to accompany
5th Edition
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Table of Contents
Preface iv
Chapter 4: Resources 19
Chapter 7: Communication 35
This Instructor’s Manual accompanies the fifth edition of Resource Management for
Individuals and Families. It includes a test bank with15 to 25 multiple choice questions
per chapter and suggested essay questions. After questions, the answer and the page
number on which the answer appears are given. Each chapter is introduced with an
Overview followed by Instructional Ideas.
Note a few changes in chapter titles from the previous edition. Chapter eight is called
Managing Human Needs and the final chapter is titled Managing Tomorrow.
This edition contains many more Case Studies that should be useful for in-class
discussion or for students to use on their own as they apply the material. Instructors are
encouraged to use the Critical Thinking boxes in the chapters as well as the margin
material noted as “Suggested Activity.”
When studying, students should focus on the words in bold print. These highlighted
words also appear in the Key Terms section at the end of the chapter and in the
Glossary at the end of the book.
Thank you for using this online resource. Resource management is a thought-provoking
topic which will serve your students well. Contact me if any problems or concerns arise.
Elizabeth B. Goldsmith
[email protected]
Chapter 1
The chapter begins with this inspiring sentence “Life is propelling us forward in paths we
never would have imagined.” As an introductory chapter it provides basic principles on
the subject of resource management and includes the National Council on Family
Relations (NCFR) description. NCFR says that, “Family resource management is an
understanding of the decisions individuals and families make about developing and
allocating resources including time, money, material assets, energy, friends, neighbors,
and space to meet their goals.” Goal seeking is linked to happiness, an overall
assessment of an individual’s quality of life.
Updates are given on world population (around 7 billion) and in the U.S. and most
advanced countries fewer people per household.
Management is a process involving thinking, action, and results. The process begins
with a problem, need, want, or goal. People need results, the perception or outcome
that their efforts are moving them forward.
Instructional Ideas
Career advisers report that many students are having a difficult time finding answers
especially to finding a major and an occupation. The state of the economy and
specifically employment makes finding jobs and internships (even unpaid ones) harder
than ever. A graduate student in psychology reported calling 71 places for an unpaid
internship in a city until number 72 said yes. She wanted to go there because her family
lived in the area. Self-awareness and preparation are keys as well as persistence,
ambition, resilience, and most of all, resource management. She took the time and
energy to keep on trying until she got a positive response. Can a student in your class
describe a similar experience? One assumes most have applied for jobs during their
high school and college years.
Choice, risk, and happiness are defined in the chapter as well as the management
process. Happiness is introduced close to the beginning of this edition because one
seeks happiness or contentment when making decisions. Happiness is individually
defined, how do your students define happiness? Have them say answers out loud or
write them on paper and pass to the front (unsigned) for you to read to the class. Put
the answers in categories for the whole class to discuss.
Why manage? We all have to in order to survive. Who manages? We all do.
Needs vs. wants and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are described. Put the Hierarchy on
the board or screen, discuss the levels from low (physiological such as air, food, water
to high self-actualization, page 16).
Discuss the Interdisciplinary Foundations beginning on page 17. Ask for a show of
hands, how many students have had Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, and
Economics? Ask them what they remember from those classes.
Changes in family and household composition are introduced on page 26 and continues
to 27 and into the next chapter. Students can discuss their families and plans for the
To introduce the students to thinking beyond their age group, cover the material on
Managing the 2nd Half of Life which begins on page 20. What are the management
challenges for the middle years and older?
Case Studies are on pages 7 and 11. Critical Thinking boxes are located on pages 8,
11, 15, 24, and 27. See the Preface for an explanation of the value of critical thinking.
1. Most agree that ______________ is the degree to which the overall quality of
one’s life is judged as favorable. The General Social Surveys (GSS) of the United
States asks questions about this.
a. Happiness
b. Fortitude
c. Effectiveness
d. Decision making
A, p. 7
2. ___________ is the act of selecting among alternatives.
a. Choice
b. Risk
c. Opportunity
d. Fatalism
A, p. 4
B, p. 9
D, p. 8
5. In 2050 it is estimated that the world’s most populous country will be:
a. Indonesia
b. Japan
c. India
d. Brazil
C, p. 8
a. Esteem
b. Self-Actualization
c. Belongingness and Love
d. Safety
D, p. 16
7. A basic principle in management is that where there is risk, there is ________.
a. Opportunity
b. Reliability
c. Decision making
d. Extenuating circumstances
A, p. 4
8. When people in the United States answer government surveys about how they
feel about things, most report they are:
a. Very happy
b. Pretty happy
c. Not too happy
d. Miserable
B, p. 5
A, p. 10
10. Needs and wants are different. Wants are things that are:
B, p. 10
a. Genomes
b. E-innovation
c. Listening
d. Feedback
D, p. 12
12. ______ are end results that require action.
a. Goals
b. Attitudes
c. Values
d. Problems
A, p. 10
13. Management ______ are measuring devices, techniques, or instruments that are
used to arrive at decisions and plans of action.
a. Plans
b. Actuarial resources
c. Quality circles
d. Tools
D, p. 12
a. Everyone does
b. Some people do sometimes
c. Some individuals rarely manage anything
d. It depends, some people manage, others don’t
A, p. 14
15. According to the book, individuals and families have unique management styles
or characteristic ways of making decisions and acting, which of the following is
not one of the main factors influencing management styles:
a. History
b. Biology
c. Culture
d. Politics
D, pages 15
16. According to the book, four disciplines are particularly applicable to management.
Which of the following was not listed as a main influence?
a. Humanities
b. Psychology
c. Sociology
d. Economics
A, pages 17-20
a. 32
b. 47
c. 60
d. 68
B, p. 23
a. Abraham Maslow
b. Peter Drucker
c. A. J. Boothe
d. Sal Schilling
A, p. 15-16
19. In 1879. President Rutherford B. Hayes had the first telephone installed in the
White House, but it was rarely used because:
C, p. 17
20. A demographic trend is that:
A, pages 21-23
1. What are the steps involved in the management process? How does it start?
How does it end according to the diagram in the book? Explain what holds it
Answer: Page 10. What holds it together? Feedback in the inner exchange and on the
outside management takes place in a total environment.
2. Students are aware of management problems (stress, time) in the early years of
adulthood, but what happens at midlife? What problems do people have in the
second half of their lives, middle to older years?
Answers: Pages 20-22. Issues include career and workplace situations, unemployment
or retirement, family matters, and health.
Answers: Page 20 and throughout the chapter especially the material on goals.
Instructional Ideas
To help describe changes in the profession, four eras are given on pages 42-43. This
historical content sets the pace for upcoming Tables and descriptions of
lifestyle/housing changes.
Tables 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 on pages 37-38 can be used to encourage discussion. How has
household production and consumption changed since 1900. Have students lived in or
visited historic homes from around 1900? What are their reactions? Have they ever
lived without running water or electricity? Perhaps in camping or when services are out
from a storm or hurricane. How do people prepare for disasters? What resources do
they need?
Systems and economic theories are introduced in this chapter. Discuss “Murphy’s Law”
which is “if something can go wrong, it will.” Tiny flaws can damage the most carefully
thought out plans. Focus on terminology such as homeostasis and equifinality found on
page 51 and human ecology on page 55. For economic theory see the discussion on
risk on page 60. How do students feel about taking risks? Which ones have they taken?
