Aflatoxins in Stored Cassava
Aflatoxins in Stored Cassava
Aflatoxins in Stored Cassava
Fungal and aflatoxin detection in fresh and stored garri ijebu (locally processed food)
Manihot esculenta
Abstract: Eight samples of both fresh and stored garri ijebu(GI) which is usually being processed in Ijebu land
and consumed by the Ijebus and other Yoruba people of southwest Nigeria were analyzed for proximate
composition, fungi detection and the level of aflatoxin B1 B2, G1 and G2 contamination. Moisture content of 66.1%
and 42.0 were recorded for fresh and 18- month old GI samples respectively. Results of carbohydrate analysis
showed that fresh GI sample had 41.1% starch which reduced significantly to 20.6% in 18- month stored GI. It was
also observed that the crude protein reduced significantly (P<0.05) from 4.9 to 4.4% respectively. The fat contents
also reduced as the storage time increases. Fungi that were found in biodereriorating GI samples included
Aspergillus tamari, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium chrysogenum, Fusarium
compacticum and Saccharomyces spp. The study also presented level of mycotoxin contamination in fresh and
stored garri ijebu. In the samples, Aflatoxin B2 (0.0085ug/kg) was detected in 18-month stored sample,
representing 8.8% of the total aflatoxin detected. The nutritional indices and health implications of both fresh and
stored GI was discussed.
[Jonathan SG , Abdul-Lateef MB and Ayansina ADV. Fungal and aflatoxin detection in fresh and stored garri ijebu
(locally processed food). Rep Opinion 2013;5(2):13-19]. (ISSN: 1553-9873). 4
Report and Opinion 2013;5(2)
Nigeria and several other West African countries, 2.Materials and Methods
including Ghana, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, and 2.1Preparation of Garri samples
Burkina Faso. They are usually grated and lightly Cassava (Manihot esculentus) flakes (Garri) were
fried in palm oil to preserve them. The result is a purchased from Oke-Aje market and Ita-Osu market in
foodstuff called garri. Fermentation is also used in Ijebu-ode, Ogun state, Nigeria. Eight different samples
other places such as Indonesia. The fermentation were purchased for Garri; ranging from freshly
process also reduces the level of antinutrients, making prepared flour to one month, three months, six months,
the cassava a more nutritious food (Oboh and nine months, twelve months, fifteen months and
Oladunmoye, 2007). Garri is a fermented, gritty, eighteen months. The samples were stored in dry
starchy food or free flowing dry granular product containers at ambient temperature for laboratory
produced from cassava (IITA, 1990). It is processed analyses proximate composition, fungi isolation, and
by fermenting peeled and grated roots followed by aflatoxin determination. All experiments were carried
dewatering, sieving and frying. . Garri is consumed out in triplicates.
principally as a main meal (eba) or taken as a snack
when soaked in cold water, sweetened with sugar and 2.1. Determination of proximate composition
consumed with roasted groundnut, coconut and Samples were analyzed chemically following
sometimes dry fish or . Garri features more the official procedure of proximate composition
frequentlkulikuli up to 3 times in the daily diet of analysis described by the Association of Official
most households in the producing areas (Adindu and Chemist (A.O.A.C 1992)
Aprioku, 2006). However, as important as garri ijebu
is to the natives, the problem of its contamination with 2.2. Isolation of fungi:
aflatoxigenic fungi and elaboration of toxins has All glass wares were washed dried and the
received a great deal of attention. surfaces were sterilized with 95% ethanol. The culture
Aflatoxins are potent, toxic, carcinogenic, medium used was potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). A
mutagenic, immunosuppressive agents, produced as small quantity of flour sample was poured onto the
secondary metabolites by the fungus Aspergillus PDA agar plates and inoculated for seven days at 30 +
flavus and A. parasticus on variety of food products. 2oC in a Gallenkhamp incubator. After seven days, sub
Among 18 different types of aflatoxins identified, culturing was done to get pure culture from the mixed
major members are aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, and G2 (FAO, culture(Kighigha,and Jonathan,2012).
