Adekanbi Et Al NSAP 44 3 2017
Adekanbi Et Al NSAP 44 3 2017
Adekanbi Et Al NSAP 44 3 2017
West African dwarf goats fed pineapple waste (Ananas comosus) with or without yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
and maintain themselves in harsh injury of all forms, including feed toxicity
environment. Their small size relative to (Ihedioha et al., 2004). Haematological
cattle contributes to their wide distribution constituents reflect the physiological
and easy management by farmers. They are responsiveness of the animal to its internal
considered superior to other ruminant and external environments which include
species in their utilization of poor quality feed and feeding (Esonu et al., 2001). This
and high fibre feeds (Oyeyemi and Akusu, study is designed to evaluate the
2005). They are mostly kept as sources of performance and haematological parameters
meat, milk and skin. Other purposes of of West African dwarf goats fed diet
keeping goat include household income, containing pineapple waste with or without
festival season and special occasions yeast supplementation.
(Odeyinka and Okunade, 2005). Pineapple
waste is an example of such agro-industrial Materials and methods
by-product that can be utilized to a good The experiment was conducted at the
advantage for ruminant nutrition in Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal
Nigeria. College of Animal Health and Production
Pineapple waste is usually discarded as Technology, Moor Plantation, Ibadan in the
waste after processing and it is a rich source South- Western Part of Nigeria. The area lies
of energy but low in protein (Fadel et al., within the rain forest ecological zone, and
2 0 0 0 ) . Ye a s t p r o d u c t s s u c h a s falls within longitude and latitude 70 27N '
feed additive has increased during the past and 76-84% respectively. The experiment
20 years. However, the response of yeasts is was conducted during the dry season.
not consistent on the nutrient utilization, Collection and processing of the
rumen fermentation and production which experimental diets
depend on several factors. Pineapple waste
The use of yeast in ruminant animal Fresh wet pineapple wastes (peelings and the
nutrition has been the subject of numerous pulp peelings) were collected in
studies over the last decade. It has been polyethylene woven sacks from Lafia
postulated that its inclusion in the diet of Canning Factory of Fumman Agricultural
farm animals is beneficial; however, right Products Nigeria Ltd., Apata, Ibadan,
amount must be added for optimal results to Nigeria. The collected materials were
be obtained (Fickers et al., 2005). sundried for ten days on asphalt surface, kept
Haematological studies represent a useful in a jute bag in preparation for feed
process in the diagnosis of many diseases formulation with other ingredients.
as well as investigation of the extent of Source of Yeast
damage in the blood (Onyeyili et al., 1991). Yeast was purchased from STK Industries
Haematological studies are important Limited 8, Offin Canal, Apongbon, Lagos
because the blood is the major transport Island, Lagos State, Nigeria(Major
system of the body and evaluations of the distributor for Guangxi Danbaoli yeast
haematological profile usually provide Company- Limited, China).
vital information on the body's response to Composition of yeast (Baker's yeast)
Adekanbi, Onwuka, Oni, Ojo, Ajayi, and Popoola
The yeast used in the study was the maintained on Panicum maximum and
commercially available 'baker's yeast' maize sievate. Fresh water was also supplied
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Baker's yeast ad libitum. After the adaptation period, the
contains nitrogen base, biotin, calcium animals were divided into eight treatment
pantothenate, folic acid, inositol, niacin and groups of three animals each, after balancing
it is also rich in protein and vitamins. them for body weight. Each group of
Experimental animals and their animals was randomly assigned to one of the
management eight different experimental concentrate
A total number of twenty four (24) male diets.
West African dwarf goats aged 10- 12 Experimental design
months with an average live weight of 6.5± The experimental design was completely
2kg were used for this study. The animals randomized design in a 2x4 factorial
were housed intensively in well ventilated arrangement. The animals were divided
individual pens disinfected with morigad randomly into eight groups containing three
solution before their arrival. To ensure good replicates each, after balancing them for
condition of the goats, they were given weight. The feeding trial lasted for 84 days.
prophylactic treatments which included Animals were fed at 5% body weight while
intramuscular application of clean water was provided ad-libitum.
oxytetracycline and vitamin B complex at a Experimental diets
dosage of 1ml/10kg body weight of the Eight experimental concentrate diets were
animal. They were also dewormed with formulated to contain varying levels of
1ml/10kg body weight of Albendazole® and pineapple waste at 0, 10, 20 and 30% with or
treated against ectoparasites with without yeast inclusion in replacement for
0.5ml/10kg body weight of Ivomec®. The maize bran. Other ingredients in the diets
animals were allowed an adaptation period which were constant are bone meal, wheat
of two weeks during which they were offal, dried brewers grain, premix and salt
(Table 1).
