Sts 5
Sts 5
Sts 5
1. What would have happened to the humankind if technology did not exist?
Answer : Even in the absence of technology, humanity is still capable of maintaining itself, but
our Compared to current civilization, the level of development is insignificant. We're going to
continue to put in a lot of effort everything we do. It will take a while for things to develop and
improve, and opportunities and Lack of educational opportunities.
2. Do you agree on the idea that technology should only be seen as one of the approaches in
Perceiving truth?
Answer: The basis of many truths cannot be distinguished by technology. One of the other is
being aware of our existence and the source of our creation. Techniques to observing reality On
the other side, technology is weak in terms of perception science might be able to, but not
3. How can you say that science and technology has already reached its boundaries over
Answer: Religion, along with science, technology, and other factors, has made great progress.
Science and technology, however, focus on the human race and discuss the natural forces, Make
testable assertions and hypotheses. The supernatural, people's beliefs, and religion are all
related faith. They could choose to try to influence one another's special qualities and goals if
they so desired. Those boundaries have already been reached. Science and technology have
clearly made significant advances. If they wished to prove that religion is bogus and that they
had outdone and achieved their limit joke.
Direction: Conduct a brief interview on three (3) middle-aged persons in your tamily and ask
them about what are the devices they used in communication and the entertainment in their
childhood days.
Note: Write their answers in the space provided spaces inside the box and indicate their names
And signatures.
Answers the following questions below.
Guide Questions:
1. What motivates you to conduct the said interview?
Answer: Interest drives my desire to finish the assignment. How they operate interests me
much. In particular, those who are far away, they should engage. I was shocked at the way
they used the old materials. They engage in more recreational pursuits.
Lively and engrossing They had more time to spend with their family and friends. I believe
this to be more sincere and effective. Despite how quickly things are changing, we must
never forget that technology was developed to assist people like us and
Rather than letting it control us, we should better our way of life.
2. Is this activity beneficial to you? Why?
Answer: Yes. the way they had previously told their tale. It seemed as if I had experienced
their experiences. They all said that they would undoubtedly choose to hang on at that
moment. There is no tension or anxiety. I understand it as time passed. On, a lot of things
changed. Because some of these changes are irreversible, all we can do is maintain in our
minds about them.
3. How does this activity promote awareness about the three essence of science and
Technology as way of revealing the truth?
Answer: The limitations of science and technology were made clear to us through this
action. However significant their contributions are to our lives, Still, engaging with others is
important and we can still finish jobs by ourselves. There are a variety of methods by the
help of the scientific process, science can determine the truth. For that reason, this action is
so productive and successful.