M.phil - Tt. PH.D.TT

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No. of Printed Pages : 6 M.Phil.TT / Ph.D.



Entrance Test, 2018

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note :
W Attempt all questions.

(ii) Marks are reflected against each question.


1. Discuss the role of research in creation of knowledge. 20

What are the attributes of a good researcher ?

2. Prepare a synopsis of research in any area of translation. 20

Identify a topic of your choice for research and discuss the various stages that
you would follow before writing the dissertation.

3. Write a short note on any one of the following : 10

(a) Using library resources for research
(b) Style Sheet

M.Phil.TT / Ph.D.TT 1 P.T.O.


4. Discuss the importance of translation in the present century. 20


Translation is a means of cultural understanding in Indian Multilingual

Society. Elaborate.

5. (a) Translate the following into Hindi : 10

The Upanishads are rightly regarded as the fountainhead of all Indian

philosophy. Bloomfield remarks, "There is no important form of Hindu
thought, heterodox Buddhism included, which is not rooted in the
Upanishads." Dr. S. Radhakrishnan says : "Later systems of philosophy
display an almost pathetic anxiety to accommodate their doctrines to the
views of the Upanishads, even if they cannot father them all on them."
Prof. R.D. Ranade says : "The Upanishads constitute that lofty eminence
of philosophy, which from its various sides gives birth to rivulets of
thought, which, as they progress onwards the sea of life, gather strength
by the inflow of innumerable tributaries of speculation which
intermittently join these rivulets, so as to make a huge expanse of waters
at the place where they meet the ocean of life.


The growth of critical theory in the post-war period seems to comprise a

series of waves, each associated with a specific decade, and all aimed
against the liberal humanist consensus just illustrated, which had been
established between the 1930s and 1950s. In the 1960s, firstly, there were
two older, but still unassimilated, rival new approaches, these being
Marxist criticism, which had been pioneered in the 1930s and then reborn
in the 1960s as psychoanalytic criticism, which was of the same vintage
and was similarly renewing itself in the 1960s. At the same time two new
approaches were mounting vigorous direct assaults on liberal humanist
orthodoxies, namely, linguistic criticism which came into being in the
early 1960s and the early forms of feminist criticism, which started to
become a significant factor at the end of the decade.

M.PhiI.TT / Ph.D.TT
(b) Translate the following into English : 10
aT1T 3TP:f kl . 1-1k -I 1*1 1-1R7 q). wrq 3TrC
aii.l ui fiwki * 5R-1 w M ebikui gft I - 0,4 wp1. *1- -gr<q *Tr-ft
441 THr-M- err at{ qiumRid * mini tO4 * 4011.i
led-4 * (•R 31-Rtef ftt:IT91 d•-14) 3TO ;Iglu! TR 4
tqr *11-4 err I3T---fEtzr qrfErrwr31-Frr
- r-4(44 TATtzi
34-araprr *1 \71 1 Wr 3 zrg ITR-dizr rt=trr1 truiT4 chltul AT I
dAticri tia z-ffuti 4 * .3kid) ITTT-d 4 3Tret- TaTil
facer '13Tr .3•14) chRui ITRAtzr (44 , 14 *1-49-p-r TA 31107 #


Gittl fOriF kl *r Trrftr-iTrErr I Tr--41:2TF

tl ~ l trr7-41:ft 414-11 ,) ,,t)( 1-4w tr4f*rrr SI41 * .3741
Trur 3f- T Riar * 3T4- to-41 *1- fl41-(-'04.4)-il-rErr
3TIR t ITq 51 k'1 4 31.4- writzr Q1-- ezit 3m-rm. I ticiebi
11TEr-klit-4144 1Smli t, Tiftm 4 ift -1*k:11 R.w * yid
IT-4T eeioWt -1(11 f * -r- Trrrgr f ctA
f r i4RIff 51k1 * tiARet) NZTA* I -Z"R oditiaci iTrErr 711 A-RITA fg-4r
`find t •Rjff: Trrfor * •ra-grR ir4t °4414ch

6. Write a short note on any one of the following : 10

(a) Problem of Untranslatability
(b) Attributes of Good Translation

M.PhiI.TT / Ph.D.TT 3 P.T.O.

arlag 341ZIZR 7rt. IM ./ift.
5idq1 trtiv, 2018

OAK : 3 W2 arfilwav a*: 100


W g$7, W-1 rff efqq. /

(ii) 514W 3RV fCN Plifftff 3* JO FITFir R`V 7

1. T4*k.1,71.14 ItRM 4"r -ca *rrA-R I 20

T*3TQ74tWdi* .4;EFTMI14#?

