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CREDITS: 4 (3+1)

Dr G Raghavaiah
Professor & Head

Co editors

Dr G Dayakar
Dr V Deva Prasad
Dr N Hariprasad
Dr K Loka Reddy
Dr T Madhumathi
Dr P Seetrharamu
Dr T. Sreedevi


About this course...,

numbered ENTO 331 (3+1) in course curriculum for undergraduate students in faculty

of Agriculture deals with the most important area in Applied Entomology. This course,

in particular, has been designed with a primary objective of imparting adequate

knowledge to students, both in theory and practice, to diagnose a variety of field

problems related to insect and non insect pests, to comprehend their life histories and

damages and to be able to recommend management strategies in field and storage


Detailed information has been provided on all major pests of crops as regards

their taxonomic position, distribution, host range, life history, nature and symptoms of

damage, seasonal abundance and their management. However, for minor pests their

taxonomic position, nature and symptoms of damage and management have been

covered with additional information wherever necessary. Major and minor pests have

been differentiated by their text format. As regards insecticides, their common names

are quoted in the text. However their proprietary names along with their formulations

have been provided in annexure for ready reference.

Throughout the text, the editors endeavoured to ensure uniformity, brevity and

lucidity in subject matter. It is our sincere hope that graduating students in agriculture

will benefit from this elaborate and extensive course and equip themselves with sound

knowledge needed for future challenges in plant protection.

Date: 01.07.2011 EDITORS

Department of Entomology
Agricultural College (ANGRAU)
Bapatla - 522 101



CREDITS: 4 (3+1)
Information provided for all major pests listed below in bold font
includes taxonomic status, distribution, host range, pest description,
damages, life history, seasonal occurrence and factors of abundance
and management. However, for all minor pests in normal font here
below, the information includes taxonomic status, damages and its
management w ith some additional details whereever necessary.

Lec. 1(p.1 – 2): Introduction of Economic Entomology and Economic Classification of

Insect Pests

Lec. 2-5 (p.3 - 15)

Rice: Yellow stem borer, gallmidge, brown planthopper, green

leafhopper, hispa, leaf folder, ear head bug,
grasshoppers, root weevil, swarming caterpillar, climbing
cutworm, case worm, whorl maggot, leaf mite, panicle mite,
IPM practices in rice.

Lec. 6-8 (p.16- 25)

Sorghum and other millets: Sorghum shoot fly, stem borer,

pink borer, sorghum midge, ear head bug, red hairy
caterpillar, deccan wingless grasshopper, aphids, maize
shoot bug, flea beetle, blister beetles, ragi cutworm, ragi
root aphid, army worm.
Wheat: Ghujia weevil , ragi pink borer, termites.

Lec. 9-11 (p. 26- 33)

Sugarcane: Early shoot borer, internodal borer, top shoot

borer, scales, leafhoppers, white grub, mealy bugs,
termites, whiteflies, woolly aphid, yellow mite.

Lec 12- 14 (p.34- 47)

Cotton: Spotted bollworm, american bollworm, pink bollworm,

tobacco caterpillar, leafhopper, whiteflies, aphid, mites ,
thrips, red cotton bug, dusky cotton bug, leaf roller, stem
weevil, grasshoppers, mealybug, IPM in cotton.

Lec. 15 (p.48 - 51)

Jute: jute semilooper, jute stem weevil, jute stem girdler, Bihar
hairy caterpillar
Mesta: Hairy caterpillars, stem weevil, mealy bugs, leafhopper,
Sunhemp: Hairy caterpillars, stem borer, flea beetle.

Lec. 16-17 (p.52- 59)

Pulses: Gram caterpillar, plume moth, pod fly, stem fly,

spotted pod borer, cowpea aphid, cow bug, pod bug,
leafhopper, stink bug, green pod boring caterpillar, blue
butterflies, redgram mite.
Pea: pea leaf miner and pea stem fly
Soyabean: Stem fly, ragi cutworm , leaf miner, whitefly.

Lec. 18 (p.60- 63)

Castor: Semilooper, shoot and capsule borer, tobacco
caterpillar, leafhopper, butterfly, whitefly, thrips, castor
slug, mite.

Lec 19 (p.64- 68)

Ground nut: White grub, leaf miner, red hairy caterpillar,

tobacco caterpillar, leafhopper, thrips, aphid, pod bug,
jewel beetle.

Lec. 20 (p.69- 71)

Sesamum: Leaf and pod borer, gall fly, sphinx caterpillar.

Safflower: Aphids, leaf eating caterpill ars.

Lec. 21(p.72- 75)

Mustard: Aphid, saw fly, diamond back moth, painted bug.

Sunflower: Helicoverpa and Spodoptera, leafhopper, Bihar

hairy caterpillar, thrips.

Lec. 22 (p.76- 80)

Brinjal: Epilachna beetle, shoot and fruit borer, stem borer,

mealy bug, aphid, leafhopper, lacewing bug, leaf webber
and red spider mite.

Lec. 23 (p.81- 83)

Bhendi: Shoot and fruit borer, leafhopper and whitefl y, spider

Tomato: Serpentine leaf miner, fruit borer, whitefly

Lec. 24 (p.84- 87)

Cucurbits: Fruitflies, pumpkin beetles, semilooper, serpentine

leaf miner, pumpkin leaf eating caterpillar,
Coccinia: Coccinia gall fly and aphid s.

Lec. 25 (p.88- 91)

Crucifers: Diamond back moth, cabbage hea d borer, leaf

webber, aphid, painted bug, tobacco caterpillar, cabbage
butterfly, IPM practices
Lec. 26 (p.92- 95)

Potato: Tuber moth.

Sweet potato: Sweet potato weevil, hairy caterpillar, tortoise
Moringa: Hairy caterpillar, budworm.

Lec. 27 (p.96- 99)

Chillies: Thrips, pod borers, aphid, mites, blossom midge

Amaranthus: Leaf eating caterpillar, stem weevil .

Lec. 28 – 29 (p.100- 106)

Mango: Leafhoppers, stem borer, nut weevil, fruitfly, shoot

borer, fruit borer, mealy bug, aphids, leaf webber, termites,
thrips, red tree ant, leaf gallmidges, red spider mite.

Lec. 30 (p.107- 111)

Citrus: Butterfly, fruit sucking moths, leaf miner, psylla , rust

mite, bark eating caterpillar, blackfly, le af mite.

Lec. 31 (p.112- 115)

Grapevine: Flea beetle, thrips, mealy bug, stem girdler, stem

borer, leaf eating caterpillars, root grub.

Lec. 32(p.116- 118)

Cashew: Tree borer, shoot and blossom webber, tea

mosquito bug, thrips, l eaf miner

Lec. 33(P.119- 122)

Pomegranate: Butterfly, thrips, fruit sucking moths.

Guava: Tea mosquito bug, mealy bug, fruitflies, spiraling whitefly.

Lec. 34(P.123- 125)

Sapota: Leaf webber, parijatha hairy caterpillar, mealy bugs.

Ber: Fruitfly, fruit borer, fruit weevil

Lec. 35(P.126- 129)

Banana: Rhizome weevil, skipper, aphid, pseudostem weevil,

Apple: Woolly aphid, Codling moth
Custard apple: Mealy bug

Lec. 36(P.130- 135)

Coconut: Black headed caterpillar , rhinoceros beetle, red palm

weevil, slug, termites, scale, mite.

Lec. 37(P.136- 138)

Tobacco: Tobacco caterpillar, aphid, whitefl y, stem borer.

Lec. 38(P.139- 141)

Coffee: White borer, red borer, green scale

Tea: Tea mosquito bug, thrips, red spider mite, pink mite, purple
mite and scarlet mite

Lec. 39 (P.142)

Turmeric and ginger: Rhizome fly, Lace wing bug.

Lec. 40 (P.143)

Betelvine: Shoot bug, tobacco caterpillar

Lec. 41 (P.144- 145)

Onion: Thrips, Spodoptera exigua

Coriander: Aphids, leaf eating caterpillar.

Lec. 42 (P. 146- 147)

Rose: Thrips, scales, leaf eating caterpillars, chafer beetles.

Jasmine: Stink bug, bud worm , gall mite.
Chrysanthemum: Aphid.

Lec. 43-44 (p.148 - 156):

Stored grain: Rice weevil, lesser grain borer, khapra beetle, pulse
beetle, groundnut bruchid, flour beetles, saw-toothed beetle,
cigarette beetle, angoumois grain moth, rice moth , preventive
and curative methods of management

Lec. 45 (p.157- 159)

Locusts: Locust and their management

Lec. 46 (p. 160 - 161)

Mites: Economically important phytophagous mites and their management.

Lec. 47(p.162- 165)

Nematodes: Rice (white tip), wheat (cyst and gall) vegetables (root knot) fruit
crops (citrus and banana) and their management.

Lec. 48 (p.166 - 172)

Rodents: Rodents damaging crops in field and stores , key for

identification of rodents, ma nagement of rodents in field and
storage, coconut rodents and their management.
Birds: Various birds infesting crops and their management.


Atwal, A.S. 1976. Agricultural Pests of India and South East Asia. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
Butani, D.K. and Jotwani, M.G. 1984. Insects in Vegetables. Periodical Export Book Agency,
New Delhi.
Butani, D. K. 1984. Insects and Fruits. Periodical Export Book Agency, New Delhi.
Dennis S Hill 1987 Agricultural Insect Pests of tropics and their control, Cambridge Universtiy
Press , New York
Khare, S.P. 1993. Stored Grain Pests and Their Management. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
Nair MRGK. 1986. Insects and Mites of crops in India. Indian Council of Agricultural Research
New Delhi.
Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. 1963. Handbook of Economic Entomology for South India.
Government Press, Madras.
Upadhyaya K.P. and Kusum Dwivedi. 1996. A Text Book of Plant Nematology. Aman Publishing
House, Meerut.
Vasantharaj David, B. 2003. Elements of Economic Entomology. Popular Book Depot,
Vasantharaj David, B and Aanathakrishnan, T.N.. 2006. General and Applied Entomology. Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing House, New Delhi.

We live in a world teeming with insects. The number of individual species of

insects so far known is over a million and each of these species numbers into millions
even billions of individuals. Doubtless, insects are harmful to us in one way or another
but the benefits they offer in so many visible and invisible ways are also great that they
cannot be assessed in terms of money. One radical quote on insects reads “If all
mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to rich state of equilibrium
that existed ten thousand years ago; if insects were to vanish, the environment would
collapse into chaos” – Edward O. Wilson. Man’s future on this earth may very well
depend on how well we understand the insect world – how well we fight our insect
enemies and protect ourselves against them- how well we protect our insect friends.

A study of the insects which are variously related to the welfare of mankind is
referred to as economic entomology. Such studies are usually made with reference to
the habits and habitats of the insect species. Insects are generally classified into three
convenient groups from the point of view of the economic nature, namely harmless,
harmful and beneficial insects. This classification, however, is not a rigid one and is
often subject to alterations depending on conditions. Certain insects which are
considered not harmful may under some other favourable conditions become serious
pests and vice versa.

The scope of the present course is not the study on how many ways insects are
beneficial to us but on how many ways they are harmful to us particularly as pests of
crops and stored grain. In this section, different ways in which insect pests are harmful
to us are classified.

1. Destroying crops and valuable plants:

Insects destroy all kinds of growing crops and other valuable plants by feeding on
leaves, stem, bark, roots, buds, flowers and fruits. They also bore or tunnel into
shoots, stems, roots and fruits feeding on internal contents. Insects are known to
cause cancerous growth/ galls within which they live and feed. They cut and
carry parts of plants fo r construction of nests or shelters. Many species of insects
are reported as vectors disseminating microorganisms of plant diseases, namely,
viruses, bacteria, fungi etc.

2. Annoying and injuring man and animals:

There are several ways in which insects annoy and injure man and animals, both
domesticated and wild. Droning, humming and buzzing they produce is annoying
to everyone. The foul odour they emit, offensive taste of their
secretions/excretions they leave on fruits, food and dishes cause suffering.
Pinching and causing painful disfiguring blisters on any part of the body, they
may come in contact with. Accidental entry into the eyes, ears, nostrils or
alimentary canal causes myiasis, a painful muscle damage.

3. Injecting venoms:

Many insects are venomous injecting venoms into our body by stinging (bees),
piercing their mouth parts (mosquitoes, bed bugs) and nettling hairs (larvae of
some moths) and leaving caustic and corrosive fluids on our body.

4. Making home in and on our body:

Some insects make their home on our body or on the bodies of some animals as
external parasites (lice, bird lice). Larvae of some flies tunnel into muscles of any
organ system – nose, ear, urinogenital passages and alimentary canal as internal
parasites causing mechanical injury and infection leads to starvation and death
(horse bot fly).

5. Disseminating diseases in man and animals:

Many insects transmit disease causing pathogens like viruses ,bacteria,

spirochaetes, rickettsias, protozoa, nematodes and fungi to man and animals.
The blood sucking insects acquire the pathogens when biting the diseased
persons or animals /wild animals which are reservoirs of some pathogens and
transmit them when they bite the healthy ones.

6. Destroying useful articles:

Insects destroy almost everything that man uses; stored food, clothing, woollens,
rugs, drugs, furniture, bridges, telephone poles, animal and plant collections in
museums, papers, books and so on. They can destroy anything or depreciate the
value by feeding, contaminating with their own secretions, excretions, eggs, their
own dead bodies or exuviae or simply by inhabiting them.

In the sections that follow, pests including insects and non insects that damage
field crops, horticultural crops and the stored products are discussed in detail.
Scirpophaga incertulas
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

The pest is widely distributed in all Asian countries, monophagous and is a major
pest on rice in India. Other stem borers on rice include dark headed borer, Chilo
suppressalis; white stem borer, Tryporyza innotata; pink rice borer, Sesamia inferens. In
South India, incidence of S.incertulas is serious during October-January.
The female moth has bright yellowish brown fo rewings with a clear single black
spot and the anal end having tuft of yellowish hair. The male is pale yellow and the
spots on the forewings are not conspicuous. Male is smaller than female.
Eggs are laid near the tip on the upper surface of tender leaf in small masses,
covered with a felt like buff coloured mass of hair and scales. Single female lays 2 or 3
clusters of eggs, each having 15-80 eggs. Eggs hatch in about 5-8 days.
Newly hatched larvae which are pale white with dark brown head and prothoracic
shield, move downward and wander about on plant surface for 1-2 hours. They hang
down by silk thread, get blown off to other clumps or land on water, swim freely and get
to the plants. They enter leaf sheath and feed on green tissues for 2-3 days, then bore
into the stem near nodal region to feed. They disperse from one plant to another.
Usually one larvae is found inside a stem. There are 6 larval instars and full grown larva
measures 20 mm long and is white or yellowish white with a well developed prothoracic
shield. Larval duration is 33-41 days. Before pupation, the larva prepares an exit hole
with thin webbing.
Pupation takes place inside the stem near base in a white silken cocoon. Moth
emerges in 6-10 days or in about a month depending on climate. Moths are attracted to
light. There are 3-5 generations in South India. Cold weather, high humidity and low
temperature in October-December are favourable.
The pest can be identified with the aid of following symptoms
v “Dead-heart” at vegetative stage which turns brownish, curls and dries off
v “White ears” at heading stage with empty, partially filled grains
v Presence of egg masses near the tips of tender leaf blades
v Activity of moths in the vicinity
v Frass at the feeding site
Monophagous nature and peculiar boring habits of yellow stem borer make
control with insecticides difficult.
• Harvesting of crop close to soil surface, ploughing or flooding the field after harvest
to kill hibernating larvae in the stubbles
• Selection of varieties resistant to yellow stem borer : Swarnamukhi (NLR 145),
Pothana (WGL 22245), Varsha (RDR 355)
• Clipping the tips of the seedlings prior to transplantation aids in the elimination of
egg masses
• Seedling root-dip with chlorpyriphos (0.02%) @ 200 ml in 200 litres of water in a plot
of 3 m x 3 m for 12-14 hours. If 3 kg urea is added, 3 hours is sufficient. Seedlings
thus treated are sufficient to transplant one acre. Seedling root-dip is effective for 30
days in the main field against stem borer, gall midge, BPH and GLH.
• Setting light traps or pheromone traps for monitoring the pest
• Collection and elimination of egg masses
• Encouraging natural enemies
Egg parasitoids: Tetrastichus schoenobii, Telenomus beneficiens,
Trichogramma chilonis, T.japonicum ,
Larval parasitoids: Goniozus indicus, Apanteles ruficrus, A. schoenobii, Bracon
Pupal parasitoids: Elasmus albopictus, Tetrastichus ayyari,
Xanthopimpla emaculata
Predator : a carabid, Chlaenius sp.
• Economic threshold levels (ETL)
• Nursery : 1 egg mass or 1 moth / m2
• Main crop : 1 egg mass or 1 moth / m2 , 5% dead hearts
1% white ears
• Vulnerable stages of the pest to the insecticides are at brood emergence when
moths and eggs are observed and when majority of eggs hatch and larvae in
wandering stage.
• Need based application of insecticides on ETL basis
• 5 days before pulling the nursery application of carbofuran 3G @ 200 g/cent of
nursery in a little water (seedling root-dip not required) (or)
• Foliar sprays with monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.0 ml/l at 10 and 17
Main field:
• Foliar sprays with chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or phosphamidon 2.0 ml/l or acephate 1.5
g/l or cartap hydrochloride 2.0 g/l or chlorantra niliprole 0.4 ml/l
• At panicle initiation stage: cartap hydrochloride 4 g @ 8 kg/acre,
• Carbofuran 3 g @ 10 kg/acre


Orseolia oryzae
Cecidomyiidae: Diptera
The pest is endemic and is distributed in most parts of India. It is a major pest in
Telangana, North Coastal region of Andhra Pradesh and mainly a pest of kharif.
Fly is mosquito like and is 3-3.5 mm long. Female has bright orange red
abdomen, swifter with a reddish telescopic body. Male is darker and smaller. Adult
longevity is 1-3 days.
Eggs are laid singly or in groups of 2-6 just below or above ligule i.e., on leaf
blade or leaf sheath. Single female lays 100-300 eggs. The reddish, elongate eggs
hatch in 3-4 days.
Maggot which is pale reddish, apodous moves down to the shoot apex without
boring into plant tissue. Throughout its development it feeds at the base of the apical
meristem leading to suppression of apical meristem, formation of radial ridges from
inner most leaf primordium and elongation of leaf sheath. The symptoms of attack are
v Hollow whitish to pale green cylindrical tube in tillers known as gall / silver
shoot/onion shoot bearing at its tip a green, reduced leaf blade complete with ligules
and auricles. Gall is a modified leaf sheath.
v Vigorous subsidiary tillering if infested in early growth period
The pest infests even nursery but prefers tillering stage. Infested tillers do not
bear panicles. At panicle initiation stage, the maggot cannot cause damage. Only one
larva develops at shoot apex, remains throughout its development inside the gall. Larval
duration is 15-20 days. The full grown larva is 3 mm long and pale red in colour
Pupation is at the base of the gall, but the pupa wriggles up to the tip projecting
halfway out. Pupal period is 2-8 days. The gall dries up after fly emergence. It spends
its entire larval and pupal period inside a single tiller.
The fly gets active at the onset of monsoon, completes 1-2 generations breeding
on ratoon grasses like Cynodon dactylon, Eleusine indica, Ischaeum ciliare, Panicum
sp., Paspalum scrobiculatum and then migrates to newly planted rice.
Early rains making flies active and subsequent dry spell and delayed plantings
will favour the pest. It is mostly confined to first crop. Light rainy or cloudy weather
during July – September coupled with high RH favours build up of the pest.
• Avoid late transplanting in endemic areas. Early planted kharif crop escapes pest
• Selection of variety resistant to a biotype of the region is imperative since six
biotypes of rice gall midge have been identified in India.
• Biotype is a biological strain of an organism morphologically indistinguishable from
other members of its species but exhibiting distincti ve physiological characteristics,
particularly in its ability to utilize pest resistant host successfully. According to Kogan
(1994), the term biotype is generally used to describe a population capable of
damaging and surviving on plants previously known to be resistant to other
populations of the same species.
• Geographical distribution of gallmidge biotypes
Biotype 1: Hyderabad, Warangal, Maruteru (A.P)
Sambalpur (Orissa), Raipur (M.P)
Biotype 2: Cuttack, Bubaneswar (Orissa)…..East coast
Mangalore (Karnataka), Goa……..West coast
Sakholi (Maharastra)………………Central India
Biotype 3: Ranchi (Bihar)……………………...North
Wangbal (Manipur)………………… North East
Jagityala (A.P)
Biotype 4: Srikakulam and Vizianagaram (A.P)
Bhadra (Sakholi) (Maharastra)
Biotype 5: Moncompu (Kerala)
Biotype 6: Manipur
• Varieties resistant to different biotypes of gallmidge
Boitype Varieties
Biotype 1 Kakatiya, Potana, Kavya, Dhanyalakshmi (BPT 1235),
Phalguna, Vikram, Surekha, IR 36, Lalat.
Biotype 2 Phalguna, Vikram, Vikramatya, Lalat.
Biotype 3 Surekha
Biotype 4 IR 36
Biotype 5 Phalguna, Kavya, Dhanyalakshmi, Kakatiya, Divya.
Biotype 6

• Some varieties resistant to gall midge in AP: Phalguna (RPW 6-17),

Vasundhara (RGL 2538), Suraksha, Srikakulam sannalu (RGL 2537), Surekha,
Sumathi (RNR 18833),Pothana (WGL 22245), Kavya (WGL 48684), Divya (WGL
44645), Kesava (WGL 3825), Rudrama (RDR 7555), Pelala Vadlu (RDR 8702),
Jagatial Sannalu (JGL 1798), Polasa Prabha (JGL 384), Varalu (WGL 14377),
Vorugallu (WGL 3962), Bhadrakali (WGL 3962), Siva (WGL 3943), Varsha (RDR
355), Indur samba (RDR 763), Srikurma (RGL 2332)
• Seedling root dip with chlorpyriphos 0.02%
• The larvae are naturally parasitized by Platygaster oryzae, Polygnotus sp., and
Propicroscytus mirificus

Nursery : 1 gall / m2
Main field in tillering stage: 5% affected tillers, 1 gall /hill
• Application of granules in nursery 5 days before pulling the nursery – phorate 10 G
60 g/cent or carbofuran 3G @ 200 g/cent
• Application of granules in the main field at 10-15 DAT: phorate 5 kg/ac or carbofuran
10 kg/ac in endemic areas.

Nilaparvata lugens
Delphacidae: Hemiptera

This is distributed in most of the rice tracts of India. Adults are ochraceous –
brown dorsally and deep brown ventrally. The female is 5 mm long and male 4.5 mm.
Female exists in two forms, the fully winged macropterous and the truncated – winged
Eggs are thrust within parenchymatous tissues of the plant along the midrib of
leaves in bunches of 2-12 eggs, A female lays, about 232 eggs. The egg is white
elongated and shaped like a curved club. It hatches in 7-9 days.
Brownish nymph undergoes five instars during a nymphal period of 10-18 days.
Both nymphs and adults suck sap from basal portion of plant clustering at the base of
rice clump. They inject toxic saliva while feeding which results in “hopper burn”.
Population of white backed plant hopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera is commonly seen
in association with that of BPH on rice. WBPH dominates during vegetative phase while
BPH dominates from PI stage.. the symptoms include
v Premature yellowing of leaves and drying of plants in isolated circular patches
v Drying of plants spreads in a circular fashion
v Sooty mould
v Exuviae at the base of plants
v Affected stems turn soft and are unfit for use as straw
BPH is reported as vector of grassy stunt and ragged stunt virus. Apart from rice,
it infests Cyperus rotundus and Panicum repens. The pest is serious from PI to booting
till post flowering. Higher doses of N and high plant density per unit area invite the pest
problem. Thick vegetation and direct sown rice preferred.
Detection of BPH biotypes worldwide
Biotypes Region Countries
1 South East Asia Philippines, China, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand
2 South East Asia Philippines, Solomon Islands, Vietnam
3 South East Asia Philippines, Taiwan
4 South Asia Bangladesh, India, Srilanka
5 South East Asia Philippines
• Avoiding monoculture of susceptible varieties
• Growing resistant varieties like Chaitanya (MTU 2067), Godavari (MTU 1032),
Krishnaveni (MTU 2077), Indra (MTU 1061), Vajram (MTU 5249), Vijetha (MTU
1001), Pratibha (MTU 5293), Cottondora Sannalu(MTU 1010), Nandi (MTU 5182),
Surya (BPT 4358), Deepti (MTU 4870), Chandan (RNR 74802), Tolakari (MTU
1031), Pushyami (MTU 1075)
• Seedling root dip with chlorpyriphos 0.02%
• Formation of alleys or pathways of 20 cm width for every 2 metres of planting to
facilitate aeration, light, basal spraying, monitoring and other farm operations.
• Draining the field during the middle of the season to suppress the pest population
• Conservation of natural enemies
Spider : Lycosa pseudoannulata
Mirid bug : Cyrtorhinus lividipennis
Aquatic bug : Gerris tristan
Coccinellids : Coccinella arcuata
Egg parasitoids : Anagrus sp., Oligosita sp.,
Nymphal and
Adult parasitoid : Haplogonatopus orientalis
• ETLs
Tillering stage : 10 hoppers / Hill
Heading stage : 20-25/Hill
• Foliar sprays (directing the spray towards base of plants) with any of the following
insecticides viz.,ethofenprox 2 ml/l;acephate 1.5 g/l; BPMC 2 ml/l; imidacloprid +
ethiprole 80 WG 0.25 g/l; monocrotophos 2.2 ml/l; carbofuran 3G 10 kg/ac


Nephotettix nigropictus
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera

These are small, active wedge shaped leafhoppers, distributed in all rice tracts in
India. N.nigropictus is about 5 mm long and possesses two black spots in the males
which extend up to the black distal portion of the forewings. Males have a black tinge
along anterior margin of pronotum and black submarginal band on the crown of the
head. Female is generally entirely green without any black tinge on pronotum.
N.virescens can be easily distinguished by the black spots in the male not
extending up to black distal portion of forewings and the absence of black tinge on the
pronotum and black band on the crown. It causes more damage to rice than
Yellowish eggs are laid in rows under epidermis of leafsheath @ 53 eggs per
female. Incubation period is 6-7 days.
Nymph passes through 5 instars, becomes adult in about 18 days and it takes
about 24 days to complete the life cycle. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves
causing the following symptoms.
v Yellowing, stunting and withering of plants
v Leaves turning brown with small scratch like marks on leaf in severe infestation
v Uniform yellowing from mid half of leaf
Serious damage is inflicted when leafhoppers transmit virus diseases. N.nigropictus
is known to transmit rice dwarf, rice yellow dwarf, rice transitory yellowing and rice
tungro, while N.virescens transmits rice tungro, rice transitory yellowing and rice yellow
dwarf. Rice green leafhoppers are abundant during rainy season. Optimum temperature
and high humidity favour the pest.
• Early clipping of infested leaf tips to prevent virus transmission
• Removal of left over nursery
• Removal of alternative hosts during off season such as Panicum spp., Echinocloa
spp., Cyperus spp., and other grasses
• Seedling root dip with chlorpyriphos 0.02%
• Varieties resistant to green leafhopper IR-20, Vani, Vikramarya
• Eggs are parasitised by Oligosita nephotetticum
• ETLs : Nursery: 1-2 hoppers/m2
Tillering: 10/hill,
Heading: 20/hill,
Tungro endemic areas: 1/hill
• Same insecticides recommended for BPH are effective. For immediate knockdown
of high population monocrotophos 2 ml/l + dichlorvos 1 ml/l

Dicladispa armigera
Hispidae: Coleoptera

This is known to occur in all rice tracts in India, especially in Andhra Pradesh,
West Bengal and Bihar. It is serious on young rice, it also infests sorghum, maize, bajra,
sugarcane and grasses.
Beetle is a small 4.5 – 5 mm long, square shaped, bluish black and shiny with
spines on thorax and elytra. Adults scrape green matter on upper surface of leaf blade
v Whitish leaf tips of young leaves giving dried up appearance
v White, rectangular streaks parallel to veins on older leaves, which initially appear
glistening, membranous, papery white, later turning pale reddish, straw coloured
Eggs are laid singly, partially inserted beneath the epidermis of tender leaves
generally towards the tip @ 55 eggs/ female. The egg hatches in 4-5 days. Small,
yellowish, flattened grubs feed on leaf tissue inside the leaf mine causing
v Blister spots towards leaf tip
After feeding for 7-12 days, it pupates in leaf mine or grub tunnel and the beetle
emerges in 3-5 days. Adult longevity is about 78 days.
Heavy rains in July, abnormally low rainfall in Aug -Sept., steady temperatures
coupled with high RH is congenial for build up of the pest.

• Clipping of leaf tips of seedlings while transplanting eliminates eggs laid towards the
• Removal of left over nursery
• Grubs are parasitized by Bracon sp.,
• ETLs
2 adults / hill
2 damaged leaves / hill
• Foliar sprays with profenophos 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5


Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

This is widely distributed in India occurring in all rice growing tracts. Moth is small
with a wing span of 15 mm, brownish orange coloured with light brown wings having two
distinct dark wavy lines on forewings and one line on hind wings. Both wings have dark
brown band on their outer margin. Adult longevity is 3 -4 days.
Flat oval, yellowish eggs are laid singly on the under surface of tender leaves
which hatch in 4-7 days.
The larva folds 3-4 leaves of young plants feeding from within. In grown up
plants, it folds leaf longitudinally from tip downwards bringing together the margins with
silken threads, lives in tubes thus formed feeding on chlorophyll. Single larva damages
several leaves causing the following symptoms.
v Whitish membranous folded leaves with typical white streaks
v Faecal pellets when leaf opened
v Reduced vigour of the plant
The pest causes more loss at boot leaf stage. Pale yellowish green larva
measuring 16-20 mm long becomes full grown in 15-27 days.
Pupation is inside the leaf fold and the moth emerges in 6-8 days. Total life cycle
takes 26-42 days. The pest is abundant during rainy season with optimum temperature
and high RH.
It is better to manage effectively the first generation of the pest to prevent the
build up of the population at boot leaf stage.
• Early clipping of infested, folded leaf tips
• Removal of alternative hosts Echinocloa spp., and Panicum spp., and other grasses
• The ichneumonid, Xanthopimpla emaculata is parasitic on the pest larvae
• Passing a rope 2-3 times over the crop at tillering stage mechanically to dislodge
• ETL : 1 larva/hill
2 damaged leaves/hill
• Foliar sprays with chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or acephate 1.5 g/l or cartap hydrochloride 2
g/l or granules of cartap hydrochloride 4 G 8 kg/ac


Leptocorisa oratorius
Coreidae: Hemiptera
This is present in all rice growing tracts and is a regular pest in certain parts of
Telangana and Rayalaseema regions of Andhra Pradesh. The bugs emit characteristic
unpleasant odour indicative of their presence in the field, hence the name, gundhi bug.
The pest appears on rice just before flowering stage and continues until panicles ripen.
The adult is active, diurnal, elongated bug with long legs. It is olive brown and
ventrally green measuring 15.5-17 mm long.
Eggs are laid in single or double rows close to midrib on the upper surface of
leaves @ 10-20 per cluster. Each female lays about 100 eggs. Dark reddish brown egg
is boat shaped. Egg hatches in about 7 days.
Nymphs are pale yellowish green possessing odoriferous glands on the fifth
abdominal segment. Nymph passes through 5 instars in about 15-21 days. The total life
cycle takes about a month. After the harvest of rice, the bug over- winters in millets and
wild grasses.
Both nymphs and adults suck juice from grains in milky stage, also from
peduncle, leaves and stem causing the following symptoms
v Affected grains become shrivelled and chaffy
v Brown spot is observed at the feeding site where sooty mould develops
v Lower grain quality and broken grains when infested at soft dough stage
• Clean cultivation
• Collection of bugs by hand nets
• ETL : 1 or 2 bugs/hill
• Foliar sprays in the evening hours at milky stage starting from borders of the crop
with dichlorovos 1 ml/l + endosulfan 2 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l or malathion 2
• Dusting with endosulfan 4 D 10 kg/ac or carbaryl 10 D 10 kg /ac.

Rice large grasshopper : Hieroglyphus banian
Rice small grass hopper : Oxya nitidula,
Acrididae: Orthoptera

Nymphs and adults feed on foliage by irregularly cutting leaf margins. In severe
cases only midribs and stalks remain. They also cut the panicle at heading stage and
are very active at night time.
Scraping field bunds and summer ploughings to destroy eggs, dusting cabaryl
10D or malathion 5D @ 10 kg/ac or foliar spraying with fenitrothion 2 ml/l or endosulfan
2 ml/l found effective in their management.


Ehinocnemus oryzae
Curculionidae: Coleoptera
It is semi aquatic in habit. Newly hatched grubs feed on stem epidermis initially,
enter soil and attack tender roots of transplanted crop causing poor tillering and stunted
growth. Upon investigation, grubs can be seen adhering to roots.
Seedling root dip with chlorpyriphos 2.5ml/l, application of neem cake @ 100
kg/ac or superphosphate @ 80 kg/ha to deter grubs at active feeding zone of roots are
effective in its management.


Spodoptera mauritia
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Caterpillar nibble at first, later become voracious feeder eating the seedlings in
the nursery and reducing the plants to mere stumps. They migrate from field to field
feeding at night and hiding during the day.
Flooding the nursery brings out hiding larvae which are picked up by birds. Foliar
sprays with dichlorvos 1 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l are effective.

Mythimna separata
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It appears in swarms at earhead stage in Nov-Dec. Late instars have the

characteristic habit of climbing and cutting earheads in addition to defoliation. The pest
becomes serious in certain years of heavy rainfall.
In nature, population is suppressed by natural infections by entomogenous
fungus, Nomuraea rileyi. Foliar sprays with chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml or endosulfan 2 ml in
combination with dichlorvos 1 ml per litre of water in the evening hours following
irrigation are effective.

Paraponyx stagnalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Larva cuts the leaf blades into short lengths and constructs a tubular case inside
which it remains and feeds on the foliage scraping green matter in streaks. Damage
appears ladder like with alternate dark and light rows o f green patches.
Sprinkling kerosene on water and passing a rope over the crop to dislodge and
kill the larvae in the cases. Stagnant water along with leaf cases is drained.
Monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l is effective.


Hydrellia philippina
Ephydridae: Diptera
Maggots attack the leaf blades even before unfurling and the initial damage is
characterised by the presence of narrow stripes of whitish area in the blade margins.
Boot leaf and spikelet damage has also been noticed. The maggots feed on spikelets
and cause shrivelling.
Maintenance of irrigation water during initial establishment stage of seedlings
and application of carbofuran 3 G @ 33 kg/ha is effective.


Oligonychus oryzae
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Nymphs and adults congregate on lower surface of leaf and suck sap resulting in
pale whitish blotches on upper side of leaf which later turn yellow to orange colour. Thin
webs are seen on the undersurface of leaves. In heavy incidence mites can be seen on
upper side of leaf also.
Foliar sprays of wettable sulphur 3 g/l or dicofol 5 ml/l are found effective.


Steneotarsonemus spinki
Tarsonemidae: Acarina

At vegetative phase, both nymphs and adults colonise midribs of leaves and
lacerate tissues up to maximum tillering stage causing brown necrotic patches on
midribs. At panicle initiation stage mites move to leaf sheath to feed causing brown
necrotic lesions on leaf sheath. Maximum incidence occurs at boot leaf stage. At panicle
emergence, mites enter florets, feed on ovaries and stamens causing sterile and
discoloured grains in the panicle. Later these grains turn black invaded by saprophytic
Dicofol 5 ml/l or profenophos 2 ml/l once at maximum tillering stage when brown
lesions on midribs appear and second spraying at panicle emergence are
recommended in its management.


There are many definitions of IPM, but the basic concept is the containment of a
pest below economically damaging levels, using a combination of control measures.
Following four primary components of IPM are usually recognized.
1. Host plant resistance
2. Manipulation of the farming system to minimise pest infestation or damage
3. Enhanced natural control practice
4. Selective use of biorational and synthetic pesticides
IPM Practices in Rice:
Various approaches in the management of pests of rice fit into the above primary
components of IPM.
• Harvesting of crop close to soil surface and deep ploughing or flooding after harvest
• Selection of resistant / tolerant varieties against key pests suitable to local situations
• Protection of nursery from pests
• Application of carbofuran 200 g/cent of nursery in a little water 5 days before pulling
nursery for protection against stem borer, gall midge, brown planthopper and green
leafhopper for 30 days in the main field
• Clipping tips of leaf blades before transplanting to eliminate eggs of rice stem borer
and hispa
• Early planting in gall midge endemic areas
• Formation of alleys or path ways of 20 cm width for every 2 metres of planting to
facilitate basal spraying and for aeration and light
• Avoiding of excessive doses of nitrogen
• Ensuring proper drainage and water management
• Weed management
• Monitoring incidence of pests through light traps or pheromone traps for rice stem
borer, leaf folder
• Monitoring pest and natural enemy ratio (2:1)
• Passing a rope over the crop in vegetative phase against leaf folder and caseworm
• Inundative release of Trichogramma egg parasitoids @ 20,000/ac three times within
30-45 DAT
• Use of botanical pesticides such as neem seed kernel extract, neem oil etc.
• Application of insecticides on ETL basis
• Community approach in rodent management.
Atherigona soccata
Muscidae: Diptera

The pest is found distributed in India and West Africa infesting sorghum, maize,
ragi, bajra etc. Its severe incidence necessitates resowing.
Fly is a small 3 mm long, dark grey housefly like with its abdominal segments
marked with two rows of six dark spots in female and four dark spots in male. Single
female fly lays 40 eggs.
Eggs are laid singly on the ventral surface of mostly the third and fourth leaves of
seedlings. Egg is whitish cigar shaped or flattened boat shaped with wing like lateral
projection. The egg hatches in 2-3 days.

Maggot moves to the dorsal surface of leaf, wriggles down the leaf, reaches base
of the seedling and bores into axis destroying growing point. The central succulent core
begins to decay, and the maggot feeds on the rotting matter. The damage results in the
following symptoms.
v Dead heart which can easily be pulled out giving offensive smell at cut end
v Production of side/secondary tillers which are in turn attacked.

Full grown maggot is pale yellowish measuring 10 mm in length. Larval duration is 6-

10 days. Pupation takes place inside the stem at the base with a pupal duration of 7-10
days. Population reaches the minimum in December-June.

• Use of a higher seed rate of 12 kg/ha instead of normal rate of 10 kg/ha and removal
of affected and extra plants at the time of thinning four weeks after sowing since
shootfly affects only young plants of 4-5 weeks age
• Timely sowing of kharif sorghum befo re July 15th, however for highly susceptible
variety CSH-1, the above measures prove ineffective.
• Some varieties found resistant to shootfly : IS 1054, IS 1071, IS 2394, IS 5484, SPV
86, SPV 462
• Application of carbofuran 3 G granules @ 2 g/one metre row length in furrows at
sowing time
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l at weekly intervals (7,14,21 DAS)


Chilo partellus
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera
Its infestation starts one month after sowing till harvest. This is ranked as the
most important among the pests of sorghum and maize in India and is distributed all
over the country. It also infests sugarcane, rice and Johnson grass.
Moth is medium sized, straw coloured with black specks along caudal margin of
forewings. A single female lays nearly 300 eggs on undersurface of leaves. Eggs are
scale like, flattish, overlapping and laid in batches. Eggs hatch in about seven days.

Larvae bite their way into the stem feeding on the interna l tissue and killing the
central shoot in young plants. The damage results in

v Shot holes due to biting across leaf spindle

v Dead heart with no offensive smell at cut end when pulled out
v Chaffy earheads in later stages

The larva is cylindrical, yellowish brown with a brown head and a prothoracic
shield and dark spots on the body. It measures about 25 mm long. Larval duration is 28-
35 days. Larvae hibernate in winter. Full grown caterpillar prepares an exit hole before
pupation inside the stem. Pupa within the stem is obtect, reddish brown with 6 spines at
caudal end. Pupal stage lasts 7-10 days


• Uprooting and burning affected stubbles after harvest to destroy hibernating larvae
• Adoption of higher seed rate, pulling and destroying affected plants in the early
• Selection of sorghum varieties resistant to stem borer CSH 7,8; SPV 17, 19, 29,58;
ICSV 197, 745, 88013
• Maize varieties / hybrids Ganga 5, DHM 101, 103, 105 have been found resistant to
• Preservation of natural enemies
Egg parasitoid : Trichogramma chilonis
Larval parasitoids : Cotesia flavipes, Bracon chinensis
Pupal parasitoids : Xanthopimpla punctata, Tetrastichus ayyari
• Placement of carbofuran 3 G granules @ 4 kg/ac at 35-40 DAS in leaf whorls since
first instar caterpillars congregate in leaf whorls.
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l at 30 and 45 DAS. Spray should be directed
towards leaf whorls.


Sesamia inferens
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

This is a serious pest of ragi in South India. It also infests sorghum, maize, bajra,
rice, wheat, sugarcane, wheat, grasses etc.,

Moth is medium sized, straw coloured with forewings having marginal black
streaks. Hindwings and thorax are white. The female lays about 100 yellowish pearl like
eggs between the stem and the leaf sheath in 1-3 rows. The incubation period is 7-12
Caterpillars bore into the stem and kill the central shoot causing
v Dead hearts
v Chaffy earheads later

There may be up to five larvae inside a stem. A single caterpillar can damage
number of plants. Oblong and elongate shot holes can be seen on unfolding leaves.
The full grown larva measures 20-26 mm and is pale yellow with a purple pink tinge and
reddish brown head. The larval period lasts for 25-54 days. Pupation is inside the
stem and the adult emerges in 8-12 days.


• Pull out and destroy by burning dead hearts and affected plant parts
• Placement of granules in central whorls as detailed under sorghum stem borer
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l

Stenodiplosis sorghicola
Cecidomyiidae: Diptera

One time a minor pest of sorghum in India has assumed the status of a major
pest with the introduction of high yielding varieties and hybrid sorghum. It is
distributed in all sorghum growing tracts of the country.
Adult fly is a tiny, fragile, mosquito like insect with a bright orange abdomen and
a pair of transparent wings. They mate soon after emergence from pupae and start
laying eggs. Adult lives for 1 -2 days.
Eggs are laid singly within spikelets of sorghum when the pollen is being shed.
Single female lays 30-35 eggs @ 6-10 in each floret. Egg hatches in 3-4 days. The
maggots feed on the ovaries and destroy the developing grains causing flattening of
florets. The damage results in the following symptoms.
v Red ooze from spikelet when squeezed indicating the presence of maggot
v Chaffy grains with round holes indicating fly emergence
v Empty pupal cases protruding from glumes

Larval duration lasts for 7-11 days. Pupation is within damaged spikelets. The
adult emerges in 3-5 days. The carry over of the pest from one season to the next is
accomplished by the diapausing larvae in crop debris or on wild hosts.

• Burning panicle residues and chaff after threshing to destroy diapausing larvae
• Adoption of uniform date of sowing to make varieties flo wer at same time
• Early sowing at monsoon to escape midge damage
• Selection of resistant varieties ICSV 197, 745, 88013, PJ 890.
• Larvae and pupae are parasitised by Tetrastichus coimbatorensis
• Spraying earheads when blooms first appear on panicles with endosulfan 2 ml/l or
carbaryl 5 g/l or dusting carbaryl on earheads @ 8 kg/ac.
Calocoris angustatus
Miridae: Hemiptera
It is a major pest of sorghum in South India; it also infests bajra, maize and Italian
millet. Adults are slender, long legged, yellowish green, about 1 cm long and are active
Eggs are laid under the glumes or into the middle of the florets by means of long
ovipositor of the female. A single female lays 150-200 eggs @ 1-16 in each floret.
Bluish cigar-shaped eggs hatch in about 10 days.
Nymphs with light orange abdomen initially turn green as they grow. Nymphal stage
lasts 10-16 days. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender grains in milky stage
resulting in
v Shrivelled, unfilled, chaffy grains which initially show red spots on feeding sites and
later turn black
v Whole earhead turn black and later dries up.
v Varieties with compact earheads are severely infested
The duration of egg to adult takes about 15-17 days. The bugs infest as soon as the
ears emerge out of the leaf sheath and within a short period the population increases.
There can be atleast two generations in a crop season.
• Timely sowing at first monsoon showers
• Avoiding compact earhead varieties
• A reduviid bug, Reduviolus sp., and a lygaeid bug, Geocoris tricolor are predaceous
on the insect
• Shaking of infested earheads in kerosinated water to destroy nymphs
• As soon as earheads emerge, dusting them with carbaryl @ 8-10 kg/ac, second
dusting a week after if needed or foliar sprays with endosulfan 2 ml/l or phosalone
2.5 ml/l


Amsacta albistriga,
A. moorei
Arctiidae: Lepidoptera

These are distributed all over India. A.albistriga is the predominant species in
South India while A.moorei in North India. In South India it is very serious pest of dry
crops especially groundnut in most of the rainfed tracts in kharif season. It also infests
young sorghum, maize, cotton, castor, cowpea, bajra. Red soils are more suitable.
Moth is medium sized having white forewings with brownish markings and
streaks and white hind wings with black spots. There is a yellow band on the head and
a yellow streak along costal margin of the forewings in A.albistriga while the band on the
head and streak along costal margin of the wing are red in A.moorei. Moths emerge
with the onset of monsoon from diapausing pupae in June-July. The emergence occurs
in waves following rains. Adults pair almost immediately after the emergence and
oviposit the same night. Oviposition is spread over 2-3 days.
Eggs are cream or bright yellow and are laid in masses on young foliage or on
the soil, clods of earth, stones or occasionally on other vegetation. A single female lays
about 1000 eggs in clusters of 50-100. Larvae hatch in about 3-4 days.
Dark larvae feed gregariously on the lower surface of leaves scraping for 4-5
days. In about 10 days, they turn ashy brown and slowly spread from plant to plant
feeding voraciously. Larvae become full grown in about 40-50 days. They are reddish
brown with a red head and dense large hair and body. On either end of the body, larva
has black bands enclosing a red band in between. These larvae feed on leaves in large
numbers and march from field to field in thousands resulting in following symptoms.

v Heavy defoliation
v Entire crop looks as though grazed by cattle
Full grown larvae await next sharp showers. Failure of rains at this critical stage may
result in annihilation of larvae due to their inability to pupate for want of sufficient soil
moisture. In the presence of sufficient moisture, full grown larvae burrow into the soil
and pupate along bunds, shady moist places under trees etc. at a depth of 10-20 cm.
Pupae remain in soil till next year i.e., from Oct-Nov. to the following July-Aug in South

• Deep ploughing to expose pupae after harvest

• Bonfires at night between 7-11 pm within 48 hours after monsoon rains to attract and kill
emerging moths
• Collection and destruction of egg masses and gregarious larvae
• Growing cowpea or castor as trap crops
• Placing shoots of jatropha, Ipomoea on the field bunds to attract and kill migrating
• Larvae are parasitised by tachinids, Exorista civiloides, sturmia inconspicuella and
preyed upon by a pentatomid predator, Eocanthecona furcellata
• Digging treches around the field and dusting them with methyl parathion (Folidol)
• Dusting with methyl parathion or quinalphos @ 10 kg/ac for early instars
• Foliar sprays with dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l for grown up caterpillars
• Distribution of poison baits (rice bran 10 kg + jaggery 1 kg + quinalphos 1 litre or
methomyl 350 ml + water in sufficient quantity for making balls) in the evening hours.


Colemania sphenerioides
Acrididae: Orthoptera

It causes appreciable damage to rainfed millets. Both nymphs and adults feed on
the leaves in early stage of the crop. However, the crop suffers at the earhead stage.
Grasshoppers devour flowers and ripening ears wholly, sometimes leading to total loss
of crop.
Deep ploughing after harvest to expose eggs and dusting all around borders and
then entire crop with carbaryl 10 D or endosulfan 4D @ 10 kg/ac are effective


Rhopalosiphum maidis
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is confined to unopened leaves of sorghum, maize and other millets. Nymphs

and adults suck sap from leaves and tender earheads leading to mottled appearance
with yellow patches, failure of grains to develop in earhead and formation of sooty
mould due to honeydew excretion on the plants. It transmits maize dwarf mosaic virus in
sorghum leading to death of young seedlings.
Coccinellids, syrphids and chrysopids suppress the population in nature.
However, need based treatments with dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
acephate 1 g/l are recommended.


Peregrinus maidis
Delphacidae: Hemiptera

It is one of the important sap feeders of millets in South India. These bugs are
found within leaf whorls or on the leaves. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender
portions of plants causing yellowing of foliage, stunted growth and scorched
appearance. The ants, Camponotus compressus, Monomorium destructor are seen
attending on the bugs for honeydew on which sooty mould develops. It is a vector of
stripe disease of sorghum, maize, sugarcane and other millet crops.
If predatory population is not found sufficient, dusts of carbaryl 10 D or
endosulfan 4 D @ 10 kg/ac or foliar sprays with dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6
ml/l are effective.

Chaetocnema pusaensis
Longitarsus sp.
Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera

Beetles bite small holes on leaves which affect photosynthetic activity. Leaves or
seedlings of various millets such as sorghum, maize and bajra are damaged. Grubs are
not destructive and are found in the soil.
Dusting carbaryl @ 10 kg/ac or spraying 2% neem oil is effective.

Orange banded blister beetle : Mylabris pustulata
Brown blister beetle : Gnathospastoides rouxi
Meloidae: Coleoptera

Blister beetles prefer yellow and red flowers. Beetles attack inflorescence and
feed on flower petals, pollen adversely affecting grain set. They can also feed on tender
Beetles can be collected by hand nets and destroyed. They are highly
phototropic and get attracted to light traps. Dusting earheads with endosulfan or
carbaryl @ 10-15 kg/ha is effective.

Spodoptera exigua
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It infests among millet crops, ragi, sorghum and bajra. It is widely distributed in
India and highly polyphagous. The pest is serious in ragi nurseries feeding on leaves
causing extensive defoliation. The grown up larva coils with slightest touch and drops
down. The larvae hide during day time in the soil and feed on the foliage at night.
In nature, larvae are infected by entomopathogenic fungus, Nomuraea rileyi and
parasitised by Bracon sp. Thiodicarb 1 g/l or acephate 1 g/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l as
foliar sprays are recommended.


Tetraneura nigriabdominalis
Aphididae: Hemiptera

Pale greenish, plumpy aphids suck sap from roots of ragi plants in nursery as
well as main field resulting in gradual fading and drying up of plants. Activities of ants
which move about at collar region of plant for honeydew indicate the infestation by
aphids. Upon examination aphids are seen attached to roots when pulled. Collar region
turns black.
Mixing crude oil or emulsion of OP compound in irrigation water is a common
method. Drenching the soil with a solution of dimethoate 0.05% is effective.


Agrotis basiconica, A. flammatra, A.ipsilon, A.spinifera
Mythimna separate
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Caterpillars are defoliatiors of ragi, maize, bajra and sorghum. They also feed on
earheads. They cut tender stems of young and growing pla nts. Larvae hide during day
time in the soil and become active at dusk. In severe cases, entire leaf is eaten. The
field looks as if grazed by cattle.
Dusting or spraying during afternoon or evening hours with carbaryl 10 kg/ac
or methyl parathion 2 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or dichlorvos 1 ml/l is effective.
Tanymecus indicus
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

It is a common pest of young wheat and other crops in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and
It is grey or greyish brown weevil measuring 5 mm long. Adults hide during
brighter part of the day and get active in the morning and evening hours. Adults are
destructive. The weevil cuts and feeds on the plumule of the young seedlings. Older
seedlings of more than 6 cm in height are not attacked. In severe cases of attack, it
necessitates resowing. The damage results in the following symptom.
v Seedling stems severed and wilting plant lying on ground.
Adults become sexually mature by the end of October (4-5 months after
emergence from soil during June-July).
Eggs are laid singly under clods of soil @ 80 eggs/ female. Eggs hatch in 15-
50 days depending on climate. Larvae develop in soil in about 3 months. After 2
months of pupation, adults are formed during April – May but adults remain in soil till
June and come out with rains in June and when sorghum is available in field.
• Deep ploughing during April-May to destroy pupae
• Dusting the soil with carbaryl @ 10-12 kg/ac and raking it into the soil at the time of
sowing is effective.