Table 1: Ingredient composition (%) of the concentrate diets
Ingredients With yeast Without yeast
0% 10% 20% 30% 0% 10% 20% 30%
Maize bran 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00
Pineapple waste 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00
Bone meal 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Wheat offal 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50
Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Salt 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Dried brewers grain 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Yeast 1 1 1 - - - -
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Determined Analysis
Dry matter 89.84 90.03 89.89 89.91 90.08 89.91 89.50
Crude protein 16.21 15.28 14.92 15.17 15.39 13.78 13.89
Crude fibre 11.37 14.67 15.59 15.73 14.58 17.58 17.24
Ether extract 3.74 3.61 3.57 3.55 3.63 3.68 3.65
Ash 7.59 7.14 6.88 7.21 7.26 6.54 6.75
Nitrogen free extract 50.93 49.33 48.93 48.25 49.22 51.61 48.42
Neutral detergent fibre 41.69 42.93 49.87 48.95 43.27 51.87 52.33
Acid detergent fibre 27.08 31.79 38.79 39.05 28.79 40.08 41.06
Acid detergent lignin 9.79 10.78 11.06 10.76 11.95 11.79 11.87
Hemicellulose 14.61 11.14 11.08 9.90 14.48 11.79 11.27
Cellulose 17.29 21.01 27.73 28.29 16.84 8.29 29.19
(-) indicates diets without yeast supplementation
(+) indicates diets with yeast supplementation at the rate of 1g per kg of feed
West African dwarf goats fed pineapple waste (Ananas comosus) with or without yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Table 3: Effect of levels of pineapple waste with or without yeast supplementation on
performance characteristics by West African dwarf goats
Factor Levels of inclusions of pineapple waste
Parameters With Y S Without Y S SEM 0% 10% 20% 30% SEM
Initial weight (kg) 7.41 8.41 0.32 7.68 8.25 7.92 7.78 0.44
Initial metabolic wt (W0.75kg) 4.49b 4.92a 0.11 4.61 4.86 4.71 4.65 0.19
Final weight (kg) 10.53 11.50 0.31 10.52 11.48 11.04 11.00 0.48
Final metabolic wt ( W0.75kg) 5.58 5.80 0.21 5.42 5.52 6.05 5.78 0.27
Weight gain (kg) 3.12 3.09 0.11 2.84b 3.23a 3.12ab 3.22ab 0.13
Metabolic wt gain ( W0.75kg) 2.34 2.36 0.06 2.17b 2.48a 2.34ab 2.40ab 0.07
Daily weight gain (g) 34.66 34.33 1.33 31.56b 35.88a 34.66ab 35.78ab 1.62
Concentrate consumed (g/day) 196.50b 257.58a 11.05 206.90 219.24 238.24 243.80 19.95
Grass consumed (g/day) 286.02 271.79 9.25 260.48 292.66 297.39 283.10 12.83
Total feed intake (g/day) 482.52 529.38 16.59 467.37 511.91 517.63 526.90 22.62
Average daily intake (g/day) 433.88 475.58 14.85 419.89 461.00 465.51 472.54 20.24
Feed conversion ratio 11.99 12.83 0.38 12.70 11.65 12.78 12.51 0.53
Cost per kg of feed ( N) 26.29 26.29 1.41 34.24a 22.44d 25.24b 23.24c 1.53
Cost of feed consumed /wt gain/goat 5.10b 6.69a 0.37 7.08a 4.91b 5.92ab 5.66ab 0.51
Cost per weight gain ( N) 317.50 340.68 21.63 434.79a 267.82c 322.83b 290.92bc 14.56
means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly (p? 0.05) different
