Hope 1 LP HRF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas
School Division of Ormoc
Ormoc City

School Ormoc City Senior High School Grade 12

Teacher Jonalyn J. Gianan Learning Area H.O.P.E 03
Teaching Day/Week 1 day / week Quarter 1st Semester
Sections GA - NAKPIL Date Sept. 04, 2023

I. OBJECTIVE At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 To determine the level of fitness of students;
 To identify strength and weaknesses for development and improvement.
 To provide baseline data for selection of physical activities for enhancement of
health and skill performance;
 To motivate guide and counsel students in selecting sports for recreation
competition and lifetime participation.
A. Content The learner…
Standard 1. The formation of the universe and the solar system
2. The subsystems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) that make up
the Earth
3. the Earth’s internal structure.
B. Performance The learner ….
Standard 1.Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic hazards that your community may
experience. (Note: Select this performance standard if your school is in an area near
fault lines, volcanoes, and steep slopes.)
2. Conduct a survey or design a study to assess the possible hydro meteorological
hazards that your community may experience. (Note: Select this performance standard
if your school is in an area that is frequently hit by tropical cyclones and is usually
C. Learning Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF).
competency /ies Status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one's diet. PEH11FH-
III. LEARNING Instructional Materials: TV, laptop computer

A. Reference TG, MELC, Self-Learning Module

B. Other Learning PPT TV
Preliminary a. Greetings & Introduction
Activities b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
d. House Rules

A. Drill Game – “Say the word not the color”

 The teacher will be going to show a number of words written in different
 The teacher will be going to explain and demonstrate the game to her students.
 If the students have questions regarding the game the teacher offers
clarification if necessary.

B. REVIEW Ask them: What does HRF stands for?

What does BMI stand for?
What does FITT stand for?
C. MOTIVATION The teacher will ask the students what they understand by the term “fitness”
and let them write their response on the board.
D. Activity Proper 1. Divide the class into small groups or pair.
2. Set up fitness station around the basketball court each focusing on one of the
health fitness components:
 Station 1: 3-minute step test
 Station 2. Push-up for muscular strength
 Station 3: Planks for muscular endurance
 Station 4: Sit and Reach for flexibility of lower extremities
 Station 5: Height and weight for Body Composition
E. Analysis Let the students Interpret the score they obtain during their Physical Fitness Test.
F. Abstraction The teacher will introduce the concept of Health-Related Fitness and explain that each
component plays a crucial role in maintaining good health.
G. Application Encourage students to stay active and make healthy choices in their daily lives.
H. Assessment (1-5) List down the different HRF components.
(6-10) List down physical activity or exercises that targets to improve each component
of HRF.

I. Assignment Let the students write a paragraph about how they plan to improve on aspect of their
/Additional health-related fitness.
Activities for
V. Remarks:

Not Carried
Reasons: ____________________

This part of the lesson, teacher shall indicate special cases including but not limited to:
a. Continuation of lesson plan to the following day
b. In case of re-teaching or lack of time
c. Transfer to the following day in case of class suspension.

VI. Reflection 1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ……

2. No. of learners who require additionala activities for remediation
3. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson… out of __ pupils there
are __ pupils who show improvement by using explicit instruction.
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:


Teacher II Asst. Principal-Academics School Principal I

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