Sesamia inferens
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera
It is a polyphagous pest infesting rice, wheat, maize besides other millet crops.
On wheat, damage is caused by larvae which bore into the stem killing the central shoot
and causing dead hearts.
(See pests of sorghum and other millets for other details and management)
Microtermes obesi
Odontotermes obesus
Termitidae: Isoptera

These are the most important pests of wheat in India and are present wherever
wheat is cultivated. M.obesi causes up to 25% destruction of the germinating grains
O.obesus includes both mound builders and subterranean forms. These termites are
polyphagous, widely distributed in Andhra Pradesh. Loamy soils or sandy loams are
more suitable.
Soon after first monsoon showers winged forms (reproductive castes) leave
colony for flight to select mates. Majority perish due to predations by birds and other
natural enemies. Survivors alight again on the soil, shed wings and enter soil in royal
pairs. They are confined to royal chamber at enormous depth, copulate several times
and start a colony. These are primary reproductives. In case one or both royal members
die, supplementary reproductives develop to run the colony.
Queen, after fertilization enlarges in size to a length of 11 cm. Eggs are laid @
30,000/day and the longevity of the queen is 5-15 years, even up to 50 years. Males
undergo little morphological changes but become more flattened. Egg period lasts for
30-90 days and nymphal period 6-12 months.
Members that develop first in the colony are workers (sterile caste) which
constitute 75-80% of colony. Workers take care of eggs, young ones till they live
independently. They feed and tend the queen. They forage for food and cultivate fungal
gardens. Workers are whitish yellow, soft bodied, flat and wingless. They only are
injurious to crops. They feed on roots, stem of growing plants, even dead tissues of
plants feeding on cellulose. As a result of damage, there will be
v Wilting and drying at all stages of wheat crop
v Plants may succumb

Soldiers (sterile caste) can be readily identified with powerful mandibles and are
found at damaging site.


• Locating termitarium, digging out queen and destroying is the only permanent
• Fumigation of ant hill with carbon disulphide or chloroform mixture
• Destruction of crop residues which form sources of infestation
• Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos @ 6 ml/kg of seed
• Soil application of chlorpyriphos 50 EC @ 10 ml/l as a soil drench at sowing time in
termite prone soils.
Chilo infuscatellus
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

It is a major pest in South India, distributed all over the cane growing regions of
Moth is small, slender, greyish brown or straw coloured with labial palpi projected
upwards. Males are smaller than the females with a wing expanse of 19-26 mm
compared to 23-35 mm in females. A row of white dots is present along the outer
margin of forewings.
Flat, scale like, over lapping eggs are laid in 3-5 rows on the underside of leaf
sheath or leaves in clusters containing 8-40 eggs. Single female lays about 300-400
eggs. Oviposition period lasts about 4 days. Egg period varies from 3 -8 days.
The larvae that hatch out from the eggs get scattered and young larva enters the
stem by passing into the space between the leaf sheath and ste m.
The caterpillar bores into the growing stem and kills the young plant causing dead
heart, if ignored later becomes internodal borer, which bores the stem at internodes. In
young tillers, caterpillar bites holes through the stem at the ground level and feeds
inside and exhibits the following symptoms
v Presence of an entrance hole at the ground level.
v Dead hearts which can be easily pulled out. The dead heart emits offensive smell.
v If infested canes are split opened, the larvae or pupae are seen inside.
The full grown caterpillar is 20-25 mm in length. The caterpillar whitish with five violet
stripes dorsally and dorso laterally on its body with dark brown head. Larval period
ranges between 22-44 days depending upon the climate
Pupation takes place in a pupal cell at the end of the larval tunnel and
the pupa is pale straw coloured. After 4- 6 days moth comes out. The
adult survives for 3 -8 days. There are six generations in a year.
The pest attack is usually severe in the early stages of the crop growth during the
hot pre monsoon period. The attack of the borer is a continuous process from sprouting
stage to cane formation. Even after cane formation, it acts as an internodal borer
affecting the internodes. Infestation is favoured by poor irrigation, absence of
rains, high temperature and low humidity.
• Systematic collection of egg masses and their destruction.
• Removal of dead hearts and their destruction.
• Trash mulching which not only checks the population but also conserves soil
moisture and adds the organic matter to the soil.
• Planting in deep trenches reduces the borer incidence.
• Adjusting the planting dates to avoid the peak oviposition. Minimum incidence is in
November and December planting. Maximum incidence is in January and February
• Quick growing varieties escape heavy infestation – Attack will be more in thin
varieties than in thick ones.
• Set treatment with 0.1% malathion or chloripyriphos.
• Light earthing up of soil up to 4-6 week old crop to make the stem inaccessible to
larvae followed by frequent irrigations.
• Installation of light traps.
• The release of egg parasites, Trichogramma minutum; T. australicum is reported to
have given good control of this pest at many places (Chagallu sugar factory area).
• By spraying endosulfan 2 ml / l at 4 th, 6 th, 9 th and 12th week after planting..
• Application of Phorate 10G @ 1.0 kg a.i. /ha at 4th week age of the crop in equal

splits to the soil and leaf whorls.

Chilo sacchariphagus indicus
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

The insect is found throughout India and usually occurs on sugarcane late in its
growing phase. Its multiplication is rapid under conditions of low temperature and high
humidity and the infestation ranges from 20 to 50%. It is se rious on sugarcane in
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Uttar Pradesh.
Moth is small, straw coloured. Forewings have a marginal dark line and the hind
wings are whitish.
Scale like white eggs are laid in batches, each batch containing 9-11 eggs in two
rows on the sheath or leaves. The incubation period is 5-6 days.
The larva usually attacks sugarcane late in its growing phase. The caterpillar
bores at the nodal region and enters the stem. The tissues turn red and the hole is
usually p lugged with excreta. A larva may attack a number of nodes.
Caterpillar has a white body with dark spots and a brown head. The larva
becomes full grown in 37 to 53 days and pupates in the leaf sheath. The pupal period
lasts for 8-10 days. The total life cycle takes 50-70 days. There are six broods in a
Its multiplication is rapid under conditions of low temperature and high humidity.
• Collection of egg masses and their destruction.
• Inundative release of the egg parasite Trichogramma australicum at 50,000
parasites/ ha/ week.
• The pest can be controlled by spraying endosulfan 2 ml / l at fortnightly intervals
from 120 days age of the crop. Normally two sprayings are sufficient.
Scirpophaga nivella
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

It is distributed all over the country, but it is more serious in North

India. It is also found in South-East Asia, Japan etc . Besides sugarcane,
it attacks a number of wild plants belonging to the genus Saccharum.
Moth is medium sized, creamy white, slightly bigger than early shoot borer moth.
Female has tuft of crimson coloured hairs at the tip of the abdomen. In case of certain
males, each of the forewings has a black spot.
About 250- 300 dull white elongate ove rlapping eggs are laid in
clusters, each cluster having 9-79 eggs, usually near mid ribs. The eggs
are covered by buff coloured hairs from female anal tuft. Eggs hatch in 7-
9 days.
The caterpillar first bores into the stem from top by tunneling into
the mid ribs of leaves, leaving markings on the 2 nd through 5 th
leaves.From the midrib it tunnels towards the central core of leaves and
enters the shoot to feed. As a result of biting across the spindle a row of
shot holes are formed.
The damage results in the following symptoms
v A number of shot holes on affected leaves due to biting across the spindle
v Reddish brown charred dead heart that can not be easily pulled out.
v Interference with apical growth gives rise to side shoots and bunchy top symptoms.
Full grown caterpillar is creamy white in colour with yellow head.
The top shoot borer damage starts when the sugarcane is 2 -3 months old.
The larval period lasts for 25 -42 days
Pupation is inside the stem. The pupal period lasts for 7-10 days. The life cycle
may range from 40-62 days. It completes 7 generations in a year.
Activity of the top shoot borer starts with the onset of the monsoon rains in the
north. Low humidity is unfavorable for the pest.
• Collection and destruction of egg masses.
• Collection of affected tillers and destruction.
• Release of egg parasitoid Trichogramma minutum and larval parasitoid, Isotima
javensis during November and December in Adsali sugarcane is found successful.
• Spraying of endosulfan 2 ml / l.

Melanaspis glomerata
Diaspididae: Hemiptera

This armoured scale is of considerable importance in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,

Karnataka, MP and Maharashtra. It is reported that the pest gained entry into AP in
1966 into Nizamabad district of AP and from there to East Godavari district in 1968 and
from there to West Godavari and Krishna. Now the pest persists in latter three districts
and in the former district it is not of much consequence.
Adults are greyish black in colour, irregularly oval and slightly convex in shape.
Female are flat and pyriform shape. The males are winged and smaller in size but are
rare. The adult female is ovoviviparous.
The nymphs that hatch inside female come out through the genital aperture
(crawlers), crawl about some time and settle down after selecting suitable spot,
preferably on the internodes. Freshly hatched crawlers are tiny and light yellowish in
colour.The tiny nymphs after settling down insert their mouthparts into the tissue and
start sucking the plant sap. They remain stationary all through their life if they are
females. The formation of the protected covering i.e., scales starts soon after a nymph
gets settled and becomes thicker and increases in size.
Infestation commences with the formation of the internodes and continues to
increase as the plant grows. Plant sap is sucked and the plant is devitalised. In severe
cases, even it infests the leaf sheath and the lamina including the mid rib. Varieties
having persistent leaf sheaths are attacked to a greater extent and a definite correlation
exists between number of stomata in the stem epidermis and the intensity of attack.
In a highly susceptible variety of sugarcane, the germination was reduced by
about 20 per cent, further the weight of canes, juice sucrose content, bulk density and
purity reduced by about 13, 47, 28 and 26 per cent respectively.
v Shrivelled canes become with shortened internodes.
v Formation of shiny thick encrustation on the cane, maximum on the bottom and
middle of the cane.
On account of its sedentary habits and minute size, the scale insect escapes the
notice of the cane grower. It is only after severe damage, its existence is revealed. In
Nizamabad (AP), the pest flares up in July and vividly seen in October to November. In
coastal AP it is seen first in June – July and persists on the crop right up to July
• Planting of varieties having a close leaf sheath and are almost self stripped in
endemic areas of this pest.
• A variety CO – 7706 has been found moderately tolerant to scales
• Immersion of setts before planting in dimethoate 2ml/l or malathion 2ml/l solution for
at least 15 minutes or drenching the cane setts kept in the furrow with 0.1%
dimethoate solution @ 450-500 litres per hectare before covering them with earth.
• When the shoots have atleast 6-8 internodes, detrashing the basal 4-5 internodes
ensuring that the top most detrashed node is free from scale insect (Before end of
• Spraying with malathion 2ml/l or dimethoate 1.7 ml/l on the exposed basal nodes
twice at an interval of 10-15 days whenever the stage of the crop and its growth
• Application of carbofuran 3G at the base of clumps 5"-6" deep before July.
• Release of predatory coccinellids, Pharoscymnus hornii or Chilocorus nigritus in the
detrashed fields after July.

Pyrilla perpusilla
Lophopidae: Hemiptera

It is a potential pest occurring in an epidemic form in UP and Punjab. It is also

seen in Bihar and Maharastra. It infests wheat, sorghum, rice, mango, oats, barley etc.
Adults are straw coloured with two pairs of wings folded like a roof on the back
and the head prominently drawn forward as a sort of rostrum.
About 600 – 800 pale greenish yellow eggs are laid on the underside of leaves in
clusters, covered over with a white filamentous waxy material secreted by the female.
Eggs hatch in 7-10 days in summer. Newly hatched nymphs are milky white in
color with a pair of characteristic processes or filaments covered by wax. They are very
active and are found in very large numbers on sugarcane. Nymphal period lasts one to
two months. Life cycle is completed in about 2 months. There are 3-4 generations in a
Both adults and nymphs suck sap usually from the underside of leaves and
divitalise the plant. In severe cases, the leaves dry up and the plant is stunted. Due to
feeding the sucrose percentage of juice is adversely affected. Besides sucking the sap,
they excrete honey dew that spreads on the leaves on which a black fungus develops
adversely affecting photosynthesis and ultimately the yield
v Affected plants present sickly and blighted appearance.
v Development of sooty mould.
v Swarms of these insects in all stages on the tender foliage. Fading and drying up of
the leaves.
Mild winter followed by mild summer with some showers help the survival of over-
wintering population and their multiplication. Failure of monsoon, cloudy weather and
late action of the parasitoid Epiricania favours rapid multiplication of the pest.
• Cultural practices like prompt destruction of trash after harvest.
• Selection of tolerant varieties
• Mechanical methods of collecting and destroying egg masses in the initial stage i.e.,
during April-May.
• Tetrastichus pyrillae and lepidopteran parasite, Epiricania melanoleuca naturally
suppress the population.
• Foliar sprays with endosulfan 2 ml/l or malathion 2 ml/l

Holotrichia serrata, H. consanguinea
Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera
Grubs of Holotrichia spp are found feeding on roots and root hairs of sugarcane.
The attacked clumps dry up. The pest is active in monsoon period. It is a major pest in
adsali crop. The detailed biology is covered under pests of groundnut.
Effective management practices include ploughing the field deep after the crop.
application of phorate 10G 8 – 10 kg / ac in furrows on both sides of cane row at
planting or standing crop, and spraying with carbaryl 5 g/l or endosulfan at 2.0 ml/l on
leaves of neem, subabul, drumstick as the beetles emerge in June after the break of
monsoon and are active at night and feeding on them and erection of light traps to
collect beetles which are phototropic.


Saccharicoccus sacchari
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

Small pinkish oval insect attached to the lower nodes, protected by leaf sheaths
and covered by a white waxy powder. Adults and nymphs of these bugs are found in
large number near the nodes. The females are sac like with clearly segmented body.
Males are winged but rare.
The female deposits about 1000 eggs covered with a white waxy or mealy mass in
the nodal region. Eggs hatch within a few hours and the newly hatched nymphs move
rapidly for some time, select a place on plant and settle.
Both nymphs and adults persist on plants and suck the cane juice from the growing
canes and excrete honey dew on the leaves. Sooty mould develops on the infested
portion. The pest population builds up under drought conditions. Ants help in their
dispersal to a large extent and they live in symbiotic existence. The total life cycle take
in about a month.
The infestation can be identified by the presence of mealy bugs at the nodes within
the leaf sheath, reduced plant vigour and growth, movement of ants and mould on
infested area.
Destruction of crop residues, immersion of setts in malathion 2 ml/l or dimethoate
1.7 ml/l solution for 15 minutes before planting, selection of pest free sets for planting
and detrashing and spraying malathion 2 ml/l or dimethoate 1.7 ml/l are effective

Odontotermes obesus
Termitidae: Isoptera

Termites or white ants are another destructive pest of sugarcane, omnivorous

and omnipresent. They live under ground attacking the crop, when the setts are planted
in the soil and ravages continue till harvest of the crop with slight slackness during
monsoon. They are mostly found in light soil. Their attack is severe in red soils and
where irrigation facilities are inadequate.
The termites damage the cut ends and buds of setts affecting their germination.
Setts are completely eaten away leaving only the outer hard rinds. In attacked plants,
the outer leaves first show signs of drying and the attacked canes may come out easily,
if pulled. The damage may range from 40-50%. Its attack results in heavy loss in yield
in sugarcane and also reduction in sucrose content.
Six species of termites have so far been recorded from India, damaging
sugarcane viz., Odontotermes obesus, O. assumthi, O. taprobenes, Microtermes
anandi, Eremotermes nerapololis, and Trinervitermes biformis. These are
morphologically different, but their habits, symptoms of damage etc are all similar.
Systematic digging up of termite mounds and destruction of queen is a permanent
measure of control. Dusting methyl parathion 200 g around and leveling, deep
ploughing and copius irrigation reduces infestation and drenching with chlorpyriphos 50
EC@ 10ml/l is effective.

Aleurolobus barodensis, Neomaskellia bergii
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

Only these two species have been recorded damaging sugarcane in India.
Both nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves which dry up and characteristic yellow
streaks appear along the length. Nymphs are stationary. Severely attacked plants
become stunted.
The sugarcane crop raised in low lying, water logged areas and in semi dry
alkaline soils suffers more due to whitefly. Infestation is seen from August – October.
Due to attack by this pest, cane juice becomes more watery and the jaggery (gur)
quality is adversely affected. A loss of 30-40 per cent in sucrose and 20-25 per cent in
total solids was estimated due to its attack. It is reported that the loss to be of 15-20 per
cent in yield and 1-2 units in sugar recovery due to the pest attack on crop. Whiteflies
prefer broad leaved succulent varieties.
Avoid ratooning in low lying areas, prompt clipping and destruction of affected parts,
foliar sprays with quinalphos 2 ml/l against young nymphs and fenetrothion 1 ml/l
against puparia are effective measures.

Ceratovacuna lanigera
Pemphigidae: Hemiptera

Adults colonise on either side of mid rib, covered with white puff material on
under side of leaves. Nymphs develop white waxy and mealy filamentous material from
third instar. Nymphs and adults suck sap from undersurface of leaves resulting in white
and yellow spot on leaves, drying of leaves, sooty mold on honeydew and activity of
Earthing up to destroy infested material, weed management, restricting movement of
seed material from infested areas, biological control by neuropteran predator,
Chrysoperla carnea; lepidopteran predator: Diapha aphidivora and foliar spray with
endosulfan 2 ml/l or acepahte 1.5 g/l are effective management practices.

Oligonychus indicus, Schizotetranychus andropogoni
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Red mite (O. indicus) occurs in hot weather mostly in years when a few summer
showers are received. The leaves turn red in patches.
The white mite (S. andropogoni) appears a little later in May, June and July. It
occurs under characteristic oval webbings and the chlorophyll is depleted in oval
patches. Hot dry conditions favour their increase.
Conservation of phytoseiid predator, Phytoseius sp., foliar spray with dimethoate 3
ml/l, wettable sulphur @ 3-6 gm/l or dicofol 2.7 ml/l are effectictive measures.
The cotton crop in its early stage of crop growth is generally subjected to the
attack of sucking pests. From flowering till harvest, the bollworms cause appreciable
damage. The losses in cotton from insect attack affect both yield and quality of the lint.

Earias vitella
Earias insulana
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Earias vitella and E. insulana are serious pests of cotton. These

insects are very widely distributed These pests attack a number of other
plants of the family malvaceae v i z., bhendi Hollyhock, Hibiscus
cannabinus , Abutilon indicum and other malvaceous plants.
Adult of E. vitella has pale whitish fore wings with a broad greenish band in the
middle while E. insulana has completely green forewings. The adult body length is
about 1 cm while the wing span is about 2.5 cm.
The female moth lays spherical, sculptured bluish eggs singly or in groups on
tender parts of the plant viz., fresh leaves, fresh squares (flower buds), and flowers. On
an average each female moth lays 60-80 eggs. Egg stage is about 2-10 days.
The spotted bollworm appears about 6 weeks after sowing and initially damages
the tender shoot by boring into it resulting in “drying of central shoots” which withers and
drops down. The larvae later bore into the flower buds, squares and bolls. The larva
inserts its head inside the boll and feeds by filling the boll with excreta. A larva may
move out and feed on another bud or boll. The feeding causes severe shedding of
early formed flower buds and bolls. The damage results in
v Presence of wilting, withering and drooping or drying of tender shoots in early stage
of crop growth.
v Presence of bored flower buds (squares), bored bolls with larval frass at the
entrance holes
v Premature dropping of affected bolls
v Premature opening of damaged bolls, which remain on plants.
v Presence of badly damaged tissues including lint and seed in damaged bolls.
The caterpillars of both the species have a number of black and brown spots on the
body and hence the name spotted boll worm. Full grown larva measures 14 mm in
length. The larval stage lasts for about 9 -25 days.
Pupation takes place generally in fallen material, outside the boll, on plant surfaces
and in cracks and crevices of the soil. Before pupation however, the larva spins a dirty,
white silken cocoon of boat shaped one. Pupal period is about 6-25 days.
• Destruction of plants, crop residues and alternative weed hosts which harbour pests
in off season
• Collection and destruction of infested shoots, squares and bolls and the fallen
• Adopting crop rotation
• Deep ploughing in summer
• Intercultivation with sorghum, greengram, cluster bean, jowar etc.
• Setting of pheromone traps @ 12/ha
• Conservation and use of natural enemies like Trichogramma evanescens which
parasitises the eggs and Bracon lefroyi, B. greeni, B. hebetor, B. brevicornis,
Apanteles sp and Elasmus sp which parasitise the larval stage and Chelonus and
Chalcis species that parasitise pupal stages.
• Release of first instar larvae of Chrysoperla sp.@ 1,00,000/ha
• Foliar spray with Bacillus thuringiensis @2g/l of water
• ETL 10% damaged shoot (or) 5% damaged bolls
• The parasitoid activity in the field should be carefully assessed before the
insecticidal application
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2.0 ml; quinalphos 2.5 ml; chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml;
acephate 1.5 g; triazophos 2 ml; thiodicarb 1.5 g and profenphos 2 ml/l
• The insecticidal application should coincide with the peak of hatching of eggs, so
that the just hatched larvae may get the fatal dose before entering the plant tissue
Helicoverpa armigera
Noctuidae: Lepidopte ra

American bollworm has a world wide distribution in all the cotton growing regions
of the world. It is a polyphagous, infesting gram, lablab, safflower, chillies, groundnut,
tobacco, tomato etc.
Moth is stout, medium sized with brownish/greyish forewings with a dark cross
band near outer margin and dark spots near costal margins, with a wing expanse of 3.7
The spherical, yellowish eggs are laid singly on tender parts and buds of plants.
The egg period lasts for 2-4 days.
Caterpillars are of varying colour, initially brown and later turn greenish with
darker broken lines along the side of the body.
Young larva feeds on the leaves for sometime and then attacks squares and
bolls. Internal tissues are eaten severely and completely hollowed out. While feeding,
the caterpillar thrust its head inside leaving the rest of the body out side.
v Fed leaves shoot and buds.
v “Flared or open” squares. Bolls are bored at the base of flower buds which are
hollowed out, bracts of damaged flower buds spread out and curl down wards.
v Premature boll opening and shedding
The larval period lasts for 18-25 days. Body covered with radiating hairs. When
full grown, they measure 3.7 to 5 cm in length. The full grown caterpillar pupates in the
soil in an earthen cell and emerges in 16-21 days.
The activity of Helicoverpa starts on greengram, summer vegetables and maize
and continues their generation by Aug-Sept months synchronizing with cotton crop. It
thrives on cotton crop even in the subsequent generation until the pigeonpea crop
comes to flowering (second fortnight of Nov.) then it continues on chickpea, tomato,
sunflower, castor during Jan-Feb. months.
• Destruction of crop residues
• Hand picking up of the grown up larvae
• Encouraging new crop rotation
• Nipping terminal buds when 16 to 18 sympodias are present in the plant within 80 –
100 days to reduce the egg load
• Growing intercrops such as cowpea, onion, maize, coriander, urdbean in 1:2 ratio for
conservation of natural enemy population.
• Growing sorghum or maize in 4 rows all around cotton crop as guard crop.
• Use of ovipositional trap crops such as marigold @ 100 plaants / acre and collection
of larvae from flowers.
• Erecting of bird perches for encouraging predatory birds such as king crow, mynah,
drongo etc.
• Growing early maturing and tolerant varieties such as Abadita, LK 861, LPS 141, NA
1280 and G 27.
• Installing pheromone traps @ 4 / ac (ETL 10 moths/trap/day)
• Releasing of egg parasitoid Tricogramma chilonis at weekly interval @ 1.5 lakhs/ ha
or release of 2 nd instar larvae of Chrysoperla carnea @ one lakh/ha at 75 and 90
days after sowing
• Application of HaNPV @ 200 LE/ac in combination with jaggery 1 kg, sandovit 100
ml or Robin Blue 50 g thrice at 10-15 days interval on observing the eggs or first
instar larvae in the evening hours.
• Larval parasitoid such as Campoletis chloridae (Ichneumonidae); Eriborus
angenteopilorus; Diadegma fenestalis; Bracon brevicornis; Peribaca orbata etc.
• ETL 10% of damaged buds (or) 5% of damage bolls or one egg / plant or one larva /
10 plants
• In severe incidence, sprays with indoxacarb 1 ml/l or spinosad 0.3 ml/l or emamectin
benzoate 0.5 g/l after collecting late instars.

Pectinophora gossypiella
Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera

The pink bollworm is a very widely distributed and probably the most
serious cotton pest on a world basis. The American cottons in India are
damaged much more by the pink bollworm than the indigenous varieties. It
is distributed in parts of India, Pakisthan, America, Africa, Australia and
Besides cotton, bhendi, hollyhock, mesta, Abutilon indicum , hibiscus and other
malvaceous crops are infested.
Moth is small about 5-6 mm in length and has wing span of 12.5 mm. Body is
dark brown in colour with numerous small black spots on the wings. The first segment
of the antenna bears 5-6 long stiff hairs and the palpi are pointed and curved upwards.
The moths are active during night.
Female lays flattish scale like whitish eggs singly on various parts of young
shoots. However, half developed bolls are preferred when available. Egg period
ranges from 4-25 days.
The freshly hatched larvae are white and turn pink as they grow older. The larvae
do most spectacular damage to practically mature cotton bolls which they enter mostly
at such a tiny stage of just hatched larvae that their entry holes get healed and in which
they remain, devouring both seed and fiber forming tissues. The infestation at times is
so severe that up to 10 larvae are found in each boll and 75-100 per cent bolls are
found infested. The damage results in
v “Rosette” flowers
v Attacked flowers drop prematurely and the seeds are destroyed in advanced stage
v The lint development is retarded and is weakened.
v It causes premature opening of the boll leading to invasion of saprophytic fungus.
v Stain the lint both in the gin and in the boll, thus the ginning percentage and quality
of lint is greatly reduced.
v Poor germination capacity of seeds in the attacked boll.
Larva is full grown in 25 – 30 days. The full grown, uniformly pinkish larvae
measures about 8-16 mm with dark brown head and prothoracic shield. The larva
undergoes generally only 3 moults.
Pupation occurs in flimsy cocoon in boll, often in seed hollowed out by larva. The
pupation period lasts for about 6-20 days depending on the season.
MANAGEMENT: Since eggs are mostly protected by calyx and the newly
hatched larva bore into the bolls immediately, it is difficult to manage this
pest with insecticides alone. Therefore the following methods are
• Growing early maturing varieties: bolls mature before heavy population builds up
• Taking up timely sowings. Avoid staggered sowings.
• Use acid delinted seeds: soak seed in concentrated sulphuric acid (80 – 100 ml / kg
seed) for 2 – 3 minutes, wash with water 2 – 3 times followed by washing with lime
supernatant, shade dry.
• Use of organic manures, recommended doses of N
• Keeping the crop free of weeds
• Monitoring through field scouting and pheromone traps (Gossyplure)
• Destroying PBW in rosette flowers and periodically remove and destroy dropped
squares dried flowers and premature bolls.
• Avoiding ratooning and summer cotton.
• After final picking, allowing cattle, sheep and goats to graze upon immature green
bolls to prevent carry over of pest to next season.
• Destroying cotton stubbles to prevent carryover.
• Restrict the movement of cotton seed from other areas / states.
• Seed fumigation with methyl bromide @ 0.4 kg / 1000 cu ft. or aluminium phosphide
(Quickphos, Phosfume, Phostoxin) @ 50 tablets (each 3 g)/ 1000 cu ft.
• Need based use of insecticides. ETL: 10 % PBW infested rosette flowers. In
particular, persistent insecticides like quinalphos 2.5 ml/l; chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l; at 15
days interval.
• In severe incidence cypermethrin 2 ml/l or lamda cyhalothrin 1.5 ml/l or thiodicarb
1.5 g/l on need basis towards the end of crop season.
• Even at ginning mills, burning the stained kapas is suggested.

Spodoptera litura
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It is found through out the tropical and sub tropical parts of the world, wide
spread in India.
Besides tobacco, it feeds o n cotton, castor, groundnut, tomato, cabbage and
various other cruciferous crops.
Moth is medium sized and stout bodied with forewings pale grey to dark brown in
colour having wavy white crisscross markings. Hind wings are whitish with brown
patches along the margin of wing. Pest breeds throughout the year. Moths are active at
night. Female lays about 300 eggs in clusters. The eggs are covered over by brown
hairs and they hatch in about 3-5 days.
In early stages, the caterpillars are gregarious and scrape the chlorophyll content
of leaf lamina giving it a papery white appearance. Later they become voracious
feeders making irregular holes on the leaves and finally leaving only veins and petioles.
During flowering and boll formation stage, the caterpillars also feed on the internal
contents of bolls causing irregular holes.
ETL: 1 egg mass/10 plants.
v Irregular holes on leaves initially and later skeletonisation leaving only veins and
v Heavy defoliation.
v Presence of bored bolls.
Caterpillar measures 35-40 mm in length, when full grown. It is velvety, black with
yellowish – green dorsal stripes and lateral white bands with incomplete ring – like dark
band on anterior and posterior end of the body. It passes through 6 instars. Larval
stage lasts 15-30 days
Pupation takes place inside the soil, pupal stage lasts 7-15 days.
Adults live for 7-10 days. Total life cycle takes 32-60 days. There are eight generations
in a year.
• Collection and destriction of the infested material from the field.
• Plucking of leaves harbouring egg masses / gregarious larvae and destroying.
• Setting up light traps for adults.
• Setting up of pheromone traps @ 12/ha
• Spraying NSKE 5 % against eggs and first instar larva.
• Spraying NPV @ 200LE/ac in combination with jaggery 1 kg, sandovit 100 ml or
Robin Blue 50 g thrice at 10-15 days interval on observing the eggs or first instar
larvae in the evening hours.
• Release of egg parasitoid Trichogramma @ 50,000/ha/week four times
• ETL: one egg mass / 10 plants.
• Foliar spraying with endosulfan 2ml/l or thiodicarb 1.5 g/l or quinalphos 2.5ml/l. in
severe incidence novaluran 1 ml/l or lufenuron 1 ml/l.
• Baiting with rice bran 10kg + jaggery 2 kg+ chlorpyriphos 750 ml or thiodicarb 300g
in sufficient quantity of water in form of small balls and broadcasting in evening
hours in one acre.

Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera
They are distributed in all cotton growing regions of India. They are mostly
confined to leaf surface infesting okra, potato, brinjal, castor, tomato, hollyhock,
Abutilon indicum besides cotton.
It is a small insect, varying from less than 1 mm to about 3 mm. Its adult stage is
subjected to seasonal changes in colour. It is reddish in winter and greenish yellow in
summer. The adult is a wedge shaped insect about 3.5 mm in length. There is a black
spot on each forewing and two small black spots on the vertex. Both nymphs and adults
move diagonally, when disturbed.
Female lays about 30 eggs. The eggs are usually inserted full length into the
spongy parenchymatous tissue between the vascular bundles and the epidermis. The
eggs hatch in 4-11 days.
Nymphs are also pale greenish in colour like the adults but are wingless and are
found in large numbers on lower surface of leaves. The nymph moults five times and
the nymphal period last for 7-21 days. The whole life cycle is completed in about two
weeks to more than a month and a half, depending on environmental conditions. There
are 8-10 overlapping generations.
At the nymphal stages as well as the adult, they inflict the same type of damage.
They suck the cell sap from the plant tissue. During desapping the plant, they also inject
a toxin through saliva into the plant tissue, resulting in hopperburn. In susceptible
varieties, the attack results in mottling accompanied by the curling of the entire lamina
with brown necrotic patches. Thus, the entire photosynthetic activity of the plant is very
seriously interfered with.
v Hopper burn i.e., the leaf margins turning yellowish initially and subsequently turning
reddish and curling up.
v Stunted growth of the plant.
v Brown necrotic patches on the leaves.
Irrigated conditions in the north and humid conditions in the south; high humidity and
high temperature are favourable.
ETL: 2-3 nymphs/leaf
• Growing resistant / tolerant varieties against leafhoppers.
o L603 Saitha
o L 604 Narasimha (NA 1325)
o LRA 5166 NHH 44
o NHH 390 H8
o Lam hybrid – 4
• For sap feeders in general
• Seed treatment (after acid delinting) with

o Carbosulfan - 40 g/kg
o Imidacloprid 70 WS - 5 g/kg
o Thiamethoxam 70 WS - 4 g/kg gives protection for 30 days against sap
• Soil application carbofuran 3G 33 kg/ha (1 kg a.i./ha) at sowing
• Stem application (if seed is not treated) with insecticides using brush
o Monocrotophos or methyl demeton 1:4 with water
o Imidacloprid 200 SL 1: 20 with water
Three times at 20 – 25, 30 – 35, 40 – 45 Days after sowing.
• ETL: 2 – 3 nymphs / leaf.
o Foliar sprays with monocrotophos 1.5 ml/l or imidacloprid 0.4 ml/l or
methyldemeton 2 ml/l or acetamiprid 0.2 g/l or acephate 1.5 g/l or phosalone
2 ml/l or phosphamidon 0.5 ml/l at 15 & 30 DAS

Bemisia tabaci
Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera

It is known to infest about 50 different species of plants but it becomes quite a

serious pest of cotton in certain regions of the country. The infestation by this pest
adversely affects the physiology of the cotton plant at all its stages of growth.
It is distributed in all cotton growing regions of the world. It also infests radish,
water melon, cucumber, chillies, brinjal, tomato, potato, tobacco etc
Adult is minute insect measuring about 0.5 mm in length having white or greyish
wings, a yellowish body and red medially constricted eyes.
A single female of this species lays about 70 stalked eggs singly on the
undersurface of leaves, mostly on the top and middle leaves of plant. The insect can
often breed parthenogenetically. The eggs are light yellow in the beginning but turn
brown later on. Egg period ranges from 3-33 days.
Nymphs are oval shaped, scale like, greenish yellow with marginal bristle like
fringes. The nymphs remain stationary once they settle down. Nymphs moult thrice.
Nymphal period lasts for 9-18 days. There are about a dozen overlapping generations
in a year. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from lower side of leaves resulting in
v Chlorotic spots which later coalesce formi ng irregular yellowing of leaves which
extends from veins to outer edges.
v The vegetative growth retarded and boll formation seriously hampered.
v Shedding of the bolls accentuated and proper opening of the bolls interfered with.
v Low quality lint and low oil content.
v Sooty mould development due to honey dew excretion on infested parts. It is vector
of leaf curl virus.
The maximum infestation on cotton occurs during July. High temperature and
low humidity are reported to be conducive to the multiplication of this pest.
• A chalcid parasite attacks the older nymphs and the parasitisation is at times more
than 30 per cent. Also, there are a few predators like some species of Chrysopa
and coccinellids, which feed on the whitefly stages.
• Growing of tolerant varieties such as Kanchana (LPS 141); LK 861; NA 1280.
• ETL 5-10 nymphs/leaf
• Chemical control same as under cotton leaf hopper.
Aphis gossypii
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is of worldwide distribution. It is a polyphagous species. However on cotton,

often it causes appreciable damage during severe drought conditions. It also infests
brinjal, chilies, amaranthus etc.
Adult is small, soft, yellowish, green or greenish brown in colour. It is found in colonies
of hundreds on the tender shoot and the undersurface of tender leaves. They are
characterized by the presence of two tubes like structures called cornicles, on the
abdomen. They are wingless normally but winged forms are often found mostly in the
beginning and towards the end of season. Wings are thin, transparent and are held like
a roof over the body.
They reproduce both sexually and parthenogenetically. Parthenogenetic females
give rise to females ovo - viviparously.
Nymphs are light yellowish green or brownish or greenish black in colour. They
colonise growing points, lower surface of leaves and tender shoots. There are four
instars. Nymphal period is about 7-9 days
Both nymphs and adults suck the sap by remaining on the lower surface of the
v Curled, faded and dried leaves.
v Development of black sooty mould due to honeydew excretion on infested parts.
MANAGEMNT: Same as in cotton leafhopper.

Tetranychus telarius, T. bioculatus (Tetranychidae)
Hemitarsonemus latus, (Tarsonemidae)
Eriophyes gossypii (Eriphyiidae)

The mite is a polyphagous and is known to infest on 183 species of plants

including cucurbits, brinjal and bhendi on which it is sometimes very serious.
Adult female body is oval and is variable in colour i.e., red, green, amber or rusty
green and with two large pigmented spots on the body. The large scale use of
chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides for the control of other pests led to the
multiplication of the mites as they are less toxic to mites but more to xic to natural
It is active from March – October and passes winter as gravid female. It lays 60-
80 eggs. Egg period lasts 2-6 days.
Nymph is light brown in colour and has two eye spots and four pairs of legs and
quite active. Both nymphs and adults cause damage by feeding on the lower surface of
the leaf underneath a web.
v On close examination of the lower leaf surface, mites smaller than a pinpoint may be
v The infested leaves rapidly curl up, become hard and crisp and ultimately shed.
v Bolls ripen prematurely and in serious infestation shed.
Mite infestation begins in the seedling stage and extends to harvest. Nymphs grow
to maturity in 2 stages within 4-9 days and adults live for 9-11 days. Total life cycle in
active period takes 9-19 days.
MANAGEMENT: Foliar sprays with sulphur 50 WP 3 g/l or dicofol 5 ml/l

Thrips tabaci, Scirtothrips dorsalis
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Cotton thrips is a highly cosmopolitan form and is found on all kinds of

vegetation. Onion and garlic, amaranthus, guava, solanaceous and cucurbitaceous
plants, groundnut, chilies, mango, cabbage, bhendi etc.
Nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves and flo wer buds. Margins of affected
leaves get slightly curled up and the leaf blades show uneven surface, when attack
occurs in flowering stage, the affected flowers may wither away.
It is a vector of yellow spot virus and spotted wilt virus


Dysdercus cingulatus
Pyrrhocoridae: Hemiptera

In India, the bug infests cotton in all cotton growing regions. Also infests bhendi,
maize, mesta etc., are other host plants.
The nymphs and adults suck sap from tender leaves, petioles and shoots in early
stages and then infest flower buds and immature bolls and bolls that have just opened.
Resulting plants loose their vigour and bolls open prematurely with stained lint. Infested
seeds get shriveled, underdeveloped, become unfit for sowing and oil content gets
reduced. From the spot of injury on the bolls, a bacterium – Nematospora gossypii
gains entry and spoils the lint. Some times cannibalism exists in this insect.
The reduvid bug Harpactor costalis is predacious on red cotton bugs, dusting of
methyl parathion 2D or carbaryl 10D @ 10 – 12 kg/ac are effective against this pest.


Oxycarenus hyalinipennis
Lygaeidae: Hemiptera

It is found in all cotton regions in India.Both nymphs and adults suck sap
from immature seeds and strain the lint. The seeds do not ripen and get damaged.
Seeds get lighter in weight and loose their germination capacity.
The anthocoreid bug - Orius tantilus is predaceous on the nymphs and
dusting of methyl parathion 2D or carbaryl 10D @ 10 – 12 kg/ac i s found
Sylepta derogata
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Besides cotton, bhendi and several other malvaceous plants are infested by this
It is primarily a sporadic pest of cotton in India. The larva rolls the leaf and feeds
on the green tissue in the early stage and eats up a large portion of the leaf as it grows.
Severe attack results in the presence of a large number of leaf rolls and the plants
become stunted ultimately.
Natural enemies viz., egg parasitoid: Trichogramma sps; larval parasitoids:
Brachymeria bengalinsis pulchellae; Elasmus indicus; Apanteles spp.; Bracon lefroyi;
Microbracon recinicola; and Pupal parasitoids: Trichospilus pupivora and Xanthopimpla
spp., and foliar spraying with carbaryl 3 g/l or monocrotphos 1.5 ml/l are effective


Pempherulus affinis
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

Cotton stem weevil is a serious pest of cotton and is known from India, Burma,
Thailand and Philippines
This pest is a serious one of Cambodian cotton, particularly on summer crop.
Adults generally feed on the bark of plants. Grub bores into the stem above the ground
level and makes tunnels.
Attacked plants show characteristic gall like swellings on the stem. In severe
cases plant may succumb during early stage of crop growth. Infestation starts on 12-15
days old cotton plants.
Removal and destruction of attacked plants., Euderus pempheriphilla is parasitic
on grubs and foliar sprays with chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or endosulfan 2.5 ml/l from three
weeks after sowing were effective.

Cyrtacanthacris ranacea; Chrotogonus oxypterus;
Catantops annexus; Aeolopus tamulus
Acrididae: Orthoptera

Cotton crop is often damaged in the early stage by these grasshoppers. Both
nymphs and adults feed on leaves. Heavy infestation results in complete defoliation of
Deep ploughing after the harvest of crop so as to expose the egg masses in the soil,
dusting the bunds with methyl parathion immediately after the hoppers are noticed and
check their migration and dusting the crop in the early stage with methyl parathion dust
@ 10-12 kg/ac or spraying with methyl parathion 2 ml/l carbaryl 3 g/l found effectictive.

Phenacoccus solenopsis
Maconellicoccus hirsutus
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

It is a minor pest with isolated incidence. Of late the pest has been
reported to infest cotton in alarming proportions sucking sap from all
aerial parts of the plant. B.t. cotton is severely infested with P.
solenapsis. The pest initially is restricted to a few plants. If the infestation
is not checked in a few isolated spots, it spreads to all corners of the
Initial infestation should be checked by spot treatment with
insecticides by stem application with monocro tophos / methyl demeton or
imidacloprid as detailed earlier. Foliar sprays with methyl parathion /
malathion / triazophos / monocrotophos each at 3 ml/l in combination with
dichlorvos 1 ml/l are effective


Number of sucking pests like aphids, leahoppers, thrips and whiteflies infest
cotton during early vegetative growth. Of these leafhoppers and whiteflies occur more
regularly and predominently. Hence strategies for managing sucking pests have direct
impact on success of IPM strategies for boll worms which emphasize survival and build
up of natural enemies in cotton ecosystem.
• Growing toterant / resistant varieties or hybrids against leafhoppers and white flies.
o Leafhoppers: Many varieties like MCU – 5, LRA 5166, L 604, L 603,
Narasimha (NA1325) & hybrids like NHH 44, Saritha, H8, jk Hy – 1, LAHH –
o Whiteflies: glabrous varieties like Kanchana (LPS 141), LK 861, L615, NA
1280, Supriya
• Soak the seed in concentrated sulphuric acid (100 ml/kg seed) for 2 – 3 minutes,
wash with water 2 – 3 times followed by washing with lime supernatant, shade dry
and treat with carbosulfan 40 g or imidacloprid 5 g along with little gum to protect
against early season sucking pests.
• If untreated seed is sown, apply carbofuran 3G 12 – 14 kg/ac or phorate 10G 4 – 5
kg/ac nearer to the base of seedlings when the soil is moist.
• If the seed treatment is not done or granules are not applied, stem application using
small brush with
o Monocrotophos or methyl demeton in 1:4 dilution
o Imidacloprid in 1:20 dilution at 20, 40, 60 DAS against sucking pests up to
75 days without harming natural enemies and environment and minimizing
insecticide quantity.
• Growing intercrops like blackgram, greengram, soybean, clusterbeans, cowpea,
groundnut, Setaria contribute to build up of natural enemies and give extra income.
High yielding varieties in two rows with 90 cm spacing, hybrids in three rows with
120 cm spacing.
• In whitefly endemic areas, keeping yellow empty tins smeared with greese as trap.
Wipe out trapped whiteflies every day and apply greese again.
• In non IPM plots, spray monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or dimethoate 2.0 ml/l or triazophos
2.5 ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l or imidacloprid 0.4 ml/l
o When there are 5 – 10 whiteflies / leaf
o 1 – 2 leafhoppers / leaf
o 15 – 20 % aphid infested plants
• For mealy bug, dichlorvos 1 ml/l or methyl parathion 1 ml/l.
• For mites, sulphure 3 g/l or dicofol 5 ml/l
• Deep ploughing exposes and eliminates hibernating insects and expose pupae to
sun and predating birds.
• Balanced organic fertilization keeps crop healthy and tolerant to pest attack.
• Border crop with jowar, maize in 2 or 3 rows not only serves as a barrier for
migration of insect pests but also pollen of maize helps in attraction of beneficial
Chrysoperla to the field.
• Growing trap crops @ 100 plants/ acre.
o Castor as an ovipositional trap crop against S. litura: egg masses,
gregarious larvae of S. litura on castor should be removed once in a week
and destroyed.
o Marigold as ovipositional trap crop against Helicoverpa
o Okra (bhendi) against spotted bollworm moths.
§ Spray marigold / okra plants with endosulfan or phosalone to
minimize larval population
• Keep 10 – 15 pheromone traps / ha to attract male moths. Egg scouting from square
initiation stage is desirable.
o ETLS – PBW: 8 moths, ABW: 10 moths, S. litura: 20 moths, SBW: 15
moths per trap per night.
• Topping (removal of leaf terminals) for 80 – 100 days old crop during October –
November since tender leaves and tips are preferred for egg laying.
• Spray 5% neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) (soak 10 kg neem seed powder in 200
litres of water for 24 h and filter through muslin cloth) to repel moths from egg laying
and to kill eggs and early instar larvae.
• Install ‘T’ shaped or long dried twigs as bird perches to attract predatory birds @ 20 /
• Spray NPV @ 200 LE / ac in combination with jaggery 1 kg, sandovit 100 ml or
Robin Blue 50 g thrice at 10-15 days interval on observing the eggs or first instar
larvae in the evening hours. The diseased larvae die after 4 – 5 days showing tree
top symptoms.
• Spray commercially available B. t formulations (DIPEL, DELFIN, BIOBIT, HALT) @
400 g or 400 ml/ac against Helicoverpa
• On the basis of ETLs spray the following insecticides, endosulfan 2 ml/l or
chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l or methylparathion 1 ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l or
triazophos 2 ml/l or thiodicarb 1.5 g/l or profenophos 2 ml/l
• Mixing mustard oil with endosulfan 1:2 or chlorpyriphos 1:4 improves toxicity
• In the entire schedule of spray, do not spray synthetic pyrethroids for more than two
• Role of B.t Cotton: Advances in biotechnological approaches facilitated introduction
of B.t transgenic cotton which offered greatest protection against American
bollworm. Oflate B.t cotton have dramatically changed the plant protection scenario
in cotton worldwide. Growing of B.t cotton has been highly successful against
bollworms. This is evident in increased area under B.t cotton in India from 72,000
acres in 2002 to 10.15 m. ha in 2009 -10. B.t cotton varieties with Cry IAc toxin
protein (B.t. 1) have been targeting American bollworm, Spotted bollworm and Pink
bollworm but not tobacco caterpillar. However gene pyramiding of Cry IAc and Cry
IIAb (B.t. 2) could offer protection against tbacco caterpillar.in addition to bollworms.

Anomis sabulifera
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Moth is a medium sized, brownish in colour with dark spots and many lines on
About 150-200 eggs are laid singly on the lower surface of leaf. Egg hatches in
2-3 days.
Caterpillar is slender, green with dark green stripes and black spots on the body.
In the beginning caterpillar feeds on leaves, as they grow they attack apical buds and
top shoots.
Pupation takes place in the soil in rough cocoons , Some times on leaves,
suspended by means of curved hooks of pupa.
• Larval parasite Tricholiga sorbilans suppresses the pest naturally.
• Foliar spary with carbaryl 3 g/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l


Apion corchori
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

Adult is a small dull black weevil with a long curved snout.

Eggs are laid singly on the stem near the base of the petiole and on seed pods.
Eggs hatch in 3 -5 days in to grubs.
Grubs feed inside the bark and damage the fiber. As a result of injury knots are
formed on the stem and branching takes place. Larval period lasts for 8-18 days. Grub
is light yellowish in colour with brown head and measures 3 mm in length when full
Pupation takes place in a pupal chamber and lasts fro 4 days.
• Destruction of infested plants.
• Dusting methyl parathion 10 – 12 kg/ac as foliar spray @ 2 ml/l


Nupserha bicolor postbrunnae
Cerambycidae: Coleoptera

Adult female girdles stem at two levels as a pre ovipositional operation results the
stem withering, drooping and finally dying above the level of the lower girdle.
Dusting methyl parathion 2D 10 – 12 kg/ac keeps the pest under
Spilosoma (Diacrisia) obliqua
Arctiidae: Lepidoptera

It is a polyphagous pest. Feeds on the tender portion of jute plants

and defoliates.
Management for jute semi looper is also recommended against this.


Euproctis scintillans
Lymantriidae: Lepidoptera

It also infests rose, castor, cotton, pigeonpea, mango, linseed, sunhemp,

pumpkin, pomegranate apple and jute etc.
Moth is yellowish with a reddish line and spots on the edges.
Eggs are laid in masses on the undersurface of leaves. The egg period is 5-9
days. Eggs hatch into larvae and feed on foliage.
Larva has yellowish brown head and yellow dorsal stripe with a mid dorsal red
stripe. There are tufts of black hairs dorsally on the first three abdominal segments.
The early instar larvae feed gregariously on the foliage. The larval period is
29-35 days
Larva pupates in a cocoon of hairs on the leaves or leaf folds. Pupal period lasts for
10-12 days.
Timely sowing at the onset of monsoons, foliar sprays with endosulfan
2 ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l were effective.


Alcidodes affaber
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

This insect is a common pest on malvaceous plants in India infesting bhendi,

gogu, Bombax malabaricum , Althae rosea and Ficus bengalensis etc. The adult feed on
leaf buds, petiols and tender terminal portion. However, serious damage is caused only
by the grubs boring into stem and petioles and causing gall like swellings. Frass is
found through holes made on stems. The infested plant gets stunted. Their flowers and
fruiting get retarded considerably. A single plant may harbor as many as 12 grubs.
This pest is active from September-December.
The grubs are parasitised by Aphrastofracon alcidophagus (Braconidae) and
Zoridescopus spp (Ichneumonid). Foliar sprays of endosulfan 2 ml/l are effective in

Meconellicoccus hirsutus
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera
Besides mesta, it also attacks jute, grapevine and guava. Sac-like pink coloured
females are covered by milky white waxy coating. Eggs are laid in masses. Upon
hatching, crawlers move to succulent parts and suck sap resulting in symptoms like
swelling on stem, shortened internodes, bunchy top formation as secondary branches
arise. If growing tips are infested vertical growth is suppressed. Fibre snaps at point of
infestation during retting.
Release of Cryptolaemus montronzieri when peak infestation is noticed in sep-oct
and foliar spraying with methyl demeton 2ml/l or dimethoate 1.5ml/l is effective.

Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera

Aphis gossypii
Aphididae: Hemiptera

Covered under pests of cotton



Utetheisa lotrix
Argina cribraria
Arctiidae: Lepidoptera

It is the most serious and specific pest of sunhemp.

Moth of U. pulchella has pale white fore wing with red and black dots. A.
cribraria has orange yellow fore wing with black spots ringed with yellow. The hind
wings are orange with black spots on them.
The female moth lays about 80-100 round, smooth yellow eggs on leaves singly
or in small groups. Egg stage lasts for 3-4 days.
The just hatched larva either defoliates (vegetative stage) or bores into pods (in
heading stage). The larvae feed on sun hemp and defoliate the plant. The damage will
be more (serious in later stages), when they bore into pods and feed on the seeds. The
symptoms are defoliation of plant, bored seed capsules.
The caterpillar has yellow lines dorsally and dorsolaterally and black stripes and
orange patches laterally and a brown head with long brown hairs on its body. Larval
duration is 18-21 days
Full grown caterpillar pupates in the soil and pupal stage is 6-8 days. The total
life cycle takes 27-31 days.
Larval parasitoid Bracon brevicornis suppress the population naturally.
Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l or methyl parathion 2 ml /l or dusting
methyl parathion 2D 10 – 12 kg/ac are effective measures.


Laspeyresia tricentra
Eucosmidae: Lepidoptera
The caterpillars cause small gall like swellings on shoots and stem and because
of this the fiber length is affected and there is profuse branching of infested plants.
Insecticides recommended against sun hemp caterpillar are effective.


Longitarsus belgaumensis
Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera

It is common in South India. Adult beetle bite holes on leaves. Spraying with
endosulfon 1.5ml/l or monocrotophos1.6ml/l in the evening hours is recommended.

All the pulse crops are infested by a variety of insects and mite pests. These
pests are responsible for both direct and indirect losses.
Based on growth habit, redgram is divided into determinant (clustering) and
indeterminate (branching types). Damage to pods of early and mid maturing cultivars of
determinate habit by lepidopterous borers is very severe. Pod fly is much more
important in late maturing cultivars.

