Credit Hrs: 2
• Grading {Exam (70%) + CA (30%) = 100%}
• CA (Mid-Semester Exam, Assignments, Tests, etc.)
• Attendance, Punctuality, etc.
- It is the study of the origin, movement, distribution, and quality of
water on and over the surface of the earth
- It deals with all the water in and upon the earth (i.e., rain, surface
water, groundwater, etc.) and their usefulness to life
Unsaturated Zone
(Soil Moisture)
Zone of Saturation
(Groundwater) Subsea Outflow
4. Man can exercise control on certain parts of the cycle, e.g. runoff can
be directed to a preferred storage place instead of it flowing naturally to a
stream or groundwater system; cloud seeding leading to artificial rainfall
The Engineer mainly uses hydrology in the design, building and
operation of hydraulic structures
2. Ministry of Agriculture,
• Weather
- is the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature, humidity,
precipitation and radiation within a day
- It is not the same everywhere each day; recorded daily and predicted
worldwide by meteorologist
2. Topography
- It influence precipitation and occurrence of swamps, rivers, lakes
and rates of runoff
3. Geology
- It influence the formation of landforms (i.e., topography)
- It influence groundwater storage and movement in underlying
rocks of an area
Structure of the atmosphere (Shaw, 1996)
Atmosphere is a distinctive layer of air, water
vapour, and other layers of about 100 km
surrounding the earth. The layers are divided into
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and
Other Climatic Parameters – cont’d
4. Humidity
- It’s the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere; measured in mb
- Water vapour distribution on earth depends on temp; highest at
the equator and lower at poles
- Water vapour movement and phases determines the earth’s heat
and energy balance; Heat is absorbed and released upon evaporation
and condensation respectively.
Saturation Vapour Pressure (mmHg)
25 es
R.H . 100%
Y(T, e)
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature (oC)
Dew Point, Td, is the temperature at which a mass of unsaturated air becomes
saturated when cooled at constant pressure
Saturation Deficit (SD) is the amount of water vapour that the air can hold at constant
temperature before becoming saturated; SD= es- ed 18
- Saturated vapour pressure is also given by:
6. Relative Humidity
- It’s a measure of the degree of saturation of air
Other Climatic Parameters – cont’d
7. Absolute Humidity
- It is equivalent to water vapour density
- It is the amount of water vapour contained in a given volume of air
- Vapour density is generally expressed as mass of water vapour per
unit volume of air at given temperature. Hence;
A.H. = mw /Va {gm-3}
8. Specific Humidity
- is the mass of water vapor contained in a unit of moist air
- Its relate the mass of water vapour mw (g) to mass of moist air (kg)
in a given volume; Given by the relation:
q = mw (g)/(mw + md) (kg); OR
= ρw/ρ {gkg-1}
Other Climatic Parameters – cont’d
8. Precipitable Water
- It’s the total amount of water vapour in a column of air expressed
as depth of liquid water in mm over the base area of the column
Sample Question
• Measurement of pressure and specific humidity from a radiosonte
ascent are shown in Table below. Calculate the precipitable water in
a column of air up to the 600 level and rainfall (Assuming 68% of it
would fall as rain; Take g=9.81 m/s2).
Pressure (mb) 1006 920 800 740 700 660 600 500
Specific Humidity (g/kg) 14.00 13.40 10.20 9.40 7.20 6.60 5.60 4.00
Q1. The relative humidity of air mass at a temperature of
24 oC is 64 %. Using the graph below, estimate the
moisture deficit and dew point.
Vapour Presure (mm Hg)
Q2. The saturation deficit and dew point of a mass of air are
0 14.0 mmHg and 11 C, respectively. Calculate the
saturated vapour
-15 -5 pressure
5 and relative
15 humidity
25 of the35
air mass. Temperature ( oC)
Class Test 1
1. During January 1996, the water budget terms for Lake
Victoria included precipitation of 19 cm, evaporation of
15 cm, surface water inflow of 1 mm, surface outflow
of 175 cm and change in lake storage of 1 mm.
Determine the net groundwater flow for January, 1996.