Any skydivers in the class?
A Case Study is on page 53. Critical Thinking boxes are on pages 34 and 44.
1. Earliest records of management (who does what) are found on the walls of cave
dwellings in:
a. Siberia
b. Rome
c. Western Europe, most notably France
d. Nigeria
C, p. 33
2. In the ______ century in the U.S., standards of hygiene were undergoing an
enormous transformation.
a. 16th
b. 17th
c. 18th
d. 20th
C, p. 34
a. Benjamin Franklin
b. George Washington
c. Herbert J. Jones
d. Amanda Cunningham
A, p. 35
4. ________ saw the home as a workplace which could be made more efficient.
Her husband Frank (an efficiency expert in factories) wrote a book about their
marriage and twelve children, Cheaper by the Dozen, which has been made into
a. Eleanor Shively
b. Evelyn Draper
c. Ellen R. Richards
d. Lillian Gilbreth
D, p. 35
5. Management as it relates to home and family life was talked about for centuries
but it became a formal study in the U.S. (and since worldwide) in the ____
a. 17th
b. 18th
c. 19th
d. 20th
C, p. 35
6. At the _________ Conferences held from1899-1908, management as a
discipline known as home economics was founded.
a. Lake Placid
b. Packard
c. Smith-Lever
d. San Francisco
A, p. 35
7. Two of the earliest colleges with residence courses were Stout Institute in
Wisconsin and the University of:
a. Illinois
b. Georgia
c. Alabama
d. Mississippi
A, p. 36
8. ________ known is the father of management and famous for his time and
motion studies especially in factory production.
a. Robert Griffth
b. Frederick Taylor
c. Anthony Eppes
d. John Charles Shelley
B, p. 36
a. Satisficing
b. Optimization
c. Work Simplification
d. Re-inventing
C, p. 36
10. Although Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb in 1879, by 1907 only ___
percent of U.S. homes had electricity.
a. 8
b. 20
c. 38
d. 50
A, p. 36
11. In the early 1900s, people were ________ more than decorators.
a. Collectors
b. Travelers
c. Readers
d. Media driven
A, p. 38
12. Around 1910, the ______________ changed everything, including what was
inside the home to where the homes were located.
a. Airplane
b. Radio
c. Automobile
d. Television
C, p. 39
13. The place or point where independent systems or diverse groups interact is
called the:
a. Interface
b. Seam
c. Subsystem
d. Boundary
A, p. 43
14. A _____ is an integrated set of parts that function together for some end
purpose or result.
a. Controlling factor
b. System
c. Crisis
d. Kibbutz
B, p. 47
a. Homeostasis
b. Cybernetics
c. Entropy
d. Multifinality
C, p. 50
1. What changes took place in U. S. homes in 1900 and 1950 (mid-century) and are
in evidence now?
2. In the book, Kurt Lewin says that “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.”
Explain why theory is useful. Also describe the basics of economic theory and
systems theory as described in the book. Include satisficing and optimization in
your answer.
Chapter 3
This chapter is loaded with information fit for group discussion. There are many
Case Studies, Critical Thinking boxes, and Suggested Activities embedded in the
chapter. The subjects of happiness and success build on Chapter 1.Researchers
found that people who report being happy when they are in their 20s are still
happy in their 70s and the opposite is true, those less contented in their 20s will
be so in their 70s. Why does happiness have an enduring quality? Also there is
information on three types of happiness:
Note the coverage on value chains. What values might transcend through
generations in a family? College students and values, goals, and life outcomes
are on pages 92-95. Make the content specific to them and their primary age
The chapter concludes with intrinsic (underlying causes) and extrinsic (outside
the individual, rewards and awards for example) motivation. How does this
distinction work for you? What motivates you? What works best?
Instructional Ideas
On page 75, a classic exercise I have used for years is to have students pick
their top 3 values in each list in Table 3.1 and then discuss in small groups their
choices. Have a representative from each group come to the board (or write on a
pad of paper or whatever you have) and list the top 3 in their group. If you use
clickers or some other device this exercise can be adapted for them. Then, as
the instructor you would lead an all class discussion on the top 3 and similarities
or dissimilarities between groups. There are no wrong answers.
Usually honesty scores high on the Instrumental Values list. The Rokeach
research has been conducted around the world. Australian and U.S. adults tend
to have similar value stances. In aspiring nations, the value of “ambitious” tends
to score near the top of rankings.
Social and cultural values on pages 76-77 also would be useful for discussion.
As a beginning exercise, have the students suggest cultural values on their
campus. What are the school colors, mascot, songs, cheers, distinctive buildings,
statues, or green areas, and traditions? What distinguishes their school from
others? Did this make a difference in their decision to attend a particular school?
On page 90, David McClelland talks about the need for achievement, the need to
take moderate risks, worth discussing.
Case Studies on pages 66, 82, 91, and 93. Critical Thinking boxes are on
pages 68, 69, 71, 73, 84, 86, 89, and 95. Also see Suggested Activities in the
margins on pages 74, 75, 78, and 89 (keeping a journal, for example).
1. In the 20th century, one of the icons of achievement was ___________ who
flew the first plane over the Atlantic Ocean, nonstop, from the U.S. to Europe.
a. James Fichon
b. F. Scott Fitzgerald
c. Charles Lindbergh
d. Eleanor B. Earhart
C, p. 67
a. Affective domain
b. Cognitive domain
c. Construct domain
d. Clarification construct
A, p. 69
3. _______ are outlooks or opinions that express values, serve as a means of
evaluation, or demonstrate feelings in regard to ideas, people, events,
situations, or relationships. They are expressions of likes and dislikes.
a. Attitudes
b. Resources
c. Goal orientations
d. Preferences
A, p. 70
4. _____________ are the glue that holds any business together, refers to a
series of events or activities that take place in a specific time and space, also
applies to families with shared commitment over time.
a. Metro neighbors
b. Value chains
c. Traditional tasks
d. Triad aims
B, p. 79
5. Values can be classified in several ways according to the book, which one of
these was not listed.
C, p. 71-72
a. Goals
b. Values
c. Habits
d. Attitudes
C, p. 82
7. Goals have many attributes, which of the following is not a main characteristic
or attribute?
a. Intensity
b. Complexity
c. Priority
d. Procrastination
D, p. 82
a. Negativism
b. Capitalism
c. Optimism
d. Accommodation
C, p. 86.
A, p. 90
a. Societies
b. Families, especially parents
c. Schools
d. Communities
11. In a study of college yearbook photos, researchers found that:
D, p. 92
12. Students can change the direction of the greater society through volunteering
and other forms of involvement. They are also subject to the greater economy
and environment. In the 1990s, college students, for the most part:
a. Enjoyed a strong economy with multiple job choices and a technology explosion.
b. Flooded into social work and helping others professions
c. Questioned authority and dealt with years of unrest and change
d. Conformed and were very conservative, held traditional values
A, p. 94
a. Expertise
b. Motivation
c. Resilience
d. Challenge
B, p. 95
A, p. 96
15. __________ is the set of characteristics, skills and knowledge that
distinguishes certain people from novices and less experienced people.
a. Expertise
b. Imagineering
c. Performance
d. A value chain
A, p. 95.
1. Differentiate values from attitudes, define each and give three examples of each.
Answer: pages 68-71 Individuals have hundreds of attitudes, likes and dislikes, as
opposed to values which are more enduring principles that guide behavior.
