Choose the Drawing button and then the OK button from the New
SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box to start a new drawing document. In a
drawing document, you can generate or create the drawing views of the parts
created in the part documents or the assemblies created in the assembly
Tip If you invoke the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box using the task
pane and start a new document, the task pane will remain expanded even when
the new document is started. If you invoke the New SOLIDWORKS Document
dialog box using the SOLIDWORKS menus or the Menu Bar, the task pane will
collapse and remain collapsed after starting the new document.
When you choose the Sketch tool from the Menu Bar or invoke any tool from
the Sketch CommandManager tab, the Edit Sketch PropertyManager is
displayed on the left in the drawing area and you are prompted to select the
plane on which the sketch will be created. Also, the three default planes (Front
Plane, Right Plane, and Top Plane) are temporarily displayed on the screen, as
shown in Figure 28.
You can select a plane to draw the sketch of the base feature depending on the
requirement of the design. The selected plane will automatically be oriented
normal to the view, so that you can easily create the sketch. Also, the
CommandManager will display various sketching tools to draw the sketch.
The default drafting standard that was selected while installing SOLIDWORKS
will be displayed in the dropdown list in the Overall drafting standard area.
You can select the required drafting standard from this dropdown list. The
standards available in this dropdown list are ANSI, ISO, DIN, JIS, BSI, GOST,
and GB. You can select any one of these drafting standards for the current
In SOLIDWORKS, you can also change the unit system for the current
document by using the Unit system button that is located on the right in the
status bar. To change the unit system using this option, click on the Unit system
button; a flyout will be displayed with a tick mark next to the unit system of the
activated document, refer to Figure 212. Now, you can select the required unit
system for the activated document from this flyout. You can also invoke the
Document Properties Units dialog box by choosing the Edit Document
Units option from this flyout.
Figure 212 Flyout displayed after choosing the Unit system button
Modifying the Snap and Grid Settings In the sketching
environment of SOLIDWORKS, you can make the cursor
jump through a specified distance while creating the
sketch. Therefore, if you draw a sketched entity, its
length will change in the specified increment. For
example, while drawing a line, if you make the cursor
jump through a distance of 10 mm, the length of the line
will be incremented by a distance of 10 mm. To modify
the snap and grid settings, choose the Options button
from the Menu Bar to display the System Options
General dialog box. To ensure that the cursor jumps
through the specified distance, you need to activate the
snap option. Select the Relations/Snaps branch of the
Sketch option to display the related options. From the
options available on the right, select the Grid check box.
Next, clear the Snap only when grid is displayed check
box, if it is selected. If this check box is selected, then the
cursor will snap the sketched entities only when the grid
is displayed.
Next, choose the Go To Document Grid Settings button to invoke the
Document Properties Grid/Snap dialog box, as shown in Figure 213. The
distance through which the cursor jumps is dependent on the ratio between the
values in the Major grid spacing and Minorlines per major spinners available
in the Grid area. For example, if you want the coordinates to increment by 10
mm, you will have to make the ratio of the major and minor lines to 10. This can
be done by setting the value of the Major grid spacing spinner to 100 and that
of the Minorlines per major spinner to 10. Similarly, to make the cursor jump
through a distance of 5 mm, set the value of the Major grid spacing spinner to
50 and that of the Minorlines per major spinner to 10.
Remember that these grid and snap settings will be applicable for the current
documents only. When you open a new document, it will have the same settings
that were defined while installing SOLIDWORKS.
Tip If you want to display the grid in the sketching environment, select the
Display grid check box from the Grid area of the Document Properties
Grid/Snap dialog box. Alternatively, choose Hide/Show Items > View Grid
from the View (HeadsUp) toolbar.
While drawing a sketched entity by snapping through grips, the grips symbol
will be displayed below the cursor on the right.
Before you learn about various sketching tools, it is important to understand
some terms that are used in the sketching environment. These tools and terms are
discussed next.
