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Research Article


Section: General TROPICS
Sci. Journal
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Onunkwo D. N., Okoro I. C.
College of Animal Science and Animal Production, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.

An investigation into the egg production performance of three varieties of Guinea fowls was studied. The experimental varieties
were Pearl (Sake), Lavender (Hurudu) and Black (Angulu). Base populations of 180 guinea fowls were used to generate 144
F1 females comprising 48 birds per variety. Each variety was divided into three randomized replicates containing 16 birds per
replicate. Data were collected fortnightly on egg production performance traits. Parameters collected for egg production included
Body Weight (BWT), Body Weight Gain (BWG), Feed Intake (FI), Feed per Dozen Egg (FDE), Feed Efficiency (FE), Egg Number
(EN), Percent Hen Day Production (% HD). Data collected were treated statistically. The Pearl, Lavender and Black varieties
showed some similarities in the trend produced for some parameters. Body weight gain and mortality percent portrayed a de-
creasing trend as egg number increased, whereas, the daily feed intake, percent henday, and feed per dozen eggs tended to in-
crease with an increase in egg number. The three varieties also demonstrated differences in such traits like feed efficiency, feed
per dozen egg and body weight. These differences in phenotypic performance may suggest some level of genetic differences
in these varieties and thus further research on the genetic characteristics of helmeted guinea fowl varieties is recommended.
Key Words: Egg production, Guinea fowl, Performance, Humid tropics

INTRODUCTION 2004). The Pearl variety is the most common and prob-
ably the first developed from the Wild West African birds
Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) are indigenous to West- (Ikani and Dafwang, 2004).
Africa North of the Equatorial forest where there is an
estimated population of about 4.7 million (FDLPS/RIM, According to Ikani and Dafwang (2004), the advantages
1991). It got the name ‘Guinea’ because it was believed include that, Guinea fowls are more capable of coping
to have originated from Guinea in West Africa. They are with the effects of dry weather conditions prevailing in
a common game bird in the Savanna Region of Nigeria. the Northern Guinea Savanna and Sahelian ecological
zones than other domestic poultry; the over 50 million
Guinea fowls are seasonal breeders which has been rec- semi-domesticated guinea fowls in Nigeria constitute
ognized as one of the major drawbacks to large scale about 25% of the entire domestic poultry population
Guinea fowl production. In the wild, production starts in Nigeria making it variable source of animal protein
at 28-42 weeks with 15-20 eggs being laid each season which is socially acceptable. Body weight is an attribute of
while in captivity, production starts at 28-32 weeks with egg size. The poultry producer wants eggs of minimum pos-
50-100 eggs being produced in the first year and more sible size and weights that will maximize production of stand-
eggs (180) are laid in the second year of production ard sized eggs at an economic rate and still maintain market
and laying may continue for 7 or more years (Ayorinde, carcass value at the end of the production period (Oke et al.,
1990). 2004). Ayorinde et al. (1988) reported consistent reduction in
Among domestic types which the peasant farmers have body weight, which they attributed to increased body use of
long identified and given local names based on their physiological reserve to meet the demand for egg production,
coloration are Pearl (Sake), Lavender (Hurudu), Black Oke et al. (2004) reported initial gains in body weight which
(Angulu) and White (Faren Zabi) (Ikani and Dafwang, reduced and in some cases fluctuated with rise in egg produc-

Corresponding Author:
Onunkwo D. N.,Author:
College of Animal Science and Animal Production, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State,
Anil Pawar, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, D.A.V. College for Girls, Yamunanagar (Haryana); Mobile:919467604205;
Nigeria; E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Received: 20.02.2015 Revised: 15.03.2015 Accepted: 05.04.2015
Received: 16.6.2014 Revised: 11.7.2014 Accepted: 29.7.2014

Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 7 • Issue 8 • April 2015 1

Onunkwo et. al.: Egg production performance of three varieties of guinea fowls in humid tropics

tion. Farooq et al.(2002), opined that feed consumption At the 28th week, 144 adult females were randomly se-
and its efficient utilization is one of the major concerns lected out of the 165 females and wing-banded. The 144
in commercial table egg production as feed cost is one of adult females consisted of 48 females of Pearl, Lavender
the major components of total cost of production. Better and Black each. Each variety was replicated three times,
utilization of feed and avoiding unnecessary feed wast- which gave a total of 9 replicates (B1, B2, B3, P1, P2,
age could be the leading factors in minimizing total cost P3, L1, L2, and L3) for all the varieties, with 16 females
of production (Elwardanyet al., 1998). per replicate. The guinea fowl varieties were raised in
deep litter pens under natural daylight. Feed and water
was provided ad-libitum. During the laying phase, layers
MATERIALS AND METHODS mash containing 2900 kcal/kgME and 20.5 % CP accord-
ing to Oguntona (1983) was introduced to the guinea
fowl varieties. The nutrient composition of the layers diet
Location of Study is shown in table 1 below:
This study was carried out in the Teaching and Re-
search Farm of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Table 1: The Nutrient Composition of the Layers Diet
Umudike, located at about ten kilometers from Umuahia,
Ingredient Percent composition
the Abia State capital. Umudike bears the coordinate of
5°281 North and 70321 East, and lies at an altitude of 122 Maize 54.90
meters above sea level. The environment of study was Groundnut cake 21.40
situated within the Tropical Rainforest zone and is char- Wheat offal 8.60
Fish meal 1.73
acterized by an annual rainfall of about 2177 mm. The
Soybean meal 3.4
relative humidity during the rainy season is well over 72 Limestone 2.40
%. Temperature ranged from 22 0C - 36 oC with March Bone meal 7.00
being the warmest month, while July to October repre- Salt 0.50
sents the coolest period with a temperature range of 22 Vitamin premix* 0.27
C – 30 oC (Nwachukwu, 2006). Total 100

*Vitamin/mineral premix composition: Vit A – 10,000,000 IU,

Acquisition and Mating of Base Population Vit D3 – 2,200,000 IU, Vit.E – 10,000 mg, Vit.K3 – 2,000 mg
One hundred and eighty adult guinea fowls of three va- Vit.B2 – 5,000 mg, Folic acid – 500 mg, Niacin – 15,000 mg,
rieties were procured from several markets in Zaria. The Calpan – 5,000 mg, Vit.B12 – 1,500 mg, Vit.B1 – 1,500 mg,
base population consisted of 36 adult males, and 144 Vit.B6 – 1,500 mg, Biotin – 20 mg, Antioxidant – 125,000 mg;
adult females. Each variety had 12 males and 46 females Selenium – 200 mg, Iodine – 1,000 mg, Iron – 40,000 mg,
each. These adults were quarantined for two weeks. A Cobalt – 200 mg, Manganese – 7,000 mg, Copper – 4,000
mating ratio of 1 male: 3 females were maintained and mg, Zinc – 50,000 mg, Choline chloride – 150,000 mg. Cal-
the mating scheme adopted was as shown below: culated composition: Ca – 3.50, P – 1.11. Energy level 2900
kcal/g; Protein level (20.5 %CP).
• Pearl male X Pearl female
- Homozygous Pearl variant main cross Data Collection and Analysis
• Lavender male X Lavender female Data collection started in April when the birds were at
- Homozygous Lavender variant main cross. the 28th week of age and lasted for 18 weeks. The follow-
• Black male X Black female ing parameters were measured for each variety accord-
- Homozygous Black variant main cross. ing to Oke et al. (2004) and Obike et al. (2011).

