Call For PHD Positions at The School in Social Sciences: He Ector
Call For PHD Positions at The School in Social Sciences: He Ector
Call For PHD Positions at The School in Social Sciences: He Ector
28 cycle
Given Law no. 210 of July 3, 1998, and subsequent amendments, which assigns the organization of doctoral studies to universities in accordance with the general criteria stipulated by ministerial regulations; Given Ministerial Decree no. 224 of April 30, 1999, regarding the general criteria to be followed by individual universities in the organization of doctoral studies; Given the Decree by the Prime Minister of April 9, 2001, and subsequent amendments, on the general criteria for uniform treatment regarding the right to higher education; Given the Statute of the University of Trento issued with Rectors Decree no. 395 of July 14, 2008 (Paragraph 9 of Art. 12); Given the Trento University Regulations for Doctoral Schools, issued with Rectors Decree no. 997 of December 16, 2003 and subsequently modified with Rectors Decree no. 359 on April 19, 2006; Given the proposal presented by the Departments of Economics, Computer and Management Sciences, Human and Social Studies, Sociology and Social Research and by the School in Local Development; Given the Regulation establishing the School in Social Sciences passed by the University Senate and the Commission for Scientific Research on 10 October 2010; Given the report of the Universitys Internal Assessment Unit (Nucleo di Valutazione) of January 10, 2011 concerning the requirements to be met by the proposed Doctoral Programmes; Given the resolution passed by the University Senate and the Commission for Scientific Research on 18 January 2012;
ART. 1 - INSTITUTION th The School in Social Sciences of the University of Trento announces the 28 cycle of the following Doctoral Programmes activated in academic year 2012/2013: Economics and Management Local Development and Global Dynamics Sociology and Social Research
Duration: Three years Official language of the School: English Number of positions and number of grants: see attachment 1 of the call for applications. Head of the Social Sciences School: prof. Luigi Mittone Head of the Doctoral Programme in Economics and Management: prof. Roberto Tamborini Head of the Doctoral Programme in Local Development and Global Dynamics: prof. Giuseppe Folloni Head of the Doctoral Programme in Sociology and Social Research: prof. Paolo Barbieri
Secretariat: Ph. +39 0461 283756-2331-2290 Fax +39 0461 282335 E-mail: [email protected]
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ART. 2 - ANNOUNCEMENT PURPOSES AND GENERAL CONDITIONS The admission to one of the above mentioned Doctoral Programmes follows a public selection according to the conditions set in Attachment 1 of the call. For each (of the) Doctoral Programme listed above in paragraph 1 the file entails: official language, scientific areas, research areas, structure of the programme, doctoral positions covered with and without scholarship, requirements for the admission, programme of the examination, criteria of assessment. The submission of the application, as set forth in article 5, entails acceptance of the regulations of this announcement by the candidate. Failure to accomplish with the regulations of this announcement implies the exclusion from the selection procedure. Attachments are integral part of the call. Any further change or addition to the present call will be published at the website: The number of scholarships (Form 1) may be increased by funds from universities, public research bodies, or private organizations made available after the publication of this announcement and before the beginning of the selection. Any increase of available places will be posted at the web site: Date, time and location of the examination will be published on the website at least 20 days before: as laid down in Art. 20 of the University Regulations for Doctoral Schools. Art. 3 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applications are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian rd laurea specialistica (magistrale), according to the Ministerial Decree no. 509 of the 3 November 1999 and subsequent amendments, a university degree of the previous regulations in force, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad. Applications are also accepted from students who expect to complete their degree by the 28 of th September 2012. By the 20 June 2012 applicants must attach the following: a certificate of enrolment with a list of the examinations successfully passed and marks obtained in each th examination. According to Presidential Decree no. 445 of the 28 of December 2000 EU citizens may present a self-declaration by using Form A; th a statement by their thesis supervisor