Course Packet 2
Course Packet 2
Course Packet 2
Yr./Sec.: BSA-2B
Course Packet 2
2. What does Aristotle say about the good life? Does it still stand in the contemporary world?
- According the Aristotle, happiness and having a good life is about virtue. He
considers the end of humans to be the good life. According to him, having a good life is
having happiness or prosperity which can be accomplished by living a life according to
virtue which is achieved by continually living in a virtuous manner or living with high
moral standards. This MUST still stand in the contemporary world because most people
are being obsessed with material things. For most people, having a good life is being rich
with material possessions. They miss to remember that happiness and having a good life
is living a life that is consistent with having high moral standards.
3. How is the progress in science and technology a movement towards the good life?
Easy Access to Information
Because there is continuous development in the field of science especially to
technology, information can now be easily accessed. With just a click, tons of
information is shown to you. You need not go to a library to search for the book or read
a lot of resources just to get the information that you need. The internet will provide
you almost all the things you need. You just need to be careful because not all in the
internet are credible information.
Faster Resolution to Problems
A good example of this is in the field of healthcare. There are diseases that were
categorized as dreaded before but can now be easily treated. Medical professionals as
well as specialists from the field of research made is possible. They never stopped
looking for solutions especially to those fatal diseases. With science and technology
being improved progressively, the trend of improved treatment will surely continue.
Better and More Options to Choose From
If before, we are left to the option we get used to, the improvement in science and
technology empowered people to search and discover to better options. Options are
presented for people to choose, whichever will be convenient to them. This also gives
people the liberty to choose.
There are more reasons proving that the improvement in the field of science and
technology leads towards a good and better life. The bottom line here is, that discovery
to never stop. Each day is an opportunity to discover new things.
1. Make a collage of good life. Cut out pictures in magazines or newspapers that shows
how technology has made the man’s desire for a happy life attainable. Explain how
these technological advancements have made the campaign for the attainment of good
life easier. Present each group in the class.
2. Research work. Find and examine local government policies that protect the well-
being of the person in the face of new technologies.
Human Subjects Protection and Technology in Prevention Science: Selected Opportunities and
Internet-connected devices are changing the way people live, work, and relate to one another.
For prevention scientists, technological advances create opportunities to promote the welfare
of human subjects and society. The challenge is to obtain the benefits while minimizing risks. In
this article, we use the guiding principles for ethical human subjects research and proposed
changes to the Common Rule regulations, as a basis for discussing selected opportunities and
challenges that new technologies present for prevention science. The benefits of conducting
research with new populations, and at new levels of integration into participants’ daily lives, are
presented along with five challenges along with technological and other solutions to strengthen
the protections that we provide: (1) achieving adequate informed consent with procedures that
are acceptable to participants in a digital age; (2) balancing opportunities for rapid
development and broad reach, with gaining adequate understanding of population needs; (3)
integrating data collection and intervention into participants’ lives while minimizing
intrusiveness and fatigue; (4) setting appropriate expectations for responding to safety and
suicide concerns; and (5) safeguarding newly available streams of sensitive data. Our goal is to
promote collaboration between prevention scientists, institutional review boards, and
community members to safely and ethically harness advancing technologies to strengthen
impact of prevention science.
3. __________ The concept of how good life would be depends in the personal decision of
4. __________ It is evident in our modern society that man’s personal decision and ideas
of progress, happiness, beliefs, expectations, attitudes and feelings are directly affected
5. __________ Being good does not involves having the character and personal qualities
6. __________ Morals refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong.
9. __________ Martin Heidegger dealt more on how we live an authentic life” rather
3. __________ is a kind of contentment in knowing that one is getting the best out of life.
4. __________ is concerned the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness
8. __________ is when people find the meaning of their lives using Good as a fulcrum of
their existence.