Experimental Animals and Management Egg Production Parameters

The eggs laid by the base population were set and hatched • Body Weight (BWT): The initial body weight
at Kanem Hatcheries off Aba-Owerri Road, Aba. A total at the 26th week of age was measured and subse-
of two hatches which were one week difference resulted quently, fortnightly, using a 5 kg-top loading scale.
in 350 F1 keets. The keets were sexed by visualizing the • Body Weight Gain (BWG): This was computed on
vent and listening to the cry of the birds. The testicles of fortnight basis as follows:
a male protrude when viewed via the vent whereas none
is found in the vent of the females. More so, the males Final weight – Initial weight
made “kee ke kee ke” sound whereas the females made 14
“buck-wheat buck-wheat” or “put-rock put-rock” sound. • Body Weight at Point of Lay (BWPL): This
All F1 male keets hatched were culled leaving only 165 was measured as the initial body weight of the
F1 female keets which were used for the experiment. birds at the start of the experiment at the 28th
The keets were brooded for six weeks and subsequently week.
reared until the 28th week when they started laying eggs.

Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 7 • Issue 8 • April 2015 2

Onunkwo et. al.: Egg production performance of three varieties of guinea fowls in humid tropics

• Body Weight at Final Lay (BWFL): This was a = intercept or constant

measured as the final body weight of the birds at b = regression coefficient
the end of the experiment at the 46th week. X = independent variable (Egg weight, Bodyweight).
• Feed Intake (FI): This was determined as fol-
The above analyses were done using Statistical Software
lows; Total feed given – left over.
for Social Scientists (SPSS) (2007).
• Feed per Dozen Egg (FDE): This was deter-
mined as follows:

Quantity of Feed Consumed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Dozen of egg laid
The results are presented in Tables 2 and 3 below. The
• Feed Efficiency (FE): This was determined as
daily feed intake (DFI) recorded significant increases
(P<0.05) in each of the three varieties in the first few
Body weight gain weeks. The Black variety particularly showed a declin-
Feed consumed ing trend from week 42 till the end of experiment. The
initial increase in feed intake may be due to initial physi-
• Egg Number (EN): This was determined by count- ological adjustments for egg production whereas the sta-
ing the fortnight number of eggs from the first ble trends may be because these varieties had adjusted
week to the last week of experiment. to egg production. The decreasing trend in Black va-
• Percent Hen-day production (HD%): This was cal- riety however may be associated with factors like low
culated as follows: resistance to diseases like coccidiosis (Downes, 1999)
Number of eggs produced X 100 and other non-genetic factors (Chineke, 2001). The egg
HD% = number (EN) of the three varieties showed significant
Number of Hendays
differences (P<0.05) across the weeks. The three varie-
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ties portrayed an increasing trend in EN that fluctuated.
Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance Oke et al. (2004) reported an egg number values that
(ANOVA) in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) us- increased and then decreased towards the end of lay in
ing the general linear model described by Steel and Tor- Pearl variety of guinea fowl. While Pearl and Lavender
rie (1980). The statistical model used is as shown below: obtained their highest egg number in the last fortnight
period of lay (week 46), the Black variety obtained its,
Yij = e + Pi + eij on week 34. Adeyinka et al. (2007) have shown that pro-
gesterone is positively correlated with egg production
Where Yij = Individual observation (r= 0.89) in guinea fowls especially from the month of
e = Overall mean June to August in the tropics. This corresponded with
the period of peak production (July ending) for the Pearl
Pi = Random effect of parameter measured
and Lavender varieties in this study. A serious fluctu-
eij = Random error, assumed to be identically, indepen- ation occurred in week 38 in the three varieties. Fluc-
dently, normally distributed with zero mean and con- tuations probably resulted from variations in nutrient
stant variance. metabolism, due to changing weather condition, and
differences in disposition or response of the three varie-
Significant means were separated using Duncan’s Multi- ties to stress from either diseases (Ikani and Darfwang,
ple Range Test (Duncan, 1955). 2004; Downes, 1999) or their flighty action during feed-
ing. The three varieties showed significant differences
Pearson’s correlation test was done for the egg produc-
(P<0.05) in their body weight gain (BWG). The three
tion parameters, internal egg quality parameters, and
varieties showed decreasing trend with major fluctua-
external egg quality parameters for the three varieties.
tions in Black and Lavender. Ayorinde et al. (1988) re-
A regression equation was derived through regression ported consistent reduction in body weight which agrees
analysis in order to determine a predictive association with the report of this study. These researchers attrib-
between internal egg quality parameters and egg weight, uted this reduction to an increased use of physiological
external egg quality parameters and body weight, and reserves to meet egg production demands. No significant
egg production parameters and body weight. The re- difference (P>0.05) however was observed in mean
gression equation was of the type: BWG in the three varieties. Percent henday (HDP) var-
ied significantly (P<0.05) among the three varieties. The
Y = a + bX + e. three varieties showed an increasing trend which fluc-
tuated particularly in weeks 38 and 44. The following
workers have reported increases in henday percent with
Y = the dependent variable age: Gerstmayr and Horst, (1990); Austic and Nesheim,