Helicoverpa armigera
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Redgram in southern states of India suffers heavy losses due to the lepidopterous
borers, especially by H. armigera, a notorious polyphagous pest with wide distribution.
Variation in adult and larval phases is observed due to its polyphagous nature. Damage
ranges from 46 to 67 per cent on redgram due to this pest. If one larva per plant infests
then the damage caused will be about 34 per cent. Helicoverpa readily adjusts with any
newly introduced variety. It is observed through out the year on one or the other crops
viz., peas, tomato, cotton, maize, tobacco, safflower, groundnut, chillies etc.
Moth is stout with dark yellow olive grey or brown wings crossed by a dark band
near outer margin and a dark spot near costal margin of forewings and hindwings pale
with a dark apical border.
Yellowish shiny, sculptured eggs are laid singly on tender parts of plants. Each
female lays 300-400 eggs. Egg period is 2-4 days.
The young caterpillars feed on the tender foliage and as they grow they bore into
the pods and destroy the seeds, while feeding it thrusts its head inside the pod leaving
the rest of its body outside.
v Large round on each locule
Full grown caterpillar is cylindrical 40 – 48 mm in length with variable colour, dark
green or reddish brown or brownish and marked with a white broken lines and a
prominent white line along lower part of sides. Larval period 18-25 days.
Full grown caterpillar drops down and pupates in soil. Pupa is dark brown and adult
emerges in 6-21 days.
It is a major pest on redgram and gram. Hence IPM is important.
A. Initial crop growth phase
• Deep summer ploughing to expose pupae in soil
• Crop rotation with less favourable crops like jowar, gingelly, blackgram,
horsegram, dry paddy (in redgram)
B. Raising intercrops like greengram, blackgram in 7 rows in kharif redgram and jowar
in 2 rows in rabi redgam encourage and conserve natural enemies viz., Campoletis
chloridae, Carcelia illote, Apanteles sauros, Microbracon brevicornis, Chelonus
narayani, Tetrastichus Israeli, Exorista fallox, Eucelatoria sp.(Diptera), NPV,
Nomuraea rileyi, B.t.
• Raising jowar in 4 rows all around redgram crop will serve as guard crop
• In bengalgram, mustard, coriander as intercrops
• Selection of tolerant varieties like ICPL – 332, LRG – 41 and varieties with
recuperating ability like LRG – 30.
• Clipping of a terminal twig upto one foot at 90 – 100 DAS to remove ovipositional
niches (depending on moisture availability in soil)
• Raising of rabi redgram to avoid pest.
C. From flowering
• Erect pheromone traps @ 10/ha to monitor the pest. Light traps during August –
September; November – December
• Erect bird perches @ 50/ha to attract predatory birds like Drongo.
• When eggs and early instar larvae are noticed spray NSKE 5 % or neem based
• Use of microbial insecticides
o NPV 200 LE/ha
o B.t formulation 400g or 400 ml/ac thrice at weekly interval in evenings in
• Mechanical shaking of redgram plants and collection and destruction of
dislodged grown up larvae
• Avoid indiscriminate use of insecticides, synthetic pyrethroids and mixtures.
• On need basis spray
o Chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l at initiation of flowers
o Quinalphos 2 ml/l or acephate 1.5 g/l at flowering and fruiting using 750 –
1000 l of spray fluid with High Volume sprayer.
o In severe incidence, indoxacarb 1 ml/l or spinosad 0.3 ml/l
• Adopt community approach.


Exelastis atomosa; Spenarches caffer
Pterophoridae: Lepidoptera

It is a specific pest of redgram in India, AP. Assam, Bihar,

Maharashtra and Tamilnadu.
Moth is slender, less than 12 mm long and are grey with long narrow wings. The
forewings are divided into two parts and hindwings into three parts and provided with a
fringe like border.
Minute, single eggs are laid on flower buds and pods. Egg period is 4-5 days.
Tiny caterpillar scrapes the pod surface and cuts a hole and thrusts the head into it
and feeds on seed by remaining outside. The caterpillars bore into green pods and feed
on the developing seeds which are more or less completely devoured or eaten away.
Also feeds on flower buds. This pest is usually found at flowering and known to cause
heavy damage to redgram. Attack by this pest can cause severe bud, flower and pod
drop. The larva never enters inside the pod and feeds remaining outside the pod. The
damage results in the following symptoms
v Small hole on seeds.
v Dropping of flower buds and flowers in severe cases.
v Completely eaten and devoured seeds.
The full grown caterpillar is about 12 mm long greenish brown, and are fringed with
short hairs and spines all over the body. Larval period is 14-30 days.
Pupation is on pod surface or burrows of infested pods. Pupa is also fringed with
short hairs. Pupal period is 4-8 days. Pupa looks like larva except for the colour which
is brown.
• Collection of caterpillars by shaking shoots and their destruction in initial stages.
• Apantels sp parasitise larvae.
• Foliar sprays should commence at 50% flowering with endosulfan 2 ml/l or
quinalphos 2 ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l


Malanagromyza obtusa
(Agromyzidae: Diptera)

It is a major pest of redgram, soybean and cowpea. Attack is more

in north and central India and Karnataka. In North India 80 per cent
damage to crop is reported. The other hosts are sorghum, cowpea,
safflower, bhendi etc.
Adult is a black fly with strong legs and ovate abdomen. Its eye are distinct,
wings are clear veined, brownish yellow at their bases.
Small black fly thrusts its minute eggs into the tissues of the tender pod and
flower buds. Fly pierces pericarp with ovipositior and lay eggs which are seen like
needles projecting inwards from the pods. Female fly lays 4 eggs per pod and 80 eggs
in its life time. Egg period is 3 days.
Tiny maggots burrow into pods and feed on young seeds. In affected pods, no
visual symptoms are observed regarding its entrance. Initially larva bores into
epidermis without rupturing the seed coat. In the second and third instar stages, the
larva bores into cotyledons and in most instances one seed is sufficient for the maggot
to comple te its development. The final instar larva leaves the seed and prior to
pupation, windows the pods and pupates either in the pod cavity or in the pod wall
tissue.The damaged seeds are unfit for consumption. Diagnostic symptoms are
v Discolouration of the infested pods visible in green podded varieties.
v At the later stage of infestation, the holes about 1mm in diameter covered with a thin
membrane readily seen on the infested pod.
v Exit holes visible after the adult emergence.
The pest infestation can be identified only after adult emergence of first generation.
Maggot is creamy white in colour. Larval period is 6-10 days. Under
abundant moisture condition, two broods can be seen in a year.
Full grown maggot pupates inside larval grooves in pods. Pupal period is 8-12
days. Adults emerge by cutting the thin spot already made by maggot.
• Early sowing in endemic areas
• Removal of affected pods of first brood during winter.
• Pre-pupal stage is parasitized by Euderus agromyzae and pupa is parasitized by
Euderus lividus.
• Foliar sprays with monocrotophos 1.5 ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l are effective against
larva and endosulfan 2 ml/l against adult flies.

Ophiomyia phaseoli
Agromyzidae: Diptera

The pest attacks the crop at early stage. It is a major pest of

cowpea, soybean, blackgram and greengram.Eggs are thrusts into tender
part of the stem/ petiole. Maggot tunnels the stem and feeds on the
internal contents. When the stem is split open the dis tint tunnel can be
observed along with excreta. Drooping of the first two leaves and wilting
of the plants are observed due to the damage.
Growing varieties like LBG-611, LBG-402 are promising against stem
fly, high seed rate, seed treatment with carbosulf a n @ 40g/kg seed or
thiamethoxam @ 4g/kg and foliar application of monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or
acephate 1.5g/l are effective measures.


Maruca vitrata
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

This pest is found throughout South India on pulses and beans. It webs
the Dhaincha leaves
Moth is with dark brown forewings with white club shaped cross band along
anterior margin and white hindwings with dark brown border.
The caterpillar with short hairs on black warts webs together the flowers and feeds
on them. It also bores into pods at one end and eats up the ripening seeds. Mass
excreta can be seen at the entrance of larval burrow.
Foliar spray from flower bud initiation with combination of
chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l or novaluron 0.75 ml/l or
spinosad 0.75 ml/l or lamda cyhalothrin 1 ml/l in combination with
dichlorvos 1 ml /l at wekly intervals is effective
Aphis craccivora
Aphididae: Hemiptera

Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender leaves and shoots resulting in
twisting of leaves, poor pod development, devitalization of plants and sooty mould. It
acts as a vector of Rosette disease in groundnut and broad bean virus in pea.
It is s polyphagous pest. Redgram and other pulses, citrus etc are other host plants.
Spraying with tobacco decoction (1 kg tobacco boiled in 10 lit of water of ½ hour and
make up to 30 lit + 100 g soap) and systemic insecticides like dimethoate 2 ml/l or
phosphamidon 2 ml/l or malathion 2 ml/l are effective.


Oxyrhachis tarandus
Membracidae: Hemiptera

Nymphs as well as adults suck sap from green stem at all stages of the plant
causing corky tissues and excrete honeydew which attracts ants like Camponotus
compressus. Breeding takes place all the year round the limitation being only the
availability of food. This species is common all over south India. It is one of the major
pests of redgram.
Spraying dimethoate 2 ml/l, methyl patrathion 2 ml/l or phosphamidon 2 ml/l is


Cavigralla gibbosa, Riptortus linearis, Anoplocnemis phasiana
Coreidae: Hemiptera

Hundreds of nymphs and adults suck sap from the shoots and pods. Shoots fade,
pods shrivel and seeds with dark patch loose germination capacity due to the feeding of
Collection of bugs and their destruction by dipping into kerosinized
water and dusting or spraying with carbaryl 10D 10 kg/ac or foliar spray
with dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.5 ml /l are effective.

Empoasca kerri
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera

Small greenish yellow nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves
resulting in severe case, the leaves turn brown, dry and brittle, a
condition called “hopper burn”.
Attacked leaflets become cup shaped and yellow at edges.Heavy
attack result in the leaflets turning red-brown with subsequent defoliation
and stunting.
Collection of bugs and their destruction of infested leaves, seed treatment with
carbosulfan @ 30-40g/kg seed, spraying with thiamethoxam 0.4g/l or imidacloprid 0.4
ml/l have been found effective.


Nezara viridula
Pentatomidae: Hemiptera

It is a polyphagous pest. Nymphs and adults suck sap from tender

shoots and developing pods in large numbers, due to that shoots fade.
Adults aestivate during April to June and with first rains they mate and
Mechanical collection of nymphs and adults and destroying them and
foliar spray with carbaryl 3 g/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l is recommended.


Etiella zinckenella
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

It occurs on redgram, horsegram and other pulses and green manure crop like
sunhemp.The larvae feed on floral parts, newly formed pods and seeds in developing
pods. Faecal pellets inside damaged pods and small round holes on redgram pods
plugged with excreta can be noticed.
Management of gram caterpillar is effective against this pest.

Catochrysops cnejus, Lampides boeticus, Catochrysops strabo
Lycaenidae: Lepidoptera

It is seen on redgram, cowpea, lab lab, niger etc . The eggs are laid on
flower buds. After hatching the tiny caterpillars enter into unopened flower bud and feed
inside. Afterwards they may attack another flower or enter a pod and feed on the
developing seeds.
Foliar spray with carbaryl 3 g/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l is effective.


Aceria cajani
Eriophyidae: Acarina

It infests underside of tender leaves, causing yellowing of leaves and suppression of

flowering and fruiting. It transmits pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus. A single eriophyiid
mite is sufficient to transmit disease. Disease can be identified from a distance as
patches of bushy, pale green plants without flowers or pods. Leaves are small, show a
light and dark green mosaic pattern
Destruction of perennial and volunteer pigeonpea and the ratooned growth of
harvested plants provide reservoir of mite vectors and pathogens, growing tolerant
varieties like ICPL 87119, ICPL 227, Jagruthi, Bahar and foliar spray with dicofol 3 ml/l
or wettable sulphur 3g/l in early stages of plant growth will control mite vector


Phytomyza atricornis
Agromyzidae: Diptera

Mustard, cauliflower, cabbage, lentil, potato are infested by this

pest. Eggs are inserted into the leaf tissue, maggots mine into mesophyll
of leaf leading to irregular blotches on leaves,. Pupation is inside leaf
mine. Both winter and summer are passed in pupal stage.
Maggots are parasitized by Braco nids, Eulophids. Foliar spray with
methyl demeton 2 ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l was effective.


Melanagromyza phaseoli
Agromyzidae: Diptera

Refer under soybean stemflies.

Ophiomyia phaseoli
Melanagromyza sojae
Agromyzidae: Diptera

It is a major pest of blackgram, greengram and soybean. Incidence

is more in rainy season.
Shiny bluish – black fly deposit eggs in punctures made by fly on
young leaves. Young plants (less than 40 days) suffer more.
Yellowish maggots bore into nearest vein, reach the stem through
petiole, bore down the stem and feed on cortical layers and may extend to
tap root resulting in the following symptoms
v Distinct tunnel of stem split open.
v Death of plant or branches.
Pupation is at ground level within the stem. Adult fly exits through a
thin semi transparent window.
• Seed treatment with imidacloprid 3 g/kg seed gives protection upto 30
• Foliar spray with acephate 1.5g/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l or
monocrotophos 1.6ml/l


Spodoptera exigua
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera
The caterpillar causes damage by feeding on leaves. For other
details refer under millets.

Aproaerema modicella
Caloptilia soyella

Important pest of soybean also attacks groundnut and some

leguminous weeds. Brownish grey moth lays white eggs singly on
underside of leaves close to mid rib. Young larva initially mine into
leaflets and feed on mesophyll. Later as it grow web the leaflets together
and feed. Severely infested field presents a symptom as if burnt when
viewed from a distance. Full grown caterpillar is green with dark head and
pupates within the web
Foliar spray with acephate 1.5 g/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or
quinalphos 2 m l/l were effective measures.

Bemisia tabaci
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

Both nymphs and adults suck sap from undersurface of leaves,

excrete honeydew. Damaged leaves show uniform bronzing. For other
details refer under cotton
Foliar spray with acephate 1.5 g/l or triazophos 2 ml/l or
profenophos 2 ml/l were effective measures.

Achaea janata, Paralellia algira
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It occurs during August- January, also damages rose, citrus

pomegranate, Tridax procumbens.
A. janata is a pale reddish brown moth, stoutly built with black hindwings having
white band medially and three large white spots on the outer margins.
P. algira is also stoutly built moth. In forewings and hindwings, there are two whitish
lines which are parallel and continuous lines.
A single female moth lays about 450 blue green rounded and ridged eggs singly @ 1
to 6 eggs per leaf. Egg period is 2 to 5 days
The caterpillar feeds sparingly at first and feeds voraciously during later stages
leaving only mid rib and veins.
v Defoliated leaves,
v in severe cases only mid rib and veins of the leaves
Caterpillar is a semilooper, long, smooth, greyish brown in colour. The first pair
of prolegs is reduced and as such a semilooper. Caterpillar posess red or whitish side
stripes. Full grown larva has black head, a red spot on the black loop and red anal
tubercles and measures 60-70 mm in length, larval period is 11- 15 days.
Pupation takes place in the soil or among fallen leaves. Pupal peri od is
10-14 days during warm weather, few months in cold weather
• The larvae may be handpicked and destroyed.
• Telenomus and Tetrastichus sp. Parasitize the eggs.
• Braconid parasite: Micropletis ophiusae acts as larval parasite whose cocoons may
be seen attached to the ventral aspect of the posterior end of the host caterpillar.
• Erection of bird perches @ 10 / ha
• Application of neem oil 5 ml/l or B.t 1 g/l
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l or methyl parathion 2 ml/l or thiodicarb 1g/l or
spinosad @ 0.33ml/l.
Conogethis punctiferalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

It is a potential pest and occasionally becomes serious. It is active from

September to February when crop is in flowering. It also damages ginger,
cardamom, turmeric, guava, peaches, cacao, pear, mango inflorescence,
sorghum earheads, soapnut tree e t c.
Moth is medium sized having bright orange yellow coloured wings
with numerous black dots or spots. The body length is about 10 mm while
the wingspan is 22 mm.
Female moth lays pinkish oval, flat eggs singly or in groups on tender parts of
plant and developing capsules. Incubation period is 6 to 7 days
Larvae bore into the shoots as well as capsules and destroy them. Occasionally
the larva is found at the junction of the petiole with the lamina and rarely in thick mid rib.
The symptoms are
v Frassy matter at the bored shoots
v Webbed seed capsules covered with dark excreta.
Caterpillar is brownish with pinkish tinge and fine hairs arising from warts on the
body. The head and prothorax are brown. Larval period is 12- 16 days
Pupation ocurs inside the damaged stem or capsule, in a thin silken cocoon. Pupal
period is 7-10 days . Total life history takes 25-33 days with three generations per year.
• Collection of infested shoots and capsules and their destruction.
• Sprayings should be commenced from the time of formation of
inflorescence and again after 20 days. Insecti cides like dimethoate 2
ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 2 ml/l are

Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It is found through out the tropical and sub tropical parts of the world, wide
spread in India. Besides castor it feeds on tobacco cotton, groundnut, tomato, cabbage
and various other cruciferous crops.
Moth is medium sized and stout bodied with forewings pale grey to dark brown in
colour having wavy white crisscross markings. Hind wings are whitish with brown
patches along the margin of wing. Pest breeds throughout the year. Moths are active at
night. Female lays about 300 eggs in clusters. The eggs are covered over by brown
hairs and they hatch in about 3-5 days.
In early stages, the caterpillars are gregarious and scrape the chlorophyll content
of leaf lamina giving it a papery white appearance. Later they become voracious
feeders making irregular holes on the leaves and finally leaving only veins and petioles.
During flowering and boll formation stage, the caterpillars also feed on the internal
contents of bolls causing irregular holes.
ETL 1 egg mass/10 plants.
v Irregular holes on leaves initially and later skeletonisation leaving only veins and
v Heavy defoliation.
v Presence of bored bolls.
Caterpillar measures 35-40 mm in length, when full grown. It is velvety, black with
yellowish – green dorsal stripes and lateral white bands with incomplete ring – like dark
band on anterior and posterior end of the body. It passes through 6 instars. Larval
stage lasts 15-30 days
Pupation takes place inside the soil, pupal stage lasts 7-15 days.
Adults live for 7-10 days. Total life cycle takes 32-60 days. There are eight generations
in a year.
• Collection and destriction of the infested material from the field.
• Plucking of leaves harbouring egg masses / gregarious larvae and destroying.
• Setting up light traps for adults.
• Setting up of pheromone traps @ 12/ha
• Spraying NPV @ 250LE/ha.
• Release of egg parasitoid Trichogramma @ 50,000/ha/week four times
• ETL: one egg mass / 10 plants.
• Foliar spraying with endosulfan 2ml/l or thiodicarb 2ml/l or quinalphos 2.5ml/l.
• Baiting with rice bran 12kg + jaggery 2.5kg+carbaryl 50WP1kg in 7.5lt water/ha
during evening hours to attract and kill the caterpillars

Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera

Light green or greenish ye llow nymphs and adults suck sap from undersurface of
leaf. As a result, the margins of leaf turn pale initially, later become yellowish and cause
hopperburn or drying of leaves and showing brown necrotic patches in severe cases.
Plants lose vigor and yield is affected. The other hosts are brinjal, mesta, cotton, bottle
gourd etc.,
Seed treatment with imidacloprid 5g/kg seed or thiamethoxam 4g/kg
seed, foliar spray with monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l have
been found effective.


Ergolis merione
Nymphalidae: Lepidoptera

It is specific pest on castor. The larva is long green with short

branching hairs in groups all over the body. The larva feeds on the upper
surface of leaves and scrapes the chlorophyll content.
Collection and destruction of the larvae and foliar spray with
quinolphos 2ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l are effective.

Trialeurodes rara, Trialeurodes ricini
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

The yellowish nymphs with waxy filaments are found in large numbers on leaves.
Nymphs and adults suck sap causing yellowing and drying of leaves in severe
Application of methyl demeton 2ml/l or monocrotophos 2 ml/l or
triazophos 2 ml/l

Retithrips syriacus, Scirtothrips dorsalis
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Both the nymphs and adults lacerate and suck oozing out sap from the plant
tissues. The plant loses its vitality. Terminal leaves turn crinkled and silvery white.
Spray application of methyl demeton 2 ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l.

Latoia (Parasa) lepida
Limacodidae: Lepidoptera

It is a sporadic pest of castor. It also attacks coconut, mango, Palmyra,

citrus, wood apple etc. Larvae feed on the leaves leaving the mid rib and
Foliar spray with chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 2 ml/l

Eutetranychus sp., Tetranychus telarius
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Nymphs and adults of the red spider mites suck sap from the under surface of
leaves by constructing silken galleries. In severe infestations white blotches are formed
on the upper surface of leave. In severe attack, mites are also seen on upper surface of
the leaves. Dusting of fine sulphur and spraying with dicofol 5 ml/l or profenophos 2 ml/l
are effective.


Holotrichia consanguinea, H. serrata
Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera

Root grub is a polyphagous pest, feeding on the roots of a wide range of plants
like p ulses, groundnut, sugarcane, vegetables etc. and it is a serious pest on
groundnut in Kurnool and Anantapur districts.
Adult is fully developed by the end of November and remains in the
pupal cell. Adult hibernates till early showers of rain are received. Adults
emerge out of soil during first monsoon showers at dusk, mate and feed on the
leaves of the trees viz., neem, drumstick, subabul etc., and early in the
morning get back and burrow into the soil and lay the eggs @ single egg
per cell during April – July in the soil at a depth of 12 -15 cm. Incubation
period is 8-13 days. Beetles are active during May-July months and
disappear by first week of August.
Upon hatching grubs feed on nodules, fine root lets and also girdle the main root
ultimately killing the plants. They become full grown by September end and move
deeper down into the soil.
v In case of severe infestation the patches of dead plants are seen in the infested
v The cut end of the attacked stem of a dead groundnut plant is swollen.
Full grown grubs are creamy white with a brown head and reach 2” in length.
They are curled up in position.
Pupation takes place in an earthen cocoon in soil. Pupal period is 7 -
10 days. Adult is fully developed by the end of November and remains in the pupal
cell. Only one generation in a year. Total life history from egg to adult is 171 days
• Deep ploughing after summer showers would expose the pupae and beetles to hot
sun or birds predations.
• Mass collection and destruction of beetles from the branches of neem, subabul,
Acacia, ber trees immediately after receiving summer showers.
• Spraying surrounding trees with carbaryl 3 g/l at first monsoon showers
• Flooding the field for 24 hours kills grub population.
• Utilisation of fungal pathogens like Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria brongniartii is
now under consideration
• Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos 6 - 10 ml/kg seed is effective against root grubs.
• Application of phorate 10 G 15 kg/ha at sowing time.


Aproaerema modicella
Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera

This is one of the major pests on groundnut especially in rainfed

conditions. Bunchy variety is generally severely infested. This pest appears
mostly six weeks after crop germination i.e., during September-October. The other
hosts are redgram, soybean etc .
Moth is very small with dark brown wings and small distinct white spot on
forewings. Shiny and sculptured eggs are laid singly on tender leaves. Incubation
period is 3 days.
The newly hatched caterpillar mines into tender leaflets or it webs together
adjacent leaflets and feeds on the tissue. The leaflets get distorted and due to feeding
get dried up in due course of time. Damage results in
v Mining of larvae in the upper epidermis of leaves which causes in characteristic
v Folded leaves.
v Drying of affected leaves and withering of plants.
v Severly infested field looks as if burnt from a distance.
Full grown caterpillar is greenish with a small dark head. Larval period
is 14 days
Pupation is inside the blotch mine and emerges as an adult in about 4 days.
• Regular monitoring and surveillance
• Collection and destruction of the larvae and infested plant parts.
• Crop rotation with a non leguminous crop to avoid out breaks of the pest.
• Raising soybean as trap crop.
• Setting of light traps / phe romone traps
• Foliar sprays with acephate 1 g/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or
monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l
• Dusting or spraying with quinalphos 1.5 D @ 10 – 12 kg /ac or 2 ml /l
Amsacta albistriga, Amsacta moorei
Arctiidae: Lepidoptera

Among the whole group of hairy caterpillars, red hairy caterpillars are most
injurious to agriculture throughout India. Although the red hairy caterpillars are found in
southern and northern regions of the country, they are said to belong to two species of
the genus Amsacta. Their habits, nature of damage etc., are similar. They are
polyphagous, also feeds on sorghum, cowpea, cotton, fingermillet, castor,
cotton etc.
This is a serious and devastating pest of rainfed kharif crop. It is an
endemic p e s t . Its seasonal outbreak in various tracts is largely dependent
on climatic conditions , edaphic factors and the local agricultural practices.
It appears in great numbers as regular plague after the receipt of first
monsoon showers during early June.
A. albistriga : The adult is a medium sized moth. The forewings are white with
brownish streak all over and yellow streak along the anterior margin and the hindwings
are with black markings. A yellowish band is seen on the head.
A moorei: The anterior marginal streak of forewings and the band on the
head are red in colour.
After the receipt of rains in June-July months, on the second evening by about 4
pm the moths emerge from earthen cells in the soil. They mate and commence
oviposition on the same day.
The creamy or light yellowish eggs are laid in groups mostly on the under surface
of leaves, on clods, stones, dry twigs etc. Single female lays 300-1000 eggs. Incubation
period is 3-4 days
The caterpillars in early stages are found in groups on the underside of leaf lets
and feed on them. Later they disperse to surrounding plants. As they grow they feed
voraciously on leaves leaving behind the petiole and mid ribs of leaves and the main
stem of plants. They may be seen marching from one field to another in thousands.
Often it results in total loss of crop.
Full grown caterpillars of both these species are reddish brown with black bands
on either end and have long reddish brown hairs all over the body arising on warts. The
head and prothorax are red. Larval period is 40- 50 days.
The grown up larva burrows into the moist soil and pupates in
earthen cell at a depth of 10- 20 cm. mostly along field bunds and in moist and
shady areas under trees in the field. The insect undergoes pupal diapause in the soil
till next year. There is only one generation per year.
MANAGEMENT : In view of the wide spread outbreak of the pest over a
vast area, it is necessary that the farmers adopt the management on a
community basis.
• Deep summer ploughing after harvest to expose diapausing pupae
• Collection and destruction of egg masses and gregaiuos larvae.
• Setting bonfires or light traps to attract the moths within 24 h after
receipt of monsoon showers.
• Placing shoots of Jatropha or Ipomoea on bunds to attract migrating
larvae and spraying on shoots
• Growing cowpea and castor as trap crops.
• Trenching around the field and dusting with carbaryl or methyl
parathion dust @ 250 g /one meter length.
• Natural enemies include a predatory pentatomid bug attacking larvae and larval
parasites, Apanteles flavipes, A. creatonoti (Braconidae), Exorista civiloides, Sturnia
inconspicuella (Tachinidae)
• Spraying with dimethoate 2ml/l, monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l
• Poison baiting for late instars with rice bran 10 kg + jiggery 1 kg +
quinalphos 1 litre or methomyl 350 ml + water.


Spodoptera litura
Helicoverpa a rmigera
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

These caterpillars feed on foliage causing extensive defoliation. Their life

histories, nature of damage and their management are detailed under cotton pests.

Empoasca kerri
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera.

This species, besides groundnut, also attacks brinjal, chillies, cowpea, tomato,
castor etc. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from central surface of leaves, also inject
toxin causing whitening of veins and chlorotic patches at tips of leaflets in a typical ‘V’ –
shape. There will be hopperburn in severe cases.
In presence coccinellids @ 2 or more / plant insecticidal sprays can be limited.
Insecticides found effective are dimethoate 2 ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l or
monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l.

Caliothrips indicus, Scirtothrips dorsalis
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the leaf surface. Infested leaves show
pale white patches and curling of tender leaflets. It transmits peanut bud necrosis virus
Foliar spray with dimethoate 2 ml/l or imidacloprid 0.50ml/l or thiamethoxam @
0.4g/l or fipronil @ 2ml/l are effective measures.

Aphis craccivora
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is a polyphagous pest. The tender shoots of 2 to 2 ½ months old crop of

groundnut are sometimes severely infested by this aphid. Both nymphs and adults suck
sap from tender leaves and shoots of plant causing the leaves to curl and stunted
growth. Flowers and pods are also affected. Excrete honeydew on which sooty mould
develops which interferes with photosynthetic activity of plants. The groundnut aphid
also transmits groundnut rosette virus and sometimes groundnut stunt virus diseases.
Spraying with tobacco decoction (1 kg tobacco boiled in 10 lit of water of ½ hour and
make up to 30 lit + 100 g soap) and systemic insecticides like monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
dimethoate 2 ml/l or or methyl demeton 2 ml/l are effective.
Elasmolomus sordidus
Lygaeidae: Hemiptera

Nymphs and adult are dark brown bugs. They suck sap from developing seeds of
groundnut pods in the field. As a result, the seeds get shrivelled and become rancid
and give bitter taste. The oil content and germination percentage of infested seed is
also adversely affected. Besides causing damage in the field, it continues to infest the
pods in threshing yard and even in storage.
Collection of bugs which on rubbish heaps in threshing floors and their destruction,
application of carbaryl 10 D @ 10 – 12 kg/ac or foliar spray with malathion 2 ml/l
are effective.

Sphenoptera perotetti
Buprestidae: Coleoptera

It is important during rainy and post rainy season. Elongated dorso ventrally
flattened grub with a globular head burrows into the stem close to soil surface causing
drying and death of plants. When examined grub or pupa can be seen in hollowed stem.
Application of carbofuran granules in planting row is effective.


Antigastra catalaunalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

This is one of the most common, important and specific pest of gingelly.
Adult is a pale brownish small moth with yellowish brown elongated wings.
The female lays about 100 to 130 shining flat eggs on the tender parts of
plants. Incubation period is 4 - 5 days.
The larvae web together the top leaves or bore into tender shoots and capsules
and feed on them. The damage results in
v Webbed leaves at top with young caterpillars
v Bored shoots, flower buds and pods
In case of severe infestation the yields are drastically reduced. The full grown larva
is pale green with black head and tubercles having thin hairs on the body. It measures
about 20 mm long. Larval period is 11-16 days..
Pupation is within the web. Pupal period lasts 7- 10 days. Infestation
starts when the crop is 15 day old, peak activity being in July – September
• Early sowing of kharif crop in first week of July
• Rabi crop or summer crop as ID crop is recommended to escape pest and also for
better quality of seed
• Collection and destruction of webbed leaves, infested pods at initial stages of
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l or dichlorvos 1 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l

Asphondylia sesami
Cecidomyiidae: Diptera

It is one important pest in south India and also in Rajasthan and a

specific pest on gingelly.
The small mosquito like fly inserts the eggs into the ovaries of flower buds. The
small whitish maggots feed on the ovary which results in
v Malformation of pod without proper setting of seeds.
v Galled buds and flowers fade and dry.
The pupation takes place inside the malformed capsule/pod. Life cycle is completed
in 23 – 37 days. Activity starts at bud initiation, peak activity being in September -

• Picking of galls, picking and burning shed buds as a prophylactic measure.
• Resistant variety in endemic areas is N 166 – 5
• Foliar sprays with dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l.


Acherontia styx
Sphingidae: Lepidoptera

The moth is very large, brownish with a characteristic skull like

marking on thorax and violet and yellow bands on abdomen. Dark brown
forewings are covered with yellowish, bluish and grey powdery scales.
Yellowish hindwings are with two cross lines. It is known to suck honey
from combs and cause annoyance to bees.
Stout green caterpillar with yellowish oblique stripes and a
conspicuous yellowish curved anal horn feeds on the leaves and acts as a
Foliar spray with carbaryl 3 g/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l or malathion 2 ml/l or
phosalone 2 ml/l is recommended.


Dactynotus carthami
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is a major pest on safflower and regularly occurs in Andhra Pradesh. It also

infests niger, gingelly, citrus, dhalia etc . The incidence of pest occurs a
fortnight after crop germination. It completes 4- 5 overlapping generations
in a crop season.
Adult is a quite large aphid, black in colour with conspicuous
cornicle. It apears at flowering and does not cause any severe damage.
Female produces 30 young ones by parthenogenesis
Nymphs are smaller reddish brown in colour. Nymph moults four times.
Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender shoots and leaves, excreting
v Sooty mould develops
v Plants become stunted and weak.
v Heads of both nymphs and adults on the stem are oriented toward soil.
• Avoid delayed planting
• Brumus suturalis is predaceous on aphids
• Two sprays at 15 day interval with monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or dimethoate
2 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l are effective.
Prospalta capensis (Safflower caterpillar)
Spodoptera exigua
Helicoverpa armigera
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

They are polyphagous. The larvae feed on the foliage causing

extensive defoliation. Their life histories damages have been detailed
under cotton (H. armigera) and millets (S. exigua)
Foliar sprays with quinalphos 2 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l are

Lipaphis erysmi
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is a regular pest on mustard, active from January – March. Whitish

green aphids reproduce sexually and parthenogenetically. Winged forms
appear near end of season.
Eggs are laid ovoviviparously, each female laying 3 -9 eggs/day.
Nymphal period is one week. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from
leaves and floral parts causing
v Curling and distortion of leaves.
v Sooty mould
v Sickly and blighted appearance of leaves.
• Sowing in rows having certain rows unseeded to lessen incidence
(farmers practice)
• Early sowing by 10 – 15 days
• Growing short duration varieties: T 6342, RLM 514, Varuna, PK 9, RH
785, RLM 528
• ETL: 50 – 60 aphids per plant at flower bud initiation
• Foliar sprays with dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
endosulfan 2 ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l

Athalia lugens proxima
Tenthridinidae: Hymenoptera

This is one of the very few hymenopterous insects to infest crops in India. It is
also a pest on raddish and other crucifers
Adult is small orange yellow with black markings on the body, smoky
wings with black veins. The female posseses a saw - like ovipositor.
Eggs are laid singly @ 35 / female very near the leaf margins. Incubation perod
is 4-5 days
The larva feeds on the leaves nibbling leaves initially, biting holes
later causing
v Skeletonisation of leaves
v Heavy defoliation
v On sligtest touch, larva falls to ground feigning death.
Full grown larva is cylindrical and dark grey with three pairs of thoracic legs and
seven to eight pairs of abdominal legs and five black stripes on the abdomen. It
measures about 15-20mm. Larval period is 13- 18 days.
Pupation is in an earthen cocoon in the soil. Pupal period is 10-15 days
• Collection and destruction of the larvae.
• Foliar spray with methyl parathion 2ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l.


Plutella xylostella
Plutellidae: Lepidoptera

This pest is reported to have worldwide distribution on cruciferous

plants. It is confined to the plants of Brassica spp. cauliflower, Brassica
oleracea var. capitata , turnip, Brassich rapa The pest is active throughout
in the cold weather.
Grayish brown moth with narrow fringed wings having pale white
triangular markings on inner margin of each forewing anteriorly which
form diamond like white patches dorsally when wings are folded over back
at rest. Hence the name, diamond back moth.
Female lays 50 -60 small whitish eggs singly along the veins of the
leaves at night times on the undersurface. Eggs hatch in about 7 days.
Caterpillars feed on under surface of leaves and bite holes in leaves
and cause serious damage. In severe cases, the leaves are skeleto nised.
v Holes on leaves
v Skeletonised leaves on affected plants
v Withered appearance of leaves
Full grown caterpillar is greenish with short thin hairs on the body and
body tapers towards both ends. Larval period is 14 days
It pupates in a flimsy silken cocoo n on under surface of leaves. Pupal
period is about 7 days.
• Regular monitoring and surveillance.
• Collection and destruction of the larvae and infested leaves.
• Erecting pheromone traps@ 4/acre
• Larval parasitoids Apanteles plutellae, A. ruficrus, Brachymeria sp.
• Application of B. t 1g/l
• Spraying with endosulfan 2 ml/l or dichlorvos 1ml/l or thiodicarb 1.0g/l or novaluron
1ml/l or indoxacarb 1ml/l or spinosad @ 0.33ml/l .

Bagrada cruciferarum
Pentatomidae: Hemiptera
Serious pest of cruciferous crops, cabbage, cauliflower, radish etc
and is widely distributed. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves,
shoots and pods resulting in wilting and loss of vigour of the plant. It also
excretes a sort of resinous material which spoils the pods.
Spraying with endosulfan 2 ml/l or quinolp hos 2 ml/l or dimethoate 2
ml/l is effective.



Spodoptera litura
Helicoverpa armigera
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

They are polyphagous pests. Caterpillars eat leaves and soft portions of the
stems. H. armigera feeds on foliage and tender flower heads and developing seeds.
In severe cases there will be
v Plants without leaves.
Their life histories, damage and management have been detailed under cotton
Dusting leaves and flower heads with methyl parathion 2D or spraying with
quinalphos 2 ml/l or thiodicarb 1 g/l or acephate 1.5g/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l is effective.
(Note: Do not dust or spray during flowering period before seed set).

Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Cicadellidaea: Hemiptera

Greenish yellow adults, pale greenish, transluscent nymphs suck

sap from undersurface of leaves injecting toxins which result in curling of
leaves and ultimately hopper burn symptoms. Leaves dry up and drop
Seed treatment with imidacloprid 5 g/kg seed or fo liar sprays with
monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l are


Spilarctia (= Spilosoma) obliqua
Arctiidae: Lepidoptera

It is a highly polyphagous peast. Besides sunflower, it infests

millets, cotton, jute, sunhemp, castor, cauliflower, cabbage etc. It has
been reported to feed on 96 plant species in India. The adult is dull yellow
with oblique line of black dots on hind wi ngs. The dorsal side of the
abdomen is red with dull yellow ventral side.
The larva defoliates the plants and move from one field to another.
The full grown larva is darkened with yellowish brown abdomen having
numerous pale white brown and black hairs and measures about 43 mm. It
pupates in soil.
Collection and destruction of egg masses and gregarious larva,
application of NSKE 5 % and foliar sprays particularly for grown up larva
with endosulfan 2 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l or dichlorvos 1 ml/l are
effective measures.

Scirtothrips dorsalis
Frankliniella dampfii
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

S. dorsalis infests lower surface of leaves which curl as a

consequence, while F. dampfii damages capitulum and floral parts.
Seed treatment with imidacloprid 5 g/kg seed is a better option for
conservation of natural enemies. Foliar sprays with monocrotophos 1.6
ml/l or imidacloprid 4 ml/10l two or three times are effective measures.
Epilachna vigintioctopunctata
Epilachna dodecastigma
Coccinellidae: Coleoptera

This is one of the important pests of brinjal. Its incidence starts in

July-August. It also infests tomato, bittergourd, Datura , Physalis.
Beetle is small round to slightly oblong in shape measuring about 5
mm in length and 3.5 mm in width. The underside of the beetle is flat
while the upper side is convex. It is light brick red or pinkish in colour
bearing 12 -28 small black dots on the pro notum and e lytra. These black
dots are symmetrically placed in a crescent manner. Adult lives for one month
to more than two months.
The yellow elliptical eggs are laid generally on the undersurface of leaves in
batches of hundreds, glued to the leaf sur face in a vertical position. They hatch in 3-4
The minute grubs on hatching start damaging the plant by feeding
on the fresh matter of the leaf surface leaving veins and veinlets. The
freshly hatched grub is yellowish and turns to cream yellow white , when
full grown. The grub is broad in front and narrows posteriorly and is
covered with spiny structures all over. The grown up grubs become
voracious feeders, found in batches. Both the grubs and adults confine
their feeding activities generally to the undersurface of leaves. The
activity of the pest is more on the lower leaves resulting in
v Damaged leaves presenting a lace like appearance as the green matter
in between the veins is eaten away (skeletonisation of leaves).
v Affected leaves, depending upon the area damaged, drying up and in
severe infestation, presenting sickly appearance.
Larval period lasts for 10-35 days.
Pupation takes place on the leaf surface. The full grown grub
attaches the last segment of its abdomen to the leaf surface by means of
a sticky secretion and the pupa is formed within the last larval skin which
splits on the dorsal side. The pupal period varies from 3-6 days after
which the adults emerge. Total life cycle takes 17 to 50 days.
• Hand picking will prove effective as the beetles are sluggish during the
morning hours
• If the area is small, collection and destroying the egg masses which
can be spotted easily.
• Egg parasitoid Tetrastichus ovularum, larval parasitoid Uga menoni
suppress the population during March – July
• Organic compounds of plant origin are effective.
• Foliar spray with DDVP 1 ml/l i n nursery as well as planted crop or
carbaryl 3 g/l or profenofos 2ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l.


Leucinodes orbonalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

It is one of the serious pests of brinjal throughout the country. It

also infests potato, Solanum nigria, S.xanthocarpum, bittergourd.
Moths are medium in size with white wings having large brown
patches and red markings. Wing span measures about ¾ of an inch. The
head and thorax are blackish brown.
The female moth lays about 80-120 eggs singly on tender shoots and developing
fruits of brinjal. Incubation period is 3-5 days
If infestation occurs during vegetative phase, caterpillars enter into
the petiole, midribs and young shoots. During fruiting stage caterpillars
enter into fruits make holes and feed inside. Initially, the entry hole is so
small that it is not visible. Later, fruits bear large circular holes plugged
with e x c r e t a . The infested fruits are unfit for consumption and marketing.
The infestation may go as high as 70 per cent on brinjal. The pest is
active throughout the year except winter. In Nursery no damage is
observed. Transplanted seedlings are attacked. The damage results in
v Drooping of tender shoots and wilting in vegetative stage
v Holes on the infested fruits filled with excreta
The full grown caterpillar is pinkish with sparingly distributed hairs on
warts on the body with a brownish head. It measures 16 -20 mm long.
Larval period lasts 15 days.
The full grown caterpillar generally pupates outside the bore holes on
the stem, fruit stalks e t c .in a dark buff coloured cocoon in dirty brown
silk. Moth emerges in about 6 - 8 days.
• The damaged portions of the plants should be removed and destroyed.
• Continuous cropping of brinjal and potato in the same area encourages
the pest activity and hence proper rotation should be followed.
• Variety Bhag yamathi is tolerant to the pest damage and suitable for
coastal Andhra.
• Erecting pheromone traps @4/acre
• Larval parasitoids, Pristomerus testaceus, Trathala flavoorbitalis,
Microbracon greeni, Pseudoperichaeta sp suppress the population.
• Three spraying with carbaryl 3 g/l or profenofos 2ml/l or cypermethrin
1 ml/l at 10 day interval from 3 weeks after transplanting
Note: Acaricidal spray should be given after two rounds of spray with
carbaryl as mites may flare up.


Euzophera perticella
Pyralidae : Lepidoptera

Its damage is entirely different from that of L. orbonalis. It does not

attack fruits and leaves. It attacks only stem of more than pencil
thickness. The entry of the caterpillar is near the ground level of the stem
at leaf or branch axil and covers the hole with excreta and frass. Its
attack is found in older brinjal plants and not on younger plants.
Branches start wilting after the attack. Plants become stunted in growth.
Entire plant wilts and dries. Other hosts include chillies, p otato, tomato .
Avoiding ratoon of the brinjal crop, uprooting a n d b u r ning the infested
plants before planting the new crop to avoid carryover of the pest to the
next crop are recommended. Foliar spray with carbaryl 3 g/l or
monocrtophos 1.6 ml/l is effective.


Centrococcus insolitus
Pesudococcidae: Hemiptera

Adults are brown or pinkish and are oval in shape. Body is covered
with white waxy material. They are generally present on the lower
surfaces of the leaves, tender shoots and stem. Colonies of nymphs and
adults suck sap from leaves and shoots and stem. The affected shoots
and leaves show discolouration. The damage results in stunted growth of
plant. Affected branch dries up.
Removal of affected parts, foliar spray with DDVP 1 ml/l or malathion 2
ml/l are effective against mealybugs.

Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae
Aphididae: Hemiptera

They are found in colonies on underside of tender leaves causing

leaves crinkle and curled. They reproduce parthenogenetically.
Coccinellids, Coccinella septumpunctata and Menochilus
sexmaculata are predaceous on aphids. M. persicae is parasitized by
Aphidius colemani.Insecticidal sprays with dimethoate 2 ml/l or methyl
demeton 2 ml/l are effective.

Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Cidadellidae: Hemiptera

Both nymphs and adults suck sap from underside of leaves, resulting in
characteristic hopperburn symptom. Leaves curl downwards, crinkled and
the plant is stunted.
Remova l of affected parts and foliar spray with dimethoate 2ml/l or
methyl demeton 2 ml/l or fipronil 2 ml/l are effective measures.


Urentius hystricellus, U. sentis
Tingidae: Hemiptera

These bugs can be identified by their lace like network of veins on

the forewings and lace like embossed pattern on head and prothorax.
Both species are specific pests of brinjal. Nymphs and adults suck
sap mostly from upper surface of leaves and cause ye llowing of leaves in
patches. Such leaves are found covered with excreta. The infested
leaves shrivel, dry and drop down. Heavy infested plants dry up
Foliar spray with methyl demeton 2 ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l or
dichlorvos 1 ml/l is effecti v e .


Psara bipunctalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Moth is straw coloured with black dot and lines on wings. The
greenish caterpillar measuring about 25 mm when grown up, webs
together the leaves and feeds gregariously on them. It pupates among the
The larva is parasitized by M icrobracon psarae. The effective
insecticides are malathion 2 ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l.


Tetranychus telarius
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Red spider mites are found in large colonies on underside of leaves

protected by the silk webbing constructed by the female. They are
polyphagous infesting brinjal, bhendi and bean.
Leaves present a characteristic blotches which become whitish then
brown patches appear. Later the entire affected leaf become discoloured
and dried up. More infestation occurs. Warm and dry months are
Spraying with wettable sulphur 3 -5 gm/l or dicofol 2.7 ml/l or
spiromecyferan 3 ml/l or propargite 3 ml/l twice at 10 day interval are


Earias vitella, E. insulana
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It is one of the important pests of bhendi throughout the country. It

also infests cotton, mesta, Abutilon e t c.,
Adult of E. vitella has pale whitish forewings with a broad greenish band in the
middle while E. insulana has completely green forewings. The adult body length is
about one cm while the wing span is about 2.5 cm.
The female moth lays spherical, sculptured bluish eggs singly or in groups on
tender leaves, fresh squares (flower buds) and flowers. On an average each female
lays 60-80 eggs. Egg period is about 2-10 days.
In the early stage of the crop, the caterpilla rs bore into growing shoots
of plants. When the fruits appear they also bore into the fruits which
show holes plugged with excreta. The infested fruits are mostly shed in
early stage of fruiting.
v Drooping of tender shoots
v Holes on the infested fruit and filled with excreta
v Fruits distorted and rendered unfit for human consumption.
The caterpillars of both the species have a number of black and brown spots on the
body and hence the name spotted fruit borer. Full grown larva measures 14 mm in
length. The larval stage lasts for about 9 -25 days.
Pupation takes place generally in fallen material, outside the boll, on plant surfaces
and in cracks and crevices of the soil. Before pupation however, the larva spins a dirty,
white boat shaped silken cocoon. Pupal period is about 6-25 days. Total life cycle
takes 20 -22 days.
• Avoiding bhendi or cotton during off season which will serve as
alternate hosts.
• Removal and destruction of affected shoots, fruits in early season help
in keeping the pest under check.
• Natural enemies (enumerated under the same species in cotton)
suppress the pest population.
• Foliar spray with thiodicarb 1 g/l during vegetative and at fruiting
stages or carbaryl 3g/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l or profenophos 2 ml/l or
endosulfan 2 ml/l twice at 10 day interval after harvest of fruits.
Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Cidadellidae: Hemiptera

It is distributed throughout the country.

Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from underside of leaves
injecting toxic saliva. The damage results in
v Characteristic hopperburn symptom.
v Infested leaves crinkle and show characteristic browning
v Attacked plants stunted, fail to bear fruits.
• Removal of affected parts.
• A spider Distina albina and a chrysopid, Chrysopa cymbela a r e
predaceous on leafhoppers. Lymaenon empoascae parasitizes the
• Foliar sprays with dimethoate 2ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l or fipronil
2 ml/l are effective.

Bemesia tabaci
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from underside of leaves. As
a result, the plant loses its luster. The adult acts as a vector for yellow
vein mosaic virus disease.
Removal of affected plants, erecting yellow sticky traps, spraying
with acetamiprid 0.4 g/l or thiamethoxam 0.4g/l or profenophos 2ml/l were
found effective


Tetranychus telarius
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Refer under pests of brinjal



Liriomyza trifolii
Agromyzidae: Diptera

It has been introduced into India through chrysanthemum cuttings. It is a pale

yellowish fly, measuring 1.5 mm in length. The female fly punctures upper surface of
leaf to lay eggs singly. The egg hatches in 4 days.
Minute orange yellow, apodous maggot feeds on chlorophyll mining in between
epidermal layers. The symptoms that follow are
v Leaves with serpentine mines
v Drying dropping of leaves in severe cases
Full grown maggot measures 3 mm. Larval duration is about 7 days. Pupation is in
soil. Some pupae are found in leaves. Total life cycle takes 3 weeks. Generally it
does not cause economic damage.
v Neem oil 5 ml/l o r endosulfan 2 ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l as foliar sprays are
recommended, if situation warrants.


Helicoverpa armigera
Spodoptera litura
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

The larvae bore into the fruits and make them unfit for consumption
and marketing.
v Bored fruits with round (H. armigera) /irregular holes (S. litura)can be
readily identified.
Life histories were detailed under the pests of cotton.
Spray application of endosulfan 2 ml/l affords protection.

Bemesia tabaci
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

Boths nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves causing chlorotic spots on leaves,
yellowing and drying of leaves. It has been reported as a vector of tomato leaf curl
Plucking and burning leaf curl virus affected plants and spraying with systemic
insecticides like dimethoate 2 ml/l or methyl demeton 2 ml/l are effective measures.

Bactrocera cucurbitae (Big size)
B. dorsalis (Medium size)
B. ciliatus (Cosmopolitan)
Tephritidae: Diptera

It is one of the important pests on gourds like bittergourd,

snakegourd, me lons, coccinia etc., throughout the country
Fly is reddish brown with lemon yellow markings on thorax with
spotted wings. It is active throughout year. Adults hibernate during winter
and they become active in hot weather. Adult flies emerge from pupae
during morning hours and mate at dusk. Longevity is 14 days
The female fly oviposits on soft fruits. Cavity is made by sharp ovipositor and 12
cylindrical eggs are laid in the evening time and exuding gummy substance covers,
cements and makes it water proof. Female lays 58-95 eggs in 14-54 days. Egg period
is 1-9 days.
Only maggots cause damage by feeding near ripe fruits, riddling them
and polluting pulp. Maggots bore in to the fruit and feed on pulp forming
lesions. Fruits decay due to secondary bacterial infection. Damage is
more serious in melons. Fruits at early stage also are attacked. Such
fruits do not develop. Infestation results in
v Premature drop of fruits.
v Decay of fruits due to secondary bacterial infection
The da mage is more in monsoon season. The maggots are apodus,
acephalous, dirty white, wriggling creatures, thicker at posterior end and
tapering at the other to a point. Larval period is 13 days in summer and
about three weeks in winter.
Mature maggots come out and jump to ground and select suitable
place, enter soil and pupate. Pupa is barrel shaped. Pupal period lasts 6-
9 days.
• Early maturing varieties are less affected than later ones.
• Changing of sowing dates.
• “Arka Tinda” among round gourd and “Arka Suryamukhi” among
pumpkin are resistant to B. cucurbitae.
• Affected fruits collected and destroyed.
• Harvesting of fruits before ripening.
• Slight ploughing and raking of soil after the harvest to expose pupae
from the soil.
• “CUE LURE” is an effective attractant being used to trap cucurbit fruit
• Poison baiting with malathion 100 ml + sugar/jaggery 100 g as
saturated solution + water 1 litre distributed in earthen lids.
• Foliar sprays with endosulfan 2ml/l or malathion 2ml/l or carbaryl 3g/l,
3 -5 r ounds at fortnightly intervals.
• Foliar sprays with carbaryl 3g/l for flies resting on undersurface of
• Before each spraying the fruits should be harvested.

Raphidopalpa foveicollis
Aulacophora cincta
Aulacophora intermedia
Galerucidae: Coleoptera

They infest bittergourd, snakegourd, melons, pumpkin, coccinia etc .

