HIRA-WA-02, Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment, Camp-1

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Worker Accommodation,
720 MW, Karot Hydropower Project
Team Member Name Designation in GSUK Professional Status/ Level

Mr. Naveed Ibrahim Team Lead GSUK Consultant

Mr. Javed Iqbal HSE Manager GSUK Consultant

Mr. Faisal Masaud HSE Assistant Manager GSUK Consultant

Mr. Ammar Ahmed HSE Expert GSUK Consultant

Section’s Contact Person Designation Professional Status/ Level

Mr. Tahir Bukhari HSE Officer HSE Team

Assessment No Assessment Location Activity Assessed

HIRA-WA-02 Camp 1 N/A

Assessed By: GSUK Expert Team

Date of Assessment:
Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 00
Location: Camp 1 Author: GSUK

1. Summary:

This document provides details of hazards identified through inspection/audit and interviews of the camp
management and HSE officers, of the worker’s accommodation for assessment of the risks and control
measures to be adopted as per hierarchy of the control measures which are adopted by keeping in mind
the “ice-berg” principle to reduce the evaluated risks to an acceptable level.

2. Purpose & Scope:

The Karot Hydro Project involves provision of the dormitory facility to all management and for
construction/ monitoring related workers of above said Hydro power Project:

Sr. # Name Purpose

1. Rooms To Sleep & Stay during Off duty time & holiday.
2. Shower/ Toilet Area As hygiene facility for worker and management.
3. Kitchen Facility Operated by the contractors for cook workers and management meal having
natural gas cylinder operated stoves & Tandoor.
4. Self-cooking Area For workers having natural gas cylinder operated stoves
5. Gas Cylinder Storage For empty & filled gas cylinder storage
6. Grocery Shop Available all General items for sale for workers and management.
7. Masjid For prayer individual & communal basis.
8. First Aid Room To provide first aid facility when required. With availability of a Dispenser/

3. Planning For Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control

The table below is to be used to identify the different hazard for which risk assessment has been undertake. Each
Risk Assessment details the control measures associated with the task to be adopted, and any residual risk rating
and likelihood remaining post control measures.

RA Order No# Hazards Identified

RA 01 Slips, Trips & Fall Hazards

RA 02 Dust Hazards

RA 03 Electrical Hazards

RA 04 Fire Hazards

4. Glossary & Guide to the Use Of Our Risk Assessment Matrix

RA Risk Assessment
Hazard Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury, ill health, or
combination of these.
Risk A risk is the combination of likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event.
Risk The process of evaluating hazard(s) taking in to account the adequacy of any existing
Assessment controls, and deciding whether or not risk is acceptable
Consequence The outcome of a hazardous event.
Likelihood The likelihood is the chance that a hazardous event will occur.
Risk Rating Following steps will be taken to rate the risk.
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Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 00
Location: Camp 1 Author: GSUK

4.1.1 Determine the Consequences (C)

Following table will be used to determine the most appropriate consequence in terms of harm that might occur
with existing risk controls.

Level Description Examples

1 Insignificant No injury

2 Minor Minor injuries needing first aid

3 Moderate Up to three days absence

4 Major More than three days absence / LTI

Death or permanent disability to one or more persons, Irreversible

5 Catastrophic
Environmental damage, Destruction of the property.

4.1.2 Determine the Likelihood (L)

Following table will be used to determine the most appropriate likelihood of the determined hazardous event

Level Descriptor Examples

Very Unlikely/ There is a 1 in a million chance of the hazardous event happening. Very low
Rare probability of such an event occurring.
There is a 1 in 100,000 chance of the hazardous event happening. Would rarely
2 Unlikely
There is a 1 in a 1,000 chance of the hazardous event happening. May occur on
3 Fairly Likely
There is a 1 in 1,000 chance of the hazardous event happening. Could occur
4 Likely
There is a 1 in a 100 chance of the hazardous event happening. Very likely to
5 Very Likely
happen unless activity prevented.

4.1.3 Determine the degree of Risk (R= L X C)

Likelihood of Consequences of the Hazardous Event

Occurring 1: Insignificant 2: Minor 3: Moderate 4: Major 5: Catastrophic
1X1=1 1X2=2 1X3= 1X4=4 1X5=5
1: Very Unlikely
Very Low Risk Very Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Adequate Risk
2 X 1=2 2X2=4 2 X 3= 6 2X4=8 2 X 5 =10
2: Unlikely
Very Low Risk Low Risk Adequate Risk Adequate Risk Medium Risk
1X3=3 3 X 2= 6 3 X 3= 9 3 X 4 = 12 3 X 5 = 15
3: Fairly Likely
Low Risk Adequate Risk Adequate Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk
4X1=4 4x2=8 4X3=9 3 X 4 = 12 4 X 5 =20
4: Likely
Low Risk Adequate Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk High Risk

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Issue Date: 10/06/2022 00
Location: Camp 1 Author: GSUK

5 X 1= 5 5 X 2 =10 5 X 3 = 15 5 X 4 = 20 5 X5 = 25
5: Very Likely
Adequate Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk High Risk High Risk

Likelihood Consequence Classification (C) Degree of Risk (L x C)

1 to 3 = Very Low Risk – No further
actions are required, but ensure the controls
1: Very Unlikely – Very 1 = Insignificant – Minor accident, resulting in are maintained.
low probability of such an no injuries or lost time, little or no damage to
event occurring. property or the environment. 3-4 = Acceptable /Low Risk – No further
actions are required, but ensure the controls
are maintained.

