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The assessment evaluates 34 different personality traits and provides a score for each one on a scale from 1 to 10. It also provides feedback on how an individual's scores may align or not align with the ideal scores for certain job roles.

The assessment evaluates traits such as faith in people, decisiveness, adaptability, dominance, artistic interests, emotional management, intellect, ambition, social comfort, rule acceptance, orderliness, planning, competition, insight into others, creativity, tranquility, and anxiety.

The results indicate contradictions such as being both very dominant but uncomfortable in social situations, having both high stress levels and high dominance, and being both very relaxed and very nervous.

[-]Snap Shot - Get a quick glimpse on how you rank on 34 different traits.

Traits Your Score Meaning

Faith in People Decisiveness Adaptability Dominance Artistic Emotional Management Intellectual Ambitious Social Comfort Companionability Rule acceptance Orderly Consulting Social Energy Planner Competition driven Insight to People 4 4 1 2 2 1 4 2 2

9 8 9 6 7

You are a very trusting person - you believe in people and in what they say. You are hesitant in reaching conclusions and you continue to debate issues after taking a decision. You find it hard to adapt to situations and your behaviour reflects your personality, no matter what the situation may be and who you are with. You are a very dominant person who tends to control and lead in a group. You are an aesthetic person who has interest in the art world. You keep your emotions under a tight lid and will never let them interfere with decision-making. Your enjoy theoretical discussions as much as the next person. You are an ambitious person. Your career and success are both high on your priority list. You are not deterred by challenging goals. You are very shy and timid and try to avoid social situations and meeting new people. You like spending time alone at work and at home and do not miss the company of others. You tend to dislike rules and regulations and find it hard to accept and follow them. You are very organised and orderly person. You place a great deal of focus on details and are very systematic in your approach. You are not interested in others' opinions and prefer making decisions alone. You are very quiet and prefer staying in the background in social situations. You are very good at planning ahead and almost always take a long-term approach. You tend not to compete with others and will avoid competition if possible. You are usually not interested in peoples' behaviour and are not very insightful. You are a very creative person who enjoys generating an abundance of new ideas and finding innovative solutions. You'll might find it difficult working within strict rules and regulations.





Tranquillity Anxiety

10 9

You are a very relaxed person. You are calm and find it very easy to relax and generally feel free of tensions. At times, you'll remain calm even when it is time be stressed. You are very nervous prior to important events and are usually a worrier.

[-]Position Specific Feedback - Does your personality profile match the requirements of your job ? Social Energy ALERT: A GAP BETWEEN YOUR SCORE AND IDEAL SCORE HAS BEEN DETECTED We have detected a gap between your actual and the required score on the "social energy" trait: Ideally, for a director position recruiters would typically require a score of 5 or above on 'social energy'. The 'social energy' trait refers to being naturally talkative in social situations and enjoying social gatherings. Next time you take a personality test try to slightly enhance your score. Below are sample questions that measure 'social energy': 1. 2. 3. 4. I enjoy being the centre of attention. I am better at talking than listening. I am a talkative person. Starting a conversation is easy for me.

Competition driven ALERT: A GAP BETWEEN YOUR SCORE AND IDEAL SCORE HAS BEEN DETECTED We have detected a gap between your actual and the required score on the 'Competitiveness' trait: Ideally, for a director position recruiters would typically require a score of 7 or above on 'Competitiveness'. The 'Competitiveness' trait assesses your competitive drive, which is quite necessary for a director to have. Next time you take a personality test try to slightly enhance your score so it would approach the ideal score. Below are sample questions that measure 'Competitiveness':

1. 2. 3. 4.

I enjoy a game better if there is something at stake. I enjoy competitive games. I have a desire to win. I hate losing.

Insight to People

ALERT: A GAP BETWEEN YOUR SCORE AND IDEAL SCORE HAS BEEN DETECTED We have detected a gap between your actual and the required score on the 'insight to people' trait. Ideally, for a director position recruiters would typically require a score of 5 or above on 'insight to people'. The 'insight to people' trait refers to a focus on peoples behaviour and the ability to understand peoples' motivations. This is an important quality for a director to have. Next time you take a personality test try to slightly enhance your score so it would approach the ideal score. Below are sample questions that measure 'insight to people': 1. 2. 3. 4. I take time to think why people behave as they do. I am intrigued by people's behaviour. I tend to analyse people. I am a good judge of character.