2002). Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is normally predominant One gram each of the samples was weighed
in cultures as well as in food products. Pure AFB1 is into 9ml of sterilized distilled water, it was vigorously
pale-white to yellow crystalline, odourless solid shaken for 15 minutes to dislodge all the mycelia and
(Adebayo -Tayo et al.2006,) spores from the flour sample, and then kept in
Aflatoxins have been associated with various suspension to 9ml of sterilized water in test-tuber,
diseases, such as aflatoxicosis, in livestock, domestic serial dilution was done using media preparation of 6
animals and humans throughout the world. The fold. It was then vigorously shaken; after which
occurrence of aflatoxins is influenced by certain selected dilution was plated on PDA using pour plate
environmental factors; hence the extent of method. The plates were then inoculated in the dark for
contamination will vary with geographic location, 3 days and then sub-culturing was done to get pure
agricultural and agronomic practices and the culture from the mixed culture. Pure culture of fungi
susceptibility of commodities to fungal invasion species isolated from garri samples were preserved on
during pre-harvest, storage, and processing periods slant PDA contained in sterile super bottle and kept in
(onathan and Esho,2010). the refrigerator at 4oC as stock culture (Jonathan et
Food products contaminated with aflatoxins al.,2012).
include cereal (maize, sorghum, pearl millet, rice, and The fungi isolated were subjected to both
wheat), oilseeds (groundnut, soyabean, sunflower, and macro and microscopic tests. Cotton blue-in-
cotton), spices (chillies, black pepper, coriander, lactophenol was used for fungi microscopic test. A
turmeric, and ginger), tree nuts (almonds, pistachio, sterile inoculating needle was used to pick a part of the
walnuts, and coconut) and milk. Aflatoxins have also fungi mycelium from plates containing the fungi
been reported in yam and cassava products such as colonies of 24 hours old. Cotton-in-lactophenol was
chips and flours (Adebayo-Tayo et al., 2006). placed on a clean slide and a small piece of mycelium
In view of the above, the study aimed at was carefully transferred into it with the aid of
determining the proximate composition, detection of inoculating needle. It was then gently teased and the
fungi and aflatoxin in fresh and stored garri (stored slide covered with a clean slip, was subsequently
under market condition(s) examined under the high-power magnification (x 40)
objective lens of the microscope. The cultures that
Report and Opinion 2013;5(2)
appeared were primarily identified using cultural and were prepared using glass plates that have been cleaned
morphological features (Banrnet and Hunter, 1972), with acetone to remove all grease marks and finger
and identification was done using laboratory manual of prints. The glass plates were coated with kieselged G-
microbiology. HR, dried in a dust face chamber 15m minutes and
made ready for boiling IIAR&T, 2009).
2.3.Quantification of aflatoxin: Aflatoxin standard for B1 and G15l, 10l
Five grammes of each sample were filled into and 15l of each chloroform extracts were spotted on
250ml conical flask. 25ml of methanol -water mixture the base line of TLC plate (1cm). 5l of the aflatoxin
were added and shaken thoroughly for approximately (B1 or G1) standard of concentration 0.5ug/ncl was
30minutes in iin a mechanical shaker. The solution was spotted on either side of the above spots. The spotted
allowed to sediment and filtered through Whatman plates were developed in a 100ml chloroform/ acetone
filler paper No 1. The filtrate was transfer into a 250ml mixture ratio (96:4v/ v) solvent system F for
separating funnel; 30ml of saturated sodium chloride approximately 20minutes so that the solvent front
(NaCl) and 50ml hexane were added and shaken moves about 10cm. Once the area containing the toxin
vigorously for 20minutes. The solutions were allowed of interest is located under UV light examination, it is
to separate. The lower methanol -water layer was scrapped off, elute with chloroform and filter through
collected into another clean dry 250ml separating whatman No 42 filter paper. This was evaporated again
funnel. 50ml of chloroform was added and shaken to dryness over a hot water bath and reconstitute with
vigorously. The chloroform layer was drained into a 3ml of chloroform. The Absorbance of chloroform
250ml conical containing 5g of cupric carbonate, extracts for each sample and standard Aflatoxin B1 or
shaken and allowed the cupric carbonate to settle. The G1 of 0.5ug/ml were read on UV (Ultra Violet)
mixture was filtered using Whatman No. 4 filter paper spectrophotometer at a wave length of 365nm.
having a bed of anhydrous sodium sulphate into a Aflatoxin concentration in ug/kg was calculated using
250ml beaker. Carbonate was washed off again with the formula:
25ml chloroform extracts in the 250ml beaker. The Absorbance Sample x Standard
chloroform extract was evaporated in a water bath to Concentration x Dilution Factor x 1000 Weight of
dryness. Sample
The residue was dissolved in 2ml chloroform Colour of aflatoxin under ultraviolet light:
and transferred into a screw cap tube for the B1 = Bright green yellow; B2 = Bright green; G1 =
quantitative estimate. ATLC plates of 20 x 20 x 0.25cm Violet brown (dark); G2 = Violet light brown
3.0 Results:
Table 1: Proximate composition of stored cassava (garri)
Sample Starch (%) Crude Fat (%) Moisture Crude fibre Ash (%)
Protein (%) (%)
G0 41.1a 4.9b 3.7b 12.8g 4.6cd 3.7a
b a a a
G1 39.1 5.3 4.0 13.3f 4.9 3.7a
c b c ab
G2 34.6 4.9 3.3 13.9e 4.8 3.2bc
d b cd d bc
G3 33.4 4.8 3.1 14.5 4.7 2.9c
e b d bc d
G4 32.0 4.7 3.0 15.9 4.5 2.6de
f b e b bc
G5 25.9 4.9 3.0 14.2 4.7 2.5e
g b e b bc
G6 23.8 4.9 3.0 14.7 4.7 2.3f
h c f a e
G7 20.6 4.4 2.6 15.1 4.3 2.0g
*Values followed by the same letter(s) along each vertical column are not significantly different by Duncans
multiple range test (p < 0.05). Each value is a mean of triplicates of samples.
G0 Fresh Garri flour; G1 One-month stored Garri; G2 Three-month stored Garri;
G3 - Six-month stored Garri; G4 Nine-month stored Garri; G5 Twelve-month stored Gari;
G6 - fifteen-month stored Garri; G7 eighteen-month stored Garri
Report and Opinion 2013;5(2)
twelve-month stored sample and fifteen-month stored all the plate after 48hours. It later matured and turned
samples each have 4.9% protein content, while six- brownish green. Simple chain of conidia was visible
month stored and nine-month stored samples have having dark conidia head with thin walled vesicles.
4.8% and 4.7% crude protein respectively. Aspergillus niger being a very fast growing fungus,
Percentage fat, crude fibre and ash content in the appeared dark known at first and later turned black.
analyzed garri ijebu samples showed similar trend as The conidia head were globose and later spilled to
observed in the protein content analysis. Fat content conidia chain which were brownish, smooth and
ranged from 2.6 4.0%; crude fibre, 4.3 4.9% and crushed like pieces of cane(Alexopolous et al.,1996).
Ash content 2.0 3.7%, with one-month stored garri However, the growth of Aspergillus flavus
sample having the highest amount of these showed yellowish-green colour. The conidia are
substances while eighteen-month stored sample had globose to subglobose in shape. It occurs in chain of
the lowest two or more they produce toxin. The growth of
Penicillum chrysogenum was greenish in colour. It
3,2.Mycoorganisms had a velvety surface and growth was much after
The result of the microscopic and 48hours(Jonathan et al.,2011a). It later turned
macroscopic tests carried out on the samples showed powdery after few days, microscopically, the hyphae
the presence of Aspergillus tamari, Aspergillus niger, were septate. The conidia were born on the
Fusarium oxysporum, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium conidiospore and they resemble a painting brush.
chrysogenum, Fusarium compacticum and Fusarium oxysporum was whitish and fluffy;
Saccharomyces spp in the contaminated samples. Fusarium compacticum produced white dry surface
These isolates were characterized and identified spores and mycelium and Saccharomyces grew like
based on their appearance on gowth on media and bacteria with creamy colour. No mycelium or hyphae
microscopic examinations. The growth of Aspergillus found. No toxin but gave a saccharomyces odour.
