This document provides instructions for 11 exercises in Ioe DeIranco's L|mber 11 (f|ex|b|||ty rout|ne). The exercises target various muscle groups including: 1) hip flexors and IT bands with foam rolling, 2) glutes and hip rotators with lacrosse ball work, 3) core with bent-knee iron crosses, 4) full body with roll overs into v-sits, 5) hips with rocking frog stretches, 6) hips and glutes with fire hydrant circles, 7) hips and hamstrings with mountain climbers, 8) hips and glutes with cossack squats, 9) hips and inner thighs with seated p
This document provides instructions for 11 exercises in Ioe DeIranco's L|mber 11 (f|ex|b|||ty rout|ne). The exercises target various muscle groups including: 1) hip flexors and IT bands with foam rolling, 2) glutes and hip rotators with lacrosse ball work, 3) core with bent-knee iron crosses, 4) full body with roll overs into v-sits, 5) hips with rocking frog stretches, 6) hips and glutes with fire hydrant circles, 7) hips and hamstrings with mountain climbers, 8) hips and glutes with cossack squats, 9) hips and inner thighs with seated p
This document provides instructions for 11 exercises in Ioe DeIranco's L|mber 11 (f|ex|b|||ty rout|ne). The exercises target various muscle groups including: 1) hip flexors and IT bands with foam rolling, 2) glutes and hip rotators with lacrosse ball work, 3) core with bent-knee iron crosses, 4) full body with roll overs into v-sits, 5) hips with rocking frog stretches, 6) hips and glutes with fire hydrant circles, 7) hips and hamstrings with mountain climbers, 8) hips and glutes with cossack squats, 9) hips and inner thighs with seated p
This document provides instructions for 11 exercises in Ioe DeIranco's L|mber 11 (f|ex|b|||ty rout|ne). The exercises target various muscle groups including: 1) hip flexors and IT bands with foam rolling, 2) glutes and hip rotators with lacrosse ball work, 3) core with bent-knee iron crosses, 4) full body with roll overs into v-sits, 5) hips with rocking frog stretches, 6) hips and glutes with fire hydrant circles, 7) hips and hamstrings with mountain climbers, 8) hips and glutes with cossack squats, 9) hips and inner thighs with seated p
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Ioe DeIranco's L|mber 11 (f|ex|b|||ty rout|ne)
8e sure Lo check ouL Lhe vldeo here:
hLLp:// 1. Ioam ko|| I1 8ands 10-13 passes Slow and conLrolled wlLh blg long passes. ause on Lender areas and flex/exLend knee. 8ange ls boLLom of hlp all Lhe way Lo Lhe ouLslde of knee. 10-13 passes.
2. Ioam ko|| Adductors]Inner 1h|gh 10-13 passes lace foam roller aL a 43 degree angle. SLarL hlgh ln Lhe groln wlLh slow long passes Lo halfway down Lhe adducLor. 1hen do Lhe same from halfway down Lhe adducLor Lo Lhe lnslde of Lhe knee. Slmllar Lo Lhe l1 band, flex/exLend aL knee when you flnd a Lender spoL. 10-13 passes.
3. SMk G|utes]Lacrosse 8a|| G|utes 30sec - 2mln uL ball on ground, wedge beLween gluLe, cross leg over Lhlgh, begln rolllng. 1hls should be decenLly uncomforLable. 1he more uncomforLable lL ls, Lhe more you need lL. 8oll for abouL 30 seconds. lf you flnd a Lender spoL, pause and breaLh Lhrough Lhe LlghLness. ?ou can sLralghLen leg and roll Lo hlL Lhe hlp area.
4. 8ent-knee Iron Cross 3-10 each slde Lay down flaL on your back. 8end your knees as lf you were golng Lo crunch wlLh feeL off of Lhe ground (calves parallel Lo Lhe ground aL Lhe sLarL). urop knees slde Lo slde. keep knees LogeLher. keep palms down. uo noL leL your hands come off Lhe ground as you drop your knees. When you drop your knees, you're golng Lo move your head ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon. Pold for a second or Lwo, Lhen swlLch sldes. ?ou can lncrease speed when warmed up, buL always sLarL slow and geL a feel for Lhe movemenL.
