Investigation of The Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working On Methanol-Gasoline Blends Using Engine Simulation
Investigation of The Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working On Methanol-Gasoline Blends Using Engine Simulation
Investigation of The Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working On Methanol-Gasoline Blends Using Engine Simulation
7 1,156
1 author:
Simeon Iliev
University of Ruse Angel Kanchev
All content following this page was uploaded by Simeon Iliev on 02 December 2020.
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1. Introduction
Alternative fuels are derived from resources other than petroleum. When using
these fuels in internal combustion engines (ICE), they produce less air pollution
emissions than gasoline. Most of them are more economically beneficial than fossil
fuels. Last but not least, they are renewable. The most commonly used alternative
fuels are natural gas, propane, methanol, ethanol, and hydrogen. Lots of works have
been written on engine operating with these fuels individually, but very few com-
pared some of these alternative fuels together in the same engine [1–3]. The idea of
adding low contents of ethanol or methanol to gasoline is not new, extending back
at least to the 1970s, when oil supplies were reduced and a search for alternative
energy carriers began in order to replace gasoline and diesel fuel. Initially, methanol
was considered the most attractive alcohol to be added to gasoline. Methanol pro-
duction can be from biomass, coal, or natural gas with acceptable energy costs. The
gasification of biomass can lead to methanol, mixed alcohols, and Fischer-Tropsch
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
liquids [4]. Since methanol can be produced from natural gas at no great cost, and is
quite easy to blend with gasoline, this alcohol was seen as an attractive additive.
Methanol can also be used in pure form in internal combustion engines; the fact that
it is a liquid fuel makes it suitable for storing and distributing. It does produce
hydrocarbon emissions similar to gasoline (different species); its single-carbon-
molecule nature and combustion characteristics mean that its emissions of oxides of
nitrogen and particulate matter are significantly lower than hydrocarbon fuels.
However, when using methanol in practice, it became clear that precautions had to
be taken when handling it and that methanol is aggressive to some materials, such
as plastic components and even metals in the fuel system [5].
Methanol has many advantages (characteristics) that make it very suitable for
use as a fuel in spark-ignition engine. Some of these characteristics are given in a
Table 1, and they are as follows:
• High specific energy ratio (i.e., energy per unit of fuel-air mixture)
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
Flash point, °C 45 12
Table 1.
Comparison of fuel properties [6–8].
The major issue encountered when blending water, methanol, and gasoline is
phase separation. The critical phase separation temperature of methanol-gasoline
blends increases with the amount of water present in the blend. Because of this very
small water tolerance of the methanol-gasoline blend, water contamination during
methanol transport and storage has to be avoided [11]. The blends with gasoline and
low methanol concentrations will increase the vapor pressure.
Another important problem is related to the engine cold starting of very high
blend alcohols in gasoline. Because of lower energy density and higher heat of
vaporization of methanol, more mass needs to evaporate and therefore more
energy. The lower flammability limit of methanol is higher than that of gasoline
which is also the reason for cold starting [12].
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Methanol has a higher octane number than pure gasoline fuel [13]. This
enables higher compression ratios of engines and, as a result, increases its thermal
efficiency [14].
There are many publications with different blends of alcohols and gasoline fuel.
For example, Shenghua et al. [15] used a gasoline engine to examine different
percentages of methanol blends (from 10 to 30%) in gasoline. From the results
obtained, it has been established that power and engine torque decreased, whereas
the brake thermal efficiency improved with the increase of methanol percentage in
the fuel blend. Another study [16] has studied the influence of methanol-gasoline
blends on the gasoline engine performance. The results obtained showed that the
highest brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) was obtained from 5% methanol-
gasoline blend. In another study, Altun et al. [17] studied the influence of methanol
and ethanol blending (5 and 10%) in gasoline fuel on engine performance and
emissions. Blended fuels showed the best result in emissions. The emissions of HC
are reduced by 13 and 15% for E10 and M10. The results obtained show a decrease
in CO emissions by 10,6 and 9,8%, but CO2 emission increased for E10 and M10.