2. What are the differences between goals and habits? Define and give examples of
each. Why are goals important? Discuss.
Answer: page 82
As a suggestion: One way to go with this is that habits are repetitive and often
unconscious whereas goals are consciously set and determined, steps are taken to
achieve end results. Goals can be long-term, habits tend to be immediate.
Chapter 4
Given the book’s title Resource Management for Individuals and Families this is a
keystone chapter. Resource recognition, creation, and exchange are covered along with
resource models. Economics is re-introduced in the supply and demand curve given on
page 113. The classic Foa & Foa Model of resource exchange on page 116 should be
explained. In the model, the resources of love, status, and service are more
particularistic than the resources at the bottom of the model. Resource Advantage
Theory introduces the concept of competition and leveraging assets. Another important
concept is utility, the usefulness of a resource. At the end of the chapter, strategy is
defined and the Conservation of Resources Theory (CRT) is introduced. In CRT, people
use their resources to resist or to lessen stress and to increase their sense of well-
Instructional Ideas
For in class discussion, consider utility as in the eye of the beholder or as something
that changes in time. How do students feel about auctions, eBay, garage sales, and flea
markets? Is one person’s discarded item a useful resource for someone else?
Strategies are plans of action, ways of conducting and following through on operations.
What strategies do students use to be more successful on tests?
Building resource capacity on page 103 should be explored. Discuss in class how
students could build their resource capacity.
Case Studies are on pages 102, 105, 106, 110 and 124. A Critical Thinking box is on
page 109. Suggested Activities are on pages 107, 108, and 121.
A, p. 104
A, p. 103
D, p. 105
B, p. 106
5. Skills, talents, and abilities that people possess can be categorized best as:
a. Human resources
b. Tangible resources
c. Capital resources
d. Financial resources
A, p. 107
6. According to the book, the most likely time for women’s friendships to fall off is
between the ages of:
a. 15-20
b. 25-40
c. 45-50
d. 51-60
B, p. 107
7. The artist Pablo Picasso sketched a woman tourist and charged her a lot for just
a few minutes work. By his response, this is an example of:
a. Overcharging
b. Getting paid for one’s life experience, expertise
c. Agreement on the woman’s part about “fair value”
d. Material resources
B, p. 108
a. Scarcity
b. Supply considerations
c. Leveraging
d. Risk
9. ________ recognizes that obtaining any scarce good involves a cost which
affects behavior and goal setting.
a. The Dagher Theory
b. Fiduciary thinking
c. The Nish-Byer Theory
d. Economic thinking
D, p. 110
10. ___________ is the highest valued alternative that must be sacrificed to satisfy a
want or attain something.
a. Intangible resource
b. Choice
c. Opportunity cost
d. Availability
C, p. 111
11. According to the book, the characteristic way an individual or family manages
resources is shaped by 5 forces, which of the following is not one of them.
a. Psychological/personality
b. Economic
c. Technological
d. Cognitive
D, p. 115
12. The ______________ Resource Model illustrated in the book shows the
interdependence of resources, how they exchange.
a. Foa & Foa
b. Elbing
c. Hertford & Myers
d. Eccles & Ward
A, p. 116
A, p. 112
A, p. 117-119
15. __________ is starting to challenge the United States regarding the reputation of
being a top throwaway society or of being a heavy consumer society.
a. Brazil
b. Columbia
c. Thailand
d. China
D, p. 123
1. Friendships are resources. In what way are they resources? How do men and
women differ in retaining friendships over the lifecycle?
Answers: Page 107. Friends are human resources, changing over time.
2. The Pablo Picasso sketch story illustrates the concept of human capital and of
resource exchange and different expectations between the seller and the buyer.
Describe where each is coming from in terms of resource management and
expertise. Define and explain human capital.
Answer: Page 108. Human capital is the sum total of human resources, all the
capabilities and traits that people use to achieve goals and other resources. Investing in
human capital is a lifelong personal and professional goal.
Chapter 5
Decision making is the process of choosing between two or more choices (alternatives)
and proceeding. We are programmed to be active, to accomplish things, and to find out
what is going on. People are naturally curious and striving. At the same time people can
be self-ambivalent, uncertain or indecisive as to what course to follow because of a
conflicted attitude toward self. If you have ever asked yourself, what should I do? You
may have experienced self-ambivalence. This chapter includes many models of
decision making and problem solving. All of them are important and useful in visualizing
the steps and processes. In decision-making so many obstacles (mental, physical, and
social) can get in the way of reaching a successful conclusion. The word “problems”
suggests some difficulty beyond routine decision making.
Instructional Ideas
Go over each part of the DECIDE acronym, have students put in an example and work
through the parts:
Define the decision (distill and define the issue): could be whether to go to grad
school or not, or where to move to after graduation
Estimate resources (time, energy, $)
Consider alternatives (different locations)
Imagine (visualize) the consequences
Develop an action plan and implement it (apply, check apt. rents, moving costs)
Evaluate the decision
Postpurchase dissonance occurs during the last step, is the decision positively or
negatively reinforced and by whom? What would be expected? What is the role of self-
doubt or self-ambivalence in slowing or preventing decision making?
Since decision making and problem solving can be difficult to visualize, use the Elbing
Model on page 147 as a way to dissect decisions, also use the decision trees with the
roots formed by values. The Decision tree works best with a simple decision with two
distinct choices such as “Should I go home this weekend or should I stay on campus?”
Or, should I take the internship in New York City or the internship in Atlanta? Other
models include the Central-Satellite Model is one big decision in the middle affecting
off-shoot decisions, ones around it, and the Chain Model which is best for simple,
sequential steps. One must happen before the next step can be taken.
The GO Model on page 160 stands for the Goal-Oriented Pedagogical Model and it
offers another opportunity to work through a problem or decision with the emphasis on
goal achievement.
Case Studies are on pages 130, 137, and 145. Critical Thinking boxes can be found
on pages 135 and 145. Suggested Activities are on pages 138, 151, 153, 156, 157,
and 159. One asks students to describe success. This could easily be done in groups or
as a class includes naming three successful people and describe their qualities.
B, p. 132
C, p. 132-133
3. Good decisions meet many criteria, which of the following is not a main one.
a. Quality
b. Acceptance
c. Flexibility
d. Risk
D, p. 131
A, p. 135
5. Putting a decision into action is called?
a. Visualization
b. Implementation
c. Satisficing
d. Reactivity
B, p. 136
A, p. 136
D, p. 139
8. _________ can cloud the ability to make decisions or to accept decisions once
they are made.
a. Procrastination
b. Integrity
c. Self-doubt
d. Boredom
C, p. 137-138
9. The ________ refers to the situation when people are promoted beyond their
level of competence.
a. Peter Principle
b. Abernathy Principle
c. Delaney Principle
d. Suskind Principle
A, p. 142
10. In the diagram of the decision tree, what lies at the bottom, the roots?
a. The basic decision
b. The alternatives
c. Resources
d. Values
D, p. 139
11. Decisions have history. The _________ Model shows the importance of
reference groups.
a. Re-invent
b. Elbing
c. Chain
d. Central-satellite
B, p. 147
12. _________ is a term referring to local area nesting, finding places outside home
and work to spend time.
a. Sustainability
b. Hatching
c. Re-starting
d. Retreat
B, p. 151
D. Pages 160
14. A person weighing uncertainty and risk is judging the ______ or likelihood of a
good or bad outcome,
a. Probability
b. Perception
c. Psychological extent
d. Unwillingness
A, p. 156
15. The fear of making decisions, a form of helplessness, is termed:
a. Agoraphobia
b. Decidophobia
c. Ultraphobia
d. Claustrophobia
B, p. 143
1. Diagram the Central Satellite and Chain Models and put decision examples in
each part. Explain how these models may be useful, in what sorts of decisions.