2: Unlikely – Would rarely 2 = Minor – Potential injury needing first aid treatment, 5 to 9 = Adequate Risk – Look to improve
necessitating less than 3 days off work, damage to at next review.
property or the environment requiring remedial work.
10 to 16 = Tolerable / Medium Risk –
3: Fairly Likely 3 = Moderate – Accident reportable under RIDDOR Tolerable, but efforts should be made to reduce
– May occur on 95, Up to / more than 3 days Absence, serious damage the risk within specific timescale, where cost
occasions. to property or the environment. Classified as LTI effective and reasonably practicable.

4: Likely / Probable – 4 = Major – Accident resulting in serious or permanent 17 to 25 = Unacceptable / High Risk –
Could occur frequently. injury, major or permanent damage to property or the Unacceptable except in extraordinary
environment. circumstances, all control measures must be
5: Very Likely – 5 = Severe – Accident resulting in death or severe taken regardless of cost. Stop activity and make
Very likely to happen disablement, destruction of property, irreversible immediate improvements.
unless activity damage to the environment.

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Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 01
Location: CAMP 3-2 Author: GSUK


Initial Risk Residual Risk
Ref: Who Might Be Responsible
Locations Identified Hazard Rating Existing Control Measures Required Control Measures Rating
No. harmed and how Party
(L X C) (L X C)
 Workers are given induction training  A good standard of housekeeping shall be maintained throughout the camp.
prior to start the work at the site and  Ship stairs shall be
are informed about the slip trips and  installed at a slope of 50 to 70 degrees from the horizontal;
Access Routes fall hazards and their corresponding  have open risers with a vertical rise between tread surfaces of 6.5 to 12 inches (17 to 30 cm);
/ Pathways, control measures.  Have minimum tread depth of 4 inches (10 cm); and
Workers can be  Workers are trained to perform
Ladders/ harmed due to;  Have a minimum tread width of 18 inches (46 cm).
housekeeping and keeping the access  Safety signage in three languages, English, Urdu and Chinese shall be provided of trip hazards
Stairways  Soft tissue routes and pathways free from 1X4 =4
RA 01 damage, and uneven grounds. TGDC III
3 X 4 = 12 obstruction.
Ablution Slips Trips & Falls  Electrical cables and equipment, waste materials, fuel containers etc. shall be placed at Very Low
 Cuts, Medium Risk
facilities, designated areas. Risk
 Abrasions to
 The contamination of walkways will be avoided by supplying bunds around equipment and fuel
Washrooms the Workers
containers/Designated waste storage areas.
can be caused.
Toilets  Slip resistant floor tiles/matts shall be fitted at the floors of Washrooms/ablution areas and
 Regular cleaning of the washrooms, toilets and ablution facilities shall be done to ensure there
is no stagnant water/detergents at the floor generating slip hazards.
 All the drainages shall be covered, especially passing through the access routes.
Workers can be  Vehicle are not allowed to enter the  Open areas/ play grounds shall be dampened down regularly through water sprinklers to reduce
harmed due to; camp residential areas. dust generation.
 Clean, well maintained welfare  Workers shall be given regular health screening, which shall include lung function tests
 Eye irritation, facilities are provided in which Eyes  Workers shall be given toolbox Talk on silicosis and dust hazards regularly.
 Lungs Wash stations are provided.
infection  Workers are trained to use eye wash
to the workers stations when required.
 Access Routes / due to high 2X4=8 1X4=4
Pathways, Dust level and Adequate Very Low
prolonged Risk Risk
exposures to
the dust and
 Environmental
damage due to
high levels of
dust emissions
can be caused.
 The electrical distribution panels are  Regular inspection and color coding of electrical appliances and electrical installations inside
 Rooms / provided with the leakage protectors. the rooms shall be performed by competent person, and records shall be maintained.
dormitories, Workers can be
 The electrical DBs are provided with  Competent electricians shall inspect the power distribution boards, sockets and electrical cable
harmed due to; 1X3=3
 Washrooms , rubber insulation pads. inside the rooms and if there is a defective or damaged cable noticed, it shall be kept in store
RA 03  Personal 3 X 5 =15 TGDC III
 Washing Areas Electrocution  The electrical DBs are inspected by for repairing / exchange and shall be replaced immediately. Low Risk
injury, Medium Risk
electricians / electrical supervisors.  Double insulated and inspected hand tools shall be used by electricians.
 Electric burns,
 Working on electrical installations shall be avoided in rainy weather.
 Electric shock.
 GFCI or ELCB must be installed in each electrical DB.
 Proper PPEs such as Insulated and rubber coated hand gloves, safety shoes designed to