declaring that the student will obtain the degree by the 28 of September 2012. The admission of candidates who have not yet graduated will be conditional and the applicant must present the degree certificate (EU citizens may present a self-declaration of the possession of the degree according th to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 of December 2000 by using Form A), to the Secretariat of the School th (by fax +39 0461 282335) by the 12 of October 2012. Otherwise, the applicant shall lose the right to be admitted to the School. Art. 4 FOREIGN QUALIFICATION University qualifications awarded abroad must be comparable to the qualification of Laurea Magistrale (second cycle degree) in terms of duration, level and topic. The Doctoral School Committee declares their eligibility. Applicants with a foreign qualification that has not been officially recognised as equivalent to the Italian "laurea", must submit a request for equivalence in their application. In this case, it is necessary to attach the following documents: - degree certificate with examinations and grades obtained (EU citizens may present a self-declaration of the possession of the degree according to the Presidential Decree art. 46 no. 445 of 28.12.2000 and further modifications, by using Form A);
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For more information about the Equivalence procedure (Equipollenza): Translation of Announcement n. 161 issued on the 18th of April 2012
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translation into English of the degree certificate with exams, grades obtained signed by the applicant, to enable the Doctoral School Committee to declare its equivalence, for the sole purpose of admission to the selection process of this Call; any other document useful for the evaluation of the eligibility of the degree certificate (Diploma 2 3 Supplement or Declaration of Value- Dichiarazione di valore in loco )
Successful non-E.U. applicants holding a non-Italian qualification and successful E.U. applicants holding a non-E.U. qualification must also present their degree certificate along with exams and grades obtained in each examination, translated and legally certified by the Italian Consulate, Embassy or diplomatic representative in the country where the degree was issued. The respective Declaration of value must be th submitted by the 12 of November 2012. Declaration of Value must state that the university degree is valid and enables candidates to enrol in a doctoral course in the country where it was obtained. Art. 5 APPLICATIONS The application, together with all the attachments required, must be submitted online at the University of Trento using the following link th Note that the application must be definitely submitted by the 20 June 2012 at 04.00 p.m. Italian time. The application is to be considered by law a self-declaration of the personal data and qualifications. The candidate must choose only one Doctoral Programme from among Economics and Management, Local Development and Global Dynamics and Sociology and Social Research. The Applications will not be valid if irregular or incomplete and if they have not been submitted according to the modalities indicated in this article. All applicants are admitted to the Call conditionally upon ascertainment that they fulfil the admission requirements. The University of Trento has the right to verify the documents delivered pursuant to articles 71 et seq. of the Presidential Decree no. 445 of the 28.12.2000. The School has the right to exclude from this call, for justified reasons, applicants who have failed to fulfil the requirements necessary for this call. According to Italian Law no. 104/92, art. 20 and to Italian Law no. 68/99, art. 16, parag. 1, applicants with special needs are expected to indicate explicitly in their application whether they require special assistance or extra time during the examinations. Under Legislative Decree 196/03, all information will be kept confidential. Attachments Applications must include: a photocopy of the applicants ID (for EU citizens) or passport (the page with photo, personal data, the document number, the place and date of issue, and expiry date). No other identification documents will be accepted; degree certificate: For applicants who have obtained an Italian qualification: - a self-declaration, according to the Presidential Decree art. 46 no. 445 of 28.12.2000 and subsequent amendments, declaring the possession of a degree (art.2 of the this Call), conferral date, issuing University, final grade, examinations and grades obtained (by using Form A); For applicants with a foreign qualification: - degree certificate with examinations and grades obtained or equivalent certification, under art. 3 of this Call (see above).