- is a product of water vapour condensation that falls on the
earth's surface
2. Condensation
- Condensation nuclei (small particles in atm), provide a nuclei
around which saturated water vapour condenses
- Two types of condensation nuclei:
a) Hygroscopic (e.g. salt particles) – has high affinity for water
vapour and easily aids in condensation
b) Non-hygroscopic (dust, grit, ash, sooth) – needs some degree
of super saturation before attracting condensation
3. Coalescence
- water droplets fuse or collide to form larger droplets
- larger droplets overcome air resistance and fall as precipitation
Types of Precipitation
The types of precipitation are related to the mechanisms of rising
of moist air mass, namely:
1. Convection:
- occurs when heated air on the land surface becomes less dense
and begins to rise
- warm air is forced to rise and cool to dew point
- leads to convective precipitation
2. Frontal Activity
- occurs when warm moist air mass comes in contact with a cold
object like the ground
- also occurs when a colder air mass intrude a slightly warm one
and causes it to rise, loose temperature and condense to fall
- leads to frontal precipitation (or continental rainfall)
3. Adiabatic expansion of rising air:
- results from mechanical lifting of moist horizontal air currents
over natural barriers such as mountain ranges
- warm air is forced to rise by an impeding mountain range
- leads to reduction in pressure causing lowering of temperature
without any transfer of heat
- this leads to formation of orographic precipitation
Measurement of Precipitation
Precipitation is a primary input in most hydraulic projects (e.g.
used to estimate flood flows, infiltration, recharge, etc); hence its
accurate measurement is very necessary
1. Non-Recording Gauges
- the amount of rainfall intercepted is measured by observer at
regular intervals
- made up of a collecting funnel (dia. = 5’’ and depth=4’’), inner
glass can and outer glass casing
- rain is led into the glass via funnel and then read later by observer
- In heavy falls, rain may overflow into the inner glass can, and in
very rare cases overflow into the outer casing of the gauge
-The outer and inner casings are designed not to allow evaporation
Measurement of Precipitation – cont’d
2. Recording Gauges
• automatically measure and record the amount and time of
• Two basic types of recording gauges are available, namely:
- tilting siphon and tipping bucket types.
• Tilting Siphon:
- based on float gauge principle,
- rainfall is collected into a funnel and led into a float chamber,
- float move vertically as water rises in the chamber, and
- the movement is transmitted by means of a pulley and pen arm
to revolving chart that records the rainfall
Measurement of Precipitation – cont’d
• Tipping Bucket:
─funnel collects rain into one of the two compartments of the
tipping bucket system
─the rain is led into one compartment while emptying the other
─movement of the bucket is transmitted, mechanically or
electrically, to a moving strip chart for rainfall recording
Siting of Rain Gauges
• It is a professional job and must be decided with competence
1. Arithmetic Mean
- calculates arithmetic mean of rain gauge measurements at an area
considering gauges located inside area under study only
- Mean Rainfall (R) = ∑ Ri / n
- suitable for area with even distribution of gauges and has no marked
- not representative when used in mountainous areas 37
2. The Thiessen Method
- Rainfall amounts at individual stations are weighted by fractions of
the catchment area represented by gauges and then summed
- Rain gauge stations are used to divide the catchment area into
polygons by lines equidistant between pairs of adjacent gauges.
Mean Rainfall (R) = ∑ Ri ai/A,
where A = total area, ai = individual area, Pi = Precipitation at individual gauge station
- mainly used for analysing storm rainfalls since they are usually
localized over small areas
Characteristics of Precipitation
1. Intensity
- is the quantity of rain falling in a given time OR the rate at which rain
falls per unit time (e.g. mm/hr); may be represented by a hyetograph
- the greater the intensity, the shorter the duration of rainfall and vice
2. Duration
- is the time period during which rain falls OR the length of time over
which rain (or precipitation) occurs
3. Amount
- is the product of average intensity and duration. e.g., 1.5 mm/h * 6 h= 9 mm
4. Distribution
- is the relative occurrence of rainfall (or precipitation) in space or time
Frequency – is the expectation that a given depth of rain will fall in a
given time; such an amount may be equaled or exceeded in a given
number of days or years 42
Missing Data
• is simply unrecorded data at a gauge station at a particular time
• Causes:
1. Sickness or death 2. Disaster 3. Laziness or forgetfulness
4. Instrumental failure 5. Drunkeness or forgetfulness
6. Industrial action
• a physical process by which water is lost from a free wet surface
(e.g. roofs, soils, lakes, etc) as water vapour into the atmosphere.