3 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 7 • Issue 8 • April 2015

Onunkwo et. al.: Egg production performance of three varieties of guinea fowls in humid tropics

(1990); and Asuquo (1994). The feed efficiency (FE) egg. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in
values in Pearl and Lavender were significantly different feed per dozen egg (FDE) in Pearl and Lavender vari-
(P< 0.05) whereas, no significant difference (P> 0.05) eties, whereas, no significant difference (P>0.05) was
was observed in Black. The Pearl variety maintained a observed in Black variety. The three varieties showed an
decreasing trend. This might be due to the increasing use initial increasing trend and a terminal decreasing trend.
of its physiological reserve to meet egg production (Ayor- Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the
inde et al. (1988) and little or nothing for bodyweight body weight (BWT) for Black and Lavender varieties
gain. The Lavender variety portrayed a decreasing trend whereas, none was observed in Pearl. The Black and Lav-
up to week 38 and remained stable thereafter. The de- ender varieties portrayed a fluctuating trend whereas the
crease may be due to some reasons as noted above for Pearl variety maintained stable weight values. Oke et al.
the Pearl. The stable trend however, implies that the Lav- (2004) reported an increasing body weight in Pearl for
ender gains and produces in an equal manner. The Black the first six weeks which eventually fluctuated and then
variety showed a nearly stable trend with three outstand- remained stable towards the end of lay. The variations in
ing peaks. This observation shows that the Black gained body weight might be due to differences in their ability
or reduced in weight as much as it increased or reduced to utilize and metabolize feed for both maintenance and
egg production. The outstanding peaks in Black were as- egg production which are also subject to climatic factors
sociated with reduced egg numbers. This might be due and other non-genetic factors. From Table 3, it was dis-
to non-genetic factors (Chineke, 2001) such as diseases covered that Pearl and Lavender performed higher than
(Downes, 1999) and other environmental factors such the Black variety in terms of mean Egg number and mean
as stress from management, and climatic factors which Hen day percent. The duo also recorded higher body
probably affected its metabolism and feed conversion to weight compared to the Black variety.