2. 313-4T4 44R-Tff 41 iWErzr tr( AtT *e4R 20


aNt TrEiq * fatrzr711u

- * 1-Z-R war! TItT-31-EiT r tO -N7 few R,.q
3TP:14. tot•ii q-ittfIR I

3. -1+-1rr,rtsin 4f Km- TR Tirwr reupil fAR : 10

() ~ 1 4FIRTRIair dLiel 11
(V) e.

M.PhiI.TT / Ph.D.TT 4
4. .4-41:17 w-d*I 39-41-q*I-14 20

31T 4T

"T-Titgft k1 1-1i•11 arc .1 1-151 r ifR-R «4wn


5. () (d arjqg fc4t R: 10

The Upanishads are rightly regarded as the fountainhead of all Indian

philosophy. Bloomfield remarks, "There is no important form of Hindu
thought, heterodox Buddhism included, which is not rooted in the
Upanishads." Dr. S. Radhakrishnan says : "Later systems of philosophy
display an almost pathetic anxiety to accommodate their doctrines to the
views of the Upanishads, even 'if they cannot father them all on them."
Prof. R.D. Ranade says : "The.Upanishads constitute that lofty eminence
of philosophy, which from its various sides gives birth to rivulets of
thought, which, as they progress onwards the sea of life, gather strength
by the inflow of innumerable tributaries of speculation which
intermittently join these rivulets, so as to make a huge expanse of waters
at the place where they meet the ocean of life.

The growth of critical theory in the post-war period seems to comprise a

series of waves, each associated with a specific decade, and all aimed
against the liberal humanist consensus just illustrated, which had been
established between the 1930s and 1950s. In the 1960s, firstly, there were
two older, but still unassimilated, rival new approaches, these being
Marxist criticism, which had been pioneered in the 1930s and then reborn
in the 1960s as psychoanalytic criticism,' which was of the same vintage
and was similarly renewing itself in the 1960s. At the same time two new
approaches were mounting vigorous direct assaults on liberal humanist
orthodoxies, namely, linguistic criticism which came into being in the
early 1960s and the early forms of feminist criticism, which started to
become a significant factor at the end of the decade.

M.Phil.TT / Ph.D.TT 5 P.T.O.

NO ri (go T att 3ipTq*1177 : 10

3f1 3t41 HA-14 31 -‘1- (1-1R-ff 4 aTrC

fkFrr*%m cnikui * I1---o-4 a-TIT aril *1 44c 7 .11 1-11.1 aTR:rit
4 -1-rr I1-643 atuoiiRid Aoe41-11 chikut 70-cr * 4-R -1
grrW4 *
- ITR-dtzr 1-*-17-41 .3-14) 3T94 D1c-444 * -1:r TIT 4
.114-11-1 4r Tiv-4 ITT I 3T--(fitzr 1.5itemi .161\re.t 4 3TroR14* wr -4tAT
34-ar-4-PaT 3t17 zig 3-1-Retzr rkarrrkl * trul-T4 chikui WT
z---{Tti 4 a* wg 1-Tr(a 4 31rtjr-4- Tf4ril
14*rg 3 cbtkui 13-rdtzt chl 4 ILt fdRRf ;\.4 #

f-41 mcd--44 * eltd fa-4-rr 51k1 -ITTErr -4 Tr-41:2TTS

ZIP trr
771t 414-11 9.1T .31-R 3714
Ali:rr rla,t t 51k1 Trur wf6----04 ,4)-31-pu
4t 1,0 3 I Tq srOr 4 3T4 TA-r-414 Q-f-
ezti .5ffrd-d. -4 I tiala>I 311E9r
t t, RirKT 4 iftf- * -cr Q-dl*
004cWk d I 21T, rent 4 fi Tirrf T.IzI1 of) aKs 4141.
114 14R7 74.4* R.w cemo iTrEcr zrr 3-TrEiTall
t I .49ff: r6 IftR4 fq- t ceirich 31211

6. -14-.1 (ski 4 1-*711 trT Tirucff -P.u.011 1--o%7 : 10

( • ) arq-d--4-gra-T TFTR:ErT


M.PhiI.TT / Ph.D.TT 6 500

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