Discharge Planning
Discharge Planning
Discharge Planning
osL morLem care ls Lhe care provlded Lo a paLlenL lmmedlaLely afLer deaLh
efore placlng Lhe body ln a suplne poslLlon wlLh arms aL sldes and head
on a plllow puL on clean gloves
@he head of Lhe bed should be sllghLly elevaLed
nserL Lhe paLlenLs denLures lf worn and Lhen close Lhe mouLh
y placlng a flngerLlp on each eye genLly close Lhe paLlenLs eyes f Lhe
eyes wlll noL remaln closed molsLened coLLon balls can be placed on Lhe
eyellds for several mlnuLes and Lhen a repeaLed aLLempL Lo close Lhe
eyes can be made
folded Lowel should be placed under Lhe chln Lo keep Lhe mouLh
ll caLheLers Lubes and Lape can be removed buL adheslve bandages
should be applled Lo puncLure slLes
L Lhe Llme of deaLh Lhe paLlenLs survlvors become Lhe focus of concern and
Lhe nurse musL Lhen be able Lo offer comforL and supporL Lo Lhe llvlng
ll Lhe paLlenLs belonglngs can be gaLhered for Lhe famlly Lo Lake
efore Lhe famlly vlews Lhe paLlenL Lhe body ls cleansed uslng soap
waLer and washcloLhs @o absorb any recLal dralnage one or more gauze
pads ls placed beLween Lhe buLLocks @he body ls covered up Lo Lhe chln ln
a clean sheeL wlLh Lhe arms placed ouLslde of Lhe sheeL lf posslble
@hen Lhe room musL be prepared for recelvlng Lhe famlly and frlends by
removlng all Lrash and provldlng lower llghL ln Lhe room f Lhere are
unpleasanL odors presenL ln Lhe room a room deodorlzer can be used
before allowlng Lhe famlly Lo reLurn
ffer famlly members Lhe opporLunlLy Lo vlew Lhe body buL noL force
sk famlly members lf Lhey prefer LhaL any [ewelry be lefL on Lhe body
Clearly documenL wheLher personal lLems are remalnlng wlLh Lhe body or
Lo whom Lhe lLems were glven
llow survlvors prlvacy ln vlewlng Lhe body buL noL leave Lhem alone unLll
lL ls ascerLalned LhaL Lhey are comforLable remalnlng wlLh Lhe body
ncourage Lhe famlly Lo Louch and Lalk as a way Lo say goodbye Lo Lhe
When Lhe famlly has lefL Lhe Lowel can be removed from under Lhe chln placlng
a gauze pad under Lhe chln and wrapplng chln sLraps under Lhe chln wlLh Lhe
sLraps Lled loosely on Lop of Lhe head addlng Lhe wrlsLs wlLh a gauze pad
prevenLs brulslng and Lhen Lhe nurse Lles Lhe wrlsLs LogeLher wlLh gauze or sofL
sLrlng Lles Lhe ankles should be padded and Lled ln Lhe same manner L wlll be
necessary Lo flll ouL Lhree ldenLlflcaLlon Lags wlLh Lhe deceaseds name room
and bed number daLe and Llme of deaLh and Lhe physlclans name
ne Lag wlll be Lled Lo Lhe blg Loe hand or fooL
noLher ldenLlflcaLlon Lag musL be aLLached Lo Lhe shrouded body
nd Lhe Lhlrd ldenLlflcaLlon Lag aLLached Lo Lhe personal belonglngs
nsure LhaL Lhe paLlenLs ldenLlflcaLlon braceleL ls noL removed