Table 2: Periodical Egg Production performance Traits in three Varieties of Helmeted Guinea Fowl.
Weeks SEM
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
BWG 4.29b 13.33a 4.29b 4.94b 3.90b 3.06b 3.40b 3.12b 2.64b 0.64
BWG 4.29bc 13.33a 5.08bc 6.49b 1.95c 3.22bc 2.68bc 2.68bc 2.12c 0.75
BWG 4.76bcd 9.88a 6.43b 5.95bc 4.20bcde 3.69cde 3.16de 2.89de 2.09e 0.49
MORT 0.00 12.50 0.00 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.53
MORT 0.00 0.00 6.25 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96
MORT 0.00 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69
EN 102.80g 96.40h 144.45a 141.25b 109.20f 141.25b 119.40e 109.85f 122.90d 3.27
EN 119.60g 155.60d 166.50d 127.33f 120.67g 164.93c 180.53b 139.20e 236.93a 6.86
EN 99.60h 136.05g 151.70f 170.90d 136.10g 177.80c 168.00e 188.05b 236.10a 7.13
DFI 40.42c 66.42b 83.36a 94.10a 94.58a 95.83a 96.25a 88.24a 83.98a 3.72
DFI 63.75b 78.30b 104.12a 108.53a 108.84a 107.10a 102.42a 102.13a 99.91a 3.38
DFI 61.88c 85.52b 100.79a 107.30a 105.28a 107.37a 102.90a 99.44a 100.59a 2.87
BWT 1086.67d 1400.00ab 1206.67cd 1303.33bc 1300.00bc 1283.33bc 1563.33a 1376.67bc 1360.00bc 28.84
BWT 1263.33d 1616.67a 1416.67bcd 1566.67ab 1340.00cd 1473.33abc 1466.67abc 1489.33abc 1470.00abc 24.80
BWT 1226.67 1436.67 1430.00 1493.33 1453.33 1470.00 1470.00 1483.33 1423.33 28.68
HDP 15.30d 16.39d 24.57a 25.87a 20.00c 25.44a 21.87b 20.12c 22.51b 0.72
HDP 17.80g 23.15de 26.43c 21.65ef 20.52f 28.05c 30.70b 23.67d 40.29a 1.25
HDP 14.82f 21.60e 24.08d 27.13c 21.60e 28.22bc 26.67c 29.85b 37.48a 1.18
FE 10.75 19.67 5.45 5.29 4.13 3.28 17.45 3.62 3.27 1.80
FE 7.26b 17.23a 4.85bc 5.99bc 1.79c 3.02c 2.61c 2.64c 2.14c 0.97
FE 7.73b 11.88a 6.41bc 5.54bcd 4.00cde 3.44cde 3.08de 2.92de 2.10e 0.63
FDE 3169.34 5266.38 4077.66 4432.21 5993.98 4652.39 4557.82 5304.83 4620.15 393.34
FDE 4306.47ac 4053.48bc 4717.16ac 6013.16ab 6350.33a 4577.41abc 3968.10bc 5133.35ab 2932.20c 264.75
FDE 5016.38ab 4750.01ab 5015.98ab 4746.30ab 5860.14a 4564.06b 4625.29b 3981.30bc 3214.71c 188.52

Values with different superscripts across rows are significantly different at p< 0.05 for the weeks. Means with different super-
scripts along the mean columns are significantly different at p< 0.05. BWG-Bodyweight gain, MORT- Mortality percent, EN- Egg
number, DFI- Daily feed intake, BWT- Average Bodyweight, HDP- Henday percent, FE- Feed efficiency, FDE- Feed per dozen
eggs, Blk- Black, Lav- Lavender, Prl- Pearl

Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 7 • Issue 8 • April 2015 4

Onunkwo et. al.: Egg production performance of three varieties of guinea fowls in humid tropics