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Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 01
Location: CAMP 3-2 Author: GSUK

withstand electrical discharge, CLASS-E helmets designed for electrical safety etc. shall be
used by the electricians.
 The electrical DBs shall be properly grounded by preparing a grounding pit filled with salt and
by use of brass rods as per standards
 Electrical distribution boards/sockets and switches used inside the washrooms shall be provided
with covers to keep them free from contact with water.
 It is mandatory for each worker to  SOP for using, handling, transportation and storage of gas cylinders shall be prepared and used
attend the project induction training, on the camp.
which includes special section on hot  Approved hose clamps shall be installed at all the hoses used with gas cylinders.
work.  Gauges, regulators, hose clamps and hoses installed at the gas cylinders shall be inspected prior
 Electrical Induction heaters/ cockers to use by a competent person.
are used in the cooking areas.  Proper trolleys for the transportation of the gas cylinders shall be used.
 Cooking Areas,  Safe distance of the gas cylinders  Proper storage areas for the gas cylinders shall be prepared in the camp with adequate
used for the mess area is defined. (5 arrangements of fire-fighting.
 Rooms / Workers can be Meters apart)  Appropriate fire extinguishers shall be provided.
dormitories harmed due to,  Provision of fire extinguishers is  Regular inspection of the fire-fighting equipment’s shall be ensured.
 Gas Storage  Burns and fire. ensured.  Regular training of the workers regarding fire hazards and emergency response shall be
Area  Gas cylinders are fitted with conducted in the camp.
 Electrical  Property regulators.  Cylinders are to be stored in a locked cage with adequate signage 1X3=3
RA 04 Distribution damage can be 4X 5 = 20  Gas Cylinders are inspected properly. TGDC III
 Cylinder cages are to be established away from smoking areas, and suitably clear of potential
 Fire Hazards caused due to Unacceptable  Waste material storage area is Low Risk
Boards sources of ignition and debris.
Fire. / High Risk prepared away from the rooms and is
 Camp Material  Regular drills for fire emergency response and emergency evacuation shall be conducted.
properly barricaded.  Emergency evacuation routes and assembly points shall be clearly demarked and posted.
Storage  Environmental
 Electrical installations in the rooms shall be inspected and it shall be ensured that overloading
 Camp Office damages can
of the electrical sockets is not done.
be caused due
to Fire.  Only authorized persons shall be allowed to alter electrical DB’s.
 LOTO shall be followed for the Electrical DB’s.
 All electrical DB’s shall be locked and keys shall be given to the competent electrician, Name,
Picture and contact number of competent electrician shall be posted on each DB.
 Flame-able items shall not be stored in the camp storage facility.
 Sufficient and proper Fire extinguishers shall be provided out - side the camp storage areas.
 Contact details of the fire marshals and first aiders shall be posted on visible places.
 Electrical Sockets and Electrical Extension boards used in the office areas shall not be over
RA 04 Camp Area,  Noise Harm to the 4X 4 = 16  Workers are given trainings at noise  Noise levels shall be assessed on regular basis in the Camp. 2X4=8 TGDC III
Block - B workers can be Medium Risk pollution and its controls.  Noise levels shall not exceed from 55dba in the day time and 45 dba during night time. Ref: Adequate
caused due to;  Noise generating activities are not IFC EHS Guidelines.
 Hearing Loss Risk
conducted during night time and rest  In the event that noise levels are above the low action limit as mentioned above, noise control
times. measures, such as noise dampers shall be used at the source of noise.
Damage to the  Health surveillance / audiometric tests shall be provided for all workers who work continuously
Environment Can in high noise areas at no cost to the workers.
be caused due to  Placing loud machinery a good distance away from workers and worker’s residence.
exposure to high  Regular training and information shall be provided to the workers who may encounter loud
noise levels. noise risk areas via TBT’s.
 Setting up screens and barriers to deflect sound away from working areas / to control the noise
levels is recommended.
 Equipment shall be maintained at regular intervals

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Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 01
Location: CAMP 3-2 Author: GSUK

 Methods of communication such as hand signals to be utilized by staff operating in areas of

high noise or where noise may effect communication.

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Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 01
Location: CAMP 3-2 Author: GSUK

6. Communication of HIRAC

This HIRAC documented will be communicated to the TGDC - HSE and camp management, Section 1- HSE and
camp Management, Client KPCL and employers engineers EE via e-mail. Briefing meeting can be held if

7. Review of the Document

This document will be reviewed if;

 There is a major change in the site activities/ tools to be used,

 There is a major change in the workforce working at the dismantling activity,
 There are any major changes in the OHS laws applicable/ considered during this risk assessment.
 There is any accident at the site and during the root cause analysis (RCA) it’s revealed that there were any
hazards which were un-identified/ overlooked in this document.

8. Annexures

 Annex-1, Briefing Sheet Attendance.

age 7 of 9
Doc Name:
Issue Date: 10/06/2022 01
Location: CAMP 3-2 Author: GSUK

Annex-1, Briefing Sheet.

Briefing Sheet
By signing I confirm that I have understood the content of the attached document / Briefing given to me and will adhere to its requirements.

No. Name Sign Designation Company Date


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