2. How does the Peter Principle apply to employment situations? Define what the
Peter Principle means, describe a career situation where it might happen, and
give solutions.
3. Run an example through the GO Model. Discuss each part and what is
Chapter 6
What corner of your life would benefit from some planning? Eighty-nine percent of
Americans say they could use help here. Planning takes every concept (values,
resources, decision making, and goals) learned in the previous chapters and puts them
in a new light. A plan requires forethought.
There are primary plans and back-up plans. For example, in a hiring situation, four
candidates were brought in for a company visit and three were given offers but those
three chose to take other job offers. The back-up plan was to bring in new candidates
and to change the recruitment strategy slightly and to re-think the salary offers which
turned out to be too low. In successful planning, one learns to re-adjust, fine tune the
process so that goals are achieved.
Besides career plans, other types of plans range from mundane day to day planning to
vacation planning to financial planning. In a family, someone may be the designated
planner, the keeper of the schedule for the entire family. In retirement plans, it isn’t just
a question of what to do next but it’s about a level of financial certainty that lets potential
retirees do what they choose. Certainty, confidence, and security affect planning ability.
Instructional Ideas
This chapter is loaded with ideas for planning such as what works, what doesn’t? How
to better the odds of success? Students should be able to give examples of plans that
went right and plans that went wrong.
Personality is emphasized in this chapter. Go over introverts and extroverts and how
being more one way than the other affects decision making style. An example is how
information is gathered. See page 174.
Expertise is fun to talk about on page 175 – who is expert and why? How do they
develop expertise? Discuss student as experts – subjects, skills, and the 10 or more
years of practice. Consider the expression “Practice makes perfect.”
Figure 6.2 provides steps in the planning process starting with awareness that a plan
needs to be made. Making hotel and airplane reservations are examples of steps in
travel planning.
On page 167, multitasking is critical to present and discuss. Have students give
examples such as texting and walking. Practice reactive and proactive language, give
more examples of phrases such as those found on page 183. In groups, create
storyboards as shown on pages 188-189 – draw decision steps.
A Case Study (on author Stuart Woods and his three houses with identical desk set-
ups) is on page 166. Critical Thinking boxes are on pages 171, 174, 177, and 180.
a. 5
b. 10
c. 50
d. 87
2. ________ is the first step in the planning process according to a Model (diagram)
in the book.
A. Implementing
B. Gathering and analyzing information
C. Awareness
D. Evaluation
C, p. 170
a. Planning
b. Acting
c. Sequencing
d. Brainstorming
A, p. 170
a. McGregor’s Law
b. Gresham’s Law of Planning
c. Dorsey’s Principle
d. Lucien’s Law
B, p. 171
5. The paradox of planning is that it can:
A, p. 172
6. _________ tend to think about others and are less interested in self. They seek
outside opinions.
a. Introverts
b. Extroverts
c. Experts
d. None of the above is correct
B, p. 174
7. __________ occurs when two or more activities take place at the same time.
a. Independent activities
b. Multitasking or dovetailing
c. Compression
d. Co-acting
B, p. 179
a. Expertise
b. Novice ability
c. Intermediate effort
d. Prodigy
A, p. 175
9. _________ occurs when people are so busy doing things they cannot plan or
lead effectively.
A. Task duration
B. Task limitation
C. Task saturation
D. Task surrender
C, p. 173
10. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, what is the level that is least likely to be
a. Physiological
b. Safety and security
c. Belongingness
d. Self-actualization
D, p. 177
11. _________ are defined as quantitative and/or qualitative criteria that reconcile
resources with demands and serve as measures of values and goals.
a. Attitudes
b. Mid-level processes
c. Standards
d. 5-S principles
C, p. 178
12. __________ are backup or secondary plans to be used in case the first plan
does not work out.
a. Unilateral
b. Directional
c. Multilateral
d. Contingency
D, p. 182
13. Which is not an example of proactive language?
a. I can
b. I control my feelings
c. They make me so mad
d. I choose
C, p. 183
14. Stephen R. Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has as the final
7th Habit the following:
A, p. 183
15. __________ people are often overly affected by outside forces, such as
changes in weather or the bad attitudes of coworkers.
a. Synergistic
b. Reactive
c. Positive
d. Pro-active
B, p. 183.
Answer: Pages 188-189. Drawing the steps simplifies the process in some ways,
allowing everyone to see what is going to happen and the expected outcome.
3. Describe proactive and reactive approaches to planning and problem solving.
Give an example of each.
Chapter Seven
The chapter starts with a case study about a group of Alpha Males (leaders). It
proceeds to discuss the difference between dialogue (a two-way process) and
monologue (a one-way process). There are a lot of terms in this chapter specific to
communication and a recurring word “feedback” information returning to the system.
The Ostrich Effect means burying one’s head in the sand rather than face bad news,
see page 203. Examples of the Ostrich Effect are being hesitant to open acceptance
letters to colleges or to read emails or text messages from someone you dislike.
Avoidance can take place in person such as avoiding a particular acquaintance or work
Sensitive to audience
Open to differing opinions
Instructional Ideas
Go through the effective communication steps with students, then apply it to a news
release or an online report. Is it clear, concise…?
Bring a measuring tape to class to illustrate the four distance zones on page 213.
The role of the home and the individual including the term cocooning (desire to be home
as a place of coziness, control, peace…) could be a basis of discussion. When do
people (adults and children) want to cocoon?
Case Studies are on pages 194, 199, 217, 218, and 219. One of the conclusions of the
first case study on Alpha Males was that “Getting to the top and staying there takes a
physical toll.” Critical Thinking boxes are on pages 194, 205, 211, 214, 217, and 221.
See if anyone remembers the Amelia Bedelia children’s books with confused
communication on page 205.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 70
d. 90
C, p. 196
a. Bear
b. Ostrich
c. Chicken
d. Alligator
B, p. 203
a. Channel
b. Interference
c. Destination
d. N Ach factor
A, p. 197
4. ___________ occurs in the sender’s and receiver’s minds.
a. External noise
b. Internal noise
c. Distortion
d. Blurring
B, p. 198
a. Sourcing
b. Encoding
c. Decoding
d. Sending
B, p. 200
a. Communicator
b. Sender
c. Destination
d. Channel
C, p. 200
a. Critical listening
b. Intellect
c. Emotions
d. An extroverted personality
A, p. 201
a. Empathy
b. Critical listening
c. Reflective listening
d. Pleasurable listening
A, p. 201
9. ___________ are things that suggest something else through association,
such as a tattoo or engagement ring.
a. Fine tuning
b. Symbols
c. Kinesics
d. Gifts
B, p. 202
C, p. 204
11. _________ are statements that ascribe blame or judge others. They can
lead to arguments.
a. I-messages
b. You-messages
c. They messages
d. Expert messages
B, p. 204
12. According to researcher DeVito in the book, several factors will influence your
choice of conflict strategies, but this is not one of them.
a. Goals
b. Emotional State
c. Cognitive assessment of the situation
d. Intimacy level
D, p. 207
13. _________ are a specific type of interpersonal conflict involving direct verbal
attacks on another individual.
a. Destructive conflicts
b. Constructive conflicts
c. Aggressive channel conflicts
d. None of the above is correct
A, p. 209
14. __________ Theory claims that individuals seek to develop relationships that
will maximize the benefits or profits and minimize the costs or deficits.
a. Elbing
b. Social Exchange
c. Life Sciences
d. Ostrich Effect
B, p. 211
15. Anthropologist E. T. Hall in his book The Silent Language said that:
A, p. 212
Answers: Throughout the chapter. Remember that effective managers are effective
communicators. What needs to be done (plans) should be communicated and this
process takes time and the building of consensus.