Table 3: Mean Egg Production performance Traits in tion on Egg Production in the Grey Helmet Guinea Fowl
three Varieties of Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris galleata). Pakistan Journal of Biological
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Parameter Black Lavender Pearl SEM 2. Asuquo, B.O. (1994). Some production parameters of
Lohmann Brown broiler parent lines in the humid tropics.
Body weight 4.78 4.65 4.78 0.31
Nigeria Journal of Animal Production.
gain (g)
3. Austic, R.E. and Nesheim, M.C. (1990). Poultry production.
Mortality (%) 2.08 1.39 0.69 1.13 Lea and Febiger, 13th ed. London.
4. Ayorinde, K. L. (1990). Problems and prospects of guinea
Egg number 120.57b 156.81a 162.70a 3.76 fowl production in the rural areas of Nigeria. In: Rural Poul-
Daily Feed 79.60b 97.23a 96.79a 2.61 try in Africa (Proceedings of an International Workshop on
Intake (g) Rural Poultry Development in Africa), (Ed. Sonaiya, E.B.),
African Network on Rural Poultry Production Development,
Body weight (g) 1320.00b 1455.85a 1431.85a 22.57 pp.106-115.
Initial laying 1.11 b
1.34 a
0.03 5. Ayorinde, K.L., Oluyemi, J.A., and Ayeni, J.S.O. (1988).
weight (kg) Growth performance of four indigenous helmeted guinea
fowl varieties (N.M. galleata pallas) in Nigeria. Bulletin of
Final laying 1.36b 1.47a 1.42ab 0.02 Animal Health Production, Africa. 36: 356-360.
weight (kg) 6. Chineke, C.A. (2001). Interrelationships existing between
Hen day percent 21.34 b
25.81 a
25.72 a
0.60 bodyweight and egg production traits in Olympia Black
(%) Layers. Nigeria Journal of Animal Production. 28 (1): 1-8.
7. Downes, A. (1999). A guide to guinea fowl farming in Ma-
Feed efficiency 8.10 5.28 5.23 0.99 lawi. UNDP/Dept. of National Parks and Wildlife, Lilong-
(%) we, Malawi.
8. Duncan, D.B. (1955). Multiple Range Test. Biometrics. 11:
Feed per dozen 4652.75 4672.41 4641.57 278.51
egg (g)
9. Elwardany, A. M., Sherif, B. T., Enab, A. A., Abdel-Sami, A.
Means with different superscripts are significantly different at M., Marai, I. F. M. and Metwally, M. K. (1998). Some per-
formance traits and abdominal fat contents of three Egyp-
p<0.05; SEM = Standard Error of the Mean.
tian indigenous laying breeds. First international conference
on animal production and health in semi-arid areas, El Aris.
September 1-3, 471-481.
CONCLUSION 10. Farooq, M., Mian, M. A., Durrani, F. R. and Syed, M. (2002).
Body weight gain and mortality percent portrayed a de- Feed consumption and efficiency of feed utilization by egg
type layers for egg production.Livestock Research for Rural
creasing trend as egg number increased whereas, the
Development 14 (1).
daily feed intake, percent henday, and feed per dozen 11. FDLPS/RIM (1991). Nigerian National Livestock Survey
eggs tended to increase with an increase in egg number. Report. Federal Department of Livestock and Pest Control
A lot of factors probably interplayed in such manner that Services, Abuja Nigeria.
they affected the egg production performance of each 12. Gerstmayr, S. and Horsi, R. (1990). The relationship be-
guinea fowl variety. These factors include from seasonal tween bodies, egg and oviduct weight in laying hens. Jour-
fluctuations, climatic fluctuations and variations in in- nal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 107: 149-158.
tensities, physiological factors such as varying proges- 13. Ikani, E.I. and Dafwang, I.I. (2004). The production of
terone levels, genetic factors, the feral nature of guinea guinea fowl in Nigeria. Extension Bulletin No.207 Poultry
Series No. 8 National Agricultural Extension and Research
fowls and environmental factors such as varying nutrient
Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
metabolism and resistance to diseases. The three varie- 14. Nwachukwu, E.N. (2006). Evaluation of growth and egg
ties showed some similarities in the trend produced for production potential of main and crossbred normal feath-
some parameters but also demonstrated differences in ered, naked neck and frizzle chickens. Michael Okpara Uni-
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body weight. These differences in phenotypic perfor- 15. Obike, O.M., Oke, U.K. and Azu, K.E. (2011). Comparison
mance may suggest some level of genetic differences in of egg production performance and egg quality traits of
these varieties. It is therefore recommended that further Pearl and Black strains of guinea fowl in a humid rainfor-
research be carried out on the genetic characteristics of est zone of Nigeria International Journal of Poultry Science,
10(7): 547-551.
helmeted guinea fowl varieties.
16. Oguntona, T. (1983). Current knowledge of nutrient re-
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The Helmet Guinea Fowl (Eds Ayeni, J. S. O, Olomu, J. M.
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and Orunmuyi, M. (2007). Effect of Progesterone Secre- sociation between bodyweight and egg production traits in

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the guinea fowl (Numida meleagris galleata pallas). Live- 19. Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. (1980). Principles and proce-
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