Letter Trip To Petrosains - Che Wan (21.3.2023)
Letter Trip To Petrosains - Che Wan (21.3.2023)
Letter Trip To Petrosains - Che Wan (21.3.2023)
Assalamualaikum W.B.T
Dear parents,
CIC will be organizing an exciting wonderful trip to Petrosains. This study tour was an
exposure trip for students to a place of educational. Students will experience an
extraordinary interactive journey to learn the earth ecosystem and science.
2. The trip is open to all students at CIC (Playschool, Preschool & Afterschool). We
encourage parents to book the seats for your children immediately as it is very limited.
4. Participation from your child is highly recommended. Payment can be made via :
5. If you are interested to let your child participate in this trip, kindly fill in the reply slip
attached and please return it together with proof of payment to the respective centre before
3rd March 2023 (Friday). Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact
us CIC HQ (03-86876999) or respective centre regarding the event.
Thank You.
I, mother/father/
guardian ,aged ,from
CIC *WILL ALLOW / WILL NOT ALLOW my children to take part for the
school trip detailed above. I am aware, as an education service provider, CIC will be
responsible to ensure a positive and safe learning environment for the children. With that, I
give permission to CIC or its representative to serve immediate medical treatment to my child
if needed and I would not take any action towards CIC if any mishap happens to my child
before, during and after the trip.
Signature of Parent/Guardian :
Date :
Contact Number :