2. Men and women communicate differently. In what ways? Define and explain
Social Exchange Theory.
Answers: See pages 209-211 (about Deborah Tannen’s work). Men talk more at
meetings and in public, women talk more overall in the course of a day. Social
Exchange Theory is on page 211.
Chapter 8
For this edition, the name of the chapter changed from Managing Human Resources to
Managing Human Needs because the term “human resources” often makes people
think of personnel offices rather than the broader scope that this chapter covers.
Understanding the fullness of life and caring for others are the subjects within.
This chapter had a major overhaul for the 5th edition because of the new population
figures from the 2010 U.S. Census and from the United Nations and other international
sources of data. In this chapter population is given by the numbers and also by density.
Worldwide, most people are living longer and having fewer children.
As I write this China is reconsidering its policy of one child per couple to raise it to two.
Students should know the top 5 most populous countries in order. China is at the top.
For current population trends such as fertility (average lifetime births per woman) go to
the Population Reference Bureau website. In the U.S., the fertility rate is 2.1 which is
high enough to keep the population at its current pace even if immigration falls off.
Instructional Ideas
Have students give examples of each, see page 227. Parenting requires all three.
One of the most important takeaways from this chapter is that the number of people per
household in the U.S. is going down, but the number of households is increasing.
Discuss implications of this for housing, transportation, time management, and food.
There are so many groups in this chapter to discuss from individuals with disabilities
and their special resource needs to homeless families. Depending where you live some
of these may seem more relevant than others. Nearly all students should have some
experience with caregiving for children or the elderly. This chapter asks them to expand
beyond their own experience into considering the needs of others.
Case Studies are on pages 230, 240, 247, 248, and 249. Critical Thinking boxes are
on pages 227 and 237. Suggested Activities are on pages 239, 233, and 252.
Multiple Choice Questions
a. India
b. Indonesia
c. Brazil
d. China
D, p. 226
2. The largest concentration of people in the world (the most people) now is in
what region?
a. Africa
b. South America
c. Asia
d. Europe
C, p. 226
A, p. 228
a. More rural
b. More urban
c. Larger family size
d. Rapidly decreasing in places like Sao Paolo, Brazil
B, p. 228-229
5. In the United States, the death rate has been decreasing for a number of
reasons. According to the book which is not a reason.
C, p. 228
a. Fertility rate
b. Marriage rate affecting birth rates
c. Baby rate
d. Mortality rate
A, p. 220
B, p. 230
a. African American
b. Asian American
c. Hispanic/Latino
d. Native American
C, p. 230
a. Mobility
b. Fertility
c. Immigration
d. Adaptation
A, p. 233
10. When adult children return to their parents’ home to live, it is called:
a. Boomeranging
b. Cocooning
c. Burnout
d. Adaptation
A, p. 239
11. Very low income families may feel despair or pessimism about their future
and feel they have little control over their lives. This perspective is called:
a. Spiraling
b. Fatalism
c. Random disorder
d. Depression
B, p. 252
a. Demography
b. Geography
c. Paleontology
d. Gerontology
A, 228
B, p. 229
14. Caregivers for the disabled elderly are most likely to be:
A, p. 240
15. A way to look at population is by density. Which of the following states is the
least densely populated?
a. Rhode Island
b. New York
c. Alaska
d. New Jersey
C, p. 229
1. Pick one of the following family groups and list and discuss five aspects of their
managerial problems, decision situations, and/or resource use. Choose from:
Two-earner families, Child care givers, Elder care givers, Homeless, Individuals
with disabilities, Single-parent and blended families, and Poverty and low-
Answer: Pages 235-252. Answers may include financial, time, and energy
management, perspectives, problems, pressures, special needs, numbers of, in some
cases government programs or involvement. The emphasis should be on family units.
The Latchkey Parents case study on P. 249 is a novel solution to divorced parents –
keeping the family home where the kids live and the parent each have their own home
and switch coming back and forth to take care of the children in the family home. This
case study shows the importance of place for retaining a sense of stability to children.
Answer: Pages 226-232. Answers would include an aging population, more urban, more
aging in place, more awareness, smaller families, more households, and differences by
Chapter 9
All individuals have a tempo, meaning a time pattern or pace that they feel comfortable
with. Professors and students sometimes call Resource Management for Individuals
and Families “The Time Book” for short. Time is a resource we all have. When
Americans are asked their number one problem usually the answer is not enough time.
The chapter starts with examples of other countries also noting the lack of time.
Drift time refers to unscheduled time that is enjoyable. Usually drift time is during the
weekends and holidays but in most college schedules there is unscheduled time
between classes. We all need drift time and executives including the President of the
U.S. has scheduled in drift time in order to have a balanced life. Small children
especially needs lots of drift time to explore their world. In the chapter there is
discussion of children and the drawbacks to overscheduling their time.
Instructional Ideas
As an instructor, you can add more fundamental life management questions to this list.
For example, do they hate 7:30 a.m. exams during finals week or 8:00 a.m. classes
during the quarter or semester? Conversely, do they dislike evening classes? What is
the optimum time for classes and exams in their opinion?
One of the best in class activities is the ABC Method of Time Control and Goals on
pages 270-272. Have students write down individually all their activities, everything they
have to do before they go to sleep tonight. Then, have them rate the activities A
(crucial), B (medium value), and C (can wait until tomorrow, less important). Discuss as
a class, then ask them to try and do the A activities and mark them off when done. In
the next class, ask them how it went.
Case Studies are on pages 258, 266, and 269. Critical Thinking boxes are on pages
260, 261, 279, and 281. Suggested Activities are on pages 268 272, and 284. Several
of these activities would make good homework assignments or projects such as on
page 284, write a list of your routines throughout the day and comparisons to
roommates or friends’ routines. Keeping a weekly time chart is also suggested.