The origin is represented by a blue colored point displayed at the center of the
sketching environment screen. By default, there are two arrows at the origin
displaying the horizontal and vertical directions of the current sketching plane.
The point of intersection of these two axes is the origin point and the coordinates
of this point are 0,0. To display or hide the origin, choose Hide/Show Items >
View Origins from the View (HeadsUp) toolbar.
Inferencing Lines
The inferencing lines are the temporary lines that are used to track a particular
point on the screen. These lines are the dashed lines and are automatically
displayed when you select a sketching tool in the sketching environment. These
lines are created from the endpoints or the midpoint of a sketched entity or from
the origin. For example, if you want to draw a line from the point where two
imaginary lines intersect, you can use the inferencing lines to locate the point
and then draw the line from that point. Figure 214 shows the use of inferencing
lines to locate the point of intersection of two imaginary lines. Figure 215
shows the use of inferencing lines to locate the center of a circle. Notice that the
inferencing lines are created from the endpoint of the line and from the origin.
The inferencing lines that are displayed on the screen will be either blue or
yellow. The blue inferencing lines indicate that the relations are not added to the
sketched entity and the yellow inferencing lines indicate that the relations are
added to the sketched entity. You will learn about various relations in the later
Tip You can disable the inferencing line temporarily by pressing the CTRL key.
Selecting Entities Using the Cross Selection When you press the left
mouse button and drag the cursor from right to left in the drawing
area, a box of dashed lines is drawn. The entities that lie completely or
partially inside this box or the entities that touch the dashed lines of
the box will be selected. The selected entities will be displayed in
light blue and a popup toolbar will be displayed near the cursor. This
method of selection is known as cross selection.
Selecting Entities Using the SHIFT and CTRL Keys You can also use
the SHIFT and CTRL keys to manage the selection procedure. To
select multiple entities, press and hold the SHIFT key and select the
entities. After selecting some entities, if you need to select more
entities using the windows or cross selection, press and hold the
SHIFT key. Now, create a window or a cross selection; all the entities
that touch the crossing or are inside the window will be selected.
If you need to remove a particular entity from a group of selected entities, press
the CTRL key and select the entity. You can also invert the current selection
using the CTRL key. To do so, select the entities that you do not want to be
included in the selection set. Next, press the CTRL key and create a window or a
cross selection.
In SOLIDWORKS, when you select an entity, a popup toolbar will be displayed
with options to edit the sketch. You will learn about these options in the later
Invert Selection Tool
SOLIDWORKS menus: Tools > Invert Selection
Toolbar: Selection Filter > Invert Selection The Invert Selection tool will be
active only when an entity is selected and is used to invert the selection set.
This tool is used to remove entities from the current selection set and select
all other entities that are not in the current selection set. To invert the
selection, select the entities that you do not want to be included in the final
selection set and then choose Tools > Invert Selection from the
SOLIDWORKS menus. You can also invoke the Invert Selection tool from
the shortcut menu. All entities that were not selected earlier will now be
selected and the entities that were in the selection set earlier will now be
removed from the selection set.
Now, you are familiar with the important sketching terms. Next, you will learn
about the sketching tools available in SOLIDWORKS.
CommandManager: Sketch > Line flyout > Line
SOLIDWORKS menus: Tools > Sketch Entities > Line
Toolbar: Sketch > Line flyout > Line Lines are one of the basic sketching
entities available in SOLIDWORKS. In general terms, a line is defined as
the shortest distance between two points. As mentioned earlier,
SOLIDWORKS is a parametric solid modeling tool. This property allows
you to draw a line of any length and at any angle so that it can be forced to
the desired length and angle.
The Message rollout of the Insert Line PropertyManager informs you to edit
the settings of the next line or sketch a new line. The options in this
PropertyManager can be used to set the orientation and other sketching options
to draw a line. All these options are discussed next.