Yatih Nupur and Versha Deshmukh

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Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 3 (2020)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.903.191

Prediction of Backpressure of Muffler through Results Obtained

by Theory and CFD Approach

Yatih Nupur* and Versha Deshmukh

Vehicle Design and Integration, Knowledge management Centre, Escorts, 15/5 Mathura
Road, Sector 28, Faridabad, Haryana, India
*Corresponding author


The exhaust system being a critical system of any automotive vehicle plays
a responsible role of improving the ride quality of the vehicle and fuel
economy. The effective design of exhaust system is critical in order to
Keywords ensure the required exhaust gas is exited from the engine and at the same
Muffler, Back time, the noise is attenuated. The exhaust system attenuates the noise from
Pressure, engine, the engine without deteriorating the engine performance by ensuring an
CFD, Noise,
efficiency, formula,
optimum value of exhaust backpressure. Exhaust backpressure is one of the
set up, correlation crucial parameters that are always scrutinized by the automotive
manufactures to ensure that the engine delivers a superior performance.
Article Info
This project deals with a practical approach to design, develop and test
Accepted: muffler particularly reactive muffler for exhaust system, which will give
12 February 2020
Available Online:
advantages over the conventional method with shorten product
10 March 2020 development cycle time and validation. Traditionally, muffler design has
been an iterative process by trial and error. However, the theories and
science that has undergone development in recent years has given a way for
an engineer to cut short number of iteration.

Introduction to the engine, like the intake, fuel, engine

cooling and exhaust systems(1).
The stringent environmental laws demand
automotive systems to be produced with The exhaust system is generally described as
superior performance with reduced noise, composed by two different parts:
emissions, maintaining good fuel economy at
the same time. The performance of any The hot end (being the main components the
vehicle is highly depends not only the exhaust manifold – with or without a
performance of core engine parts but also on turbocharger – and the catalytic
the effectiveness of the sub-systems attached converters)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

The cold end (which is located under floor, conventional method with shorten product
whose main elements are the main pipe ) development cycle time and validation. This
paper gives prediction of back pressure value
The hot end is mainly devoted to the emission during its preliminary stage of design (3).
after-treatment, while the cold end function is Compression Ignition engine is the most
the noise attenuation. energy efficient power plant among all type of
internal combustion engines known today.
It is well known that, being exhaust line a This high efficiency translates to good fuel
complex system, a backpressure is generated, economy and low greenhouse gas emissions
which is one of the factors, which negatively (4).
affect engine performance, especially in full
load conditions and on high performance Well-designed exhaust systems collect
engines. Therefore, each of the exhaust exhaust gases from engine cylinders and
components must be optimized by the fluid discharge them as quickly and silently as
dynamic point of view, in order to improve possible. Primary system design
engine performance. For this reason, during considerations include:
the development phases, it is necessary to
know both the total backpressure and the Minimizing resistance to gas flow (back
losses generated by each component. The best pressure) and keeping it within the
way to evaluate the exhaust backpressure is of limits specified for the particular
course the direct measurement on the studied engine model and rating to provide
engine; unfortunately, this is not possible maximum efficiency.
during the first steps of the engine Reducing exhaust noise emission to meet
development process, since even a proto local regulations and application
engine could not be available. As a requirements.
workaround, the backpressure caused by the Providing adequate clearance between
exhaust system can be evaluated exhaust system components and engine
experimentally, measuring it at the flow rig components, machine structures to
bench at room temperature, or theoretically, reduce the impact of high exhaust
estimating it by CFD simulation techniques temperatures
(2). Ensuring it does not overstress engine
components such as turbocharger and
Muffler design becomes more and more manifolds (5).
important for noise reduction and back
pressure limitation. Traditionally, muffler Exhaust system is designed to evacuate gases
design has been an iterative process by trial through muffler from the combustion
and error. However, the theories and science chamber quickly and efficiently. The faster an
that has undergone development in recent exhaust pulse moves, the better it can
years has given a way for an engineer to cut scavenge out all of the spent gasses during
short number of iteration. In today's valve overlap. (6).
competitive world market, it is important for a
company to shorten product development Objectives and scope
cycle time. This paper deals with a practical
approach to design, develop and test muffler This paper deals with a practical approach to
particularly reactive muffler for exhaust design, develop and test muffler particularly
system, which will give advantages over the reactive muffler for exhaust system, which