YS = Yeast Supplementation SEM = Standard Error of Mean
West African dwarf goats fed pineapple waste (Ananas comosus) with or without yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Table 4: Interaction effect of levels of Pineapple waste with or without Yeast supplementation on performance characteristics of West African Dwarf
With Yeast supplementation Without Yeast supplementation
Parameters 0% 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30% SEM
Initial weight (kg) 7.30 7.83 7.50 7.00 8.67 8.33 8.57 0.22
Initial metabolic wt (W 0.75kg) 4.44 4.68 4.53 4.30 5.03 4.90 5.00 0.09
Final weight (kg) 10.13 11.23 10.53 10.20 11.73 11.58 11.80 0.24
Final metabolic wt (W 0.75kg) 5.67 5.62 5.84 5.19 5.41 6.26 6.36 0.15
Weight gain (kg) 2.83 3.40 3.03 3.20 3.33 3.22 3.23 0.08
Metabolic wt gain (W 0.75kg) 2.17 2.50 2.28 2.39 2.17 2.40 2.41 0.04
Daily weight gain (g) 31.44 37.77 35.69 37.64 39.22 37.85 38.04 0.95
Concentrate consumed (g/day) 173.41 214.51 202.22 195.87 223.97 274.26 291.73 10.16
Grass consumed (g/day) 287.69ab 297.39a 284.52ab 274.47ab 287.94ab 274.26ab 291.73a 6.59
Total feed intake (g/day) 461.11 511.91 486.74 470.34 511.91 548.52 583.45 12.53
Average daily intake (g/day) 414.26 460.87 437.52 422.88 461.13 493.50 522.19 11.20
Feed conversion ratio 12.66 11.54 12.49 11.29 11.77 13.07 13.74 0.27
Cost per kg of feed ( N) 34.24a 22.44d 25.24b 23.24b 22.44d 25.24b 23.24c 0.98
Cost of feed consumed per goat ( N) 5.93b 4.82b 5.10b 4.55b 5.02b 6.74ab 6.78ab 0.31
Cost per weight gain ( N) 433.36a 259.03b 315.16b 262.45b 276.60b 330.51b 319.39b 15.21
means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly (p? 0.05) different
YS = Yeast Supplementation; SEM = Standard Error of Mean
Adekanbi, Onwuka, Oni, Ojo, Ajayi, and Popoola
Table 5: Effect of levels of pineapple waste with or without yeast supplementation on ( Initial )
haematological parameters on West African dwarf goats
Parameters With Y S Without Y S SEM 0% 10% 20% 30% SEM
PCV (%) 25.63 27.88 1.07 24.50 b 24.75 b 28.25ab 29.50a 1.22
Hb (g/dl) 7.90 8.80 0.40 7.60b 7.68b 8.80ab 9.33a 0.44
RBC (x 103/mm3) 10.48 10.60 0.22 11.01 a 10.19b 11.24 a 9.72b 0.18
MCV ( fl) 24.57 26.48 1.26 22.21b 24.34b 25.20b 30.35a 1.15
MCHC (g/dl) 30.38 31.59 0.56 33.33 b 33.35 ab 33.34 b 33.42 a 0.73
MCH (pg) 7.56 8.38 0.46 6.90b 7.53b 7.85b 9.59a 0.41
WBC (x 103/mm3) 8.54 9.38 0.60 9.06ab 7.95b 10.64a 8.20b 0.77
Neutrophil (%) 29.50 29.63 1.36 31.25a 30.25a 32.50a 24.25b 1.43
Lymphocyte (%) 65.88 65.75 1.33 64.25b 65.25b 62.75b 71.00a 1.39
Monocyte (%) 2.50 2.38 0.28 1.50b 2.75a 2.50 3.00a 0.31
Eosinophil (%) 2.25 2.25 0.31 3.00 1.75 2.50 1.75 0.27
a, b, c
means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly (p? 0.05) different
PCV Packed cell volume, Hb Haemoglobin, RBC Red blood cell, MCV Mean corpuscular volume, MCHV Mean corpuscular
haemoglobin concentration, MCH Mean corpuscular haemoglobin, WBC White blood cell.
