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Solidworks 9

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Deleting Bodies

CommandManager: Features > Delete/Keep Body (Customize to add)

SOLIDWORKS menus: Insert > Features > Delete/Keep Body Toolbar:
Features > Delete/Keep Body (Customize to add) As discussed earlier,
SOLIDWORKS supports multibody environment. Therefore, you can
create multiple disjoint bodies in SOLIDWORKS. You can also
delete unwanted bodies. The bodies to be deleted can be solid bodies or
surface bodies. To delete a body, choose Insert > Features > Delete/Keep
Body from the SOLIDWORKS menus. You can also invoke this tool from
the Features CommandManager after customizing theCommandManager.
When you invoke this tool from the Features CommandManager,
the Delete/Keep Body PropertyManager will be displayed, as shown in
Figure 9­20. Also, you will be prompted to select the solid and/or surface
bodies to be deleted. The Delete Bodies radio button is selected by default in
the Type rollout. When the Delete Bodies radio button is selected, the
selected bodies/surfaces of the model will be deleted. But when the Keep
Bodies radio button is selected in the Type rollout, the selected
bodies/surfaces will be retained and the remaining portion of the model will
be deleted.

Figure 9­20 The Delete/Keep Body PropertyManager

Select the body or the bodies from the drawing area or from the Solid Bodies
folder available in the FeatureManager Design Tree which is displayed in the
drawing area; the selected body will be displayed in blue and its name will be
displayed in the Solid/Surface Bodies to Delete/Keep selection box. Choose the
OK button from the Delete/Keep Body PropertyManager; a new item with the
name Body­Delete/Keep 1 will appear in the FeatureManager Design Tree.
This item will store the deleted or kept bodies. Therefore, at any point of your
design cycle, you can delete or suppress this item to resume the deleted body
back in your design. You will learn more about suppressing features later in this

Tip You can also choose the Delete option from the shortcut menu. To do so,
select the body and right­click. Choose the Delete option from the Body area of
the shortcut menu; the Delete/Keep Body PropertyManager will be displayed.
Choose the OK button from the Delete/Keep Body PropertyManager to delete
the body.
Suppressing Features
CommandManager: Features > Suppress (Customize to add) SOLIDWORKS
menus: Edit > Suppress > This Configuration Toolbar: Features > Suppress
(Customize to add) Sometimes, you do not want some feature or features to
be displayed in the model or in the drawing views. Instead of deleting such
features, they can be suppressed. When you suppress a feature, it is neither
visible in the model nor in the drawing views. Also, if you create an
assembly using that model, the suppressed feature will not be displayed
even in the assembly. You can resume such suppressed features anytime by
unsuppressing them. When you suppress a feature, the features that are
dependent on it are also suppressed. To suppress a feature, select it from the
FeatureManager Design Tree or from the drawing area. Choose the
Suppress button from the Features CommandManager after customizing it,
or right­click and choose the Suppress option from the shortcut menu. You
can also choose Suppress from the pop­up toolbar that will be displayed on
selecting a feature. The suppressed feature will be removed from the display
of the model and the icon of the feature will be displayed in gray in the
FeatureManager Design Tree.

Unsuppressing the Suppressed Features

CommandManager: Features > Unsuppress (Customize to
add) SOLIDWORKS menus: Edit > Unsuppress > This
Configuration Toolbar: Features > Unsuppress
(Customize to add) The suppressed features can be
unsuppressed using the Unsuppress tool. To resume the
suppressed feature, select the suppressed feature from the
FeatureManager Design Tree and choose the
Unsuppress button. You can also choose this option
from the shortcut menu or from the pop­up toolbar after
selecting the suppressed feature. Note that when you
resume a suppressed feature using this tool, the
dependent features remain suppressed. Therefore, you
need to unsuppress all the features independently.

