This document lists 23 tests and observations that demonstrate the benefits of structured water from natural action technologies. Some key points:
- Leaf longevity test shows structured water preserves leaf life longer than tap water.
- Hard water soap test shows structured water allows for greater soap dissolution.
- Tests on plants, coffee, swimming pool water, and beer show structured water improves growth, taste, and neutralizes toxins.
- Tests using a refractometer show structured water can increase the brix reading of fruits, indicating greater nutritional value.
- Observations of dairy herds watered with structured water found increased milk production, health, and tolerance to temperature extremes.
This document lists 23 tests and observations that demonstrate the benefits of structured water from natural action technologies. Some key points:
- Leaf longevity test shows structured water preserves leaf life longer than tap water.
- Hard water soap test shows structured water allows for greater soap dissolution.
- Tests on plants, coffee, swimming pool water, and beer show structured water improves growth, taste, and neutralizes toxins.
- Tests using a refractometer show structured water can increase the brix reading of fruits, indicating greater nutritional value.
- Observations of dairy herds watered with structured water found increased milk production, health, and tolerance to temperature extremes.
This document lists 23 tests and observations that demonstrate the benefits of structured water from natural action technologies. Some key points:
- Leaf longevity test shows structured water preserves leaf life longer than tap water.
- Hard water soap test shows structured water allows for greater soap dissolution.
- Tests on plants, coffee, swimming pool water, and beer show structured water improves growth, taste, and neutralizes toxins.
- Tests using a refractometer show structured water can increase the brix reading of fruits, indicating greater nutritional value.
- Observations of dairy herds watered with structured water found increased milk production, health, and tolerance to temperature extremes.
This document lists 23 tests and observations that demonstrate the benefits of structured water from natural action technologies. Some key points:
- Leaf longevity test shows structured water preserves leaf life longer than tap water.
- Hard water soap test shows structured water allows for greater soap dissolution.
- Tests on plants, coffee, swimming pool water, and beer show structured water improves growth, taste, and neutralizes toxins.
- Tests using a refractometer show structured water can increase the brix reading of fruits, indicating greater nutritional value.
- Observations of dairy herds watered with structured water found increased milk production, health, and tolerance to temperature extremes.
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2S 1ests and Cbservat|ons that Show the 8enef|ts of Structured Water AL naLural AcLlon 1echnologles, lnc., we have had Lhe pleasure Lo see, hear, and feel how sLrucLured waLer ls changlng llves and Lhe world for Lhe beLLer. 1hls ls noL [usL from our LesLs and valldaLlon. We have recelved feedback from hundreds of saLlsfled, someLlmes amazed, bellevers and dlsbellevers ln Lhe naLural AcLlon sLrucLurlng unlLs. We LhoughL lL lnLeresLlng Lo llsL as many beneflLs of sLrucLured waLer and sLrucLured waLer unlLs as posslble from our own research and LhaL of oLhers. noLe LhaL many of Lhese are subsLanLlaLed conslsLenLly, oLhers only a few Llmes, or maybe [usL once. ln Lhls way, Lhe dlsLrlbuLors and cusLomers can begln Lo prove Lo Lhemselves how sLrucLured waLer unlLs can change Lhe llquld medlum and more. Pere ls a flrsL offerlng of 23 LesLs and observaLlons LhaL you can do Lo share ln Lhe fun and advenLure of sLrucLured waLer unlLs from naLural AcLlon 1echnologles. Ln[oy! 1 - Leaf Longev|ty 1est - 1hls LesL requlres Lwo planLs of Lhe same specles. WaLer one planL wlLh sLrucLured waLer. WaLer Lhe oLher wlLh non- sLrucLured Lap waLer. ConLlnue Lhls for 30 days. luck Lwo leaves of Lhe planLs and seL aslde for observaLlon. Compare Lhe leaves each day for flexlblllLy and dryness. 