The blended fuels with methanol and ethanol showed an increase in the brake-
specific fuel consumption and a decrease in break thermal efficiency compared to
gasoline. Some authors suggested that the oxygenated nature of alcohols can lead to
more complete combustion and consequently to reduced engine-out CO emissions
[18, 19]. Liang et al. [20] studied PM emission from gasoline direct-injected engine
and port fuel-injected engine fueled by gasoline and methanol-gasoline blend M15.
They found that the PM emission was lower for M15 than for gasoline.
2. Research methodology
The aim of the present chapter is to develop the one-dimensional model of four-
stroke port fuel injection (PFI) gasoline engine and four-stroke direct injection
(GDI) gasoline engine for predicting the effect of methanol-gasoline (M0–M50)
addition to gasoline on the exhaust emissions and performance of gasoline engine.
For this, simulation of gasoline SI engine (calibrated) as the basic operating condi-
tion and the laminar burning velocity correlations of methanol-gasoline blends for
calculating the changed combustion duration were used. The engine power, specific
fuel consumption, and exhaust emissions were compared and discussed [21, 22].
Computer simulation is becoming an important tool for time and cost efficiency
in an engine’s development. The simulation results are challenging to be obtained
experimentally. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has allowed researchers
to understand the flow behavior and quantify important flow parameters such as
mass flow rates or pressure drops, under the condition that the CFD tools have been
properly validated against experimental results.
CFD software products include KIVA, AVL FIRE, AVSYS, STAR-CD, VECTIS,
FLUENT, PHOENICS, Flow Vision, and more. The above programs allow to model
with great accuracy the modeling of gases, the movement of the dispersed fuel in
the combustion chamber of the engine, the movement of the thin layer of fuel
formed on the surface of solid walls, the temperature field, and other phenomena.
The fluid-structure interaction analysis, successfully implemented in the Ansys
program, integrates state-of-the-art computational tools related to fluid and gas
mechanics and solid-state mechanics to allow a multidisciplinary research.
The software for thermodynamic and gas-dynamic calculations include AVL
BOOST, Ricardo WAVE, GT-Power, and others. These software products are
characterized by a well-developed user interface that includes one-dimensional and
multidimensional models.
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
The simulation tools are the most used in recent years owing to its continuous
increase in computational power. The use of engine simulations enables optimization
of engine combustion, geometry, and operating characteristics toward improving
specific fuel consumption and exhaust emissions and reducing engine development
time and costs. Consequently, it can be expected that the use of engine simulations
during engine construction will continue to increase. Engine modeling is a fruitful
research area, and therefore many laboratories have their own engine thermodynamic
models with varying degrees of complexity, scope, and ease of use [23].
Many researchers develop their own computer code describing different pro-
cesses of engine operation. One of the studies [24] developed the computer code for
simulating spark-ignited engine using alternative fuels, and results were validated
with experimental data. The engine model is a quasi-dimensional two-zone model
including ordinary differential equations for describing dynamical behavior during
the intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes. The engine model uses the
Woschni correlation to estimate engine heat transfer. Another author [25] created a
model for simulating the performance of spark-ignition engines fueled with gaso-
line and ethanol fuels and their mixtures. In this model the combustion chamber
was divided into burned and unburned zones separated by a flame front. The
pressure was assumed to be uniform throughout the cylinder charge. The instanta-
neous heat interaction between the burned and unburned zones and its walls was
calculated by using the semiempirical expression for a four-stroke engine [26].
The one-dimensional engine simulation is widely used for design, development,
calibration, and optimization because they make it possible for the entire engine to
be modeled, they do not require high computing power, and the calculations are
performed in a relatively short time [27, 28]. The one-dimensional (1D) engine
model consists of sub-models of selected processes that can be investigated using
more detailed modeling approaches (quasi-dimensional or three-dimensional
models) to increase the accuracy of the overall engine simulation results.
The model of combustion as part of one-dimensional engine simulations pro-
vides the burning rate that represents the heat release rate in the combustion
process for a given fuel blend, engine geometry, and set of operating conditions.