Answer Key:
1) T
2) T
3) T
4) F
5) T
6) T
7) F
8) F
9) T
10) T
1) Decency
2) Hedonism
3) Flourishing
4) Moral
5) Stoicism
6) Epicureanism
7) Humanist
8) Theism
9) Materialism
1. What other aspects of society are being influenced in the information age aside from
In the early days of the internet, long before people were concerned with privacy, photos
revealing their party antics, and the persistence of an inappropriate tweet, we dreamed about
the promise of omniscience.
Imagine: the internet is one big database and therein is the potential to attain near sentience in
knowing and automating your life.
Just as smartphones have forever connected you to the internet, increasingly every technology
with a heartbeat has the same connection. And not just the obvious connections like that which
you’re already experiencing with your TV, home audio, or even your car… your garage door, the
windows, your glasses, dishwasher, swim goggles, football helmets, and certainly your
thermostat are all being connected.
A smarter playbook
Knowing your customer
Leveraging social media
Being available 24/7
Accelerated collaboration
Data with which to see how things are actually doing, and improve them
Automation of almost everything
Empowering employees and sharpening skills
Appreciate that Marketing, just 30 years ago, mean holding focus groups with people, watching
and recording them, putting promotions in mailboxes, and running ads on TV which couldn’t be
Today, the CMO, sitting in a room with the CEO, CTO, and CIO, … Marketing means knowing
because the “Information Age” means we have the information. Businesses, leadership, and
other organizations that *don’t know* are practically inexcusable.
In seeing that connection, between tech and marketing, between innovation and growth, I’m
reminded of Peter Drucker who said that the only things that matter in business are innovation
and marketing; it’s truly now FACT.
One of the things that really bugs me about the internet, as an example, is that rating movies
on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes, Hulu, and Facebook, and and and and; independently of one
Global, accessible communication means EVERYONE and with that is the great potential of
knowledge sharing, accountability, and more BUT our fears (about hate speech and such
things), our need for control, desires for power, and more actually break this Information Age.
They prevent what’s really possible.
I rate movies to enhance my experience there from that point on; to get recommendations,
customization, etc. Why do I have to do it in a half dozen different places? Your experience on
dating sites, events, with book recommendations, etc. SHOULD all be transformed because
everything is connected. Knowing you like Batman and not Superman (god forbid) is a data
point that correlates with your taste in so much more.
What is computer?
The logic gates then takes the varying voltages and produces the output as another voltage
level. It could be zero or non-zero. If it's zero then it searches the registers for further
commands….if not then it looks whether there's another subroutine waiting to take this output
as its input if there is then this voltage level is passed again with some other voltage levels as
1. Telephone lines
2. Speedometer
2. Apple Macintosh
Hycomp 250
- The computer technology has a deep impact on the education industry. It forms
a part of the school curriculum and it is important in every individual’s lives
today. Computer teaching also plays a role in the modern systems of education.
Students find it easier to reference on the internet to search for information
rather than doing research in reference books. Today, most people can satisfy
their thirst for knowledge with the help of the internet.
Most of the teachers also consider the computer to be one of the cornerstones
of modern education. They promoted the appearance of computers in teaching
because they want the education to be not limited only in the classroom. One of
the easiest ways to teach a lesson is by using a presentation through
PowerPoint. The lesson is delivered through slides and students find it
comfortable for them to take down notes.
1. One way in which the contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton are similar is
that each
a. Challenged the heliocentric theory of the universe
b. Based his work on Enlightenment principles of social contract
c. Practiced observation and experimentation in his work
d. Supported the work of the Inquisition
Base your answer to the question on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social
20. In the early 17th century, based on his observations with a telescope, Galileo Galilei
attacked a belief espoused by the church. That belief was:
1. That the Earth was flat
2. The sky was a large dome with holes through which heaven could be seen.
3. that the Earth was at the center of the universe.
