Hope 1 Lesson 1 Week 1

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Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)


Daily Lesson
Log School PILI NATIONAL HIGH Grade Grade 11-

Teacher Karla Joy C. Marciano Learning P.E and Health

Area 1
Teaching September 1, 2022
Dates and 2:00-3:00 PM Quarter First
Time Week 1

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
Fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as
requisite for physical activity assessment performance,
and as a career opportunity.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to…
Standard Leads fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
C. Learning The learners…
Competencies Distinguishes aerobic from muscle-and bonestrengthening
D. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1.Understand the benefits of aerobic, muscle strengthening, and
bone strengthening activities
2. Explain how aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone
strengthening activities work
3. Appreciate the importance of FITT in doing physical activities.
II.CONTENT Lesson 1: A Way to Get Fit
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 1-5
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Introduction of the teacher to the class.
lesson or presenting the Short orientation to HOPE 1, Explain Course Content, Course
new lesson Method, Materials, and Requirements.

B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will present the objectives of the lesson.
for the lesson After this the teacher will conduct pre-test to test the prior
knowledge of the students about the new lesson.
C. Presenting examples/ ACTIVITY ANOTATIONS
Instances of the new
The method of teaching
Activity 1: Let Me Think used is the 4As method.
Directions: Ask the students to
prepare a table with two columns on a
sheet of paper like the one below. Ask
them to list down the most frequent
activities they did in the past and the
ones they do at present. Let them
write as many as they can.

D. Discussing new ANALYSIS Constructivism:

concepts and practicing Students are given the
new skills #1 opportunity to express
Processing Questions: their own emotions or
1. What were the physical activities in knowledge by sharing
your childhood that you still do today? Do their own opinion.
E. Discussing new you spend more time now in doing these
concepts and practicing activities as compared to before? Cite an HOTS and creative
new skills # 2 example. thinking is emphasized
2. Do you know the benefits of the through thought-
physical activities that you do? Can you provoking questions.
cite some of these benefits?

H. Generalizing and ABSTRACTION Developing Literacy.

abstractions about the
lesson The teacher will share a short fitness The students will read a
story by Robert. short story; through this the
Through that story the teacher asks reading comprehension of
the following question that will lead to the students will be test in
discussion. the questions prepared by
1. How will you explain/define the teacher.
physical activity?
2. Can you differentiate Physical Integration
Activity from Exercise? The teacher will mention the
3. How do these activities contribute guidelines for aerobic
to your overall health? Cite at least 1 exercise FITT. This has the
benefits. same topic in English which
4. Can you cite exercise and physical is about ADVERB.
activity that you perform at home,
school and at the gym?
5. In the examples you gave, can you
identify these if they are aerobic,
muscle strengthening, and bone
strengthening Activities.

F. Developing mastery APPLICATION Developing Numeracy

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Perform 3-5 minutes dance exercise Using proper counting on
G. Finding Practical showing the three components of dance execution and
Application of Concepts physical activity and exercise with budgeting of time allotted
Skills in daily living accompaniment of music. to performance.
Choreography-20 points
Execution-15 points
Cooperation-15 points
I. Evaluating Learning 10 ITEMS QUIZ
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space
provided below.
_________1. Any bodily movement
produced by skeletal muscles that
requires energy expenditure –
including activities undertaken while
working, playing, carrying out
household chores, travelling, and
engaging in recreational activity.
A. Physical activity B. Exercises
C. Aerobics D. All of the above
_________2. Refers to a planned,
structured, repetitive, and aims to
improve or maintain one or more
components of physical fitness.
A. Physical activity B. Exercises
C. Aerobics D. All of the above
_________3. Are also called “cardio”
exercises. Normally, these activities
increase our heart and breathing rate.
These activities cause us to sweat
profusely and breathe harder.
A. Muscle Strengthening
B. Bone Strengthening
C. Aerobics
D. All of the above
_________4. Are exercises in which
groups of muscles work or hold
against a force or some weight. It
helps build good muscle strength
when muscles do more work, it
becomes stronger.
A. Muscle Strengthening
B. Bone Strengthening
C. Aerobics
D. All of the above
_________5. Bone growth is stimulated
by physical stress brought about by
physical activity. As skeletal muscles
contract, they pull their attachment
on bones causing physical stress.
A. Muscle Strengthening
B. Bone Strengthening
C. Aerobics
D. All of the above
_________6. One of the leading risk
factors for global mortality and is on
the rise in many countries, adding to
the burden of NCDs (non-
communicable diseases) and affecting
general health worldwide.
A. Insufficient physical activity
B. smoking
C. Drinking alcohol
D. drug use
_________7. Which of the following is
an example of Regular physical
activity of moderate intensity?
A. walking B. running C.
cycling D. all of the above
_________8. Which of the following is
the best form of active transportation
that are very good in our physical
health, accessible and safe for all esp.
now pandemic season.
A. riding motorcycle
B. cycling
C. riding in car
D. walking
__________9. Modified push-ups is an
example of _?
A. Muscle Strengthening
B. Bone Strengthening
C. Aerobics
D. All of the above
__________10. What does FITT stands
A. Fitness, Intensity, Technique, Type
B. Force, Intake, Technique, Time
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
D. Fitness, Intense, Test, Time
J. Additional activities for
application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
additional activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS Teacher II Master Teacher II/SHS Coordinator

Noted by:

Principal I

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