R. foveicollis has reddish brown elytra, A. intermedia blue black
elytra and A. cincta grey with black border elytra.
Beetles are more destructive. They bite hole s on leaves and also
feed on flowers. Beetles injure the foliage, flowers and cotyledons by
biting holes into them. Early sown cucurbits are severely damaged
necessitating re sowing. Beetle damage results in
v Numr ous of holes on leaves.
Brownish elongate eggs are laid in the soil and each female may lay about 150 to
300 eggs singly or in groups of 8 -9 near the base of plants. Egg period is 5-8 days.
Grubs after hatching, feed on roots of plants below soil surface.
Grubs bore into vines, feed on fruits tha t come in contact with the soil.
Grubs are creamy white with darker oval shield at back. Grub period is
13-25 days.
Pupation takes place in an earthen cocoon. Pupal period is 7-1 7
days. Total life cycle takes 26 -27 days. There are 5 to 8 generations in a
• Deep summer ploughing exposes the grubs and pupae.
• Collection and destruction of adults
• Dusting the plants with ash temporarily repel the beetle s .
• Dusting the soil and foliage with carbaryl 10D /endosulfan 4D
• Foliar spray with carbaryl 3g/l/ or methyl parathion 2 ml/l or dimethoate
at 2 ml/l or malathion 2 ml/l and drenching the soil at root zone so as
to kill the grubs.
• Synthetic pyrethroids show phytotoxic symptoms resulting in whitening
of foliage
Anadevidia peponis
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It is a specific pest of snakegourd found throughout South India

causing appreciable damage to snakegourd.
Moth is dark with a body length of 12 -16 mm and wing expanse of
3 2 mm. Forewings have irregular light markings. Hind - wing is of lighter
colour and is darker towards the edges then towards base. A sprinkling of
golden sheen is discernible in close examination.
Eggs are pale green, globular, sculptured and laid singly usually on
the underside of leaves. Egg period is 4-5 d a y s .
Caterpillar is about 1.5 mm, when freshly hatched and grows to 30-
35 mm. They feed on leaves causing
v Defoliation.
The semilooper is green with tubercles on the body from which arise
thin hairs and its anal segment is humped. Only three pairs of prolegs are
present. The caterpillar is often found on underside of the leaf which may
also be lightly folded. Larval period is 15 -20 days.
Pupation takes place in a tough, white silken cocoon in a folded
leaf. Pupal period is 7- 10 days.
• Hand picking and destruction of grown up larvae and pupae.
• Larva is parasitized by Apanteles plusiae
• Foliar spray with quinalphos 2 ml/l or malathion 2 ml/l or endosulfan

Liriomyza trifolii
Agromyzidae: Diptera

Serpentine leaf miner is polyphagous pest, native of Florida and

believed to be accidentally introduced into India. It is widely distributed in
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil nadu, Karnataka, Maharastra causing damage to
fibre crops, pulses, ornamentals, vegetables, fodder etc . It is a serious
pest on tomato, cotton, ridge gourd, brinjal, cucumber, potato.
The maggot punctures the epidermal layers and scraps the
chlorophyll content between the layers. In se vere cases the
photosynthetic activity reduced and leads to death of the plant.
Removal of affected plants, growing tomato as a trap crop and foliar
spray with neem oil 5ml/l can minimizes the incidence.
Diaphania indica
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera
Moth is medium with whitish wings, transparent with brown marginal
patches. Elongate bright green caterpillar is seen with two narrow
longitudinal white stripes dorsally. It folds the leaves and scrapes the
green matter. As a result the lea ves get dried up. It can also feed on
ovaries of flower , sometimes bore into young developing fruits.
Hand picking grown up larvae and killing, foliar sprays with quinalphos
2 ml/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l are effective.


Lasiptera falcata
Neolasioptera cephalandrae
Cecidomyiidae: Diptera

It infests bittergourd and coccinia etc.The maggot bore into distal

shoots forming galls along distal shoots. These galls appear like
elongated shoots with thickenings with more than 100 maggots inside.
Removal of affected shoots, foliar spray with neem oil 5ml/l or carbaryl
3g/l or dichorvos 1ml/l minimises the incidence.

Aphis gossypii
Aphis malvae
Aphididae: Hemiptera

A. gossypii infests different cucurbits while A. malvae infests

bittergourd in south India. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender leaves
and shoots causing the leaves to curl and growth to be stunted. Flowers and pods are
also affected. Excretion of honey dew leads to sooty mould which interferes with
photosynthetic activity of plants.
Spraying with tobacco decoction (1 kg tobacco boiled in 10 lit of water of 30 minutes
and making up to 30 lit + 100 g soap), or systemic insecticides like dimethoate 2 ml/l or
methyl demeton 2ml/l have been promising.


Plutella xylostella
Plutellidae: Lepidoptera

It is distributed worldwide infesting cruciferous plants of Brassica

sp. cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. capitata , turnip Brassica rapa etc .
The moth is greyish brown with narrow wings having pale white
triangular markings on inner margin of each forewing which form three
diamond shaped white patches dorsally when wings are folded over back
at rest. Hence the name, diamond back moth. The pes t is active
throughout the year
Each female lays 50 -60 small whitish eggs singly along the veins on
underside of leaves at night times. Egg hatches in about 7 days.
Caterpillars feed on undersurface of leaves and bite holes in leaves
and cause serious damage causing
v Holes on leaves.
v Withered appearance of affected leaves.
v Skeletonised leaves.
Larva is greenish with short thin hairs on the body. Full grown
caterpillar measures 1-1.5 cm and its body tapers towards both ends.
Larval period is 14 days.
Pupation takes place inside a thin loose mesh of silken cocoon. Pupal
period is about 7 days.
• Removal and destruction of plant remnants, stubbles, debris after
harvest and ploughing the field.
• Transplanting 2 rows of mustard as a trap crop for every 25 rows of
cabbage to attract moths to mustard.
• Larval parasites Apanteles ruficrus, A. plutellae and pupal parasite
Brachymeria excarinata suppress population.
• Foliar spray with 5% NSKE for killing the eggs. To obtain 5% neem
seed extract, take extract from 5 Kg kernel powder in 100 litres of
water. About 12.5 Kg kernel powder is needed to cover 1 ha with 250
litres in high volume sprays for crops like chickpea.
• Foliar sprays on 30, 45 DAT with B. t. formulations 1g/l.
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml or spinosad 0.3 ml/l. (Last spray
should be 15 days before harvesting).
• Under severe infestation, fenvalerate 1ml/l o r cypermethrin 1ml/l or
deltamethrin 1ml/l is recommended.
Hellula undalis
Pyralidae : Lepidoptera

It infests cabbage, cauliflower, knolkhol and beetroot.

Adult is pale yellowish-brown moth having grey wavy lines on the
forewing. Female moth lays yellowish shiny eg gs on leaves. Eggs hatch
in about 4 days.
Caterpillars web the leaves and bore into stem, stalk or leaf veins.
They bore into the cabbage head also making it unfit for consumption. The
damage results in
v Webbed leaves
v Holes in cabbage head with faecal matter.
The caterpillar becomes full grown in about 9 days. Full grown
caterpillar is 12-15 mm, greyish yellow with seven purplish brown
longitudinal stripes on the body
Full grown larva pupates in the larval burrow itself or in the soil.
Pupal period is abo u t 6 d a y s .
Management is similar to that of DBM


Crocidolomia pavonana
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

It infests cabbage, radish, mustard and other cruciferous plants.

Adult is small with light brownish forewings. Female moth lays eggs in
masses of 40 -100 on underside of leaves. They hatch in 5 - 15 days.
Caterpillar webs together the foliage and feeds on leaves. It also
feeds on flowers and pods in the case of mustard and flower heads in
cabbage and cauliflower. Caterpillar bears red head with brown
longitudinal stripes and rows of tubercles on the body. Larval period is 24-
27 days. The damage results in
v Webbed leaves with faecal matter
v Skeletonised leaves
Pupation takes place in a cocoon within the webbed leaves. Pupal
period is 14- 40 days.
Management is similar to that of DBM

Brevicoryne brassicae
Lipaphis erysimi
Aphididae: Homptera

The aphids are yellowish green (B.brassicae)) and multiply

parthenogenetically. This pest infests crucifers in cold season. Both the
nymphs and adults suck sap from plant causing
v Loss of vigour
v Sooty mould due to excretion of honeydew reducing the
Foliar spray with malathion or dimethoate or methyl demeton each at
2.0 ml/l is effective.

Bagrada cruciferarum
Pentatomidae: Hemiptera

Adult is yellow with black markings. Nymphs are reddish in colour. It

is a serious pest of cruciferous crops and widely distributed. Both
nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves, shoots and pods resulting in
wilting and loss of vigour of the plant. It feeds on cabbage, caluliflower,
radish etc.
Foliar spray with malathion or dimethoate or methyl demeton each
at 2 . 0 m l / l i s e ffective

Spodoptera litura
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It is highly polyphagous pest infesting tobacco, castor, groundnut,

tomato, cabbage and various other cruciferous crops.Caterpillars feed on
leaves and fresh growth, active at night and cause extensive damage.
The young caterpillars are gregarious in nature and skeletonise the tender
leaves. Later on the broad leaves are completely eaten.
Management is detailed under cotton pests.

Pieris brassicae, Pieris rapae
Pieridae: Lepidoptera

Adult is a butterfly with its forewings snow white having black distal
margins. Hindwings pure white with black apical spots.The caterpillar is
velvety green and measures about 4.2 cm in length. The caterpillars are
gregarious initially but disperse as they grow. They skeletonise leaves
and bore into heads of cabbage and cauliflower. Pupation is in damaged
Two sprays at fortnightly interval with carbaryl 3g/l are effective.


Cole crops are invariably infested with diamond back moth, leaf webber, cabbage
borer and cabbage butterfly; Spodoptera litura and Helicoverpa armigera also appear as
head borers at times. IIHR has developed the effective IPM package mainly using
mustard as a trap crop. The IPM practices are:
• Removal and distruction of crop residues to break the cycles of painted bugs as well
as leaf webbers in specific localities,
• Selecting the derivatives of PI 234599 in cabbage having shiny leaves with
moderate resistance to diamond back moth.
• Growing mustard as trap crop in cabbage or cauliflower fields. Mustard should be
sown in paired rows (one row 15 days after planting and another 30 days after
planting cabbage or cauliflower) for every 25 rows of cauliflower/cabbage.
• Application of neem seed kernal extract (5%) in synchrony with the incidence of
diamond back moth/leaf webber on cabbage, which is found safer to parasitoids like
Cotesia plutellae
• Resorting to cartap hydrochloride /B.t formulation applications, if head borers
(Hellula / Spodoptera / Helicoverpa) appear.
• Opting for insecticide like dichlorvos only when situation warrants and sufficient time
gap is available between spraying and harvesting.


Phthorimaea operculella
Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera

It is one of the introduced pests into our country from Italy through
Bombay port and is also found feeding on brinjal, tomato and tobacco
The adult is a delicate moth with 7 mm body length and wing
expanse is 20 mm. Forewings are greyish brown in colour and tapering.
The hind wings are whitish in colour. Both wings are fringed with long
hairs along the apical and the basal margins. Moth has conspicuously
long antennae.
On emergence, the moths mate and the female begins to lay eggs
within 24 hours. Each female lays 100- 150 eggs in 4-5 days. Eggs are
laid around the eyes or cracks of the skin of the exposed tubers. Eggs
hatch in about 3 -6 d a y s .
The caterpillar acts as a leaf miner in field, boring into peti ole and
main shoots and at later stages attacks underground tubers. In storage,
the damage ranges from 30- 70% under improper storage. The damage
results in
v Loss of leaf tissue, death of growing points, weake ning or breaking of
stems (field)
v Irregular shaped galleries with excrement near tuber eyes.
Caterpillar is white in colour with dark brown head and prothoracic
shield with a few scattered short hairs on the body. Larval period is 5-1 6
days and the larva grows to a size of 10mm.
Pest is found active thro ughout the year in plains both in field and in
store from April to November.
Full grown caterpillar comes out of the gallery and pupates on the
outside of tubers or any other convenient place, constructing a cocoon of
silk and frass material. Pupa is pale brown and pupal period is about a
week. 8 -9 generations are completed in one storage season.
In field
• Frequent earthing up to cover the exposed tubers
• Collection and destruction of affected tubers
• Spraying of carbaryl 3 g/l(600g in 200l of spray fluid)
In the stores
• Storing the tubers under 3 cm thick layer of sand
• Storage bags in the godowns sprayed with malathion 3ml/l
• Fumigating the stores with carbon disulphide or carbon tetrachloride or
methyl bromide


Cylas formicarius
Apionidae: Coleoptera

It is a major pest of sweet potato both in field and storage.

It is a wingless, ant–like steel black weevil with a brown elongated
snout and thorax.
The female bites small cavities on veins and tubers and lays abo ut
200 eggs singly. The eggs hatch in 3-5 d a y s .
The grub is pale yellow in colour and legless. The grubs bore into the
stems of vines and also into the tubers in the field as well as in storage,
feeding on the inner contents and spoiling them. The tube rs become unfit
for consumption. The adult weevil also feeds on leaves, vines and tubers.
v Their presence inside the tubers can be detected by the development
of dark black patches on outside of the tuber.
The grub pupates inside larval burrow in vine or tuber. Weevil
emerges after 7 -10 days. Total life history takes about 4 -6 weeks.
In field
• Infested portions should be destroyed. Healthy vines should be used
for planting purposes.
• Treating planting material by immersing in a solution of chlorpyriphos
2.5ml+ carbendazim 3g per litre of water.
• The cracks in the field closed by hoeing to minimize damage.
• Earthing up at 60 DAP
• Use of pheromone traps @ 1/100 sq.m.for mass trapping and
destruction of males even up to 15 days after harvest.
• Crop rotation
In the stores: Management in stores is same as under potato tuber moth.

Euchromia polymena
Amatidae : Lepidoptera

In India it is common species infesting sweet potato. Caterpillars

grow feeding on foliage. Foliar spray with chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l is

Aspidomorpha miliaris
Chirida bipunctata
Cassida circumdata
Cassididae: Coleoptera

The beetle has its thorax and wing cases (elytra) flattened and
widened to cover the head and greater part of legs like the carapace of
tortoise, hence the name tortoise beetle.
The female lays eggs singly on lower side of leaves. The grubs feed
by scraping the surface tissue of the leaves. They have characterstic
habit of carrying on their backs, the exuviae and excrements. The damage
is caused by both adults and grubs feeding on plant parts. Pupation takes
place on the leaves. Total life cycle takes about 2 -4 weeks.
Foliar spray with carbaryl 3 g or fenitrothion 2ml/l is effective.



Eupterote mollifera
Eupterotidae: Lepidoptera

It is a specific and a common pest on drumstick.

It is a large moth with light yellowish brown wings, having faint
lines. Female moth lays eggs in clusters on tender parts. Egg period is 5-
7 days.
Caterpillars gather in a cluster on the stem of the plants during hot
hours of day. They are active at night, defoliate the tree quickly and
collect on the trunk. The larva feeds on leaves causing
v Defoliation
Caterpillar is dirty brown in colour with whitish hairs arising in tufts
on small warts. Hairs are poisonous and irritating. Head capsule and
thoracic legs are coral red in colour. Larval period lasts 20- 25 days.The
larva pupates in soil in earthen cocoon. Pupal period is 8 -10 days.
• The larvae in groups on tree trunks killed by a burning torch.
• Foliar spray with endosulfan 2 ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l against young
caterpillars .

Noorda moringae
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera
Eggs are laid in groups on flower buds. Larvae bore into flower buds
feeding on the inner contents and cause shedding up to 78 per cent
during summer. Only one caterpillar is se en in a bud. The infested buds
seldom blossom and fall to ground. Pupation takes place in soil.
Foliar spray with phosalone 2 ml/l during flower bud initiation and at
fruiting, dichlorvos 1ml/l, two sprays at fortnightly interval.

Scirtothrips dorsalis
Caliothrips indicus
Frankliniella sulphurea
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

S. dorsalis is found in almost all chilly growing areas. It is a

polyphagus pest. Besides chilli, it also infests brinjal, cotton, groundnut,
castor, bottlegourd, guava, tea and grapevine. It is more common on un-
irrigated chilli crop than irrigated one.
They are s lender, tiny, straw coloured insects with fringed wings.
A female adult inserts 40-48 white, minute eggs into veins.
Both nymphs and adults lacerate the leaf tissues and suck the oozing
sap, sometimes even the buds and flowers are attacked. Generally they
attack tender leaves and growing shoots. Rarely the older leaves are
attacked. Their damage results in
v The infested leaves curling upward, crumb ling and shedding
v Infested buds turning brittle with petiole becoming brown and dropping
v Affected fruits showing light brown scars.
Pest infestation is severe in dry weather. The damage ranges
between 30 -50%.
One life cycle is completed on an average in 2- 2.5 weeks. There are
about 25 generations in a year. Reproduction in thrips is generally se xual,
parthenogenesis is also present.
• Seed treatment with imidacloprid @ 3 -5 g / k g o f s e e d .
• Foliar spraying with carbaryl 3g/l or phosalone 3ml/l or acephate 1 g/l
or fipronil 2 ml/l or s pinosad 0.3 ml/l or diafenthiuron 1.2 g/l so as to
wet t he under surface of the leaves.
• Application of fipronil 0.3G 8 kg/acre at 15 and 45 days after


Spodoptera litura,S. exigua
Helicoverpa armigera; Noctuidae
Utetheisa pulchella; Arctiidae
Feeding by S. litura, S. exigua leads to irregular holes on the leaves
and fruits. Affected pods turn whitish and dry up. In fruits, seeds are also
eaten. Attack of H.armigera leads to round hole on fruits. In addition to
these borers, sometimes U. pulchella also feeds on the pericarp leaving
the seed intact. Ladder like marks are seen on chilli pod due to U.
pulchella . Their detailed history can be i s g i v e n under pests of cotton and
millets (S. exigua ).
1. Deep summer ploughing.
2. Monitoring with pheromone traps @ 4/acre
3. Raising trap crops like castor (S. litura ), marigold (H.armigera).
4. Spraying with SNPV/HaNPV at 250LE/acre in the evening.
5. Spraying novuluron 1.0 ml/l or diflubenzuron 1.0 g/l controls just
hatched larvae.
6. Foliar spraying of thiodicarb 1.0 g/l or acephate 1 .5 g /l or chlorpyriphos
2.5 ml/l or spinosad 0.3ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l.
7. Poison baiting with rice bran 5 kg + chlorpyriphos 500 ml or carbaryl
500g + jaggery 500 g with water in the form of small balls in the
evening hours.

Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae
Aphididae: Hemiptera

They are polyphagous pests. Cloudy weather is very favorable for

multiplication of aphids. Heavy rains cause reduction in their population.
Adults are found in large numbers on the undersurface of leave s and
growing shoots of plants.
Both nymphs and adults suck sap and also excrete honeydew on
which black sooty mould develops affecting photosynthetic activity thus it
v Retardation in growth and fruiting capacity of the plant.
v Sooty mould
Foliar spray with methyl demeton 1 ml/l or acephate 1.5 g/l is

Polyphagotarsonemus latus
Tarsonemus translucens
Tetranychus cinnabarinus
Tetranychidae: Acarina

A minor pest emerged as a major pest in recent past. The

infe station starts in the nursery after 40 days of germination. Severe
infestation is seen in transplanted crop of 2-3 months old. The tiny white
transparent mites are found in large numbers on the undersurface of
leaves under fine webs. Both nymphs and adults suck sap and devitalize
the plant causing ‘Murda’ disease of chillies. Infestation results in
v Downward curling of leaves,
v The affected leaves becoming inverted boat shaped,
v The leaves rolling down along the margin with elongation of petioles .
v Affected leaves turning dark green in certain cases.
v Younger leaves at the tip of branch clustering.
• Foliar spraying of dicofol 5ml/l or wettable sulphur 3g/l.
• Synthetic pyrethroids not to be used.
• If both thrips and mites are noticed, spraying phosalone 3ml/l or
diafenthiuron 1.5 g /l or chlorfenapyr 2 ml/ l.


Asphondylia capsici
Cecidomyiidae: Diptera

Fly is dark reddish brown mosquito like midge that lays eggs in
flower buds. Maggot is tiny pale orange colored and feeds on the floral
parts leading to poor development of fruits. The ovary is distorted into gall
like structure of varied shape.
Foliar spray with triazophos 2 ml/l or carbosulfan 2 ml/l followed by
chl orpyriphos 2.0 ml/l one week later is found effective.



Hymenia recurvalis
Pyralidae : Lepidoptera

It is widely distributed and is found throughout year also infesting

beans, coleus, melon, spinach, beetroot, soybean
The moth is small having dark brown wings with broad white band in
the middle. Outer margin are fringed with short hairs.
Female lays spherical snow white eggs singly in between leaf veins.
Caterpillar is greenish with white lines and black crescents on thorax. The
larvae initially feed on leaf epidermis, later web the leaves and feed on
the green matter causing
v Webbed leaves
v Complete skeletonisation of leaves which dry up in severe infestation.
Foliar spray with malathion 2 ml/l giving 10 days waiting period
before harvest


Hypolixus truncatulus
Curculionidae: Coleoptera
The adult is 10 – 15mm long, ashy dark grey weevil with a
conspicuous snout. White, stout, apodous and curved grubs bore into the
stem and cause gall like swelling. Affected stem gets weak, may split
Removal of wild Amaranthus prevents simultaneous and offseason
buildup of pest. Removal and destruction of affected plants with grubs and
foliar spray with malathion 2 ml/l or dichlorvos 1 ml/l or phosalone 2 ml/l
with a waiting period before harvest are recommended.

Amritodus atkinsoni ( largest)
Idioscopus clypealis (smallest)
I. niveosparsus (medium)
Cicadellidae: Hemiptera

These insects are monophagous on mango and occur as regular pests.

They are wedge shaped measuring 3 to 7 mm in length and move diagonally.
Among these
A. atkinsoni is the largest and light brown having two black spots on scutellum, the
anterior margin of pronotum and vertex.
I. clypealis is the smallest and lighter in colour with two spots on the scutellum dark
spots on the vertex. Clypeus is entirely black.
I. niveosparsus is slightly smaller with three spots on the scutellum and prominent
white bar crossing its dusky wings. It is the most injurious species in South India.
The June-August generation hoppers are seen on mango tree trunks while
February-April generation is confined to the foliage and causes severe loss. Adult
hoppers spend winter in the cracks in the barks of the tree. Hoppers prefer shady and
damp places
After spending winter in the adult stage, the female lays eggs about 100-200, singly
within the tissues of flower buds, tender leaves during February – March. The eggs
hatch in 7-10 days. The nymphs soon after hatching begin to suck the plant
sap.Nymphs are smaller than the adults. The nymphal period lasts for 2-4 weeks. There
are two peak generations of this insect during a year i.e. during February – April and
June-August periods.
During flowering, the hoppers develop enormously in number, suck
juice from the inflorescence and other tender plant parts reducing the
vigour of the plant leading to reduction in fruit set and even premature
fruit fall. The infestation also leads to development of sooty mould on the
honeydew excreted by the insects. Egg laying also inflicts injury to the
inflorescence. The infestation ranges from 25 to 50 per cent and in severe
case it may lead to total loss of crop. During the remaining part of the
year (off season), these hoppers occur in small numbers inside barks or
on leaves of mango. High humidity in the air during flowering time encourages
insect multiplication. The damage results in the following
v Affected flowers wither and drop down.
v Presence of black sooty mould on floral and other tender plant parts.
v High humidity in orchards due to waterlogging, shading and overcrowding of trees
favour the buildup of the pest.
• Keeping orchard clean
• Avoiding overcrowding and waterlogging
• Proper pruning of the tree after harvesting to facilitate proper sunlight and air that
minimises hopper population
• Spray schedule is recommended as follows
o At flower bud initiation, endosulfan 3 ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l
o At emergence of inflorescence stalks and before flower opening (anthesis),
dimethoate 2 ml/l or thiamethoxam 0.3 g/l or imidacloprid 0.3 ml/l
o During anthesis and pollination, insecticides should not be sprayed. In case
of very high population of hoppers at this stage, endosulfan 2ml/l is
o When fruits are of pea size, phosphamidon 1ml/l or dimethoate 2ml/l or
acephate 1g/l
o Adding sulphur 3.5g/l to the insecticide based on need to check mites and
sooty mould,Capnodium mangiferum
o Directing the spray first to stem/ trunk, then branches, twigs, leaves and
finally inforescence is a recommended method.


Batocera rufomaculata
Cerambycidae: Coleoptera

Mango stem borer is common pest in India. It is a polyphagous pest, infesting

besides mango, apple, fig, mulberry, Eucalyptus, jack fruit, papaya etc.
Adult is a well built, conspicuously long, brownish grey beetle measure ring about
4.5 to 5.5 cm. It has two pink dots and lateral spines on thorax and has hard elytra and
is long horned. Female deposits eggs singly under the loose bark or in wounds of the
mango tree trunk. Egg hatches in 1-2 weeks.
The grub bores and tunnels through the bark of branches and stem feeding on the
inner contents. As a result of feeding, the affected branches start drying up. In severe
cases of attack the whole tree dies. The symptoms of damage are
v Masses of frass and sap exuding from the bore holes.
v Leaves of damaged branches dry and fall
v Branches collapse, tree succumbs in severe cases
Full grown grub is yellowish white, fleshy and about 10 cm long with dark brown
head having strong jaws. It pupates inside the larval tunnel in the stem itself. Pupal
period lasts for 4 -6 months. Adult emerges out during May-June.
• The affected portions with grubs and pupae removed and destroyed, if branches are
• The bore holes traced and opened. A swab of cotton wool soaked in chloroform or
petrol 5ml or carbon disulphide or kerosene oil or dichlorvos 10ml/l inserted in to the
hole and sealed with mud.
• Methyl parathion 1 ml/l poured in to the hole or tablet of aluminium phosphide
inserted into the hole to kill the grub.
• When burrows are superficial, extract the grubs with stiff hooked wire and paint
bordeaux paste.


Sternochetus mangiferae
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

It is a major pest in South India. It is widely distributed in tropics. Sweet variety

fruits are more liked by stone weevil. It is monophagous and is considered most serious
pest of mango.
Adult weevil is about 6-8 mm in length, greyish brown in colour and stoutly built.
Antennae are 10 segmented and elytra are convex. In non-fruiting season, beetles
remain hidden under the bark. The mother weevil selects a place on the developing
fruit, makes a boat or crescent shaped shallow depression by scooping and then lays a
single egg and covers it with a transparent liquid secretion. Single female lays about 15
eggs. The egg hatches within a week.
Grub is white, thick, fleshy and legless. The newly hatched grub immediately
tunnels in a zig- zag manner through pulp, endocarp and seed coat until it reaches
cotyledons and the seed coat hardens afterwards. Inside the stone it feeds on the
cotyledon, moults 5 times in about 5 weeks and pupates inside the stone. As a fruit
develops, the tunnel gets healed up. The damage results in
v Ovipositional injuries and eggs on marble sized fruits
v Tunneled cotyledons
v Fruit dropp at marble stage
The adult emerges in about 7 days within the stone also feeds on developing
seed. This hastens the maturity of infested fruit. During the life cycle of the weevil, if the
infested fruit falls and decays, then adult comes out by cutting the stone. If not, adult
makes its way out through pulp. Life cycle is completed in 40-50 days and only one
generation is completed in a year. The infestation sometimes goes up to 100 per cent.
The pest is sensitive to temperature and low humidity and is more confined to
humid areas. Due to this pest, Maryland of the USA does not allow mango imports from
• Collection and destruction of infested fruits
• Ploughing orchard after fruit harvest to expose hibernating adults
• Killing adults before fruiting season by treating bark with spray of monocrotophos 1.6
ml or carbaryl 3 g or fenitrothion 1.0 ml/l at fruit set and one month after fruit set.
• Hot water treatment of fruit for specified period at 60°C kills the weevil inside the
stone, but not fruit fly maggot which is within the pulp.


Bactrocera dorsalis
Tephritidae : Diptera

It is one of the major pests of mango in India. It also infests guava, peach, citrus,
ber, banana, papaya etc.
Adult fly is a brown or dark brown with hyaline wings and yellow legs.

Eggs are laid in small clusters of 2-15 just beneath the skin of the fruit. About 200
eggs are laid by a single female during a period of 1 month. Egg period is 2-3 days in
March and April and prolonged up to 10 days in winter.
Damage to semi ripe fruits is caused by both maggot and the adult. The
oviposition punctures made by the female serves as entry for fermenting organisms.
Maggots feed on the pulp and convert the pulp into bad smelling discolored semi liquid
mass, unfit for use. The fruits develop brown rotten patches on them and fall to the
ground eventually. The symptoms of attack are
v Semiripe fruits with decayed spots
v Dropping of fruits
Maggots become full grown in 6-29 days depending on the season. Maggots
come out of the fruits and pupate in the soil. Entire life cycle takes about 25 days in the

• Collection and destruction of fallen, rotten fruits

• Raking under the trees to expose the pupae
• Mixing of carbaryl 10D in soil @ 50-100 g/tree
• Hanging from tree branches plastic containers with bait made of methyl eugenol 2 ml
+ carbofuran 3G 3 g + water one litre (200ml of bait/plastic container) to attract and
kill flies
• Foliar spray with malathion 2 ml/l or acephate 1.5 g/l
Post-Harvest Control (Heat treatment techniques):
• Hot water treatment: Submerging fruits in hot water at 43 to 46.7 oC for 35- 90 min.
• Double dip method: Immersion of mango fruits in water at 40oC for 20 minutes,
followed by 10 minutes at 46oC to get 100 per cent mortality of Bactrocera dorsalis


Chlumetia transversa
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

This pest is active from August to October. Eggs are laid on tender leaves.
Freshly hatched caterpillars bore into midribs of tender leaves and come out after a
couple of days to bore into tender shoots near the growing point tunnelling downwards,
throwing out the excreta out of the entry hole. Damage results in withering and drying of
new terminal shoots. When the caterpillar is full grown, it come out of the shoot and
pupates on dried leaves, bark, soil etc.
Clipping off and destruction of affected shoots, foliar spray with carbaryl 3 g/l or
quinalphos 2 ml/l at the time new flush.


Deanolis albizonalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Adults are brownish. Pest is active from February – May and during off season,
larvae hibernate in dried twigs. The female lays eggs on the apex of the fruits. Egg
period is 3-4 days. Caterpillar is brick red with white intersegmental streaks. Caterpillar
bores into fruits at beak region, feeds inside reaching kernel causing secondary
infection, which renders the fruit unsuitable for market or consumption. Bore holes are
seen plugged with excreta. Larval period is 14-20 days. A single caterpillar can damage
many fruits. Pupal period is 9-11 days and adult lives for 8-9 days. There are 2-3
overlapping generations in a year.
Castor shoot and capsule borer Conogethes punctiferalis is also known to bore
into fruits when two fruits are seen attached together.
After fruit harvest, removal of dead wood and bark and burning, collection of
damaged fruits on the tree and the ground and burning, erecting light traps, fires,
spraying with NSKE 5 % at 10 days interval from fruit setting (marble size) until 15
days before harvest are recommended. Foliar sprays in the evening with dichlorvos
1.5ml/l or chlorpyriphos 1ml/l or carbaryl 3g/l or neem oil 3ml/l + chlorpyriphos 1ml/l.
Avoid growing of castor in mango orchards to eliminate C. punctiferalis which comes
as a fruit borer is recommended.

Drosicha mangiferae
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

This giant mealybug is a serious problem in North and Central India.

Female lays eggs in clusters within ovisacs in soil under the trees 5-15 cm deep
during April and May. The adult female crawls down the tree in April-May and enter the
soil for laying eggs which hibernates till November. The eggs hatch during November-
December. The nymphs ascend the trees and settle on inflorescence. Nymphs and
adults suck sap from inflorescence, fruit stalks, fruits etc. leading to flower drop, pre
mature fruit drop etc. They also excrete honey dew on which sooty mould develops and
the fruit development is hampered. Both nymph and adults suck sap from other tender
plant parts thus reducing the plant vigour.
Deep summer ploughing up to base of the tree trunks, after harvesting to expose
eggs of mealy bugs.
Dusting methyl parathion 2D or endosulfan 4D around tree and incorporating in
to the soil.
Spraying with dichlorvos 1 ml or imidachloprid 0.3 ml/l or phosphamidon 1ml/l
when severe mealybug infestation noticed on the twigs.
Wrapping 25 cm wide, 400 guage polythene sheet on the tree trunk 30 cm above
ground level and pasting greeze over it to prevent migration of freshly hatched first
instar nymphs during winter (Nov-Dec) from soil to trees, one week before their
emergence. Crawlers collecting beneath the polythene sheet may be scraped with a

Toxoptera odinae
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is a brownish species infesting tender shoots and leaves by sucking sap in

South India. Systemic insecticide like dimethoate 2 ml/l is effective.


Orthaga exvinacea
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Caterpillar webs terminal leaves and feeds by scraping green portion. Leaves
are skeletonized, wither and drop away. Dry top shoots are conspicuous and flower
stalk formation is affected.
Spraying of quinalphos 2m/l or carbaryl 3 g/l or monocrotophos
1.5 ml/l during July-August is effective.

Odontotermes obesus
Termitidae: Isoptera

Colonies of workers feed on bark by constructing galleries and eventually tree

may collapse and die.
Applying in the pit at planting time neem cake or methyl parathion 2D 100g/pit,
digging termite mounds and destroying queen, drenching chlorpyriphos 10ml/l on dug
termite mounds, spraying chlorpyriphos 4ml/l on tree after clearing mud galleries,
applying Bordeaux paste up to 2-3 feet from base after rains cease, are some of the
measures recommended.

Thrips hawaiiensis
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Thrips mainly infest flowers and tender fruits. They lacerate the tissues of tender
fruits and suck oozing out sap. Damage causes scab on fruits which lose their
Foliar sprays with acephate 1.5g/l or fipronil 2ml/l. when thrips are found along
with mango hoppers, thiamethoxam 0.3g/l are recommended.


Oecophylla smaragdina
Formicidae: Hymenoptera

Ants construct the nest by webbing the leaves together. Though they do not cause
any direct damage, they act as carriers for scale insects, mealy bugs and also cause
nuisance to the workers in the orchards. They are ferocious and workers are badly
Removal and destruction of nests mechanically and spraying chlorpyriphos 2ml/l or
methyl parathion 2ml/l after disturbing the nests have been found effective.


Amradiplosis echinogalliperda
Procontarinia matteiana
Cecidomyiidae: Diptera

Flies are mosquito like; maggots are small, yellow and apodous. Areas of
ovipositional punctures on leaf develop into galls. Maggots feed within the galls.
Spraying NSKE 5% or endosulfan 2 ml/l at new flush is effective.


Oligonychus mangiferus
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Tiny mites suck sap from older leaves, turning them brittle. They live under silken
webs on undersurface of leaves which turn yellow. In severe infestation, leaves are
shed. Foliar spray with diafenthiuran 1 g/l is recommended.

Papilio demoleus
Papilio polytes
Papilio helenus
Papilionidae: Lepidoptera

These are most destructive pests of citrus seedlings. This pest is widely
distributed in Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan. It infests almost all
citrus varieties though Malta (Citrus sinensis) is its preferred host. It can feed and breed
on all varieties of cultivated or wild citrus and various other species of family Rutaceae.
Besides citrus, it also attacks ber, wood apple, curry leaf.
P.demoleus is a big beautiful butterfly with yellow and black markings on all the
four wings, having wing expanse of about 50-60 mm. Its hind wings have a brick red
oval patch near the anal margin and there is no tail like extension behind though
common in Papilionidae. P. polytesmales are black and females vary in form. P.
helenushas black wings with three white distal spots.
Yellowish white, round, smooth eggs are laid singly on tender leaves and shoots
by P. demoleus. Egg hatches in about 3 – 8 days.
Freshly hatched caterpillars are dark brown and soon develop irregular white
markings on their body resembling bird’s drop. The caterpillars feed voraciously on
tender leaves right up to the mid ribs and defoliate the entire seedlings or the tree
leaving behind the only midribs. Thus the symptom of damage is
v Leaves fed up to midribs
The full grown caterpillar is deep green and cylindrical in form and measures about
40-50 mm in length with a hump in front and has a horn like structure on the dorsal side
of the last body segment. When the caterpillar is disturbed, it pushes out from the top of
its prothorax a bifid, purple structure called osmeterium which emits a distinct smell. The
larval duration varies between 11 – 40 days.
Pupation takes place on plant parts. Pupa which is a chrysalis is seen girdled by a
fine silken thread on a twig of the plant. Adult emerges in a week in summer and in 12 –
20 weeks in winter.
Hibernation is in pupal stage and there are 2-4 overlapping generations per year.
• In small orchards and nurseries with mild infestation, hand picking and destruction of
various stages of the pest.
• Natural enemies enumerated below suppress the pest population
Egg parasitoids: Trichogramma evanescens; Telenomus sp.
Larval parasitoid: Distatrixpapilionis; Brachymeria sp.
Pupal parasitoid: Pterolus sp.
• Spraying of monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or dichlorvos 1 m/l or methyl parathion 2 ml/l
when the caterpillars are small. B. t. formulation HALT at 9 g/l is also recommended.


Eudocima materna, Eudocima fullonica, Eudocima ancilla
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

This pest is distributed in Australia, China, Japan, Korea,

Philippines, Hawai, Thailand etc. Besides citrus, it also attacks grapes,
apple, castor, ber, pomegranate, guava etc.

E. materna: The moth has brownish black forewings with a white stripe and yellowish
hind wings with a circular black spot in the middle.
E. fullonica : The moth has brownish forewings and yellowish black hind wings with a
half moon or kidney shaped black spot.
E. ancilla : The forewings of this moth are dark brown with a green band in the middle;
hind wings are yellowish with a kidney shaped black spot.
This is the only group where the adult moths are harmful and damage the citrus
fruits. Moth pierces the ripe fruit with its strong proboscis and sucks the sweet juice. The
feeding injury opens way for invasion of bacteria, which makes the fruit rot around the
punctures and drop prematurely
Achaea janata moth also sucks the juice from the unripe fruits.The damage results in
v Premature dropping of fruits.
v Rotting at the site of feeding injury.
Eggsare lay singly on tender parts of wild foliage. Egg period is about 3-4 days.
Caterpillar is a semilooper. Larvae of Eudacima sp feed on foliage of other weed hosts
of the family Menispermaceae. Larval period is 13-17 days. Pupation is inside the leaf
fold and pupal period is 12-18 days.
• Destruction of weeds found around orchards.
• Collection and destruction of rotten and dropped fruits.
• Adults are highly phototropic. One fluorescent light/ha one month before fruit
maturation between 7.00 PM to 6.00 AM below which poison baits with sugar
solution1% + fruit pulp + Malathion1 ml should be placed.
• Bagging of fruits with polythene or paper covers, though effective is rather expensive
and not practicable on large scale.
• Creating smokes in the orchards after sunset to keep the pest away which is also
rather laborious.
• Arranging poison baits during Sep – Nov and Mar – May at fruiting under lights with
a solution of malathion 1ml + fruit juice with 1% sugar to attract and kill adult moths.


Phyllocnistis citrella
Gracillariidae: Lepidoptera
It is widely distributed from Australia to Africa. It attacks all species
of citrus but prefers sweet oranges. It also infests Ponagamia, jasmine
etc. The pest is active all-round the year, except during severe winter (December –
February). Maximum damage is caused during May-June and also during August-
October, if the temperature is high enough.
Adult is a silvery white small moth with brown striped forewings having a
prominent black spot near the tip and white hindwings. Both pairs of wings are fringed
with hairs. The adult moth measures 6 mmin wing span.
Minute, flat and greenish yellow eggs are laid singly on tender leaves and young
shoots. Egg period is 2-10 days.
The tiny red, apodous larva mines in between the epidermal layers of the leaf in
a zigzag manner and feeds on chlorophyll which results in distortion of the leaf
lamina.The tunnel appears silvery white. New and tender leaves are preferred.
Sometimes, the larva mines the outer layer of young green twigs. Serious infestation
causes retardation in growth. The infestation predisposes the leaves to canker growth.
Symptom of damage is
v Characteristic silvery white zigzag galleries below the epidermis of tender leaves.
The full grown caterpillar is slender, yellowish green with brownish mandibles. It
is found inside the gallery formed in leaf tissue. Larval period is 15-30 days.
Pupation takes place inside the leaf mine. Pupal period is 5-25 days. Total life
cycle takes on an average 20-60 days depending on the climate. There are 9-13
overlapping generations in a year
• Pruning of affected parts during winter and burning
• Spraying of Neem cake solution 5% or neem oil 5% or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
dimethoate 2 ml/l or imidachloprid 0.5 ml/l twice at 10 days interval at every new
flush time i.e. during June – July, Sep – Oct, Dec – Jan
Diaphorina citri
Psyllidae: Hemiptera

This is widely distributed in India and is considered as a major pest in Punjab. In

these regions the pest is active from February to November and has 16 generations per
Adults are reddish with jumping legs. Eggs are laid in tender shoots and
anchored in the tissues by means of short stalks and the egg period is 8-35 days
depending on the season. A single female lays 180 to 860 eggs.
The damage is caused by the nymphs which crowd on the terminal shoots and buds
and suck up the juice which results in
v Curling and cupping of leaves,
v Defoliation and death of young shoot in severe infestation and
v the fruits turning undersized and juice content reduced.
There are five nymphal instars and the nymphal period is 9-38 days. Adult life span
is 135 days for males and 145 days for females.
• Spraying of methyl demeton 2 ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l or imidacloprid 0.5 ml/l at
seedling stage on fresh foliage twice at 10 days interval.


Phyllocoptruta oleivora
Eriophyidae: Acarina

Citrus rust mite damage epidermal cells of plant leaves, fruit, and green twigs of
all citrus varieties and can be found any time during the year with peak populations
usually occurring during June and July in south India.
Minute worm like mites are found on the under surface of leaves and fruits. The
infestation may cause
v Browning of leaves
v Pale brown and sickly fruits
v The affected fruit becomes pinkish, brown red and brittle and is locally called as
“mangu” disease.
v Rust mite is known to avoid most sun exposed portion of the fruit.
• Foliar sprays with wettable sulphur 3g/l or dicofol 2.7ml/l or propargite 1ml/l once in a
month in Sep, Oct and Nov.


Indarbela tetraonis, I. quadrinotata
Metarbelidae: Lepidoptera
Occasionally these pests in large numbers cause severe damage especially to
old trees.The freshly hatched larvae feed on the surface of tree trunks. When strong
enough, they bore inside the trunks and move about inside the concealed silken gallery
and feed on the bark by scraping which interrupts the translocation of cell sap adversely
affecting growth and fruit setting capacity of the tree. Ribbon like or pipe like webbings
on the stem near forks or angles of branches and the tree trunk is the clear indication of
its damage. Only one caterpillar is seen in a gallery.
Cleaning the tree trunks by removing all the webs and placing cotton wool soaked in
chloroform, kerosene, petrol and, carbon disulphide and sealing the same with mud or
Injecting into the hole with monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or of dichlorvos 2 ml/l are effective.

Aleurocanthus wogluni

It is found mainly in North India. It infests during post rainy season and
disappears in summer. It also infests coffee.
Adults are tiny, moth like slaty black with white markings at the edge of wings.
Both the nymphs and adults suck sap resulting in loss of plant vigour and formation of
sooty mould due to excretion of honey dew.
Predators like Brumus sp., Scymnus sp. And Chrysoperla sp suppress the pest
Spraying profenophos 2.0 ml /l or chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l or imidacloprid 0.5 ml/l or
acephate 1.5 g/l are effective.


Panonychus citri
Tetranychidae: Acarina

Citrus red mites feed on leaves, green twigs, and fruit. Visible injury is
characterized by light colored, scratched areas which give the upper leaf surface a
silvery appearance.
Avoiding water stress and spraying of wettable sulphur 3 g/l or dicofol 2.7 ml/l or
propargite 1ml/litre of water during Sept-Nov months are effective measures.


Scelodonta strigicollis
Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera

It is the most destructive pest of grapevine all over India.

Adult is a shiny flea beetle with a metallic bronze colour and six
black patches on the elytra and is 4.5 mm long. The adults are very
destructive during Sep - Nov particularly when the vines put forth new
flush after pruning. The beetles feed on the sprouting buds and eat them
completely without allowing them to develop. They feed on mature leaves
cutting elongated holes on the leaf laminalike shot holes. The damage
results in
v Complete fed sprouting buds.
v Shot holes (rectangular cuttings) on mature leaves .
Adult beetles hibernate during winter under tree bark and become
active from March till November. Adults have characteristic habit of falling
down and feigning death when disturbed.
The females lay eggs about one month after emergence and continue
from middle of March to middle of October. Eggs are laid beneath the bark
in groups of 20 -40. A female lays about 220-569 eggs in 10 -1 4
installments during its life of 8 -12 months. Egg period is 4 days.
On hatching small, dirty white grubs drop down to the wa ter basin and
burrow into the soil and feed on the cortical layer of roots not causing any
appreciable damage.Larval period is 6 - 7 weeks.
Pupation takes place in an earthen cell and the pupal period is 7-1 1
days.Total life history takes 52 -54 days.
• Adult beetles may be collected and killed.
• Removal of loose bark in rainy season after pruning to expose and
eliminate eggs and adults found underneath
• First spraying when buds swell in early morning or evening hours to kill
beetles and second spra y after 10 days with monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
carbaryl 3.0 g/l or imidachloprid 0.3 ml/l or quinalphos 2ml/l.

Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Most destructive pest of grapevine India.It also feeds on rose,

jasmine, cashew and other fruit trees.
Adults are minute, pale, blackish brown, found on the underside of
leaves.Reproduction is either with or without fertilization. Fertilized eggs
give rise to female and unfertilized ones to male.
Adults appear in March and lay eggs on the underside of leaves by
making slits in leaf tissue, placing one egg in each slit. About 50 eggs
are laid by each female. The egg is dirty white and bean shaped. Eggs
hatch in 3 - 8 days,
Young nymphs on hatching feed on the undersurface of leaves. Both
the nymphs and adults lacerate tender foliage and suck the oozing sap.
The attacked leaves appear silvery initially and later turn brown and give
withered appearance, curl up and drop off the plants. Severely affec ted
vines do not bear fruits. If fruits are attacked, they develop corky layer on
the fruits and turn brown. Infestation results in
v Silvery patches on the affected leaves.
v Brown corky patches on fruits (scab)
Nymphal period is 9 - 20 days
Pupation on leaves and pupae possess locomotion and crawls when
disturbed. Pupal period is 2 -5 d a y s .
• Removal of weeds in and around garden.
• Cutting of infested branches and burning.
• Spraying dimethoate2ml/l or methyl demeton 2.0 ml/l or thiamethoxam
0.25 g/l.


Maconellicoccus hirsutus
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

It is a serious pest on grapevine varieties having compact fruit

bunches like Thompson seedless. Anab – e – shahi with loose bunches is
less infested.
Clusters of mealy bugs with white mealy mass suck the sap from
fruits making berries or fruits unfit for consumption. They also feed on
stems and foliage resulting
v Sooty mould development that affects photosynthesis and final yield.
v Malformation of growi ng shoots and leaves and sooty mould are the
• Clearing mealy bug clusters on stem using gunny cloth
• Releasing 8-1 0 Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Australian lady bird
beetle)/each tree.
• Removal of loose bark and paste mixture of carbaryl 6 g + Copper o xy
c hloride 10 g + neem oil 1ml+ gum 1ml on the stem and branches.
• Spraying of dichlorvos 2.0 ml/l or methomyl 1.0 g/l have been found
• Applying sticky bands like greeze or sticky tapes around stem, stalks of
branches to prevent crawlers from reaching young shoots.
• Dipping grape bunches in a solution of DDVP 1.5ml + soap 2.5g +
water 1 litre for 30 seconds is also suggested.


Sthenias grisator
Cerambycidae: Coleoptera

Besides grapevine, this insect also infests apple, citrus, mango. It is

a medium sized, stout beetle which girdles (ringing) the vine as a pre –
ovipositional operation resulting in drying up of regions beyond the
cut.Eggs are inserted under the bark in cuts made by the beetle on the
girdled vines. 1-4 eggs are laid at one place. Egg period is 8 days. The
grub tunnels in to the wood and completes its life cycle within the stem.
Pupation takes place within the tunnel.
Cutting attached branches below girdling point and burning,
applying dichlorvos in the holes or placing half a tablet of aluminium
phosphide in to the hole and closing it with mud are recommended.


Coelosterna scabrator
Cerambycidae: Coleoptera

The insect is a borer, the grub of which bores in to stem and

branches and causes drying and withering of affected branches. Initially
reddish sap oozes from wounds, chewed particles of wood are seen on
the ground just below the site of damage
Removal of loose bark in pre monsoon period, later painting bark
with lindane suspension is recommended . Applying dichlorvos in the
holes and closing it with mud or placing half tablet of alumunium
phosphide in to the hole and closing it.
Spodoptera litura
Spodoptea exigua
Helicoverpa armigera
Euproctis s p .
Lymantriidae: Lepidoptera

Their incidence is sporadic. Caterpillars feed on grapevine leaves

voraciously. Foliar sprays with carbaryl 3g/l are recommended.


Holotrichia consanguinea, H. serrata
Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera

The pest identification, detailed biology, nature and symptoms o f

damage and management are detailed under pests of groundnut.


Plocaederus ferrugineus
Cerambycidae: Coleoptera

It is one of the major pests and normally found in old plantations of

more than 7 years age where sanitation is poor. It is a serious pest of
cashew tree in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu a nd
Adult is a medium sized, dark brown longicorn beetle.
Eggs are laid under loose bark of the stem and roots. Grub is
creamy white, robust and fleshy. Grubs bore into the bark in their early
stage and into the wood in their late stages maki ng extensive tunnels
within. Both young and old plants are affected. The young plants are
killed immediately whereas the older plants gradually become weak and
succumb. Infestation results in
v Yellowing and shedding of leaves and drying of twigs.
v Chewed up fibre, excreta and gummy secretions seen protruding from
the bore holes.
Larval period is 6-7 months and full grown larva measures up to 7.6
cm. It tunnels downwards and reaches the roots where it pupates in a
calcareous pupal chamber. The pupal period is 2 months. Only one life
cycle is completed in a year.
• For trees over seven years age , spraying or swabbing on tree trunks up
to 3 feet from ground and exposed roots with 5%neem oil once in 4
months i.e. 3 times a year as a prophylacti c measure.
• Removal of dried branches, dead trees and burn them.
• Removal of grubs, pupae and adults from damaged portion by
physically chisteling and destroying them.
• Chistled trunks and roots treated with carbaryl 4 g/l.
• Removing the soil around the base of tree up to 1 foot depth and
applying 300 -500 g of carbaryl dust per tree and covering it with fresh
• Cleaning the bore holes to insert 1-2 table ts of aluminium phosphide in
each hole and plugging the holes.
Lam ida moncusalis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera.

It is a major and regular pest and occurs all through the year.
Adult is a dark brown moth with a wing expanse of 24-26 mm.
The moth lays eggs on the leaves , twigs and inflorescence stalks.
Egg period is 4 - 7 days.
Newly hatched caterpillar is pale white and feeds on the leaves by
webbing. Larva webs inflorescence at the time of flowering and feeds on
the floral parts. Apples and nuts are also covered with we bs with the
caterpillar scraping the upper green layer of tender apples and nuts. It
results in cracking of tissue and retardation in nut development. The pest
incidence is severe at the time of new flush. The symptoms of damage are
v Webbed leaves, i nflore scence, apples and nuts
Full grown larva is reddish brown with yellow lateral longitudinal bands
and pinkish dorsal lines and measures up to 26 mm in length. Larval
period is 16- 22 days.
Pupation takes place within the webbed leaves in a silken cocoon.
Pupa is dark reddish brown. Pupal period is 9- 14 days.Total life history
takes 29 -43 days.
• Three species of Apanteles (Braconidae) were observed during
January and February parasitizing the larval population heavily in
Guntur district of A. P.
• Spraying of carbaryl 3g/l or monocrotophos 1.6 m/l or endosulfan 1.4
ml/l after disturbing the webs.