Unsuppressing Features with Dependents

CommandManager: Features > Unsuppress with
Dependents (Customize to add) SOLIDWORKS menus:
Edit > Unsuppress with Dependents > This Configuration
Toolbar: Features > Unsuppress with Dependents
(Customize to add) As discussed earlier, when you
suppress a feature, the dependent features are also
suppressed. You can resume the suppressed feature along
with the dependents of the suppressed parent feature in a
single­click using the Unsuppress with Dependents
tool. To do so, select the suppressed feature from the
FeatureManager Design Tree. Next, choose the
Unsuppress with Dependents button from the Features
CommandManager. Note that this tool will be available
only after customizing the Features
CommandManager. You will observe that the
dependent suppressed features are also unsuppressed.
Hiding Bodies
While working in the multibody environment, you can also hide the bodies. The
hidden body is not displayed in the model, assembly, or in the drawing views.
The display of the dependent bodies is also turned off when you hide a body. To
hide a body, expand the Solid Bodies folder in the FeatureManager Design
Tree, and select the body to be hidden. Right­click to invoke the shortcut menu
and choose the Hide option from it. The selected body will disappear from the
drawing area. The icon of the hidden body is displayed in wireframe in the Solid
Bodies folder. To turn on the display of the hidden body, select it from the Solid
Bodies folder and then choose the Show option from the shortcut menu.
Moving and Copying Bodies
CommandManager: Direct Editing > Move/Copy Bodies SOLIDWORKS
menus: Insert > Features > Move/Copy Toolbar: Features > Move/Copy Bodies
(Customize to add) You can move or copy bodies in the multibody
environment by using the Move/Copy Bodies tool. To do so, choose
the Move/Copy Bodies tool from the Direct Editing CommandManager or
choose Insert > Features > Move/Copy from the SOLIDWORKS menus;
the Move/Copy Body PropertyManager will be displayed. By default, it
shows the Mate Settings rollout. Choose the Translate/Rotate button from
the Optionsrollout; the Translate and Rotate rollouts will be displayed,
refer to Figure 9­21.

Figure 9­21 The Move/Copy Body PropertyManager

The Bodies to Move/Copy rollout is used to define the body to copy or move.
On invoking the Move/Copy Body PropertyManager, you will be prompted to
select the bodies to move/copy and set the required options. Move the cursor on
the body to be selected; the cursor will be replaced by the body selection cursor
and the edges of the body will be highlighted. The name of the body will also be
displayed in the tooltip. Select the body; it will be highlighted and a 3D triad is
displayed. The name of the body will be displayed in the Solid and Surface or
Graphics Bodies to Move/Copy selection box. You can also select the body
from the Solid Bodies folder after expanding the FeatureManager Design

The Copy check box is cleared by default. Select the Copy check box to create
multiple copies of the selected body. When you select this check box,
the Number of Copies spinner will be displayed below the Copy check box. Set
the number of copies in this spinner.

The 3D triad displayed at the centroid of the selected body is used to

dynamically rotate or move the body. The three arrows of this triad are the X, Y,
and Z axes along which the body can be moved. This triad also has one ring and
two wings by which the body can be rotated, see Figure 9­22.

Figure 9­22 3D triad to move and rotate the body

To move a body dynamically, move the cursor close to any one of the arrows of
the triad; the arrow will be highlighted and the select cursor will be replaced by
the move cursor. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to
move the body. You can also move the cursor on the plane displayed between
two arrows and drag the cursor to move the body in that plane.

To rotate the body, move the cursor over the ring or one of the wings; the ring
will be highlighted and the cursor will be replaced by the rotate cursor. Press and
hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to rotate the body. Other rollouts
in the Move/Copy Body PropertyManager are discussed next.
Translate Rollout
The Translate rollout in the Move/Copy Body PropertyManager is used to
define the translational parameters to move the selected body. Set the value of
the destination in the Delta X, Delta Y, and Delta Z spinners. When you set the
values, the preview of the moved body will be displayed in temporary graphics
in the drawing area. You can also move or copy the selected body with respect to
two points. To move or copy a body by specifying two points, select the
Translation Reference (Linear Entity, Coordinate System, or Vertex)
selection box. The selection mode in this area becomes active. Select the vertex
from which you want the translation to start. When you select the first vertex as
the translation reference, the Delta X, Delta Y, and Delta Z spinners will be
replaced by the To Vertex selection box. Now, the selection mode in the To
Vertex selection box will be activated. Select the second translation reference.
You will observe the preview of the translated body with respect to the selected
points. The placement of the body also depends on the sequence of selection of
the vertices. Therefore, you need to be very careful, while selecting the two
vertices. Figure 9­23 shows the sequence for the selection of references and
Figure 9­24 shows the resultant copied body.
Figure 9­23 Sequence for the selection of references

Figure 9­24 Resultant copied body

You can also move body freely in 3D space. To do so, move the cursor on the
spherical ball where the three arrows meet. The cursor will be replaced by the
move cursor. Drag it to move the body to a desired location in the 3D space.

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