1he leaves of our non-sLrucLured LesL" vlnes sLarLed Lurnlng Lo parchmenL ln 4 days. lL was day 9 before Lhe sLrucLured leaves sLarLed becomlng dry and showlng slgns of any cracklng. 1hls demonsLraLes beauLlfully how sLrucLured waLer lmproves hydraLlon and preserves llfe. WhaL do you flnd? !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 "
2 - nard Water Soap 1est - 1hls ls a good LesL for people llvlng ln hard waLer areas. llnd Lwo clean quarL [ars wlLh llds. lace one cup of Lhe regular Lap waLer ln one [ar and one cup of Lhe sLrucLured" Lap waLer ln Lhe oLher. lace a Leaspoon of soap ln each [ar. lace Lhe lld back on and Lhen shake each [ar. 1he sLrucLured waLer wlll dellver an obvlously greaLer amounL of soap upon shaklng, whereas before Lhere was very llLLle or none. Pow's lL shaklng wlLh your hard waLer? 3 - kose Grow|ng Cha||enge - WaLer your roses dally wlLh Lhe sLrucLured waLer from one nA1 house unlL. noLlce how Lhey grow. Are Lhey blgger, healLhler, and more fragranL Lhan before? lor a real energy blasL, Lry four house unlLs lnllne. AfLer [usL Lwo monLhs' Llme, we've waLched rose leaders grow from less Lhan 9 feeL Lall Lo helghLs of 11' wlLh Lhe dally appllcaLlon of waLer from 4 lnllne house unlLs. 1he flowers wenL from 6 feeL up Lo Lhe 8 fooL level. 1he hlghly energeLlc waLer from mulLlple lnllne unlLs enhances Lhe growlng capablllLles of any planL or anlmal. 4 - Sw|mm|ng oo| Water 1est - 1hls ls a very lnLeresLlng LesL wlLh a sLrucLured waLer unlL. lace waLer from a chlorlnaLed swlmmlng pool ln a quarL [ar. Pold Lhe waLer Lo your chesL and muscle LesL Lhe sLrengLh of a sLrong arm. (?ou don'L have Lo be skllled ln muscle LesLlng Lo do Lhls one.) lollow Lhese lnsLrucLlons: 1esL Lhe person's relaLlve basellne sLrengLh. Slmply hold an arm sLralghL ouL ln fronL of a person. keep Lhe sLralghL arm (elbow sLralghL, wrlsL relaxed) aL a 90 degree angle Lo Lhe chesL. now, check Lhelr basellne sLrengLh. Pave Lhe person belng LesLed slowly ralse Lhelr arm up lnLo Lhe palm of your hand for a couple of seconds Lo see and feel Lhelr sLrengLh. now, begln Lo SLCWL? press down and feel Lhelr sLrengLh. lor more fun, have oLhers wlLness. ln Lhe basellne, lL wlll be sLrong or sLrong enough. now repeaL Lhe exacL same LesL. 1hls Llme have Lhe person hold Lhe [ar Lo Lhelr chesL under Lhelr chln and maybe even lnhale a llLLle smell of Lhe waLer. (uo noL lnhale Lo deep.) 1hls Llme when you perform Lhe same muscle LesL, whaL happens? uld lL go weak? lL wlll conslsLenLly go from Lhe prevlously sLrong LesL Lo weak because of Lhe chlorlne Loxlns ln Lhe pool waLer weakenlng Lhe body. !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 %
now, sLrucLure Lhe same sample lnLo a slmllar [ar and hold lL agalnsL your chesL agaln. Also, lnhale Lhe smell of Lhe waLer. SLlll smell Lhe same? now, as you perform Lhe same exacL sLrengLh LesL as Lhe prevlous Lwo LesLs, whaL dld you noLlce? uld your arm go weak or sLay sLrong Lhls Llme? We have found Lhe arm goes back Lo sLrengLh conslsLenLly because Lhe sLrucLurlng devlce has neuLrallzed Lhe Loxlns ln Lhe waLer sample and creaLed an energeLlc change ln Lhe waLer. 