Helopeltis antonii
Miridae: Hemiptera

Major pest of cashew in Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and

Tamil Nadu. Besides cashew, it infests grapevine, guava, neem etc.
Adult is a reddish brown bug with black head, red thorax and black
and white abdomen; a knobbed process arises mid -dorsally o n the thorax.
Eggs are inserted into epidermis of tender shoots, axis of
inflorescence and nuts. The egg is elongated and slightly curved with a
pair of filaments on the operculum projecting out. Egg period is 7 days.
Nymphs and adults feed on petiole, tender shoots and leaf veins
causing symptoms like
v Brownish black necrotic patches on foliage and elongate streaks and
patches on shoots
v Resins exuding from the feeding punctures.
v Blossom blight and die back symptoms.
There are five nymphal instars with duration of 14.9 days. Life cycle is
completed in 22.2 days on an average . Peak infestation occurs during
summer months and disappears at the onset of monsoon.
• First spray coinciding with new flush in Oct – No v with endosulfan 2ml/l
• Second spray during emergence of inflorescence in Dec – Jan with
monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or dimethoate 2 ml/l
• If damage still persists another spray at the time of fruit set in Feb with
endosulfan 2ml/l

Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus- Leaf thrips,
Rhynchothrips raoensis: Flower thrips
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Incidence is severe in March- May.

Leaf thrips: Both nymphs and adults appear in colonies on the lower side
of the leaf. They scrape the leaf surface and suck sap. Affected leaves
turn pale green, later to pale brown with dark brown spots. Ultimately the
affected leaves shrivel and drop off.
Flower thrips: Incidence is severe during December and January. Both
nymphs and adults suck sap from flowers, flower stalks, app les and green
nuts. This results in flower and fruit drop and development of scab on
apple and green nut.
• Spraying chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or profenophos 1ml/l.


Acrocercops syngramma
Gracillaridae: Lepidoptera

This pest regularly occurs at the time of new flush generally during
June -July and Jan-Feb.The caterpillar mines into the leaves, as a result
the thin epidermal layers of the leaf swells up in the mined area and
appears as whitish patches on the leaf surfa ce of tender leaves. In older
leaves big holes are formed due to the drying and crumbling of the mined
areas. Generally young plants are more affected by this pest.
Spraying of carbaryl 2 g/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or endosulfan 1.4
ml/l is effective.



Deudorix isocrates
Lycaenidae: Lepidoptera
It is the most important and destructive pest of pomegranate and distributed
throughout the country, also infesting guava, annona, apple, ber, citrus, litchi, tamarind,
wood apple, soap nut, etc.
Butterfly is bluish brown with an orange spot on each of the forewings and black
spots on the hindwings with a tail like extension at the lower margin of hindwings. It is
active in bright sun.
Eggs are laid singly on calyx of flowers or tender fruits. Egg period is 7-10 days.
Caterpillar is stoutly built dirty brown in colour, with light patches, a few short hairs and
measures about 16-20 mm long. Larva after hatching bores into the fruit and feeds on
the seeds. Entry hole heals up. The fruit appears healthy but the caterpillar inside feeds
on pulp and seeds just below the rind. It is only when the grown up caterpillar comes
out, a round hole is seen through which juices come out. A single fruit may harbor half a
dozen caterpillars. Feeding injury also cause rotting of the fruits. Up to 50% fruit
damage is observed. Larval period is 18-47 days. The conspicuous symptoms are
v Offensive smell and excreta of caterpillar at the entry hole.
v The affected fruits ultimately falling down.
The full grown larva comes out, secures the stalk of the fruit to the stem with a silky
secretion, returns to inside of fruits and pupates on fruit stalk. Pupal period 7-34 days.
Total life cycle takes about 1-2 months. There may be 4 overlapping generations in a

• Destruction of fallen infested fruits checks the spread.
• Removal of flowering weeds especially of Compositae family.
• Though expensive, bagging of fruits with polythene or paper bags or cloth bags soon
after the fruit set prevents the pest attack.
• During flowering and flower bud stage, endosulfan 2ml/l is recommended. After 15 –
20 days, spray application of dichlorvos @ 1 ml. /L or carbaryl 3g /l.

Anaphothrips oligochaetus (Flower and fruit thrips)
Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus Leaf thrips
Scirtothrips dorsalis
Thripidae: Thysanoptera
These are found through out country. A. oligochaetus infests flower stalks,
sepals, petals and fruits with their rasping sucking type of feeding. As a result, flowers
are shed and fruits show scab like rough surface.
R. cruentatus and S. dorsalis lacerate the leaves and suck oozing out sap
causing curling of leaves.
At flower bud initiation, foliar spray with dimethoate 2ml/l or fipronil 2ml/l is


Eudocima fullonica
E. materna
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Moths pierce the fruits with their proboscis for feeding thus causing injury.
The detailed biology and their management have been furnished under pests of
citrus. Fruits show tiny holes from which juices oozes out when pressed. Later fungi and
bacteria accelerate rotting.

Helopeltis antonii
Miridae: Hemiptera

It is a major insect pest distributed in AP, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharastra

and TN. This pest causes damage to tea, coffee, guava, cashew, avocado, neem,
cacao, cinchona, pepper, tamarind, cinnamon, apple and mahogany. Its identification
and life history have been detailed under pests of cashew.
Nymphs and adults pierce the guava fruits of all sizes, tender twigs and leaves for
sucking sap. Each tab (probe) on the fruit results in a brownish spot which develops into
a raised pustule known as scab (gajji). A bug may tab in about 50 places on a single
fruit. On tender fruits, the spots may coalesce and fina lly crack. Such tender fruits
drop down.If the bug pierces into the twig, black, linear scars will form. If tender leaves
are pierced there may be small reddish streaks and will curl up. Thus symptoms on
various plant parts vary
v Scab on fruit surface
v Black linear scars on twigs
v Reddish streaks on leaves
• Nymphs are parasitized by the mermithid, Agamermis paradecaudata
• Application of recommended dose of fertilizers.
• Spray application of endosulfan 2ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or dimethoate 2ml/l
at fortnightly interval during the fruit development will manage the pest.


Ferrisia virgata
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

It is otherwise called white tailed mealy bug /striped mealy bug . It is a widely
distributed species in tropical and subtropical countries. It also infests bhendi,
amaranthus, coccinia, colocasia, lab lab, tomato, brinjal, cashew, anona, guava, amla,
grape, tobacco, pepper, cotton, betelvine
Female bug is apterous with two long prominent waxy filaments at the posterior
end and a number of waxy hairs over the body covered with waxy powder. In the
posterior end of the body, the dorsum has a prominent blackish patch.It has the habit of
encircling itself by secreting thin glassy threads of wax specially when its population is
less.Reproduction takes place both sexually and parthenogenitically, the latter being
more common. Mating takes place only once and lasts for about 12-23 minutes.
The female lays the eggs in groups which lie under its body. Fecundity ranges
from 109 to 185 during aoviposition period of 20-29 days. Incubation period is about 3-4
Nymphs and adults remain clustering upon the terminal shoots, leaves
and fruits and suck the sap which results in
v Yellowing, withering and drying of plants or shedding of fruits etc.
v Formation of sooty mould due to honey dew excretion.
In dry weather they may move down below ground and inhabit the roots.
Male and female nymphs moult 3 - 4 times respectively and their development
period varies from 26 to 47 and 31 to 57 days. Longevity of female is 36-53 days and
that of male is only 1-3 days.

• Pruning and destruction of the infested twigs.
• The branches that are touching the ground to be cut and destroyed
• Periodical raking of basins and application of balanced dose of fertilizers especially
• Arranging the polythene sheet around the stem.
• Predators Chrysoperla carnea, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Pullus sp. suppress the
natural population.
• Spray dichlorvos1.0 ml/l or acephate 1.5 g/l.

Bactrocera dorsalis, B. diversus, B. zonatus, B. cucurbitae
Tephritidae: Diptera

Pest is seen allover the country. It is a pest of several fruits such as mango,
guava, brinjal, chillies, loquat, apricot, plum, peach, cherry, chiku, ber, citrus etc. Of
many species Bactrocera, B. dorsalis is the most common causes considerable loss to
fruit yield.Flylays the eggs on developing fruits. Maggots enter into the fruit and feed on
the pulp. The damage leads to the formation of soft patches on the fruit and premature
drop of fruits. The mature maggots come out of the fruit and fall to the ground and
pupate in soil. Premature fruit drop, fruits with exit holes and soft patches are the
symptoms of damage.
Collection and destruction of fruits, periodical raking of the plant basins,
Incorporation of carbaryl 10D @ 50-100 g / tree manages the pupa. Poison baiting with
a mixture of molasses / sugar @ 200 g and malathion 50 ml in 2litres of water kept in
small earthen pots in the field attracts and kills the adults.


Aleurodicus dispersus
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

The pest is a native of America and distributed all over the world. In India this
pest is mostly distributed in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. It has
many cultivated and wild hosts. The host plants include trees
Guava, papaya, banana, flower plants, forest trees and weeds. The pest mostly attacks
old leaves during November and during April attacks tender leaves. Peak activity of pest
is seen during the month of February. Adult spiralling whitefly is bigger than the other
aleurodids. Eggs are laid in groups of 15-25 on the undersurface of the leaf in circular
fashion, hence spiralling whitefly. Fecundity is 200 eggs. Nymphs are covered with
white cottony mass and suck sap from leaves. The leaves crinkle and turn to red colour.
The honeydew excretion leads to formation of sooty mould that hinders the
photosynthetic activity. The vigour of the plant and fruit yields are reduced.
• Timely pruning of plants and balanced nutrition.
• Aphelinid, Encarsia sp. Are the most important in reducing the population.
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri and Mallada sp. are the other natural enemies
associated with this pest.
• Arranging yellow sticky traps in the gardens especially during night times for the
flying adults
• Spray application of neem oil 0.5 ml /l or neem based product also reduce the



Nephopteryx eugraphella
Phycitidae (Pyralidae): Lepidoptera

This is a major pest of Sapota occurring throughout India. It also infests sapota,
cured tobacco and Mimusops elengi. This pest is serious from July to November.
Moth is grey in colour. Female lays pale yellowish oval eggs singly or in groups
of 2-3 on leaves. The number of eggs laid by a female varies considerably, the
maximum being 226 in seven days. Eggs hatch in 2-5 days.
Pinkish caterpillar is with closely set longitudinal lines on dorsum. The larva
constructs a tunnel of webs and frass and feed on the green matter of the tender
leaves. They also feed on buds, young shoot and tender fruits. Larval period lasts 17-32
v The infested trees show numerous webbed shoots, dry leaf clusters and dark brown
patches on the leaves.
Pupation takes place in the leaf web itself and the pupal period is 7-11 days. The
total life cycle may take about 32-45 days.
• Collection and destruction of leaf webs with caterpillars
• Clean cultivation
• Spray application of chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l or endosulfan 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6
ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l is effective.


Metanastria hyrtaca
Lasiocampidae: Lepidoptera

Stout greyish brown female moth is bigger than the males. Males have a white
spot in the centre of a black patch on forewing. Eggs are laid in rows or group. Egg
period is 9-12 days. Caterpillar is 6.5 cm long, stout with greyish hairs on the body,
black head and median dorsal brownish band extending to second abdominal segment.
Larval period is 45-60 days. It pupates on tree trunks in a cocoon made up of silk and
body hairs. The caterpillar feeds voraciously on leaves.
Hand picking and destruction of larvae, burning the larvae with torches when they
are found in groups on tree trunks and spray application of carbaryl 3 g /l or dichlorvos
1ml/l are effective during early stages.

Planococcus lilacinus and P. citri
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

Different mealy bugs cause damage to sapota. The pink coloured adults and
nymphs are covered by white waxy outgrowth. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from
leaves, twigs, flower buds. Flower curling and twisting of leaves is observed. Growth of
the plant is affected when the shoot terminals are infested. They excrete honey dew that
leads to the formation of sooty mould which affects market value. The following
measures are recommended for its management.
• Pruning and destroying the affected twigs
• Maintenance of sanitation in the orchard.
• Frequent raking of plant basins and incorporation of dust formulation of endosulfan
or methyl parathion in to soil.
• Releasing predators like Chrysoperla carnea and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
• Arranging the polythene sheet around the stem
• Spraying with systemic insecticides, dichlorvos 1 ml/l or acephate 1.5 g/l



Carpomyia vesuviana
Tephritidae: Diptera
It is the most important pest of ber and has countrywide distribution. Up to 77%
damage to fruits is reported from A.P.
Adult is a small black spotted fly with banded wings. Two to three generations
are completed from November to April.
Eggs are laid in cavities made on the fruit with the ovipositor. Oviposition
punctures made by the flies on the fruits give them rough appearance. The punctures
appear as black spots in depression later on. Up to 22 eggs are laid by a female either
singly or in groups of 2-4. Incubation period is 2-3 days. As many as 18 maggots may
infest a single fruit.
Maggots are white tapering anteriorly. Larval period is 7-10 days. Maggots bore
into the pulp forming reddish brown galleries. The damage results in
v The attacked fruits rotting and turning dark brown and smelling offensively.
The full grown maggot falls to ground to pupate in soil 5 to 7.5 cm deep for
periods varying from 14 to 300 days depending upon the climate.
• Removal and destruction of infested fruits.
• Ploughing and continual raking of soil under the trees during summer months.
• Spray contact insecticides like carbaryl 3g/l or endosulfan 2ml/l at triweekly intervals.
• Soil application of endosulfan 4D kills maggots and pupae


Meridarchis scyrodes
Carposinidae: Lepidoptera

It is distributed all over the country. Adult is a small dark brown moth. Eggs are
laid on young fruits. Larvae are reddish. The larva bores into the fruit feeding on the
pulp and accumulating faecal frass within. Up to 40% of the fruits are damaged during
July and August. Pupation takes place in the soil.
• Collection and destruction of affected fruits
• Raking up of soil in tree basins in summer
• Spraying 2 – 3 times at 10 day interval from pea sized fruit stage with endosulfan
2ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or polytrin 1ml/l


Aubeus himalayanus
Curculionidae: Coleoptera
Grub feeds on the seed and adult feeds on the fruit. The fruit loses its shape.
Fruits become round and fruit stalk bulges. The adult also sometimes feed on the seed
and comes out of the fruit.
Spray application of monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or fenvalerate 1ml/l or deltamethrin
2 ml/l at 10-15 day interval from maturity of fruit till harvest.


Cosmopolites sordidus
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

It is distributed throughout India and is a serious pest of banana. This pest is also
recorded on cacao. Adult is medium sized, 10-13 mm long, stout, brown initially but
turns almost black after a few days. Longitudinal ridges are seen on elytra and
abdomen is not covered fully. The adults also tunnel within the stem feeding on internal
tissues during night.
White elongated oval eggs are laid singly in small pits made in the pseudo stem
near ground level. They are elongate, oval, white and measure about 2-3 mm long.
Eggs hatches in 5 -8 days.
Grub is dwarf, stumpy, legless creamy white with a red head and wrinkled body.
The grubs tunnel the rhizome, which is roughly circular and increases in size with the
growth of the grubs. The rhizome becomes riddled with tunnels. The leaves turn yellow
and dry. The tissue at the edge of the tunnel turns brown and rots. The grub also bores
into the pseudo stem even up to 2-3’ up. Due to the damage, the banana plants may
break down when there is strong wind.
v Blackened mass of rotten tissue in which case the grub deserts the rhizome.
v The plants may show premature withering, the leaves become scarce, and the fruits
become under sized.
v Very few suckers emerge from the affected plant.
Larval period 14-21 days.Pupation takes place in an oval chamber prepared just
beneath the surface of the sucker. The pupal period is 5-6 days.
• Obtaining suckers from healthy fields for planting.
• Clean cultivation and sanitation in the orchard.
• Dipping the suckers in methyl demeton 0.1% solution before planting
• Avoiding ratooning and changing the field every year.
• Dusting the pits with carbaryl 10D 50g/ pit or 250 g neem cake/ pit before planting.
• Uprooting and destroying the affected pseudo stem and rhizome in which grubs are
• Applying contact insecticide during July - September at fortnightly intervals to
prevent attack.
• Give temporary support to the plant.
• Application of phorate 10 G 10 g/ plant
• Spraying the pseudostem and drenching around the base of the tree with
chlorpyriphos 2ml /l and after a week spraying and drenching with malathion 2 ml/ l
Erionata thrax,
Hesperidae: Lepidoptera.

Larva rolls the leaves from the edges by cutting the leaf lamina. The plant vigour
is reduced as the photosynthetic area decreases.
Cutting and destroying the rolled leaves along with the larva, foliar spray with
endosulfan 2 ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l are effective measures.

Pentalonia nigronervosa
Aphididae: Hemiptera.

Adult aphid is brownish with black veins on the wings. It lives in colonies within
the leaf axils or tender leaves or at the base of the culm. A single female produces 35-
50 nymphs during its life span of 27-37 days. There are four instars and each instar is
completed in 2-3 days. 30-40 overlapping generations are seen in a year. High humidity
and moderate temperature are conducive for the population increase.
The nymphs and adults suck sap from the plant parts and in case of severe
infestation progressive leaf dwarfing, leaf curling is seen. Fruit bunches become small
and the fruits are distorted. These aphids also act as persistent vectors of Bunchy top of
Musa AAB variety of banana is resistant to aphids and thus resistant to Bunchy top.
Spray application of methyl demeton 2 ml/ l or dimethoate 2 ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6
ml/ l is effective.


Odoiporus longicollis
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

It is a serious pest of banana in North East India. Weevil is a robust reddish

brown and black weevil. Adult feeds on tissues of leaf sheath from its inner surface and
also on decaying tissues. Eggs are thrust singly in to the leaf sheath through oviposition
slits made by rostrum. Egg period is 3-5 days in summer and 5-8 days in winter. The
larva bores into the pseudostem making tunnels within and cutting holes on the outer
surface. The tunnelled part decomposes and pseudostem becomes weak and easily
breaks in wind. Grub is apodous, has five larval instars. Larval period is 26 to 68 days in
summer and winter, respectively. Pupation occurs in stem tunnel and pupal period is
20-29 days in summer and 37-44 days in winter.
Field sanitation, uprooting and burning infested plants, foliar spray with chlorpyriphos
2.5 ml/l two to three times at three weekly intervals, injection of dichlorvos 1ml/l into the
bore hole are effective measures.

Eriosoma lanigerum
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It has worldwide distribution, originally a native of America. First it was detected

in India in 1909 at Simla. Apple trees in all the hilly tracts of India are attacked. It can
also cause damage to pear and other plants. It is a serious pest throughout the year
except December-January.
Aphids are purplish, minute 1.0 mm long and are covered by white cottony mass,
hence the name woolly aphids. The cottony mass covering females is rounded and that
covering males is elongated. Winged and wingless forms are seen in the life cycle. The
winged forms are common in Kumaon hills during July-October.
The insect reproduces both sexually and asexually. Parthenogenetic
reproduction is more common. A single female can give birth to 300-400 nymphs. The
crawlers fix themselves on host plant and suck plant sap. They secrete waxy covering
over the body. Nymphal period is 30-40 days. There are 6-7 overlapping generations in
a year. The insects overwinter as nymphs.
The nymphs and adults suck sap from bark of the trunk and the roots. It also
infests fruit stalks and calyx. The colonies are more to the base of the trunks just below
the soil in winter.
v The twigs shrivel and die. Young orchard and the nursery suffer the most.
v Gall like swellings are seen at the feeding site on roots and tree trunks during winter.

v The vigour of the trees is reduced.

• Resistant root stocks such as merton type Nos. 778, 779 and malling type XIII are
• A parasite Aphelinus mali and a predator Coccinella septumpunctata suppress the
• Aerial infestation can be managed by spray application of systemic insecticides.
• Soil fumigation with PDCB up to 15 cm deep soil 2 metres away around the base of
the tree is recommended.

Cydia pomonella
Tortricidae: Lepidoptera

The pest is distributed all over the world. Native of America and was introduced
to India. It causes damages pear, peach, walnut and quince.
Adult is a small moth, greyish with chocolate brown patches near the tip of the
forewings. Up to 100 eggs are laid on foliage and fruits. Eggs hatch in 4 -12 days.
Caterpillar is pinkish, feeds on the leaves and then bores into fruits. Tunnels are
filled with excreta. The holes are conspicuous. The infested fruits mature earlier and can
be identified by their brighter colour and entry holes. The larva becomes full grown in 4-
5 weeks.
The full grown larva comes out of the fruit and pupates under loose bark or on
dried leaves. Pupal period lasts for 8-15 days. The third brood larva overwinters under
loose bark of the host plant.
• Periodical removal of weeds and the debris.
• The loose bark from old trees promptly removed to prevent the hibernation of the
• Collecting and destroying the fallen fruits along with the larva
• The hibernating larva collected twice or thrice and destroyed.
• Enforcing strict quarantine rules to prevent the spread of this pest.
• Indian house sparrow, Passer domesticus indicus is predaceous on the
overwintering larva.
• Paralitomastix varicornis parasitizes the larva.
• Spray application of good contact insecticides up to fruit maturity.


Ferrisia virgata
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera

Mealy bugs are a major pest on custard apple. The life history, damage and
management of Ferrisia virgata have been detailed under pests of guava.


Opisina arenosella
Cryptophasidae: Lepidoptera

It is the most important lepidopterous pests of coconut in India and Sri Lanka. It
occurs more commonly along the west and east coast regions. It has been observed
infesting coconut in some inland regions of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu also.
Adult is a greyish white moth measuring 10-15 mm long and 20-25 mm in wing
span across outstretched wings.
The moth is straw to ash grey in colour, medium sized with uniform pale whitish
upper wings. The female moth lays about 130 creamy white scale like eggs in batches
along the underside of the leaflet generally near the old larval galleries. Eggs hatch in
about 4-5 days.
Caterpillar is light green with red brown stripes and black head, feed gregariously
on the surface tissues of the leaflets scraped out from their lower surface. The leaflets
are reduced to papery tissues. The larva constructs a gallery of silk and frass and lives
and feeds under it. The attacked leaflets turn brown in colour and dry up. The
production of nuts gets adversely affected as photosynthetic activity of the palm is much
reduced. The fronds become unsuitable for thatching and other purposes. The damage
is more during hot months (April-June) and less during rainy season. The
v Folded leaflets with silken galleries and frass
v Large scale drying of leaflets
v In case of severe attack the whole plantation presenting a burnt up appearance from
a distance.
The grown up larva is about 15 mm long. Larval period lasts for about 40 days. The
larva pupates inside the gallery. Adult emerges after 12-14 days.Total life history
occupies about 45-60 days.
Due to hidden nature of the caterpillars and height of the plants chemical control
measures are often inadequate.

• Clipping and destroying the infested portions.

• A host of parasites attack different stages of the pest. For obtaining effective control,
schedule release of a combination of these parasites should be adopted four times
depending on the stage of the pest.
à 1st release immediately when the infestation is observed.
à 2nd – a fortnight after the first
à 3rd – a month after the second
à 4th – a fortnight after the third
These parasites are mass multiplied on suitable alternate hosts at four parasite
breeding stations located in the important coconut growing areas of A.P.viz., Sompeta
(Srikakaulam), Rajole and Ambajipet (EastGodavari) and Narsapur (West Godavari) .
The parasites and their hosts are listed below

Egg parasite Trichogramma chilonis

Early larval Cotesia taragamae
Mid larval Bracon brevicornis
Late larval Goniozus nephantidis
Pre pupal Elamus nephantidis
Pupal Stomatoceros sulcatiscutellum
Trichospilus pupivora
Brachymeria nephantidis
Tetrastichus israeli

• Bacteria like Serratia marcescens and Bacillus thuringiensis cause disease in larvae.

• Predatory carabid beetle Parena laticincta

• Root feeding technique: A dark brown coloured root is selected for root
administration of monocrotophos to the trees. The root is given a slant cut.The cut
end of the root is kept in polythene bag containing 10 ml of monocrotophos mixed in
10 ml of water for plants having 15 feet height. Allow the root to absorb the chemical
for 24-48 hours. If the root does not absorb the chemical change the root.
Note: Before administering the chemical the mature nuts should be harvested. After
root administration there should be a gap of at least 45 days for harvest of nuts.
Oryctes rhinoceros
Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera

It has a wide distribution in Asia, Australia and Pacific Islands and is reported
from all regions where coconut is grown. It also attacks coconut, oil palm, date palm,
sugarcane, banana, sisal, pineapple, papaya etc.
Adult is a stout beetle measuring 35-50 mm in length, shiny and black above and
reddish brown and hairy ventrally. On the face, beetle has a pointed horn and hence the
name, rhinoceros beetle. The cephalic horn is longer in males than in females. Adult
lives for more than 200 days under favourable conditions. Beetles are attracted to light.
The beetle injures the trees by boring into the central shoots, spathes and
petioles. The boring beetle chews the internal tissues and after ingesting the juicy part
throws out the fibrous part which is indicative of the presence of the beetle in the
crowns. The injury by the beetle is clearly.
v A series of holes on the fronds when leaf opens out and fan like cutting
v Typical ‘V’ shaped clipping/ cuts on mature leaves, in partly damaged crowns
v Death of the central growing primordium of both young and old plants in severe
v Damaged palms often becoming infected by fungal rots.
The damage caused by the beetle is more serious in young trees. The beetle breeds
in decaying organic substances. White oval eggs are laid singly in rotting plant
material, especially dead palm trunks, compost heaps and rubbish dumps. A single
female lays up to 140-150 eggs which hatch in 8-18 days.
Grub feeds on decaying organic matter. Full grown grub is 9-10 cm long, stout,
fleshy, dirty white, curved (C- shaped) with brownish head. Tail end dark, body
segments wrinkled. Larval period lasts for 99-182 days.
The mature larva first turns into a prepupa, before becoming a pupa proper. The
pupation takes place in a pupal chamber in the soil or rotting plant material. Pupal
period is about 10-25 days, but the adult beetle may not emerge from the cocoon
immediately and the maturation period is spent within the pupal cocoon. Egg laying
starts 10-60 days after emergence. Total life cycle takes about 6-12 months.
• Periodical examination of the breeding places and destruction of eggs, grubs and
pupae by raking and turning up of the manure pits.
• Treating breeding places with carbaryl 50 WP 3g/l or carbaryl c10D atleast once in
three months i.e. January, April, July, August.
• Crownless trees and dead trees should be cut and dried to avoid breeding of the
• Extraction of the beetle with a barbed iron hook or wire and filling up the holes with
sand + lindane dust in equal proportions to prevent further attack or filling up holes
with sevidol 8G 25g.
• Providing poisoned breeding traps made out of rotting mustard or castor cake or
dung mixed with lindane to attract and kill beetles.
• The histerid beetle, Santalus parallelus is predaceous on the eggs and all stages of
the grub while its grub is predaceous on the egg and first instar grub Agrypnus sp.
predates on the grubs.
• The green muscardine fungus Metarrhizium anisopliae infects all stages except
• The bacteria Serratia marcescens, and Pseudomonas sp. attack the third instar
• Nematode, DD 136 or Neoaplectana carpocapsae and the associated bacterium
Achromobacter nematophilus parasitize the g rub.
• Release of Baculovirus infected adults.


Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
Curculionidae: Coleoptera

It is distributed in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, S.E. Asia to China, Taiwan and the
Solomon islands. In India it occurs in all coconut growing tracts. It also infests oil palm,
date, sago and other species of Palmae
Adult is a brown weevil about 35 mm long. It has six dark spots on thorax and in
the males the long snout has a tuft of hairs. The female weevil commences oviposition
1-7 days after pairing and continues it for 25-63 days. Fecundity is 276 eggs. Eggs are
laid in small holes scooped out by the weevil on the soft regions of young palms of up to
7 years age, in the grown up trees the eggs are laid only in the cuts or wounds which
may be present on the stem or leaf stalk. The plant sap oozing out of the wounds and
cuts attract the weevil for oviposition. It prefers to oviposit in the exposed plant tissues.
The infestation by rhinoceros beetle or crown rot or leaf rot diseases also attracts the
weevil for egg laying and for crown infestation. The creamy white egg hatches in 2-5
Grub tunnels inside and lives in any part of young palms but prefers to
concentrate at or near the growing points in trees older than 5 years. A trunk may
harbour 40-45 grubs.The grub feeds within the stem tissues in large numbers making
tunnels. The grubs hatched from the eggs laid in crown enter in to the growing point of
the crown and cause damage.
The symptoms of damage become clear at an advanced stage of infestation as
v Yellowing and wilting leaves of inner and middle whorls.
v Presence of circular holes on the stem with brownish black viscous fluid oozing out
from the holes
v Longitudinal splitting of leaf bases and presence of cocoons or adult weevil or
chewed up fibres in leaf axis or at the base of the palm.
v The sound of feeding by the grub can be heard by keeping the ear on the trunk of
the tree.
Larval period ranges from 36-78 days.The full grown grub is stout, fleshy,
apodous, constructs an oval cocoon with the fibres of the internal tissues and pupates
within it for a period of 12-33 days. The adult female lives for 76 days and the male for
133 days.
The weevil multiplies enormously in young coconut plantations, especially in
those close to the forest areas and the damage is to the extent of 5-10 % in young
plantations of 5-20 years age.
• Disposal of felled trunks, tree stumps, dying and dead palms, dead plants due to
lightening or bud rot
• Avoiding wounds, mechanical injuries and stripping of leaves
• Avoiding damage to roots and stem during cultural operation.
• Removal of rhinoceros beetle from the hole using an arrow headed rod and filling the
hole with neem cake 100 g + 150 g sand to prevent weevil attack on young plants.
• Arranging bucket traps (Pheromone traps) at 1-1.5 m height on tree trunk to attract
the pest and the weevils collected in the buckets destroyed or killed using poison
• The affected plant puts scraped off and swabbed with coal tar or Japan black.
• Release of sterile males to compete with the normal males to reduce the progeny.
• Chistling out the affected portions and filling with concrete mixture so that the plant
can withstand strong winds.
• Earwig, Cheliosoches moris feeds on eggs and grubs
• Root feeding with monocrotophos 10 ml mixed with water 10 ml. (Do not harvest the
nuts for the next 45 days).

Contheyla rotunda
Macroplectra nararia
Latoia lepida
Limacodidae: Lepidoptera

It is a sporadic pest. C. rotunda is common in west coast, while M. nararia is

common in Godavari district. Mango, castor, cashew, pomegranate are other hosts.
The caterpillar feeds on leaves, buds, flower shoots and developing fruits.
Caterpillar is fleshy, slug like with series of tufts of spines highly irritating to
touch, hence called “nettle grub”. Pupation takes place in hard shell like grayish cocoon
• Clipping the affected leaves along with the larvae.
• Natural parasitisation occurs with larval and pupal parasites.
• Bacterial and fungal infections on larvae and pupae are common in rainy
• Spray application of carbaryl 3 g/l or root feeding with monocrotophos is effective.

Odontotermes obesus
Termitidae: Isoptera

Termites damage the seedlings in the nursery and transplanted seedlings. Wilting of
central shoot is a symptom of the attack. Up to 20% of the seedlings are destroyed by
the termites in the laterite soils. Base of trunk is seen plastered with runways made of
soil and fibre.
Locating termite mounds in or near the coconut nursery or garden, digging out the
termitarium and destroying the queen, drenching the soil with chlorpyriphos 10 ml/l of
water are effective measures.

Aspidiotus destructor
Diaspididae: Hemiptera

Large number of scales sucks sap from undersurface of leaflets which turn
yellowish, finally wither and dry up, thus reducing vitality of plant
Root feeding with monocrotophos after harvest of nuts, spraying with carbaryl 3g/l or
dimethoate 2ml/l are effective.


Eriophyes guerreronis
Eriophyidae: Acarina

It became a threat to coconut in south India causiong economic losses. The

microscopic wormlike eriophyid mites are seen in thousands under inner bracts of the
perianth. They also feed in colonies on lower leaf surface causing yellow speckling and
v Triangular pale or yellow patches close to perianth initially at the level of perianth
which turn into brown patches with longitudinal fissures and splits on the husk
v Shedding of butons
v Oozing of the gummy exudation from the affected surface.
v Reduced nut size and copra content.
v Malformed nuts with cracks and hardened husk.
• Application of urea 1.3 kg., super phosphate 2.0 kg and murate of potash 3.5 kg./
palm / year.
• Application of neem cake 5 kg and organic manure 50 kg / palm / year.
• Grow intercrops, banana, cacao, turmeric, vegetables in rich soils and shelter belt
with causuarina all around the coconut garden tominimize the pest.
• Spraying twice at weekly interval on buttons and developing nuts on bunches with
wettable sulphur 6g/l or prophano[phos 5ml/l or methyl demeton 6ml/l or triazophos
• Spraying azadirachtin 10000 ppm 5ml/l on fruit bunchus or root feeding thrice a year
with azadiractin 10000ppm 10ml + 10 ml of water /tree.

Spodoptera litura
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It is found through out the tropical and sub tropical parts of the world, widespread
in India. Besides tobacco, it infests cotton, castor, groundnut, tomato, cabbage and
various other cruciferous crops.
Moth is medium sized and stout bodied with forewings pale grey to dark brown in
colour having wavy white crisscross markings. Hindwings are whitish with brown
patches along the margin of wing. Pest breeds throughout the year. Moths are active at
night. Female lays about 300 eggs in clusters, covered over b y brown hairs. They hatch
in about 3 -5 days.
In early stages, the caterpillars are gregarious and scrape the chlorophyll content
of leaf lamina giving it a papery white appearance. Later they become voracious
feeders making irregular holes on the leaves and finally leaving only veins and petioles.
v Irregular holes on leaves initially and later skeletonisation of leaves
v Heavy defoliation, leaving veins and petioles
Caterpillar measures 35-40 mm in length, when full grown. It is velvety black with
yellowish – green dorsal stripes and lateral white bands with incomplete ring – like dark
band on anterior and posterior end of the body. It passes through 6 instars. Larval
stage lasts 15-30 days
Pupation takes place inside the soil, pupal stage lasts 7-15 days.
Adults live for 7-10 days. Total life cycle takes 32-60 days. There are eight generations
in a year.
• Collection and destruction of the infested material from the field.
• Plucking of leaves harbouring egg masses / gregarious larvae and destroying.
• Setting up light traps.
• Setting up of pheromone traps @ 12/ha for monitoring the pest.
• Spraying NPV @ 250LE/ha.
• Release of egg parasitoid Trichogramma @ 50,000/ha/week four times
• ETL: one egg mass / 10 plants.
• Foliar spraying with endosulfan 2ml/l or thiodicarb 2ml/l or quinalphos 2.5ml/l or
acephate 1.5g/l.
• Baiting with rice bran 12kg + jaggery 2.5kg+carbaryl 50WP1kg in 7.5lt water/ha
during evening hours to bait and kill the caterpillars

Myzus persicae
Aphididae: Hemiptera

It is highly polyphagous infesting tobacco, cabbage, chilli, brinjal, radish, potato,

tomato, tobacco, mustard, sweet potato, Hibiscus, sunnhemp etc.
Adult aphid is small to medium sized about 1.25 to 2.5 mm long, usually green
with a darker thorax. Antennae 2/3 as long as body. Siphunculi clavate, fairly long. They
reproduce both sexually and parthenogenetically, the latter is more common.
Nymph undergoes 4-5 instars taking 4-7 days for apterous and 5-8 days for alate
forms. Apterous adults produce 5 to 92 young ones / female while the alate forms
produce 8 to 49 nymphs. More young ones are produced during mid winter (Jan-Feb).
Longevity of adults is 15 to 27 days for alate and 10 to 25 days for apterous forms.
Survival is least during late winter.
Aphids infest the crop late in the season. Both nymphs and adults feed on leaves
and shoots in large numbers suck sap and devitalizing the plant which results in
v Sickly appearance of plants
v Leaves curling up and fading and unfit for curing
v Sooty mould develops on honeydew excreted.
v Tobacco ring spot virus and Rosette virus disease are transmitted by this vector
• Natural enemy, Praon myzophagum parasitizes the aphid.
• Spraying neem oil 2% or NSKE 5%
• Spray phosphamidon 2 ml/l, methyl demeton 2ml/l, Malathion 2 ml/l, Dimethoate
2ml/l, acephate 1.5g/l

Bemisia tabaci
Aleurodidae: Hemiptera

The pest is generally seen as white minute specks of flies on the underside of the
leaf. It attacks both nursery and main field.
Breedings take place often parthenogenetically. The female lays up to 120 eggs.
Egg period lasts for 3-5 days. Nymphal duration is 9-14 days. About 10-12 generations
are completed in a year.
Nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves and devitalise the plant. It transmits the
leaf curl virus disease.
v The leaves are twisted, puckered and thickened with prominent veins.
v Stunted growth and reduced yield considerably
v Sooty mould on the leaves due to honeydew excretion.

• Removal and destruction of alternate hosts.
• Avoiding leaf curl infected tobacco seedlings for transplantations.
• Removal of leaf curl infested plants.
• Avoiding growing brinjal and sunflower in the vicinity.
• Setting up of yellow sticky traps coated with castor oil @ 12 traps / ha.
• Spray application of NSKE 5%
• Foliar spray with acephate 1.5 g and other systemic insecticides


Scrobipalpa heliopa
Gelechidae: Lepidoptera
Caterpillar mines into the leaf axil and then into stem.Bored stem becomes
hollow, swollen and forms a gall. Destroying crop residues and monitoring the pest in
nurseries are recommended.
Xylotrechus quadripes
Cerambycidae: Coleoptera

It is the most important pest of coffee in India. Pest activity is seen from April to
May. Adult is dark brown longicorn beetle having several white markings on the elytra
and thorax. It measures about 8 mm. in length. They are active in bright weather and
heavy rains are not suitable for egg laying.
Eggs are laid during October and November in small groups in cracks on the
stem, crevices of the bark. Egg period is 8-10 days.
. The grub bores into the bark and tunnels in all directions within the stem feeding
on the internal tissues. The stems and branches are killed. Young bushes are more
affected and older plants lose their vigour and yielding capacity. In neglected gardens,
the impact is more. Damage leads to
v Presence of ridges on the stem
v Yellowing of leaves and wilting of branches
Full grown grub is 1.8 cm. in length, pale yellow in colour, stout and swollen
towards the head. Larval period is 8-9 months
The larva pupates within the stem tunnel after making an e xit hole. Pupal period
is 25-30 days. There is one generation per year.
• Hand collection and destruction of the adults.
• Arranging the shade mainly April-May and October-December.
• Removing the loose bark once in every two years during April-May to reduce the egg
• The wilting branches and bushes removed and destroyed.
• The grubs are parasitized by Metapelma sp. and Campyloneurus sp.
• The stems swabbed with lindane 7 ml/l at monthly interval during April-May and Oct
- Dec.
• Find out the holes on the stem and plug them with cotton dipped in lindane solution.


Zeuzera coffeae
Zeuzeridae: Lepidoptera

The orange red smooth caterpillar with black head, prothorax and anal shield
bores into the main stem and tender branches causing wilting of branches or plants.
Bore holes plugged with excreta are seen at the base of infested plant
Removal and destruction of affected branches and plants are recommended.


Coccus viridis
Coccidae: Hemiptera.

Green colored flat soft scale is an important pest of coffee in all the coffee
growing regions. It infests the leaves and tender shoots. On leaves they are present on
the undersurface. Tender branches and developing berries are also attacked. The
infested plants are seen covered with sooty mould. Berries and leaves are discoloured
and malformed and drop. Whole plant becomes weak.
For the destruction of hills dust formulations of quinalphos 1.5D / methyl
parathion 2D / malathion 5D should be incorporated in the basins. This will encourage
natural enemies of scales.
Spray application of quinalphos 120 ml or malathion 200 ml or fenitrothion 100ml
in 200 litres of water on coffee and on fence against scales.

Helopeltis theivora
Miridae: Hemiptera

It is distributed in India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Indonesia. H. antonii is

predominant in South India whereas H. theivora is common in Eastern India. It also
infests guava, grapevine, cashew, mahagony, neem, cacao, cinchona, pepper,
tamarind, cinnamom, apple etc.
The female bug is orange across shoulders and the male is almost black. Soon
after emergence, the adults mate and the female lays 500 elongated sausage – shaped
eggs within two days inserting in the tender shoots in groups of two or more and hairs
from each egg project outside. The incubation period is 5-27 days.
The nymphs and adults suck sap from tender buds, leaves and stem. While
feeding, the toxic salvia is injected causing
v Brownish patches and curling of leaves.
v Ultimate drying of shoots
Nymphs complete their development in about two weeks after passing through
five moults. The life -cycle is completed in about a month and in a single year there may
be several generations. Adults pass the winter under hibernation
• Collection of nymphs and adults with hand nets early in the morning or in the
evening and destroying them.
• Spraying the bushes with malathion 200 ml or endosulfan 400 ml in 200 litres of
water per acre.

Taeniothrips setiventris
Scirtothrips dorsalis
Thripidae: Thysanoptera
This is a major pest in the Assam Hills. The adult is a yellowish-brown in colour
with dark-brown abdomen.
Nymphs and adults live and feed inside the buds and the young leaves. The
infested leaves become deformed and curled up and the shoots stunted. Pruned tea is
the worst affected.
Scirtothrips dorsalis, commonly occurs in the plains of North-East India. The
damage is similar to that caused by T. setiventris. The life-cycle takes 13-18 days to
complete during various months of the year; the peak period of incidence is in May.
Spraying the bushes with malathion 200 ml or endosulfan 400 ml in 200 litres of
water per acre is recommended.

Red spider mite: Oligonychus coffeae, Tetranychidae
Purple mite: Calacarus carinatus, Eriophyidae
Pink mite: Acaphylla theae, Eriophyidae
Scarlet mite: Brevipalpus australis, Tenuipalpidae

O. coffeae is brick red in colour and roundish. The mite lives in colonies in a thin
web on the upper surface of mature leaf and the damaged portion turns brown. The leaf
becomes bronze, dry and crumpled in case of severe attack even young leaves may be
affected. Apart from tea, it also infests coffee.
C. carinatus is widespread and severely infested fields present a bronze or
coppery brown or smokey discoloration of leaves. The mite is dark purple to pink in
colour with characteristic white ridges running along back. It infests mostly the
undersurface of mature leaves especially along the leaf margins and occasionally the
upper surface and young leaves.
A. theae is the mot serious pest of tea on the Anamalasis as it attacks the flush.
The mite is minute, not visible to naked eye, buff coloured and carrot shaped or top
shaped. In the initial stages of attacks the leaf blade curls upwards and this is followed
by crinkling of the leaf. The attacked leaf surface is thick and leathery whereas the
under surface of leaf is glossy buff or brown in colour. It also infests coffee.
B. australis is orange red flattened obovate mite infests undersurface of mature
leaves near petiole and along the margin. Infested leaves turn brownish. It also infests
tea besides many other plants.
Sulphur is not recommended as it taints tea.
• Chemicals like ethion 1 ml/l, dicofol 5 ml/l, phosalone 2ml/l are effective against tea
• The EPA tolerance level is 8 PPM in or on dried tea for p hosalone.


Mimegralla coeruleifrons
Micropezidae: Diptera
It is reported from Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra. It also infests
ginger. Flies are noticed in the field during August - September. Adult flies are dark
blackish. Wings are transparent with three light ashy bands. Tarsi of forelegs are white
in colour
The whitish eggs are laid on the lower surface of leaves or in soil in the vicinity of
plants or on exposed rhizomes. Egg period is 4 days.
Maggot is creamy white, apodous and 9 mm long. In the beginning the maggots
bore into the shoot causing dead hearts.Finally they reach rhizomes and feed on them.
In association with Pythium they cause rotting of the rhizomes. The symptoms include
v Dead hearts due to primary injury
v Wilting and drying of aerial plants
v Rotting of rhizomes due to invasion of fungus, Pythium sp. through feeding injuries
caused by the maggot.
The larval period is completed in 17 days and pupation tajes place in tunneled
rhizomes or soil. Adult fly emerges in 14 days. The adult has a longevity of 18 days. The
fly completes its life cycle in 38-62 days
• Removal of dead hearts and rotting rhizomes along with maggots after harvest.
• Treating seed material in dimethoate 2ml/l solution before planting.
• Spraying monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or fenitrothion 2 ml/l two sprays.
• Avoiding waterlogging in the field.
• The puparia are parasitized by Trichopria sp.
• As soon as rotting of rhizome is noticed, application of neem cake 100 Kg/ac or
carbofuran 3G 10 Kg/ac + equal quantity of sand


Stephanitis typicus
Tingidae: Hemiptera.

It also infests banana, coconut, turmeric, cardamom. Bugs measure about 4 mm

long with transparent, shiny reticulated wings and black body. Nymphs and adults suck
sap from leaf surface causing yellowing of leaves in patches which dry and drop off.
Black resinous excretion in tiny spots are seen between the damaged areas
Foliar spray with malathion 2ml/l or methyl demeton 2ml/l, or dimethoate 2 ml/l is

Disphinctus politus
Disphinctus measarum
Miridae: Hemiptera

D. politus is the most important pest of betelvine in South India, while

D. measarum occurs in Maharashtra.The peak activity is from June to October and the
least activity in December and January.
Adult is a reddish brown bug about 1.3 cm in length. Head and antennae are
dark. Adult are seen taking shelter under drooping bent leaves. Eggs are laid singly
within the tender plant parts with their filaments projecting out. Egg period is 8-16 days.
Fecundity is 18-72 eggs.
The nymphs and adults feed on the leaves puncturing the tissues in between
veins. The attacked leaves show dry spots and in severe cases the whole leaves
shrivel, fade and dry up. Nymphal period is 12 – 18 days depending on season.
Infestation results in
v Dry spots which later turn into shot holes in mature leaves
v Puckered appearance of leaves with leaves curling and shrivelling
• Foliar sprays with endosulfan 2ml/l or carbaryl 2g/l after leaf harvest are
recommended at fortnightly interval.

Spodoptera litura
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Its detailed life history is given under pests of Tobacco. The main damage on
Betelvine is defoliation. Foliar sprays with neem oil sml/l (1 litre/ac) during Oct – Nov.
after leaf harvest is recommended for its management in betelvine gardens.
Thrips tabaci
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

It infests cotton, crucifers, tobacco, tomato besides onion and garlic. They are
minute delicate, less than 1 mm long with fringed wings.
Female lays fertilized or unfertilized eggs in leaf epidermis on undersurface of
leaves. Egg hatches in 2 – 5 days.
Nymphs are slender and yellowish. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves
by lacerating and sucking and causing following symptoms
v Silvery white blotches on leaves giving whitish appearance to the whole crop which
become brownish and get distorted from tips downwards
v Wilting and drying of crop
Nymph passes through 4 instars and the nymphal period is about 7 days. Total life
cycle takes 14 – 24 days. It completes 10 generations in a year.
• Variety “Spanish White” is tolerant to thrips
• Foliar sprays with dimethoate 2ml/l or fipronil 2ml/l + mancozeb 3g/l two or three
times at 10 day interval.


Spodoptera exigua
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

It damages by defoliation. Its life history is detailed under pests of millets. In its
management foliar sprays with carbaryl 3g/l or endosulfan 2ml/l or profenophos 2ml/l
are recommended.

Hyadaphis coriandri
Aphididae: Hemiptera

Adults are light green in colour but appear grey due to white powdery substance
covering the body. Nymphs are yellowish green.
Both nymphs and adults infest terminal shoots and inflorescens and suck sap.
They also excrete honeydew leading to sooty mould formation and making the foliage
sticky. The damage results in

v Devitilization of plants
v Leaves and young shoots twisting
• Coccinellids and green lace wings suppress natural pest population
• Foliar sprays with dichlorvos 1ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or methyl demeton 2ml/l
or dimethoate 2ml/l after which harvesting of crop for foliage should not be done
atleast for one week.


Spodoptera litura, Helicoverpa armigera
Noctuidae: Lepidoptera

Larvae defoliate plants heavily. Foliar spray with acephate 1.5g/l is

Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus
Thripidae: Thysanoptera

Nymphs are reddish and adults are dark brown or black in colour. Both nymphs and
adults infest leaves and flowers as a result, leaves turn sickly, crinkled and malformed
and flower buds fail to open, become deformed.
Foliar spray with carbaryl 3g/l or malathion 2ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
phosphamidon 0.5ml/l after removing flowers including tender ones.

Lindingaspis rossi, Aonidiella aurantii
Diaspididae: Hemiptera

Red scales completely cover the stem. Both nymphs and adults suck sap causing
drying and death of plants
Rubbing off scales with cotton soaked in kerosene, diesel or methylated spirit,
cutting and burning the affected branches, foliar sprays with malathion 2ml/l two
roundsm, at pruning and during March – April are found to be effective


Euproctis fraterna, Porthesia scintillans: Lymantriidae
Latoia lepida: Limacodidae
Achaea janata: Noctuidae

Caterpillars defoliate the plants. Foliar spray with monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or
phosphamidon 2 ml/l or carbaryl 3 g/l after removing flowers is effective.


Oxycetonia versicolor
Cetoniidae: Coleoptera

Beetles are red coloured with black markings. Adults feed on leaves, flowers during
night causing irregular feeding marks on buds and flowers.
Soil drenching with lindane or some other soil insecticide around rose plants, dusting
malathion 5D 15 Kg/acre in evening hours or foliar spray with endosulfan 2ml/l are

Antestiopsis cruciata
Pentatomidae: Hemiptera

Nymphs and adults suck sap from flowers, tender plant portions causing heavy
damage to flowers and yellowing and drying of leaves. Sometimes, they feed in large
numbers on tender shoots and buds preventing flower formation.
Foliar spray with malathion 2ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or phosphamidon 0.5ml/l
after removing all flowers including very tender ones is effective.


Hendecasis duplifascialis
Pyralidae: Lepidoptera

Greenish caterpillar attacks two or three buds and buds are webbed together by
silken threads. Petals are eaten away by larva resulting in buds with bore holes,
webbings soiled with excreta. Pupation is in soil.
Foliar sprays with malathion 2ml/l or dimethoate 2ml/l or endosulfan 2ml/l are


Aceria jasmini
Eriophyidae: Acarina

It produces white felt like hairy outgrowth on the leaf surface, tender stems and
buds leading to stunted growth and suppression of flower development
Dusting sulphur 8 – 10 Kg/ac is recommended.

Macrosiphoniella sanborni
Aphididae: Hemiptera

Nymphs and adults infest tender shoots sucking sap and causing yellowing and
drying of tender shoots, devitilization and stunted growth.
Foliar sprays with malathion 2ml/l or monocrotophos 1.6ml/l or phosphamidon
0.5ml/l are effective.
Grain in storage is subject to depredations of insects, mites, rodents, birds and
moulds of which insects account for huge losses. In India losses during post harvest
handling and storage estimated at 15 % annually. FAO estimate of total world losses in
storage is 10% annually. Out of total storage in India 65 to 70 % being stored at farmers
level and 30 to 35 % by traders and Government agencies. Pests of stored grain causes
different types of losses, namely, weight loss, food loss, quantity loss, monetory loss,
loss of good will and seed loss.These losses are caused by
1. External / Physical factors like temperature, light, moisture
2. Internal / biotic factors like insects, mites, rodents, birds etc.,
Sources of infestation
1. Field infestation: rice weevil, bruchid, grain moth.
2. Migration from infested sources: rice weevil, red flour beetle, grain moth.
3. Wooden or bamboo granaries, floor cracks and crevices.
4. Bins, old gunnies with grains.
5. Nearness to feed rooms and other stock of feed.
6. Seed received from infested sources.
7. Waste grain or seed
8. Temporary storage in villages
9. Grain stored in open or poorly constructed structures.
10. During transport
Types of infestation
Hidden infestation (Field infestation): Insects like Bruchids, Sitotroga fly from stores
to field and lay eggs on maturing grains or pods which hatch out in favourable condition
when grain reaches stores. This is termed as hidden infestation.