The burning rate can be computed empirically and or derived from physical,
detailed coupled turbulent flames, or chemical kinetic correlations of combustion
The one-dimensional model of SI engine is created by the AVL BOOST software
and has been employed to examine the emissions and performance working on
gasoline and methanol-gasoline blends. The preprocessing steps of AVL BOOST
enables the user to build a one-dimensional engine test bench setup using the
predefined elements provided in the software toolbox. The various elements are
joined by the desired connectors to establish the complete engine model using
pipelines. It is important to make a correct estimate of the boundary conditions as it
directly affects the accuracy of the results. Having a proper combustion model will
enhance the understanding of the physical phenomena, including the effects of
valve phasing, type of fuel, compression ratio, exhaust gas recirculation, etc., and,
thus, enable comprehensive design and optimization of the engine.
In Figure 1, PFIE symbolizes the engine, while C1 to C4 are the cylinders of the
SI engine. The cylinders of the engine are the main element in this model, because
they have many very important parameters to settle: the bore, stroke, internal
geometry, connecting rod, length and compression ratio, piston pin offset, and the
mean crankcase pressure. MP1 to MP18 symbolize the measuring points. The ple-
num is market with PL1 to PL4. System boundary are market with SB1 and SB2. The
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Figure 1.
Schematic of the gasoline PFI engine model.
cleaner is market with CL1. R1 to R10 stand for flow restrictions, CAT1 symbolize
catalyst and fuel injectors—I1 to I4 are. The flow pipes are numbered 1 to 34.
The calibrated gasoline PFI engine model was described by Iliev [29], and its
layout is shown in Figure 1 with engine specification shown in Table 2.
The schematic of the calibrated GDI engine model is shown in Figure 2 with
engine specification shown in Table 3.
The comparison between the properties of gasoline and methanol is presented in
Table 1. As shown in Table 1, compared with gasoline, methanol has a higher
elemental oxygen content and a lower heating value, molecular weight, elemental
carbon, hydrogen content and stoichiometric air/fuel ratio (AFR).
In this research, the Vibe (two-zone) model was chosen for simulation analysis
of the combustion. The combustion chamber was divided into two regions:
unburned gas region and burned gas regions [17]. For the burned charge and
unburned charge, the first law of thermodynamics is applied:
dmb ub dV b dQ F X dQ
Wb dmb dmBB,b
¼ pc þ þ hu hBB,b (1)
dα dα dα dα dα dα
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
Bore 86 (mm)
Stroke 86 (mm)
Number of cylinders 4
Number of strokes 4
Table 2.
PFI engine specification.
Figure 2.
Schematic of the gasoline GDI engine model.
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Bore 80 (mm)
Stroke 78 (mm)
Number of cylinders 4
Number of strokes 4
Table 3.
GDI engine specification.
dmu uu dV u X dQ
Wu dmB dmBB,u
¼ pc hu hBB,u (2)
dα dα dα dα dα
where dmu represents the change of the internal energy in the cylinder, pc dV
da is
dQ W
the piston work, dQ dmb
da stands for the fuel heat input, da is wall heat loses, and hu da
represents the enthalpy flow from the unburned to the burned zone due to the
conversion of a fresh charge to combustion products. The heat flux between the two
zones is neglected. hBB dm
da represents the enthalpy due to blow by, u and b in the
dV b dV u dV
þ ¼ (3)
dα dα dα
Vb þ Vu ¼ V (4)
The amount of burned mixture at each time setup is obtained from the Vibe
function. For all other terms, for instance, wall heat losses, etc., models similar
to the single zone models with an appropriate distribution on the two zones are
used [30].
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
" mþ1 #
θ θo
xb ¼ 1 exp a (5)
The heat transfer to the walls of the combustion chamber is calculated from
Q wi ¼ hAi ðT c T wi Þ (6)
In AVL BOOST the model of formation on NOx is based on Pattas and Hafner
[30], which incorporates the Zeldovich mechanism [36]. The reaction of Zeldovich
mechanism is given in Table 4.
The rate of NOx production was obtained using Eq. (7):
r1 r4
rNO ¼ CPPM CKM ð2, 0Þ: 1 α þ : (7)
1 þ αAK 2 1 þ AK 4
CNO:act 1
α¼ (8)
AK 2 ¼ (9)
r2 þ r3
AK 4 ¼ (10)
r5 þ r6
K0 (cm3/mol s)
Stoichiometry TАi
a[ ] TA [K]
Rate ki ¼ k0,i T a e T
Table 4.