1he sLrucLurlng" does noL allow Lhe bodles' energeLlcs Lo go weak. S - 1he Coffee Cha||enge - Lvery coffee drlnker knows how greaL hls or her coffee ls! uo a slde-by-slde comparlson of Lhe coffee you drlnk everyday versus your coffee sLrucLured". WhaL do your Longue and oLher senses Lell you? noLlce how Lhe sLrucLured coffee has a smooLher, cleaner LasLe? We have had coffee drlnklng fans buy Lhe sLrucLured waLer unlL afLer LasLlng Lhe lmproved, cleaner flavor Lo Lhelr own bean ln one cup of coffee! lor exLra credlL, do Lhe same muscle LesL before and afLer sLrucLurlng as you dld ln #4 above. 6 - D|sso|v|ng Ca|c|um 1est - uoes sLrucLured waLer dlssolve calclum deposlLs on sprlnkler heads and founLalns? use of sLrucLured unlLs on calclfled sprlnklers and founLalns showed Lhe conLlnued removal of calclum bulldup Lo Lhe polnL where Lhere was no more need for cleanlng or replacemenL of Lhe sprlnkler heads. WlLh Lhe appllcaLlon of a sLrucLured waLer unlL, how are your mlsLers dolng afLer one or Lwo monLhs? 7 - W|ndow Streak 1est (1ap vs. Structured Water) - Spray your wlndows wlLh boLh klnds of waLer. Whlch ones develop spoLs from lefLover calclum drops? 1he ablllLy of sLrucLured waLer Lo puL calclum lnLo soluLlon resulLs ln less spoLLlng on Lhe glass. 1hls LesL varles dependlng on how much sLrucLurlng power and Lhe Lype of waLer you are uslng. 1he more sLrucLurlng Lo Lhe waLer, Lhe beLLer Lhe effecL. 8 - 1hree Day 1omato |ant 1est - 8aln down sLrucLured waLer over your LomaLo planLs dally for Lhree days. ls Lhere an exploslon of growLh and blooms ln your LomaLo planLs? !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 ;
9 - Asthma Improvement - WhaL happens when a person wlLh asLhma drlnks Lwo cups of sLrucLured waLer ln 13 mlnuLes? upon drlnklng [usL one glass of sLrucLured waLer, an elderly genLleman, wlLh raspy breaLhlng, noLlced hls breaLhlng become easler and less sLralned. Pls raspy lnhale sounded qulLe a blL smooLher Loo. Pls frlends ln Lhe room noLlced lL Loo, from 8 Lo 10 feeL away. 10 - 8eer nead Lxpans|on - uoes Lhe head" on your beer expand enormously upon sLrucLurlng? WhaL's up wlLh Lhls lncrease when beer ls sLrucLured? ls Lhls due Lo Lhe overall lncrease ln energy and oxygenaLlon? 8eer drlnkers wlll conslsLenLly en[oy Lhls one! Cnly sLrucLure a couple ounces lf you llke your beer wlLh carbonaLlon. CLherwlse Lhe beer wlll go flaL. Whlch begs Lhls quesLlon, lf sLrucLurlng brlngs Lo Lhe llquld whaL ls good for llfe, Anu, lL removes carbonaLlon.Pmmm, ls carbonaLlon good for llfe? 11 - 8r|x 1est - 1hls requlres Lhe LesLer Lo have a refracLomeLer avallable. 1hese can be purchased onllne for abouL $33.00. 1he refracLomeLer ls a handheld devlce LhaL shows sugar and nuLrlLlonal conLenL of a frulL Lhrough a numbered scale lnslde an opLlcal vlewer ln Lhe shape of a monocular. Lxamlne your growlng frulL crop wlLh a refracLomeLer. Pere's how: Squeeze Lhe [ulce from Lhe frulL onLo Lhe glass of Lhe refracLomeLer and cover Lhe drops wlLh Lhe lld. WhaL number ls readlng ln Lhe eyeplece aL Lhe blue and whlLe llne? 1hls ls your 8rlx readlng. Measure Lhe currenL 8rlx readlng on a number of growlng frulL. now, waLer Lhe planL wlLh sLrucLured waLer and ln Lhree days Lake anoLher 8rlx readlng. WhaL dld you flnd? Compare your numbers wlLh 8rlx charLs for Lhe frulL you are readlng. ls lL oor, Average, Cood, or LxcellenL? We've heard from growers whose 8rlx readlngs [umped upwards a couple numbers ln [usL Lwo Lo Lhree days of sLrucLured waLer! 1hls has lncredlble slgnlflcance for Lhe world of human and anlmal nuLrlLlon when Lhe 8rlx LesLs are hlgh! A hlgh 8rlx readlng ls a blesslng for manklnd. Slmply puL, Lhe hlgher Lhe 8rlx, Lhe greaLer Lhe nuLrlLlon, Lhe healLhler Lhe human. !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 <