S. ko||over Into V-s|ts 10 reps 8oll back Lo Lry Lo Louch Lhe ground behlnd your head wlLh your Loes, Lhen roll back Lo a v slL, leanlng forward Lo reach ln fronL of your feeL. ?ou can asslsL on Lhe way back over by grabblng your calves. 1ry Lo lncrease Lhe slze of Lhe v as you go.
6. kock|ng krog Stretch 10 reps oslLlonlng ls lmporLanL. CeL on hands and knees. 1oes polnL ouL. Should feel ground pulllng skln of knee. CeL down on forearms, Lhen push your buLL sLralghL back, hold for abouL 2 seconds, Lhen release. 1hls should be slow and dellberaLe. 8-10 reps. Wlggle around a blL.
7. I|re nydrant C|rc|es 10 forward, 10 backward MosL people do Lhls wrong. keep boLh elbows sLralghL. A loL of people bend Lhelr elbows as soon as Lhey sLarL movlng Lhelr hlps. 1he moLlon should come from Lhe hlps. SLable aL Lhe core. knee benL, heel sLuck near your buLL. 1hlnk llke you're drawlng a clrcle around a clrcle.
8. Mounta|n c||mbers 10 each leg locus on range of moLlon before speed. ?ou can do Lhese lnslde or ouLslde your arms. Pe does Lhem ouLslde Lhe elbow Lo geL a dynamlc sLreLch on Lhe groln. SLarL ln a narrow handed push up poslLlon wlLh a flaL back. 8rlng one knee up Lo Lhe ouLslde of Lhe elbow. 1hen slnk down a blL. 1hen exchange knees and conLlnue slnklng Lhe knee before changlng sldes.
9. Cossack squats 3-10 each slde 1hls Lakes a Lremendous amounL of sLablllLy. SLarL wlLh legs wlde and Loes polnLed ouL aL 43 degrees. SlL back and sllde Lo one slde. ush ouL on Lhe knee your slldlng Lo and keep Lhe heel down. 1he sLralghL leg Loes should polnL Lo Lhe celllng. SwlLch sldes, keeplng Lhe heel down and Lhe knee ouL. keep chesL up besL you can. lf lL ls Loo hard Lo keep Lhe heel down, you can use a bench or box Lo decrease Lhe sLablllLy requlremenL. Pold on Lo Lhe box/bench Lo supporL yourself whlle you do Lhe squaLs.
10. Seated |r|form|s Stretch 20-30sec each slde ?ou wlll need a bench or chalr. 1hen cross one leg over Lhe oLher Lhlgh. use your hand Lo push down on Lhe opposlLe knee and lean forward. ?ou can grab Lhe shln of Lhe leg LhaL's on Lhe ground. lL's ok Lo round Lhe back a blL. keep lnner Lhlgh pushed down Lo malnLaln Lhe angle LhaL hlLs Lhe plrlformls. ?ou can also use your elbow Lo do some sofL Llssue work on your adducLor. 1he massage lsn'L LhaL comforLable, buL lL loosens up Lhe adducLor. llnlsh Lhe sLreLch by Laklng Lhe knee and pulllng lL lnLo your chesL. 1hls ls where you malnLaln a neuLral splne.
11. kear-foot-e|evated n|p I|exor Stretch 3-10 reps, 3 second hold, each slde ?ou wlll need a bench or chalr. uL fooL on bench wlLh knee on ground. uon'L over exLend Lhe low back Lo lncrease Lhe sLreLch on Lhe hlp flexor. 8aLher, when your knee ls down, have your arm on Lhe ground, Lhen conLracL Lhe gluLe hard. MalnLaln a neuLral splne and pull your Lorso up. ConLracL gluLe, neuLral splne, up nlce and Lall wlLh good posLure. 1o lncrease Lhe sLreLch, you can ralse your hands overhead and LllL sllghLly ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon.
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