tamari was deep yellow-green in colour and covered
Report and Opinion 2013;5(2)
basically might be as a result of microbial degradation animals that consume aflatoxins contaminated cassava
of the nutritive substances in the flour samples by based products . Jonathan et al.,2011b) found that the
certain fungi making use of these foods as substrates presence of high levels of aflatoxins in stored foods
for their growth and development. In addition to this, may made it unacceptable for marketing, causing
Aina et al.,(2012), and Jonathan et al.,(2012a) reported financial loss to the farmers or retailers. Depending on
that traditional storage conditions for most vegetables the market, economic losses may reach 100%, when the
and fruits including their processed forms in most parts entire produce/product is rejected by the market if
of West Africa are far from being ideal. This in turn aflatoxigenic fungi are physically observed. It was
can cause changes in chemical composition induced by estimated that Africa loses over US dollars 670 million
biochemical reactions which take place in the stored annually due to lack of adequate storage facilities
food, favoring bacterial and fungal growth, particularly (Otsuki et al., 2001; Guo et al., 2009). It is therefore,
in grains, and reducing the nutrient content very essential that all parties involved in the process of
(Gbolagade,2006;Gbolagade et al.,2006). Storage may producing and marketing garri should ensure that
affect nutrient content indirectly by inducing physical contamination from fungi and mycotoxins is minimized
changes in the grain structure that will influence as much as possible
milling losses and require higher heat processing
conditions. 5.0Conclusion
Jonathan and Esho (2010) stressed that Aflatoxins are the most dangerous toxic
storage of processed products deserves attention. substances produced by fungi and could be classified
Processing is carried out to make the food edible and to according to their fungal origin, chemical structure and
stabilize it before consumption. Storage under cold biological activity. Occurrence of these toxins in stored
conditions or in sealed containers with no or minimum garri ijebu have been observed in this study.. These
gaseous exchange and protection from light may induce fungal contaminations not only pose serious health risk
little change (Jonathan et al.,2012b). However, due to to consumers but in addition diminish the nutritional
the cost of packaging materials in developing countries, value and economic benefits of this local food .
plastic or cellophane materials are used, particularly for In view of this, it is expedient that raw
grain flour and other processed products. An additional materials which are easily susceptible to mould growth
point is that often processing of foods may favour their and aflatoxin formation be very closely kept in ideal
deterioration in storage if conditions are not appropriate storage conditions. The food industry and farmers
and controlled because of the chemical changes that should observe all conditions attached to the food
took place during processing. processing hygiene. This includes sanitation of raw
Furthermore, microscopic and macroscopic materials and their manufacturing. Moldy foodstuff
examinations on stored bio deteriorating garri ijebu should neither be used for the production of garri for
samples revealed the presence of Aspergillus tamari, human consumption nor for feeding animals.
Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Aspergillus Technologies that match location-specific
flavus, Penicillum chrysogenum, Fusarium needs with the socio-economic profiles of farmers in
compacticum and Saccharomyces spp . The fungal developing countries. Regulations for monitoring
species that colonized the stored garri ijebu samples susceptible produce from farm level through buying
must have been present in the atmosphere in the form points to retail markets should be put in place and strict
of spores during the cassava chip processing or gained measures on food quality at both household and market
their entrance during storage period as a result of levels should be embraced and enforced by all policy
inadequate storage facilities as well in the market. makers.
From the results presented, all the garri samples tested .
for aflatoxins, with the exception of the fresh sample, Correspondence to:
were positive for all the four aflatoxins specifically Dr Segun Gbolagade Jonathan
with high aflatoxins G1 and G2 than aflatoxins B1 and Mycology & Biotechnology unit
B2. This however does not presuppose that this Department of Botany & Microbiology
observation is general as Akingbala et al. (1989), Kenji University of Ibadan
et al. (2000), and Akingbala et al. (2005) reported that Ibadan. Nigeria
the amount of varies from country to country. Email: [email protected]
Furthermore, total aflatoxin AFB1 + AFB2 + AFG1 + Tel: +2348164746758
AFG2 detected in all the stored samples exceeded
0.001. Most countries limit aflatoxin in food to 20g/kg
(Bankole and Adebanjo, 2003). This according to
Okello et al. (2010) could have direct negative health
implication resulting in loss lives from man and
Report and Opinion 2013;5(2)
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