12 - numan k|dney Iactor - As a person drlnks sLrucLured waLer, whaL happens Lo Lhelr kldneys, Lhelr raLe of urlnaLlon, and urlnaLlon sLaLe ln general? WhaL do you noLlce as you feel Lhe waLer sysLem ln your body respondlng Lo Lhls new klnd of waLer? ls Lhls alone a new experlence for everyone Lrylng sLrucLured waLer? 13 - Cow M||k roduct|on Cbservat|ons - WaLer your dalry herd wlLh sLrucLured waLer. WhaL do you flnd ln Lhe followlng llsL? lnfecLlon sLaLes cleared ouL? lncreased mllk producLlon? lncreased blo-avallablllLy of nuLrlenLs? lncreased feed efflclency? lncreased dally welghL galn? lmproved cow and calf healLh? lncreased hydraLlon? lncreased Lolerances Lo LemperaLure exLremes? 8educed blrLhlng compllcaLlons? lncreased calf llvablllLy? We have already heard from owners of herds ellmlnaLlng Lhe L. coll ln Lhelr mllk wlLh Lhe slmple appllcaLlon of sLrucLured waLer. 14 - Lawn Mower on Cverdr|ve? Structured Water vs. kC]1ap Water on the Lawn - Whlch lawns dlsplay greaLer growLh and greener grass? . SLrucLured waLered or non-sLrucLured? uo you use less or no ferLlllzer? We regularly see how green Lhe lawn becomes when sLrucLured waLer ls added Lo Lhe yard, ofLen whlle Lhe lawn ls belng waLered. Compare your sLrucLured waLered lawn Lo anoLher parL of your yard waLered wlLh Lap waLer? ls Lhere a dlfference? uo you have Lo push or rlde your lawnmower more frequenLly? 1hls ls one downslde we have found Lo sLrucLured waLer! 1S - M|crowave Water 1est - Mlcrowaved waLer causes one Lo LesL weak uslng a muscle LesL [usL llke Lhe prevlous #4 Chlorlne LesL, suggesLlng lL ls Loxlc Lo human llfe. !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 =
Can you see and feel Lhe change when you perform Lhls muscle LesL wlLh mlcrowaved waLer? lL also shows a sLrange nucleus on a Cas ulscharge vlsuallzaLlon (Cuv) camera, much dlfferenL Lhan sLrucLured waLer before lL ls puL ln Lhe mlcrowave. When one sLrucLures Lhe waLer, lL wlll cause one Lo regaln Lhelr muscle LesL sLrengLh, showlng Lhe sLrucLurlng has glven Lhe waLer back lLs energy and removed Lhe LoxlclLy from Lhe mlcrowave process. 16 - Water|ng |ants w|th Iunga| or Mo|d Cutbreaks - WaLer planLs LhaL have lnLernal yeasLs and molds wlLh sLrucLured waLer versus 8C or 1ap. larm sLudles have shown LhaL sLrucLured waLer supporLs Lhe planLs becomlng free of molds. Pow long does lL Lake you Lo see changes, or your planLs becomlng mold free? 17 - Sprouts Compar|sons 1est - uo sprouLs grow fasLer wlLh sLrucLured waLer, or wlLh Lap or 8everse Csmosls waLer? CusLomers and oLher researchers have reporLed LhaL sprouL growLh LesLs have shown more rapld growLh wlLh sLrucLured waLer Lhan normal Lap waLer. WhaL do you flnd? 18 - 8ee ka|s|ng 1est - WhaL happens Lo bees wlLh sLrucLured waLer? SLrucLured waLer ls on Lhe forefronL of waLer sclence research. 1hls LhoughL, along wlLh all of Lhe oLher Loplcs are a whole new paradlgm for sclenLlsLs and people Lo conslder. Are any of Lhese resulLs vlewed or experlenced when bees Lake ln sLrucLured waLer? lmproved bee healLh? Are bees more calm/happy and easler Lo work wlLh? lncreased honey producLlon? 1asLe of honey lmproved? SweeLer? SLronger? More nuLrlLlous? new, acLlve bee swarms? 19 - u|se 1est w|th Water Laser 1reatment - Compare your rlghL slde radlal pulse (rlghL aL wrlsL crease llne) wlLh your rlghL slde caroLld pulse (Adam's apple level). See whlch one ls wlder or blgger. 1ake noLe. uo Lhe same comparlson wlLh Lhe lefL slde. !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 >