4. There are no other planets.
Answer key
1. c
2. d
3. f
4. i
5. n
6. s
7. x
2. c
3. c
12. d
13. b
14. a
16. d
17. a
18. c
19. b
20. c
Course Packet 4
Can you reconcile the emerging needs of human beings regarding their health and the need
to protect the growth of biodiversity? Why?
1. Support local organic farms. Establish small, local farms using polyculture and
permaculture practices that maximize food variety, quantity and quality.
Reduces the need for transportation thus shrinking the carbon footprint.
Increases food security. Increases biodiversity.
2. Eat seasonally. Increase acceptance of consuming seasonal, indigenous food
species. Mass industrial production of corn, wheat, soybeans and rice
negatively impact biodiversity on a massive scale world-wide. Replacing those
with native, non-gmo grains, grown in smaller, localized co-ops and amid
diverse plantings. Think 50′ wide bands of grains grown on contour, planted
between 50′ wide bands of fruit and nut trees, rotated with cover crops that
feed grazing livestock contained by portable electric fencing.
3. Grow meat on grass. Replace industrial raised animals with managed,
intensively rotated pastured livestock. Studies are already showing that these
protocols increase biodiversity in the landscape. Reduces the acres of grain
needed for livestock. Process the meat at local butchering facilities for
regional consumption.
4. Create agricultural pods in areas adjacent to large population zones. This
might include hydroponic farming in abandoned factories, intensive farming
on vacant lots, planting fruit trees in parks, etc.
5. Zone land used for food production that promotes biodiversity as protected
agriculture sanctuaries.
6. Include habitat landscapes within the food production zones. Hedgerows,
ponds, bird and bat houses, forests etc.
7. Waste less food. We throw out too much. Collect consumable food for
redistribution for those in need. Recycle true waste into compost or livestock
8. Demand better quality food. Mass monoculture food production increases the
need for inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Polycultures provide the diversity
needed to reduce dependence on chemical crutches.
Humans are the cause and origin of the current global warming, which is destroying our planets
most important resources, its forests esp. rainforests, which are important in the carbon and
oxygen cycles we have all evolved to live with and as part of the current ongoing mass
extinction event on our planet is caused largely by human activities and deliberate actions,
destroying mass habitats, razing rainforests for roadways, housing and places to raise more
cattle.. and similarly mowing down rainforests on islands etc., for single crop plantations, woe
betide any poor animals which lived their lives on these islands and other rainforests etc..
Global warming is already causing elevated ocean warm current temps, which cause
increasingly violent weather events where the end or meet different conditions, such as the sea
area below Florida USA. these violent events will increase already. The e glaciers on mountains
and northern area glaciers are melting, as are mile thick ice sheets,, and the permafrost is
melting, yet we humans continue today to dig up coal and gas, thus releasing enormous,,
amounts of greenhouse gas into our and earths ‘thin blue line’ its and our atmosphere,, from
which we and all animals breathe, and which is our protection from solar radiation.. our only
protection. Human beings generally worldwide but especially in the modern eras, have been
and are a serious untenable force for destruction of our environments, and atmosphere.
2. What are the ways that you think would promote safekeeping our biodiversity? What do
you think are the common human activities that can harm biodiversity? What would be the
consequences if these human activities will be stopped and prohibited?
I think the biggest obstacle to maintaining biodiversity in that most people don’t see the loss of
biodiversity as the existential threat to humanity that it is. This means that you need to inform
yourself about the critical role of biodiversity in planetary function and human existence. Your
well-informed perspective in talking to friends, family and neighbors about this issue may just
convince them to take the problem seriously. Learn how to communicate your opinions without
making others feel uncomfortable or defensive. Look for other people who share your vie and
are also willing to talk about it. Changing minds one by one will be essential to create
awareness and action to protect biodiversity.
Activity sheet
Explore the Outdoors
Visit a nearby ecosystem (ex. backyard, City Park) and record your observations about the
different organisms you discover there. Select eight different species to sketch and take notes
on. See if you can find or make any direct connection between the different species you
animal plant
Assessment Packet 4