Reactions according to the Zeldovich mechanism.
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
1. During the intake and compression stroke, fuel vapor is absorbed into the oil
layer and deposits on the cylinder walls. The following desorption occurs when
the cylinder pressure decreases during the expansion stroke, and complete
combustion cannot take place anymore.
2. A fraction of the charge enters the crevice volumes and is not burned since the
flame quenches at the entrance.
4. Quench layers on the combustion chamber wall which are left as the flame
extinguishes prior to reaching the walls.
5. The flow of fuel vapor into the exhaust system during valve overlap in gasoline
The first two mechanisms and in particular the crevice formation are considered
to be the most important and need to be accounted for in a thermodynamic model.
Partial burn and quench layer effect cannot be physically described in a quasi-
dimensional approach, but may be included by adopting tunable semiempirical
The formation of unburned HC in the crevices is described by assuming that the
pressure in the cylinder and in the crevices is the same and that the temperature of
the mass in the crevice volumes is equal to the piston temperature.
The mass in the crevices at any time is described by Eq. (13):
pV crevice M
mcrevice ¼ (13)
RT piston
In Eq. (13), mcrevice represents the mass of unburned charge in the crevice, p denotes
cylinder pressure, V crevice stands for total crevice volume, M represents unburned
molecular weight, T piston is the temperature of the piston, and R denotes gas constant.
The second important source of HC is the presence of lubricating oil in the fuel
or on the walls of the combustion chamber. During the compression stroke, the fuel
vapor pressure increases, so, by Henry’s law, absorption occurs even if the oil was
saturated during the intake. During combustion the concentration of fuel vapor in
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
the burned gases goes to zero, so the absorbed fuel vapor will desorb from the liquid
oil into the burned gases. Fuel solubility is a positive function of the molecular
weight, so the oil layer contributed to HC emissions depending on the different
solubilities of individual hydrocarbons in the lubricating oil.
The assumptions made in the development of the HC absorption/desorption are
the following:
5. Diffusion of the fuel in the oil film is the limiting factor, for the diffusion
constant in the liquid phase is 104 times smaller than the corresponding value
in the gas phase.
The radial distribution of the fuel mass fraction in the oil film can be determined
by solving the diffusion Eq. (14):
∂wF ∂2 wF
D ¼0 (14)
∂t ∂r2
In Eq. (14), wF represents fuel’s mass fraction in the oil film, t is the time, r
stands for radial position in the oil film (distance from the wall), and D is relative
(fuel-oil) diffusion coefficient.
Figures 3 and 4 show the results of the brake power and torque for methanol-
gasoline blended fuels at various engine speeds.
The variation of brake power versus engine speed was obtained at full load
conditions for various concentrations of M5, M10, M20, M30, M50, and net gaso-
line M0. When the methanol content in the blended fuel was increased (M10, M20
and M30), the brake power slightly increased for all engine speeds. The brake
power at net gasoline was higher in comparison of M50 for all engine speeds. The
methanol’s heat of evaporation is higher than that of gasoline fuel, providing air-
fuel charge cooling and increasing the density of the charge. The methanol’s blended
fuel causes the equivalence ratio of blend approaches to stoichiometric condition
which can lead to a better combustion. However, methanol’s heating value is lower
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Figure 3.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on brake power.
Figure 4.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on engine torque.
than that of gasoline, and it can neutralize the previous positive effects.
Consequently, a lower power output is obtained at M50.
Figure 4 shows the engine torque for various percentages of methanol in its
blends with gasoline. Increasing the methanol content (M10 and M20) increased
slightly the torque of the engine. The brake torque of gasoline was higher than those
of M30 and M50.
Because of the existence of oxygen in the methanol chemical component, and
the increase of methanol, lean mixtures are produced that decrease the equivalent
air-fuel ratio to a lower value, and due to the presence of oxygen in the combustion
chamber, the burning is more efficient.