SEM = Standard Error of Mean
YS= Yeast supplementation
West African dwarf goats fed pineapple waste (Ananas comosus) with or without yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Table 6: Interaction effect of levels of Pineapple waste with or without Yeast supplementation on (Final) haematologi cal parameters on West African
dwarf goats
With yeast supplementation Without yeast supplementation
Parameters 0% 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30% SEM
PCV (%) 24.50ab 21.00 b 27.00 a 30.00 a 28.50 a 29.50 a 29.00 a 0.70
ab b a a a a
Hb (g/dl) 7.50 6.10 8.55 9.45 9.25 9.05 9.20 a 0.30
RBC (x 103/mm3) 10.92 ab 10.49 bc 10.94 ab 9.56 d 9.89 a 11.53 a 9.87 cd 0.15
MCV (f l) 22.42 cd 19.70 d 24.80 bc 31.36 a 28.98 ab 25.80 bc 29.35 ab 0.90
MCHC (g/dl) 30.65 ab 27.63 b 31.80 a 31.43 a 32.41 a 30.66 ab 31.73 a 0.45
MCH (Pg)) 6.87 cd 5.65 d 7.84 bc 9.87 a 9.41 ab 7.86 bc 9.31 ab 0.33
WBC (x 103/mm3) 8.20 ab 9.03 ab 9.63 ab 7.33 b 6.88 b 11.65 a 9.08 ab 0.43
Neutrophil (%) 23.50 ab 30.00 a 27.50 c 27.00 c 30.50 bc 37.50a 21.50 d 1.00
Lymphocyte (%) 62.50 c 65.00 bc 68.00 b 68.00 b 65.00 57.50 d 74.00 a 0.98
Monocyte (%) 1.00 b 3.00 a 2.50 ab 3.50 a 2.50 ab 2.50 ab 2.50 ab 0.19
Eosinophil (%) 3.00 2.00 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.00 0.21
a, b ,c
means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly (p? 0.05) different
PCV packed c ell volume, Hb haemoglobin, RBC red blood cell, MCV mean corpuscular volume, MCHV mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration,
MCH mean corpuscular haemoglobin, WBC white blood cell.
SEM = Standard Error of Mean
Adekanbi, Onwuka, Oni, Ojo, Ajayi, and Popoola
West African dwarf goats fed pineapple waste (Ananas comosus) with or without yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Effect of levels of pineapple wastes with or 30% reported by Opara et al. (2010). In
without yeast supplementation on (Initial) contrast to this, Taiwo and Ogunsanmi
Haematological parameters of West (2003) reported higher values of 36.9% and
African dwarf goats 35.5% for clinically healthy West African
Table 5 shows the main effect of levels of Dwarf goats. The haemoglobin range in this
pineapple wastes with or without yeast study fell within the range of 7 – 15 g/dl
supplementation on haematological reported by Daramola et al.(2005) but higher
parameters of West African dwarf goats. than the values of 5 – 6g/dl obtained by
Among the parameters measured packed Belewu and Ogunsola (2010) for goats fed
cell volume, haemoglobin concentration, fungi-treated Jatropha curcas kernel cake
red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, rations. The red blood cell counts reported in
mean corpuscular haemoglobin, white this study were within the range of 9.2 –
blood cells, Neutrophil, lymphocyte, and 13.5g/dl as reported by Tambuwal et al.
monocyte were significantly (P? 0.05) (2002). The reduced red blood counts
influenced by the levels of pineapple wastes recorded for goats at 10% inclusion level at
except mean corpuscular haemoglobin the start of the experiment present a likely
concentration, eosinophil and platelet were susceptibility to anaemia related disease
not significantly (P? 0.05) influenced by the conditions by these goats. The white blood
levels of inclusion. Packed cell volume and cell counts fell within the normal range as
haemoglobin concentration increased as the reported by Daramola et al. (2005). The
levels of pineapple wastes increases. values obtained for neutrophils and
Table 6 shows the interaction effect of lymphocytes at the end of the experiment fell
levels of pineapple wastes with or without within the normal range as reported by
yeast supplementation on haematological Daramola et al. (2005). These values are
final of West African dwarf goats. There suggestive of a well developed immune
were significant (P? 0.05) differences system in the West African dwarf goats with
among all the treatments except eosinophil such number of immune cells to proffer good
and platelet. The PCV of goats fed with or health (Daramola et al., 2005).
without yeast supplementation increases as
the levels of pineapple waste increases. The Conclusion
same trend was observed in other Based on the results of this study, it can be
parameters except eosinophil. concluded that a dietary inclusion of 10%
Haematology indices are an index and a pineapple waste with or without yeast
reflection of the effects of dietary supplementation improved the performance
treatments on the animals in terms of type of of West African dwarf goats (WAD) in terms
diet, quality and amounts of the feed of feed conversion ratio and had no
ingested and were available for the animals deleterious effects on the haematological
to meet its physiological, biochemical and parameters. Thus, pineapple waste can be
metabolic necessities. All the utilised to a good advantage for goats in
haematological parameters were replacement for grass during dry season.
significantly (P? 0.05) influenced by levels
of pineapple waste with or without yeast References
supplementation. A. O. A. C. 2007. Official method of
Mean packed cell volume values obtained Analysis. Association of Official
in this study were within the range of 21 – Analysis Chemists, 18th edition,
Adekanbi, Onwuka, Oni, Ojo, Ajayi, and Popoola
West African dwarf goats fed pineapple waste (Ananas comosus) with or without yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)