metal, and a certain quantity of one of the liquid propellants
is injected through it. It appears that the quantity of fluid required is small enough
to justify the feasibility of the technique. In the case of a solid-propellant unit, a small
quantity of water could be carried in the unit, and injected through the throat of the
nozzle. The difference in pressure between the chamber and the throat would be used
to force the water through the porous metal. The penalty in weight for carrying
the water might be counterbalanced by the elimination of the solid copper nozzle.
If successful, this new method of cooling will give rise to a systematic research on
the development of porous metals for nozzles of rocket motors.
In planning future research on metallic materials for rocket-motor power plants,
careful consideration should be given to the conditions under which these materials
are being used. Since cooling appears essential for long-duration aircraft applications,
the actual temperature of the metal can be maintained within reasonable limits. There
is, therefore, no need for alloys having exceptionally high strength at high tempera-
ture. Not too much emphasis should be placed on creep properties at high temperature.
On the other hand resistance to corrosion, low thermal expansion, and especially
high thermal conductivity, should be the criteria of quality.
without failure. Much improvement can be expected in the near future, and the de-
velopment of a satisfactory ceramic chamber liner for long-duration aircraft power
plants is not too far remote.
The problem of a ceramic nozzle is by far more difficult. The rather discouraging
results obtained so far emphasize the complexity of the question. In general, ceramic
nozzles fail by cracking, and show very definite signs of erosion. The very high rate
of heat transfer in the nozzle throat is without doubt the reason for the failure. The
thermal stresses introduced in the material by an excessive temperature gradient pro-
duce cracking. As a consequence of the low thermal conductivity of the ceramic, the
temperature of the surface in contact with the gas is very high, and probably above the
critical value where erosion cannot be avoided. The important physical properties
of the material in this problem are melting point, thermal conductivity, thermal ex-
pansion, and some less accurately defined characteristics connected with erosion at
high temperature. The relative importance of these variables should be carefully
studied in conne~ion with what is known about the heat transfer in the nozzle of a
rocket motor. This basic information will then serve as a guide in the search for
new materials for nozzle construction.
The problem of high-temperature-resisting materials is one of the most essen-
tial in the future impro~ements in aircraft power plants. In the past, most of the
effort has been devoted to the development of materials for gas-turbine blades. Quite
satisfactory alloys are now available to withstand temperatures up to 1600o P. As a
consequence of the relation between the efficiency of a gas turbine and its operation
temperature, it is believed that the evolution of the gas turbine is toward higher and
higher temperatures. The physical properties of the present alloys at temperatures
above 16000 P are too low to expect any appreciable increase in oper~tion tempera-
ture. The two apparent solutions to the problem are the use of ceramic materials, or
the cooling of the blade. These two solutions give rise to new problems in the field
of materials.
Concerning special materials for ramjet and rocket motors, very little systematic
research has been done. In studying high-temperature-resisting materials, considera-
tion should be given to the special conditions encountered in these types of motors.
The approach to the problem is essentially different from that of the gas-turbine blade.
Ceramic materials and cooling should also play an important part in this program of
ro make any research successful, a sufficient knowledge of the basic principles
involved in the problem is absohltely necessary. This is particularly true in the field
of materials. The physics of the solid state should be the foundation on which future
research should be based. While the metallurgist has already made efficient use of the
present knowledge of the structure of matter, its importance should be emphasized,
particularly in view of the increasing interest in relatively less explored fields like
those of powder metallurgy and ceramics. The introduction of the use of atomic
energy in engineering developments brings the final argument for the need of basic
research in the field of materials.