2 The Diploma Supplement (DS) accompanies a higher education diploma, is issued by the University where the degree was obtained and provides a standardized description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. For more information about the DS: 3;
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If the qualification has not been officially recognised as equivalent to a Laurea specialistica (magistrale) or a university degree of the previous regulations in force, the applicant should also submit a translation into English of the academic certificate with the examinations and grades obtained, undersigned by the applicant, on his/her own responsibility (or, if already possessed, a copy of the degree certificate with examinations and grades, translated and legally certified by the Italian diplomatic or consular delegations in the country where the institution that issued the degree certificate is located, together with the Declaration of Value). The certificate is required to enable the Doctoral School Committee to declare its equivalence, for the sole purpose of admission to this Call. It is recommended that students with foreign qualifications attach the Diploma Supplement, the Declaration of Value, or a similar document if available. th For applicants who expect to obtain their degree by the 28 of September 2012: - a certificate of enrolment with a list of the examinations successfully passed and grades obtained in each examination. According to Presidential Decree no. 445 of the 28th of December 2000 EU citizens may present a self-declaration by using Form A; th - a statement by their thesis supervisor declaring that the student will obtain the degree by the 28 of September 2012; curriculum studiorum in English, Europass format;
a research proposal in English (maximum 3.000 words); candidates are asked to include in their research proposal a short abstract (maximum 150 words) and a bibliography. The subject of the research proposal must deal with one of the research topic or with one of the specific topic grants listed in the Form 1 Candidates should submit only one research project. The research proposal will be considered to evaluate the analytical and methodological abilities of the applicant. In any case it doesnt foreshadow any further research activities. The candidates who would like to apply for the scholarship on Behavioural Economics applied to public policy and social welfare must present a research proposal on the above subject. During the interview the specific eligibility to this subject will be examined. The candidate who has been awarded the scholarship for the specific research project must accept the offer. Applications may include: - copies of publications, if any; - any certificate of knowledge of English (TOEFL, Proficiency etc.); - any other qualifications such as international examinations (GRE or equivalent); - any additional information useful for assessing the applicants research skills (e.g. documents concerning awards, post-graduate study and research, scholarships, research grants). Maximum three reference letters in English or Italian may be submitted by referees, experts in the doctoral research areas of Universities or national or international Research Institutes. The applicant should indicate the names and the e-mail addresses of the referees and then ask the referees to submit their letters. The letters must be headed to Prof. Luigi Mittone, Head of the School in Social Sciences, and should preferably address the following questions: 1. How long have you known the applicant? 2. In what capacity? 3. What are the applicants major strengths and weaknesses? 4. Describe the quality of the applicants contributions in a group/team environment (professional or classroom). 5. If the applicants native language is not English, comment on his/her skills in English. The letters must be sent directly by the referees by email to the address [email protected], with the following subject line: Presentation letter for candidates name School in Social Sciences (Doctoral Programme in 5 ..) .
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Failure to provide letters of recommendation does not result in the exclusion from the selection procedure. Page 4 of 18
The candidates should check with their referees that the letters have been submitted by 13:00, Italian time, th of the 20 of June 2012. The University will accept any additional documents to the submitted application sent by email to [email protected] (Subject: Integrazione domanda -Application ID number - CANDIDATES th th SURNAME/NAME, Doctoral School in Social Sciences - Doctoral Programme in . 28 cycle) by the 20 of June 2012. Art. 6 OFFSITE EXAMINATIONS Candidates permanently living abroad who wish to be interviewed in their home country can arrange a videoconference, subject to approval by the Admission Committee. In this case they have to complete the online section Offsite examination indicating the address and phone number of a university or diplomatic representation as well as the name of a third person who will confirm the candidates identity at the beginning of the examination. In order to arrange the interview candidates are invited to check their email boxes regularly. The Committee will guarantee that all the regularity requirements are fulfilled during the exam (verifying the candidates identity and the accuracy of the examination). Shortlisted candidates who apply for the Doctoral Programme in Sociology and Social Research must send the multiple choice test to the following fax number: 0039 0461 282335. Art. 7 ADMISSION COMMITTEES Upon hearing the Doctoral Programme