Multiple Choice Questions
A, p. 258
D, p. 258-259
3. When cross-sections of Americans are asked what the main problem they are
dealing with is, the majority will say they don’t have:
A, p. 261
4. Only about ____ of families eat together daily, meaning one meal or more a day.
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 43%
d. 76%
C, p. 261
5. A central management concept is _______________ which is concerned with
how time spent in one activity takes away from time spent in another activity.
a. time displacement
b. time exploitation
c. time strategy
d. time aspiration
A, p. 262
a. Value
b. Goal
c. Resource
d. Decision device
C, p. 263
A. Stanley Whitehall
B. Queen Elizabeth I
C. Peter Senge
D. Queen Margaret
B, p. 264
8. According to employment studies, what is the most productive day of the week?
a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday
B, p. 267
C, p. 265
10. ______________ is the time that an individual cannot control totally by himself or
a. Discretionary time
b. Real time
c. Psychic time
d. Nondiscretionary time
D, p. 264
10. In Alan Lakein’s book How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, he states
that daily time use should be directly related to:
a. Resources
b. Goals
c. Values
d. Attitudes
B, p. 270
11. In Alan Lakein’s book How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, he divides
time use into different levels called ABC, the C level stands for:
C, p. 274-275
12. According to The Silent Language written by E. T. Hall, there are three
anthropological models of time. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. Procedural-traditional
b. Linear-separable
c. Circular-traditional
d. Spatial-sequential
D, pages 274-275
13. The most accurate quantitative time measure is:
D, p. 277-278
14. _____________ time use investigates the meaning or significance of time use
and how individuals feel about time use.
a. Episodic
b. Quantitative
c. Qualitative
d. Derisive
C, p. 278
15. _____________ rhythms are the daily rhythmic activity cycles, based on 24-hour
intervals, that humans experience.
a. Circadian
b. Cybernetic
c. Dynamic
d. Calibrated
A, p. 277
2. Some people use their time more effectively than others. Describe Alan Lakein’s
ABC method of time control. Also discuss people’s peak energy time and
circadian rhythms. Do you fit the typical patterns described in the book? Why or
why not?
Answer: For ABC method see page 270, peak energy is 10 or 11 a.m. for most people,
circadian is on page 277 refers to biological response to time.
Chapter 10
We seek success, but defining success especially in the workplace is getting harder to
do. This chapter covers work and family conflicts and the importance of social support.
This chapter also covers work ethic, commitment, and workaholism (the inability to stop
thinking about work and doing work…), all ripe for in-class discussion. See workforce
trends section. Having sustainable workplace policies (rules and ways of conducting
business that are successful over a long period of time) and sustainability (going
green) are significant trends in most work places.
We don’t want to waste time on unsatisfying activities. Being productive and successful
at work have an enormous impact on a person’s life. The smart work place rewards
productivity in meaningful ways. A fulfilling role:
Employed work can be so enjoyable and rewarding that it is hard to turn off, see the
opening Case Study.
Instructional Ideas
Discuss the role of deadlines, due dates for projects, exam days – how does
procrastination figure in on these? E-procrastination is a new version, not keeping up
with electronic messages. Is this a problem?
The state of Utah experimented with a 4-day workweek, and then decided to go back
to a 5 day workweek. Why did not conforming to the usual M-F pattern not work? What
does your class think of a 4-day workweek as a national standard? Pros and cons (a
con would be longer work days M-Th). How will it affect the tourist and entertainment
industries? What do they think of college football games on Thursday nights becoming
the norm? What does this say about Friday classes?
Feeling overworked is a psychological state. Conduct discussion – when do students
feel overworked? Assume exam times, when projects are due, outside work demands
The interaction of public policy and resource management comes together with the
discussion of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Discuss features of this Act.
Do they know anyone who has accessed it or would they themselves (and under what
circumstances)? Discuss government jobs related to work and family, domestic and
foreign including U.S.Dept. of Labor and U.S. Dept. of State, if from other countries
substitute appropriate departments or agencies.
Case Studies are on pages 290, 302, 306, 307, 309, and 311. Critical Thinking boxes
on pages 291, 292, 294, 295, and 315. Discuss in class, is it possible to have too much
leisure, to be bored? Is leisure a place or state of mind?
1. The concept of workplace is changing with 24-7 access. Work and family
life has become more complicated as it is harder to turn off work, a study
showed that:
A, p. 292
a. Involvement balance
b. Spillover
c. Dominance
d. Assimilation
A, p. 293
3. A total benefits package can increase a person’s total compensation by
________ or more.
a. 10 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 30 percent
d. 55 percent
C, p. 295
a. Assimilation
b. Compromise
c. Valuation
d. Socialization
B, p. 297
a. 5 percent or less
b. 9 to 10 percent
c. Under 12 percent
d. 18 percent
A, p. 298
6. Authors Ulrich and Dunne found that many of the ways that people react to work,
employers, and coworkers are based on:
A, p. 299
7. __________ is at the core of work-family interchange.
a. Social support
b. Passion
c. Clarity
d. Tagline
A, p. 299
a. Ronald Reagan
b. George Bush
c. Bill Clinton
d. George W. Bush
C, p. 302
9. ___________ refers to the inability to stop thinking about work or doing work.
Also that work is the most pleasurable part of life.
a. Reactivism
b. Workaholism
c. Procrastination
d. Obsessing
B, p. 306
10. The phenomenon that states that a job expands to fill the time available to
accomplish a task is called:
a. Pareto’s principle
b. Parkinson’s Law
c. The Peter Principle
d. Northcote’s Law
B, p. 309
11. Trends in the workplace include this leading one:
A, p. 309
12. About ________________ of all Americans volunteer each year in the non-profit
a. one-tenth
b. one-quarter
c. one-half
d. 90%
C, p. 314
A, p. 309
B, p. 311
15. There are stereotypes (myths) about home-based businesses. Which of
the following statements is a stereotype?
a. Most home-based businesses are run by women such as child care centers
b. Most home-based businesses are run by men on computers
c. It is hard to have a home-based business, too many conflicts
d. Most home-based businesses are financially stable, rewarding
A, p. 311-312
16. In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards
Act which established a __________workweek.
a. 35 hour
b. 38 hour
c. 44 hour
d. 48 hour
C, p. 303
1. The home can serve as a “pit stop” a place to rest, eat, sleep, and change
clothes to and from work with work being the most important part of life. Describe
this way of handling personal and home life. Also define workaholism and how
this might be connected to the home as “pit stop” phenomenon.
Answer: Throughout chapter, specifically on page 295 refer to the Critical Thinking box.
2. How is the physical workspace changing? Who is working at home and why?
Describe your ideal workspace, the hours, the physical conditions, the work itself.
Chapter 11
For many, this is the favorite chapter. All of us experience stress and fatigue. The
question is how can we manage them better to improve our quality of life? Staying
focused on goals and priorities while undergoing stress is one of the most difficult things
we have to do.
Everyone talks about stress but what do we really know about it from a scientific,
behavioral point of view? Stress refers to the body’s reaction to a demand, or a physical
or an emotional situation that causes imbalance. Stress usually involves a state of
tension. A stress free life would be impossible. Catastrophic natural disasters, for
example, cause great stress. Some stresses are unpredictable but some are predictable
such as final exam times. Fatigue can simply mean feeling tired or something more
Instructional Ideas
What stresses students? Examples could be deadlines, tests, projects, friends and
relationships. Have them make a list, discuss in small groups. Prioritize. What stresses
them the most?
Type A personalities
Type B personalities
How might these personality types affect decision making and the handling of stress
and fatigue?
On page 325, have students check off all of the following that happened to them in last
5 years.
Also take the Social Readjustment Rating Scale with the stressor events checklist on
page 327 and have students check off stressors here and add up the points, see who in
the class “wins” with the highest points.
Page 353, draw sleep cycle on the board or use the powerpoints, go over NREM and
REM sleep. Discuss sleep hygiene suggestions for better sleep on page 355.