• the net loss of water through the stomata in the leaves of plants
or vegetation covering soils is known as transpiration
Generally, the factors that govern evaporation and transpiration
also govern evapotranspiration
Definition of Some Common Terms
1. Potential Evaporation: quantity of water that can be lost by a
pure water surface per unit time under existing atmospheric
conditions like wind, pressure, humidity and temperature
2. Atmometers
- also simple, inexpensive, and easy to operate; observed regularly
- 2 types available; Piche atmometer and Bellani atmometer
3. Lysimeters
- used to measure evapotranspiration
- Consist of buried tanks growing a crop; measure precipitation in
and drainage out; and/or weigh tank 49
Estimation of Evaporation
1. Water Budget Method
- consists of accounting for all waters entering and leaving a basin
Evaporation Estimation –cont’d
2. Mass Transfer (Aerodynamic Method)
• evaporation is driven by vapour pressure gradient and wind speed
• Originates from Dalton (19th century): Eopen surface = f(u).(es – ea)
• the rain or snowfall first wets the surface b4 seeping into the soils
• Infiltration amount and rates depends greatly on ability of the soil
to absorb falling precipitation
3. Vegetation cover
- root systems, organic debris and burrow animals serves as
preferential paths for infiltrating water
5. Slope of land surface – steep slopes reduce infiltration and vice versa.
Methods of determining infiltration
1. Water Budget Method
- Take stock of all water into an area and solve the hydrologic
mass balance equation with infiltration as unknown
2. Infiltrometers
- The commonest type is the double ring Infiltromemer
- used for measuring infiltration rate (in volume or depth/time)
- basically consists of an inner and outer ring inserted into ground,
filled with water and allowed to drain.
- the downward flow of the inner ring contributes to infiltration
while the outer ring drain leads to lateral flow
• is a term used to describe the total flow from a basin collected at
its outlet in a stream (or river or some drain)
- Overland flow or surface runoff (component of runoff), is used to
describe water that flows on land surface after precipitation
- it’s a major component of the hydrological cycle
- can be expressed as volume/time or depth/time
2. Environmental impacts
- runoff may transfer pollutants into surface water or groundwater
- excessive runoff may lead to flooding
- agricultural issues i.e. destroying tilled and bare soil farmland 59
Runoff Determination
1. Water budget approach; often incorporated into models
Sample Question
1. Details of a gauging carried out by velocity-area method are show
below. Estimate the discharge using mean and mid-section methods
distance (m) 4 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 52
depth (m) 0 1.1 1.7 2 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.5 0
Velocity (m/s) 0 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0
3. Dilution Gauging Method
- involves putting a tracer of known concentration in a river and
sampling the river at certain points to measure their concentration
-used when river is too shallow to make meaningful measurement
- an ideal method in small turbulent flowing streams with steep
gradients where current metering is not practicable
- there are two methods of applying the tracer, namely:
1. Constant Rate Method
- the discharge is given by:
• Conditions of Dilution Gauging
i. Tracer should be completely mixed at point of measurement or
ii. Tracer should have high solubility
iii. Tracer should be non-toxic to aquatic life
iv. Background concentration of tracer should be low
v. Tracer should be stable (not reactive) in water
vi. Tracer should be capable of accurate quantitative analysis in very
dilute solutions
vii. Tracer should be cheap and readily available
4. Flow Rating Curve Method
- study the stage and discharge at a section over a long period
- gauging can be done with a staff gauge, crest gauges, autographic
recorders, and several other automatic gauges
- plot curve of discharge against stage readings
- use the curve to determine discharge when stage changes
provided upstream (or catchment) has not changed
• Aside the rating curve, the rating table and rating equation can also
be used to establish stage-discharge relation
2. Hydrograph Analysis
• Hydrograph is a plot of discharge (runoff) against duration (time)
of a storm in a catchment area
• The components of the hydrograph are:
• Some methods of hydrograph separation (i.e., separating baseflow
from runoff in a hydrograph) are:
1. Use of empirical relationship N=0.827 A0.2
where N = days from peak to end, A = area of watershed in km2
i) indicate the lowest discharge (A) on rising limb side before storm
ii) extend A with a line to point B under the peak of the hydrograph
iii) estimate N from the relation above and locate it away from the peak discharge
on the recession side (e.g., C)
iv) Join the points A , B and C with a straight to obtain a separation for the
baseflow and runoff
2. By determining a master depletion curve for a particular gauge
station and applying it to a given storm to determine baseflow
- The curve is derived from a continuous discharge record of
different stages of an area over years
- It’s the best method of determining baseflow but depends on
previous data, which may not be available
• It’s the arrangement and disposition of streams which a drainage
system etches into the land surface and which may reflect the sum
total of factors influencing the number, size, and frequency of
streams in a particular area