Figure 5 shows the BSFC for various percentages of methanol in its blends with
gasoline versus engine speeds. As shown in this figure, the BSFC increased as the
methanol percentage increased. The reason has been known—the heating value and
stoichiometric air-fuel ratio are the smallest for this fuel, which means that more
fuel is needed for specific air-fuel equivalence ratio. The highest specific fuel
consumption is obtained at M50 blended fuel.
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
Figure 5.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on brake-specific fuel consumption.
Figure 6.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on CO emissions.
Furthermore, there is a small difference between the BSFC for net gasoline and
the mixtures with methanol (M5 to M30). As engine speed increased reaching
2000 rpm, the BSFC decreased reaching its minimum value.
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Figure 7.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on HC emissions.
Figure 8.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on NOx emissions.
The results of the brake power and specific fuel consumption for methanol-
gasoline blended fuels at different engine speeds are shown in Figures 9 and 10.
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
Figure 9.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on brake power.
Figure 10.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on engine torque.
The variation of brake power versus engine speed was obtained at full load
conditions for various concentrations of M5, M10, M20, M30, M50, and net gaso-
line M0. When the methanol content in the blended fuel was increased (M5 and
M10), there was not a significant increase in engine brake power. The engine brake
power was higher in operation with gasoline in comparison to M50 for all engine
speeds. The methanol’s heat of evaporation is higher than that of gasoline fuel,
providing air-fuel charge cooling and increasing the density of the charge. The
methanol blended fuel causes the equivalence ratio of blend approaches to stoichio-
metric condition which can lead to a better combustion. However, methanol’s
heating value is lower than that of gasoline, and it can neutralize the previous
positive effects. Consequently, a lower power output is obtained at M50.
Figure 10 shows the engine torque for various percentages of methanol in its
blends with gasoline. Increasing methanol content (M5 and M10) increased slightly
the torque of the engine. The brake torque of gasoline was higher than those of
M20, M30, and M50.
Because of the existence of oxygen in the methanol chemical component, and
the increase of methanol, lean mixtures are produced that decrease the equivalent
air-fuel ratio to a lower value, and due to the presence of oxygen in the combustion
chamber, the burning is more efficient.
Figure 11 shows BSFC for various percentages of methanol in its blends with
gasoline versus engine speeds. As shown in this figure, the BSFC increased as the
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Figure 11.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on brake-specific fuel consumption.
methanol percentage increased. This can be described with heating value and stoi-
chiometric air-fuel ratio are the smallest for these two fuels, which means that for
specific air-fuel equivalence ratio more fuel is needed. The highest specific fuel
consumption is obtained at M50 blended fuel.
Furthermore, there is a small difference between the BSFC for net gasoline and
the mixtures with methanol (M5 to M20). As engine speed increased reaching
3000 rpm, the BSFC decreased, reaching its minimum value.
Figure 12.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on CO emissions.
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
Figure 13.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on HC emissions.
Figure 14.
Influence of methanol-gasoline blended fuels on NOx emissions.
5. Conclusions
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
With the increase of the percentage of methanol in the blended fuel, the engine
brake power decreased for various engine speeds for PFI engine and GDI engine.
With the increase of the percentage of methanol in the blends (M5 to M10 for
PFI engine and M5 to M10 for GDI engine), the brake power slightly increased, and
with the increase of the methanol in the blends (M30 and M50), the brake power
As the percentage of methanol increased, the BSFC increased. The blended fuels
show lower engine brake power and higher BSFC than net gasoline. Furthermore,
there is a slight difference between the BSFC of gasoline and gasoline blended fuels
(M10 and M20 for PFI engine and M5 and M10 for GDI engine).
When there is an increase in methanol percentage, the CO and HC concentration
decreases for PFI and GDI engines.
Increasing the percentage of methanol in the blends leads to a significant
increase in NOx emissions. The lowest NOx emissions are obtained at M50
methanol-gasoline blend at GDI engines.
The present chapter has been written with the Project No 2020-RU-03’s financial
We are also eternally grateful to AVL-AST, Graz, Austria, for granting the use of
AVL BOOST under the university partnership program.
Author details
Simeon Iliev
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, Bulgaria
© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…
Numerical and Experimental Studies on Combustion Engines and Vehicles
Investigation of the Gasoline Engine Performance and Emissions Working on Methanol-Gasoline…