Social Comfort ALERT: A GAP BETWEEN YOUR SCORE AND IDEAL SCORE HAS BEEN DETECTED We have detected a gap between your actual and the required score on the 'social comfort' trait. Ideally, for a director position recruiters would require a score of 7 or above on 'social comfort'. The 'social comfort' trait assesses how comfortable you feel in social situations including those that require lecturing and speaking in forums. Next time you take a personality test try to slightly enhance your score. Below are sample questions that measure 'social comfort': 1. When I'm in a group of people, I find it difficult to think of the right thing to say.

2. I find it hard to act natural with new people. 3. It is difficult for me to speak in front of an audience. 4. I remember that in school it was difficult for me to stand up and talk before the class. Decisiveness ALERT: A GAP BETWEEN YOUR SCORE AND IDEAL SCORE HAS BEEN DETECTED We have detected a gap between your actual and the required score on the 'decisiveness' trait. Ideally, for a director position recruiters would typically require a score of 7 or above on 'decisiveness'. The 'decisiveness' trait refers to the ability to make quick and good decisions when there is a necessity to do so. It is a very important quality for a director to have. Your results indicate that you are not very decisive, is this true? If not, next time you take a personality test try to slightly enhance your score. Below are sample questions that measure 'decisiveness': 1. I tend to make my decisions quickly. 2. Even after making a decision, I usually keep wondering whether my choices were right or wrong. 3. Words like "maybe" and "probably" inhibit our thinking. 4. Quite often it is hard for me to make decisions. Ambitious ALERT: A GAP BETWEEN YOUR SCORE AND IDEAL SCORE HAS BEEN DETECTED We have detected a gap between your actual and the required score on the 'ambitious' trait: Ideally, for a director position recruiters would typically require a score of 8 or above on 'ambition'. The 'ambitious' trait refers to having clear career goals and being achievement oriented. As a director you must be quite ambitious. Therefore, next time you take a personality test try to slightly enhance your score so it would approach the ideal score. Below are sample questions that measure 'ambitious'': 1. I am willing to work after working hours to achieve my goals. 2. I am willing to take risks to achieve my goals.

3. My career is very high on my list of priorities. 4. I have an innate desire to succeed in this world. [-]Please Note: Your responses reveal an attempt at creating a certain impression.
- Did you try too hard to make a good impression?

Alert - an attempt to create an exaggerated impression - The main obstacle in personality tests We have detected an attempt to make an exaggerated impression in your test. You need to open your eyes to the most common trap in personality tests. Most personality tests have scales that measure the extent to which you were trying to make an exaggerated good impression. Obviously, when applying for a job, you want to make a good impression and this is fine. However, the items that measure 'Impression Management' examine how far you are willing go to make that impression. Their aim is to measure your honesty. For example, answering 'True' to a question " I never told a lie" or answering 'Never' to a question "Occasionally I am in a bad mood" shows the recruiters that you try too hard to make a good impression. An exaggerated impression can affect the evaluation of your personlaity test and might result in the rejection of your application. Below you'll find typical impression management questions. If your score on the impression management scale is above 5 you need to pay close attention here.

I'm always willing to assist people I have said offensive things to people Sometimes I feel like getting back at someone who hurt me I have taken advantage of people I recall times I have been disheartened My looks do not concern me at all I enjoy a good gossip from time to time Sometimes I feel like cursing Sometimes I pretend I am looking to a different direction just to avoid meeting someone Sometimes I find it hard to motivate myself : A. sometimes B. rarely I have never told an intended lie I can recall when I have been mean to someone Occasionally I feel a need to be away from my family: A. sometimes B. rarely Occasionally I am in a bad mood: A. sometimes B. never If I get excess change in a store I always return it I sometimes laugh at a dirty joke

OUR PSYCHOLOGISTS ADVICE: First, try to recognise questions that measure

impression management and then BE HONEST! By being honest, you are likely not to fall at the far end of the scales. Your aim is to score as low as possible on this scale. [-]Please Note: Your responses reveal certain traits that are not desirable in any work environment. Black List We have detected high scores on traits that are not favourable in a work environment; these traits are grouped together and form a list which we refer to as the - "black list". The "Black List traits are traits that are considered undesirable in any employment environment. (see list below). Your extreme score/s on some of these traits occured because you very consistently answered a certain group of questions that measure the same theme. Answering in a consistent manner is usually a good thing in a personality test, but not if it is considered a trait that is undesirable in the work environment. OUR PSYCHOLOGISTS ADVICE: read the feedback below. Even if you agree that your black list trait describes you best, it is hard to believe that in all given scenarios you will act in this manner. We encourage you to tame your responses. Decisiveness Inability to make decisions quickly may not be a problem for certain positions. However, extreme low scores indicate that the person is hesitant and has trouble taking any minor decisions by themselves. Below are sample questions used by personality tests to measure "decisiveness": 1. I tend to make my decisions quickly. 2. I don't like to delay decisions. 3. I don't like to hesitate when making decisions. 4. I hardly ever make a hasty decision. 5. Quite often it is hard for me to take decisions. Adaptability A low score on adaptability indicates a 'free spirit'. However, a very low score, as you received, indicates difficulty in adjusting and fitting in at a workplace, instability, and

behavioural difficulties. Below, are a list of typical items used by personality tests to measure "adaptability": 1. I believe it is important that people will change how they act to fit their surroundings. 2. In primary-school I used to give teachers headaches. 3. Looking back at my time in school, I can genuinely say that I liked being there. 4. People that get angry or offended when given orders can't be good members of society. 5. In school, my marks for behaviour were usually unsatisfactory. Social Comfort Being introverted and shy is not necessarily disadvantageous in a work environment. However, a very low score indicates difficulty in communicating with others and difficulty in adjusting to new environments and new people. The statements below measure social comfort or lack there of: 1. I feel at ease when my boss or other senior managers are around. A. true, it's a good opportunity to catch up. B.? C. false, I'd prefer they'll go somewhere else 2. I usually fit in pretty quickly when I join a new group. A. true, it is easy for me to fit in. B. ? C. False, it usually takes a while 3. It is difficult for me to speak in front of an audience. A. rarely. B. ? C. quite often 4. I find it difficult to think of the right things to say when I'm in a group of people

5. If asked to begin a discussion in front of a group on a subject that I'm familiar with I would not be embarrassed. Consulting Some people tend to take decisions on their own and usually do not tend to consult others. Your score shows that you completely tend to disregard others when making decisions. In the workplace, especially when working in a team this may be a quite problematic. Below you'll find sample items that measure "consulting" in personality tests: 1. I regularly consult others. 2. I take time to hear others' views. 3. I feel that group discussions are very important. 4. I ask for others' opinions. 5. Before deciding, I usually consult. Anxiety A high score in 'anxiety' can indicate a strong will to make an impact and a high level of dependability. However a very high score may indicate that you might not cope well with pressure and that you will be nervous most times and especially before important events. Belwo are sample items that typically measure "anxiety" in personality tests: 1. I feel anxious before a big event. 2. After a meeting, I mull over the things I've said. 3. I worry about things that might go wrong. 4. I find it difficult to be calm during major events. 5. I often feel tense. [-]Please Note: Your responses reveal certain contradictions in your personality profile.
- Do you have contradictory qualities in your personality or have you tried creating a certain impression?

1. Your results indicate that you are very dominant but also that you feel uncomfortable is social situations. Usually a person who is very dominant feels quite comfortable in social situations. OUR PSYCHOLOGISTS ADVICE: Please reconsider your responses to the questions

measuring these traits and answer truthfully so that the strength of these traits complement each other, reflecting a coherent personality. Below are a few examples of items that are commonly used to measure these traits. Typical items that measure Dominance: 1. I prefer that people dislike me rather than patronise me. 2. I rather enjoy giving orders and get things done. 3. People often come to me to take decisions. Typical items that measure Social Comfort: 1. I find it difficult to think of the right things to say when I'm in a group of people. 2. If asked to begin a discussion in front of a group on a subject that I'm familiar with I would not be embarrassed. 3. I remember that in school it was difficult for me to stand up and talk before the class.

2. Your scores indicate a high level of stress, especially before major events and on the other hand also high dominance. It is unlikely that a dominant person who enjoys taking the lead will feel tense most of the time. OUR PSYCHOLOGISTS ADVICE: Reconsider your responses and change them to reflect your personality more accurately. Typical items that measure Anxiety: 1. In stressful times, I have trouble keeping calm. 2. I tend to be too self-critical. 3. I often feel tense. Typical items that measure Dominance: 1. I naturally take control in most situations I'm in. 2. When I'm in charge of a situation, I feel comfortable giving people instructions.

3. I rather enjoy giving orders and getting things done. 3. Your scores indicate that you tend to be very relaxed but also very nervous, especially before major events. It is hard to imagine a person who is both very relaxed and very nervous. OUR PSYCHOLOGISTS ADVICE: Are you more tense or more relaxed? Adhere to one facet that suits you more and tone down the other (but try to avoid coming across as a very anxious person). Typical items that measure Tranquility: 1. I worry less than other people. 2. It is easy for me just to kick back and relax. 3. In a long queue, I don't get as restless as most people. Typical items that measure Anxiety: 1. In stressful times, I have trouble keeping calm. 2. I tend to be too self-critical. 3. I often feel tense.

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