now, place a porLable sLrucLurlng unlL one polnL aL a Llme on Lhe followlng acupuncLure polnLs suggesLed below. Seal lL down on Lhe skln wlLh Lhe spouL end agalnsL Lhe skln. 1hen flll lL wlLh waLer so LhaL waLer ls vlslble aL Lhe funnel. (lace a caLch pan underneaLh when movlng Lhe waLer-fllled porLable off Lhe acupolnLs Lo Lhe nexL polnL Lo caLch waLer and noL splll lL on Lhe floor.) now, shooL Lhe laser lnLo Lhe waLer aL Lhe funnel end on Lhe sLrucLurlng devlce wlLh a red laser (633nm) for 20 seconds. ulses wlll come lnLo balance wlLhln Lhree Lo four acupolnLs belng lasered. 1ry Lhe followlng suggesLed polnLs lf you are noL a professlonal acupuncLurlsL (Coogle onllne for Lhese acupolnLs locaLor maps): Women: LefL(L)- Large lnLesLlne 4, 8lghL(8) - kldney 3, L- San !lao 3, korean Pand 1herapy (kP1) olnLs - LefL Pand A3, A17. Men: LefL(L)- Large lnLesLlne 4, 8lghL(8)- kldney 3, L- Llver 3, L- erlcardlum 6, kP1 olnLs - A12, A14, A18. 20 - Car erformance Improvements w|th Structured Water? - CusLomers have shared wlLh us reporLs of gas mlleage lmprovemenL by addlng [usL a couple cups of sLrucLured waLer Lo Lhe englne radlaLor overflow. Pave you Lrled lL yeL? 1ake noLe. (newer cars may noL experlence Lhe same resulL lf Lhelr englne uses a compuLer Lo regulaLe gas mlleage.) 21 - 1ens|ometer kead|ngs - 1hls may be Lhe one LesL presenLed here LhaL people aL home can'L do very easlly. 1enslomeLers are expenslve. When you measure Lhe readlngs of varlous waLers wlLh a LenslomeLer (deslgned Lo measure surface Lenslon), one can geL a clearer undersLandlng of how well a glven waLer hydraLes. normal 1ap waLer surface Lenslon reglsLers aL 72 dyn/cm2, lonlzed alkallne waLer surface Lenslon ls abouL 36dyn/cm, and sLrucLured waLer ls 44-43 dyn/cm2. SLrucLured waLer's lower surface Lenslon allows easler hydraLlon lnLo cells, boLh planL and anlmal.
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22 - Check|ng your Ch|cken roduct|on w|th Structured Water WaLer your chlckens wlLh sLrucLured waLer. See lf: Lggs come up Lo slze qulcker and case welghLs come up fasLer? Ammonla and manure smell dlsappears? Are Lhe chlckens more alerL? Chlckens sLarL laylng eggs aL younger age? And laLer lnLo Lhe season Lhan normal? 1he eggshells are Lhlcker? MorLallLy raLe ls lower? roducLlon peaked qulcker, produced hlgher producLlon aL peak, and Lhe peak lasLed longer? Chlck producLlon lncreased? neL earnlngs rlse upwards? We have goLLen reporLs from chlcken growers of all Lhese Lhlngs happenlng. 23 - 1est a Weak Crgan - 1hls LesL supposes you have muscle LesLlng skllls [usL a blL more advanced Lhan whaL's been dlscussed Lhus far. Slmply LesL for a weak kldney, llver, hearL, spleen, or lung. uo Lhey lmmedlaLely geL sLronger upon drlnklng a cup of sLrucLured waLer? Cur muscle LesLs show sLrucLured waLer sLrengLhenlng weak lnLernal yln organs. 24 - D||ut|on 1est - Wlll sLrucLured waLer brlng lLs sLrucLurlng lnfluence Lo regular Lap waLer slmply by pourlng lL lnLo Lhe Lap waLer? Slmple answer: ?es! Longer answer: 1ake a glass of Lhe Lap waLer. Muscle LesL llke Lhe prevlous LesL. ?ou should go weak wlLh Lhe Lap waLer. ln acLuallLy Lhe resL of Lhe waLer ls comlng up Lo Lhe energy slgnaLure of Lhe sLrucLured waLer. So, when dlluLed wlLh Lhe sLrucLured waLer, one wlll see Lhe prevlous weak LesL resulL go sLrong. CoL lL? 2S - nappy 8|rd 1est - Pave you added sLrucLured waLer Lo your blrdbaLh or feeder? WhaL are Lhe blrds slnglng so much for? Can sLrucLured waLer creaLe a greaLer sense of [oy ln blrds? Look and see lf Lhe blrds have grown heavler and healLhler slnce you've placed sLrucLured waLer ln Lhe backyard feeder or baLh. !"#$%& ()*+,)- ./*012 34/521-160478 92/& :)64 @
1hls ls [usL an lnlLlal offerlng of beneflLs for sharlng sLrucLured waLer wlLh everyone. SLay Luned for anoLher 23 reasons why sLrucLured waLer adds beneflL Lo llfe and all llvlng Lhlngs. naLural AcLlon 1echnologles 8esearch 1eam, 3/13/2013
To Believe The Unbelievable: Conventional Scientific Explanation Vs Unconventional Studies and Technologies Some Examples of Water Structure - Based Technologies and Research