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

will give advantages over the conventional From the literature survey, the book called,
method with shorten product development “Diesel Generator Auxiliary Systems and
cycle time and validation. This paper gives Instruments by Mohammad Abdulqader” has
prediction of back pressure value during its given formula of back pressure with input
preliminary stage of design. Main objectives value as basic engine data.(10)
of the project was to calculate back pressure
using formula and simulation software and to Input Data
find out most suitable formula by considering
error percentage obtained. FA – flow area required, square feet, C –
Silencer pressure drop coefficient, T- exhaust
Methodology gas temperature,ºF, CFM – gas flow rate,
cubic feet per minute, ∆P – back pressure,
This review was carried out for complete inches of water
understanding of exhaust backpressure and its
positive as well as negative effects on engine
performance and to understand and minimize
product develop cycle time. Good design of
the muffler should give the best noise Hence, area and diameter can be directly
reduction and offer optimum backpressure for calculated if any of the value is known which
the engine (3). boundary condition is.

The scope of this study is to establish a design

methodology to make design process simpler
and less time consuming by finding most
suitable formula for exhaust backpressure
So, after getting the internal dia D from above
value and approach to get better design. In
2 equations back pressure can be calculated
addition, this approach will predict design
from below formula Qby using another input
quality at earlier stage of muffler design,
data i.e.
evaluate quality of design, set targets for
proto design, improves the same throughout
L – total equivalent length of the pipe
the product design steps, and reduce cost of
Q – exhaust gas flow rate (cfm)
proto development. In this study, we were
D – internal diameter of the pipes in inches
calculated the backpressure by three different
S – specific weight of gas
formulas than compare it with back pressure
obtained from CFD and actual experiment.
Formula, which gives the backpressure most
near to CFD and Experiment, was selected for
further design study.
Exhaust back pressure calculation using
Exhaust back pressure calculation using formula II
formula I
From the literature survey, the installation
There is no direct formula to calculate guide for exhaust system of benchmarking
backpressure; although there is numerous (11) has suggested another formula for
solution and formula are available to predict backpressure. Given formula of back pressure
the back pressure value. with input value as

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

P = Back pressure (kPa), (in. H2O) {psi = CFD analysis of exhaust system
0.0361 x in. water column kPa = 0.00981 x
mm water column} Predication of pressure drop is very useful for
L = Total Equivalent Length of pipe (m) (ft) the design and development of muffler. To
Q = Exhaust gas flow (m3 /min), (cfm) predict the pressure drop associated with the
D = Inside diameter of pipe (mm), (in.) steady flow through the muffler, CFD has
S = Density of gas (kg/m3), (lb/ft3 ) developed over the last two decades. In this
Ps = Pressure drop of silencer/raincap (kPa), analysis, steady airflow passes through
(in. H2O) mufflers. Pressure drop in an exhaust muffler
plays an important role for the design and
development of mufflers

The study was performed to design a muffler

for a four-stroke three-cylinder engine. The
muffler under consideration was a two
chamber muffler with perforated internal
Exhaust backpressure calculation using tubes, wherein the two chambers are
formula III separated by a perforated baffle plate. The
exhaust gas flow through the muffler is as
From literature survey another formula is illustrated in the Figure.1
given by Sherekar V, Dhamangaonkar
PR.et.al for Pressure drop(12) Theoretically it Modeling and meshing
is very difficult to calculate exact pressure
drop because of complex inner structure of The model for CFD analysis consists of two
silencer but following equations gives types of mesh, a structural mesh defining the
approximate pressure drop and it should not boundary area of the flow and a cavity mesh
exceed by the specify limits. defining the fluid area. The structural meshing
of the muffler was done using 2D shell
elements. Fluid mesh generation can be
performed directly by importing the CAD
geometry; however, in order to control the
Where, element size at the perforated holes the
Efficiency = .85 for naturally aspirated, 1.4 muffler 2D mesh model was used. This acts
for turbocharged engine as a reference for the fluid cavity mesh and
C = 1 for two stroke engine, C = 2 for 4 hence the model was imported into the
stroke preprocessor as a water-tight volume after
closing the inlet and outlet ends with a mesh.