Cross infestation: Insects from old stocks / grain lying in cracks and crevices in
emptied godowns and containers crawl or fly to fresh stocks, and infest them . This is
termed as cross infestation.
Insects that damage stored grain can broadly be placed in two groups as follows


Hard bodied beetles Soft bodied moths
Internal feeders Internal feeders
• Grain weevil • Grain moth
• Lesser grain borer
• Khapra beetle
• Pulse beetle
• Groundnut bruchid

External feeders
External feeders • Rice moth
• Red flour beetle
• Saw toothed beetle
• Cigarette beetle

Rice weevil: Sitophilus oryzae
Maize weevil: S. zeamais
Granary weevil: S. granarius
(Curculionidae: Coleoptea)

They are distributed worldwide and throughout India. All the three species are
similar in appearance and found together on rice, wheat, maize and jowar. Among these
S. oryzae is commonest and widely distributed and also found in paddy fields.
Beetles are small reddish brown, dark brown or black with long slender snout.
Wings have four light reddish or yellowish spots. Adults live for 4 – 5 months. Adults on
emergence cut circular holes and feed.
Female weevil makes a depression with mandibles on grain and lays eggs up to 400.
The eggs are sealed by a gelatinous secretion. Egg period is 6 – 7 days.
Upon hatching from eggs tiny grubs bore into grain and feed internally. Grubs are
small white, apodous with yellow brown head. Both grubs and adults cause heavy
damage in monsoon. Damage symptoms are
v Hollowed out grains
v Kernels reduced to powder
v Heating
Pupa is dirty white initially and turns to dark brown. Pupal period is 6 – 14 days. 3-4
generations in a year are completed


Rhizopertha dominica
Bostrichidae: Coleoptera

This pest is original inhabitant of India, now spread to rest of world. It is a pest of
unhusked paddy. It also causes damage to wheat, maize, sorghum, barley, dried
potato, millets, tamarind, pumpkin seed, biscuits as well as broken pulses.
Brown to blackish beetles. The head is deflexed downwards to such an extent
that it is almost hidden in a dorsal view. There is a prominent constriction between
prothorax and elytra. These are good fliers and migratory, spoiling more than they eat.
Flour produced serves as feed for young grubs till they enter the grain. Antenna has a
large loose three segmented club. Adults come out from the grain after some days
leaving irregular hole. Males live for longer periods.
Eggs are glued on the surface or interstices (gaps) of cereal grains singly or in
clusters. Single female lays up to 300 – 400 eggs. Egg period is 5 – 9 days.
After hatching, grubs feed on flour produced by the adults. Later burrows in to the
slightly damaged grain. Both grubs and adults are destructive, feeding inside the
grains.The free living larvae normally enter the grain after 3rd instar for pupation.
Infestation is indicated by
v Irregular messy waste flour spots in bagged storage
v Heating
v Kernels reduced to mere shells
The damaged kernels remain engulfed in a film of waste flour. Localised
infestation uis almost a rule.
Full grown grub is 3 mm long, dirty white with light brown head, constricted
elongate body. Grub period is 44 days. Pupation is inside the grain. Pupal period is 7 –
8 days. Entire life cycle takes 25 days under optimum conditions. 5 – 6 generations per
year are completed.

Trogoderma granarium
Dermestidae: Coleoptera

It is a native of India. It is more confined to extreme dry climate as in Punjab,

Haryana, U.P., M.P. and Rajasthan. It is less common in coastal areas. It is highly
destructive to wheat, also infesting maize, jowar, rice, pulses, dried fruits, oil seeds and
their cakes.
Small, dark brown beetles are 2 – 3 mm long. There is distinct division of head,
thorax and abdomen. Body is convex, oval in shape. Males are smaller, darker and
incapable of flying. Adults do not cause damage.
Fecundity is 13 – 85 per female. Egg period is 3 – 5 days.
Being a primary pest, grub alone is destructive to grain starting with germ portion,
surface scratching and devouring the grain. It reduces grain into frass. Excessive
moulting creates public discrimination, loss of market appeal due to insanitation caused
by the cast skins, frass, and hair. Crowding of larvae leads to unhygienic conditions in
warehouses. Damage is confined to peripheral layers of bags or 30-45 cm in bulk
storage. Infestation is indicated by
v Presence of cast skins, frAss and hair on bags
Full grown grub is yellowish brown, with brown head, clothed with long hairs of
40 mm. Hiding habits in cracks and crevices are most distinctive. Grub period is 20 –
40 days. Pupation takes place in last larval skin among the grain. Pupal period is 4 – 6
days. It completes 4 – 5 generations are observed per year.
Callosobruchus maculatus
Bruchidae: Coleoptera

It is a pest of gram, mung, peas, lentil, redgram, cotton seed, sorghum and
Brownish grey beetle with characteristic elevated ivory like spots near the middle
of the dorsum of the body. Abdomen is conspicuously swollen. Elytra do not cover the
abdomen completely. Every grain is infested.
Female lays 30 – 100 @ 1 – 37 / day and one egg / grain. Egg period is 14 – 1 6
days. Young grub bores into the grain eat up the grain kernel and completes the
development. Symptoms indicative of its infestation are
v Damaged grain unfit for consumption.
v Damaged grain converted to flour by traders give off flavour.
Grub is fleshy, curved, white, creamy in colour, with black mouthparts. It moults four
times. Grub period is 10 – 12 days but hibernation in winter is for 117 – 168 days. Full
grown grub lies at periphery next to seed coat and pupates. Pupa is oval in shape and
white in colour. Pupal period is 4 – 28 days. 7 – 8 overlapping generations are
completed per year.

Caryedon serratus
Bruchidae: Coleoptera

It is of Asian origin, but has become distributed to many tropical and

subtropical regions of the world. It is a large robust bruchid which is associated with
groundnut when stored in their shells; it is also a pest of tamarind pods.
The beetle has a reddish-brown cuticle densely clothed with grey-brown setae
and with dark irregular markings on the elytra. The pygidium in the female is fully visible
from above.
Eggs are glued on to groundnut pods or kernels, and infestation can take place
as soon as the groundnut is harvested and left to dry. The larvae bore into the
groundnut shell and feed on the seed. They usually leave the pod to pupate; each larva
spins a paper-like pupal cocoon which it usually attaches to the outside of a pod.
Severe infestations are usually restricted to the outer layer of groundnuts. The optimum
conditions for development are 30-330C and 70-90% R.H., under which development
period is 41-42 days. Infestation of groundnut by the beetle is revealed by
v Larval exit holes and presence of cocoons outside the pods

v Damage to the seeds seen when pods are split open.

Rust red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
Confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum
Tenebrionidae: Coleoptera
They are of worldwide distribution, commonest in wheat flour. They also feed on
broken grains, milled products, dry fruits, pulses, corn flakes.
Beetles are small, reddish brown or brick red beetles, smooth and 3.5 mm
T. castaneum: More common with functional wings, antennae gradually thickened, 3
T. confusum: Without functional wings antennae suddenly bulged and.
White cylindrical sticky eggs are laid loosely in grain or flour. Fecundity is 400 –
500/ female.
The grub is worm like, white creamy and turns to reddish yellow and hairy. Faint
stripes and two spine like appendages are present at the end segment. Length is up to
5 mm. Larval period is 3-12 weeks. Both adults and larvae are incapable of feeding on
sound grain. They damage milled products. Flour beetles are secondary pests of all
grains and primary pests of flour and other milled products. In grains, embryo or germ
portion is preferred
v Flour greyish and mouldy giving disagreeable odour.
Pupation loosely in the grain and pupa is naked. Pupal stage lasts 5-9 days. Life
cycle is completely in 4-5 weeks


Oryzaephilus surinamensis
O. mercator
Silvanidae: Coleoptera

The beetles are narrow, flattened measuring 2.5 to 3.0 mm long with tho rax with
six teeth like serrations on each side. Adult longevity is 6 – 10 months. Eggs are laid
loosely in grain / flour/ cracks of receptacle / godown @ 300 per female. Grub is
slender, pale creamy with two slightly darker patches on each segment. It moves freely
in grain. Maximum length is 3mm. Grub period is for 14-20 days. Adults and larvae
v Roughening of grain surface producing off odour
v Heating of grain
Grains with higher percentage of brokens and foreign matter attract heavy
infestation, which leads to heating of grain. Full grown larva makes protective cocoon
like covering with sticky secretion. Prepupal and pupal period lasts for 7-21 days.
Multiplication is quick in rainy season and in coastal areas.

Lasioderma serricorne
Anobiidae: Coleoptera
It is cosmopolitan pest, also feeds on seeds, dried plant products, such as black
and red pepper.It is a round beetle, light brown in colo ur. Head and prothorax bent
down to give humped nature. Eggs are laid in and about the substance on which it
Both grubs and adults bore holes into tobacco products like cigarettes, cheroots
(cigars) and chewing tobacco. It also damages stuffing furniture.Grubs are yellowish
with light brown head. Pupation is in silken cocoon covered with bits of food.
Sitotroga cerealella
Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera

It is distributed worldwide as a pest of paddy, maize, jowar, barle y, wheat. It does

not attack milled rice and other cereal products.
Adult is buff, brown or straw coloured with narrow pointed wings, fringed with
long hairs which are prominent along posterior margin. Small, whitish eggs are laid
singly or in batches on or near grain which later turn reddish. Egg period is 4 – 8 days.
Caterpillar is 5 mm long, white with yellow brown head. Larval period is 3
weeks. Larvae are destructive feeding on grain kernels. Larva bores into grain, feeds
inside up to 30 – 50 percent seed is damaged. Sometimes whole grain is damaged.
v Infestation confined to upper 30 cm depth.
v Damaged grain give out unpleasant smell.
Pupa is reddish brown. Pupation in a silken cocoon in a cavity made during feeding.
Pupal period is 7 – 13 days. It hibernate in winter in pupal stage. Adult emerges out
through a circular hole with a flop. 3 - 4 generations are seen in a year.
Corcyra cephalonica
Galleriidae: Lepidoptera

It is distributed in Asia, N. America and Europe, pest on rice, gram, sorghum,

maize, groundnut, cotton seed. Moth is pale buff brown coloured. Wing expanse is 25
mm, forewings with dark veins. It is bigger than other grain moths. Adult longevity is one
week. Eggs are laid singly or in groups of 3 – 5 each on the grain. Egg period is 4 -7
Caterpillar alone is responsible for damage. It prefers partially damaged grains and
feed. It pollutes food grains with frass, moults and dense webbing. In case of whole
grains, kernels are bound into lumps up to 2 kg with the folowing
v Grain converted to webbed mass
v Damaged grain / flour with bad odour unfit for consumption.
Larval period is 21 – 41 days. Pupa is in a silken cocoon. Pupal period is 9 – 14 days.
Six genetrations per year are completed.


Preventive / prophylactic measures

1. Near mature crops treated with safer insecticide like malathion to prevent the
transport of infestation (eggs) from field to stores.
2. Threshing yards clean and away from stores.
3. Gunny bags new and insect free.
4. Grain dried to have less than 10% moisture, before filling in bags.
5. Transport carriers free of infestation.
6. Stores moisture free and rat proof.
7. Before storing, cracks and crevices on walls, floor closed.
8. Dirt, rubbish, sweepings removed and white washed.
9. Disinfestation of stores by treating walls, dunnage, ceilings of empty godown with
malathion 50 EC 1: 100 or DDVP 100EC 1: 300 @ 3 litres / 100m2 (DDVP is a
constant and fumigant)
10. Maintenance of good storage conditions by providing dunnage, leaving gangway
or alleyway of 0.75 – 1.0 mt all around for aeration, inspection and operations
11. Air charging or treating alley ways with malathion 1: 100 or DDVP 1: 300 @ 1
litre of spray fluid per 270 m3
12. Stack spraying over the bags with malathion 50 EC 1: 100 @ 3 litres/ 100m2.
v Do not spray directly on food grains
13. Prophylactic treatment of seeds or grains for small scale storage
• If for seed purpose, mix 1 Kg of activated Kaoline or Lindane 1.3 D or
malathion 5 D for every 100 Kg of seed, store in gunny or polythene lined
• If for grain purpose, mix 1 Kg of activated Kaoline for every 100 Kg of
grain and store
• To protect pulse grains, activated kaoline or any edible oil @ 1Kg/100 kg
of grain.
• Mix neem seed kernel 1 kg for every 100 kg of cereals or pulses and store
v never mix synthetic insecticides with grains meant for consumption. This is
legal offence.
Curative measures
Most useful and practical curative method is fumigation and fumigants. Process
of applying toxins in fumes or gases to infested grains for certain period in reasonably
airtight chamber or room is called fumigation. Depending upon the need, fumigation
may be
• Shed fumigation
• Cover fumigation
• Fumigation in air tight containers
Choose the fumigant and work out the requirements based on the
Aluminium phosphide:
• For cover fumigation or air tight containers - 3 tablets of 3g each/ tonnes of grain
In case of cover fumigation, mud plastering and sand snakes to be used for
preventing leakage of toxic gas.
• For shed fumigation – 21 tablets each weighing 3g / 28 m3
• Period of fumigation – 5 days
Other fumigants earlier used are EDB, EDB + EDCT. MBr are now banned and
no longer permitted.
Process of fumigation:
• Insert required number of aluminium phosphide tablets in between bags in
different layers all around stack and above the stack..
• Cover the bags immediately with fumigation cover.
• Seal it with mud or sand snakes.
• Keep the bags for 5-7 days undetr fumigation.
• After fumigation period, lift covers in a corner to allow residual gas to escape.
• Aerate the stocks.
• Follow similar steps to ensure leak proof conditions in shed or container
• Fumigants have no residual effect on new immigrants, so sample periodically
and fumigate stored grain based on need.
• Handle fumigants with utmost care as per specifications.
3g aluminium phosphide tablets releases 1g of phosphine (PH3 )
AlP + 3H2O -----> Al(OH)3 +PH3
Phosphine is a deadly poison. 3g tablets should be supplied through Govt.
agencies only under close monitoring of technical personnel. Now 12 g tablets
(Quickphos) giving same dose of phosphine (1g) as 3g tablet are marketed to facilitate
easy and direct availability to farmers. In 12g tablet, safety is incorporated by the size,
addition of bitterants to aid vomiting in case of accidental poisoning.
Other curative methods:
• Mechanical methods
Light traps against Ephestia, Lasioderma for monitoring and mass trapping
• Use of centrifugal fo rce: subjecting infested commodities at a speed of 2000 –
3000 rpm kills insects.
• A device ENTOLETOR for milled products is effective.

Locusts are the major agricultural pests of the world. Out of 5000 different
species of grasshoppers, those which can live in two different phases viz. solitary &
gregarious phase are called locusts. Of these, only nine species have been recognised
as locusts, three species belonging to Indian subcontinent. Economic losses due to
locust plagues estimated as £ 30 million /year
SPECIES (Acrididae: Orthoptera):
1. Desert locust :Schistocerca gregaria
2. Migratory locust : Locusta migratoria
(Important only in Maharastra, Gujarat, and Rajasthan)
3. Bombay locust: Patanga succineta
Of three species, desert locust is considered the most important pest all over
India. It is regarded as an international pest. Constant control efforts are made through
International Locust Control Organisation of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation).
In India, anti locust organisation operates both at central and state level
PHASES: Desert locust is found in 2 phases which differ in colour, morphology,
physiology, which is easily mistaken for different species
1. Solitary phase
Nymphs: Colour varies according to surrounding vegetation
Adults: Greenish grey throughout life
2. Gregarious Phase
Nymphs: Yellow or pink with distinct black markings
Adults: Pink on emergence, gradually turn grey finally yellow when sexually
mature. When numbers rise, they become gregarious and migrate in dense
GROUPS: Two types of groups are found.
1. Swarms are composed of winged adults
2. Bands are composed of hoppers (nymphs)
• One swarm can cover an area of 1000 sq. km
Swarms or bands remained in many countries for periods lasting several years –
called plagues causing great damage to crops. Duration of plague lasts for 5-10 yrs and
recession period 1-8 years. Both swarms and bands rest on crops and trees at night,
morning they hop and fly to form a swarm when temperatures rise. They are voracious
feeders; feed on any vegetation often causing famine. Calotropis, Datura sp. are not fed
by locusts.
Desert locust is an inhabitant of dry grassland of desert area, found in many
countries. In India, breeding grounds are located in Rajasthan, parts of Gujarat and
Haryana. Swarms fly quite high, known to cross mountains as high as 4600 mts
A previous swarm had brought all trains to a halt in western Rajasthan as the
wheels kept slipping on the oily discharge of the locusts. In previous locust invasion
during 1993, fifty full grown swarms entered India from Africa, invaded Rajasthan and
parts of Gujarat.
LIFE HISTORY: Three developmental stages, egg, hopper and adult are found. Mature
adults are yellowish, sluggish reluctant to fly and cluster on ground (which maturing
male clings to female back), young adults bright pink, (mature turn bright yellow). Pink
adults are very active, causing much damage. Yellow adults are not so destructive but
lay eggs giving rise to nymphs
Egg laying starts after 8-24 hours of mating in damp soil. About 500 eggs are laid
per female in 5 pools. Before oviposition, female bores a hole in loose sandy soil 2-
4 inch deep with its ovipositor and lays eggs in 1-4 hours and secretes frothy material
over eggs which makes pool water-proof on drying and hardening. Ground used for
oviposition can be easily recognized by numerous holes of pencil diameter. About 5000
eggs are found per one square yard area. Egg period is 3-4 weeks in February – March,
12-15 days in May- September. In very dry soil, eggs remain till showers of rain.
Nymphs are called hoppers. Freshly hatched are light yellow, soon turn black (in
gregarious brood). They feed on all kinds of vegetation and move in bands. Five moults
are observed. Nymphal period is 6 -8 weeks in spring and 3-4 weeks in summer.
BREEDING SEASON: Breeding depends upon rainfall and subsequent vegetation.
Eggs are laid in damp soil. Two breeding seasons are observed during the year in
1. Summer breeding season
2. Monsoon breeding season
Among swarms produced in monsoon,
• Some fly westward to Baluchisthan, Russia, Eastern Arabia.
• Many formed in Rajasthan and Sind, fly north east and south, thus invade all parts
of India and damage kharif crops
• some swarms overwinter in North Western India and become active when
temperatures ar suitable and damage ‘rabi crops’
Management is most effective and practicable against hoppers through taken up
against all stages
1. Ploughing, digging and harrowing of places where eggs are laid on large scale and
destroying – laborious.
2. When swarms settle on vegetation or ground, they are beaten to death, swept
together, buried in heaps (or)
3. They can be burnt with fire torches (flame throwers) at night or early morning when
4. Digging trenches (45 cm deep and 30 cm across) the front of marching hoppers,
trapping and burying in ditch dusted with lindane / chlorpyripos (1st instars more
5. Neem kernel suspension serves as deterrent to locusts.
6. Kites and crows, common mynahs are predaceous on locusts. Grubs of beetle Trox
proceras feed on locust egg. B.t, fungus Metarrhizium flavoiviride are employed.
7. Dusting or spraying lindane, chlorpyriphos on top of flying locusts or on ground. (In
1993, malathion was sprayed through aircrafts).
8. Poision baits with wheat or rice bran plus an insecticide (chlorpyriphos) + attractant
(molasses) + enough water scattered in morning or evening when hopper feed.
S.No Common name Taxonomic position

1 Rice leaf mite Oligonychus oryzae,

Tetranychidae: Acarina.
2 Rice panicle mite: Steneotarsonemus spiniki,
Tarsonemidae: Acarina.
3 Jowar mite: Oligonychus indicus,
. Shizotetranychus andropogoni,
Tetranychidae: Acarina
4 Cotton leaf mite: Tetranychus telarius,
. T. bimaculatus,
Tetranchydae: Acarina
5 Wooly mite of Aceria gossypii,
cotton: Eriophyidae: Acarina.

6 Red gram mite: Aceria cajani,

Eriophyidae: Acarina.
7 Chilli mites Polyphagotarsonemus latus,
Tarsonemus translucens
Tarsonemidae: Acarina
7 Citrus rust mite: Phyllocoptruta oleivora,
Eriophyidae: Acarina.
8 Coconut eriophyid Eriophyes gurreronis
mite Acarina: Tetranychidae

9 Mites on Tetranychus telarius,

vegetables T. bimaculatus,
Tetranchydae: Acarina
10 Tea mites
Red spider mite: Oligonychus coffeae,Tetranychidae
Purple mite: Calacarus carinatus, Eriophyidae
Pink mite: Acaphylla theae, Eriophyidae
Scarlet mite: Brevipalpus australis, Tenuipalpidae


The general biology, nature and symptoms of damage and their management of
the mite pests have been covered in the respective crop pests. However general
management aspects of mites are covered here under.

• Avoiding monoculture

• Intercropping with non - host crops

• Destroying mite damaged parts in case of Erinium patches and malformations

• Adopting clean cultivation

Predatory mites
• Amblyseius longispinosus

• A. cucumerus

• Brumus suturalis
• Scymnus gracilis
• Stethourus pauperculus
Thrips: Scolothrips indicus
Lygaeids: Geocoris sp.
Chemicals which kill ticks and mites are called Acaricides
- Specific acaricides

• Dicofol (KELTHANE)

• Tetradifon (TIDEON)

• Aryl alkyl sulphide (ARAMITE)

• Barium polysulphide (SOLBAR)

- Insecticides with acaricidal properties

• Phosphamidon

• Dimethoate

• Methyl demeton

• Formothion

• Phosalone

• Monocrotophos

• Ethion

• Phorate granules

• Disulfoton granules

Nematodes are minute worm – like animals without true body cavity and
with unsegemented, bilaterally symmetrical and externally cuticularised
body. In plants, they are either endoparasites or ectoparasites.
Economically important plant parasitic nematodes, their damages and
management are explained in this section.



It is widely distributed in Tamil Nadu. Remain alive as pre adult, beneath the hull of
paddy seed for two years. When seed are sown, immature forms become active and
move up the plant along a thin film of moisture and feed on foliage as ectoparasites.
Adults lay eggs on foliage. Larvae move to panicle when it is formed and enter grains.
The symptoms are

v Leaf tips (2-5 cm) turn yellow, brown and finally turn white, dry up and hang down.

v Tips of developing leaves become twisted and crinkled.

v Kernels distorted and in severe cases it become chaffy.


• Treatment of paddy seeds with hot water at 52 – 55oC for 15 minutes.

• Seed treatment with N – 244 @ 3 ml a.i. for every litre gives 100 % control


Anguina tritici

It is a problematic pest in all wheat growing areas of world. Second instar larva
inside seed gall gets activated when sown under favourable moisture conditions and
come out of the seed. Larva crawls up the plant through a thin film of moisture. It feeds
on tender foliage as ectoparasite. It enters young green grain and converting it into a
gall, grow and reproduce in the gall. Each female inside the gall lays hundreds of eggs,
hatched out larvae remain in seed and will be viable in dry seeds for years. When those
seeds are sown the cycle is repeated. The following symptoms can be seen.

v Affected plant stunted with wrinkled and twisted leaves.

v Infested grains ripen slowly, smaller in size with irregular contour.

v Whole or part of the grain converted into galls, cockles or pepper galls
Nematode infestation is associated with “Tundu disease” or “yellow slime” disease
caused by a bacterium, Corynebacterium tritici causing rotting of spikelet with oozing of
yellow slime (yellow slime disease). This results in

v Twisting of leaves

v Distortion of ear heads

v Rotting of spikelets with profuse oozing of yellow slimy liquid.


• Seeds for sowing should be immersed in salt solution by dissolving 10 kg of

common salt in 60 litres of water. The floating seeds should be rejected.


Seeds pre soaked in water about 2 h and after rejecting seeds that float, (light and
chaffy seeds) the remaining seeds are kept in hot water at 50o C for 2 h. Seeds
treated by either of the above methods should be shade dried by spreading on floor
in a thin layer

• Resistant variety is Kanred (USA)


Heterodera avenae

It infests wheat and oats. Female encysted with tough resistant leathery wall is
called is called a cyst. This encysted female is resistant to chemicals, adverse
environmental conditions and will remain alive in soil even in the absence of host for
years. Second stage larva enters root near tip and feeds on tissues resulting in
v Shallow root system.
v Stunted plants with chlorotic leaves.

• Soil fumigation with DD @ 500 l / ha

• Application of carbofuran 3G @ 4 kg a.i./ha


Meloidogyne spp.

M. incognita and M. javanica infest all vegetables, other crops like cotton,
sugarcane, chillies, wheat, barley, tea. M. incognita infests brinjal, chillies, tomato and
bhendi while M. arenaria infests chillies and tomato. Infections by this nematode lead to
the invasion of pathogens like Fusarium, Rhizoctonia

Female lays 200-500 eggs in a gelatinous sac surrounding the posterior

tip of female. Egg mass is seen protruding out of the galled roots. Second stage larva is
slender, long and cylindrical. After entering the roots, female larva swells up at each
moult. Adult female is spherical, flask shaped. Males are slender. As a result of feeding
by nematode, infested roots show

v Knot-like galls on roots.

v Stunted plants with chlorotic leaves.


• Fallowinfg field in summer after 2 or 3 deep ploughings and drying

• Keeping the field in flooded condition for a few days, whereever possible.

• Ploughing nursery area and spreading paddy husk uniformly @ 20 kg/m2 (about 15
cm thickness), burning it and ploughing back facilitates productionof nematode free

• Crop rotation with mustard

• Application of chopped leaves of Pongamia and Crotalaria reduces disease severity.

• Preplant soil fumigation with DD mixture.

• Nursery treatment with carbofuran 3G @ 65 g/m2 and in main field carbofuran 3G @

4 kg a.i./ha is effective.

• Resistant varieties in tomato are

Nematox Nemared
SL 120 Ronita
NTR – 1 Pelican

Tylenchulus semipenetrans

It infests many species of citrus and related genera, in all citrus growing areas.
Females are swollen, sac like, remain attached to roots with head region buried in
tissues. Damage results in
v Drying of apical leaves, buds, twigs downward- known as die back.
v Trees show reduced vigour, gradual reduction in yield.

• Selection of planting material from nematode free nurseries.
• Application of neem or castor cake @ 15 kg / tree
• Application of carbofuran 3G @ 50 g / tree and watering.
• Avoiding brinjal, tomato and tobacco as intercrops in citrus gardens which are
nematode prone.
• Preplant soil fumigation with DD mixture and using clean nursey stocks.
• In infested orchards, soil drenching with DBCP (Dibromo chloro propane) is found to
be effective.
Radopholus similis

It infests banana, coconut, rice, sweet potato, tomato, citrus, coffee, pepper,
grasses and weeds.
Nematode enters root at any point, feeds on cell contents, and migrates through
root tissues. Females leave numerous eggs in their trail. Cell walls dissolved and
destroyed and roots are severed from plant. It is an endoparasite responsible for
panama wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum, F. cubens. Nematode
infections give way to pathogenic fungi, bacteria, which hasten destruction of infested
root tissues. Infestation results in

v Characteristic reddish brown lesions throughout cortex.

v Reduced root system with few short stubs.

v Affected plants getting toppled.


• Crop rotation

• Deep summer ploughing

• Selection of suckers from nematode free areas.

• Planting suckers only after trimming all the roots.

• In endemic areas, trimming rhizome and dipping in clay slurry and applying 40 g
carbofuran 3G on clay slurry before planting gives effective protection.

• Application of carbofuran 3G @ 20 – 40 g/plant at the base at a depth and covering

it with soil and water.
Rodents are vertebrate pests which belong to class Mammalia and have
an external covering of hairs. Its order Rodentia includes a large number of animals
ranging in size from the smallest mice to as large as porcupine, squirrel and beaver etc.
Rodents are easily distinguished from other mammals by the characteristic arrangement
and form of their teeth. They have only one pair of chisel shaped incisors in both the
lower and upper jaws and no canines. The rodent incisors grow continuously throughout
the life @ 12.5 cms/year. About 2.5% losses are caused due to rodents in storage
annually. Rodents not only feed on grains but also contaminate 20 times more than
what they consume with their droppings, urine, hair and even some times with their own
dead bodies. Some of the important rodents species found in field and storage are
discussed in this section.


Indian mole rat / lesser bandicoot Bandicota bengalensis

Soft furred field rat / grass rat Rattus (Millardia) meltada

Indian gerbil rat / antelope rat Tatera indica

Indian field mouse Mus booduga

Brown spiny mouse Mus platythrix

Coconut rat Rattus rattus wroughtoni


House mouse Mus musculus

House rat / common rat Rattus rattus rufuscens

Larger Bandicoot / Bandicoot rat Bandicota indica

Brown rat / Norway rat / sewer rat Rattus norvegicus


Body covered with hairs Body covered with quills.

Crested porcupine
Hystrix indica
F: Hystricidae

Tail naked. F: Muridae Tail heavily furred, squirrels F: Sciuiridae

3 – striped southern 5 – striped northern

palm squirrel palm squirrel
Funambulus palmarum F. pennanti

Tail with no tassel of hair at tip Tail with tassel of hair at tip
Sub. Fam: Murinae Sub Fam: Gerbilinae

Sole of foot hairy sole of foot naked

1. Partially hairy gerbil Indian gerbil, Tatera indica
Desert gerbil, Meriones hurrinae
2. Completely hairy
Hairy footed gerbil, Gerbillus gleadowi

Tail longer Tail shorter/ equal than HB

than HB
1. HB < 100 mm 1. HB < 100 mm
Body weight < 25 g Indian field mouse: Mus booduga
House mouse, Mus musculus 2. HB > 100 mm
a. Body pale with smooth hair, ringed
tail, seen in wet and dry fields
2. HB > 100 mm Soft furred field rat, Millardia meltada
Body weight > 150 g
House rat, Rattus rattus b. Body black with rough hair

Prolonged nasal bone Nasal bone cut (short nasal bone)

Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus 1. Tail < 2/3 of HB
Short tailed mole rat, Nesokia indica
2. Tail > 2/3 of HB
a. Body huge and commensal , body wt 600g
Large bandicoot rat, Bandicota indica
b. Body medium and field rodent , body wt 300g
Lesser bandicoot rat, B. bengalensis

Three basic components of IPM as in any other pest are
1. Prevention
2. Observatrion
3. Intervention
Food and habitat manipulation is the key in preventing rodents in the field to pose any
threat to field crops
• Summer ploughing
• Keep the field bunds free from weeds
• Trimming the field bunds and reducing the number of bunds as far as possible.
• Selecting uniform maturing varieties
• Uniform planting, avoiding staggered sowings / plantings
• Monitoring rodent population build up particularly after floods / natural calamities.
• Avoiding hay stacks near fileld to eliminate harbourages.
• Encouraging natural enemies (snakes, birds etc.,)
• Identifying species can be made by
o Visual observation of species
o Their burrowing pattern.
• Assessment of rodent population by burrow count is handy because single adult
whether male or female, inhabits a burrow.
• ETLs 2% tiller damage
(Rice) 15 % affected hills
• Setting of indegenous traps
o Bow traps @ 20 – 25 / ha
• Smoking burrows with burrow fumigator (originally designed at APRII, Maruteru, AP)
• Baiting on a community approach over a large area. Rats are colour blind and can
not vomit. This character is exploited in baiting.
1. Acute poison:
i. Zinc phosphide 2 %.
ii. Pre baiting should be done 2 – 3 days before.
iii. Baiting: Broken rice (local food) – 96 parts
Edible oil – 2 parts
Zinc phosphide – 2 parts
iv. 10 bait stations / ac
v. Followed by baiting, fumigation with aluminium phosphide after
enumeration of burrows @ 2 pellets (1.2 g) / burrow.
* Zinc phosphide burrowing can be done only once during the season.
2. Single dose Anticoagulants
i. Bromadiolone 0.25 CB at same ratio.
ii. Bait can be used at any number of times at 10 – 15 days interval
during crop season.
3. Sustained baiting with Bromadiolone bait throughout crop period at bait
stations, each provided with 15 – 20 g of freshly prepared bait.

Coconut rats
Bandicota indica (Burrowing rat) damages transplanted seedlings by uprooting
Rattus rattus wroughtoni enters crowns, burrows into immature nuts. Attacked
nuts are shed. Damage is more in closely planted gardens.
Management of coconut rats involve
• Nailing tin hat / tin sheets around trunk of grown up trees.
• Avoid close planting.
• Placing bromadiolone cake @ 2 pieces or 33 g per tree in crown at opposite
• Inserting Aluminium phosphide tablets in holes made in bole.
• Use of traps, burrow smoking.
• Killing by sticks
• Using traps
o Snap neck trap
o Live catch trap
o Wonder trap
• Encouraging predators like cats, dogs, owls and hawks.
• Use of chronic anti coagulants
o Rodafarin ‘C’ (solid bait)
1. Rodafarin ‘C’ – one part
2. Sugar – one part
3. Vegetable oil – one part
4. Crushed grain /corn meal – 17 parts
o Rodafarin ‘S’ (liquid bait)
1. Rodafarin ‘S’ – one part
2. Water – 19 parts
3. Effective in stores as there is lack of water in stores
o Death of rats is observed after 2.5 day of continuous feeding.
• Bromadiolone (ROBAN, MOOSH MOOSH): Single dose anticoagulant new
generation rodenticide.
o Bromadialone 0.005% RB (Ready Bait)
o One piece should be kept at hiding place / runways etc.,
• Coumatetralyl (RACUMIN): new group of anticoagulant is available as loose bait or
tracking powder.

Birds belong to the class Aves. Their body is covered with feathers. They have a
unique characteristic of forelimbs modified as wings. Mouth is continued to form a beak
and are homoethermous and grainivorous. About 0.85% losses are caused due to birds
in storage. The damage done by birds to food grains in fields and stores is appreciable
both quantitatively and qualitatively. Average consumption by birds ranges from 8 to 25
gm per day. Besides eating grain in the fields and godowns, they are also responsible
for spoilage, contamination with excreta, feathers and dead bodies. Some of them are
responsible for spreading diseases. They also create nuisance and unhygienic
conditions in warehouses.

Some of the important birds of agricultural importance are described here below.
S.No Common name Scientific name
1 Common pigeon, Columba livia Grainivorous, eat foodgrains in
Blue rock –pigeon grain mandies, godowns
2 House Sparrow Passer domesticus Principally grainivorous; lives or
enters house and warehouses,
eat grains in open / bag storage
3 House Crow Corvus splendens Omnivorous feeding on kitchen
waste to dead animals and
hence considered as the best
4 Rose ringed Psittacula krameri Normally frugivorous, attacks
parakeet ripening cereal crops and
foodgrains in open storage.
5 Common mynah Acridotheres tristis Damages food grains in fields
and mandies but seldom enters
6 Baya/Weever bird Ploceus philippinus Pest of paddy grains
7 Spotted Munia Lonchura punctuata Feed on ripening paddy grains,
other grass seed.

• Habitat manipulation: trimming trees, removal of shrubs on borders reduces roosting
place where birds perch/settle/sleep.
• Netting: arrangement of traps and nets for catching the birds.
• Scaring by
§ Beating empty drums
§ Mechanical bird scarers
§ Metallic ribbons
§ Pyrotechniques (art of making fire works)
§ Bioacoustics - making distress calls
o Firing blanks with gun
o Throwing missiles
o Catapulting (to shoot from a hurl)
• Destruction of eggs and nests
• Use of non toxic and sticky material like “ Lassa”
• Growing bird resistant varieties like
o Ganga 3 in maize
o Red sorghum
• Use of repellents like cupric oxide, methiocarb.
• Use of chemosterilants like mestranol, ornitrol, avitrol.
• Fumigation of holes
• Use of stupefying substances, immobilizers, narcotizers (Alfachloralose 1 – 2 % in
(in alphabetical order)

Common name of the

insecticide and its Trade names / Proprietary names
Abamectin 1.8 EC VERTIMEC
Acephate 75SP
Acetamiprid 20 SP
Alphamethrin 10 EC
Beta-cyfluthrin2.5SC BULLDOCK
Carbaryl 50 WP SEVIN
Carbofuran 3 G
Cartap hydrochloride 4G,50 PRATAP, CALDAN, BEACON, DHAAL,
Chlorantraniliprole 0.4G FERTERRA
Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC CORAGEN
Chlorpyriphos 20 EC
Chlorpyriphos 50 EC PREDATOR, ECOGUARD
Clothianidin 50 WDG DANTOP
Cypermethrin 10 EC
Cypermethrin 25 EC
Deltamethrin 2.8EC DECIS, DECAGUARD
Diafenthiuron 50 WP PEGASUS, POLO
Diflubenzuron 25WP DIMILIN
Dimethoate 30 EC NOVAGOR, ROGOR
Emamectin benzoate 5 SG EM-1, SPOLIT, PRABHAAV, PROCLAIM
Endosulfan 35 EC
Ethofenprox 10EC PRIMO, NUKIL
Fenazaquin 10 EC MAGISTER
Fenpropathrin 30EC DANITOL, MEOTHRIN
Fenpyroximate 5EC MITIGATE
Fenthoate 50EC DELGAN
Fipronil 0.3G REGENT GR
Fipronil 5 SC REGENT SC
Flubendiamide 20WG TAKUMI, FAME
Fenvalerate 0.4 D FENVAL DUST
Imidacloprid 17.8 SL
Imidacloprid 70WS GAUCHO, TATAMIDA
Lamda cyhalothrin 2.5 EC DEVA, WARRIOR, REEVA, KUNGFU
Lufenuron 5.4 EC CIGNA, MATCH
Methyl parathion50EC METACID
Monocrotophos 36WSC
Phosalone 35EC ZOLONE
Phosphamidon 40 SL KINADON, DIMECRON
Phosphamidon 85EC DIMECRON
Profenophos 50EC
Propargite 57EC OMITE
Pyridalyl 10EC RISE
Quinalphos 25 EC
Thiacloprid 21.7SC CALYPSO
Thiamethoxam 70 WS CRUISER
Thiodicarb 75 WP LARVIN, SPIRO
Zetamethrin 10EC TOLSTAR, FURY

v The doses of insecticides (ml/l or g/l) recommended in the text for each pest hold

good for an average instar of the pest in high volume sprays which may be

enhanced three times in low volume sprays. Effective monitoring before

interventions is a prerequisite.
Insect Pests of Field Crops and their Management
Srinivasan, M.R. and Kishan Tej, M.
Department of Agricultural Entomology, TNAU, Coimbatore

Thrips: Stenchaetothrips biformis
Symptoms of damage
Laceration of the tender leaves and suck the plant sap
Yellow (or) silvery streaks on the leaves of young seedlings
Terminal rolling and drying of leaves from tip to base
It causes damage both in nursery and main field (Fig 1 & 2)

Identification of insect pest

Adults - are dark brown in colour ( Fig 4)
Green leafhopper: Nephotettix virescens,
Symptoms of damage
Yellowing of leaves from tip to downwards. ( Fig 5)
Vector for the diseases viz., Rice tungro virus, rice yellow & transitory
yellowing ( Fig 6)

Identification of insect pest

Adults - are green with black spot and black patch on wings. ( Fig 7)
Use resistant varieties like IR 50, CR 1009, Co 46.
Apply neem cake @ 12.5 kg/20 cent nursery as basal dose
The vegetation on the bunds should also be sprayed with the
Set up light traps
Brown plant leafhopper: Nilaparvata lugens
Symptoms of damage
Nymphs and adults congregate at the base of the plant above the water
Affected plant dries up and gives a scorched appearance called
“hopper burn”. ( Fig 11)
Circular patches of drying and lodging of matured plant
It is vector of grassy stunt, ragged stunt ( Fig 12)and wilted stunt

Identification of insect pest

Adult: Brown body and chestnut brown eyes. It has two forms viz.,
(Macropterous (long winged) and brachypterous (short winged)).
Use resistant/tolerant varieties like Aruna, ADT 36, Co 42, Co 46 IR
36, IR 72.
Avoid close planting
To provide 30 cm rogue spacing at every 2.5 m to reduce the pest
Avoid use of excessive nitrogenous fertilizers
Control irrigation by intermittent draining
Set up light traps during night
Yellow pan traps during day time
Conserve natural enemies like Lycosa pseudoannulata, Cyrtorhinus
Avoid synthetic pyrethroids, methyl parathion, fenthion and quinalphos
causing resurgence
Drain the water before the use of insecticides
Paddy stemborer: Scirpophaga incertulas
Symptoms of damage
Presence of brown coloured egg mass near leaf tip.
Caterpillar bore into central shoot of paddy seedling and tiller
Causes drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart” ( Fig 15)
Grown up plant whole panicle becomes dried “white ear”.( Fig 16)

Identification of insect pest

Egg - Laid in a mass and covered with buff coloured hairs.( Fig 17)
Larva - Pale yellow with dark brown head.( Fig 18)
Pupa - White silken cocoon.
Adult - Female moth - bright yellowish brown fore wings with a black
spot possess a tuft of yellow hairs.( Fig 18)
Male moth - Smaller with pale yellow forewings without black spot.

Resistant varieties: Ratna, Jaya, TKM 6.
Avoid close planting and continuous water stagnation
Pull out and destroy the affected tillers
Set up light traps to attract and kill the moths
Harvest the crop upto the ground level and disturb the stubbles
Release the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma japonicum on twice @ 5
cc/ha/(followed by monocrotophos 36 SL spray thrice @ 1000 ml/ha on
58, 65 and 72 DAT)
Apply Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki and neem seed kernel extract.

Leaf folder (or) leaf roller: Cnaphalocrocis mainsails / Marasmia.
Symptoms of damage
Leaves fold longitudinally and a larva remains inside.( Fig 8)
Larvae scrapes the green tissues of the leaves and becomes white and
dry. ( Fig 10)
During severe infestation the whole field, exhibits scorched

Identification of insect pest

Egg - Flat, oval in shape and yellowish white in colour.
Larva - Greenish translucent ( Fig 9)
Adult - Moth is brownish with many dark wavy lines in centre and dark
band on margin of wings

Resistant varieties: TNAU LFR 831311, Cauveri, Akash, TKM 6
Clipping of the affected leaves
Keep the bunds clean
Avoid excessive nitrogenous fertilizers
Light traps to attract and kill moths
Release Trichogramma chilonis @ 1, 25,000/ha thrice
Spray NSKE 5 % or chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1250 ml/ ha.
Rice case worm: Nymphula depunctalis
Symptoms of damage
Caterpillars feed on green tissues of the leaves and leave become
whitish papery

Tubular cases around the tillers by cutting the apical portion of leaves
Floating of tubular cases on the water

Identification of insect pest

Larva - Pale translucent green with orange head. It has filamentous gills
on the sides of the body
Adult: Moth is delicate white moth with pale brown wavy markings
Gall midge: Orseolia oryzae
Symptom of damage
Maggot feeds at the base of the growing shoot
Causing formation of a tube like gall that is similar to “onion leaf” or
Infested tillers produce no panicles.

Identification of insect pest

Egg: Reddish, elongate, tubular eggs just near the ligule of the leaf blade
Larva: Maggot is pale to red colour feeds inside the gall.
Pupa: pupates at the base of the gall and moves to tip of the gall
Adult: Adult is orange coloured mosquito like fly.
Early ploughing
Resistant varieties: MDU 3, Shakthi, Vikram and Sureka
Harvest the crop and plough immediately
Remove the alternate hosts and adjust the time of planting (early)
Use early maturing varieties
Optimum recommendation of potash fertilizer
Setup light trap and monitor the adult flies
Swarming caterpillar: Spodoptera mauritia
Symptoms of damage
Larvae cut the seedlings in large scale
Severe infestation - cattle grazing appearance to the field.
They feed gregariously and march from field to field.

Identification of insect pest

Egg - Laid in masses on leaves and covered with grey hairs
Larva - Caterpillar is cylindrical dark to pale green with lateral lines
along the body
Pupa - Pupates in an earthen cocoon in soil
Adult - Moth is medium sized stoutly build.
Dark brown with a conspicuous triangular spot on fore wings.
Kerosenate the water while irrigation – suffocation
Allow ducks into the field
Rice skipper: Pelopidas Mathias
Symptoms of damage
Edges of the leaves are fastened with webbing.
Backward rolling of leaves,
caterpillar feeds from margin to inwards

Identification of insect pest

Larva: Pale green with constructed neck.
Adult: Butterfly with brown coloured wings and curved antenna
Rice horned caterpillar: Melanitis ismene
Symptoms of damage
Larva feeds on leaf blades of rice.
Leaves are defoliated from the margin or tip irregularly
Grasshopper: Hieroglyphus banian
Short horned grasshopper: Oxya nitidula
Symptoms of damage
Irregular feeding on seedlings and leaf blade
Cutting of stem at panicle stage
Completely defoliate the plants leaving only the mid ribs
Spiny beetle / Rice hispa: Dicladispa armigera
Symptoms of damage
Adults feed on chlorophyll by scraping and causing white parallel
White patches along with long axis of leaf.
Grubs mine into the leaves and make blister near leaf tips.
White backed plant hopper: Sogatella furcifera
Symptoms of damage
Suck the sap and cause stunted growth.
“Hopper burn” is caused in irregular patches.
Mealybug: Brevennia rehi
Large number of insects remains in leaf sheath and suck the sap.
Plants become weak, yellowish and very much stunted in circular
Presence of white waxy fluff in leaf sheaths
Rice earhead bug: Leptocorisa acuta
Symptoms of damage
Sucking the sap from individual grains, which are in milky stage.
Individual grains become chaffy
Black spots on the grains at the site of feeding puncture.
Buggy odour in rice field during milky stage ( Fig 19 & 20)
Shootfly: Atherigona varia soccata
Symptoms of damage
The maggot bores inside the stem and cuts the growing point.
Central shoots dried and produce “dead heart” symptom.
The infested plant produces side tillers. ( Fig 21 & 22)
Identification of the pest
Egg - white, cylindrical, distal somewhat flattened
Adult - Whitish grey fly
Use resistant varieties like Co-1, CSH 15R, Maldandi and Hagari.
Take up early sowing of sorghum( South West or North East
Use seeds pelleted with insecticides
Seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS @ 10 g/kg of seeds
In case of direct seeding, use increased seed rate upto 12.5 kg/per
Plough soon after harvest, remove and destroy the stubbles.
Set up the TNAU low cost fish meal traps @ 12/ha till the crop is 30
days old.
Stem borer: Chilo partellus
Symptoms of damage
Withering and drying of central shoot -“dead heart”
Red mining in the midrib
Bore holes visible on the stem near the nodes.
Tender folded leaves have parallel “shot hole”
Affected parts of stem may show internally tunneling of caterpillars

Identification of the pest
Egg - Scale-like flat oval eggs in batches on the under surface of leaves
near the midribs.
Larva - Yellowish brown with a brown head and prothoracic shield.
Adult - Moth is medium size, straw coloured.
Dead hearts should be pulled out and used as fodder (or) burried in
manure pits.
Stubbles should be ploughed up during winter and burnt to destroy the
hibernating larvae.
Sow the lab lab or cowpea as an intercrop (Sorghum: Lab lab 4:1)
Set up light trap
Bio-control agents viz.,Trichogramma minutum, Bracon chinensis and
Apanteles flavipes
Mix any one of the following insecticides with sand (total quantity of
50 kg)
Phorate - 10G@ 8 kg
Carbofuran 3G@ 17 kg;
Pink stem borer: Sesamia inferens
Symptoms of damage
Central shoots dried and produce the dead hearts.

Identification of the pest

Egg - Bead like laid in rows within the leaf sheath
Larva - Pinkish brown with dark head
Adult - Straw coloured moth with white wings
Ear Head caterpillar: Helicoverpa armigera,

Symptoms of damage
Earheads are partially eaten with chalky appearance.
Feacal pellets are visible within the ear heads.
Shoot bug: Peregrinus maidis
Symptoms of damage
Plants become unhealthy stunted and yellow.
The leaves wither from top downwards.
Panicle formation is inhibited and the plants die if attack is severe.
Honeydew secreted by the bug causes growth of sooty mould on
The midribs of the leaves turn red due to egg-laying and may dry up
Earhead bug: Calocoris angustatus,
Symptoms of damage
Nymphs and adult suck the juice from within the grains when they are
in the milky stage.
Grains shrink and turn black in colour and ill filled (or) chaffy.
Presence of large number of nymphs and adults are seen on the ear head.
Sorghum midge: Contarinia sorghicola,
Symptoms of damage
Pollen shedding due to egg laying
White pupal cases protruding out from the grains
Chaffy grains with holes
Stem fly: Atherigona orientalis
Symptoms of damage
The maggot feeds on the young growing shoots results in “dead hearts”.
( Fig 23)
Identification of the pest
Adult - Small grey coloured fly.
Use seeds pelleted with insecticides (see sorghum)
Seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS 10 g/kg of seeds
Plough soon after harvest, remove and destroy the stubbles.
Set up the TNAU low cost fish meal trap 12/ha till the crop is 30 days
Spray any one of the following :
Methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml/ha
Dimethoate 30 EC 500 ml/ha
Neem seed kernel extract 5%
Neem azal 1%
Stem borer: Chilo partellus
Symptoms of damage
Central shoot withers and leading to “dead heart”.
Larvae mines the midrib enter the stem and feeds on the internal
Bore holes visible on the stem near the nodes.
Young larva crawls and feeds on tender folded leaves causing typical
“shot hole” symptom.
Affected parts of stem may show internally tunnelling caterpillars

Identification of the pest

Larva - Yellowish brown with a brown head
Adult - Moth is medium size, straw coloured

Sow the lab or cowpea as an intercrop (Maize Lablab 4:1).
Set up light trap till midnight to attract and kill the stem borer moths.
Collect the stubbles after harvest and burn to destroy diapausing borers.
Mix any one of the following insecticides with sand ( total quantity of
50 kg) Phorate 10G 8 kg, carbofuran 3G @17 kg (500 lit. spray fluid/ha)

Pink stem borer: Sesamia inferens

Symptoms of damage
Pink larva enters into the stem causing dead heart symptom .
Identification of the pest
Egg - Bead like laid in rows within the leaf sheath
Larva - Pinkish brown with dark head
Adult - Straw coloured moth with white wings
Corn worm/Earworm: Helicoverpa armigera
Symptoms of damage
Larva feeds on silk and developing grains.
Identification of the pest
Eggs - Spherical in shape and creamy white in colour, laid singly
Larva - Shows colour variation from greenish to brown.
It has dark brown grey lines on the body with lateral white lines
Pupa - Brown in colour, occurs in soil, leaf, pod and crop debris Adult
Light pale brownish yellow stout moth.
Forewings are olive green to pale brown with a dark brown circular
spot in the centre. Hind wings are pale smoky white with a broad
blackish outer margin.

Web worm: Cryptoblabes gnidiella
Symptoms of damage
larva first feeds on the lemma of the flowers scraping the chlorphyll
Later on the milky grains.
Webbing of maize cobs and feeding on the flowers and the grains.

Ash weevil: Myllocerus sp.,

Symptoms of damage
Larva feeds on the secondary roots and adults on leaves.

Leafhopper: Pyrilla perpusilla

Symptoms of damage
Leaves become yellow
Covered with black sooty mould
Top leaves get dried up and lateral buds germinate

Identification of the pest

Nymph - Soft, pale brown dorsally and pale orange ventrally
Adult - Straw coloured, head pointing forward as a snout
Shoot bug: Peregrinus maidis
Symptoms of damage
Plants become unhealthy stunted and yellow.
The leaves wither from top downwards.
Panicle formation is inhibited and the plants die if attack is severe.
Honeydew secreted by the bug causes growth of sooty mould on leaves.
The midribs of the leaves turn red due to egg-laying and may dry up
Ear head bug: Calocoris angustatus,

Symptoms of damage
Nymphs and adult suck the juice from within the grains when they are
in the milky stage.
Grains shrink and turn black in colour and ill filled (or) chaffy.
Orange and pale green nymphs and adults are seen on the ear head.

Shoot fly: Atherigona approximate
Symptom of damage
Young plants - causes dead hearts
Ear heads - chaffy grains in the tip and well developed grains in the
lower portion of ear heads ( Fig 24)

Identification of the pest

Adult - Greyish white fly.
Symptoms of damage
Young plants - causes dead hearts
Ear heads - chaffy grains in the tip and well developed grains in the lower
portion of ear heads

Identification of the pest

Adult - Greyish white fly
Use seeds pelleted with insecticides (see sorghum)
Seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS 10 g/kg of seeds
Plough soon after harvest, remove and destroy the stubbles.
Set up the TNAU low cost fishmeal traps 12/ha till the crop is 30 days
Pray any one of the following insecticides
Methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml/ha
Dimethoate 30 EC 500 ml/ha
Neem seed kernel extract 5%
Neem Azal 1%
Stem borer: Chilo partellus, (see maize)
Pink stem borer: Sesamia inferen (see maize)
Stink bug: Nezara viridula
Symptoms of damage
Grains become chaffy or spotted black and shriveled.
A stinking smell emanates from the bug.