Go over caffeine effects on sleep. Heavily caffeinated drinks are becoming more and
more popular, bring some cans or bottles to class and read out the figures. Before doing
this, have the students as a group or have one or two students volunteer to put the cans
and bottles in order from lowest to highest.
Case Studies are on pages 322, 326, 336, 338, 348, and 352. Critical Thinking boxes
are on pages 323, 341, 345, and 350. A Suggested Activity is on page 353, put a
sleep pattern for 3 days on a graph (homework assignment, put form or graph on line,
when do they go to bed, when do they wake?), include daytime naps.
D, Pages 322-323
a. Stress
b. Stimulus
c. Hardship
d. Overload
A, p. 322
3. ______________ are events that cause stress, often requiring changes in normal
patterns of behavior.
a. Disappointments
b. Crises
c. Sports activities
d. Office meetings
B, 326
4. Holmes and Rahe created a Social Readjustment Rating Scale illustrated in the
book. They say stresses can mount up leading to:
a. suicide
b. illness
c. alcoholism
d. smoking addiction
B, p. 327
C, P. 329
A, p. 328
B, p. 331
8. Hans Selye called beneficial stress:
a. Distress
b. Eustress
c. Prostress
d. Type B stress
B, p. 331
a. Domino effect
b. Dopler zone
c. Comfort zone
d. Circadian rhythm
C, p. 330
10. ________ describes hardy people who bounce back, have a sense of control
over their lives and do not fear change.
a. Cognition
b. Emotive ability
c. Psychological hardiness
d. Reactivity
C, p. 333
11. In 1932, Walter Cannon of the Harvard Medical School coined the phrase
________________ to refer to the alerted condition of the body as it prepares for
physical battle or escape.
a. Terror or fright
b. Push or pull
c. Punch or race
d. Flight or fight syndrome
D, p. 334
12. When someone is stressed the first phase is physiological, second is resistance
and the last stage is:
a. Evaluation
b. Exhaustion
c. Clarity
d. Symbolic reaction
B, p. 335
D, p. 337
a. Vitamin A
b. Greek food
c. Exercise
d. Chicory
C, p. 336
15. _________ is the Japanese word meaning death from over work.
a. Karoshi
b. Tora
c. Samauri
d. Santori
A, p. 340
1. Describe how burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) are different from
everyday fatigue. Gives examples of burnout, cfs, and fatigue.
2. In the book there is the sentence “Sleep absolutely affects health.” How does
sleep affect health? What age group sleeps more hours a day than elderly
individuals? Draw the typical sleep cycle, label the parts.
Chapter 12
Instructional Ideas
Efforts on your campus could be a basis for in-class discussion. Is paper recycled in
your department or school? If so, in what ways? Is it convenient to recycle on your
campus? Guest speakers from the sustainability office on your campus and from the
green movement could come to class. On most campuses there are green clubs or
offices devoted to recycling efforts. What is the source of energy/power on your
campus? How long has it been in place? Is there a plan to change it?
Discuss ecological footprint and carbon footprint. On page 365 green building is
described. On page 365 there is the concept of life cycle assessment.
Once past the overview and introduction, the chapter moves to the environmental and
solutions section with these topics:
Waste and Recycling
Air quality
Students could make a list of everything they throw out in one day or in one week
including paper products. The form could be online similar to the time charts suggested
in Chapter 9. In fact, this could be an end of quarter or semester project to hand in both
a time and waste chart with a self-evaluation at the end.
A sample EnergyGuide is given on page 382. Put this on the screen to go over the
various parts and discuss the ENERGY STAR label.
A Case Study is on page 372 about farms instead of golf courses surrounding new
housing developments. It should be pointed out that golf courses are making a
concerted effort to be greener, using more native plants and less water than in the past.
Critical Thinking boxes are on pages 364 and 365. A Suggested Activity is on page
369. Put the Continuum of Environmental Activism on the board or screen, where do
most of your students place themselves on the continuum? No right or wrong answers
or pressure to conform, let students say what they want and explain why.
a. Personal good
b. Community good
c. Natural good
d. Aggregate good
C, p. 364
2. The impact on the land, air, and sea from consumption of goods and resources is
known as the _______________.
a. Ecological footprint
b. Natural capital
c. Species preservation
d. None of the above is correct
A, p. 363
3. The ultimate goal is ____________ which is a form of growth wherein societal needs,
present and future, are met.
a. Sustainable development
b. Carbon footprint
c. Ecological footprint
d. Planned land use development
A, p. 363
4.In the United States, the recycling rate has _________during the last 15 years
according to the book.
a. risen 10%
b. doubled
c. risen 90%
d. tripled
B, p. 365
5. The five countries with the highest carbon dioxide emissions include all of the
following except:
a. Qatar
b. Australia
c. Canada
d. Kenya
D, p. 364
a. Far environment
b. Habitat
c. Radius
d. Shelter
B, p. 367
a. Ecosystem
b. Carbon footprint
c. Biology
d. Socio-psychology
A, p. 367
8._____________ refers to the thoughts and actions given to protecting and
sustaining the environment.
a. Ecoconsciousness
b. Atrophy
c. Eco-recognition
d. Sustainability
A, p. 368
a. Conservation
b. Multifinality
c. Contamination
d. Problem recovery
A, p. 368
a. Renewable resource
b. Forest
c. Gold strike
d. Waste stream
A, p. 369
11.__________ is about the relationship of a house and its occupants with the
environment, encouraging eco-friendly design.
a. Green building
b. A xeroscape
c. A green audit
d. A Large is Beautiful residence
A, p. 365
12.The depletion of species or extinction is mainly caused by:
a. Drought
b. Loss of habitat
c. Heat
d. Failure to reproduce
B, p. 337
a. Ethics
b. Channels
c. Social exchanges
d. Cultures
A, p. 370
14.____________ are the remains of dead vegetation, such as coal, oil, and natural
gas which can be burned to release energy.
C, p. 376
D, p. 380
16. ________ is an odorless and colorless gas, a product of the combustion of fossil
fuels and burning wood. It is a leading cause of accidental poisoning in the U.S.
a. Radon
b. Carbon monoxide (CO)
c. Nitrogen dioxide
d. Sulfur dioxide
B, p. 387
a. Amps
b. Bytes
c. Decibels
d. Watts
C, p. 383
1. The chapter ends with a discussion of positive ecology. Define and discuss the
term and give ten examples of reducing, reusing, and/or recycling.
Answer: Page 389 for definition and description of positive ecology. Ideas are given
throughout the chapter for the ten examples from water saving to noise reduction all
leading to healthier homes and lives.
2. Environmental awareness begins in the home. How can children help reduce the
ecological footprint? How can college students help?
Chapter 13
This chapter gets us back to individual and family management with the subject of
personal finance although it is presented in terms of the general economy within the
greater environment. Decision-making and practical choices are given throughout the
chapter. More attention is given to debt, credit, FICO scores, employment, benefits and
the like than in previous editions since money management (in tough economic times)
has never been more critical.
Instructional Ideas
Ask students what are they saving for (goals) or will save for once graduated and
working fulltime.
List the goal-time categories next and have students suggest examples for each:
Which of these goals costs money? The answer will be they nearly all do. See if they
can estimate costs.