Committees the Rector appoints the Admission Committee of each Doctoral Programme. Each Admission Committee will consist of 3 members chosen among Italian and foreign tenure professors and researchers, who are experts in the scientific areas of the Doctoral Programme. The Committee may also include up to two experts, who may be foreign, from public and private research institutes. Before the examination, The Admission Committee decides the evaluation criteria for the examinations and/or academic qualifications eligible for assessment as for what not specified in the files of Form 1. At the end of the selection procedure each Admission Committee will draw up the ranking of candidates based on the score obtained in the interview. Art. 8 FINAL RANKINGS The final rankings of the candidates will be posted on the website: The posting of the ranking is considered sufficient notification. Candidates will not receive an individual notification. Applicants will be admitted to the each Doctoral Programme according to their place on the final ranking until all available places have been assigned. In case of equally ranked candidates, the students economic situation will be evaluated for the purpose of assigning a scholarship, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (D.P.C.M.) of 9 April 2001 as amended. For places without a scholarship, the younger candidate shall be given priority. st If a successful applicant withdraws before the beginning of the course (1 of November 2012), the next applicant on the short-list will be offered the place. The latter must submit his/her application for enrolment at the Doctoral School within 10 days following the communication from the Central Doctoral Office. If a successful applicant withdraws or is excluded during the first three months of the first year of the course, the Doctoral Programme Committee may decide to fill the vacant place with the next available candidate on the ranking.
Once the referee section has been completed and saved, a notification email is sent to the referees by the system within 24 hours. In the message the referees will receive instructions regarding what the letter should address and how to send it. Translation of Announcement n. 161 issued on the 18th of April 2012 Page 5 of 18
According to Art. 19, 3 of the University Regulations for Doctoral Schools and in accordance with previous decisions of the Doctoral School Committee, the Admission Committees may increase the number of positions. The additional places (see the Form 1) will be reserved for: 6 a) short-listed applicants from non-E.U. countries who have been awarded any kind of scholarship (e.g. by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Government the candidate comes from, or International Institutions); b) short-listed applicants from a country with a specific intergovernmental agreement with Italy, on the basis of a bilateral agreement between the University of Trento and the foreign university (with no obligatory financial burden for the University of Trento). Art. 9 HOW TO ENROL IN THE DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES Admitted applicants should send or bring their enrolment form to: University of Trento - Direzione Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti Ufficio Dottorati ed Esami di Stato, Via Inama 5 - 38122 Trento (ITALY) within 15 days following the date of the final ranking publication. If applicable, the receipt of payment of the provincial student tax (TDS) must be attached to the enrolment. On the enrolment form, available at the page:, candidates should: - indicate whether they ask to be awarded a scholarship (successful candidates, who have not been awarded a scholarship should also fill out this section, in case an applicant with scholarship should withdraw); - state whether they benefit from other grants from the Italian Government, issued on the basis of Intergovernmental Agreements and Programs for Cooperation and Development; - state whether they have previously been awarded an Italian scholarship for a doctoral programme (even for a single year); - declare that they are not already enrolled and undertake not to enrol on any other programme for a degree, an Italian Scuola di Specializzazione, a Doctoral course, or Masters degree of the I or the II level, for the duration of this Doctoral Programme. Alternatively, commit to stop attending such a school before the start of the Doctoral Programme; - state whether they are an Italian public sector employee; - commit to obtain authorization from the Doctoral School Committee before taking up any form of employment; - commit to promptly inform the University of any changes of their residence or address. Admitted non-E.U. applicants holding a non-Italian qualification and admitted E.U. applicants holding a nonth E.U. qualification must also present within the 12 of November 2012: - their degree certificate along with exams and grades obtained, translated and authenticated by an Italian consulate, embassy or diplomatic representative in the country where the degree was issued, and the (7) respective Declaration of value (Dichiarazione di Valore ). Declaration of Value must state that the university degree is valid and enables candidates to enrol in a doctoral course in the country where it was obtained. or 8 - the Diploma Supplement written in English according to the EC, Europe Council and Unesco format. Short-listed applicants who do not submit their enrolment within 15 days following the date of publication of the ranking on the website: will lose the right to enrol and their place(s) will be offered to the next candidate(s) on the ranking.
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The scholarship should cover at least a part of the three-year course. For more information about the Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di valore in loco): The Diploma Supplement (DS) accompanies a higher education diploma, is issued by the University where the degree was obtained and provides a standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. For more information about the DS: Translation of Announcement n. 161 issued on the 18th of April 2012 Page 6 of 18
Art. 10 SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships are assigned based on the ranking of applicants drawn up by the each of the Admission Committees, on request of the applicant. The candidate who has been awarded the scholarship related to the topic Behavioural Economics applied to public policy and social welfare must accept the offer because grants non related to a topic are considered as a lower preference. Should the candidate decline the scholarship, it will be offered to the next candidate on the ranking; in case of the scholarship related to the topic Behavioural Economics applied to public policy and social welfare, the following successful candidate must have obtained also eligibility for the specific topic. 9 The gross amount of the grant is Euro 13,638.47 per year . The scholarship will be increased by 50% for research periods spent abroad that are authorized by the Head of the Doctoral Programme or by the Doctoral Programme Committee. Scholarships are paid bi-monthly in advance, with the exception of undue payments in case the student is expelled or suspended. The scholarship is conferred for the entire duration of the Doctoral Programme, conditional upon a positive evaluation of the Doctoral Programme Committee at the end of each year of study. Failure to attend the programme for over thirty days will result in suspension of the scholarship . The scholarships cannot be combined with other grants, except those awarded by national or foreign scientific institutes for periods spent abroad that are deemed useful for the research activities of the student. Those who have already been awarded an Italian doctoral scholarship, cannot be granted another one. Art. 11 - RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS Doctoral students must attend the programme and carry out research activities on a full-time basis according to the course programme and the regulations laid down by the Doctoral Programme Committee, as specified in the files (Form 1) attached in the present call for applications. Students participating in a co-tutelle programme are obliged to carry out study and research activities in 10 compliance with the agreement established with the foreign university . Students receiving a scholarship reserved for a specific area of research are required to conduct research in that area. The Doctoral Programme Committee may decide to exclude students from the Doctoral Programme: a) if a negative evaluation is given by the Doctoral Programme Committee concerning admission to the successive year of study; b) if students accept any form of employment contract without explicit authorisation by the Doctoral Programme Committee; c) in case of unexcused and extended absences. Students who are excluded from the programme will forfeit their scholarship and must repay any amounts unduly received. The scholarship financed by external bodies where specific research is to be carried out, limit the grant holders to carry out that specific work for the entire duration of the Programme. For the length of the Doctoral Programme, students are insured by the University against accidents and damage to third parties that occur in circumstances pertaining to the Programme. th According to art. 2, 1 of the Law 476 issued on the 13 of August 1984 and subsequent amendments, a public service employee admitted to the Doctoral School may request leave of absence for reasons of study for the whole duration of the doctoral course, without allowances, and may benefit from the scholarship, if the required conditions are met. In the case of admission to a Doctoral Programme without a grant, or should the applicant not accepted it, the person on leave of absence may benefit from the economic remuneration, social insurance and retirement benefits provided by the public institution where he/she is employed. Should the employee terminate employment in public office within two years from having obtained the doctoral 11 degree, the amount paid out during the course of the doctoral studies must be claimed back .
9 At the date of publication of the present call, Italian law (art. 2, 26 of Law 335/95 and subsequent modifications) states that scholarships are subject to pension fund contributions (INPS) starting from 01/01/2012, of 18% or 27,72%, of which 1/3 will be charged to the candidate. 10 Further information on the doctoral thesis co-tutelle programme and the agreements already in place can be found at 11 For further details the art. 2, 1 of Law 476 issued on the 13th of August 1984 and subsequent amendments can be get as advice.
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Art. 12 DOCTORAL DEGREE CONFERRAL The doctoral degree, conferred by the Rector, is awarded when students pass the final examination at the end of the Doctoral Programme. The Examination Committee will be nominated by the Rector, upon the advice of the Doctoral Programme Committee and in accordance with the University Regulations for Doctoral Schools. The issuing of the degree certificate is conditional upon the candidate providing the University archive with copies of the final dissertation The University archives will ensure public accessibility and the proper conservation of the printed thesis. It is the Universitys responsibility that the National Libraries in Rome and Florence will be provided with a copy of the dissertation, as required by the Italian law. Art. 13 PERSONAL DATA The University of Trento, in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, will use the applicants personal data only for the purpose of the selection procedures and for institutional reasons. Participation in the present selection entails, in observance of the above-mentioned law, that the applicant allows the University of Trento to publish his/her personal data concerning the results of the selection procedure on the University website. The responsible for the data processing is the University of Trento, Via Belenzani 12, 38122 Trento (Italy). Art. 14 FURTHER REGULATIONS For matters not explicitly mentioned in the present announcement, please refer to art. 4 of Law no. 210 of 3 July 3 1998 and subsequent amendments, to Ministerial Decree no. 224 of 30 April 1999 and to the University Regulations for Doctoral Schools issued with Rectors Decree no. 937 of 16 December 2003 and subsequently amended with Rectors Decree no. 359 of 19 April 2006.
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ATTACHMENT 1 - Call for PhD positions at the School in Social Sciences - academic year 2012/2013 (28th cycle)
1) Doctoral Programme in Economics and Management SECS-P/01 POLITICAL ECONOMICS Scientific areas:
Research areas:
The Programme is aimed at forming theoretical and applied researchers in economic and managerial sciences, as well as providing highly qualified professional competences, with regard to analyses of economic behaviours and markets at the micro, macro and international levels, and to organizational design and human resource management. Beside providing solid foundations in the relevant disciplines, the Programme is qualified by its focus on methodologies for rigorous empirical and behavioural approaches to economic and managerial studies, ranging from more traditional techniques to the more recent developments in the experimental and computational fields. The doctoral programme: The duration of the programme is 3 years for a total amount of 180 credits. The doctoral training is the following: 1 year: compulsory attendance of core courses; 2 year: advanced courses, seminars and preparation of the research proposal; 3 year: research. Doctoral students are admitted to the 2nd year when they have completed the 1st year coursework and have accomplished the requirements fixed in the Executive Regulations at the webpage: A Certification of Advanced Studies in Economics and Management is released after the conclusion of the 1st year. During their 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students are requested to spend a period of research in Italy or abroad. Further information on the structure of the programme and research abroad is available on the webpage: The doctoral programme may offer some preparatory courses and crash courses of specialization from October 2012. The attendance of the above mentioned courses will be verified case by case through individual talks.
Translation of Announcement n. 161 issued on the 18th of April 2012 Page 9 of 18
Doctoral places:
Places covered by scholarships funded by the University of Trento: Places covered by scholarships funded by universities, public research bodies, or private organizations: Places not covered by scholarship Total places available: Additional places (see art. 8 of the call for details) Selection Requirements
6 1 Funded by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler ( reserved to the study of the following topic: Behavioural Economics applied to public policy and social welfare"; 1 Funded by the Castello Sgr S.p.A.
0 8 1 Applicants will be shortlisted according to the output of the title assessment as stated in art. 5 of the call. The list of the candidates admitted to the interview will be published at: Applicants must present a valid identification document to be admitted to the interview. Interviews will be held in English. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in order to assess their competences, research skills and their motivation The specific competence of the candidate applying to the scholarship Behavioural Economics applied to public policy and social welfare" will be evaluated in the interview. Conditions for the offsite interview are ruled in art. 6 of the call. At the end of the selection procedure the Admission Committee will draw up the ranking of candidates based on the score obtained in the interview The candidate who has been awarded the scholarship related to the topic Behavioural Economics applied to public policy and social welfare must accept the offer because grants non related to a topic are considered as a lower preference.
Criteria of assessment
The interview will be focused on the basic knowledge of the topics of the doctoral programme and the research project, on the previous experiences qualifications of the candidates. The selection outcome is given from the evaluation of the interview. The assessment of the titles has no relevance.
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Points for the interview: 100 To be admitted in the overall ranking candidates shall score at least: 60/100
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2) Doctoral Programme in Local Development and Global Dynamics SECS-P/01 POLITICAL ECONOMY Scientific Areas
Research Areas:
Systems of local production with particular focus on local factors influence on technological and organizational innovation; Enterprises, competitiveness and local development (in cooperation with the University of Deusto); Social economics with particular focus on the role of cooperatives and social enterprises in the local endogenous development; Sustainable tourism and models of local development; Local institutions design and local development (in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana); Human capital and social capital in local development (in cooperation with the University Corvinus of Budapest and the University of Ljubljana); Regional planning, infrastructures and environment.
The doctoral programme: The duration of the programme is 3 years for a total amount of 180 credits. The programme aims at providing knowledge about the processes of development of local systems in a global context, research skills and political and administrative functionaries of the local government.. The programme has an interdisciplinary character and a comparative approach. It includes aspects of Economics, Sociology of Institutions and of the regional planning; it is based on a longlasting cooperation with European and non-European Universities and with international institutions like OECD, UNDP, etc. The training programme includes the acquisition of the basics and advanced studies of the above mentioned disciplines in line with the individual research interests of the doctoral students. The doctoral training is the following: 1 year: compulsory attendance of core courses; 2 year: advanced courses, seminars and preparation of the research proposal; 3 year: research. In order to be admitted to the 2nd year students must have passed the single modules exams as required in in the Executive Regulations at the webpage: During their 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students are requested to spend a period of research in Italy or abroad. Further information on the structure of the programme and research abroad is available on the webpage: The doctoral programme may offer some preparatory courses and crash courses of specialization from October 2012. The attendance of the above mentioned courses will be checked up case by case through individual talks.
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Doctoral places:
Places covered by scholarships funded by the University of Trento: Places covered by scholarships funded by universities, public research bodies, or private organizations: Places not covered by scholarship Total places available: Additional places (see art. 8 of the call for details) Selection requirements
1 4 0 Applicants will be shortlisted according to the output of the title assessment as stated in art. 5 of the call. The list of the candidates admitted to the interview will be published at: Applicants must present a valid identification document to be admitted to the interview. Interviews will be held in English. Conditions for the interview with distance are ruled in art. 6 of the call. At the end of the selection procedure the Admission Committee will draw up the ranking of candidates based on the score obtained in the interview The interview will be focused on the basic knowledge of the topics of the doctoral programme and the research project, on the previous experiences qualifications of the candidates. The selection outcome is given from the evaluation of the interview. The assessment of the titles has no relevance. Points for the interview: 100 To be admitted in the overall ranking candidates shall score at least: 60/100
Criteria of assessment
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3) Doctoral Programme in Sociology and Social Research SPS/07 SOCIOLOGY Scientific Areas Research areas:
- Sociology of science; - Social stratification studies; inequality studies (such as gender, class, education, colour inequalities); - Comparative studies of welfare and labour market regimes, and their evolution; - Analysis of social change; - Economic sociology, labour studies; - Migration studies; - Gender studies; - Information systems and organizational studies