Identification of the pest

Nymph - Brownish red with multi colour spots.
Adult - Green in colour.
Apply any one of the insecticides
carbaryl 10D, malathion 5D, spray carbaryl 50WP 750 g


Pink stem borer: Sesamia inferens (see maize)

Earhead bug: Calocoris angustatus,
Symptoms of damage
Nymphs and adult suck the juice from within the grains when they are
in the milky stage. ( Fig 25)
Grains shrink and turn black in colour and ill filled (or) chaffy.
Presence of large number of nymphs and adults are seen on the ear head.
Aphids: Rhopalosiphum maidis,
Symptoms of damage:
Yellowing of leaves
Aphid Colonies present on the central leaf whorl and ears
Presence of ants ( Fig 26)
Root aphid: Tetraneura nigriabdominalis

Boll Worms, Borers And Defoliators
Tobacco Cutworm: Spodoptera litura Noctuidae: Lepidoptera
Nature of damage & symptoms
The first instar larvae feed gregariously on the leaf, on which the egg
Semiloopers Anomis flava Xanthodes graelsi Tarache
Damage Defoliation Defoliation Defoliation
Larva Green with five Green with Dark brown
longitudinal horseshoe
white stripes and markings and
red prolegs warts
Pupa Leaf folds In soil among the In leaf
dry leaves
Adult Reddish brown Bright lemon Bright white
wings with yellow forewing wings with
markings with a lunar streak dark markings

was laid by scrapping the epidermal layer, leaving the skeleton of veins.
The skeletonised leaf may dry up ( Fig 27). Then, the larvae move to
other leaves and feed by making small holes. In later stages, they
consume most of these leaf tissues and because of severe attack, only the
stem and side shoots will be standing in the field without any leaf or
bolls. Once squares, flowers and bolls are bored they prefer these better
than leaves. They bore into them, feed on the internal content completely
and cause shedding of squares and young bolls. This type of feeding is
seen only during early morning hours and night, and during hot sunny
hours the caterpillars will be hiding in the flowers or in the cracks of the
soil. This pest is found to cause damage in all stages of crop growth, but
fleshy green leaves should be present for egg laying.
Leaf roller, Sylepta derogate. Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera
Larva is glistening green with dark head, rolls the leaf in the form
of trumpets and remains inside. It is fastened by silken threads on
marginal portion. In severe cases, defoliation occurs.Adult is a medium
sized moth with wavy markings.
Flower Feeders
Blister Beetle:Mylabris pustulata :
Beetles feed on the flower and pollen.
Flower weevil: Amorphoidea arcuata: Curculionidae:Coleoptera
Petals with small holes.
Cotton Bollworms
Cotton bollworms are the most destructive group of insects found
on cotton in all cotton growing areas of the world. There are three kinds
of bollworms, viz., spotted bollworm, green bollworm and pink
bollworm. Among the three, the spotted bollworm is the earliest to occur,
as soon as the cotton plant is about 15 to 20 cm in height and continues to
feed on bolls. The other two occur from square formation stage, and pink
bollworm continues till picking of kapas and goes even to ginning mills.
a. Spotted bollworms: Earias vittella & E. insulana
Nature of Damage & Symptom
In the beginning of the season, when the crop is a few weeks old,
the small caterpillar on hatching out from the egg leads a free life for a
few hours. Then it bores into top tender shoot, the portion of the shoot
above the damage
withers, droops and dries up, depending upon the locality up to 50
per cent of the crop may be damaged in this manner. When the squares
and bolls begin to develop, these caterpillars move from the shoots and
start damaging bolls by making conspicuous holes into them. The squares
and small bolls injured by the larvae drop away from the plants. The
developing bolls are also damaged and some of the damaged bolls fall to
the ground. The infested bolls, which are not shed, are destroyed by the
larvae eating the seeds and filling them with excrement. Such affected
bolls may open prematurely and badly. ( Fig 28)

b. American bollworm : Helicoverpa armigera

Nature of Damage & Symptom The caterpillars feed on leaves,
squares, flowers and small bolls. When the squares, flowers and bolls are
attacked, they feed the internal content completely by thrusting their head

inside leaving the rest of the body outside. The damaged squares and
young bolls drop away from the plants. The developed bolls and open
bolls are not attacked. ( Fig 29)
c. Cotton pink bollworm: Pectinophora gossypiella
Nature of Damage & Symptom
The caterpillars feed on flower buds, flowers and bore into bolls. When
they bore into flower buds, they feed on developing anther and style and
occasionally on ovary. When they are found in flowers, the flowers do
not open and give rosette appearance. The young bolls, when attacked,
are shed after a few days, but the larger bolls remain on the plant. Seeds
are destroyed and lint gets stained. The aperture through which they
make their entry into the boll is closed, and it becomes difficult to
differentiate between a healthy and infested bol1. ( Fig.30)
d. Red boll worm: Rabila frontalis Noctuidae:Lepidoptera
Irregular bore holes. Larva is red colour and adult is brownish yellow
moth. Other borer pests in cotton
Stem Weevil: Pempherulus affinis, Curculionidae:Coleoptera
Swelling on the stem just above the ground level and the young plants
are killed .Old plants lack vigour and strength and may break when heavy
wind blows. Grub is apodous. Weevil is dark in colour with two small
white patches on the elytra.
Shoot weevil:Alcidodes affaber, Curculionidae:Coleoptera
Terminal shoots with galls.Bore holes are surrounded by raised margins.
Boll weevil:Anthonomus grandis, Curculionidae:Coleoptera
Stem Borer:Sphenoptera gossypii, Buprestidae:Coleoptera
Plants with drooping leaves and wilting in patches. Adult is a brown
colour weevil.
Sucking Pests
Cotton aphid: Aphis gossypii, Aphididae: Hemiptera
Nature of damage & symptom
It is a potential pest on cotton infesting tender shoots and under
surface of the leaves. They occur in large numbers suck the sap and
cause stunted growth, gradual drying and result in death of the plants.
Development of black sooty mould due to the excretion of honey dew
giving the plant a dark appearance.
The aphids are greenish brown, soft bodied and small insects.
The alate as well as apterous females multiply parthenogenitically and
viviparously. A single female may give birth to 8-22 nymphs in a day
which become adult in about 7-9 days. Yellowish or greenish brown
nymphs found on the undersurface of leaves. They are often attended by
ants for the sweet honey dew secretion. Winged forms may be seen
under crowded conditions.
Thrips: Thrips tabaci, Thripidae, Thysanoptera
Nature of damage & symptom
Both nymph and adult lacerate the tissue and suck the sap from
the upper and lower surface of leaves and in cases of severe infestation
they curl up and become crumbled.
Adult is small, slender, yellowish to brown with fringed wings,
nymph is very minute, slender, yellowish and microscopic.
Whitefly - Bemisia tabaci,
Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera
Nature of damage & symptom
Nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves at the under surface
of leaves. Severe infestation results in premature defoliation,
development of sooty mould, shedding of buds and bolls and poor boll
opening. It also transmits the leaf curl virus diseases of cotton. The
insect is highly polyphagus.
Adult is minute insects with yellow body covered with a white
waxy bloom. Nymph is greenish yellow oral in outline, along with
puparia on the under surface of the leaves.

Red Cotton Bug :Dysdercus cingulatus, Pyrrhocoridae,Hemiptera

Nature of Damage & Symptoms: Nymphs and adults suck the sap
from the developing bolls as a result water soaked areas are seen just
beneath the wall of the boll and stains the lint also.
Adults are red bug with black spots on the wings and the abdomen is with
white lines.
Dusky cotton bug Oxycarenus hyalinipennis,
Lygaeidae, Hemiptera
It sucks the sap from developing seeds in open bolls and stains the lint
black. Seeds discoloured and shrunken.
The adult is a small flat bug with dusky brown in colour.

Mealy bug Ferrisia virgata, Pseudococcidae, Hemiptera

Nature of damage & symptom
Yellowing of leaves in older plants. Under surface of leaves and terminal
shoots covered with white mealy mass.

Management of borer pests of cotton
Avoid continuous cropping of cotton both during winter and summer
seasons in the same area as well as ratooning.
Avoid mono cropping. Growing of less preferred crops like
greengram, blackgram, soyabean, castor, sorghum etc., along with the
cotton as intercrop or border crop or alternate crop to reduce the pest
Removal and destruction of crop residues to avoid carryover of the
pest to the next season, and avoiding extended period of crop growth by
continuous irrigation.
Optimizing the use of nitrogenous fertilizers which will not favour the
multiplication of the pest.
Judicious water management for the crop to prevent excessive
vegetative growth and larval harbourage.
Application of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) at 3 x 10 12 POB
/ha in evening hours at 7th and 12th week after sowing.
Inundative release of egg parasitoid, Trichogramma spp., at 6.25 cc/ha at
15 days interval 3 times from 45 DAS
Releasing predator Chrysoperla carnea @ 1, 00, 000/ha at 6th, 13th
and 14th week after sowing.
ULV spray of NPV at 3 x 10 12 POB /ha with 10% cotton seed kernel
extract, 10% crude sugar, 0.1% each of Tinopal and Teepol for effective
control of Helicoverpa.
During bolling and maturation stage, apply any one of the
following insecticides (1000 l of spray fluid/ha):
Phosalone 35 EC 2.5 l/ha
Quinalphos 25 EC 2.0 l/ha
Profenofos 50 EC 1.5 l/ha


Castor Semilooper: Achaea janata, Paralellia algira
Symptoms of damage
Damage to complete defoliation.
leave bare stems & veins ( Fig. 31)
Identification of the pest - Achoea janata
Larva- semilooper with varying shades of colour with black head.( Fig
Abdomen – has a red spot on the third abdominal segment and red
tubercules in the anal region
Adult - pale reddish brown moth with hind wing having white spot in the
middle and three large white spots on the outer margin ( Fig 33)
Identification of the pest: - Paralellia algira
Larva- semilooper, olive grey colour with numerous longitudinal lines
Fore wing - white in colour with suffused band beyond it.
Hind wing: - has white median band, the outer margin grey at centre.
Identification of the pest: Paralellia algira
Hand picking of older larvae during early stages.
Providing bird perches (10/acre) helps in reducing the incidence.
Spray neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5% synchronising with egg
and early larval stage.
The eggs are parasitised by releasing Trichogramma sp @ 50,000/acre.
Spray quinalphos or chlorpyriphos or monocrotophos
Castor Slug: Parasa lepida
Symptoms of damage
Feed gregariously on the leaves of castor and later spread over to the
entire plant.
Cause defoliation – leaving only the midrib and veins
Identification of the pest
Larva- slug like, ventrally flat, greenish body with white lines and four
rows of spiny scoli tipped red or black ( Fig 34)
Adult: - green moth with brown band at the base of the forewing ( Fig 35)
Hairy caterpillars: Euproctis fraterna,
Porthesia scintillans,
Dasychira mendosa
Symptoms of damage
Cause - defoliation
Woolly bear: Pericallia ricini
Symptoms of damage
Cause - defoliation
Identification of the pest
Larva- black with brown head having long brown hairs.
Adult: grey coloured moth. Hind wings are pinkish with dark spots
To control early stage larvae, spray neem seed kernel extract (NSKE)
5% or spray chlorpyriphos 2.5ml or monocrotophos 2ml or quinolphos
2ml or neem oil 5ml per litre of water.
Capsule Borer: Conogethes (=Dichocrosis) punctiferalis

Symptoms of damage
Capsule with bore holes.
Damaged capsules webbed together
Peduncle and capsules showing galleries made of silk and frass.
Identification of the pest
Larva: - pale greenish with pinkish tinge and fine hairs with dark head
and prothoracic shield
Adult – yellowish with black


Red Hairy caterpillars: Amsacta albistriga, A. moorei
Symptoms of damage
Caterpillars cause defoliation of the crop- all the leaves eaten away
leaving the main stem alone. ( Fig 36)
Identification of the pest
Larvae: Hairy caterpillar reddish brown with black band on either end
having long reddish brown hairs all over the body.
Adult: Moth with white wings. ( Fig 37)
Forewing - white with brownish streak all over and yellowish streak
along the anterior margin and head
Hind wing – white with black marking
A .moorei
Forewing - white with brownish streak all over and reddish streak along
the anterior margin and head
Deep summer ploughing
Early sowing is done to escape insect pest damage.
Inter crop one row of castor for every 5 or 6 rows of groundnut.
Crop rotation with sorghum/pearl millet or maize should be followed.
Vegetative traps utilizing Jatropa (wild castor) or Ipomoea prevent the
migration of the grown up larvae.
Irrigate once to avoid prolonged mid season drought to prevent pre-
harvest infestation.
Install 12 light traps/ha or bonfire in endemic areas.
Collecting and killing of adult moths are found very effective.
Collection and destruction of egg masses in the fields around light trap
Install 10-12 bird perches/ha.
Two hand or mechanical weeding at 15-20 days after sowing.
Spray A-NPV (2X 10^5 PIB/I) or Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).
Release of Bracon hebetor @ 5000/ha. twice at 7-10 days interval.
Conserve dominant predators like Coccinella sp. and
Menochilus sexmaculata and parasitoids like Chelonus spp.
Conserve the bio control population of spiders, long horned
grasshoppers, preying mantids, robber fly, ants, green lace wing, damsel
flies/dragon flies, flower bugs, shield bugs, lady bird beetles, ground
beetle, predatory cricket, braconids, trichogrammatids, NPV, green
muscardine fungus.
Inter cropping with pigeon pea, mung bean and soybean provides
increase in population of spiders.
Population of coccinellids is higher on groundnut with maize, mung
bean and soybean and Chrysoperla spp. is higher with maize and
soybean intercrops. Spray quinalphos 25 EC @ 1250 ml/ha or 500
ml of Dichlorvas (76%) 4 ml/ha to control full grown insect pests.
Groundnut leaf miner: Aproaerema modicella
Symptoms of damage
Young larvae initially mine into the leaflets, feed on the mesophyll and
form small brown blotches on the leaf. ( Fig 38)
Later stages larvae web the leaflets together and feed on them,
remaining within the folds.
Severely attacked field looks "burnt" from a distance.
Identification of the pest
Eggs - Shiny white and are laid singly on the underside of the leaflets.
Larvae - Green in colour with dark head and prothroax
Adult - Brownish grey moth, 6 mm long with 10 mm wing span.
Forewings with white spot on the costal margin
Stray planting of cowpea or soybean as trap crop.
Crop rotation with non leguminous crop is advised in case of severe
recurring problem.
Crop rotation of groundnut with soybean and other leguminous crops
should be avoided.Collect and destroy egg masses and early instars larvae
Install light trap @ 12/ha for mass trapping.
Release Trichogramma Chilonis @ 50000/ha twice (7-10 days
Conserve the bio control population of spiders, long horned grasshoppers,
preying mantids, robber fly, ants, green lace wing, damsel flies/dragon flies,
flower bugs, shield bugs, lady bird beetles, ground beetle, predatory cricket,
braconids, trichogrammatids, NPV, green muscardine fungus
Mulching with rice straw causes reduction in leaf miner incidence and
increase the percentage parasitisation.
Intercropping groundnut with Pennisetum glacum enhances the
parasitisation Goniozus spp. on leaf miner.
Effective control could be achieved if insecticide is applied at 45 and
70 days after planting.
Spray quinalphos 25 EC 2ml or methyldemeton 25 EC 1.6ml or
dimethoate 30 EC 2ml per litre of water.

Tobacco caterpillar: Spodoptera litura

Symptoms of damage
Freshly hatched larvae feed gregariously, scraping the chlorophyll, soon
Sometimes the feeding is so heavy that only petioles and branches are
left behind (Fig 39)
For identification and management (see cotton)
Aphids: Aphis craccivora
Symptoms of damage
Wilting of tender shoots during hot weather.
Stunting and distortion of the foliage and stems.
They excrete honeydew on which sooty molds flow forming a black
Act as vector for peanut stripe virus and groundnut rosette virus complex.
Identification of the pest
Nymphs & Adult: Reddish to dark brown coloured with cornicles in the
Jassids: Empoasca kerri,

Symptoms of damage
Nymphs and adults inject toxins resulting in whitening of veins and
chlorotic patches especially at the tips of leaflets, in a typical 'V' shape.
Heavily attacked crop looks yellow and gives a scorched appearance
known as 'hopper burn'.
Thrips: Scirtothrips dorsalis a. Scirtothrips dorsalis
Symptoms of damage
Tender leaves showing yellowish green patches on the upper surface
and brown necrotic areas and silvery sheen on the lower surface.
Severe infestations cause stunted plants.
B. Caliothrips indicus
Symptoms of damage
Older /lower leaves showing white spots /marks or streaks intermingled
with black excreta on the surface.
C. Frankliniella schultzei
Symptoms of damage
Young/ terminal leaves showing white scars
Transmits peanut bud necrosis.

Termites: Odontotermes spp

Symptoms of damage
Wilting of plants in patches
Termites penetrate and hollow out the tap root and stem thus kill the
Bore holes into pods and damage the seed.

It removes the soft corky tissue from between the veins of pods causing
scarification, weaken the shells, make them liable to entry and growth of
Aspergillus flavus that produces aflotoxins.

Diamondback moth: Plutella xylostella
Symptoms of damage
Whitish patches due to scrapping of epidermal leaf tissues by young
larvae ( Fig 40)
The leaves give a withered appearance but in later stages larvae bore
holes in the leaves.
Leaves may be eaten up completely.
It also bores into pods and feeds developing seed
Identification of the pest
Larva - Yellowish green, with fine erect black hairs scattered all over the
Small grayish brown having pale whitish narrow wings with yellow
inner margins ( Fig. 41)
Forewings - have three white triangular spots along the inner-margin.
Triangular markings of opposite wings appear as diamond shaped
Hind wings – have a fringe of long fine hairs
Installing pheromone trap @ 5/ ac. to monitor the moth activity
Collection and careful destruction of the larvae at gregarious stage at
least twice a week.

Conserve Cotesia plutellae, as it is an important parasitoid for
diamond back moth. Diadegma insulare is also the most important
parasitoid of the diamondback moth For control of grown up larvae apply
5% malathion dust @ 37.5 kg/ha or 925 ml

Mustard sawfly: Athalia lugens proxima

Symptoms of damage
Initially the larva nibbles leaves, later it feeds from the margins
towards the midrib.
The grubs cause numerous shot holes and even riddled the entire
leaves by voracious feeding.
They devour the epidermis of the shoot, resulting in drying up of
seedlings and failure to bear seeds in older plants.
Identification of the pest
Larva - Greenish black with wrinkled body and has eight pairs of pro-
legs. On touch the larva falls to ground and feigns death.
Head and thorax is black in colour. Abdomen is orange colour. Wings are
translucent, smoky with black veins
Summer ploughing to destroy the pupa.
Early sowing should be done.
Maintain clean cultivation.
Apply irrigation in seedling stage is very crucial for sawfly
management because most of the larvae die due to drowning effect.
Severe cold reduces pest load.
Collection and destruction of grubs of saw fly in morning and evening

Conserve Perilissus cingulator (parasitoids of the grubs), and the
bacterium Serratia marcescens which infect the larvae of sawfly.
Use of bitter gourd seed oil emulsion as on anti- feedant.
Spray the crop with malathion 50 EC @ 1000 ml/ha or quinolphos 25 EC
@ 625ml/ha. should be applied in about 600 to 700 liters of water per ha.

Cabbage head borer: Hellula undalis

Symptoms of damage
Caterpillars initially mine the leaves and make it white papery.
Later they feed on leaves and bore into stems.
Entrance hole is covered with silk and excreta.

Painted bug: Bargrada hilaris (cruciferarum)

Symptoms of damage
Young plants wilt and wither as a result of the attack.
Adult bugs excrete resinous substances which spoils the pods.
Identification of the pest
Adult: Bug is black in colour with red and yellow lines

Leaf webber, roller and capsule borer: Antigastra catalaunalis
Symptoms of damage
The young larvae roll together a few top leaves and feed them.
In the early stage of infestation, the plant dies without producing any
branch or shoot. ( Fig. 42)
In later stage of attack, infested shoots stop growing.
At flowering, larvae feed inside the flowers and on capsule formation,
larvae bore into capsule and feed on developing seeds.
Identification of the pest
Larvae: Greenish in colour with black head having short white hairs
Adult: Medium sized moth with reddish yellow forewings. ( Fig. 43)
Early sown (first week of July) kharif crop is less infested than late
sown crop.
Intercrop with mungbean, pearl millet and groundnut.
Two sprayings of quinalphos 0.05% at 30 and 45 days after sowing.
Two rounds of dusting with phosalone 4% or malathion 5% dust @ 25
kg/ha at 30 and 45 days after sowing.

Hawk or Dead head moth (Sphinx caterpillar): Acherontia styx

Symptoms of damage
Caterpillars feed on the leaves and defoliate the plant.
Identification of the pest
Larva: Stout, sturdy, greenish with oblique stripes and with a prominent
dorsal curved anal horn on the 8th abdominal segment ( Fig. 44)
Linseed gall fly: Dasyneura sesame
Symptoms of damage
Fully grown larvae make a hole in the bud and damage the flower.

Capitulum borer (Head borer): Helicoverpa armigera
Symptoms of damage
The larva feeds on the developing seeds and bore the head.
Fungal developed and head starts rotting.
The larva consumes leaf in early stage of growth and move towards the
capitulum and tunnel the head. ( Fig. 45)
Identification of the pest and management (see cotton)

Tobacco caterpillar: Spodoptera litura

Symptoms of damage
The larvae feed on the tender leaves, shoots, bracts and petals.
Later, the larvae spread in the field causing defoliation. ( Fig. 46)
The larvae also feeds on the developing seeds in capitulum.

Identification of the pest and management (see cotton)

Leaf hopper (jassids): Amrasca biguttula
Symptoms of damage
The adult and nymphs suck the plant sap.
The infected leaves show pale yellow colouration.
In case of heavy infestation the leaves turn inwards.
The leaf edges may turn light pinkish brown.
Bird damage
Parakeet: Psittacula krameri
Symptoms of damage
The birds damage starts from the milky stage and continues till
harvest. ( Fig. 47)
These consumes on an average of 152 seeds/day.
Identification of the pest
It is slim, green parakeet with the typical short, heavy, deeply hooked,
red bill. Hollow space in a tree trunk is the nest of the bid.

Gram pod borer/ Capsule borer: Helicoverpa armigera
Symptoms of damage
In early stage of crop growth larvae feed on leaves and shoot apices.
Later, the larvae shift to the developing capitulum.
The symptoms are perforated leaves, perforated involucral bracts,
partially or completely eaten capitulum in the bud stage and bored
developing capitulum.
Safflower caterpillar: Perigaea capensis
Symptoms of damage
The larva feeds on the leaves and sometimes on capitulum too.
It also feeds on bracts, flowers, capsules. ( Fig. 48)
Identification of the pest
Larva: Stout, green and smooth. The anal segment is humped and the
body has some purple markings.
Adult - Dark brown in colour, medium sized moth on; Forewings are
dark brown with pale wavy marks; Hind wings are light brown.
Intercropping with non-host crop like wheat.
Excessive application of nitrogen should be avoided.
Spraying of fenvalerate 20 EC @ 250 ml/ha.
Capsule fly/Safflower bud fly: Acanthiophilus helianthi rossi
Symptoms of damage
Newly hatched larvae feed on the soft parts of the capsules
Affected buds show small bore holes

The infested buds rotten with a foul smelling ooze coming out of the

Gram pod borer: Helicoverpa armigera
Symptoms of damage
Defoliation in early stages
Larva’s head alone thrust inside the pods and the rest of the body
hanging out. ( Fig. 49) Pods with round holes

Identification of the pest

Eggs – are spherical in shape and creamy white in colour, laid singly
Larva - shows colour variation from greenish to brown. Green with dark
brown grey lines laterally on the body with lateral white lines and also
has dark and pale bands.
Pupa – brown in colour, occurs in soil, leaf, pod and crop debris
Adult - light pale brownish yellow stout moth. Fore wing grey to pale
brown with V shaped speck. Hind wings are pale smoky white with a
broad blackish outer margin.

Spotted pod borer: Maruca testulalis

Symptoms of damage
Bore holes on the buds, flower or pods
Infested pods and flowers are webbed together. ( Fig. 50)
Identification of the pest
Larva - Greenish white with brown head. It has two pairs of dark spots
on the back of each segment

Adult - Forewings- light brown colour with white markings; Hindwings
– white colour with brown markings at the lateral edge
Symptoms of damage
Dropping of flowers and young pods
Older pods marked with a brown spot where a larvae has entered
Identification of the pest
Larval – greenish initially, turns pink before pupation.
It has 5 black spots on the prothorax
Brownish grey moth
Prothorax – orange in colour
Fore wing - has a white stripe along the anterior margin
Blue butterfly: Lampides boeticus
Symptoms of damage
Buds, flowers and young pods with boreholes
Presence of slug like caterpillar.
Honey dew secretion with black ant movements

Identification of the pest

Larva – It is flat and slightly rounded; Pale green with a rough skin.
Adult - moth is greyish blue with prominent black spots in the hind
wings and a long tail; Ventral side of wings with numerous stripes and
brown spots ( Fig. 51).

Bean Aphids: Aphis craccivora

Symptoms of damage
Leaves, inflorescence stalk and young pods covered with dark coloured
Honey dew secretion with black ant movements
Identification of the pest
Nymphs and Adult – dark coloured with cornicles in the abdomen

Leaf hopper: Empoasca kerri

Symptoms of damage
Leave mottled and yellowish in colour
Green colour insects found under surface of leaves
Identification of the pest
Adult – elongate, active, wedge shape, green insects

Pod bugs: Riptortus pedestris

Symptoms of damage
Pods with black spots
Shedding of green pods
Poorly filled pods with shriveled grains inside
Identification of the pest - Riptortus pedestris
Brownish black and hemispherical
Nymphs – resemble dark brown ants

Stem Fly: Melanagromyza spp

Symptoms of damage
The eggs are laid on leaves.
After hatching from the egg yellowish maggots bore the nearest vein
of the leaf.
The maggot then reach the stem through petiole and bore down the
If the infected stem is opened by splitting, distinct zig zag reddish
tunnel can be seen with maggot or pupae inside it. ( Fig. 52)
The maggots feed on cortical layers of the stem, may extend to tap
root, killing of the plant.
Identification of the pest
Maggot: White in colour and remains inside the stem.
Adult: Flies are shining black and about 2 mm long.
Deep summer ploughing.
Avoid pre monsoon sowing.
Use optimum seed rate and plant spacing.
Proper crop rotation with dissimilar crops should be followed.
Remove and destroy the damaged plant parts.
Spray monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 1 l/ha, twice, at the crop age of one
and three weeks. In case of severe infestation, apply phorate in the soil @
10 kg/ha before sowing.
Soil application of phorate 10 G @ 10 kg/ha or carbofuran 3 G @ 30
kg/ha at the time of sowing will prevent early infestation by stem fly.
One or two sprays of dimethoate 30 EC or 0.05% quinalphos 25 EC can
stop the damage.

Early shoot borer: Chilo infuscatellus
Symptoms of damage
Dead heart in 1-3 months old crop, which can be easily pulled out
Rotten portion of the straw coloured dead heart emits an offensive
odour ( Fig. 53 )
Bore holes at the base just above the ground level ( Fig. 54)
Identification of the pest
Larva - Five dark violet stripes and dark brown head( Fig. 55)
Adult - Pale greyish brown moth with white hind wings( Fig. 57)
Early planting during main season.
Intercrop: Daincha – low shoot borer incidence
Trash mulching: 10 – 15 cm thickness on 3 days after planting
Earthing up: 45 th Days After Planting (DAP).
Remove and destroy dead hearts
Spray Granulosis virus 106 – 107 twice on 35 and 50 days after
planting (DAP)
Tachinid parasite: Sturmiopsis inferens @ 125 gravid females from 30-
50 days of planting
Whorl application: Sevidol 4G @ 12.5 kg or Soil application:
Carbofuran 3G @ 33 kg/ ha or chlorpyriphos @ 12.5kg/ ha
Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC @1000 ml / ha or NSKE 5 % twice.
Stem or internode borer: Chilo sacchariphagus indicus
Symptoms of damage
Internodes constricted and shortened with a number bore holes and
frass in the nodal region ( Fig. 57
Affected tissues reddened( Fig. )
Identification of the pest
Larva - four violet or pink stripes and light brown head
Adult - Pale brown with white hind wings
Collect and destroy the eggs periodically
Detrash: 150 and 210 DAP
Avoid use of excessive nitrogen fertilizers
Egg parasitoid: Trichogramma chilonis @ 2.5 c.c / ha (6 releases from
4th month onwards at 15 days interval)

Top shoot borer: Scripophaga excerptalis

Symptoms of damage
Parallel rows of shot holes in the emerging leaves and ( Fig. 60)
Red tunnels in the midribs of leaves
Dead heart in grown up canes which cannot be easily pulled
Dead heart reddish brown in colour
Bunchy top due to growth of side shoots ( Fig. 61 & 62)
Identification of the pest
Larva - Smooth, white or cream coloured with a red coloured mid dorsal
Adult - White coloured moth. Female has buff coloured anal tuft in
abdominal tips
Collect and destroy the egg masses
Release Ichneumonid parasitoid: Isotima javensis @ 125 females / ha
(prepupal parasitoid) [NOTE: fields showing more than 10 percent top
borer infestation.
Leafhopper: Pyrilla perpusilla
Symptoms of damage
Leaves become yellow
Covered with black sooty mould
Top leaves get dried up and lateral buds germinate
Scale insect: Melanaspis glomerata

Symptoms of damage
Dark encrustations on the internode
Identification of the pest
Greyish black or brown circular scale

Wooly Aphid: Ceratovacuna lanigera ; C. graminum

Symptoms of damage
Nymph and adults suck the sap from leaves
Honey dew excrete – development of sooty mould fungus
White chalk powder coating on the ground and leaves.
Identification of the pest
Nymph - Third and fourth instar nymphs covered with white wooly
Adult - Apterous adults covered with white wooly secretion
Ceratovacuna lanigera - Light green colour
C. graminum - Light yellow in colour. Winged adult is black in colour
Termite: Odontotermes obesus
Symptoms of damage
Poor germination of setts ( After Planting)
· Characteristic semi- circular feeding marks on the leaves in the
standing crop ( Fig. 65)
· Entire shoot dries up and can be pulled out easily ( Fig. 66)
· Setts hollow inside and may be filled with soil
· Cane collapses if disturbed
· Rind filled with mud
Root grub: Holotrichia consanguinea; H. serrata,
Leucopholis lepidophora

Symptoms of damage
· Yellowing and wilting of leaves
· Drying of crown
· Affected canes come off easily
Identification of the pest
i) Holotrichia consanguinea; H. serrata,
· Egg - White, almost round.
· Larva - Young grubs are translucent, whitish yellow in colour, fleshy
„C‟ - shaped
· Adults - Dark brown beetle
 Set up light trap
 Provide adequate irrigation
 Crop rotation in endemic areas
 Collect and destroy the adult beetles present on neem, Ailanthus
and Acacia

Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Sorghum Atherigona Maize, ragi, bajra, white, cigar-shaped base of the stem The maggot cuts the Resistant varieties IS 18551, Maldandi It infests the crop upto
Shootfly: soccata rice, wheat and eggs on the lower or in soil growing point resulting and Phule Yashoda, Early Sowing, one month after sowing
(Muscidae: grasses surface of leaf in “dead heart”. Side Higher seed rate, Fishmeal trap, Seed Maggot
Diptera) tillering is initiated. Treatment with imidacloprid, Granular is dirty white
application of phorate 10 G 25kg/ha, ETL : 10% dead hearts or
Spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 500 ml/ha. 1 egg / plant
Stem borer: Chilo partellus Maize, sorghum, 300 scalelike flat oval inside the stem Larva feeds on tender Clean cultivation, Resistant cultivars : IS It infests the crop a month
(Crambidae: sugarcane, bajra, eggs in batches on the folded leaves : “shot 2205, ICSV 700, Remove dead hearts after sowing
Lepidoptera) rice etc. under surface of leaf hole” Withering of Lab lab as an intercrop (4:1), Light trap till Larva is yellowish brown
near the midrib central shoot : “dead midnight, Trichogramma (egg parasitoids) ETL : 10% dead heart
heart” Bore holes, Stem Bracon and Apanteles (larval parasitoids)
tunneling,Broken stem Apply Phorate - 10 G 8 kg and carbofuran
3 G 17 kg in the leaf whorls.
Pink stem Sesamia inferens Sorghum, maize, creamy-white and In the larval larva bores into the Release egg parasitoid Trichogramma; The fully grown larvae (25
borer: (Noctuidae: rice, wheat, hemispherical eggs tunnel in the stem and damages the Larval parasitoids: Apanteles, Bracon; mm) is pale yellow with a
Lepidoptera) sugarcane, bajra, arranged rows between stem central shoot : “Dead Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1.0 L / ha or purple pink tinge and a
barley and ragi, leaf sheath and the heart” carbofuran 3 G @ 25 kg/ ha or cartap reddish-brown head.
stem hrdrochloride 4 G @18.75 kg/ha
after germination of the crop.
Sorghum midge Contarinia Cultivated sorghum Lays eggs singly in Beneath the A maggot feeds on the Grow resistant cultivars like DJ 6541, AF White pupal cases
sorghicola and wild species developing florets glume developing grains. 28, ICSV 197, Larval parasitoids - protruding out from the
(Cecidomyiidae Chaffy grains with Apanteles sp., Give first application at grains.
Diptera) holes are the damage nearly 90% earhead emergence and Fully grown larvae are
symptoms. repeat after 4 or 5 days. Spray Malathion dark orange in colour.
50 EC 1.0 L (or) carbaryl 50 WP 2 kg/ha
or quinalphos 1.5 D at 25 kg/ha
Aphids Rhopalosiphum Sorghum, maize, Female give Colonies of aphids in Spray systemic insecticide like R. maidis: The aphid is
maidis, ragi birth to young ones leaf whorl, stems, or in dimethoate 30 EC or methyl demeton 25 dark bluish-green and
Melanaphis without mating panicles, suck the plant EC 500 ml in 500 L of water somewhat ovate
sacchari (Parthenogenetic and juice. Yellowing of M. sacchari : The
(Aphididae: Viviparous) the leaves. Produces sugarcane aphid is yellow
Hemiptera) honeydew - black sooty to buff.
molds grow.
Gram caterpillar Helicoverpa Cotton, sorghum, lab Singly on leaves In soil Larvae feeds on grains As per Pigeonpea/Cotton Larva is green with dark
armigera lab, soybean, pea, of ear heads. Partially broken grey lines and
(Noctuidae: safflower, chillies, eaten Ear heads dark pale bands.
Lepidoptera) tomato, groundnut, appear chalky. Feacal
tobacco, gram, okra, pellets are visible.
maize etc.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Gram pod borer: Helicoverpa Cotton, sorghum, lab Singly on leaves, buds, In soil Caterpillar first feeds on Grow resistant varieties like ICPL 332, Larva is seen feeding with
armigera lab, soybean, pea, Calyx of flowers foliage; later bores into ICPL 84060, PPE 45-2, ENT – 11. Install the head alone thrust
(Noctuidae: safflower, chillies, pods and feeds on bird perches @ 50/ha. Light trap, inside the parts and the
Lepidotera) tomato, groundnut, seeds. Large irregular Pheromone traps @ 5./ha, Spray nuclear rest of the body hanging
tobacco, gram, okra, holes on pods, absence polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) @ 500 LE/ha, out.
maize etc. of seeds on pods and spray Indoxacarb 15.8 SC @ 335 m,
defoliation in early Spinosad 45 SC 125-160 ml, Methomyl
stages are the 40 SP 750-1125 g, Lambda cyhalothrin 5
symptoms of attack. EC 400-500 ml lin 700-1000 L of water
per ha.
Plume moth Exelastis atomosa Red gram, lablab, On flower buds and On the pods The larva bores into Same as above except HaNPV Larvae never enter inside
(Pterophoridae: niger and horse tender pods. buds, flowers and the pods
Lepidoptera) gram tender pods (small
circular holes).
Pod fly Melanagromyza Redgram, Bhendi Inside the pod wall Inside the pods Maggots bore into the Early sowing in endemic areas. Grow
obtusa and Safflower soft seeds and feed on resistant varieties like PPE 45-2. Spray
(Agromyzidae: grains. Damaged seeds Carbaryl 50 WP 1.5 kg or lambda
Diptera) are dicoloured and are cyhalothrin 5 EC 400 -500 ml or
unfit for consumption Lufenuron 5.4 EC 2.5 L with 700 L
and germination. water/ha
Red Gram Aceria cajani perennial and Milky white eggs are Infected plants develop Use resistant pigeonpea varieties. BSMR Plant-to-plant infestation
Sterility Mite: (Eriophyidae : volunteer pigeonpea found on vegetative chlorotic leaves with 736, ASHA. Spray dicofol 18.5 EC 1.0 L occurs by the wind. Vector
Acari) terminals. mosaic patterns. or wettable sulphur 40 WP 3.0 kg in 700 of Sterility Mosaic Disease
Infected plants do not L water per ha.Dont grow ICP 8863 – in Pigeonpea
bear flowers/pods. highly susceptible genotype.
Spotted pod Maruca testulalis Beans, peas, castor, Female lays eggs Pupates in dry The larva bores the Grow resistant cultivars like ICPL 98001,
Borer (Pyraustidae: groundnut, cowpea, singly on flowers, buds leaves (or) buds, flowers or pods; ICPL 98003, ICPL 98008, ICPL 9804
Lepidoptera) rice, sesame, or pods. debris. infested pods and Larval parasitoids Bracon hebetor
soybean, tobacco, flowers are webbed Chemical control measures are the same
daincha, sugarcane, together. The larva as redgram pod borer
redgram, lablab, feeds on seeds.
niger, greengram
and blackgram
Redgram pod Cavigralla gibbosa Beans, peas On leaves Nymphs and adults Collection and destruction of bugs Dusting
bug Coreidae: greengram and suck sap from the or spraying with carbaryl 10D 10 kg/ac or
Hemiptera blackgram shoots and pods. foliar spray with dimethoate 2 ml/l or
Shoots fade, pods Monocrotophos 1.5 ml/L.
shrivel and seeds with
dark patch loose
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola


Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Cotton, bhendi, Multiply Pest infest tender Intercropping with pulses viz., cowpea, ETL : 5% of infested
(Aphididae: brinjal, chillies, parthenogenitically and shoots and under greengram, blackgram and soybean plants.
Hemiptera) guava viviparously. surface of the leaves. reduce the population of sucking pests of
Suck the sap and cotton, viz., aphid and leaf hopper. Natural
cause stunted growth, enemies viz., Lady bird beetle, Chrysopa,
gradual drying. Syrphids. Spray Acetamiprid 20 SP 50 g,
Development of black Monocrotophos 1000 ml, Imidacloprid 17.8
sooty mould due to the SL 100 ml, Dimethoate 500 ml, Profenofos
excretion of honey dew. 50 EC 1.0 L Thiacloprid 21.7 SC 100-125
ml in 500 L water/ha.
Leafhopper Amrasca Cotton, potato, Lay eggs singly within Nymphs and adults Intercropping with pulses viz., cowpea, ETL: 50 nymphs/ adults
devastans brinjal, castor, leaf veins suck the sap from the greengram, blackgram and soybean, Early per 50 leaves or yellowing
(Cicadellidae: bhendi, tomato, under surface of sowing and close spacing of cotton, Setup and curling from the
Hemiptera) hollyhock and leaves, leaves turn light trap, Release predators viz., Chrysopa middle to upper portion of
sunflower yellow, leaf margins carnea, Spray monocrotophos 36 WSC @ the plants in 25 % of
curl downwards and 1000 ml/ha and NSKE 5% @ 25 kg/ha in plants in the field
reddening sets in. 1000 L of water per hectare. Use resistant Adult green and wedge
“hopper burn”. Crop varieties like MCU 3, MCU 5 and MCU 9. shaped, walk diagonally.
growth retarded.
Thrips Thrips tabaci Underside of leaves in On leaves Nymph and adult Spray insecticides as in aphids
(Thripidae: tissues lacerate the tissue and Fipronil 5 SC 1.5-2.0 L/ha
Thysanoptera) Even parthenogenesis is suck the sap from the
observed upper and lower
surface of leaves,
leaves curl up and
become crumbled.
Silvery sheen on the
lower surface.
Whitefly: Bemisia tabaci Cotton, tomato, on leaves on the under Nymphs and adults Tolerant varieties - Amravathi, Kanchan, ETL: 5-10 nymphs / leaf
(Aleyrodidae: tobacco, sweet surface of the suck the sap from the Supriya. Treat 1 kg seeds with Imidacloprid
Hemiptera) potato, cassava, leaves under surface of 48 FS 5 ml or Thiamethoxam 30 FS 1ml.
cabbage, cauliflower, leaves results in Timely sowing, recommended spacing,
melon, brinjal and premature defoliation, Avoid alternative host crops, Adopt crop
bhendi. development of sooty rotation with such as sorghum, maize etc.
mould, shedding of Judicious irrigation management and
buds and bolls and nitrogenous fertilizer application, Yellow
poor boll sticky traps at 1 foot height. Spray NSKE
opening. Transmits the 5% and neem oil 5 ml/L Avoid repeated
leaf curl virus disease. spraying of synthetic pyrethroids. Spray
insecticides as in aphids, Verticillium
lecanii 1.15 WP 2.5 kg/ha
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
American Helicoverpa armigera Sorghum, lablab, On leaves, buds, In soil The caterpillars feed on Pest monitoring through light traps, ETL : 10% of affected
bollworm (Noctuidae:Lepidopter soybean, peas, flowers, bolls leaves, squares, flowers pheromone traps. Grow Bt cotton viz., fruiting parts or bolls or
a) sunflower, safflower, and small bolls by Bollgard I & II. Grow Helicoverpa resistant one egg/plant or one
chillies, groundnut, thrusting their head inside varieties like Sujata, Abadhita. Avoid larva/plant
tobacco, bhendi, leaving the rest of the ratooning. Avoid monocropping. Grow less
maize, tomato. body outside. The preferred crops like greengram, blackgram,
damaged squares and soyabean, castor, sorghum etc., as
young bolls drop The intercrop or border crop or alternate crop.
developed bolls and open Remove and destroy crop residues.
bolls are not attacked. Optimize the use of nitrogenous fertilizers.
Application of nuclear polyhedrosis virus
(HaNPV) at 1 x 109 POB /ha. Release of
egg parasite, Trichogramma spp. and the
predator Chrysoperla. Spray phosalone 50
EC 2.5 L, quinalphos 25 EC 2.0 L, carbaryl
50 WP 2.5 kg (1000 L of spray fluid/ha),
Bacillus thuringiensis 5WP 750-1000 g,
Beauveria bassiana 1.15 WP 400g,
Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC 150 ml,
Emamectin benzoate 5 SG 220 g,
Flubendiamide 39.35 SC 100-125 ml,
Thiodicarb 75 WP 1.0 L , Indoxacarb 14.5
SC 500 ml or 15.8 EC 500 ml, Methomyl
40 SP 750-1125 g, Lambda cyhalothrin 2.5
EC 600-1000 ml or 4.9 CS 500 ml or 5 EC
300-500ml, Profenofos 50 EC 1.5-2.0 L,
Spinosad 45 SC 160 -220 ml in 500-750 L
Spotted Earias vitella & Cotton, bhendi, holly on the shoot tips, buds, On bolls Initially the caterpillar Same as Helicoverpa
bollworms E. insulana hock, Hibiscus flowers, fruits. bores into top tender
(Noctuidae: cannabinus, Abutilon shoot, the portion of the
Lepidoptera) indicum shoot above the damage
withers, droops and dries
up. When the squares and
bolls begin to develop,
these caterpillars start
damaging buds and bolls
by making conspicuous
holes. larvae eat the seeds
and fill them with excreta.
The squares and small
bolls drop.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Cotton Pectinophora Cotton, bhendi, holly whitish eggs singly on in boll, often The caterpillars feed on Use pheromone trap @ 12/ha. Collect and The aperture through
pink gossypiella hock and other various parts of young in seed flower buds, flowers and destroy the shed fruiting parts. Crush the which larvae make their
bollworm (Gelechiidae: malvaceous plants shoots. hollowed out bore into bolls. When they pink bollworm larvae in the rosette flowers, entry into the boll is
Lepidoptera) by larva bore into flower buds, the Dispose off the crop residues, Avoid closed, and it becomes
flowers do not open and staking of stalks in the field. Avoid ratoon. difficult to differentiate
give rosette appearance. Adopt proper crop rotation. Use optimum between a healthy and
The young bolls, when irrigation and fertilizers. Intercropping with infested boll.
attacked, are shed after a pulses viz., cowpea, greengram,
few days, but the larger blackgram and soybean reduce the
bolls remain on the plant. bollworm incidence. Grow resistant
Locules are damaged and cultivars like G 27, LD 135, Lohit, Abadhita,
interlocular burrowing can MCU 7, Sujata, Digvijay, Use acid delinted
be noticed. Seeds are seeds. During boll and maturation stage,
destroyed and lint gets spray fenpropathrin 30 EC 250-340 ml or
stained. triazophos 40 EC 1.5 - 2.0 L or
cypermethrin 10 EC 500-700 ml or
quinalphos 20 AF 1.75 - 2.5 L in 1000 L of
Red cotton Dysdercus cingulatus Cotton, bhendi, In the soil Nymphs and adults suck Biocontrol agent Harpactor costalis is The bugs are gregarious
bug (Pyrrhocoridae: maize, pearl millet, the sap of plant as well as predaceous on nymph and adult; The in habit.
Hemiptera) hollyhock, clover, bolls and stain the lint. infested leaves or bolls can be shaken in
sorghum and silk “cotton boll strainers” The water and pest can be drowned. Plough
cotton. bacterium Nematospora the field to expose the eggs. Spray
gossypii enters the site of fluvalinate 25 EC 200-400 ml/ha,
injury and stains the fibre. Profenofos 50 EC 1.5-2.0 L,
Attacked seeds loose
Red hairy Amsacta albistriga Maize, sorghum, Under surface of the along the Larvae feed on the tender Collect and destroy the pupae after Seasonal outbreak takes
caterpillar (Arctiidae: green gram, sesame, leaves field bunds leaflets gregariously by summer ploughing, Grow cowpea or red place twice a year May-
Lepidoptera) pearl millet, finger and in moist scraping the under gram as an intercrop. Set up 3-4 light traps June and August-October
millet, groundnut, shady areas surface. Later they feed and bonfires at the onset of rains. Collect They march from field to
sunhemp, castor, under the voraciously on the leaves and destroy egg masses, gregarious early field gregariously..
cotton. trees in the and main stem of plants. instar larvae, migrating grown up
field Severely affected field caterpillars. Dig out a trench around the
looks as though they are field to avoid the migration of caterpillars,
grazed by cattle. trap larvae and kill them. Use nuclear
Sometimes it results in the polyhedrosis virus @ 250 LE/ha. For
total loss of pods. young caterpillars - apply carbaryl 10 D 25
kg/ha. For grown up caterpillars - spray
dichlorvos 625 ml/ha (or) chlorpyriphos
1250 ml/ha in 375 litres of water.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Banded Mylabris phalerata Bajra, Green gram, In soil In soil Adult beetles attacks the Collect and Destroy, Spray contact In August, the population
blister (Meloidae:Coleoptera) okra, cotton, flowers and devour them insecticides like cypermethrin 10 EC 10 becomes high more
beetle: Hibiscus, completely. ml/10 L water prominent than flowers.
Tobacco Spodoptera litura Groundnut, citrus, laid in groups and In soil Neonate, caterpillars feed Grow castor as a border (or) intercrop in Since this pest is
caterpillar (Noctuidae: soybean, cotton, covered with hairs on on the leaves voraciously groundnut fields, Grow resistant cultivars nocturnal in habit larvae
Lepidoptera) tobacco, castor, the leaves by scraping the under like ICGV 86031, FDRS 10, Set up of light hide under the plants,
pulses, millets, surface and Later instars traps, pheromone trap Collect egg masses cracks and crevices of
safflower, banana, feed voraciously on leaves and destroy. Collect the gregarious larvae soil and debris during the
cabbage, tomato, giving an appearance to and destroy them. Avoid migration of day time.
sweet potato, bhendi, the field as if grazed by larvae by digging a trench 30 cm deep and
chillies, etc. cattle. Faecal pellets are 25 cm wide. Apply NPV @ 250 LE/ha with
seen on the leaves and on crude sugar 2.5 kg/ha. Apply any one of
the ground which is the the following insecticides per ha to control
indicator of the pest early instar larvae (1st to 3rd instar).
incidence Carbaryl 10 D 25 kg, carbaryl 50 WP 2 kg,
quinalphos 25 EC 750 ml, phenthoate 50
EC 1250 ml and dichlorvos 76 SC 750 ml.
For 4th to 6th instar larvae. Chlorpyriphos
2 L, dichlorovos 1 L, phenthoate 2 L or
Diflubenzuron 25 WP 400 g or Methomyl
40 SP 750-850 g in 375-500 L of water/ha.
Semi Trichoplusia ni Groundnut, soybean, Leaves On plant Leaves are with holes and Hand-pick and destroy caterpillars.Use
looper (Noctuidae: cotton, tobacco, severe damage results in light trap to attract and kill adults.
Lepidoptera) castor, pulses, skeletonization and Insecticide as above
millets, safflower, defoliation.
cabbage, tomato,
Okra etc.
Safflower Uroleucon compositae A female produces 6-56 The aphids suck the sap Spray 250 ml of dimethoate 30 EC or
Aphid: (Aphididae: young ones from leaves, twigs, flowers monocrotophos 36 SL or 625 ml of
Hemiptera) and capsules. The height, chlorpyriphos 20 EC in 750 litres of
number of leaves and water/ha and repeat the spray after 15
shoots are reduced days. Conserve parasitoid Aphidencyrtus
significantly. The plants aphidivorus and predator Brumoides
become weak, stunted dry suturalis
up. Seed yield is affected.
The aphids secrete
honeydew which attracts a
black sooty mould –
Photosynthesis is affected.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Mustard Lipaphis erysimi females give birth to 26- Both the nymphs and Sow the crop early wherever possible,
Aphid (Aphididae:Hemiptera) 133 nymphs adults suck cell-sap from preferably up to third week of October.
leaves, stems, Apply recommended dose of fertilizers.
inflorescence or the Apply anyone of the following insecticides
developing pods. Vitality of when the population of the pest reaches
plants is greatly reduced. 50-60 aphids per 10 cm terminal portion
The leaves acquire a curly shoot or when plants infested by aphids
appearance, the flowers reach 40-50 per cent. Foliar sprays - 625 -
fail to form pods and the 1000 ml of oxydemton methyl 25 EC,
developing pods do not dimethoate 30 EC, quinalphos 25 EC,
produce healthy seeds. malathion 50 EC; 940-1500 ml of
The yield of an infested chiorpyriphos 20 EC in 600-1000 L of
crop is reduced to one- water per ha depending on the stage of the
fourth or one-fifth. crop. Granular insecticides - 10 kg of
phorate lO G, 33 kg of carbofuran 30 per
ha followed by a light irrigation. Conserve
parasitoids Diaeretiella rapae, predators
viz., Syrphus serarius Coccinella
septempunctata Linnaeus, Menochilus
sexmaculatus (Fabricius) (Coccinellidae)
and entomopathogens viz., Entomophthora
Mustard Athalia lugens on raddish and other singly, in slits made with in soil The grubs bite holes into Spray 1.0 L of malathion 50 EC or larvae feed in groups of
Sawfly (Tenthredinidae: crucifers saw like ovipositors leaves (young growth) quinalphos 25 EC in 500-600 L of water 3-6 on the leaves during
Hymenoptera) along the underside of skeletonize the leaves. per ha once in October and again in morning and evening.
the leaf margins The epidermis of the shoot March-April. Conserve larval parasitoid They remain hidden
is eaten up. The seedlings Perilissus cingulator during the day time and,
succumb; the older plants, when disturbed, fall to the
do not bear seed. ground and feign death.
Sphinx Acherontia styx Sesame, Potato, Leaves Soil The damage is caused by Hand-pick the larvae and destroy by
moth (Sphingidae: Brinjal, Green gram, the larvae which feed keeping in kerosene oil. Plough the field
Lepidoptera) black gram, soybean voraciously on leaves and during winter to expose the hibernating
and Jasmine defoliate the plants. larvae. Insecticide as above
Gall fly Asphondylia sesami Sesame Eggs in the flowers or Inside the Maggots feed on the ovary Dust any one of the insecticides per ha on
(Cecidomyiidae: buds malformed and results in the 25, 35 and 50th day of sowing. phosalone
Diptera) capsules malformation of pods 4D 25 kg, malathion 5D 25 kg. Spray any
without proper setting of one of the insecticides on 25, 35 and 50th
seeds. Flowers and young days of sowing phosalone 1.0 L,
capsules with gall like quinalphos 1.0 L, dichlorvos 500 ml/ha in
swelling. 700 L water per hectare.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Capsule & Conogethes Castor, mango, on the developing in the stem or The damage is caused by Spraying the infested crop with
Shoot punctiferalis sorghum ears, capsules capsule. the caterpillar, which bores Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 2.0 L (or) carbaryl 50
borer (Pyraustidae: guava, cardamom, into the main stem of WP 2 kg or methyl parathion 50 EC 2.0 L
Lepidoptera) ginger, turmeric, young plant and ultimately @ 1000-1200 L water per hectare proved
pomegranate, into the capsules. The effective in controlling the pest.
sunflower, cotton borer is distributed
throughout India where
castor is grown.
Linseed Dasineura lini Linseed in the folds of flowers or in soil Damage is the result of The adult flies can be killed by using light
Gall-midge (Cecidomyiidae: in tender green buds. feeding by maggots on traps. The flies are also attracted in day-
Diptera) buds and flowers. No pod- time to molasses or gur added to water.As
formation takes place. the incidence of this pest is more on the
late-sown crop normal-sown crops should
be adopted if possible. Dust 5 per cent
carbaryl 15-20 kg/ha or spray carbaryl 50
WP 1.125 kg/ha in 600-750 L of water/ha.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Early shoot Chilo infuscatellus Pearl millet, oat, underside of leaf Inside stem Dead heart in 1-3 month Grow resistant varieties: CO 312 and CO 853. It is major pest in the
borer (Crambidae: barley and maize sheath or leaves old crop, which can be Planting in December – January escapes the early stage of the
Lepidoptera) easily pulled out, dead- incidence. Intercrop with Daincha, Trash crop.
heart emits an offensive mulching Earthing up – 30th day, Ensure ETL - 15% dead
odour. A number of bore adequate moisture, Remove and destroy dead heart
holes at the base of the hearts, Apply Granulosis virus (GV) @ 1.1 x rotten portion of the
shoot just above the 105 granules, Release parasitoid: Sturmiopsis straw coloured
ground level. inferens @ 125 gravid females, Apply
carbofuran 3G @ 33 kg or fipronil 0.3 G 25.0-
33.0 kg / ha in the soil, Apply cartap
hydrochloride 4G or fipronil 0.3 G at 25 kg /ha
by mixing in 50 kg soil and sprinkle along the
rows at 45 days after planting followed by
earthing up. Spray monocrotophos 36 SL 1000
ml or chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1000 ml or
chlorantraniprole 18.5 SC 375 ml or fipronil 5
SC 1.5-2.0 L or /ha
Internode Chilo sacchariphagus Pearl millet, rice and on the sheath or leaves in the leaf Avoid use of excessive nitrogen fertilizers,
borer indicus (Crambidae: sorghum sheath Release egg parasitoid: Trichogramma chilonis
Lepidoptera) @ 2.5 m.l / ha – 6 releases, Release larval
parasitoids: Stenobracon, Apanteles, Release
pupal parasitoids: Tetrastichus ayyari, Apply
carbofuran 3G granules to soil @ 30kg/ha.
Top Shoot Scirpophaga Millets and other near mid ribs inside the Dead heart in grown up Grow resistant varieties: Co 724, Co 1111, dead heart reddish
borer excerptalis (Pyralidae: grasses stem canes, cannot be easily Collect and destroy the egg masses, Release brown in colour;
Lepidoptera) pulled; parallel row of shot Isotima javensis@ 100 pairs/ ha (prepupal
holes in the emerging parasitoid); egg parasitoids: Telenomus
leaves and red tunnels in beneficiens, Trichogramma chilonis; larval
the midribs; bunchy top parasitoids: Goniozus indicus,
appearance due to side SprayChlorantraniprole18.5 SC 375 ml in 1000
shoots. Larva bores into L water per ha
the midrib of unfolded
leaves, mine to the base.
Termites: Odontotermes obesus Polyphagous poor germination of setts, Locate and destroy the termite colony, Destroy A major problem in
(Termitidae: Isoptera) semi-circular feeding the affected setts from the field Treat setts with light soils.
marks on the leaf margin. Imidacloprid 70 WS 100-150 g per 100 setts.
Entire shoot dries up and Spray chlorantraniprole 18.5 SC 500-625 ml or
can be pulled out. Setts imidacloprid 17.8 SL 350 ml with 500 L
hollow inside and filled water/ha.
with soil. Cane collapses if
disturbed; rind filled with
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Whitegrub Holotrichia Sorghum, maize, In soil In soil Drying of crown, preceded Grow resistant cultivars like Co 1158, Co 5510,
consanguinea pearl millet, chillies, by yellowing and wilting of Set up light trap to attract and destroy the
(Melolonthidae: bhendi and brinjal leaves. Affected canes adults, adequate irrigation, Crop rotation,
Coleoptera) come off easily when Collect and destroy the adult beetles – neem,
pulled. Cause extensive Ber, Ailanthus and Acacia
damage to roots.
Leaf Pyrilla perpusilla Sugarcane, wheat, on the underside of Symptoms are yellow Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers, It can cause severe
hopper/Su (Lophopidae: barley, oats, maize, leaves. leaves, covered with black Set up light trap, Detrash on 150 and 210 DAP. damage when long
garcane Hemiptera) sorghum, baru, sooty mould; top leaves Release 4000 -5000 cocoons or 4-6 lakhs egg spells of rainy or
pyrilla guinea grass and get dried up and lateral of Epiricania melanoleuca (Lepidopteran cloudy days are
sudan grass buds germinate. predator) per ha Conserve predators viz., prevalent. As high
Brumus suturalis, Chilomenes sexmaculatus nitrogen applicaton
and Coccinella septumpunctata favours multiplication,
o it is also referred to
as Richman’s pest.
Sugarcane Ceratovacuna lanigera Congregation of nymphs Monitor the areas under shade where colony
woolly (Aphididae: and adults on the establishes first. Avoid transport of sugarcane
aphid Hemiptera) undersurface of leaveas for crushing from infested area.
suck the sap; honeydew Treat setts in malathion 0.1% solution pack in
secretion with sooty mould gunny bags and transport without using green
on upper surface of the or dry leaves. Practice wide-row/paired-row
leaves. Canes with short planting and de-trashing.
internodes and narrow Avoid late application of nitrogenous fertilizer
leaves with reduced girth. and excessive irrigation.
Spray infested crop with acephate 75 SP 2.0
kg or monocrotophos 36 WSC 2.0L or
dimethoate 30EC 2.0 L in 1000 L of water
directing the spray fluid towards the under
surface of leaves. Release predators viz.,Dipha
aphidivora , Micromus igorotus and Eupeode
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Thrips: Stenchaetothrips Echinochloa sp. Inserts the eggs singly Nymphs and adults Spray monocrotophos 36 WSC 40 ml/800 m2 ETL: 60 Nos. per 12
biformis within the leaf tissues in lacerate the tender leaves nursery. Spray Monocrotophos 36 WSC 1.0 L wet hand sweeps in
(Thripidae: young leaves. and suck the plant sap, or Azadirachtin 0.15% w/w 1.5-2.5 L or nursery.
Thysanoptera) causing yellow or silvery Lambda-Cyhalothrin 5 EC 250 ml in 500 L It causes damage
streaks on the leaves of water/ha, Grow resistant cultivars like PTB 12, both in nursery and
young seedlings. Terminal PTB 20, PT 321, H 4 main field.
rolling and drying of leaves
from tip to base.
Green Nephotettix virescens, Rice, millets, grasses In midrib of leaf Nymphs and adults desap Use resistant varieties like IR 20, IR 50, Vani, ETL: 60 Nos. / 25
leafhopper: N. nigropictus and the leaves and cause Lalit. Nursery should not be near lamp. Apply sweeping – Nursery
N. cincticeps “hopper burn”. Yellowing neem cake @ 12.5 kg/800 m2 nursery as basal 10 Nos. / hill -
(Cicadellidae: of leaves from tip dose. Apply carbofuran 3 G @ 3.5 kg or Flowering stage
Hemiptera) downwards. It is a vector phorate 10 G @ 1.0 kg or quinalphos 25 EC 80 5 Nos. / hill -
of rrice tungro virus, rice ml per 800 m2 nursery. Spray Acephate 75 SP Vegetative stage
yellow dwarf and transitory 666-1000 g, Imidacloprid 17.8 SL 100 -125 ml, 2 Nos. / hill - Tungro
yellowing diseases. Quinalphos 25 EC 1000 ml Buprofezin 25 SC endemic area.
800 ml, Phosphamidon 40 SL 875 ml, The population is
Thiamethoxam 25 WG 100 g, Fipronil 5 SC 1- maximum during
1.5 kg or 0.3 GR 16.7 - 25.0 kg, Lambda- September - October.
Cyhalothrin 5 EC 250 ml in 500 L water/ha
Brown Nilaparvata lugens Rice, sugarcane, within parenchymatous Nymphs and adults suck Use resistant varieties like Aruna, Abhey, Nymphs and adults
plant (Delphacidae: grasses tissues of the plant along the sap from the tillers. Asha, Divya, neela. Avoid close planting, use congregate at the
hopper Hemiptera) the midrib of The affected plant dries up of excessive nitrogenous fertilizers. Intermittent base of the plant
leaves and gives a scorched draining. Light traps. Release natural enemies above the water level
appearance called “hopper like spider and green mirid bug. Avoid use of
burn”. Circular patches of synthetic pyrethroids, methyl parathion, and
drying and lodging of quinalphos. Direct the spray towards the base
matured plants. It is the of the plants. Spray neem seed kernel extract
vector of grassy stunt, 5% (25 kg/ha) (or) neem oil 2% (10 L/ha).
ragged stunt and wilted Spray imidacloprid 17.8 SL 125 ml or acephate
stunt diseases. 75 SP 625 g or or /ha. Methyl demeton 25 EC
1000 ml, Dichlorvos 76 WSC 350 ml,
Chlorpyriphos 25 EC 1250 ml, Benfuracarb 3
GR 3.3 kg, Clothianidin 50 WDG 20-24 g,
Imidacloprid 70 WG 30-35 g, Fipronil 5 SC 1.0 -
1.5 L or 0.3 GR 16.7- 25 kg.
White Sogatella furcifera Rice, maize, millets, in leaf sheath and in the Nymphs and adults suck Same as given for BPH. Use resistant varieties
backed (Delphacidae: sugarcane, grasses mid rib of leaves the sap and cause stunted like AR 133, IC 25687, Tangner, Amelbero,
plant Hemiptera) growth and “Hopper Burn” HKR-10, HKR-126, IET 8116
hopper: in irregular patches
leading to yield loss.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Rice Leptocorisa acuta Rice, Millets close to midrib on the Nymphs and adults suck Remove alternate host, Echinocloa, Ensure ETL: 5 bugs/100
earhead (Alydidae: Hemiptera) upper surface of the sap from grains at synchronous planting, Use neem seed kernel panicles or 1 bug/hill
bug leaves milky stage. Grains extract 5% or Ipomoea leaf powder extract - Offensive odour on
become chaffy with black 5%. Dust quinalphos 1.5 D or carbaryl 10 D or disturbing the bugs.
spots at the site of feeding. malathion 5 D @ 25 kg/ha or spray
Yield loss 10- 40%. malathion 50 EC 500 ml or monocrotophos 36
WSC 500 ml/ha.
Yellow Scirpophaga Rice Eggs in a mass of 15-80 in white Larva feeds on the stem Resistant varieties viz., Ratna, Jaya, IR 20, ETL : 2 egg masses/
stem borer incertulas on the upper surface of silken cocoon drying of the central shoot Saket, Clip the seedling tips before m2, 10% dead hearts
(Pyraustidae: leaf tips covered with “dead heart” in the young transplanting, Collect & destroy the egg - Vegetative stage,
Lepidoptera) buff coloured hairs seedlings, and drying of masses. Avoid close planting and continuous 2% white ear -
the panicle in grown up water stagnation at early stages. Collect and Flowering stage
plant called “white ear”. destroy the dead hearts and white ears. Light
Damage ranges from 30- traps to attract and kill the moths. Pheromone
80%. traps. Release Trichogramma japonicum twice
on 30 and 37 DAT @ 5 cc/ha. Apply Bt and
neem seed kernel extract in the combination of
2.5 g/L and 1%. Apply carbofuran 3 G @ 25 kg
or benfuracarb 3 G 33 kg or chlorantraniliprole
0.4 G 10 kg or fipronil 0.3 G 17-25 kg or cartap
hydrochloride 4 G 18.75 kg or spray acephate
75 SP 666-1000g cartap hydrochloride 50 SP
1 kg or monocrotophos 36 SL 1.0 L or
quinalphos 25 EC 1.0 L or carbosulfan 25 EC
800-1000 ml or chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC 150
ml or fipronil 5 SC 1-1.5 L or flubendiamide 20
WG 125 g or lambda-cyhalothrin 5 EC 250 ml
or thiacloprid 21.7 SC 500 ml or thiamethoxam
25 WG 100 g/ ha using water @ 500 L/ha
Gall midge: Orseolia oryzae Rice, wild species of reddish, elongate, at the base of The maggot feeds at the Early planting, quick growing varieties to ETL: 10% silver
(Cecidomyiidae: Oryza and grasses tubular eggs just near the gall base of the growing shoot escape infestation. Resistant varieties like shoots.
Diptera) like Paspalum the ligule of the leaf causing formation of a Shakthi, Vikram, Sureka, IR 36, Lakshmi.
scrobiculatum, blade. tube like gall similar to Plough, immediately after harvest. Remove
Panicum spp., “onion needle” or “silver- alternate host. Balanced fertilizers. Light trap
Cyanodan dactylon shoot”. Infested tillers @ 1/ha. Infra red light trap to attracts gall
and Eleucine indica. produce no panicles. midge. Larval parasitoid, Platygaster oryzae.
Conserve predatory spiders and carabid
beetle. Apply carbofuran 3G @ 25 kg or fipronil
0.3 G 16.7 - 25.0 kg or quinalphos 25 EC 1.0 L
or fipronil 5 SC 1.0 -1.5 kg or lambda-
cyhalothrin 5 EC 250 ml or thiamethoxam 25
WG 100 g in 500 L water/ha
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Typical characters
Rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae Rice, sorghum, wheat, barley, on the grain inside the grain Adults and grubs cause damage. The larva lives
(Curculionidae: maize and feeds inside the grain causing irregular holes
Coleoptera) on grains before harvest and in storage. The
weevils destroy more than what they eat.
Lesser Rhyzopertha dominica Wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, among the frass or Inside the grains The adults and grubs bore into the grains and The adults are powerful fliers and
grain borer (Bostrychidae: barley, lentils, stored potatoes, are glued to the grain reduce them to shells make irregular holes. migrate from one godown to
Coleoptera) corn flour, beans and millets. Adults produce a frass, spoiling the grains. another, causing fresh infestation.
Angoumois Sitotroga cerealella Paddy, wheat, maize, sorghum, On grains Inside grain Larvae bores into grain feeding on the grain The damage is at its maximum
grain moth (Gelechiidae: barley, oats etc. kernels before harvest and also in store. Exit during the monsoon.
Lepidoptera) holes with pellets of excreta giving unhealthy In a heap of grain, the upper layers
appearance and smell. are most severely affected.
Pulse beetle Callosobruchus Gram, mung, moth, peas, cow On grains Inside grain The adult and grub feed on the grain by making a Infested seed have white eggs on
maculatus (chinensis) peas, lentil and pigeonpea, cotton small hole. the seed and the round exit holes
(Bruchidae: Coleoptera) seed, sorghum and maize. with the 'flap' of seed coat.
Red flour Tribolium castaneum Wheat-flour, dry fruits, pulses and in the flour or in the, in the flour. Both the larvae and adults cause damage. Adult The greatest damage is during the
beetle (Tenebrionidae: prepared cereal foods, such as frassy material construct tunnels as they move in food products. hot and humid monsoon season.
Coleoptera) cornflakes. among the grains and Flour turns greyish and mouldy, with pungent,
other foodstuff. disagreeable odour, unfit for consumption.
Indian meal Plodia interpunctella Grains, soybean, dried fruits, on or near the In the food stuffs The larva completely web over the surface of a The adults fly from one bin to
moth (Phycitidae: nuts, dried roots, herbs. foodstuffs heap of grains with silken threads. another and spread the infestation.
Almond Ephestia cautella dried fruits viz., currants, raisons, in cracks and among the The caterpillars make tunnels in the food
Moth / Fig (Pyralidae:Lepidoptera) dried apples, dates, berries, figs, crevices of the infested grains materials. The number of silken tube is
moth almonds, walnuts, etc. Lac, , receptacles or on the sometimes extremely high and these clog the mill
dried mango, pulp, garlic bulbs, food stuff machinery where the infested grains have been
cereal grains products. sent for milling.
Rice moth Corcyra cephalonica rice, sorghum, maize, gram, on the grains, bags among the The larvae damage the grains by feeding under
(Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) groundnut, cotton-seed, milled and on other objects infested grains silken webs. Under higher infestation, stock of
products, cocoa beans and in the godowns grains is converted into a webbed mass. Foul
raisins odour, grains unfit for human consumption.
Khapra Trogoderma granarium Dried plant matter. grain and On the grains Among the grains The grubs feed on grain near embryo or other Pest confines to the upper 50 cm
beetle (Dermestidae: cereal products, wheat, barley, weak point and proceed inwards. Reduce the layer of grains in a heap or to the
Coleoptera) oats, rye, maize, rice, flour, malt. grain to a mere frass. periphery in a sack of grains.
Saw Oryzaephilus Rice, wheat, maize, cereal in cracks of storage among the It feed on grains, dried fruits etc by scarving of
toothed surinamensis products, oil seeds and dry fruits. receptacles of infested grains grain surface or burrowing holes in them.
grain beetle (Cucujidae: Coleoptera) godown.
Long Latheticus oryzae Cereal flour, packaged food, rice on grain and seams among the Both grubs and adult beetles feed on the milled It occurs as secondary infestation
headed (Tenebrionidae: and rice products. Stored of the bags infested grains products. in stored grain.
flour beetle Coloeptera) sorghum, wheat, etc.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Shoot and Leucinodes orbonalis Brinjal, potato, other on leaves, tender on plant Larva bores into tender Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal and Avoid using synthetic
fruit borer (Pyraustidae: wild plants belonging shoots, flowers and shoots and causes ratooning. Resistance varieties - Annamalai, pyrethroids as they
Lepidoptera) to solanaceae, peas. developing fruits withering of terminal Pusa purple round, Arka Kusumakar, Doli – 5, cause resurgence of
shoots / dead hearts - also Pusa purple Long, Pusa Purple Round, Collect sucking pests. Avoid
bores petioles of leaves, and destroy the damaged tender shoots, fallen using insecticide at
flower buds and fruits, Use light traps @ 1/ha, Release egg the time of fruit
developing buds, causes parasitoids Trichogramma chilonis @1.0 maturation and
withering of leaves, lakh/ha. Spray B. thuringiensis - Dipel @ 1.5 to harvest.
shedding of buds and 2 ml /L of water. Spray Quinalphos 25 EC 1.5 L
make fruits unfit for + Neem oil 1.0 L, NSKE 5%, Azadirachtin 1.0%
consumption. Attacked 1.0-1.5 L or Fenpropathrin 30 EC 250-340 ml
fruits are with boreholes or Thiodicarb 75 WP 625-1000 g
plugged with excreta. Flubendiamide 20 WG, 375 g with 500 – 750 L
Fruits become out of water/ha, Uproot and burn old plants after
shape also. harvest.
Hadda / Henosepilachna Brinjal, potato, on lower leaf surface on the stem Both adult and grubs scrap Collect and destroy adult beetles, grubs and
spotted vigintioctopunctata; tomato, or leaves the lower epidermis of pupae. Shake plants to dislodge grubs, pupae
beetle (Coccinellidae: cucurbitaceous leaves in characteristic and adults in the morning Spray malathion 50
Coleoptera) plants, wild manner leaving behind EC 1.5L or Azadirachtin 0.03% 2.5-5.0 L in
solanaceous plants. stripes of uneaten areas. 500 - 750 L of water Emulsify 1 lit of Neem oil
The leaves give a stifled with 60 g of soap dissolved in ½ L. of water,
appearance. In severe dilute emulsion by adding 20 lit of water, then
infestation all leaves may mix about 400 g of well crushed garlic and
be eaten off leaving only spray. Mix diflubenzuron invariably with
the veins intact chlorpyriphos 1.0 L /ha and spray on the crop
(Skeletonization) and which reduces the population by nearly 95% in
plants may wither. field.
Pea Leaf- Chromatomyia Cruciferous plants, in leaf tissues within the The tunnels made by the Spray 1.0 L of dimethoate 30 EC in 750 L of
miner horticola pea, potato and galleries larvae between the lower water per ha and repeat spray at I5 day
(Agromyzidae: linseed and upper epidermis interval.
Diptera) interferes with
photosynthesis and proper
growth of the plants, look
Pea Stem Ophiomyia phaseoli Peas green gram, in leaf tissues within its The maggots bore into the Avoid sowing of the crop earlier than mid- The damage is more
Fly (Agromyzidae: black gram, soybean, gallery stem causing withering October. Remove and destroy all the affected severe on seedlings
Diptera) cowpeas, Lablab. and drying of the affected branches, Apply 7.5 kg of phorate 10G or 25 than on the grown up
shoots, reducing the kg of carbofuran 3 G per ha in furrows at plants.
bearing capacity of sowing, On the crop, spray three times 750 ml
plants. of oxydemeton methyl 25 EC in 750 L of water
per ha
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Chillies Scirtothrips dorsalis Tea, grapes, castor, into the veins Leaves become crinkled, Resistant varieties like G5, K2, X 235. Inter
thrips (Thripidae: cotton, Prosopis curled upward and shed. crop with a green manure crop Sesbania to
Thysanoptera) Buds become brittle and provide shade, Avoid chilli after sorghum, chilli
drop down. Plants get and onion mixed crop, Sprinkle water over the
stunted and bronzed. seedlings, carbofuran 3G @ 200g/ 40 m2 area
Nymphs and adults are in the nursery, Dip the roots of seedlings in
tiny, slender, fragile and monocrotphos 36 WSC @ 0.05% before
yellowish straw in colour. transplanting, Dust carbaryl 5 D 25 kg /ha in
the early morning, Spray Imidacloprid 70 WS
500-1000 g Imidacloprid 17.8 SL 125-250 ml
or 70 WS / 100 kg seed 1.000-1.5L , Lambda
cyhalothrin 5 EC 300 ml, Ethion 50 EC 1.5-2.0
L, Methomyl 40 SP 750-1125 g, Fenpropathrin
30 EC 250-340 ml, Spinosad 45 SC 160 ml,
Fipronil 5 SC 800-1000 ml, Thiacloprid 21.7 SC
225-300 ml, Dimethoate 30 EC 500 ml water
500 L/ha, Methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml with
water 500 L/ha
Muranai Polyphagotarsonemus Green gram and on the ventral surface of Sudden curling and Spray Buprofezin 25 SC 300-600 ml,
mite/ Broad latus (Tarsonemidae: black gram young leaves or on leaf crinkling of leaves followed Chlorfenapyr 10 SC 750-1000 ml,
mite/ Acarina) buds by blister patches. Petiole Diafenthiuron 50 WP 600 g, Lambda
yellow mite becomes elongated cyhalothrin 5 EC 300 ml, Ethion 50 EC 1.5-2.0
referred as “rat tail”. Later L, Milbemectin 1 EC 325ml, Fenazaquin 10 EC
they stop growing and die. 1.25 L, Propargite 57 EC 1.5 L, Fenpropathrin
30 EC 250-340 ml,Spiromesifen 22.9 SC 400
g, Dicofol 18.5 EC @ 2 L, Phosalone 35 EC 1.5
L or Wettable sulphur 50 WP @ 4 kg
Shoot and Earias vitella, cotton, bhendi, on shoot tips, buds, On plant Larva bores into tender Grow resistant cultivars like AE 57, PMS 8,
fruit borer E. insulana hibiscus, holly hock flowers and fruits terminal shoots in the Parkins Long green, Karnual Special, Collect
(Noctuidae: and other vegetative stage and and destroy infested shoots, buds, flowers and
Lepidoptera) malvaceous flower buds, flowers and fruits. Remove the alternate hosts, Release
vegetables. young fruits in the fruit egg parasitoid T. chilonis and larval parasitoid
formation stage. The Chelonus blackburnii. Release first instar
damaged shoots droop, larvae of Chrysoperla carnea @ 1 lakh/ha. Set
wither and dry up. The up light traps, Set up pheromone traps @ 5/ha.
infested fruits present a Spray B.t formulation such as dipel @ 2 g / lit.
deformed appearance and Spray carbaryl 50% WP 1 kg or
become unfit for monocrotophos 36 WSC 1.0 L or NSKE 5% or
consumption. Bore holes - Azadirachtin 5% 400 ml or Fenpropathrin 30
plugged with excreta. EC 250-340 ml or Pyridalyl 10 EC 500-750 ml
with 500 L – 700 L water/ha.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Red spider Tetranychus telarius Bhendi, cotton, On leaves Nymphs and adults feed Spray wettable sulphur 50 WP 1.0 kg (or)
mite (Tetranychidae: ) tomato, brinjal, on ventral leaf under fine dicofol 1.0 L or abamectin 1.9 EC @ 500 ml
castor, cucurbits, tea, silken webs. Yellow spots which is a new acaricide or fenpropathrin 30
citrus, grapes, rose, appear on dorsal side of EC 250-340 ml in 500 L water/ha.
jasmine, marigold. leaves. Affected leaves
start curling, finally
wrinkled and crumpled.
Pumpkin Aulacophora Ash gourd ,pumpkin, in moist soil, near the in the soil Both grubs and beetles Frequent raking of soil, Hand collection and Early sown cucurbits
beetles: foveicollis, A. cincta, tinda, ghia tori, base of the plants damage. Grubs feeds on destruction of infested leaves and fruits. Spray are severely
A.intermedia cucumber and melon. roots, underground stems malathion 50 EC 750 ml, dimethoate 30 EC damaged needs
(Galerucidae: of creepers and on fruits in 500 ml, methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml, 500 g resowing.
Coleoptera) contact with soil. The of carbaryl 50WP in 500-750 L of water per ha
adults feed on plant above or apply 7.0 kg of carbofuran. 3G per ha 3-4 in
the ground. the soil just after germination and irrigate.
Diamond Plutella xylostella (L.) Cabbage and underside of leaves Leaf surface First instar larvae mine Grow mustard as trap crop. (2 rows of mustard
back moth (Plutellidae: cauliflower, but also epidermal surface of after 25 rows of cabbage) Install pheromone
Lepidoptera) feeds on other leaves producing typical trap. Bacillus thuringiensis @1 g/L or NSKE 4%
crucifers and white patches. Larvae, spray. Conserve larval parasitoids viz., Cotesia
solanaceous plants. second instar onwards plutellae. spray insecticide at primordial or
feed externally making head initiation stage. Azadirachtin 0.03% 2.5 L,
holes on the leaves and Lufenuron 5.4 EC 600 ml, Chlorantraniprole
soil them with excreta. 18.5 SC 50 ml, Indoxacarb 14.5 SC 200-265
Heavy infestations leave ml, Chlorfenapyr 10 SC 750ml, Novaluron 10
little more than the leaf EC 750 ml, Emamectin benzoate 5 SG 200 g,
veins. Fipronil 5 SC 800-1000 ml, Thiodicarb 75 WP
1.0-1.3 g or Quinalphos 25 EC 1000 ml with
500 -1000 L water/ha
Pollu Longitarsus Pepper on the berries in soil The grubs bore into the Rake the soil and incorporate quinalphos 1.5
beetle nigripennis berries of pepper. berries D, carbaryl 5 D, @ 25 kg/ha to kill the pupae in
(Chrysomelidae: dry up and turn dark in the soil, Spray dimethoate 30 EC 1.5 L or
Coleoptera) colour. Berries are hollow quinalphos 25 EC 2.0 L in 500 - 1000 L of
and crumble when water per ha.
pressed. Such berries are
called “POLLU” (Empty).
Grub also eat the spike
causing it to dry up. The
grub move from one berry
to anoter and feed
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Rhinoceros Oryctes rhinoceros, Pineapple, Oval creamy white eggs In earthern Central spindle appears Destroy and dispose all dead trees, Avoid Grubs feed on the
beetle (Scarabaeidae: sugarcane, arecanut, in manure pits cells cut or toppled; fully manure pits in the vicinity of gardens, Rake up decaying matter
Coleoptera) sago, oilpalm, opened fronds show the decaying manure to expose grub, egg and
palmyra, date palm characteristic diamond pupae to sun drying and predation. Use
and wild dates. shaped cuttings. Holes Metarrhizium anisopliae to manure pits
with chewed fibre sticking Encourage reduviid predators, Platymeris, In
at the base of central seedlings, place naphthalene balls @ 3 / tree.
spindle Soak castor cake @ 1 kg/5 lit of water to attract
and kill adults. The crown region may be
properly cleaned during harvests, adults may
be hooked. Light traps during monsoon
months. Use sand + Neem Seed Powder (2:1)
once in three months (150 g/tree) in leaf axils.
Aggregation trap with Rhinolure @ 1/ha.
Red palm Rhynchophorus oil palm, Oval, white eggs in Pupates in a Holes on the trunk with Removal and disposal of damaged and wilted Upto 50 Nos. of
weevil ferrugineus date, sago and other scooped out small fibrous brownish ooze; yellowing trees, Avoid injuries on trunk, plaster injury grubs can be found
(Curculionidae: species of Palmae cavities on palms cocoon inside of inner leaves and with clay or copper oxychloride, Avoid cutting feeding on the soft
Coleoptera) the trunk. gradual wilting of central green fronds, Root feeding with tissues inside the
shoot in the crown. monocrotophos @ 10 ml + 10 ml water after trunk.
harvest of nuts. Set up attractant traps with
molasses + acetic acid + yeast + split tender
stems @ 30/ac. Use 1-2 aluminium phosphide
tablets inside the tunnel and plug the holes.
Use aggregation traps @ 1/ha or use
Ferrolure in combination with food baits
Black Opisina arenosella In groups on leaves inside the Dried up patches on Cutting and burning all the infested leaves and
headed (Cryptophasidae: web in a thin leaflets of the lower fronds. In small plantations spray carbaryl 50
caterpillar Lepidoptera) silken leaves. Galleries of silk WP 2 g/L. In summer, release bethylids,
cocoon. and frass on underside of braconid and eulophid parasitoids. Root
leaflets. feeding monocrotophos @10 ml + 10 ml water.
Coconut Aceria guerreronis The mite infests on the Nutrients (per tree/ year) Urea 1.3 kg, super 2.0 Before root feeding,
Eriophyid (Eriophyidae : Acari) meristematic tissues under kg, potash 3.5 kg, neem cake 5 kg, borax 50 g, pluck nuts. After root
mite perianth. Triangular pale gypsum 1 kg, MgSO4 500 g, FYM 50 kg. Root feeding, next harvest
white or yellow patches feeding with TNAU - Agro Biocide 30 ml/tree or should be done 45
are seen. Necrosis of carbosulfan 15 ml + 15 ml water / tree at 45 days later.
tissues leading to brown days interval or fenpyroximate at 10 ml/tree.
color patches, fissures and TNAU - Agro biocide - 30 ml/tree - (60 days
splits on the husk; oozing after Carbosulfan root feeding).
of brown gummy exudates
reduced nut size, copra
content and malformation
of nuts.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Mango Idioscopus clypealis, Mango into the tissues of the Both nymphs and adults Avoid close planting, Cleaning, Pruning The hoppers take
hoppers Amritodus atkinsoni young leaves suck the sap from tender of dense canopy, Avoid excess use of shelter in cracks and
(Cicadellidae : shoots and inflorescence nitrogenous fertilizers, Spray dimethoate crevices on the bark
Hemiptera) resulting in withering and 30 EC or moncrotophos 36 SL 2.5-3.3 L , during non-flowering
shedding of flower buds and methyldemeton 25 EC or malathion 50 season.
also wilting and drying of EC 1.5 -2.0 L in 1500 – 2000 L of water
shoots and leaves. The per ha or acephate 75 SP @ 1 g/L,
flower stalks and leaves in phosalone 35 EC @1.5 ml/L, or
infested trees become sticky buprofezin 25 SC 1-2ml/L of water or
due to the deposition of imidacloprid 17.8 SL 2-4ml/tree or
honey-dew secreted by the lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC 0.5-1.0ml/L of
hoppers that encourages the water at 10 -15 L of water per tree. Neem
growth of black sooty mould oil 5 ml/lit of water can be mixed with any
on foliage and other parts. insecticide. Spray neem seed kernel
powder extract 5 per cent
Stemborer Batocera rufomaculata Mango, rubber, jack- on the bark or cracks inside the larval The grubs feed by tunneling Grow varieties Neelam, Humayudin,
(Cerambycidae : fruit, fig, papaya, and crevices on the tree tunnel in the stem the bark of branches and Remove and destroy dead and affected
Coleoptera) apple, eucalyptus trunk or branches main stem. Shedding of branches, Remove alternative hosts, Use
and mulberry, leaves and drying of terminal long wire to pull out the grubs from the
morings and silk shoots takes place in early bore holes. The bore holes be filled with
cotton. stage of attack while DDVP @ 5 ml or monocrotophos 36
damage to main stem WSC 10 to 20 ml or one celphos tablet (3
causes tree death. g aluminum phosphide) and plug with
clay + copper oxychloride paste.
Fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Mango, guava, just beneath the skin of in the soil The maggots destroy and Plough interspaces to expose and kill the
(Tephritidae: Diptera) peach, apricot, the fruit convert the pulp into bad puparia. Infested and fallen fruits should
cherry, pear, ber, smelling, discoloured semi be disposed. Bait-spray of malathion 50
citrus, banana, liquid mass unfit for EC @ 2 ml/ L with molasses or jaggery
papaya, passion fruit, consumption. Results in fruit (10 g/L) before ripening. Set up fly trap
coffee, melons, jack drop and liquid oozes out using methyl eugenol at places in one ha
fruit, strawberry. from the fruit upon pressing. between 6 and 8 am.
Mango nut Sternochaetus Mango on the marble sized inside the nut The grub tunnels in a zig-zag Under-sized fruits should be picked and
weevil mangiferae fruits by scooping out manner through the pulp destroyed. General cleanliness, fallen
(Curculionidae: the surface tissue endocarp, seed coat and fruits and stones, weevils. Cloth or paper
Coleoptera) finally destroys the bags for fruits. Spray malathion 50 EC
cotyledons. Tunnel get 1ml/L; Carbaryl 3-4 kg or Quinalphos 3-
closed As the fruit develops. 4 L in 1500-2000 L water per ha at
The adults inside also feed marble stage of the fruit second at 15
on the developing seed and days interval. During non flowering
hasten the maturity of season direct spray towards the base of
infested fruit. the trunk. Spray deltamethrin 1.5 - 2.0 L
per ha after six weeks of fruit set.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Shoot Diaphorina citri Members of rutaceae on the underside of soft Both nymphs and adults Prune the affected trees and dried
psyllid/ (Psyllidae: Hemiptera) family. young leaves suck cell sap from leaves, shoots. Conserve natural enemies
Citrus which curl up, dry and fall parasitois - Tetrastichus radiates and
Psylla off. predators - Coccinella septumpunctata,
Chilomenes sexmaculata, Brumus
suturalis, Chrysoperla carnea. Spray
NSKE 5 %, neem oil 10 L, dimethoate
30 EC 3.0 L, of monocrotophos 36 SL
1.5 L, methyl demeton 25 EC 2.5 L,
quinalphos 25 EC 1.0 L, imidacloprid 200
SL 250 ml in 1500-2000 L of water/ha
during new flush.
Citrus leaf Phyllocnistis citrella Citrus, Pommelo On leaf In the mines Larva mines in zig-zag Spray NSKE 5% (50 g/L) or neem cake
miner (Gracillaridae : willow, cinnamon, manner forming galleries by extract 5% or neem oil 3 % or
Lepidoptera) Loranthus spp. feeding on epidermal imidacloprid 17.8 SL 125 ml per ha,
cells. The leaves turn pale, Spray dichlorvos 76 WSC 1.0 L,
get distorted and dry up. dimethoate 2 .0 L per ha, Use 5-15 L of
The Secondary infection by water per tree/1500-2000 L of water per
fungi and bacteria cause ha
‘citrus canker’.
Citrus Aleurocanthus Citrus, sweet orange, On leaves in spiral Nymphs and adults suck Close planting, water logging or stress
blackfly woglumi (Aleyrodidae: avacado, grape vine, manner plant sap, causing curling of conditions are avoided. Excessive
Hemiptera) mango, guava, pear, leaves and premature fall of irrigation and application of nitrogen and
plum. flower buds and developing pesticidal sprays are avoided Spray
fruits. neem oil 3% or Fish Oil Rosin Soap 30
g/L or quinalphos 25 EC 2.0 L or
monocrotophos 36 SL 1.5 L or methyl
demeton 25 EC 1 .0 L or ethion 50 EC
2.5 L or triazophos 40 EC 3.0 L or per
ha. Use 5-15 L water/tree or 1500 –
2000 L water per ha during flush.
Fruit Othreis materna, O. Citrus, mango, on wild plants and Soil Adult moth pierces the fruits Destroy the weed host, Apply smoke to
piercing fullonica, (Noctuidae: grapes and apple weeds like Tinospora for sucking the juice and repel adult moth, light traps to attract
moths Lepidoptera) cordifolia, Cocculus makes characteristic pin- adults. Cover the fruit with perforated
pendulus, C. hirsutus hole damage in fruits. poly bags. Set up food lures with pieces
Bacterial and fungal of citrus fruits to collect and kill, Bait with
Gulvel, Wasanvel and infections at the site of fermented molasses / jaggery (10 g/ L) +
Chandvel attack. Whole fruit turns malathion 50 EC 1 ml/L or Dispose fallen
yellow, drops from tree and fruits, Spray with 2.5 kg of carbaryl 50
looks like a premature fruit. WP in 1000 L of water per ha at the time
In severe cases, all fruits are of maturity of fruits.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Bark Indarbela tetraonis Mango, guava, under loose bark of the inside the stem Young trees succumb to the Kill the caterpillars by inserting an iron They hide in tunnel
caterpillar (Metarbelidae: zizyphus, litchi, trees attack. Caterpillars bore into spike into the tunnels. Injecting ethylene during day time, and
Lepidoptera) orange, the trunk or junction of glycol and kerosene oil in the ratio of 1:3 feed at night
pomegranate, branches make zig zag into the tunnel, seal the opening with
bauhinia, loquat, galleries. Gallery is made out mud. Or piece of cotton in chloroform or
mulberry, moringa, of silk and frass. They feed petrol or kerosene, into the tunnel.
rose, guava and on the bark. Flow of sap is
eugenia. hindered, plant growth
arrested and fruit formation
is drastically reduced.
Citrus Papilio demoleus, Citrus and other On leaves On twig The young larvae feeding on Hand pick larvae in nurseries and
butterfly (Papilionidae: Rutaceae plants the leaf lamina from margin orchards. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis 1
Lepidoptera) to midrib. Grown up larvae g /L nematode DD- 136 strain or neem
feed on matured leaves and seed extract 3%. Spray quinalphos 25
cause severe defoliation. EC or carbaryl 50 WP 2.0 L in 1500-2000
L of water per ha
Fruit fly Bactrocera diversus Guava, Tomato and on soft skin of fruits In soil Maggots bore into fruits and Collect and destroy the damaged plant
(Tephritidae: Diptera) other commercial feed on soft pulp. The parts. Summer plough to expose and kill
fruits. infested fruits show small pupae. Harvest the fruits when slightly
cavities with dark greenish hard and green. Spray fenvalerate 20 EC
punctures with wriggling 1 L or malathion 50 EC 2 L in 1500 –
maggots inside. The 2000 L of water per ha. Rake the soil
infestation causes rotting around the tree and apply lindane dust
and dropping of fruits. 1.3 D @ 25 kg per ha.
Leaf Nephopteryx Sapota and cured on leaves and buds of in the leaf webs Leaves webbed together in a Remove and destroy the infested fruits
webber or eugraphella tobacco young shoots bunch by larvae, chlorophyll and dried clusters of leaf webs. Spray
Chickoo (Pyraustidae: scrapped and leaves phasalone 35 EC 3 L or carbaryl 50 WP
moth Lepidoptera) reduced to a network of 3kg in 1500 – 2000 L water per ha
veins; clusters of dried
shoots; flower buds and
tender fruits bored, become
withered and shed.
Anar Virachola (Duodorix) Aonla, apple, ber, Shiny, white, oval Larvae pupates Larvae bore inside the Mechanical - Bagging of developing fruits
butterfly / isocrates citrus, guava, litchi, shaped eggs laid singly inside fruit but developing fruits and feed on with cloth or paper bag.
Fruit borer: (Lycaenidae: loquat, peach, on calyx of flowers and occasionally pulp and seeds. Rind exhibit At the beginning of fruit formation spray
Lepidoptera) mulberry, pear, on tender fruits outside even, round bore holes. Infested with carbaryl 0.2% .
sapota, tamarind. attaching fruits are attacked by
themselves to bacteria and fungi, fall off
stalk of fruits, and give an offensive smell.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Rhizome weevil: Cosmopolites Banana, cocoa laid in small burrows Grub pupates Grubs bore into the rhizome Use healthy and pest free suckers. Trap
sordidus scooped out by the within chamber causing death of unopened the adult weevils by placing chopped
(Curculionidae: beetle on the root stock made near the pipe, withering of outer pseudostem Uproot and destroy infested
Coleoptera) or within leaf sheaths outer surface of leaves and finally death of rhizomes. Under take soil incorporation
the rhizome the plant. Adult tunnels within of carbaryl 5D 10-20 g/plant or
stem, feeding on tissues carbofuran 3G 20 g/plant or phorate 10
G 10 g/plant around pseudostem.
Banana aphid: Pentalonia Banana, cardamom , Adults reproduce Aphids in colonies on leaf Spray monocrotophos 36 SL 1.5 - 2.0 L,
nigronervosa Alocasia sp, parthenogenetically axils and pseudostems. The methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30
(Aphididae: Colocasia sp, affected leaves become EC 3.0-4.0 L in 1500-2000 L water/ ha
Hemiptera) caladium brittle and small. Transmit towards the crown and pseudostem
Bunchy top of banana- Viral base. Inject pseudostem with
disease monorotophos @1 ml in 4 ml of water
per tree at 45 days interval from the 3rd
month till flowering.
Apple woolly Eriosoma Apple Female produces 116 Sap sucking by nymphs and Use resistant root stock like Golden Aphids crowd
aphid lanigerum young ones adults from the bark of the delicious, Release eulophid parasitoid together covered with
(Pemphigidae: twigs and from the roots viz., Aphelinus mali, Select healthy wooly white patches
Hemiptera) results in weakening and plants in the nursery and spray on the trunk.
death of the smaller plants; chlorpyriphos 20 EC 0.05% (2.5 ml per L
galls on the roots and white of water) before planting in the main
woolly patches on the trunk. field. During leaf fall, spray diazinon 3.75
Swelling or knots appear on L 20 EC in 1500 -2000 L of water / ha
the roots which hinder the against aerial forms.spray methyl
normal plant functions. demeton 25 EC or malathion 50 EC 2.0 L
in 1500-2000 L of water per ha For
controlling root forms. Apply the fumigant
paradichlorobenzene at 30-110 g/tree in
a 15 cm deep trench around the tree.
San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus Cherry, plum, pear, ovo-viviparous Due to sap sucking by Regularly prune the infested branches
perniciosus peach and most nymphs and adults the and burn them. Release the parasite
(Diaspididae: other temperate fruit infested bark becomes Encarsia perniciosi Spray diazion 20 EC
Hemiptera) trees reddish pink, purple 3.75 L or methyl demeton 25 EC 2.0 L in
colouration in fruits. 1500 – 2000 L of water per ha. Apply
carbofuran 3G @ 20g /plant in nursery.
Cottony Icerya purchasi In ovisac attached to Sap sucking by nymphs and Conserve natural enemies, avoiding use Do not apply
Cushion Scale (Margarodidae: the body of females adults causes yellowing of of persistent insecticides. vedalia beetle. imidacloprid for
Hemiptera) leaves, Reduced tree vigor. spray malathion 50 EC 3.0 L or acephate cottony cushion scale
Leaf and fruit drop can occur 75 SP 2.0 kg in 1500 -2000 L of water as it is very toxic to
along with twig dieback. per ha vedalia beetles.
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Apple Codling Cydia pomonella Apple on developing fruits, in cracks and Two types of fruit damage: Kill larvae by mopping up with a pole and
Moth (Tortricidae: leaves and twigs crevices of bark Stings - entries where larvae some rags dipped in kerosene tied on its
Lepidoptera) near soil bore into the flesh a short end.
distance before dying. Deep Place kerosenized water in an open
entries - larvae penetrate the vessel below the tree so that the
fruit skin, bore to the core, larave that fall may also be killed. Spray
and feed in the seed cavity. carbaryl 50 WP 2.5 kg in 1500 -2000 L of
Young larvae enters the fruit water/ha.
thorugh calyx penetrates and
attacks the core and
flesh. Holes plugged with
frass on the fruit's
Grape Vine Flea Scelodonta Monophagous, Beneath bark or in soil In soil Adult makes small holes on Remove loose bark after pruning.
Beetle: strigicollis specific to grape in groups tender leaves, on swelling Collect adult beetles and kill.
(Eumolpidae: buds and tender shoots soon Spray carbaryl 50 WP 1.0 kg or
Coleoptera) after pruning of vines. The chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1 L in 500 - 1000 L
grubs damage roots. of water/ha.
Mealy bug Maconelicoccus Hibiscus, bhendi, Under bark, cracks, Nymphs and adults suck the Debarking of vines and pasting with
hirsutus ambadi, mulberry, crevices in cottony cell sap from leaves, shoots insecticides. Spraying of fruit with 0.2 %
Pseudococcidae custard apple, guava cushion ovisac and bunches. Black sooty dicolorvos with fish oil rosin. Release of
Hemiptera etc. mould develops. Australian lady bird beetle Cryptolaemus
montrouzier @2500-3750 / ha
Aphid – Myzus Periscae, Vector of papaya mosaic Manage the Vector
Aphidae : viral disease.
White fly Bemisia tabaci Vector of papaya leaf curl Manage the Vector
Aleurodidae : viral disease.
Onion thrips Thrips tabaci Onion, garlic, cotton, 50-60 kidney-shaped In soil Adults and nymphs lacerate Grow resistant varieties White Persian, They usually
(Thysanoptera: cabbage, cauliflower, eggs singly in slits the leaf tissue and feed on Sweet Spanish and Crystal Wax. Use congregate at the
Thripidae) potato, tobacco, made in leaf tissue with the plant juice. Leaves of neem coated urea. Install blue sticky base of a leaf or in
tomato, cucumber, its sharp ovipositors. attacked plants turn silvery traps@ 25/ha. Spray 625 ml of malathion the flower.
brinjal, tea, pear, white, curl, wrinkle and 50 EC or methy demeton 25 EC or
chillies, tomato, gradually dry from tip dimethoate 30 EC or moncrotphos 36
radish, grapes etc. downwards. The plants do SL 500 ml- 750 ml in 500 - 750 L of
not form bulbs nor set seed. water per ha as soon as the pest
Leaf tip discoloration and appears. Conserve predators like
drying is the main symptom. Scymnus,Orius, Chrysopa sp,and
predatory thrips
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Onion Maggot Delia antiqua Onion and garlic near the base of the In soil The maggots bore into the Grow Allium fistulosum as it is more
(Anthomyiidae: plant, in cracks in the bulbs, plants become flabby tolerant than A. cepa .Apply 10 kg of
Diptera) soil and yellowish, withering in carbaryl 4G or phorate l0 G to the soil
the field and rotting in followed by light irrigation.
storage. Damaged bulbs has Spray methy demeton 25 EC or
invasion of Bacillus causing dimethaote 30 EC 1.0 L in 500 – 750 L of
soft rot. water per ha.
Cutworms Agrotis ipsilon, potato, barely, beet- on ventral surface of Soil Young larva feeds on tender Fork soil during summer months. Install Polyphagous pests,
(Noctuidae: root, cole crops, leaves or moist soil foliage and grown up larva light traps during summer to attract adult ETL: 2 larvae /meter
Lepidoptera) okra, linseed, cuts the stem at collar region. moths. Install pheromone traps @ 5/ha row. Caterpillars are
lucerne, millets, oats, to Sprinkler irrigation system, Drench nocturnal in habit
peas, poppy, pulses, collar region of plants in evening hours hide during day in
tobacco, wheat etc. with chlorpyriphos 20 EC a day after cracks and crevices
planting. In endemic areas, apply NSKE in soil or under debris
5%, or chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1 L or neem
oil 5 L in 500 - 750 L of water per ha .
Cassava scale Aonidomytilus laid inside scale Scales infest stems. Leaves Select pest-free setts for planting, Collect
albus become discoloured and dry and burn the stems infested with scales,
(Diaspididae: up. Desiccation of the stem Encourage activity of coccinellid
Hemiptera) and death of plants occur. predators, Chilocorus nigritus, Dip setts
Stunting of the plants. in methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate
30 EC 0.05% or malathion 50 EC 0.1%
Potato tuber Phthorimaea Tomato, tobacco, near eyes of exposed Near the tubers Pest of field and storage. Select healthy tubers and avoid shallow
moth operculella brinjal, potato, tubers and on ventral Larva tunnels into foliage planting of tubers, inter-cropping with
(Gelechiidae: sugarbeet and surface of leaves. stem and tubers which lead chillies, onion or pea,
Lepidoptera) solanaceous weeds. to loss of leaf tissue, death of Earthing-up at 60 days after planting to
growing points and avoid egg laying on the tubers,
weakening or breaking of pheromone traps @ 20/ha,
stems. In tubers, irregular Remove and destroy infested tubers
shaped galleries are seen Release egg-larval parasitoid, Chelonus
with excrements near tuber blackburni@ 30, 000 adults/ha, Store
eyes. only good and clean tuber in well-
ventilated, cool, dry place, pheromone
traps in godowns also, Fumigate
godowns (CS2)
Spray NSKE 5% or quinalphos 25 EC
1.0 L in 500 L of water per ha to manage
foliar damage, Treat seed tubers with
quinalphos 1.5 D @ 1 kg/100 kg of
Compiled by : Dr. Rahul M. Wadaskar,
Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Akola
Pest Scientific Name Host Oviposition Pupation Nature of damage Management Typical characters
Sweet potato Cylas formicarius Ipomoea litoralis, I In small cavities on in larval burrows Grubs bore into stems, cause Remove previous sweet potato crop Pest is disseminated
weevil (Apionidae: learii, I.purpurea, tubers tunneling inside and feed on residues and alternate host, Discourage from field to field
Coleoptera) I.prescaprae, I trifida soft tissues. Grubs and growing sweet potato in the same field through infested
and I.sepiaria adults bore into tubers both year after year, pest free planting vines and is carried
in field and storage. Affected materials, Mulch with leaves, Use cut over from season to
tubers develop dark patches, sweet potato tubers (100 g) as trap, Dip season by breeding
start rotting. planting materials in monocrotophos 36 in damaged tubers
WSC 15 ml per L of water. Rake up soil left in the fields after
and earth up at 50 days after planting, harvest.
Drench soil with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @
4 ml /L. Spray Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1.5 L
in 750 L of water per ha, Harvest
immediately after maturity, yellow sticky
trap @12/ha, In godowns, treat the bag
surface with malathion 5% or carbaryl 5
% dust.
Tea mosquito Helopeltis theivora Cashew, neem, Inserted into tender Adults and nymphs suck the Collect and destroy the damaged plant
bug (Miridae: moringa and guava shoot. sap from buds, young leaves parts, Spray profenofos 50 EC 800-1000
Hemiptera) and tender stems by ml, Thiamethoxam 25 WG 100 g, or
puncturing with needle like phosalone or chlorpyriphos or
stylets and injecting toxic dimethoate at 1000ml/ha with 500 L
saliva. Punctures appear as water/ha, Spray in early morning or late
reddish brown water soaked in the evening hours on trunks,
spots. Necrosis. Leaves curl branches, foliage and inflorescence
up, become badly deformed
and remain small. Gradually,
shoots dry up.

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