FICO scores covered on page 412 is a subject of avid student interest and
misconception. Stress the range 300-850 and that the number one determinant is “bills
paid on time.” The main point is that credit and money use has a history that follows
them and will affect future purchases.
A Case Study is given on page 394. Critical Thinking boxes are located on pages
395, 399, 402, 410, 418and 419. Suggested Activities are on pages 394 and 424.
1. It is easy to sign contracts for gym membership, but if one rarely goes to the gym
a gap exists between _______ and behavior.
a. Resources
b. Values (hope)
c. Attitudes
d. Ethics
B, p. 396
2. Self-control issues exist for several areas for most people. Which of the following
is not on the usual list?
D, p. 396
3. One attitude shift in the United States is that people are beginning ___________ at
an earlier age.
a. Travel planning
b. Career planning
c. Retirement planning
d. Estate planning
C, p. 396
a. Actuarial management
b. Budgeting
c. Accounting
d. Financial management
D, p. 397
a. Annuity
b. Budget
c. Net worth statement
d. Money calendar
B, p. 397
5. In the United States, the Great Depression peaked in:
a. 1900
b. 1933
c. 1945
d. 1981
B, p. 400
6. The Business Cycle has three main parts, which of these is not one of them?
a. Expansion
b. Recession
c. Inflation
d. Recovery
C, p. 400
a. Health care
b. Home appliances and electronics
c. College tuition
d. both a and c are correct
D, p. 401
A, p. 402
a. standard of living
b. level of living
c. consumption standard
d. online consumer survey
B, p. 403
10. There are different kinds of income discussed in the book. Which one of the
following does not belong.
a. Discretionary
b. Disposable
c. Gross
d. Aspirational
D, p. 403
a. Variable expenses
b. Fixed expenses
c. Net worth expenses
d. Assets
B, p. 405
12. One way to approach saving is to have a goal of building a(n) ______________
of three to six month’s income.
a. Emergency fund
b. Umbrella reserve
c. Quantity fund
d. Production/consumption reserve
A, p. 407
a. Credit cards
b. Debit cards
c. Smart cards
d. Access cards
B, p. 409
14. Which of the following is not one of the three major credit bureaus in the U.S.?
a. Equifax
b. Experian
c. American Express
d. Trans Union
C, p. 411
15. A(n)_______ is a numeric value assigned to credit habits, bill paying, and
a. FICO Score
b. Annual percentage score
c. Financial Score
d. FDIC Score
A, p. 412
16. ___________ is the speed and ease of retrieving cash or turning another type of
investment into cash.
a. Morbidity
b. Liquidity
c. Asset building
d. Lifetime earning credit
B, p. 413
C. p. 414
1.Medicare (government-sponsored health insurance) starts at age 65, yet full Social
Security (based on date of birth) might not start until 66 or 67. Discuss government
policy and also personal financial decisions given this piece of information. Include in
your discussion family issues such as the “sandwich generation.” How do people
choose when is the best time to retire from a financial perspective?
2.Wealth is the state of being rich and having a high net worth. List 5 activities
someone could do to build wealth (legal ways only). Explain how you arrived at
these 5 activities and how they would lead to wealth accumulation.
Chapter 14
This final chapter builds on the previous ones and offers a view into the future. One of
the purposes of studying family resource management is to prepare yourself and your
family for the changes ahead. What can we expect? We can look forward to
improvements in health care and longevity, greater technology and mobility and on the
flip side a more crowded planet with the decision making issues and resource allocation
that come as a result.
Main topics include visionary leadership and managerial judgment, both needed to
maintain a competitive edge and build a better functioning planet. Management needs
more informed leaders. The tone of this end chapter is inspirational. Students are
encouraged to use the skills and insights gained in the course to improve their present
and future lives and to help others pursue their goals.
Instructional Ideas
On the surface, the 5S Management Concept can seem simplistic but try it on a
physical space or on a program policy/idea/curriculum and you will see there is more to
it than meets the eye, especially if many people are involved in the performance and the
outcome. Look at the end step, this is another chance to reinforce the word “sustain” as
in sustainability discussed in Chapter 12 on “Managing Environmental Resources.”
Feeling creative? In discussing the future and life on self-sustaining moon bases or on
Mars, on the board or screen draw or show Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (from Chapter
1) and go through the steps beginning with physiological needs and the concerns
therein. What do students need to know about air supply first of all? NASA websites are
a resource.
Global maps will help in presenting the Human Development Index from the United
Nations and a discussion of worldwide human development. Where does your country
fit on the Index? If not printed on the page go to the United Nations website for a
complete list. With maps point out the clusters of countries which place high on the list
and discuss as a class why this might be so.
Also discuss in class the word “transparency” the need for openness in revealing
information about the operations of companies, organizations, institutions, and
governments. Can students think of an example of transparency they have observed or
experienced in their own lives?
Discuss the difference between satisficers and maximizers (endless searchers for
information). Which type are they more like or in what kinds of decision situations are
they more likely to be satisficers or maxmizers?
Case Studies are on pages 438 and 439. Critical Thinking boxes are on pages 436,
437, 440, 444, and 447.
1. Which of the following is not one of the steps in the 5S Management Concept?
a. Sort
b. Straighten
c. Socialize
d. Sustain
C, p. 443
a. Danish
b. Japanese
c. Russian
d. German
B, p. 442
3. _______________ refers to openness in revealing information about the
operations of companies, organizations, institutions, and governments.
a. Transparency
b. Viscosity
c. Liquidity
d. Apprenticing
A, p. 435
a. Followers
b. Leaders
c. Social workers
d. Muckrakers
B, p. 437
a. Growing
b. Staying the same
c. Decreasing slowly
d. Decreasing at a fast rate
A, p. 438
a. History
b. The 4C Concept
c. Technology
d. Engineering
C, p. 441
7. _____________ consists of the social and managerial processes through which
solutions are first translated into social use in a given culture.
a. Innovation
b. Invention
c. Diffusion
d. Intellect
A, p. 441
8. According to the writer William Gibson, “The future is already here – it’s just
unevenly distributed.” By this he means that:
A, p. 442
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 35%
C, p. 445
10. The _________ measures overall progress in 174 countries, based on life
expectancy, adult literacy rate, education level and GDP per capita.
B, p. 448
11. _________ means the expression by cultural and ethnic groups of their heritage.
a. Multiculturalism
b. Socialization
c. The 5 S Concept
d. Apartheid
A, p. 449
12. The shift from wanting to own all to owning only what is needed is an example of
a _________________.
a. Paradigm shift
b. Goal re-evaluation
c. Reformation
d. Retro-change
A, p. 442
13. Because _____ has two official languages (French and English), it is one of the
world’s leaders in multiculturalism and government policy.
a. Belgium
b. Canada
c. France
d. Ghana
B, p. 449
14. _____________ refers to the health and happiness of the total person, involving
body, mind, and spirit and includes measures of life expectancy, health, and
a. Psychographics
b. Well-being
c. Positive sociology
d. Assimilation
B, p. 447
15. _________________ means that each unit of saved time is more valuable than
the last unit.
a. Acceleration effect
b. Assimilation
c. Separation
d. Acculturation
A, p. 447
Answer: Page 437. Satisficers may make decisions quickly and stick with them.
Maximizers might need more time to search for more information and opinions and
when they make a choice may be less committed to it.
2. Describe the parts of the 5S Management Solution and explain how they can be
used to organize: