Jwjawjjwjwjwjjwiwjwjwhsdvhw 2882 Yegege 7 e 723
Jwjawjjwjwjwjjwiwjwjwhsdvhw 2882 Yegege 7 e 723
Jwjawjjwjwjwjjwiwjwjwhsdvhw 2882 Yegege 7 e 723
Irina Engelhardt
Recharge: Water which percolates down through the unsaturated zone and
enters the dynamic ground-water flow system, thereby contributing to
replenishment of the groundwater reservoir.
Recharge area: Area receiving water from infiltration and percolation. Flow of
water is directed downward away from the water table. The recharge area
encompasses most of the upper free surface of the groundwater reservoir.
2 (Modified from Freeze and Cherry 1979, Schwartz and Zhang 2008, Poehls and Smith 2009)
Groundwater Flow Net with Recharge and Discharge Area
Topographically controlled flow pattern:
• Water table is higher under topographically high areas and lower under
topographically low areas
• Water table relief is less marked than the relief of the ground surface
- Works best in areas with plenty of recharge
- In arid areas and strongly heterogeneous areas, water table does often not
resemble the ground surface
(Hubbert 1940)
Recharge as Component of the Water Balance
N = ET + Q ± S R = NR – ETR - Qs
R = recharge to ground water which equals D
N = precipitation
(groundwater discharge)
ET = evapotranspiration
Qs = surface runoff
Q = discharge ET = evapotranspiration
4 = change in storage (Modified from Freeze & Cherry 1979)
Concepts of groundwater recharge
Recharge of groundwater may occur from: precipitation, rivers, canals, lakes,
irrigation, urbanization
(Lerner et al. 1990) (Stephens 1996)
Groundwater Recharge
Groundwater Recharge – Time Scales
• How much groundwater can an aquifer store? (a "full " aquifer cannot take up
more water).
• How much water percolates through the unsaturated zone per time? (potentially
high groundwater recharge may never happen because the hydraulic
conductivities of the geological layers are too small, e.g. loess)
• Where does the excess water flow to in cases of potentially high groundwater
recharge? (e.g. interflow )
• Relationship between potential and actual groundwater recharge?
• What are the results from other methods to determine groundwater recharge? (If
possible, apply more than one method)
Errors and Inaccuracies Effecting Groundwater Recharge Calculations
• Conceptual model: A wrong conceptual model is the most important error. It is the
result of misconceptualisation of the groundwater recharge process, or the
process has been oversimplified.
• Temporal and spatial interpretation: Most of the groundwater recharge processes
are non-linear with respect to time. Errors are generated when monthly, annual, or
long-term data series are used, to quantify shorter time periods.
• Errors associated with measurement: Those errors are created by the measuring
device itself.
• Calculation errors.
Conceptual Models of Groundwater Recharge in Temperate
Humid Climate
? ?
Soil zone
? ?
Saturated zone Unsaturated zone
Groundwater table
Upper aquifer
Lower aquifer
Saturated zone Unsaturated zone
Groundwater table
Groundwater flow Upper aquifer
Groundwater flow Groundwater flow
Lower aquifer
1. Direct measurements
2. Water balance calculations
3. Darcy approaches
4. Deconvolution of hydrographs
5. Tracer techniques
6. Other approaches, mainly empirical methods
Direct Measurement of Recharge with Lysimeters
- requires expensive construction - point measurement
- accurate - do not account for loss by interflow
- upscaling to catchment area difficult
13 http://www.igw.uni-jena.de/angeol/lysimeterstation/start.html
Types of Lysimeters
What must be
measured in a
lysimeter to calculate
Requirements of a lysimeter for estimating recharge
- undisturbed soil
- large enough to minimize edge effects
- large and deep enough to enclose complete root systems
- surrounded by similar vegetation
- surrounded by the similar hydraulic conditions
- watertight, except for the drainage to be measured
(Lerner et al. 1990)
Estimation of Recharge by Water Balance Approaches
N = ET + Q ± S R = NR – ETR - Qs
N = precipitation
R = recharge to ground water
ET = evapotranspiration,
Qs = surface runoff
Q = discharge
ET = evapotranspiration
S = change in storage (Modified from Freeze & Cherry 1979)
- includes various forms of water, that
fall to the ground surface from the
- highly variable in space and time
- examples: rain, drizzle, snow, ice
Precipitation is characterized by:
- precipitation depth hN [mm]
- precipitation duration TN
- spatial distribution
- frequency n, annual occurrence Tn
- temporal change of intensity iN(t)
- type of precipitation
Source: ARD2010
Measuring of Precipitation with a Weather Radar
Source: ARD2011
19 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_radar
Measurement of Precipitation
Local measurement with rain gauges
- Simplest instruments are containers that collect precipitation through the storm
- More sophisticated rain gauges record the time, duration and intensity of
- Accuracy of measurement is affected by the physical setting and by disturbances
- Snow measurements typically underestimate the actual precipitation, particularly
at high wind speeds
- Precipitation data are available from regional networks (for example DWD, USGS)
Spatial measurement
- Weather radar
Rain gauges
Weather Station Networks
Approaches for areal estimates of
precipitation from networks
Arithmetic average
Area-weighted average
(Thiessen-weighted average)
Evaporation: physical process by which liquid water is converted into water vapor and
removed from the evaporating surface. The rate is controlled by the availability of
energy at the evaporating surface and how water can diffuse into the atmosphere.
Evaporation refers to the quantity of water loss from soils, rivers, and lakes.
Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration
Potential evapotranspiration: assumes that the ET flux will not exceed the available
energy and sufficient water is available , i.e. the potential ETP = maximum ETP.
Formula by Thorntwaite
Thorntwaite and Wilen (1948) developed an equation to calculate the potential
evapotranspiration from grasland that is based on the temperature.
ET p k1 k m (10 TM / I ) a
Darcy- approach
Groundwater recharge: Tracer methods
a) conservative behaviour of tracers, i.e. no interaction of the tracer with the solid
phase of the aquifer,
b) a contrast, i.e. differences of tracers in the different components,
c) knowledge of concentrations in the respective component.
Groundwater recharge: Tracer methods
Groundwater recharge: Tracer methods
Flow in the Unsaturated Zone
The quantity of water in a partly saturated
zone is defined as volumetric water content
θ with: VW
If the porous medium is fully saturated the
volumetric water content equals the
0 n
in the saturated zone the water flow
follows the head gradient and the
pressure head ψ > 0
in the unsaturated zone the water
pressure is below atmospheric pressure
and the pressure head ψ < 0
ψ is called suction, matric suction, tension
Microscopic Consideration
Laplace Equation:
1 1 2
r1 r2 r*
Capillary Pressure – Saturation Relationship
Macroscopic consideration:
pc = f(S)
It is mostly at a saturation
between 0.8. and 0.9
Increasing water
Increasing air saturation
Capillary Hysteresis
Saturation Domains
• The residual saturation Sr is reached if the capillary pressure increases
rapidly with negligible decrease in saturation.
• The residual saturation equals a saturation when the phase film over
the solid phase are not connected anymore.
The effective saturation Se
S Sr
is defined as: S e
1 Sr
Empirical pc-S Relationships
Brooks-Corey Model: van Genuchten Model:
pC SW pe S e
for pc pe
1 1/ m 1/ n
pC SW S e 1
pe m
S e pC 1
pc S e pC n
1 pc
g with:
K f K k r Kf = effective permeability [m2]
n phas K = intrinsic permeability [m2]
0 k S 1
r krα = relative permeability
of each phase
Relative Permeability:
Microscopic Consideration
l l = straight line
TS 1
ll Ll = effective flow line
TS = Tortuosity under
saturated conditions
T1 T1 T1 = Tortuosity of the
S 2 e 1 S e 2 wetting/non-wetting
TS w TS nw fluid under unsaturated
Relative Permeability
Macroscopic Consideration
k rel nw 1 S e 1 1 S
m 1