Boundary condition

Deviation of simulation results from actual

entirely depends on how well the inputs are
defined, and the assumptions involved. This
C = Pressure drop coefficient study simulates internal flow, and hence the
∆P = Pressure drop inches of water inlet pipe, baffles, shell, outlet pipe and tail
pipe were defined as „wall function‟.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

The surface on the inlet pipe cross-section For example, in a 100 mm (4 in) diameter
through which exhaust gases enter the muffler pipe, the tapping would be placed no closer
was defined as „inflow‟. Neumann (element) than 300 mm (12 in) downstream of a bend or
boundary conditions were assigned at the section change. Hence, the experimental back
inflow wherein the mass flow rate was pressure value found to be 25 mbar.
defined. The mass flow rate was calculated
from the engine test data. Results and Discussion

The maximum backpressure of an engine is at Results of CFD of muffler

rated speed condition, hence the input flow
rate of 500 kg/h was considered for analysis. Back pressure calculated = 23.92 mbar
The surface on the tail pipe outlet cross-
section is defined as „outflow‟ where ambient Back pressure acceptance value = Less than
pressure conditions are considered. The fluid 60 mbar
was considered as air. The temperature
measured at the exhaust manifold is about Correlate error percentage for exhaust
600ºC and hence the density of the exhaust back pressure analysis
gases at this condition (0.6119 kg/m3) was
assigned to the fluid properties. The main motive of this project work is to
predict the backpressure value in the design
Experiment setup for measuring stage itself, to cut short the product
backpressure development cost. Muffler design has been an
iterative process by trial and error. However,
Exhaust backpressure was measured as the the theories and science that has undergone
engine is operating under full rated load and development in recent years has given a way
speed conditions. Either a water manometer for an engineer to cut short number of
or a gauge measuring inches of water may be iteration.
To minimize number of iteration, theoretical
Some engine installations are already formula and calculation were validated with
equipped with a fitting in the exhaust CFD and experimental results with minimum
discharge for measuring backpressure. If the error percentage. There is difference between
system is not equipped with such a fitting, by the result of the back pressure values,
using the following guidelines to locate and calculated by using formulas, CFD analysis
install a pressure tap. and experiment.

Locate the pressure tap in a straight length of Also, there were three number of formulas for
exhaust pipe as close to the turbocharger back pressure. So, to finalize any one of the
as possible. back pressure formula, CFD analysis was
Locate the tap three pipe diameters from any performed. By comparison of all three result
upstream pipe transition. with CFD analysis and experiment value have
Locate the tap two pipe diameters from any been tabulated to find error percentage.
downstream pipe transition.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

Table.1 Backpressure Calculation by Formula I

Exhaust Temperature CFM Internal Total EQ. SP. Weight Back

flow °F DIA. of Length of Gas pressure
rate Pipe (inch) (lb-ft3) (mbar)
(kg/hr) (inches)
500 1112 248.364 9.760705 24.401763 0.04125 2.843775

Table.2 Backpressure Calculation by Formula II

Exhaust Temp Density (S) Exh. Dia. Total eq. Back pressure Back
flow rate ( ˚C) flow rate (D) length P (inch of pressure
(kg/hr) (Q) (mm) (L) water ) P in
(mbar )
500 600 0.037358 248.364 50.8 139.7 11.43 3.57

Table.3 Backpressure Calculation by Formula III

Exhaust Temp. Temp. Inlet Area at Density Exhaust Velocity ΔP

flow rate (°C) (°F) dia. (ft.) inlet (ft2) (kg/m3) flow (ft/min)
(kg/hr.) rate
500 600 1112 3.64736 10.44304 1.184 248.36 11395.77 5.45
Conclusion from all three formulas applied for back pressure

Table.4 Comparison of all Three Result with CFD Analysis and Experiment Value

Theoritical CFD Experiment Error% (Theoritical

and Analytical)
FORMULA I 28.44 23.92 25 15.77

FORMULA II 27.78 23.92 25 13.89

FORMULA III 30.52 23.92 25 21.62

Fig.1 Schematic Flow in the Muffler

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

Fig.2 CAD Model of Exhaust System

Fig.3 Vertical and Horizontal Cut Section of Meshed Model

Mass flow rate = 500 Kg/hr
Temperature = 600ºC

Fig.4 Meshing of Exhaust System

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

Pressure = 0 Pa
Temperature =

Fig.5 Boundary Condition of Exhaust System

Fig.6 Velocity Magnitude of Exhaust System

Fig.7 Pressure Plot for Exhaust System

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 1633-1642

Fig.8 Correlation of Theoretical, CFD and Experiment results

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How to cite this article:

Yatih Nupur and Versha Deshmukh. 2020. Prediction of Backpressure of Muffler through
Results Obtained by Theory and CFD Approach. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(03): 1633-
1642. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.903.191


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