The doctoral programme The doctoral programme in Sociology aims at forming highly qualified researchers able to do both applied and fundamental research in Universities and scientific research centres or market research institutes. The systematic integration of theory and empirical research is one of the core principles of this doctoral programme. Therefore, students are provided with lessons on classical and contemporary theoretical readings, guided through the in-deep study of sociological theory and stimulated in their own theoretical reasoning. As social theory has to highlight and to guide frontedge empirical research, students are furthermore instructed in contemporary social science research methods and advanced quantitative and qualitative techniques, necessary for the realization of successful research projects. Particular attention is placed on interdisciplinary competences especially in the research areas of the Department of Sociology and Social Research. The doctoral programme has a duration of three years for a total amount of 180 credits. The training programme is structured in two levels: 1 year: activities will be mainly dedicated to the coursework, to the preparation of papers and assignments as well of the research project. 2 and 3 year: seminars and research work. In the Manifesto Studiorum a list of the courses and their content is described. Attendance is mandatory for all doctoral students. The doctoral programme may offer some preparatory courses and crash courses of specialization from October 2012. The attendance of the above mentioned courses will be checked up on case by base through individual talks. During their 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students are requested to spend a period of research in Italy or abroad. Further information on the structure of the programme and research abroad is available on the webpage: Further information is available at Doctoral Places covered by places: scholarships funded by 8 the University of Trento:
Translation of Announcement n. 161 issued on the 18th of April 2012 Page 14 of 18
Places covered by scholarships funded by universities, public research bodies, or private organizations: Places not covered by scholarship Total places available: Additional places (see art. 8 of the call for details) Selection requirements
0 8 0 A shortlist will be compiled according to the outputs of two assessments: - titles assessment and evaluation of the research project according to art. 4 of the call; - multiple choice test. The multiple choice test will assess the level of knowledge of the candidates on the methodology and the main techniques adopted by the contemporary social research. The text on which the test will be based on is: Piergiorgio Corbetta Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Bologna, Il Mulino (english edition: Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques, London, Sage). After the titles assessment and the research project evaluation, the list of the shortlisted candidates will be posted at: Once test results will be provided, the list of the candidates admitted to the oral examination will be posted at: The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in order to assess their competences and research skills as well as their motivation. Interviews will be held in English. Applicants must present a valid identification document to be admitted to the interview. Conditions for the multiple choice test and the interview with distance are ruled in art. 6 of the call. The selection Commission compiles a ranking list according to the results of the interview. The oral examination will assess the level of knowledge of the candidates on the main theoretical and methodological topics of Sociology; the interview will further check up on the research areas of interests of the candidates as presented in
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Criteria of assessment
their project as well as their connections to the intellectual and professional profile of the candidates. The selection outcome is given from the evaluation of the interview. The assessment of the titles has no relevance. Points for the interview: 100 To be admitted in the overall ranking candidates shall score at least: 60/100
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Declaration substituting
(Art. 46 - lettera l, m, n - D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445)
The undersigned ________________________________________________________________________ Place of birth (city+country) ______________________________ date of birth ,______________________ Official postal address (street, number, zip code, city, country) _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile Phone. ____________________________ e mail
aware of the penal sanctions pursuant to Art. 76 of the Italian Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000 for falsifying documents and making mendacious declarations
A) To have been graduated in: _________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: __________________________________with mark _____________out of ____________ Type of degree: MA / MSc BA (4 YEARS) BSc (4 YEARS)
B) To have not graduated yet, and to be aware that admission to the Doctoral School is conditional upon the presentation of the degree certificates by the scheduled date in the call. Currently studying (subject) _______________________________________________________________ At the University of: _______________________________________________Country: ________________ Expected date of the award of the degree: ______________________________________________________
Course title
Mark/out of
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Date __________________
Signature *________________________________________
This declaration is exempt from stamp duties, pursuant to Art. 37 of the Italian Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000. *The present declaration does not require authentication of the signature nor the signature should be affixed in the presence of the person assigned to receive the document. If sent, the signatory should add a copy of his/her own identification document to the present certificate.
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